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Publications related to Cenozoic (10,000)
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Conference Paper
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Species of the family Boraginaceae are widely distributed in urban cenozoic and agrocenozoic of Donbass. Our research focused on the structure of reproductive shoots in 26 species of plants from this family. For this purpose, we analyzed the morphogenesis of shoots and inflorescences. The results of the studies have shown that the structure of the...
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This checklist records all molluscan species described from the Cenozoic strata of the Carnarvon, Eucla, St Vincent, Murray, Otway, Gippsland and Bass basins of Australia. Synonymies of the species are given and a bibliography of the relevant literature
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The age, origin and consequences of the crustal extension in the Aegean region are a continuing debate among geologists. Thanks to the fact that recent studies lowered the age of inception of crustal extension to the Oligocene, some regional problems related to the Oligocene sedimentary units in the approximately EW trending basins of SW Anatolia b...
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Throughout the Cenozoic, calcareous nannoplankton and planktonic foraminifera have been the main producers of pelagic carbonate preserved on the seafloor. While past variability in pelagic carbonate production has been previously studied, relatively little is known about the variability in the relative contribution of the two components. This is im...
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We present palaeomagnetic results from the Miocene section of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1490. Detailed paleomagnetic investigations are crucial for providing a long‐term record of Miocene relative paleointensity (RPI) variations, as well as the palaeoclimatic and paleoceanographic history of the Cenozoic Equatorial Paci...
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We describe †Cretovelona orussopteryx n. gen. & sp., a female orussoid from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber. We examine the fossil with synchrotron scanning and integrate it into an existing morphological data set for Orussoidea. †Cretovelona is placed as sister to crown group Orussoidea by Bayesian phylogenetic analyses. It is unique in displaying a c...
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This book presents the latest advances in mapping the geological structures and modeling the geodynamical and petrological processes in the Hoggar shield and adjacent areas of the northeast West African Craton, which is home to the oldest rocks in Algeria. Its respective chapters discuss the structural geology, geophysical methods, igneous processe...
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The Bohai Bay Basin is a typical marginal basin with complex internal structures and abundant oil and gas resources, exhibiting unique marine geological characteristics and processes. Based on seismic profile interpretation and balanced cross-section techniques, this paper presents a comprehensive systematic study of the structural combination and...
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Gastropods expanded into niches vacated by both terrestrial and marine organisms following the end‐Cretaceous mass extinction, to become one of the dominant mollusc groups of the Cenozoic. The Selsey Formation of Eocene age was deposited within a shallow marine embayment across the Hampshire Basin (southern England) and contains a particularly dive...
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From the analysis of 542 moment tensor focal mechanisms in Iberia, active tectonic deformations and stresses were inferred by implementing different and complementary methodologies: FMC classification of the rupture type; composed focal mechanism based on the average seismic moment tensor; rotation angle between tensors estimates; Right Dihedra com...
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Proboscideans were keystone Cenozoic megaherbivores and present a highly relevant case study to frame the timing and magnitude of recent megafauna extinctions against long-term macroevolutionary patterns. By surveying the entire proboscidean fossil history using model-based approaches, we show that the dramatic Miocene explosion of proboscidean fun...
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This study investigates the relationship between Cenozoic ice volume changes and geomagnetic events, including reversals and incomplete reversals, revealing that high frequencies of these events responded to ice volume increases over the past 49 million years. Geomagnetic events forming chrons or wiggles shorter than 0.1 Myr are particularly sensit...
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Changbaishan volcanic field (CBVF) located on the border of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is famous for intense volcanism in the Cenozoic. Many studies show evidence for partial melt beneath the volcano, but details on the structure of the magmatic system are lacking, due to a lack of data in the region. In this study,...
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Bioerosion trace fossils are biogenic structures that record evidence of behaviour in hard substrates, including bone. While bioerosion trace fossils on bones produced by animals have been well documented globally throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, studies on such structures created by ancient plants are less common. Herein, we document an incom...
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The urban agglomeration in central Guizhou is located in a crustal deformation area caused by tectonic uplift between the Mesozoic orogenic belt of East Asia and the Alpine-Tethys Cenozoic orogenic belt, with high mountains, steep slopes, fractured rock masses and a fragile ecological environment; this area is the most affected by landslides in Gui...
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The Jura fold and thrust belt is characterized by dominant thin‐skinned thrusting and variable interaction with inherited structures and deep‐seated (i.e., sub‐décollement) faults. Using 3D seismic data, the styles of deformation and the relationships with inherited structures at the eastern termination of the fold and thrust belt are documented in...
