Science topic
Cactaceae - Science topic
The cactus plant family of the order Caryophyllales, subclass Caryophyllidae, class Magnoliopsida. Cacti are succulent perennial plants well adapted to dry regions.
Publications related to Cactaceae (5,083)
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Tacinga inamoena (K. Schum.) N.P. Taylor & Stuppy (Cactaceae, Opuntioideae) is a native Brazilian species found in the Caatinga phytogeographic domain. Although its flowers are adapted for bird pollination (ornithophily), few birds visit these plants in the ex situ collection at the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden. Despite this, fruit production oc...
Pereskia aculeata, commonly known as ora-pro-nóbis, is a Non-Conventional Food Plant (NCFP) native to Brazil. Considering the limited number of studies on species propagation and the importance of more sustainable practices for small-scale farmers, the objective was to evaluate the growth of P. aculeata saplings cultivated in substrates with differ...
Disocatus ackermannii, commonly referred to as Orchid Cactus, is a striking succulent belonging to the Cactaceae family. Its unique appearance and captivating characteristics make it a sought-after addition to gardens and courtyards beautification. In June 2023, 20-30% of D. ackermannii in a flower nursery in Baise city (23°88′07.85″N, 106°56′98.96...
Invasive species are a leading cause of global biodiversity decline. Larvae of the cactus moth Cactoblastis cactorum Berg (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Phycitinae) consume prickly pear cactus species (Opuntia; Cactaceae) in its native South American range. High host specificity made C. cactorum an appropriate biological control agent of Opuntia species,...
The aim of this review is to show the diverse applications and the phytochemical and pharmacological findings in connection with prickly pear plants of the Cactaceae family. Opuntia species, which are widely distributed in Africa, Asia, Australia and America and also play an important role in Mexico, have considerable health-promoting potential. Va...
The aim of this review is to show the diverse applications and the phytochemical and pharmacological findings in connection with prickly pear plants of the Cactaceae family. Opuntia species, which are widely distributed in Africa, Asia, Australia and America and also play an important role in Mexico, have considerable health-promoting potential. Va...
Background and aims: The vascular flora of Sierra de Velasco from La Rioja Province (northwestern Argentina), belonging to the extra-Andean range Sierras Pampeanas, has not been systematically studied. The goal of this work was to describe the plant diversity of the Sierra de Velasco along its altitudinal gradient (1500-4300 m). M&M: Plant collecti...
Cereus jamacaru DC subsp. jamacaru, has been suffering from severe anthropic pressure, in addition, when their seeds are dispersed, some end up not germinating due to the action of allelochemicals. Therefore, the present study was to evaluate the allelopathic effect of the essential oil (EO) from four species over C. jamacaru germination, as well a...
The use of cactus for forage may cause soil contamination by allelochemicals in order to compromise the future planting or even reforestation of that site. The objective of this work was to evaluate the allelopathic action of cladodes and roots of Cereus jamacaru, Pilosocereus gounellei and Tacinga inamoena on the germination and development of Cen...
The Cactaceae family is a suitable alternative for future sustainable development in the construction industry. In addition to being a renewable raw material, these plants grow with ease and are extremely adaptable to the most diverse and rigorous climates and poor soil. The Cereus jamacaru DC. has a woody structure that is unknown and, consequentl...
En Colombia son limitados los usos alimenticios, medicinales y ornamentales que se le dan a las cactáceas en comparación con otros países latinoamericanos y podrían llegar a constituir un potencial recurso agronómico y económico en los ecosistemas semiáridos andinos, entre los 500-2.800 m s.n.m. El presente trabajo tuvo como propósito determinar lo...
Las epífitas vasculares son las plantas que crecen sobre otras plantas, generalmente árboles, sin ser parásitas. Ellas interactúan con una gran cantidad de animales que viven en el dosel, ya que les ofrecen agua y alimento, específicamente néctar y polen asociado con la polinización de sus flores y la dispersión de semillas de sus frutos carnosos....
