Science topics: Chemistry
Science topic
Chemistry - Science topic
Chemistry is the science of matter, especially its chemical reactions, but also its composition, structure and properties. Chemistry is concerned with atoms and their interactions with other atoms, and particularly with the properties of chemical bonds.
Questions related to Chemistry
I'm trying to explain organic molecule's adsorption onto activated carbon based on chemical parameters, and I found a good correlation between the adsorption amount and topological polar surface area (TPSA).
However, this parameter is used only to explain pharmaceutical absorption and not for different groups of organic molecules. Instead, electron density has been studied as a very important element in adsorption phenomena.
Can these two parameters be correlative? Does it make sense to consider adsorption and some pesticides TPSA, for example?
Any help would be significant to me.
About 2 weeks ago, I loaded a paper with a citation, yesterday i should get another citation, unfortunately research gate did not add them on my account? I am very sad.
Thank you
Dr. Yusuf Yildiz
Professor in Chemistry
Suppose you began your career in organic chemistry (MSc and PhD) but later specialized in analytical chemistry (Dr. Sci.) and conducted research in this field for over 15 years. How would you identify yourself?
1. As an organic chemist
2. As an analytical chemist
Reply by (1) or (2).
2025 7th International Conference on Biotechnology and Biomedicine (ICBB 2025) will be held in Guangzhou, China from March 7 to 9, 2025.
Conference Website:
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
1. Medical imaging technology and its application:
Magnetic resonance imaging
X-ray, CT, PET and SPECT
Ultrasonic imaging
2. Biomedical signal processing and medical information:
Biomedical signal processing
Medical big data and machine learning
AI and biomedical signal processing
ECG, PCG, EEG, EMG, blood pressure, pulse, respiratory and sleep signals
3. Biomechanics and Biomechanical Engineering:
Artificial organ
Biomechanics of organs
Biomechanics & Cell and Molecular Modeling
Cell and tissue mechanics
4. Bioinformatics, computational biology and molecular biology:
Structure, function and sequence analysis of DNA and RNA
Gene regulation, expression, identification and network
Protein structure, function and sequence analysis
5. Chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology:
Pharmaceutical chemistry
Pharmaceutical analysis and drug control
Pharmaceutical processing
6. Other topics:
Biomedical materials
Bionic engineering
Bioelectronics, biophotonics
Both Abstract and Full Paper are welcomed. All accepted full papers will be published by BIO Web of Conferences (ISSN: 2117-4458) and will be submitted to Scopus for indexing.
---Important Dates---
Full Paper Submission Date: January 31, 2025
Registration Deadline: February 24, 2025
Final Paper Submission Date: February 24, 2025
Conference Dates: March 7-9, 2025
--- Paper Submission---
Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System:

Hello all dear
I need a help
Thanks in advance
I did a dpph method and make a variety of concentration (400, 200, 100, 50, 25 ppm). I have done it by making 1000 ppm first and diluted them, I already did this 4 times but the results are always same. is there something wrong with my way in diluting the sample? or is there something wrong with my sample?
Give all summary about the chemistry of the isoniazid.
For the sake of recycling electrolyte of a polymer Li-ion battery, the salts like LiPF6 will be recycled with CO2 supercritical extraction method.
But how can we preserve the volatile organic solvent carbonates to be used again, as these solvents start evaporating as soon as a cell is opened?
Hi, I'm Almajeanu Delia from Craiova, Romania, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Biologically Active Compounds, please can someone help me with a PPT or information about Multiple Myeloma?
To all the great Chemistry minds, try to answer the question asked and try have a look at the following link:
Just need to know if yes which company
Looking for motivated Chemistry students (Net/Gate) qualified for working with our translational team at IIT BHU. Please apply if you are interested. The candidate will work to develop immunoprotective small molecules, develop 3D printable biomaterials and various aspects of medical implants.
