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Career Development - Science topic

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Questions related to Career Development
  • asked a question related to Career Development
4 answers
Most rural areas are not developed which led to soo many misconceptions and health problems. It takes these communities to race their lives and career goals. Some even have no chance for healthcare, electricity, purified water, better education and career development etc. which results in higher illiteracy, disease outbreak, environment health problems in those areas. As researchers what are the best practices or policies that will help develop rural areas.
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In my opinion to boost community development, we need to focus on a few key things: make sure everyone has access to good education and healthcare, create job opportunities, and support local businesses. It’s also important to involve the community in decision-making and invest in improving infrastructure, like roads and public spaces. When people work together and have what they need, communities thrive.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
2 answers
I seem people list their Areas of Specialization (AOS) and Areas of Competence (AOC) on their academic CV's, but it is not clear to me how these categories are distinguished from each other. Is the AOC the general field in which you work and the AOS your specific interests within that general field? Or does the AOS represent your research interests and the AOC your teaching abilities? Or is it something else?
Thank you for your help!
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Well, I do not not what to think of it, hence the question, except for the two ideas I listed in the original question. The version of AOS and AOC you listed are new to me, though I see how this would make sense and be a helpful thing. Its certainly makes more sense than the 2nd idea I listed in the original question! I'd love to hear from others, too, and see if there is a consensus!
  • asked a question related to Career Development
5 answers
Recently, I have come across ideas like project management is not for introverts.
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When it comes to career development in business management, introversion can both help and hinder your progress. As an introvert, you possess valuable skills such as analytical thinking and problem-solving that are highly sought after in the business world. You tend to be focused and can come up with innovative solutions to problems. However, you may struggle with social aspects of business such as networking and public speaking. While these skills are important for career advancement, they can be learned and developed over time. So, don't let your introversion hold you back. With practice and experience, you can succeed in business management and achieve your career goals.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
3 answers
Direct confrontation often ONLY generates resentment. I think my premises, although somewhat derived from philosophy(as all science is), are rigorous(examples are all my publications on ResearchGate). I come to my conclusions with EMPIRICAL evidence AND logic. I also still seek a PhD by publication.
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Yes direct confrontation generates resentment and defense in almost all cases
  • asked a question related to Career Development
10 answers
Dear colleagues, I am working on a research conference paper "Why isn't teaching popular anymore?" I invite education researchers from several countries (1 person from a country) to cooperate. At the moment I'm making up a questionnaire including the following sections: prestige / public perceptions; interest towards the profession / career aspirations; job security / safety; lack of teacher autonomy; stress and burnout; lack of trust; work-life balance / family commitment; career development / progress; salary; insufficient support; working conditions; student discipline and motivation; relationships with parents. Each section will involve 3-5 items. Anybody interested please contact me. Your contribution may range from a) writing / suggesting part of literature review; b) development of the questionnaire; c) applying the questionnaire in your country via social media and personal connections (I will need minimum 100 respondents from one country); d) any combination of the above. I plan to complete the research by the end of April, present it at IRCEELT conference (see, then publish it, depending on the achieved quality, in the conference proceedings or a journal. If you believe that some of your colleagues might be interested, please share this information with him / her.
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Dear Ömer Özbey
Thank you for your answer. I would be glad to cooperate. I hope the fact that I work for International Black Sea University is not a problem for you (the University has changed owners, so, hopefully, our cooperation will not have a negative impact on your career. Use my mail If you confirm your participation, I will share the draft questionnaire with you, to get your comments on it (if it needs any amendments). In case of need, you can translate it into Turkish.
Looking forward to your answer.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
5 answers
Since I read Atomic Habits by James Clear, I really understood the impacts of habits on the shaping of our lives. I concluded that choosing the right habits is the ultimate “how” we can change to become better people.
With that perspective and with the desire to become a better researcher, I’m wondering what habits you feel have the most impact on your research career.
Example: Do you write every day for a specific amount of time? Do you read at least X papers a week or maybe your read for a specific amount of time per day? Do you plan your week and days? Do you do physical exercises each day?
I hope that this discussion could bring us all some insight into how to improve in the academic field.
Thank you
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Hey guys! Thank you for bringing up this topic, Étienne Villemure, and thanks, Alexandros Tzanetos, for inviting me to the discussion.
I also had the opportunity to read this book by James Clear, and I found the way he emphasizes habits as the driver for a "prosperous" life quite interesting. I wouldn't say it was a game-changer book for me, but it provided some valuable insights.
Regarding your discussion, Étienne, I am convinced that following a schedule and setting tangible goals during research is key to achieving greater heights. I say this because research is essentially a mental workout, where we exercise and develop our cognition and knowledge about the topic we study daily. It is impossible to master a problem in a short period. We need a process to solidify our ideas and gain experience. In this sense, having a routine and clear objectives is fundamental: you can build your knowledge day-by-day, step-by-step. And you (normally) won't get frustrated in the process because you have a clear plan.
You also mentioned physical exercises, and I find this aspect essential. It could be exercising, playing an instrument, reading, or even watching movies. During the research process, EVERYONE needs an outlet. Everyone needs to do something unrelated to research every day. There are two main reasons for this: (1) we are not machines, and we need activities that bring us joy apart from research, and (2) sometimes, the best ideas come to us when we are not actively thinking about research. This is because our brains often need a "break" to organize all the ideas.
One last comment: In the book "Atomic Habits," I feel that the author presents a rather "mechanical" way of living. You are expected to plan everything and stick to that plan no matter what. I don't believe we function like that. We do need to have a plan, a routine, and goals, but every day is different, and it's completely fine if one day we are not in the "mood" to adhere to the plan strictly!
Well, that's everything from my side, guys! I'm also looking forward to hearing your points of view on this!
  • asked a question related to Career Development
1 answer
We are interested in hearing your thoughts on the services that would make your academic journey more engaging, convenient, and supportive. Consider services that could leverage technology, promote career development, prioritize mental health and well-being, foster a sense of community, or address any other aspect you believe would enhance your experience as a student.