Night-blooming cacti, primarily pollinated by bats and hawkmoths, also attract beetles seeking food and safe shelter for mating and brooding their offspring. The influence of flower density on beetle visitation rates remains unclear, with responses varying by species and environmental factors. In the Caatinga Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest, we stud...
Ecosystems that occur on cliffs and rocky outcrops are home to many plants that are specially adapted to harsh environmental conditions. These habitats are seeing increased pressure from development, recreational use, and invasive species, calling for a thorough evaluation of the endangerment of the taxa inhabiting them. However, the conservation s...
uso de las cactaceas en la cultura churajon
Pitaya (Hylocereus undatus; 2n=22) is an important fruit crop from the Cactaceae family, originally domesticated in Mexico and the USA, and is now widely cultivated for its nutritional benefits. It is characterized by its distinctive triangular-shaped stems and large, showy flowers, thriving in arid and semi-arid environments, particularly in hot,...
Los ambientes semiáridos se caracterizan por presentar una larga temporada de sequía y una corta de lluvias. El establecimiento de las es-pecies vegetales como las cactáceas en zonas áridas y en algunos casos en zonas semiáridas, se ha logrado gracias a interacciones positivas con plantas perennes. Estas proporcionan un microambiente en donde algun...
El papillot es una técnica de cocción rápida y de ingredientes variados como lo es el pescado y verduras de proximidad. La región del Valle del Mezquital ha creado una identidad culinaria, la cual se sustenta en sus recursos naturales, como la flora y fauna, como las cactáceas como los nopales y magueyes además de borregos de pastoreo. Esto ha perm...
In this present study, naturally available opuntia ficus indica (cactus) fiber is used, as reinforcing material. Cactus fiber belongs to the family cactaceae, which is reported to contain about 130 genera and nearly 1500 species. Composite materials are replacing standard Engineering metals and alloys for many applications. Since it is abundantly a...
The reduction of leaves was a key event in the evolution of the succulent syndrome in Cactaceae, evolving from large, photosynthetic leaves in Pereskia to nearly suppressed microscopic foliar buds in succulent Cactoideae. This leaf reduction was accompanied by the development of spines. Early histological studies, dating back a century, of the shoo...
Dragon fruit, which is native to northern South America and Mexico, has become a significant crop in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, including Vietnam, China, and Australia. The fruit (Hylocereus spp.) is rich in various bioactive phytochemical compounds, including phenolic acids, flavonoids, and pigments such as betalains and anthocyan...
Studies on the germination of Caribbean cacti are essential for conservation and ecological restoration programs. We evaluated the seed traits and germination response of Pilosocereus robinii under five temperatures and two light conditions and compared the vigor of the seedlings obtained. Seminal traits showed characteristics of orthodox seeds. Pi...
O projeto de extensão do Jardim Botânico da UEPB foi implementado em 2023 com o objetivo de promover a educação ambiental sobre a vegetação da Caatinga, utilizando as cactáceas como foco principal. Direcionado a alunos do Ensino Fundamental em escolas públicasda Paraíba, o projeto incluiu a instalação de minicactários,minicursos e visitas guiadas a...
Epiphyllum phyllanthus (Cactaceae) is a widespread epiphyte that lives high in the canopy of the Barro Colorado Island forest, most frequently on deciduous species such as Ceiba pentandra, Platypodium elegans, and Handroanthus guayacan. It has several traits that allow it to withstand drought in the forest canopy, including succulence, high relativ...
Rhipsalis baccifera (Cactaceae) is a widespread epiphyte that lives high in the canopy of the Barro Colorado Island (BCI) forest, most frequently in deciduous species such as Ceiba pentandra and Handroanthus guayacan. This epiphytic species shows several characteristics to withstand drought in the forest canopy, such as succulence, high relative ti...
Para esta flora seguimos la propuesta de Cactaceae de acuerdo con (Korotkova et al., 2021), donde, para Opuntioideae, se reconocen 17 géneros y 344 especies (+ 61 unidades infraespecíficas). En México se registran cerca de 4 géneros y 130 especies; en la región de estudio 3 géneros y 23 especies. Para una mejor comparación e iden...
