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Career Development - Science topic
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Questions related to Career Development
Most rural areas are not developed which led to soo many misconceptions and health problems. It takes these communities to race their lives and career goals. Some even have no chance for healthcare, electricity, purified water, better education and career development etc. which results in higher illiteracy, disease outbreak, environment health problems in those areas. As researchers what are the best practices or policies that will help develop rural areas.
I seem people list their Areas of Specialization (AOS) and Areas of Competence (AOC) on their academic CV's, but it is not clear to me how these categories are distinguished from each other. Is the AOC the general field in which you work and the AOS your specific interests within that general field? Or does the AOS represent your research interests and the AOC your teaching abilities? Or is it something else?
Thank you for your help!
Recently, I have come across ideas like project management is not for introverts.
Direct confrontation often ONLY generates resentment. I think my premises, although somewhat derived from philosophy(as all science is), are rigorous(examples are all my publications on ResearchGate). I come to my conclusions with EMPIRICAL evidence AND logic. I also still seek a PhD by publication.
Dear colleagues, I am working on a research conference paper "Why isn't teaching popular anymore?" I invite education researchers from several countries (1 person from a country) to cooperate. At the moment I'm making up a questionnaire including the following sections: prestige / public perceptions; interest towards the profession / career aspirations; job security / safety; lack of teacher autonomy; stress and burnout; lack of trust; work-life balance / family commitment; career development / progress; salary; insufficient support; working conditions; student discipline and motivation; relationships with parents. Each section will involve 3-5 items. Anybody interested please contact me. Your contribution may range from a) writing / suggesting part of literature review; b) development of the questionnaire; c) applying the questionnaire in your country via social media and personal connections (I will need minimum 100 respondents from one country); d) any combination of the above. I plan to complete the research by the end of April, present it at IRCEELT conference (see, then publish it, depending on the achieved quality, in the conference proceedings or a journal. If you believe that some of your colleagues might be interested, please share this information with him / her.
Since I read Atomic Habits by James Clear, I really understood the impacts of habits on the shaping of our lives. I concluded that choosing the right habits is the ultimate “how” we can change to become better people.
With that perspective and with the desire to become a better researcher, I’m wondering what habits you feel have the most impact on your research career.
Example: Do you write every day for a specific amount of time? Do you read at least X papers a week or maybe your read for a specific amount of time per day? Do you plan your week and days? Do you do physical exercises each day?
I hope that this discussion could bring us all some insight into how to improve in the academic field.
Thank you
We are interested in hearing your thoughts on the services that would make your academic journey more engaging, convenient, and supportive. Consider services that could leverage technology, promote career development, prioritize mental health and well-being, foster a sense of community, or address any other aspect you believe would enhance your experience as a student.
- As a doctoral candidate in management, I would like to know if you have any advice on how to effectively manage stress and anxiety associated with research work?
- If my research work does not meet the standards required for securing a position in academia, what other career paths can I explore?
- I am interested in knowing effective strategies for finding potential collaborators and building professional networks. Can you share some insights and experiences on how to achieve these goals?
Please I want conceptual and operational definition for these variables
1. Career development [ career development opportunity, job security, job satisfaction, training and development].
2. Mentoring and coaching [ employee supervisor relationship, performance evaluation].
3. Reward system [salary rewards , bonus rewards ].
With regards
Dear RG community
National post doctoral fellwship or Inspire faculty are the two most sought out pdf positions by indian researvhers especially from engineering fields. What is your take on both and what are the chances of getting into if you have a decent proposal or project? Unlike foreign countries there are less private organizations and fundings in India. Kindly suggest through your personal experiences.....
My team an I would be very happy about literature recommendations.
Thank you for your support!
It believed that the following factors affect career development of college students. These are:
1. career counselling
2. environmental factors
3. hereditary factors
4. educational factors
I want to study the relationships of the factors to career development. What kind of statistical technique should I use? Thank you.
My team and I would be very happy about literature recommendations. Gladly from the psychological and economic field.
Thank you for your support!
Any suggestions on how to pivot to policy making?
I saw that there are PhD about it, but I'm not sure to be qualified for them.
How could I increase the chances of being admitted to one without pursuing another master?
I'm finishing a double master in plant sciences and plant biotechnology at Wageningen University & Research. My specialisations are functional plant genomics and phytopathology and entomology, with a minor in nematology and one still to define (around biophysics and omics).
I did a thesis in nematology at the ETH Zurich, one in plant molecular biology at INRAE (French national institute for Agro-Environmental research) and one still to define at SLU (Swedish Agricultural University).