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I have loved my post graduate studies, I am taking part in an overseas placement, I get free gym membership and Studiosity free access is an addition to support my writing, and the library digital access services are great. Anything that can offer balance and improve well being. Alongside knowledgeable and committed lecturing staff.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
7 answers
  • As a doctoral candidate in management, I would like to know if you have any advice on how to effectively manage stress and anxiety associated with research work?
  • If my research work does not meet the standards required for securing a position in academia, what other career paths can I explore?
  • I am interested in knowing effective strategies for finding potential collaborators and building professional networks. Can you share some insights and experiences on how to achieve these goals?
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Very good and vital points from Bulcsu Szekely Imo, Xinzhou Qi , your research direction is of key importance. Many topics are only relevant for academia (classical PhD); other topics are only relevant for practical application (industrial and professional doctorates).
Consequently, with respect to all types of networking and visibility, the 2 worlds of academia and practice cannot be easily bridged. Current tech-know-logical trends (exponential knowledge automation) do point to a rapprochement of both spheres, but you cannot wait for this coming reality.
So, choose your doctoral research topic wisely, keeping also your own talents in mind—-don't make a donkey out of yourself, if you are a horse.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
5 answers
Please I want conceptual and operational definition for these variables
1. Career development [ career development opportunity, job security, job satisfaction, training and development].
2. Mentoring and coaching [ employee supervisor relationship, performance evaluation].
3. Reward system [salary rewards , bonus rewards ].
With regards
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I hope the following attachment will be of use to you
  • asked a question related to Career Development
3 answers
Dear RG community
National post doctoral fellwship or Inspire faculty are the two most sought out pdf positions by indian researvhers especially from engineering fields. What is your take on both and what are the chances of getting into if you have a decent proposal or project? Unlike foreign countries there are less private organizations and fundings in India. Kindly suggest through your personal experiences.....
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The Written Examiner's Post Doctoral Research Postgraduate Coursework provides a smooth path leading to a hard-working scholarly career to get job seekers written in industrial steps.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
6 answers
My team an I would be very happy about literature recommendations.
Thank you for your support!
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There are many factors that may affect Entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs have a passion for what they do. They must be self-confident, have a vision, and also have characteristic adaptations.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
4 answers
It believed that the following factors affect career development of college students. These are:
1. career counselling
2. environmental factors
3. hereditary factors
4. educational factors
I want to study the relationships of the factors to career development. What kind of statistical technique should I use? Thank you.
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From another Lilian:
It’s not clear how advanced your research design is advanced at this moment. The question of what kind of statistic to use is the last step, it is not the first step, even if that is the first question your supervisor asks you. Statistics is the answer to “how”; before that cones the question of “what“ do you want to research? Examples:1. do you want to find out if these factors are indeed important for career development?
2. Do you want to know which are the most important?
3. How do you want to measure it? Ask people’s opinions? Do people really know what influenced them? Are you going to ask alumni to retrospect? Are you going to ask students what they experience as being helpful? Are you going to ask what they want? Past/present/future.
Will you make a questionnaire and ask them to give a score? Or will you ask them to write a story and then you analyse to see which factors you recognise in their stories?
All these kind of choices will decide if you need statistics, what kind of statistics. I hope this helps in some way.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
4 answers
My team and I would be very happy about literature recommendations. Gladly from the psychological and economic field.
Thank you for your support!
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ENTREPRENEURSHIP , ENTREPRENOLOGY & ENTREPRENEURLOGY | Stefan Lindstrom | 2 updates | Research Project (
  • asked a question related to Career Development
3 answers
Any suggestions on how to pivot to policy making?
I saw that there are PhD about it, but I'm not sure to be qualified for them.
How could I increase the chances of being admitted to one without pursuing another master?
I'm finishing a double master in plant sciences and plant biotechnology at Wageningen University & Research. My specialisations are functional plant genomics and phytopathology and entomology, with a minor in nematology and one still to define (around biophysics and omics).
I did a thesis in nematology at the ETH Zurich, one in plant molecular biology at INRAE (French national institute for Agro-Environmental research) and one still to define at SLU (Swedish Agricultural University).
I'd like to pivot toward policy making, but I only have a few courses about transversal skills such as "Negotiation skills", "Communication & Persuasion", "Scientific Writing" etc. and none about policy itself.
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Great suggestion by Sally Elkady . I would suggest that you get into a PhD program focusing on Transdisciplinary research which straddles both policy-making and Biology. You have studied Phytobiology ( plant ecology), entomology, and genomics. I think it is a great combo to explore the impact of GM seeds and variants on friendly insects and plant ecology. This is exactly what is needed to influence policy. Your research comes would be suggested policy direction or changes that would ensure that ecology and friendly insects are protected for sustainable farming. Hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
8 answers
This is a two (2) part question specifically for <Students> but Professional please chime in. I humbly believe that no matter what the stage we are all students and constantly learn from each other.
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My professional organizations are represented by the Syndicate of Academic Professors, but for many reasons they do not play their role in terms of defending the rights of teachers
  • asked a question related to Career Development
28 answers
Dear Academics,
Kindly could you comment here that how this Research Gate Academic Platform was important, beneficial and helpful for you to build up your academic life up to now.
was this helpful for changing your,
1. Citation number
2. Research Interest
3. Build up more connections in the academic world
4. Your knowledge
5. Recommending your research activities
Thank you and Best regards.
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Kindly see also the following useful RG link:
  • asked a question related to Career Development
7 answers
This anonymous survey is open to all UK and Middle East academics, researchers, postgraduate students, and professionals. It takes 10 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey you will be offered the opportunity to fill in your details on a separate online form, in case you wish to be considered for the prize draw. To participate, please click on the link below. You are welcome to share the link with your professional and/or social network too.
This is a survey for a Master’s thesis and your support is greatly appreciated. The title of the study is ‘‘The role of leadership self-efficacy (LSE) in developing academic and professional leaders’’. You can find more information in the Participant Information Sheet, which is available with the survey.
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Thank you! More than 300 responses received so far. The survey will be open until midnight (London, UK Time) today. Thank you for helping.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
1 answer
How are the questions in the subscale Decision Making and the Knowledge about the World of the Work are assessed? Which questions are correct and take the 1 point? Has nobody used this scale of Super to assess the career maturity?
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Good question!