Highlights ➢ Opuntia ficus indica (OFI) seeds have an intriguing nutritional profile. ➢ Antioxidant activity of OFI seeds were examined. ➢ Quality indices of OFI seeds oil were determined. ➢ OFI seeds can be used in nutrition. Graphical Abstract Flowers Fruits Seeds Quality indices of extracted-oil Antioxidant properties of different fractions of s...
A palma (Opuntia e Nopalea), originária do México, é uma cultura amplamente utilizada na alimentação humana, produção de medicamentos, cosméticos, corantes, biogás, e na conservação de solos. Este estudo avaliou a influência das soluções desidratantes de açúcar cristal e mascavo na desidratação osmótica de cubos do parênquima dos cladódios de palma...
Antecedentes y Objetivos: El género Opuntia cuenta con alrededor de 200 especies, es endémico del continente americano y naturalizado en África, Asia, Europa y Oceanía. México es su principal centro de diversificación con cerca de 100 especies. Se caracteriza por sus tallos aplanados, conocidos como cladodios y por la presencia de glóquidas (comúnm...
The accelerated ripening and senescence of fruits and vegetables is characterized by various biochemical changes that hinder the maintenance of their postharvest quality. In this context, developing edible films and coatings formulated with natural and biodegradable materials emerges as a sustainable strategy for preserving the quality parameters o...
Ferocactus peninsulae (F.A.C. Weber) Britton & Rose, commonly known as the barrel cactus, is a distinctive and visually striking succulent belonging to the Cactaceae family. It is renowned for its impressive size and robust, barrel-shaped structure. F. peninsulae faces potential threats from habitat destruction and illegal collection. This study in...
During a survey of endophytic fungi in a tropical dry forest (Caatinga) in Brazil, we obtained isolates from Anadenanthera colubrina (Fabaceae) trees. Based on morphological characters and phylogenetic analyses of ITS, LSU, TUB2, and TEF1 sequences, these isolates were recognised as unique fungal lineages in the genus Aureobasidium, leading to the...
Las invasiones biológicas representan una de las amenazas de origen humano más importantes para la biodiversidad en islas oceánicas, junto con el cambio climático y la destrucción del hábitat. Este capítulo analiza los mecanismos que han impulsado el aumento de especies de plantas introducidas e invasoras en las islas Canarias, diferenciando entre...
Campo rupestre is an ecosystem in the Espinhaço Mountain Range with high species richness and endemism. The tolerance of Vellozia epidendroides, predominant in this ecosystem, to dehydration seems to facilitate the survival of other plant species. Hence, the importance of V. epidendroides in ecological restoration projects is high. The objective of...
Cancer is a global health issue, increasingly prevalent and a leading cause of mortality. Despite extensive research, conventional treatments remain aggressive, often damaging healthy cells, and exhibit limited efficacy. Addressing drug resistance and enhancing treatment effectiveness are critical challenges in advancing cancer therapy. This review...
En mayo de 2022 durante una exploración de una semana en la Sierra de Álica, municipio de La Yesca, Nayarit, se colectaron algunas cactáceas. Se registró Disocactus speciosus subsp. speciosus, no reportada previamente para la flora nayarita. Los especímenes fueron determinados en la Facultad de Biología de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. La esp...
Opuntia stricta var. dillenii, a member of the Cactaceae family, produces a fruit known as prickly pear. This fruit is rich in bioactive compounds, including betalains and phenolic compounds, which play an important role in health promotion due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This study aims to investigate the impact of prick...
The aim of this review is to show the diverse applications and the phytochemical and pharmacological findings in connection with prickly pear plants of the Cactaceae family. Opuntia species, which are widely distributed in Africa, Asia, Australia and America and also play an important role in Mexico, have considerable health-promoting potential. Va...
Cream cheese is a type of fresh cheese with a thin consistency with great potential for adding probiotics. However, artificial thickeners have been used in its production, decreasing consumer satisfaction. This study suggests natural mucilage, specifically from the Cactaceae Opuntia ficus-indica, as a replacement for artificial thickeners due to it...