I'd like to pivot toward policy making, but I only have a few courses about transversal skills such as "Negotiation skills", "Communication & Persuasion", "Scientific Writing" etc. and none about policy itself.
This is a two (2) part question specifically for <Students> but Professional please chime in. I humbly believe that no matter what the stage we are all students and constantly learn from each other.
Dear Academics,
Kindly could you comment here that how this Research Gate Academic Platform was important, beneficial and helpful for you to build up your academic life up to now.
was this helpful for changing your,
1. Citation number
2. Research Interest
3. Build up more connections in the academic world
4. Your knowledge
5. Recommending your research activities
Thank you and Best regards.

This anonymous survey is open to all UK and Middle East academics, researchers, postgraduate students, and professionals. It takes 10 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey you will be offered the opportunity to fill in your details on a separate online form, in case you wish to be considered for the prize draw. To participate, please click on the link below. You are welcome to share the link with your professional and/or social network too.
This is a survey for a Master’s thesis and your support is greatly appreciated. The title of the study is ‘‘The role of leadership self-efficacy (LSE) in developing academic and professional leaders’’. You can find more information in the Participant Information Sheet, which is available with the survey.
How are the questions in the subscale Decision Making and the Knowledge about the World of the Work are assessed? Which questions are correct and take the 1 point? Has nobody used this scale of Super to assess the career maturity?
Dear Colleagues,
We are working on study that seeks to understand the effect of work to family issues on the the career development of working mothers especially those within a higher education setting. We would appreciate the following (in addition to what we already have):
1. Any recommendations of scales specific to the career development of working mothers or women in general.
2. Any recommendations of studies that explore work to family issues and career development.
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated
Willie Chinyamurindi
I’m disillusioned by the emphasis on the frantic continuously changing rat race work culture. In my remote job search now, I’m looking for alternative models that fit with people, like myself, who work better in a steady environment. I’m compiling a list of companies that embrace this , or at least tolerate it .
Would you suggest any companies that fit this description?
I started my career with a bachelor's degree in commerce. Then I pursued certificate courses on financial accounting and information technology. It was followed by a diploma in financial accounting, a post graduate diploma in business finance and a certificate in accounting. At that time I was working as a teacher of financial accounting.
Then I completed a management program called GPBL and a post graduate diploma in business administration, both with specialization in marketing. In my work place, I was given the responsibility to head a division that dealt with distribution of electronic devices.
After all these I completed a certificate course in HR skills and a MBA in HR. I had a new job and was the deputy head of the department of franchisee operations in a world famous vocational training institute. I was also given the responsibility of staff training in the franchisees and corporate communication with the industry experts.
Then I completed a 1 day MBA in strategic management and started my career as a professional researcher and lecturer.
Having education of different disciplines has helped me in my career progression.
Please, share with me your experiences and ideas about this matter.
What are the best tips for success in a scientific career?
I would like to hear your opinions regarding sharpening the orientation of my career by focusing on what matters most just looking at the trends and how the world is changing.
Actually, I did Quantity Surveying/Construction Management (cost engineering) and mastering now in Global Logistics.
I want to combine these two into a long term business focusing on Digital World (I love business).
Thank you
I'm a Sr Director of Product Management at Citrix, and I teach Product Management part-time at North Carolina State University (graduate program).
I completed my DBA this year and submitted 3 papers to various journals (1 accepted, 2 in review).
I would like to partner with an active academic to do research in the field of corporate innovation and ambidexterity. Also, I'm considering to write a book about navigating a successful career, and it would be based on research that I have a rough idea for. The issue I'm seeing, there is no platform to find research partners on topics of joint interest... or, at least I'm unable to find such a platform. Someone on Quora suggested to start with RG, so I'm trying my luck here :).
I look forward to your advice!
can somebody share his academic goals and career development after Fellowship?
Dear all,
my daughter is currently working towards her international baccalaureate and is due to finish school in 2021. She is seriously considering a career in statistics, she loves mathematics. I wonder if those of you who have chosen and succeeded in the same path could give some advice on how to choose the appropriate course/university and what may help with an application. She is considering to go to university in Europe or Canada having dual German and Canadian citizenship.
Thank you so much in advance,
I found this quotation of Steven Jay Gould on the internet. I am pretty much intrigued by this quotation. Please share your thoughts about this quotation.
How severe is the case in your country that many potential scientists and researchers could not achieve success and got derailed in their lives (due to lack of proper education, training, facilities, government sponsorship, poverty, vulnerability, etc.)?
(I mention my student Samir Ashraf, who gave some first thoughts about it).

How can we improve the academic qualification after PhD? are there any major degree options? if yes then what kind and what are possible prospects?