Apply here:
Our laboratory link:
I have a leach solution with Li present as LiOH. I did lime water leaching of material but also leached impurities such as Zn, Cr and Al with it. The pH of the solution is around 11. Now I want to remove the impurities and the literature suggests using ion exchange resins to remove them. The ion exchange resins would require pH adjustment to around 6-7 which might also alter the chemistry of dissolved LiOH, and I do not want that. So how should I proceed? Is there any other way I should explore to remove those impurities?
While working on my laterite samples, I came across a problem. Following the digestion protocols we made the volume with approx. 100 times dilution and started the ICP-MS measurements. The concentrations went down after measurement of 2-3 samples. The reason was a clogged pore. Citing the presence of trace and REEs in very low concentrations we can't go for further dilution so is there any way to remove Fe from the matrix without disturbing other elements?
I need to find a proper method to prepare sample solution by digestion for Pt-Pd-Rh elements from spent automotive catalysts. Any suggestion except application of microwave-assisted digestion would help me.
I want to predict the reactions between my two desired inorganic chemical compounds. Can I? Is there any software or website for do this? Dear chemistry experts, please help me with this. Thank you for your response.
I have read many journals about the bioremediation of mercury using bacteria. All of them have used mercuric chloride in their experiments. However, this compound is a little tricky to synthesize. Can I use mercury (II) nitrate instead?
What means gamma in old chemistry papers like Lowry method? I have a suspicion it was the concentration unit in micro something. I am right? Why they used it? Typographical problems at the time?
I have performed the adsorption studies and applied Langmuir model to the data. I obtained KL value from it. In literature it is given higher the KL value stronger the interaction between adsorbent and adsorbate. But there isn't any specific value of KL given.
In literature FTIR and XRD are also performed to predict the adsorption mechanism. I have done that as well and there is shift and change in the peak intensities.
Which one is better to predict the adsorption mechanism? Either from KL value or FTIR/XRD?
i want to prepare this solution in-house in lab, is any method?
I'd like to protect a secondary amine group (on Glucosamine-HCl) with a silyl group.
Did you ever do that? Did you use a chlorosilane? Does it get attached two times to the amine? Is the resulting nitrogen on -NH-Si-R more activated as a nucleophile?
How is it removed? Acids only or also fluoride ions? Does it work only for trimethylsilanes or also more bulky/resistent silanes (TBDMS, TBDPS, ...)?
Thank you in advance
Chemical laboratory process should be so so
The temperature-dependence of rate constants is frequently expressed using a modified form of the Arrhenius equation:
k(T) = α (T/300)^β exp(−γ/T)
When a homometallic cluster, Cu6L6, and a homometallic Ag8L8 cluster are dissolved in the DCM/Isopropanol system, they would form a heterometallic cluster crystal, Cu4Ag4L8, and no homometallic metal clusters will be formed. (L is phenylacetylene-derived ligand)
What is the most likely driving force for the formation of this coinage heterometallic clusters?
Has anybody used ATR-FTIR to probe the chemistry of colloidal samples (excluding the procedure of drying the droplet on the crystal or using a flow cell)?
If yes, how do you account for the broad water peak?
Any relevant references are really appreciated.
Thank you!
I run mechanochemical reactions that involves the use of a large amount of catalyst (1:1 molar ratio to the reactant). When I try to understand the effect of amount of catalyst on the reaction, I find it very hard to get consistent results when I control the the ball to powder mass ratio (I am using the same number of balls, but keeping the total powder mass the same while adjusting the mass between the reactant and catalyst). This makes me think that I should probably control ball to powder volume. However, even though I know the rough bulk volume of two things at the beginning, the powder volume will always increase by an unknown amount once it is milled. So how should I control my reaction??
Hi, I am a PhD student working at Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Chemistry. My work is related to the development of new analytical methods for the quantification of short-chain fatty acids in biological samples. In my research, I used a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2030 Nexis) coupled with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (Shimadzu TQ-8040). I developed a new GC-MS/MS method for the quantification of short-chain fatty acids, but I have a problem with the carry-over effect. After injection of high concentrations of analytes, such as 10 ug/ml, I observed peaks from the analytes in the blank sample. The problem is a little bit reduced when I frequently change the solvents (water and ethanol) and utilize a long washing procedure after injection, but it still exists. The current washing procedure includes 4x8µl H2O, 4x8µl EtOH, and 4x8µl EtOH. In addition, sequence – 20x8µl H2O, 20x8µl EtOH, and 20x8µl EtOH were utilized for extra washing following the analytes with the highest concentration.