  • asked a question related to Career Development
7 answers
Dear Colleagues,
We are working on study that seeks to understand the effect of work to family issues on the the career development of working mothers especially those within a higher education setting. We would appreciate the following (in addition to what we already have):
1. Any recommendations of scales specific to the career development of working mothers or women in general.
2. Any recommendations of studies that explore work to family issues and career development.
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated
Willie Chinyamurindi
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  • asked a question related to Career Development
12 answers
I’m disillusioned by the emphasis on the frantic continuously changing rat race work culture. In my remote job search now, I’m looking for alternative models that fit with people, like myself, who work better in a steady environment. I’m compiling a list of companies that embrace this , or at least tolerate it .
Would you suggest any companies that fit this description?
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I think that this frantic pace of change, as you described, is an outcome of environmental changes, meaning, companies that operate in very dynamic industries are forced to adjust quicker. Focus on more traditional industries, in which technology does not evolve that quickly, if you are looking for more steady working environments. I hope this helps, Hashem Elassad , good luck!
  • asked a question related to Career Development
110 answers
I started my career with a bachelor's degree in commerce. Then I pursued certificate courses on financial accounting and information technology. It was followed by a diploma in financial accounting, a post graduate diploma in business finance and a certificate in accounting. At that time I was working as a teacher of financial accounting.
Then I completed a management program called GPBL and a post graduate diploma in business administration, both with specialization in marketing. In my work place, I was given the responsibility to head a division that dealt with distribution of electronic devices.
After all these I completed a certificate course in HR skills and a MBA in HR. I had a new job and was the deputy head of the department of franchisee operations in a world famous vocational training institute. I was also given the responsibility of staff training in the franchisees and corporate communication with the industry experts.
Then I completed a 1 day MBA in strategic management and started my career as a professional researcher and lecturer.
Having education of different disciplines has helped me in my career progression.
Please, share with me your experiences and ideas about this matter.
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Dear Dr. Anamitra Roy , I find the view of Dr. Aman Arora worth attention. Like a pendulum that swings from one end to the other end humankind has also swinging from Super-specialization to Multidisciplinary focus. Until, 1776 when Adam Smith proposed the Division of Labour & Specialization in his book "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" - we were following multidisciplinary approach. The concept of specialization has gathered momentum in late 1900s. Now, (it seems) we have reached the extreme point of this pendulum.
In India (also, around the globe) there is a new found desire to implement multidisciplinary approach in education.
I welcome this. I think, anything in excess is not good. Anything, in a measure is a treasure.
Warm regards Yoganandan
  • asked a question related to Career Development
13 answers
What are the best tips for success in a scientific career?
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Interesting question Muneeb Faiq . Would be interested to know as well.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
8 answers
I would like to hear your opinions regarding sharpening the orientation of my career by focusing on what matters most just looking at the trends and how the world is changing.
Actually, I did Quantity Surveying/Construction Management (cost engineering) and mastering now in Global Logistics.
I want to combine these two into a long term business focusing on Digital World (I love business).
Thank you
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I propose the implementation of research development in the field of Global Logistics with the use of new information technologies, ICT, Internet and Industry 4.0, including IoT technologies, cloud computing, Big Data Analytics, etc. The use of these technologies allows for shortening logistic chains and the development of e-logistics. These processes may be helpful in transforming logistics in the context of the current SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic. In addition, the research carried out can include the analysis of determinants of the transformation of traditional logistics towards sustainable green logistics. So I propose to take into account the above issues in future scientific research.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Career Development
8 answers
I'm a Sr Director of Product Management at Citrix, and I teach Product Management part-time at North Carolina State University (graduate program).
I completed my DBA this year and submitted 3 papers to various journals (1 accepted, 2 in review).
I would like to partner with an active academic to do research in the field of corporate innovation and ambidexterity. Also, I'm considering to write a book about navigating a successful career, and it would be based on research that I have a rough idea for. The issue I'm seeing, there is no platform to find research partners on topics of joint interest... or, at least I'm unable to find such a platform. Someone on Quora suggested to start with RG, so I'm trying my luck here :).
I look forward to your advice!
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Hi Eugene,
That is good and valid point that Igor has raised. Many a times, a grant is a reason for a group of academic to "commence" working together. They had come together to apply for a common objective (the grant) and getting it means that have to fulfil the requirements expediently, with obligations.
Thank you Igor!
Kind regards
  • asked a question related to Career Development
4 answers
can somebody share his academic goals and career development after Fellowship?
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Using the most suitable human relation to help young Scientists to excel in research despite limitation. However, existing patterns of impartation, environment and seniority are major factors.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
5 answers
Dear all,
my daughter is currently working towards her international baccalaureate and is due to finish school in 2021. She is seriously considering a career in statistics, she loves mathematics. I wonder if those of you who have chosen and succeeded in the same path could give some advice on how to choose the appropriate course/university and what may help with an application. She is considering to go to university in Europe or Canada having dual German and Canadian citizenship.
Thank you so much in advance,
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Please check this out...
  • asked a question related to Career Development
8 answers
I found this quotation of Steven Jay Gould on the internet. I am pretty much intrigued by this quotation. Please share your thoughts about this quotation.
How severe is the case in your country that many potential scientists and researchers could not achieve success and got derailed in their lives (due to lack of proper education, training, facilities, government sponsorship, poverty, vulnerability, etc.)?
(I mention my student Samir Ashraf, who gave some first thoughts about it).
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Einstein is in my opinion a rather poor, if striking, starting point for this discussion.
Indeed, if we follow Thomas Kuhn distinction of ‘normal’ phases of scientific development vs. ‘scientific revolutions’ involving a deep paradigm change, Einstein is very much the archetype of a paradigm-changer. But there are very few true scientific revolutions, typically one a century or less, and their possibility is less a question of ‘talent’ of the scientists that initiate them (even it it does certainly call for quite a bit of genius) than of the convergence of many parameters yielding a kind of embrittlement of the old paradigm.
So in this sense, no, there couldn’t have been many potential Einsteins in the cotton fields : there simply wasn’t room for them in science between, say, Newton and Einstein.
