Science topics: VolcanologyChemical Volcanology
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Chemical Volcanology - Science topic
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Questions related to Chemical Volcanology
It is said that lava contains many valuable plant nutrients and plants grow particularly well on solidified lava. Lava is also a particularly fertile soil for plant growth.
The demonstration of the existence of Silicon TetraFluoride in volcanic emissions and the importance of monitoring it, and its ratio to Hydrogen Fluoride gas, in prediction of eruptions is relatively recent.
This leads me to ask if perhaps Sulfur Fluoride compounds might also be present, especially where high levels of Hydrogen Sulfide and elemental Sulfur are observed.
I will be most grateful for any literature references.
The tragic loss of life and injury resulting from the December 2019 eruption of the Whakaari White Island volcano, located to the east of New Zealand, is trending in global media.
There was an earlier eruption there in 1914 that killed 10 people.
I am interested that reporters are not discussing Hydrogen Fluoride gas emissions from this volcano that is known to emit 1500 to 2000 kilogram of HF gas each day, when it is in its "quiet" mode. HF inhalation has caused death in numerous industrial accidents, usually within 24 hours and burns to the skin from this gas have claimed victims some days later.
Students were used on White Island as human Guinea pigs who were not wearing gas masks and it was estimated that some breathed in up to 8 ppm HF during their island visit.
Please let me know if you find media reports mentioning Hydrogen Fluoride as the most lethal gas associated with the deaths and casualties.
Pele`s hair physical and chemical properties. Does anyone know of any good papers related with this topic? Is anybody interested in doing joint research on the Pele´s hair of the Masaya volcano lava lake?
In granite studies, whether pressure values calculated from the CIPW-normative Qz–Ab–Or diagram is valid? What the result pressure values mean, melting pressure or magma crystallization pressure?
Dear All:
I have obtained a few samples of scoria from deep waters (1800-2000 m depth) off northern Chile. I am most interested to know where they have been produced: if in-situ as submarine scoria or dragged down from a terrestrial (above-ground) origin.
The areas where these rocks were found (25°19' S; 70°50' W) are apparently exempt of volcanic activity, and the only possible volcanism in the are may be explained by petite-spot volcanism as explained by Hirano (2006, 2011), however it has so far applied to offshore areas in the Nazca Plate.
Is there any measurement which can be done on these samples to ascertain its origin? If there are any interest in these rocks I can easily send a few samples to anybody interested. I am very interested in collaborating in the matter.
Best regards,
Juan Francisco.
Hi all
I want to get a procedure of etching volcanic rock for XRF analysis. Since the outer part of the volcanic rocks can be easily hydrated, I would get the hydration part off from my samples, so I can get certainty analysis. I think the procedure that would be work with this problem is the same as the procedure of dissolving the whole rock into Hydrofluoric acid (HF), but I'm not sure how much millimeter I would use. I'm looking for assist?
Best regards,
One has to consider plate tectonics, the age of the of the volcanic ash or indurated phase (e.g. tonsteins) and that of distant plutons,using a refined technique such as single-crystal zircon U-Pb dating, the microchemistry of glass inclusions in volcanic quartz, paleowinds, , and erosion of the the ultrasilicic volcanic ash, just to name several.
I am searching for basaltic eruptions produced scoria or spatter with unusual vesicle textures. I attached a few examples, which I think are unusual.
Many years back, I attended a special session on Elves, Sprites and Blue Jets at AGU in San Francisco.
These are typically observed above severe thunderstorm clouds and are observed at something like 100km altitude (magnetosphere).
Explosive volcanic eruptions often occur through a lake or the sea (eg. Rose et al 1995), and can also entrain 100-1000s MTons of water vapour from the boundary layer for atmospheric moisture when extensive pyroclastic density currents are generated and source the ashcloud (eg. 15 June 1991 Pinatubo; Dartevelle et al 2002) .
All such eruptions are rich in water vapour.