Do you have some experience with the carry-over effect in the GC-MS/MS system and some suggestions to solve my problem?
Post-COVID, online platforms or remote learning especially in the education field has accelerated its pace. Is this going to make a lasting impression where educators must adapt to this new way of learning or are we returning back to physical school, physical tutorings or physical lectures in the near future.
Yes because critical rationalism recognizes substance, parsimony and identity(adjusts premises upon contradiction), while skeptical empiricism believes all results from impressions. Skeptical empiricism also believes the self is an illusion.
I want to load Remedesivir (RNA polymerase inhibitor) into mesoporous nanoparticles (MSNs). The issue is drug is temperature and pH sensitive and it degrades quickly. I need advice on its loading.
1- Should it be loaded to at the last step of MSN synthesis. Problem with this MSNs are extracted later on through reflux and 60 degree temperature is required. It degrades drug.
2- Should it be loaded after extraction making an ice bath but how long it should be kept on stirring?
3- Later I want to coat it with chitosan MSN loaded Remedesivir and then coating with chitosan. I am concerned about leaching and degradation of drug. Should i load drug first and then add drug?
Thank you for your suggestions.
Flavors of all tea leaves are determined by their respective chemical compositions. Are there any quantitative research on this?
Research has proven that successful chemistry cohorts normally spend more time executing practical experiments in the laboratory rather than sitting in the classroom listening to lectures.
Researchers undertaking such job roles, please share your ideas and comments.
Hi all,
I have a several gallons of water mixed with low percent SLS, how can i remove the SLS in a cost-effective manner.
Here is one case: I want to perform X + Y in the presence of Z catalyst in a 50 mL milling jar with 8 12 mm milling balls and investigate whether the the amount of catalyst affect the yield of the product. So, I change the amount of catalyst from 1 molar equivalent to 3 molar equivalent as compared to X. However, this will change the total volume of powder as well. And as we all know, when the volume changes, the kinetic energy delivered from the ball to the material will not longer be the same. Less energy will be delivered to the powder and the kinetics of the reaction will be affected by this.
I've read that the milling load in a mechanochemical reaction is defined as the total powder mass divided by the void volume in the jar (jar total volume - volume of balls)
In the case I mentioned before, should I (1) keep the amount of everything the same and increase the amount of the catalyst as what it should be, basically ignoring the effect of volume and just do the experiment or (2) Readjusting the mass of all samples to keep the total mass the same as before to maintain the same milling load as before (as a result, it will decrease the mass of the reactant) ???
International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation (IESTI 2024)
Date: 19-09-2024
Location: Online
Submission Deadline: 15-07-2024 **** Extended to 1-8-2024
The Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation (IESTI 2024) is pleased to invite researchers, practitioners, and professionals to submit papers for presentation and publication at the IESTI conference. This prestigious event aims to bring together leading scholars, researchers, and industry experts to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Engineering:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Science:
- Physical Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Earth Sciences
- Chemical Sciences
- Artificial Intelligence
- Technology:
- Information Technology
- Communications Technology
- Nanotechnology
- Biotechnology
- Innovation:
- Technological Innovation
- Innovation Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Sustainable Development
- Policy and Innovation
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not currently under review elsewhere. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and research content, correctness, relevance to the conference, contributions, and readability.