On the other hand, if the question is ‘were there potentially highly talented young people in the cotton fields who never had the possibility to develop their talent for science’, it does indeed seem obvious. And Gould is absolutely right to suggest that, if we want more scientific progress, we should certainly start studying ways to let more potential scientific talents fructify rather than how Einstein’s synapses may have worked.
Also, to quote Robert Heinlein :
Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.
This is known as "bad luck."
  • asked a question related to Career Development
43 answers
How can we improve the academic qualification after PhD? are there any major degree options? if yes then what kind and what are possible prospects?
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There is no degree superior to a PhD. However you can go on to do a post-doctoral research or even get more PhDs. But you only need one PhD to prove that you are capable of doing original, significant research.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
20 answers
What are some of the best engineering socities or associations for mechanical engineers to be associated with for career growth and development?
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Hi R S Krishna, here are soem of the engineering societies:
  1. Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
  2. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
  3. Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
  • asked a question related to Career Development
11 answers
How to deal with relationship problems (such as with spouse, or with children, or parents, or friends, or in romantic relationships with one of the opposite sex), (in the short term and in the long term) on the way to become successful as a professional scientist (or a social scientist, or a doctor or an engineer or an academician)?
I would request everyone to discuss this issue, which discussion I think would be very helpful for every one in RG.
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To add few things on what Hein Retter reply: open discussion is key in any of the situations. Your work may not make sense to your kids but explain to them in a way they can understand. It has been said that the best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
All the best!!
  • asked a question related to Career Development
2 answers
I will be graduating soon with an MSc in cancer pharmacology from the UK. I want to know what job titles/description should I apply to in Singapore. my practical experience is mainly in cell culture. I also have a BSc in Pharmacy.
Any help is appreciated.
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I will suggest you to go for higher studies i.e. PhD in Oncology. or R&D section in Pharma and Biotech industries focus on Cancer biology.
Note: Go for IELTS/TOEFL along with GRE. It would help a lot. Atleast English test minimum.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
2 answers
On behalf of mine extraordinary experience during PhD course I would always recommend University of Insubria, Varese in Italy for your future career development
Find belove enclosed details for the new PhD position (3 years), pay attention that DEADLINE for application is: 31 July 2019, and do not hesitate to ask me for any help you need!
Good luck!
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Dear Iva Aleksic is there any Post Doc position ?
  • asked a question related to Career Development
29 answers
IELTS test (academic version) most challenging part is the writing part, even for the English native speakers.
Do you think that people who achieve better results in the IELTS Writing part do actually have a better academic writing experience?
I am interested to hear your opinion on this..
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Do you think that people who achieve better results in the IELTS Writing part do actually have a better academic writing experience? Not necessarily. Experience, from a broader point of view, matters.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
14 answers
I'm interested to know, which skills should (particularly political / policy) researchers focus on which are often neglected?
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I think that many researchers lack robust understanding of research methods and how to select right methods. In addition many do wonderful reflection on concepts, do great fieldwork, but fail to bring concept and empirical findings together.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
29 answers
Dear all
I am wondering whether a second foreign language, such as German, Chinese, or Japanese is beneficial in a research career, especially in scientific disciplines, such as computer science or neuroscience. This issue assumes that most people’s first language is English. My mother tongue is Chinese Mandarin. My second foreign language is German, and I have a bachelor's degree in the German language. Until now, it has not been my experience that foreign language fluency has been advantageous in getting me more opportunities, such as a PhD position, than others. I am curious whether my case is an exception or a typical case.
Thanks in advance.
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The more languages you know, the wider your opportunities to be up to date with 'global' knowledge. Languages will enable you to disseminate your own research and have a wider audience and readership. As for job opportunities and research positions, knowing more languages is a must.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
16 answers
Dear Colleagues! As far as, from your point of view, it is possible (and justified) to implement the concept of Life Long Learning in a professional academic career by completely withdrawing from a successful scientific (teaching) activity, including with a defended doctoral thesis activity in a professional business activity (possibly with a corresponding new education / degree), not connected in any way with research and teaching activities? Do you know and can you give examples of such personal career development?
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I started my career in higher education, then went to work as a contractor for the U.S. federal government after receiving a Ph.D. I now do both, work as a contractor and teach at a university. It keeps me motivated in both areas.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
7 answers
Dear Colleagues! How, from your point of view, is possible (and justified) the implementation of the concept of Life Long Learning in a professional (non-academic) business career through the complete withdrawal from a successful business activity, including with the preparation and defense of a doctoral dissertation with subsequent teaching (research) activities? Do you know and can you give examples of such personal career development?
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Dmytro Lukianov I am not sure I understand your question correctly, but I started my career in restaurant and tourist businesses both as a successful professional chef and later as a manager. At age 32 I started my academic career for the first time and took a PhD at age 47. I currently work as a lecturer and researcher. In Norway many of my master students are over 40 years of age. My oldest student so far has been 67. Life Long Learning I think is also an economical question. My grandparents would not think of changing their career during their life. I would be very difficult economically.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
4 answers
Dear Colleagues! In your opinion, how possible (and justified) is the implementation of the concept of Life Long Learning in the academic field by preparing and defending a second (third, etc.) doctoral dissertation in a new direction for a scientist? Do you know and can you give examples of such a scientific career development?
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I do not associate the term Life-long-learning with any general right for an academic to do a series of doctoral dissertations in various directions. A doctoral students education and support is a big investment for the state/the taxpayers, the university and the individual. To reach a PhD level is for an individual to be recognised for the ability to really both learn and create new knowledge on ones own.
Then other students should get the possibility to PhD studies. There is possibility to change directions of interest in research anyway.
I don’t want to criticise people who have double PhDs, but to create new possibilities for academics to make a number of dissertations in different subjects is probably not an ideal use of resources.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
6 answers
I'm a masters student trying to find a thesis question/study I can fall in love with!