Rapidly during ash cloud ascent water vapour condenses on ash particles.
Then freeze over to form snowflakes and ice particles (eg. Rabaul 1937, Surtsey 1963, Pinatubo 1991, Vulcan 1994, Montserrat Boxing Day cloud, Hekla 2000, Eyjafjallajokull 2010...; eg. Durant et al 2008 and refs therein) .
In this way, the eruption cloud turns into some kind of severe thunderstorm or generates one, whichever way one wishes to look at it.
Meteorological severe storms generate electricity.
One can expect that severe storms associated with volcanic explosive eruptions will generate electricty using the same electrification mechanisms as your standard thunderstorm.
In addition to those electrification mechanisms associated with normal thunderstorms, however, when magma is fragmented into ash, additional electrification occurs during explosive volcanic eruptions and especially in phreatomagmatic éruptions as a result of fracto-emission (Gilbert and Lane 1994, etc...).
Electrification (charge generation, charge separation and "dipole" system development) from fracto-emission is consistent with field measurements of the electric field during volcanic explosive éruptions (eg. Sakurajima; Gilbert et al 1992) and with lightning detection during explosive eruptions.
Explosive volcanic eruptions commonly reach ascent heights that are similar or higher than severe thunderstorms, exceeding 15-20km elevation above the ground. Indeed numerous VEI 3 eruption clouds are detected by remote sensing colleagues each year (eg. Rose et al 2000).
Hence, with similar thermal energy fluxes (correlated with ascent height) and expected more intense electrification than severe thunderstorms, phreato-subplinian or phreatoplinian explosive eruptions can be expected to generate phenomena such as elves, blue jets and sprites into the magnetosphere directly above the volcanic eruption cloud.
But I am not aware of anyone who would have made any measurements to assess this hypothesis in the atmospheric science community?
I am curious to find out if anyone knows more about this since I first queried atmospheric experts on elves, sprites and blue jets above standard thunderstorms more than 20 years back ?
I am running a round robin test on applied petrography and I am a bit lost on one sample, for which I do not have any precision concerning origin, chemistry etc. The aggregate is black so I thought "ok this is a basalt" but I do not see any lath of plagioclase (fortunately there is olivine). I suspect some tridymite/cristobalite, volcanic glass (devitrified?) but what about the prismatic crystals (high birefringence colors) which form almost all the groundmass ? Many thanks in advance.
For knowledge of the composition for agro fertilizer.
I am wonder if there is any scientific or economic study for Al-spinel deposits (mostly Cr-poor, Cr2O3 < 1 wt.%). In most known cases the chromite deposit is a Cr-rich or Al-rich chromitites (Cr is essential constituent) in ophiolitic/layered intrusion ultramafic rocks or as micropods in a mantle xenoliths. Will appreciate very much if any one have any information about macro- or micropods of Al-spinel deposits in mafic-ultramafic rocks/xenoliths.
There is a suite of altered volcanic rocks (from basic to felsic samples), how can I evaluated the isotopic data (Sr, Nd, Pb) were affected by the alteration effect?
The figure shows EPMA data of clinopyroxene fragments in a subaqueous basaltic tuff. The tuff, as interlayer of radiolarian chert, is part of the circum-Pacific accretionary complex. It mainly consists of well-sorted angular vitreous and crystal (mostly clinopyroxene) fragments and geochemically belongs to OIB type. The analytical sites are on different clinopyroxene fragments located at a small area about 2cm*2cm.
The linear trends of MgO, TiO2, FeO, Mg#, Al2O3 vs. SiO2 of clinopyroxenes are very well. Based on Kushiro, 1960 and LeBAS, 1962, these trends are likely related to fractionation. However, the Al-Si trend in LeBAS, 1962 is from data of different rocks whereas here we have non-alkaline (possibly tholeiite), alkaline, and peralkaline clinopyroxenes from one tuff (one-time eruption).