Paper Submission Process:
1. Format: All papers must be formatted according to the conference template available on the conference website.
2. Length: Full papers should be between 6-10 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
3. Submission Link: Submit your papers through the online submission system available on the conference website.
4. Review Process: Each paper will undergo a blind peer review process.
5. Notification: Authors will be notified of the review results by 15-08-2024.
6. Camera-Ready Submission: Final versions of accepted papers must be submitted by 31-08-2024.
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline: 15-07-2024 **** Extended to 1-8-2024
- Notification of Acceptance: 15-08-2024
- Camera-Ready Paper Submission: 31-08-2024
- Early Bird Registration Deadline: 20-08-2024
- Conference Dates: 19-09-2024
Conference Proceedings
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the journals listed on the following website:
Special Sessions and Workshops
- IESTI 2024 will also feature special sessions and workshops focusing on current trends and emerging topics in Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation. Proposals for special sessions and workshops can be submitted to:, by 1-8-2024.
Contact Information
For any inquiries regarding paper submissions or the conference, please contact:
- Conference Secretariat:
- Address: Academic Edge Publishing LTD, London, United Kingdom
We look forward to your participation in IESTI 2024 and to a successful conference!
We would like to extend our invitation to invite you to join the editorial board of the:
- Journal of Probiotics and Bioactive Molecules Research (JPBMR)
Please send an email including your full name, affiliation, CV, and mention the selected journal to the following email address:
IESTI 2024 Organizing Committee
I built an AI powered tool that gives you a detailed PDF report on your manuscript to improve your chances of publication.
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Would love to hear any feedback and thoughts -
Hello everyone,
My question for sure is silly, but I have been arguing with my labmate about this. If our plasmid concentration is 0.776 µg/µL and he wants to make a final concentration for transfection of 1 µg/µL and 6 µg/µL, how is it possible to achieve a concentration of 6 µg/µL from 0.776 µg/µL?
Using the equation C_1 V_1 = C_2 V_2 :
v2 = 50 ul
c2= 6 ug/ul
Please help me understand. I have a brief knowledge of chemistry and calculation
What is the difference between reaction and interaction in chemistry? Would you please provide me with the details?
Anyone is working on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in research?? I am willing to learn about it is there any platform/workshop/course for free regarding the same!
Also I’m looking for this for a chemistry point of view
Thanks and Regards
If you know any articles, I will be very grateful.
What is the difference between absorption and adsorption?
Hi, I am looking to perform an analysis of Br/ KBr in samples of water sources to see if the levels are safe. Due to budget and resource limitation at the stage, I would prefer a method that considers these factors.
Kindly help.
Its been around 6 months when I started working on a research project related to nanomaterials BFO for water treatment. I worked on the chemistry of synthesis, photocatalysis, degradation of textile dyes using visible light only, sol-gel synthesis of BiFeO3 (material able to degrade multiple cationic dyes of higher concentration 20ppm), and sol-gel synthesis of double perovskites (its still incomplete and material is able to degrade cationic and anionic both type of dye i.e., Rh.B., MB, MV, CV, MG, CR etc. efficiently in lesser time). To help you guys how can you find the chemistry of synthesis for related material always remember to look for the chemistry of method you are using it can be sol-gel, co-precipitation, solvothermal, chemical vapor deposition or any other. Look for the chemistry of original method and them find out what materials in your method are acting analogous to materials given in explained method, you found during literature review. Hope this will help you out remember me in your prayers. Thank you so much. I will be glad to help you guys anywhere I could.
#research #nanomaterial #energyconversion #solarenergy #materialsynthesis #nanotechnology #photocatalysis #visiblelight #sunlight
As a professional teacher, there is need to have a 'What' and 'How' of teaching? The what to teach, which is the subject content like Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and the likes, and the 'How' to teach them, which is the pedagogical content knowledge.
I extracted protein from a roasted food sample using alkaline extraction followed by acid precipitation. Polyphenols were always coextracted since they were covalently bound with proteins during roasting and the formation of covalent bonds were irreversible. How can I know how abundant covalently-bound and noncovalently-bound polyphenols are in my protein extracts? I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide any suggestion or guidance.
There is a pH-Electrode by Mettler-Toledo that is supposed to measure pH at temperatures as low as -30°C, even in frozen solutions.
I've been searching for quite a while about Covalent organic framework (COF) and Porous organic polymer (POP) XRD pattern, how their xrd pattern should be and their differences.