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  • asked a question related to Career Development
2 answers
A Primary Author Citation Index (PACI) or p-index, proposed here, would not count citations of published works by scientists, but would instead determine the proportion (percentage) of all published works [with at least 1 citation] by a scientist for which the scientist is senior (first) author on the publication, regardless of the number of authors on each individual publication (included in the p-index calculation). The intended primary purpose of the p-index is to determine the proportion of a scientist's career publications that the scientist actually contributed to writing the majority portion of the publication (for which the first or primary author is most responsible and credited). The p-index value attempts to quantify a scientist's career accomplishments in terms of completing the entire research cycle, culminating with the actual primary (substantial) writing of all final research and related products (study results and other types of publications). Please do not respond by addressing the many problems associated with undue credit given to scientists in positions of power (over subordinate scientists) or different conventions, policies, or ethics used in determining authorship order (such as which scientists got the grant, did most of the research, or collected most of the data presented in a paper); and please refrain from giving unconstructive opinions.
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This is quite un scientific and biased.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
31 answers
Many countries now require university lecturers to publish in international journals--journals in English, published by high quality publishers, and most importantly, peer reviewed.
What do scholars find to be the greatest challenges or obstacles to publishing in these journals?
Does this article help? What other issues do you see?
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contribution, novality, and plagiarism
  • asked a question related to Career Development
3 answers
School as an influence on the career development of students:Comments by young people and considerations for career educators. Australian Journal of Career Development 6, 23-26
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These authors cited this paper, and are on ResearchGate. It might be worth contacting them, either on RG or at their places of employment:
Tytler, R., & Osborne, J. (2012). Student attitudes and aspirations towards science. In Second international handbook of science education (pp. 597-625). Springer, Dordrecht.
McMahon, M., & Rixon, K. (2007). The career development of rural Queensland children. Australian Journal of Career Development, 16(2), 39-50.
Green, A., & Smith, E. (2003). The baby and the bathwater: Making a case for work experience. Australian Journal of Career Development, 12(2), 29-37.
I hope you can track it down,
  • asked a question related to Career Development
3 answers
In my university, I am establishing students Career development Center. The challenges I am facing are how to furnish the offices at different colleges (11) which are at different centers in Addis ababa city. The resources needed and how the students would get benefited from the office are some of the initial challenges to get through this office development. what are the basic and areas of the office to give to students in line with career development and entrepreneurial skill development? Please can you give me advice and resources from the experience of your organization?
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A Roadmap for Transforming the College-to-Career Experience, available at, recommends that proponents should:
  • Develop a bold vision and mission for personal career development;
  • Secure backing from institutional leadership;
  • Strategically position the personal and career development leadership role;
  • Strategically transform, build, and align personal and career development organization and staff;
  • Gather and report personal and career development outcome data to all constituents; and
  • Engage and equip a college-to-career community of influencers with a focus on faculty and parents.
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4 answers
Dear Experts,
I am modeling reinforced masonry wall using shell element  in SAP 2000. And for cracked section, i have to define stiffness modifier. Can anyone please suggest suitable stiffness modifiers with reference for reinforced masonry wall? I attached properties modifier list also herewith. Thank you.
Best Regards,
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hi i have recently answered a similar question , i give u the same answer hope it will be what you have been looking for
I believe you should first analyze your structure by assuming the said parameters as 1 , after the analysis check the stress contours for both , if the stress surpassed the the concrete strength you should then apply the modifiers which are given in codes ,for instance ACI suggests 0.35 and 0.7 for bending and compression
this is what we do in a normal concrete shear wall , i don't think there is a difference when u have steel boundary elements but if you don't want to take the risk i suggest check if there was a finite element model about it ,
or model 1 for yourself and and check if stiffness degradation is the same after cracking (note that you should analyze in a manner so the concrete will crack) then you use your own modifiers since it has research backgrounds
sorry for the long comment hope it was helpfull
best regards
  • asked a question related to Career Development
6 answers
I'm searching for this paper : Salt, J. 1988. ‘Highly skilled international migrants, careers and internal labour markets,Geoforum, 19(4): 387-399
I'm not able to find. Anyone could help me, please?
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Hola María Luisa:
Aquí tienes el artículo de Salt. Que disfrutes de la lectura!
  • asked a question related to Career Development
2 answers
I’m planning to conduct a needs assessment on the training and career development the needs of researchers in the Irish health service. I would like to find a validated tool if possible. I have come across needs assessment tools for assessing the training needs of nurse practitioners.
However, I have not been able to source a needs assessment survey addressing questions relevant to ascertain the training/skills and career needs of researchers working in Healthcare i.e, acute, primary care, public health, environmental health and health and well-being. I would appreciate any information, research articles and specifically any available questionnaire survey tools you have available.
Many thanks Mary C. Morrissey
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The assessment tool only works when take the final long-term impact on the patient's health can be counted. Otherwise, only cover the symptoms are a self-cheer and a cheating to the general public.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
9 answers
What are the Different Resume Formats? and is there a preferred format for applying for a job as academic staff member, researcher, and it professional? What Is the Difference Between a Resume and a CV?
Best regards
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Dear Sarmad
Resume is a French word meaning "summary". A resume is ideally a summary of one's education, skills and employment when applying for a new job. A resume does not list out all details of a profile, but only some specific skills customized to the target job profile. It thus, is usually 1 or at the max 2 pages long. A resume is usually written in the third person to give it an objective and formal tone.
Structure: A good resume would start with a Brief Profile of the candidate, Summary of Qualifications, followed by Industry Expertise and then Professional Experience in reverse chronological order. Focus is on the most recent experiences (with responsibilities and accomplishments), and previous experiences are only presented as a summary. This would be followed by Education details and/or Professional Affiliations and/or Voluntary Initiatives.
Curriculum Vitae is a Latin word meaning "course of life". It is more detailed than a resume, generally 2 to 3 pages, or even longer as per the requirement. A C.V. lists out every skill, all the jobs and positions held, degrees, professional affiliations the applicant has acquired, and in chronological order. A C.V. is used to highlight the general talent of the candidate rather than specific skills for a specific position.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
4 answers
I want to ask about courses, certifications or something like that is useful along with PhD in chemistry for personal development and knowledge building as well as those which are helpful in future for career along with PhD ?
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CQA (certified quality auditor)
CQE (certified quality engineer)
  • asked a question related to Career Development
5 answers
I need to ask two things
1. Whats the scope of masters in Education? i.e. future outcomes, job etc.
2. Is there benefit of master is education if a candidate is having along with PhD in some science subject.? benefits in terms of job or career !