What are some of the best engineering socities or associations for mechanical engineers to be associated with for career growth and development?
How to deal with relationship problems (such as with spouse, or with children, or parents, or friends, or in romantic relationships with one of the opposite sex), (in the short term and in the long term) on the way to become successful as a professional scientist (or a social scientist, or a doctor or an engineer or an academician)?
I would request everyone to discuss this issue, which discussion I think would be very helpful for every one in RG.
I will be graduating soon with an MSc in cancer pharmacology from the UK. I want to know what job titles/description should I apply to in Singapore. my practical experience is mainly in cell culture. I also have a BSc in Pharmacy.
Any help is appreciated.
On behalf of mine extraordinary experience during PhD course I would always recommend University of Insubria, Varese in Italy for your future career development
Find belove enclosed details for the new PhD position (3 years), pay attention that DEADLINE for application is: 31 July 2019, and do not hesitate to ask me for any help you need! and also this link can be useful
Good luck!
IELTS test (academic version) most challenging part is the writing part, even for the English native speakers.
Do you think that people who achieve better results in the IELTS Writing part do actually have a better academic writing experience?
I am interested to hear your opinion on this..
I'm interested to know, which skills should (particularly political / policy) researchers focus on which are often neglected?
Dear all
I am wondering whether a second foreign language, such as German, Chinese, or Japanese is beneficial in a research career, especially in scientific disciplines, such as computer science or neuroscience. This issue assumes that most people’s first language is English. My mother tongue is Chinese Mandarin. My second foreign language is German, and I have a bachelor's degree in the German language. Until now, it has not been my experience that foreign language fluency has been advantageous in getting me more opportunities, such as a PhD position, than others. I am curious whether my case is an exception or a typical case.
Thanks in advance.
Dear Colleagues! As far as, from your point of view, it is possible (and justified) to implement the concept of Life Long Learning in a professional academic career by completely withdrawing from a successful scientific (teaching) activity, including with a defended doctoral thesis activity in a professional business activity (possibly with a corresponding new education / degree), not connected in any way with research and teaching activities? Do you know and can you give examples of such personal career development?
Dear Colleagues! How, from your point of view, is possible (and justified) the implementation of the concept of Life Long Learning in a professional (non-academic) business career through the complete withdrawal from a successful business activity, including with the preparation and defense of a doctoral dissertation with subsequent teaching (research) activities? Do you know and can you give examples of such personal career development?
Dear Colleagues! In your opinion, how possible (and justified) is the implementation of the concept of Life Long Learning in the academic field by preparing and defending a second (third, etc.) doctoral dissertation in a new direction for a scientist? Do you know and can you give examples of such a scientific career development?
I'm a masters student trying to find a thesis question/study I can fall in love with!
A Primary Author Citation Index (PACI) or p-index, proposed here, would not count citations of published works by scientists, but would instead determine the proportion (percentage) of all published works [with at least 1 citation] by a scientist for which the scientist is senior (first) author on the publication, regardless of the number of authors on each individual publication (included in the p-index calculation). The intended primary purpose of the p-index is to determine the proportion of a scientist's career publications that the scientist actually contributed to writing the majority portion of the publication (for which the first or primary author is most responsible and credited). The p-index value attempts to quantify a scientist's career accomplishments in terms of completing the entire research cycle, culminating with the actual primary (substantial) writing of all final research and related products (study results and other types of publications). Please do not respond by addressing the many problems associated with undue credit given to scientists in positions of power (over subordinate scientists) or different conventions, policies, or ethics used in determining authorship order (such as which scientists got the grant, did most of the research, or collected most of the data presented in a paper); and please refrain from giving unconstructive opinions.
Many countries now require university lecturers to publish in international journals--journals in English, published by high quality publishers, and most importantly, peer reviewed.
What do scholars find to be the greatest challenges or obstacles to publishing in these journals?
Does this article help? What other issues do you see?
School as an influence on the career development of students:Comments by young people and considerations for career educators. Australian Journal of Career Development 6, 23-26
In my university, I am establishing students Career development Center. The challenges I am facing are how to furnish the offices at different colleges (11) which are at different centers in Addis ababa city. The resources needed and how the students would get benefited from the office are some of the initial challenges to get through this office development. what are the basic and areas of the office to give to students in line with career development and entrepreneurial skill development? Please can you give me advice and resources from the experience of your organization?
Dear Experts,
I am modeling reinforced masonry wall using shell element in SAP 2000. And for cracked section, i have to define stiffness modifier. Can anyone please suggest suitable stiffness modifiers with reference for reinforced masonry wall? I attached properties modifier list also herewith. Thank you.