But i could not find any specific findings.
some texts mentioned that COF xrd pattern should be sharp and pop should be broad. But ive seen so many COFs with broad PXRD pattern.
How can you distinguish between these two? How could you know that your product is POP or COF (etc. )?
Can somebody share their knowledge or mention a helpful Paper? Im so confused.
Thanks a lot.
🧪 Calling all science enthusiasts! 🌟
Whether you are a seasoned scientist or simply curious about the fascinating world of chemical compounds, I need your input for an exciting project! 🚀
In the comments below, please share:
--> Your top 5 CAS Registry Numbers® and the name of your favorite molecules (and perhaps why?).
If you are feeling particularly creative or simply undecided, feel free to share two posts!
Not familiar with CAS Numbers? No problem! CAS numbers are unique identifiers assigned to chemical substances. Think of them as molecular fingerprints! For a quick explanation, check out Wikipedia link here
Thank you in advance for your help. Let's create a diverse and fascinating collection of molecules together! 💡✨
#CASnumbers #STEM #innovation #chemistry
Can a published journal article be submitted to conferences?
Most of the researchers use to teach at university. In some careers, professionals who exert their profession without doing research share teaching spaces. When I was a chemistry student, 100% of my teachers were researchers ranging from PhD candidates to experts in their respective fields. While it may seem logical for researchers to be the best candidates to teach in fields such as chemistry or biology, what about healthcare-related fields like medicine, pharmacy, or biochemistry? Who is better suited to lead a class, a researcher or a professional, or both, each one in different subjects? We can distinguish between basic and clinical subjects. I am interested in hearing your thoughts on this matter.
Maybe we should identify what is the most parsimonious afterlife. Expanding the law of identity, maybe physics can determine the exact afterlife all have coming.
My previous attempts:
Guessing what the afterlife broadly is:
Guessing what the afterlife is NOT.
What are the efficient online sources to self-learn DFT calculations useful for students with chemistry background ?
After spending some time on understanding the chemistry of Sol-Gel synthesis. I've made a short overview I need you guys to let me know if it's good or not.
I am specifying the pechini method here in which a chelating agent is used while salt solutions are made in water and ethylene glycol.
these are steps for bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) synthesis.
Here are the steps.
Iron nitrate and EDTA solution in water and Bismuth nitrate solution in ethylene glycol.
1. Formation of Iron hydroxide (need your help. it may lead towards formation of Fe-O-Fe) while heating.
2. Formation of Bismuth glycolate
3. Mixing of these salts together with EDTA
4. Formation of Metal EDTA complex (Here I need your help is it possible for the complex to be between 1 EDTA molecule and Fe, Bi to different metals) if yes then a bi metal complex. Otherwise two complexes in one solution.
5. drying to form gel results in crosslinking (need your help how will it work and happen).
6. Drying to form Xerogel and complete removal of solvents.
7. calcination at high temperature to decompose the Metal-EDTA complex results on formation of metal ions and which at the end form BiFeO3.
#nanomaterial #research #BFO #perovskite #energystorage #energyharvesting #energyconversion #renewableenergy #metaloxides
I need some suggestions for articles recently focused on the computational design of proteins, as well as the evaluation of the designed proteins by assessing various properties or values. If anyone is interested in this field and has read articles on this topic, please don't hesitate to share your suggestions below
I am checking the Oxygen Balance calculation as reported in Wikipedia (
Some calculated values corresponds to those reported in that page (e.g. nitromethane (-39%) and trinitrotoluene (−74%), ammonium nitrate (+20%)).
While some of the values reported in the wiki page do not fit with the formula (e.g. ammonium perchlorate (wiki +34%, calculated 27%), potassium chlorate (wiki +39.2%, calculated 26%, sodium chlorate (wiki +45%, calculated 30%)).
Oxygen Balance is used to evaluate explosivity of a substance and it is also cited by ECHA in ECHA Guidance on the Application of the CLP Criteria Version 6.0 – Jan 2024, page 93.
Am I doing something wrong or am I missing something?