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It depends very much on the country and the field you want to teach. In most (if not all) of the European countries you can not teach in elementary, primary and secondary schools without having masters in education. If you teach at universities, the PhD is many times the basic prerequisite to get a job. But if you would like to teach at teachers colleges, you would most likely need the M.Ed. as well. I would definitely check particular country for reaquirements to get a particular job.
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6 answers
Hello, I am a researcher in UC Berkeley. As an experimentalist, from day to day, I just suffered from lots of things in my research, for example, I sometimes found there not sufficient components for my experiment setup, so I have to order and wait for the shipping.
But more importantly, in my research career, I found writing a paper is time consuming in making nice graphs and checking grammar problems. The first time writing cover letter is also a rough experience, not too much guidance from the advisor as he is super busy. Also, the way how journal review papers just consumes a lot of time, which is where I am stuck.
So just curious what are your painful moments? which of them are really low-efficient in your opinion?
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Take it easy, buddy!
You will make it!
  • asked a question related to Career Development
2 answers
I would like to know best websites for regulatory affairs articles and journals for increasing my regulatory affairs knowledge.
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I spent few years with EU regulation, especially chemicals. I think Majone is the best way how to start. I am providing references for inspiration:
Majone, Giandomenico (1996) Regulating Europe. London: Routledge.
Majone, Giandomenico (1999) „The Credibility Crisis of Community Regulation“. Contribution to the 6th Biannual Internatonal Conference of ECSA, Pittsburgh, 2-5 June 1999.
Majone, Giandomenico (2002) Delegation of Regulatory Powers in a Mixed Polity, European Law Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 319–339).
You may also look at:
Selznick, P. (1985) „Focussing Organizational Research on Regulation“. in G. Noll (ed.) Regulatory Policy and the Social Sciences. Berkeley and Los Angeles: The University of Califormia Press.
Thatcher, Mark (2006) European Regulation. In: Richardson, Jeremy (Ed.): European Union. Power and Policy-making. Third Edition. Abingdon: Routledge.
Vos, Ellen (2005) „Independence, Accountability and transparency of European Regulatory Agencies“. In: Geradin, Damien, Muñoz a Petit, Nicolas (eds.): Regulation Trough Agencies in the EU: A New Paradigm of European Governance. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Then there are dozens of articles dealing with specific regulatory policies.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
8 answers
Dear all,
We're conducting a survey and your input would be appreciated.
We are looking for individuals who are employed, who have a supervisor/manager at the time of completing the survey, and are thinking of or are going through a career/position change.
Click on or copy the link below to start the survey. If you do not match the above criteria, you can still share the survey with your network to help me gather sufficient data!
I sincerely thank you for helping me out.
P.S. Don't miss Harvard Business School tips on a successful career change at the end of the survey!!!
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The questionnaire was answered last week
I hope you success
  • asked a question related to Career Development
1 answer
I have been working on my dissertation research project that aims to explore the concept of 'calling' in Indonesian context, predominantly among the Muslim teachers. In this vein, it seeks to rectify the omission of a focus on non-Western context to study this construct, thus attempting to provide a more nuanced picture of the key facets of calling. 
Does anyone perhaps have an interview schedule for examining people's sense of calling in their work from which I can leverage? Of course, it will be tailored to meet the objectives and core questions of my research, and, to uphold our academic values, I can assure for its confidentiality. Hope for your kind support.
Please accept my sincerest thank you in advance.
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Dear colleague, you may find the semi-structured My Career Chapter (MCC; McIlveen, 2006) useful for your purposes. MCC is administered as a written activity that involves reflective conversations with self and others (perhaps an interviewer). MCC can be used for career counselling or career education with students and clients. MCC may also serve as a tool to collect data, which is how it  may be useful for you.
I have attached a link to the My Career Chapter booklet which you can use under a Creative Commons license and links to author versions of some of the papers that describe its applications.
Best wishes for your research.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
4 answers
I am looking for empirical proof that Expatriates expect their international assignment to have certain outcomes related to career success. E.g. Higher salary, promotion, increased number of subordinates, higher hierarchical level etc. I am focussing on objective career success, however subjective criteria would also be appreciated. The results I fount were referring to broader terms like career advancement. Many thanks in advance! 
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Alison is right. There are a lot of published studies on this topic. Three that I and my students have found to be particularly helpful are:
Repatriation and short-term assignments: an exploration into expectations, change and dilemmas (2009) by Tina Starr, in the International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Repatriation: empirical evidence from a longitudinal study of careers and expectations among Finnish expatriates (2003) by Vesa Suutari and Chris Brewster, also in the International Journal of Human Resource Management
Coming Home: The Relationship of Expatriate Expectations with Repatriation Adjustment and Job Performance (1992) by Stewart Black, in Human Relations
  • asked a question related to Career Development
2 answers
Taking into account to how the career tools used to  guide individuals for career choice making such as Career counselling and Career Assessments.
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Dear Colleague, please introduce yourself (if you have not already) to Professor Mark Watson at Nelson Mendela Metropolitan University.  Professor Watson is an expert in qualitative career assessment that integrates local (indigenous) qualities.  For example, his My Systems of Career Influences (with McMahon and Patton) has been trialed with people of colour, including those in South Africa.  My thoughts on "decolonization" is about the validity of an assessment, which is an essential element of any assessment tool.  Ensuring fairness and cultural relativity is necessary condition for validity--it is also how to decolonize a tool.  I hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
5 answers
A literature review is not an annotated bibliography in which you summarize briefly each article that you have reviewed. While a summary of what you have read is contained within the literature review, it goes well beyond merely summarizing studies. It focuses on a specific topic of interest to you and includes a critical analysis of the relationship among different works, and relating this research to your work. It may be written as a stand-alone paper or to provide a theoretical framework and rationale for a research study (such as a thesis or dissertation). (Mongan-Rallis, 2006)
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Hi, Houda,
The challenge in answering your question is the context for which you are intending the literature review. At the highest level, a literature review should meet the criterion for a Campbell/Cochrane review - comprehensive, objective, replicable, and transparent. These are very high standards and are probably most relevant to the preparation of a doctoral dissertation or a career capstone project in which a researcher is attempting to add to the Campbell/Cochrane libraries.