What is the controlling factor of the chemical variations of clinopyroxene fragments in subaqueous basaltic tuff? What's the geological processes behind the fractionation?
Do Pele's hairs form only in some types of volcanoes and how do they reflect the conditions of formation (physics, chemistry)?
In Jordan there are more than 50 volcanic centers with abundant volcanic tuff. They are almost similar in geochemistry and origin. They share same geological setting, same hydrological and hydrogeological setting. However, only 10 volcanic centers have shown indications of zeolites formation.
We have been monitoring this crater lake for about five years, it is suspected to be the youngest among a series of volcanoes. We have never encountered this phenomenon. We are yet to send samples for hydrogeochemical analysis but suspect the stirring of the water as a result of a sudden release of trapped gases beneath the lake caused this colour change, since there wasn't any torrential rainfall. Some physical parameters recorded indicate a drop in the pH of water (6.71 from 7.0). Also a slight increase in Temperature 26.3 degrees centigrade. Others include EC= 0.25 and TDS=0.12. Has this phenomenon been observed elsewhere? Lets allay our fears before the chemical results.
The age of my metavolcanic rocks is about 2.5Ga, some of the samples have too low trace element concerntrations especially the HREE, they are even lower than the chondrite, I want to figure out what geological processes have happened?
In my microscopic investigations on an andesite, I find a rather frequent mineral (please see the attached image), scattered as hypidiomorphic grains (size: 1 to >50 micrometer) with the following general composition (measured by SEM/EDS):
Fe: 20 to 37%,
Cr: 9 to 12%,
O: 29 to 48%,
Al: 4.5 to 12.5%
+ variable amounts of Ti, Mg, Zn, Si, Ca
I can not figure out a name for the mineral (although have already checked
I would be grateful for any help in this regard.
I want to create a database of background of SO2 vertical profiles for different parts of the world. These should be over different regions and different seasons. They should cover the troposphere, stratosphere and mesosphere. Do you know of any such information? If so, please let me know.
Since there are a number of geologically young volcanic carbonatites in Italy, I wondered if any carbonatitic tephra have been found?
I have recently performed X-ray micro-tomography on an olivine phenocryst from a Mount Etna basalt, and have successfully imaged a contained large glass inclusion (100um length).
I would like to inquire as to any useful volcanological parameters one can obtain from the size and shape of (silicate) melt inclusions such as this - e.g. total volume, ellipticity, faceting, or crystal/inclusion size ratio.
My main rationale is to use a volume estimate for the inclusion to infer the overall CO2 concentration in the trapped melt which gave rise to the (CO2-rich) vapor bubble which is contained in the inclusion; I am also aware that the degree of faceting of glass inclusions can be used to estimate magma residence times.
Any other suggestions would be extremely welcome,
Kind Regards
Feldspar or any other mineral is not associated with the quartz crystals. Lots of carbonates are present in the rock. Has anybody come across a similar type of rock? If yes, kindly share your valuable publications and views.
I have recently performed X-Ray computed tomography on a (single) melt inclusion within an olivine phenocryst from lava from Mount Etna volcano. I wish to prepare a methods/proof of concept paper, in which I will show the resolutions obtainable (specifically in determining the volume of the melt inclusion) using three difference XRT set-ups, and outline the potential applications to chemical volcanology.
I would be grateful if anyone could recommend a publication route, or refer me to any similar studies already available.
Ideally the compilation of flow volumes would be associated with whole rock chemical data (or similar) but this is not required.
Some igneous rocks such as carbonatites and ultramafic lamprophyres have primary magmatic carbonates as their essential mineral constituent, similarly many other rocks including kimberlites, lamproites, lamprophyres,etc. also possess primary magmatic carbonates as accessory phases. However, many a times recrystallized secondary carbonates occur as veins and segregations in igneous rocks and also as cavity filling. Therefore, it is immensely important to make sure whether the carbonate is primary or secondary while studying the rocks mentioned above.