Best Regards,

I'm searching for this paper : Salt, J. 1988. ‘Highly skilled international migrants, careers and internal labour markets,Geoforum, 19(4): 387-399
I'm not able to find. Anyone could help me, please?
I’m planning to conduct a needs assessment on the training and career development the needs of researchers in the Irish health service. I would like to find a validated tool if possible. I have come across needs assessment tools for assessing the training needs of nurse practitioners.
However, I have not been able to source a needs assessment survey addressing questions relevant to ascertain the training/skills and career needs of researchers working in Healthcare i.e, acute, primary care, public health, environmental health and health and well-being. I would appreciate any information, research articles and specifically any available questionnaire survey tools you have available.
Many thanks Mary C. Morrissey
What are the Different Resume Formats? and is there a preferred format for applying for a job as academic staff member, researcher, and it professional? What Is the Difference Between a Resume and a CV?
Best regards
I want to ask about courses, certifications or something like that is useful along with PhD in chemistry for personal development and knowledge building as well as those which are helpful in future for career along with PhD ?
I need to ask two things
1. Whats the scope of masters in Education? i.e. future outcomes, job etc.
2. Is there benefit of master is education if a candidate is having along with PhD in some science subject.? benefits in terms of job or career !
Hello, I am a researcher in UC Berkeley. As an experimentalist, from day to day, I just suffered from lots of things in my research, for example, I sometimes found there not sufficient components for my experiment setup, so I have to order and wait for the shipping.
But more importantly, in my research career, I found writing a paper is time consuming in making nice graphs and checking grammar problems. The first time writing cover letter is also a rough experience, not too much guidance from the advisor as he is super busy. Also, the way how journal review papers just consumes a lot of time, which is where I am stuck.
So just curious what are your painful moments? which of them are really low-efficient in your opinion?
I would like to know best websites for regulatory affairs articles and journals for increasing my regulatory affairs knowledge.
Dear all,
We're conducting a survey and your input would be appreciated.
We are looking for individuals who are employed, who have a supervisor/manager at the time of completing the survey, and are thinking of or are going through a career/position change.
Click on or copy the link below to start the survey. If you do not match the above criteria, you can still share the survey with your network to help me gather sufficient data!
I sincerely thank you for helping me out.
P.S. Don't miss Harvard Business School tips on a successful career change at the end of the survey!!!
I have been working on my dissertation research project that aims to explore the concept of 'calling' in Indonesian context, predominantly among the Muslim teachers. In this vein, it seeks to rectify the omission of a focus on non-Western context to study this construct, thus attempting to provide a more nuanced picture of the key facets of calling.
Does anyone perhaps have an interview schedule for examining people's sense of calling in their work from which I can leverage? Of course, it will be tailored to meet the objectives and core questions of my research, and, to uphold our academic values, I can assure for its confidentiality. Hope for your kind support.
Please accept my sincerest thank you in advance.
I am looking for empirical proof that Expatriates expect their international assignment to have certain outcomes related to career success. E.g. Higher salary, promotion, increased number of subordinates, higher hierarchical level etc. I am focussing on objective career success, however subjective criteria would also be appreciated. The results I fount were referring to broader terms like career advancement. Many thanks in advance!
Taking into account to how the career tools used to guide individuals for career choice making such as Career counselling and Career Assessments.
A literature review is not an annotated bibliography in which you summarize briefly each article that you have reviewed. While a summary of what you have read is contained within the literature review, it goes well beyond merely summarizing studies. It focuses on a specific topic of interest to you and includes a critical analysis of the relationship among different works, and relating this research to your work. It may be written as a stand-alone paper or to provide a theoretical framework and rationale for a research study (such as a thesis or dissertation). (Mongan-Rallis, 2006)
Dear Dr. Carey,
I recently had a chance to know about the concepts and theories of moral injury which I am currently making a list of literature for reading for my own and my students-colleagues. Of course your name and works are found as one of the core of research in this area.
What I would like to ask a couple of questions to you is,
1. What has moral injury got to do with palliative care?
I am one of board members of Korea Association of Hospice and Palliative care and have no idea how there two related to each other. Excuse my ignorance!!!
2. How I(and my colleagues in Korea) can get involved in this seemingly cross-cultural study?
I appreciate your answer in advance,
MJ Hwang
Korea University
Head of Sociology, Director of Social Welfare
I am looking for some guidance on a dissertation at Masters level and SIVAC seems to be the most interesting theory I have found to support my potential topics. I am more than happy to discuss my thoughts in more detail and hopefully my work can potentially be of value to you as well.