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Understanding the Cenozoic vegetation history of what is now the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is crucial for elucidating the co-evolutionary dynamics between plateau development, its environment, and the organisms it hosts. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of phytoliths within the late Oligocene-Early Miocene lacustrine sedimentary sec...
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The strong multi-stage tectonic movement caused the northwest of the North China Plain to rise and the southeast to fall. The covering layer in the plain area was several kilometers thick. In addition to expensive drilling, it is difficult to obtain deep geological information through traditional geological exploration. In this study, gravity, magn...
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River systems have been the subject of studies that address their ability to transfer water and sediments continuously and efficiently. However, works aimed at understanding the geological controls that promote disconnection and sediment storage in temporary semi‐arid rivers are scarce. In the semi‐arid Northeast of Brazil, the morphostructural con...
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Tunnel valleys are impressive subglacial erosional landforms and may attain depths of almost 600 m. Climatic and glaciological factors exert the primary control on tunnel‐valley formation. Furthermore, regional geological features, e.g. faults and salt structures, have been suggested as controlling factors for tunnel‐valley formation. To improve th...
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The Cenozoic kinematic evolution of the northern Tibetan Plateau resulted in the growth of the Eastern Kunlun Range, Qaidam Basin, and Qilian Shan. The widely developed lithium‐brine hosted within the southwestern Qaidam Basin make the basin one of the most promising regions for brines mineralization across the plateau. Better understanding the Cen...
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El registro fósil de pingüinos (Sphenisciformes), albatros y petreles (Procellariiformes), cormoranes y piqueros (Suliformes), patos buceadores (Anseriformes) y aves pseudo-dentadas (Pelagornithidae) es particularmente abundante en las costas atlántica y pacífica del extremo sur de América del Sur. A esto se suman otros taxones, que, aunque se encu...
Conference Paper
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Constraining the long-term evolution of geoid anomalies is essential for unraveling Earth's internal dynamics. While most studies focus on present-day geoid snapshots, we reconstruct the time-dependent evolution of Earth's strongest geoid depression, the Antarctic Geoid Low (AGL), over the Cenozoic. Unlike geodetic reference frames that place the d...
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The map shows the distribution of rock types across Africa, highlighting regions with specific geological formations. For example, large areas of Precambrian rocks are found in central and southern Africa, indicating ancient crustal formations. Younger rock formations, such as those from the Cenozoic era, are more prevalent in regions like the East...
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Nima Basin, as a typical Tethys area, is a Cenozoic oil‐bearing basin in the middle of Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau, which is expected to become an important target for petroleum exploration. The main controlling factors and models of organic matter enrichment are not yet clear. To identify the organic geochemical characteristics of high‐quality source ro...
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The Dagestan offshore of the Caspian Sea, surrounded on all sides by oil and gas bearing areas, represents an exceptional interest for the exploration of hydrocarbon fields. The applied sequence stratigraphic analysis allows to stratify the Cenozoic section for the resource’s estimation of the Karagan-Chokrak deposits in new prospective offshore ar...
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ABSTRACT: The Cenozoic uplift of the Central Asia Tian Shan has driven significant subsidence in the foreland basins along its northern and southern flanks, leading to the extensive deposition of the late Cenozoic alluvial-gravel deposits at its piedmonts known as the Xiyu Conglomerates. At the base of these conglomerates, localized gravel depositi...
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The South China Sea has undergone extensive and intense post-rift magmatism, particularly after seafloor spreading. Many studies attribute this phenomenon to the deep mantle plume beneath Hainan and adjacent regions. However, due to the absence of features typically associated with mantle plumes (such as large igneous provinces and age-progressive...
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Igneous intrusives in northern Pakistan can provide valuable insights into pre‐Himalayan metaluminous to peraluminous magmatism along the northern boundary of the supercontinent Gondwana and its potential tectonic significance. This study generates new geochronologic, petrographic and geochemical data for intermediate (monzonite, syenite, and foid...
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Antarctica’s terrestrial ecosystems are at risk from a rapidly changing climate. Investigating how Antarctica’s vascular plants responded to major climatic variations in the geological past, especially under atmospheric CO2 values similar to modern and future projections, may provide insight into how organisms could migrate across the continent as...
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Thermal conductivity is a decisive parameter in all geothermal applications. In addition to the influencing factors of density, saturation, porosity, temperature and pressure, it is, above all, the geochemical and mineralogical composition that determines the thermal conductivity in rocks and soils. This study focuses on selected rock samples from...
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The Cenozoic India‐Asia convergence represents the most well‐documented case of long‐lived orogeny, characterized by slowing plate convergence and complex deformation across the collisional margin, from crustal burial, exhumation and thrusting in the Himalaya, to thickening of southern Tibet. Here, we use a thermo‐mechanical computational model to...