Dear researchers
I'm currently editing a Research Topic entitled Five-membered Ring Heterocyclic Compounds as Anticancer Drug Candidates. It's being published in the journal Frontiers in Chemistry.
Given your work in this field, would you be interested in contributing?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
The procedures of Justus Liebig Annalen der Chemie 1914 do not lead to the desired product.
I'm currently trying to make a standard curve for potassium ion detection. For my reagent I'm using 25 mM of sodium cobalthexanitrite with potassium dihydrogen phosphate as a substrate in a 40:60 ratio and measuring at 420nm after incubating the mixture in the dark for 10 minutes. Unfortunately, it's not really working and I'm not getting any precipitation. Is there something more I need to add or a step I've missed? Is my wavelength incorrect?
I am looking for new development in biobased flocculants for water treatment. If you company is a start-up and developing this type of chemistry, I am very interested to contact you.
Regards, Pieter
Dear all,
I will collaborate with Frontiers in Chemistry ( as a Guest-Editor for an article collection around a theme of "Five-ring heterocyclic compounds as anticancer drug candidates".
I need Guest Co-editors (3-4 max) who meet the following requirements. If you are interested, I will be happy to work together. Please contact me at if you are interested.
• All members must have a Ph.D. and 3 years of post-doc experience, plus editorial experience
• The majority of the team should be at Associate Professor level or above, with at least one senior member (>50 publications)
• The team should be from a geographically diverse range of countries and institutions to avoid conflict of interest
• Active researchers in the field of Chemistry
If you have some ideas kindly list down here. Thank you
I have found many papers that describe the use of PPNCl as a (co-)catalyst for ring opening polymerizations, but I do not understand how this species act. Can someone explain or recommend a good paper on this subject?
0.1 N concentration solution of both was taken, with HCl as titrant abd HPh as indicator. After reaching the endpoint of colourless condition, the colour reappears after continous shaking for 5 mins. even sometimes after 15 mins. How to be sure of that this much time is enough, for shaking to confirm completion of titration?
What does it mean if the Mg:P ratio 40:1 in the struvite precipitation? and what does it mean N:P molar ratio 30:1 for struvite precipitation too. Are these ratio real? I think they are two high.
I synthesized a molecule. I want to know what are the self-assembled structures possible for it through hydrogen bonding.
If possible, please suggest me some free software available (installation-based or online)
Any relevant suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks.
The pH range of a borate-phosphate buffer solution can be taken as the range of the phosphate and borate buffers separately?
It's known microbes as part of the aquatic particles, but when I focus the chemical composition of the microbes, this inevitably confuses the difference between microbes and solid particulate(mineral particles, complex compounds), and vice versa, so how to distinguish them in chemical analysis and species recognition levels?
Hi, we need 1 or 2 person for post doc position in theorical chemistry or quantum chemistry. We need that person knows programming specially python language for our chemistry calculation software. So that person should know programming and also quantum chemistry! If you are interested please inform us. our lab is in Daegu, South Korea. I attached pdf which describes it, so you can follow it.
From Wundt, psychology learned from natural sciences such as physics and chemistry, learning the research methods of these subjects, that is, "external observation, experiment" and other ways, and then using mathematical description.
But is this approach fine? The human psychology and physics are completely different, so the way that study physics studies have no problem?
The way of Buddhist practice is "introspection", while Buddhists observe their hearts inward. Zen well shows this way of research. In fact, the doctrine of Buddhism is psychology. So, shouldn't the way of studying psychology be this kind of Buddhist practice? Shouldn't psychology be introspection? Why the "experiment and observation" of natural science?
Is this because westerners and Orials have different thinking habits? The way of thinking of Westerners is natural and scientific, so now they are used to studying psychology in this way, but psychology is more in line with the way of thinking of Orientals, especially Indians.
Iam Dr M HARIKRISHNA doing research in organic chemistry, I need help for docking studies?
I've discovered the easiest methods to increase your h-index. Please check out the links for more details.
How to Increase H-index of Scholarly Profile 😍😍#chemistry #humor - YouTube
there is an a hydro geochemical cycle parallel to the hydrological cycle .