I have completed my graduation as well as post graduation (Civil and Environmental) from Pune university which is one of the renowned universities in India. Currently I am working as Assistant Professor at Sinhgad Institutes.
I have a colleague which is planning to work on such kind of problematic and data evaluation for work absenteeism. I would like to know if you have progressed on this projet? Is there any interesting dataset or algorithm that you have already looked into that seems to have more potential?
Thank you
Hi guys
It's me again. Currently - I have been doing research about the airline self-service technologies. I am writing about how passengers perceive the SSTs and how can they change the passengers travel experience. I have found few gaps in Literature review - I have found that there is no a lot research about how passengers can be actually convinced to use the SSts or what type of passengers can be more likely keen to use SSTs.
I think these are good gaps that I could focus and base my primary research on but sometimes I feel these topics can be only used for my recommendations for future research... Is anyone of you have any suggestions? What exactly you mean by gap? Is there anything you feel it hasn't been discovered in the Self-service matter ?
Thanks in advance for your help xx
I would like to get these services for planning my narrative proposal writing edits and future Capstone paper.
Thank you,
Within learning and development, there are several functions: career development, professional development, leadership development, and training. What are effective models and best practices for organizing and leading the work in these areas. Please focus on learning and development within the Human Resources area, and preferably in a university setting.
My former topic is "Job Satisfaction of Health Assistants in Myanmar: Country wide study"; in which I will study a 4-year course bachelor degree holder who are assigned as Health Assistants and blocked their career development in terms of education and promotion. However it will be very difficult to manage within a short time to get a permission of Ministry of Health as far as I try my best. So I want to change my topic to highlight professional dissatisfaction of those para-medical degree holders in quantitative way of research. Please suggest me what kind of topic I should use for my problem.
Current number working as Gov staff (Health Assistant)- 756
Job attrition number - 142
Alumni waiting for Gov job- 450 students
Health Assistants in Myanmar is different with other countries, they learned Medicine, Surgery, Epidemiology, Bio statistics, behavioral sciences and researches. But all of them dissatisfied of being their status, trying to quit job day by day. The worst thing is that they're never proud of their status under discrimination and stigmatization even Non-government jobs.
Please share your idea what kinds of research title I should do. For me, qualitative survey is not possible. Appreciate for each and every suggestions to my question. Thanks
In my research, I am measuring employees' perceptions of how their managers create conditions that support professional growth and how the employees perceive their growth motivation and commitment to the organization. For this purpose, I found Growth Oriented Atmosphere Questionnaire (GOAQ) developed by Ruohotie. However, I would like to know if there are other similar questionnaires or instruments designed for this purpose. Can you please guide me to find these alternatives.
Nokelainen, P., & Ruohotie, P. (2009). Non‐linear modeling of growth prerequisites in a Finnish polytechnic institution of higher education. Journal of Workplace Learning, 21(1), 36–57. doi:10.1108/13665620910924907
Anybody may help in the clarification of the concepto of "career migration"?
Does the concept “career migration” simply substitute the “migratory trajectory”?
Or does “career migration” aim to express just the main aspect of the “evolution” of the “professional careers” in the work-life of migrants? As to say that it means "career path in the migration trajectory"?
What do you think about?
Thank you!
Politically skilled but otherwise incompetent people might sometimes climb up the ladders of an organization better than people high on substance know-how but low on politics. This, of course, likely results in non-optimal management performance. It would be interesting to know if there's a systematic bias involved here.
Anyone know of this type of research?
Please suggest any career choice assessment questionnaire that I can administer to assess students' perceptions and abilities about chosen career.
I'm seeking data on PhD graduate career success in Australia and overseas. Any advice where I can find the stats?
Please share me some articles about measurement of calling orientation in work
I need a good paper on Attachment theory and career development issues as I am now doing a study on family bonding towards career development especially in conservative society in where collectivism is in the centrality.
In 2012 Hoare, McIlveen, and Hamilton published a plea to use concepts and techniques from ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) to Career Development or Guidance. At that moment there were strong arguments, but not yet empirical evidence. What is the situation now? Is there any research that confirms the theoretical arguments? Are there new theoretical insights? Are there projects intended to develop tools for Career Guidance based on ACT? Is anything known about evaluations and/or effects?
With my colleague Albert de Folter I developed a toolkit. It consists of tools, based on or inspired by ACT, for career guidance in schools. We are interested in developing similar tools for adults.
Hoare, P. N., McIlveen, P., & Hamilton, N. (2012). Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) as a career counselling strategy. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 12(3), 171–187.
I am presently conducting a literature review on career and the role of regional career on the decision making towards a specific occupation. Need some suggestions or information on readings.