When preparing a literature review for a small research project, the key is to find a good systematic review or meta-analysis upon which to anchor the project. The literature review is then focused on the most recent addenda to this anchor.
By "critical process" I assume you are referring to the analysis, synthesis, and creative interpretation of prior research. For this there is simply no simple or direct path. Mastery of prior research findings must travel the slow pathway of Bloom's taxonomy - building slowly up the chain from remembering to understanding to applying to analyzing to evaluating/synthesizing to creating. This is, after all, the entire academic endeavor regardless of our disciplinary focus.
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1 answer
Dear Dr. Carey, 
I recently had a chance to know about the concepts and theories of moral injury which I am currently making a list of literature for reading for my own and my students-colleagues. Of course your name and works are found as one of the core of research in this area. 
What I would like to ask a couple of questions to you is,
1. What has moral injury got to do with palliative care?
I am one of board members of Korea Association of Hospice and Palliative care and have no idea how there two related to each other. Excuse my ignorance!!!
2. How I(and my colleagues in Korea) can get involved in this seemingly cross-cultural study?
I appreciate your answer in advance,
MJ Hwang
Korea University
Head of Sociology, Director of Social Welfare
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Sory  I can not be of  mutch help, this is not my area of expertise, but related your quentions on moral injury and palliative care, I think this articles are can be of help.
1) Moral Injury and Moral Healing: A Practical Theologian’s Perspective by Lorenzo C. York,
2) A Moral Injury . A moral injury wounds the soul by Eric Newhouse i Psychology today, Jan 31, 2013
3) J Relig Health. 2016 Aug;55(4):1218-45. doi: 10.1007/s10943-016-0231-x.
Moral Injury, Spiritual Care and the Role of Chaplains: An Exploratory Scoping Review of Literature and Resources.
4) A Framework for Understanding Moral Distress among Palliative Care Clinicians. JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE ,Volume 16, Number 9, 2013
  • asked a question related to Career Development
1 answer
I am looking for some guidance on a dissertation at Masters level and SIVAC seems to be the most interesting theory I have found to support my potential topics. I am more than happy to discuss my thoughts in more detail and hopefully my work can potentially be of value to you as well.
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Hi Sam, you are welcome to send me an email to elaborate a bit on your project and what you are looking for.
You'll find my email address here: 
  • asked a question related to Career Development
10 answers
I have completed my graduation as well as post graduation (Civil and Environmental) from Pune university which is one of the renowned universities in India. Currently I am working as Assistant Professor at Sinhgad Institutes.
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Hi, I"m retiring this year so sorry no. FYI, You academic background does not match match Education. You need a teaching  qualifications and a master's in Education in order to do a PhD in the field.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
5 answers
I have a colleague which is planning to work on such kind of problematic and data evaluation for work absenteeism. I would like to know if you have progressed on this projet? Is there any interesting dataset or algorithm that you have already looked into that seems to have more potential?
Thank you
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Various industries are targeted by the problematic we are looking into. The diversity of the industries and population in the city makes it hard to target a specific culture or skill set. Ideally, it would be great to have different cultures, age groups and levels of expertise represented through this dataset to avoid any biased results.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
4 answers
Hi guys
It's me again. Currently - I have been doing research about the airline self-service technologies. I am writing about how passengers perceive the SSTs and how can they change the passengers travel experience. I have found few gaps in Literature review - I have found that there is no a lot research about how passengers can be actually convinced to use the SSts or what type of passengers can be more likely  keen to use SSTs. 
I think these are good gaps that I could focus and base  my primary research on but sometimes I feel these topics can be only used for my recommendations for future research... Is anyone of you have any suggestions? What exactly you mean by gap? Is there anything you feel it hasn't been discovered in the Self-service matter ?
Thanks in advance for your help xx
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I have noticed a growing number of self service kiosks at airports, fewer real persons to help, and a tendency for the "helpers" to say "use the self service kiosk." They do this even when they are not obviously busy. I think it is part of the protocol to avoid error. (I believe the human agent is error prone -- I was recently issued the wrong boarding card for a person with a similar name to mine.) 
So I am actually reasonably happy to use the self service computer and the ability of these kiosks to handle most situations has improved greatly (for example can do a passport scan). I think that effort should not need to be wasted on persuasion -- rather -- put more, and more capable self service devices in play and maintain them well. Then have good human back up agents to help when needed and to issue bag checks.
These systems are very vulnerable to a computer glitch however. Some study on resilience and back up methods would be useful. Also standard queuing theory measures to see how this M server queue works.
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6 answers
I would like to get these services for planning my narrative proposal writing edits and future Capstone paper. 
Thank you,
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Very possibly Dr. Leslie Baylis.  I found her editing services invaluable.    She has a webpage on FB. 
  • asked a question related to Career Development
1 answer
need to do a research 
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 The answer to your question depends on your research aims and objectives. Also, it would depend on sample size. What sample do you have? or you expect to have?
  • asked a question related to Career Development
10 answers
Within learning and development, there are several functions:  career development, professional development, leadership development, and training. What are effective models and best practices for organizing and leading the work in these areas.  Please focus on learning and development within the Human Resources area, and preferably in a university setting.
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Well, I have been writing a literature review about evolutionary organizations and their structure of self-managed Teams. Have you already heard about Frederic Laloux? He has collected data from different outperforming enterprises, which applied new methods of working to achieve higher involvement, adaptation, problem-solving, motivation and outcomes. Self-organization, self-management, emphasis on purpose, stakeholder approach and flat hierarchies are some of the main points. The book (Reinventing Organizations, 2015) includes mainly anecdotical evidence, but I have found empirical proofs for the most of his claims. Holacracy is a quite new organizational structure tool, wich seems to reach this goals solving the problems of inter-group coordination with new technologies (a kind of intranet, where employees can change their roles, show their task progress and benefit form the learning developments of other teams). This seems an adequate and interesting option to me for the kind of organization you are presenting. You may be dealing with Millenials in a fast-changing environment, this kind of structure allows the highest flexibility and fit perfectly for high-level learning units. An important moderator for the success of the implementation seems to be anyway the attitude towards the goals to be reached with this change. I mean, that implementing high levels of empowerment just because of their impact on effectiveness may lead (paradoxically) to inferior levels of effectiveness, as implementing because of the win-win situation for the development of the persons working in the system and the improved attainment of the organizational purpose. I really would like to know your opinion on this topic. Kind regards from Switzerland! 