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Studying the ecology of ancient organisms requires a tremendous amount of data, as in the case of prehistoric sharks where our knowledge is based mostly on teeth. Shark Tooth Forensics is a participatory science project tackling the problem of deciphering the ecology of ancient sharks with assistance from public school students. Traditionally, pale...
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How the deformed Tibetan lithosphere absorbed the convergence of India and Eurasia during the Cenozoic remains enigmatic, primarily due to significant variation in lithospheric deformation across different margins of the plateau. The northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is uniquely defined by the ∼1600-km-long Altyn Tagh fault system. How this pl...
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Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 407, located near the Reykjanes Ridge (southwest of Iceland) offers a rare and extensive record of Late Cenozoic planktonic foraminifera evolution spanning the Neogene and Quaternary periods. This ca. 300 m sequence provides a nearly continuous record of planktonic foraminifera with mostly good preservation qua...
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The Nubian Shield features amphibolite-grade, gneiss-cored domes surrounded by greenschist-grade island arc and ophiolitic assemblages. These structures exhibit anomalous intense ductile deformation and higher metamorphism than the surrounding rock units; yet, their nature, geometry, and origin remain controversial. The present study integrates fie...
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Atmospheric CO2 is thought to play a fundamental role in Earth’s climate regulation. Yet, for much of Earth’s geological past, atmospheric CO2 has been poorly constrained, hindering our understanding of transitions between cool and warm climates. Beginning ~370 million years ago in the Late Devonian and ending ~260 million years ago in the Permian,...
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The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) was the most prominent warming event in the Cenozoic and serves as a geological analog for the current global warming driven by anthropogenic CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels. As a primary disruptor of Earth’s ecosystems, wildfire activity affects the balance of ecosystems, the global carbon cycle,...
Conference Paper
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Mantle convection alters Earth's ellipsoidal shape and modifies its moment of inertia, leading to rotation-axis shifts known as true polar wander (TPW). By combining seismic tomography with the Back-and-Forth Nudging (BFN) method, we created a time-dependent convection model that reconstructs mantle density evolution and Earth's moment of inertia o...
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Metamorphic core complexes are ubiquitous in collapsed orogens globally and play a primary role in crustal exhumation. We investigate the metamorphic history of the Ruby Mountains‐East Humboldt Range metamorphic core complex, Nevada, using petrochronology to understand how magmatism, metamorphism and deformation interact to modulate crustal rheolog...
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This paper aims to solve the longstanding debate on the origin of the Comoros volcanic archipelago (Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean) concerning whether it represents a hotspot trail or a boundary between the Lwandle and Somalia plates in possible connection with the East African Rift System (EARS). To achieve this goal, we analyzed rock samples fr...
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Plain Language Summary Today, billions of people make their homes in drylands, where water is scarce. Understanding how these areas have changed over millions of years—and what drove these changes—is crucial for our society. Our research takes a deep dive into the past, all the way back to the Pangea era, a giant landmass that existed about 250 mil...
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NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES GEOLOGY REPORTS COLLECTIONS UPDATE 01 JANUART 2025 Pull-apart development at overlapping fault tips: Oblique rifting of a Cenozoic continental margin, northern Mergui Basin, Andaman Sea Article February 2014 Geosphere Srisuriyon K.Christopher K. Morley Deformation history and U-Pb zircon geochronology of the high grade meta...
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The studied area is located in the east of Sana’a, Yemen, between latitudes 1700000 - 1720000 N and longitudes 430000 - 450000 E. Geological and aeromagnetic maps of the region (Sheet 13G, scaled at 1:250,000) are among the data used. By analyzing the available aeromagnetic data, the current work seeks to comprehend the regional subsurface structur...
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Bivalves of the genus Neopycnodonte Stenzel, 1971 (Ostreida: Gryphaeidae) are known as common bioconstructors from the mesophotic marine environments of the Cenozoic era. Along with mussels, they are among the first taxa to colonize natural and artificial hard substrates, but they live somewhat deeper, being most common between 50 and 150 m. More t...
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The evolution of intra-continental mountain ranges poses significant challenges in understanding Earth’s geological history. Among these, the Tien Shan in Central Asia stands as one of the largest examples. Its crustal structure was shaped during the Paleozoic closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean and has since undergone multiple reactivations driven by...
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Dolomitization is a critical diagenetic alteration that impacts the formation of carbonate hydrocarbon reservoirs. In the offshore Bohai Bay Basin, the Lower Paleozoic carbonate reservoirs in buried hill traps, and the basement highs unconformably overlain by younger rock units, are emerging as a prospective target and predominantly occur in dolomi...