  • asked a question related to Career Development
2 answers
My former topic is "Job Satisfaction of Health Assistants in Myanmar: Country wide study"; in which I will study a 4-year course bachelor degree holder who are assigned as Health Assistants and blocked their career development in terms of education and promotion. However it will be very difficult to manage within a short time to get a permission of Ministry of Health as far as I try my best. So I want to change my topic to highlight professional dissatisfaction of those para-medical degree holders in quantitative way of research. Please suggest me what kind of topic I should use for my problem.
Current number working as Gov staff  (Health Assistant)- 756
Job attrition number - 142
Alumni waiting for Gov job- 450 students
Health Assistants in Myanmar is different with other countries, they learned Medicine, Surgery, Epidemiology, Bio statistics, behavioral sciences and researches. But all of them dissatisfied of being their status, trying to quit job day by day. The worst thing is that they're never proud of their status under discrimination and stigmatization even Non-government jobs.
Please share your idea what kinds of research title I should do. For me, qualitative survey is not possible. Appreciate for each and every suggestions to my question. Thanks
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I realise that you have said that a qualitative survey is not possible, but I am not sure what a purely quantitative approach could tell you. A measure of job satisfaction would show that average job satisfaction is at a particular level - but unless you have a validated scale with norms for Myanmar that's not really very informative.
However, I think you could learn a lot from some focused (in depth) qualitative research that explored and described the issues that they experience and what the consequences are (in terms of motivation, decisions to stay or leave the job etc.) . Access to a relatively small number of people might be sufficient (10-15 say). I realise that there is a very specific skill set required but it also feels like the most appropriate approach to exploring the issues from the perspective of the assistants themselves.
You say you want to highlight the job dissatisfaction -   I think whatever approach to research you take you should aim to explore the sources of satisfaction / dissatisfaction If you are right that satisfaction is low,  it will likely take you to the same place but it will make it sound less as if you have predetermined the answer. people can surprise you!
  • asked a question related to Career Development
17 answers
In my research, I am measuring employees' perceptions of how their managers create conditions that support professional growth and how the employees perceive their growth motivation and commitment to the organization. For this purpose, I found Growth Oriented Atmosphere Questionnaire (GOAQ) developed by Ruohotie. However, I would like to know if there are other similar questionnaires or instruments designed for this purpose. Can you please guide me to find these alternatives. 
Nokelainen, P., & Ruohotie, P. (2009). Non‐linear modeling of growth prerequisites in a Finnish polytechnic institution of higher education. Journal of Workplace Learning, 21(1), 36–57. doi:10.1108/13665620910924907
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This may not be what you are looking for, but I wonder if the employer has created a competency map and shared that with employees would be an indicator. Though some see that as an excuse to put all of the "growth" or development on the back of the employee to do on their own time and expense.
  • asked a question related to Career Development
6 answers
Anybody may help in the clarification of the concepto of "career migration"?
Does the concept “career migration” simply substitute the “migratory trajectory”?
Or does “career migration” aim to express just the main aspect of the “evolution” of the “professional careers” in the work-life of migrants? As to say that it means "career path in the migration trajectory"?
What do you think about?
 Thank you!
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Very interesting question! Here's what is available in RG on your topic that can be helpful.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Career Development
4 answers
Politically skilled but otherwise incompetent people might sometimes climb up the ladders of an organization better than people high on substance know-how but low on politics. This, of course, likely results in non-optimal management performance. It would be interesting to know if there's a systematic bias involved here.
Anyone know of this type of research?
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The attached article discusses when and how sociopaths rise rapidly in the managerial ranks and examines their destructive impact through incompetence and self-serving behaviours. I think this might what you're alluding to in your question ...
  • asked a question related to Career Development
10 answers
Please suggest any career choice assessment questionnaire that I can administer to assess students' perceptions and abilities about chosen career.
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did you looked at
all assessments are evidence-based (see link for experts at the bottom)
and free
  • asked a question related to Career Development
6 answers
I'm seeking data on PhD graduate career success in Australia and overseas. Any advice where I can find the stats?
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Thanks Ariel Katz, we are currently updating our info for this years courses. Will be a useful resource
  • asked a question related to Career Development
4 answers
I need a good paper on Attachment theory and career development issues as I am now doing a study on family bonding towards career development especially in conservative society in where collectivism is in the centrality. 
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Dear Beatrice, Aamir, Lucienne thank you very much for your help. Hope these materials will be of use. Aktar
  • asked a question related to Career Development
3 answers
In 2012 Hoare, McIlveen, and Hamilton published a plea to use concepts and techniques from ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) to Career Development or Guidance. At that moment there were strong arguments, but not yet empirical evidence. What is the situation now? Is there any research that confirms the theoretical arguments? Are there new theoretical insights? Are there projects intended to develop tools for Career Guidance based on ACT? Is anything known about evaluations and/or effects?
With my colleague Albert de Folter I developed a toolkit. It consists of tools, based on or inspired by ACT, for career guidance in schools. We are interested in developing similar tools for adults.
Hoare, P. N., McIlveen, P., & Hamilton, N. (2012). Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) as a career counselling strategy. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 12(3), 171–187.
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Hi Tom,
I have no information on ACT and career development.  However, I have an interest in ACT and integration of Faith in impacting successful outcomes of therapy and helping survivors of trauma.  In your search, if you come across anything, would you let me know?  I will do the same thing for you if I see anything related to careers! the outcomes  Thanks!!
  • asked a question related to Career Development
4 answers
I am presently conducting a literature review on career and the role of regional career on the decision making towards a specific occupation. Need some suggestions or information on readings.
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Hello Adnan. You might take a look at work done with Social Cognitive Career Theory as an initial approach. See:
Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D., & Hackett, G. (1994). Towards a Unifying Social Cognitive Theory of Career and Academic Interest, Choice, and Performance. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 45, 79-122.
Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D., & Hackett, G. (2000). Contextual Supports and Barriers to Career Choice: A Social Cognitive Analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 47(1), 36-49.
Another theory with a long pedigre