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Lithological mapping (LM) is critical to geologic and environmental studies and has traditionally relied on labor-intensive field investigations. Hyperspectral imagery (HSI) provides a powerful dataset for data-driven alternative techniques by capturing detailed spectral information about the Earth’s materials. This research explores deep learning...
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To enable a sustainable and responsible use of the Earth's subsurface environment and accelerate Australia’s energy transition to net zero, industry and government rely on a quantified knowledge of Australia’s geology and structure to inform their decision-making. Despite the wealth of subsurface data available across the continent, including strat...
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Alanine-rich, alpha-helical type I antifreeze proteins (AFPs) in fishes are thought to have arisen independently in the last 30 Ma on at least four occasions. This hypothesis has recently been proven for flounder and sculpin AFPs, which both originated by gene duplication and divergence followed by substantial gene copy number expansion. Here, we e...
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Coralline red algae (Corallinophycideae) are marine calcifying primary producers documented in euphotic habitats globally. Cenozoic carbonate sediments of India put forward an excellent opportunity for the analysis of coralline algae, their contribution in reconstruction of benthic palaeoenvironments and response to climate change. Compared to the...
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The Late Cretaceous obduction of the Semail Ophiolite onto the rifted passive Arabian margin and the Cenozoic collisional tectonics with the final closure of the Neo‐Tethys Ocean, are major contributors to the present‐day crustal architecture of the northern United Arab Emirates (UAE). We acquired the first 3D grid magnetotelluric observations from...
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Chilopoda, part of Myriapoda, is a species-rich group of ~3300 formally described species. Yet, the phylogenetic relationship of centipedes is not fully clear, and the scarceness of their fossil record, compared to the closely related Diplopoda, is a major challenge for understanding their evolutionary history. Within Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha is o...
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Shrews of the tribe Nectogalini rank among the rarest items of the late Cenozoic fossil record, and their interpretation is traditionally accompanied by numerous controversies. Here, the data from the Czech Republic and Slovakia covering in total 83 MNI from 45 Pliocene and Quaternary (MN 15 – Q 4 biozones) community samples of 25 sites are reporte...
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The Miocene Climatic Optimum (ca. 17−14 Ma) is an enigmatic climatic reversal that interrupted the long-term cooling trending of the Cenozoic. The forcing for this warming event remains unclear. Here we present direct evidence of melt−carbonate interactions in the Himalaya that produced globally significant CO2 emissions, and quantify resulting con...
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25 oil, condensate, and gas fields have been discovered in Tajikistan, most of which are under development. These fields, of which 8 are located within the Tajik Depression. The Tajik Depression is a central tectonic element of regional importance. This study reviews the geological aspect and oil and gas potential of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic depos...
Conference Paper
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The Transkei Basin, located in the Southern Ocean, is enclosed by Africa (to the north), the Mozambique Ridge (to the east), and the Agulhas Plateau (to the south). The IODP 392-U1581B borehole was drilled about 300 km from the South African coast, at ~4500 m water depth. The recovered stratigraphic section includes Cenozoic mostly carbonaceous roc...
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The sandstone roof of coal seams, with its high porosity and developed fissures, serves as a favorable reservoir for groundwater. Predicting and assessing the water-bearing capacity of the sandstone roof in coal seams is crucial for the rational development of coal tunnels, ensuring safe and efficient production in mining areas. This study targets...
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The India–Asia collision represents the most significant geological event in the formation of the Tibetan plateau. The subsidence of the Neo-Tethys oceanic slab and the closure of the ocean basin were precursors of the India–Asia collision. The Linzizong volcanic formations, which range in age from the late Cretaceous to early Cenozoic (70–40 Ma),...
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Earth’s topography and climate result from the competition between uplift and erosion, but it has been debated whether rivers or glaciers are more effective erosional agents. We present a global compilation of fluvial and glacial erosion rates alongside simple numerical experiments, which show that the “Sadler effect,” wherein geological rates show...
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The poorly documented volcanic rocks of the Ouaddai massif in Chad are a continuity of the ones of the Cameroon Volcanic Line further to the SE, located within the Central African rift system. New mineralogical and geochemical data from the Iriba basanites (SiO 2 : 41-45 wt%) show depletion in HREE, slight negative Sm anomaly and high LREE/HREE rat...
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Iceland records over 15 million years of complex volcanism resulting from the intersection of a mid-ocean ridge and mantle plume upwelling. The Iceland mantle plume has been active for at least 70 Myr, with surface expressions in Greenland, the North Atlantic, and Iceland. The Iceland hotspot may exhibit periods of increased volcanic output linked...