Living plant collections play a crucial role in ex situ conservation, but their conservation value hinges on assessment of their composition, data quality and on strategic planning for optimization of the collection that takes into account species diversity, conservation status and allocation of resources. Cactaceae is one of the most threatened pl...
All 32 Brazilian species of Parodia Speg (Cactaceae) occurring in Rio Grande do Sul State are considered threatened, according to the IUCN criteria. Until 2021, Parodia rechensis (CR) was known by only two small populations. However, a new population with over 400 individuals was discovered in 2021, prompting the study of its reproductive biology a...
Cereus jamacaru DC. occurs in the central-eastern region of Brazil and is among the best-known cacti in the country. Its phytochemical properties and fruits hold great significance to the local communities. We examined published ethnobotanical studies regarding C. jamacaru (mandacaru) undertaken between 2000 to 2024, to better understand its tradit...
Ojo de Cuauhtli es una torre para avistamiento de aves propuesta para el desarrollo sostenible de La Joya Honda y comunidades aledañas en Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, San Luis Potosí. La Torre cuenta con una altura de 30 m sobre una base de 50 m 2. La torre cuenta con 7 salas de exposición, un serpentario, una bóveda celeste de interacción lúdica,...
Los resultados preliminares de analizar las historias de vida de la familia Cactaceae [sin incluir especies clonales y corrección filogenética] nos muestran que:
Se presenta un eje correspondiente al continuo rápido-lento.
Las especies grandes en talla tardan en madurar sexualmente, presentan mayor esperanza de vida adulta y se achican menos.
Las e...
Airampoa (Cactaceae) currently accommodates around a dozen species ranging from S. Peru, Bolivia and N. Chile to N.W. Argentina.
Airampoa corrugata is a typical member of this small genus consisting of branching cushions of small pads (stems) bearing fierce spination and 4 cm diameter reddish flowers.
The aim of this review is to show the diverse applications and the phytochemical and pharmacological findings in connection with prickly pear plants of the Cactaceae family. Opuntia species, which are widely distributed in Africa, Asia, Australia and America and also play an important role in Mexico, have considerable health-promoting potential. Va...
La industrial de curtición y adobo de pieles mantiene su representatividad como actividad productiva regional, no obstante, su problemática persistente se dirige hacia el análisis y efectividad en el tratamiento de sus efluentes. Bajo esta condición, las empresas de la industria trabajan continuamente en la búsqueda de implementación de acciones co...
Crear un proyecto de investigación de Jardín Botánico Universitario de la Universidad de Guanajuato como un lugar de conservación y exhibición de cactáceas endémicas del Estado de Guanajuato, además de la educación y difusión sobre la importancia de proyectos que investiguen sobre el impacto del cambio climático. Por lo que en el presente artículo...
The designation of deciduous thorny xerophytic shrublands is proposed for the plant communities xerophytic of the Ciénaga de La Palmita, Zulia state, Venezuela. The research was carried out in two areas: the southern sector of the xerophytic forest and the xerophytic enclave of the isleta El Hicacal of the Wildlife Fauna Reservoir Ciénaga de La Pal...
Este estudo tem como objetivo listar as espécies de cactáceas associadas a um morro relictual localizado no domínio do pampa gaúcho, trazendo consigo aspectos ecológicos, taxonômicos e de distribuição. Realizaram-se excursões mensais, entre os anos de 2022 e 2023, e foram coletadas e herborizadas as amostras férteis para identificação taxonômica. O...
Com o crescimento da agricultura no Brasil, o mercado de frutas exóticas, incluindo a Pitaya, conhecida como "fruta dragão", tem prosperado. Seus frutos variam em características físicas e químicas de acordo com a espécie. Cultivadas comercialmente no Brasil desde a década de 1990, a demanda tem crescido, expandindo-se para a região Nordeste. Com o...
O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial antagonista de fungos endofíticos de cactáceas no biocontrole de fungos fitopatogênicos de palma forrageira. Os isolados endofíticos utilizados foram: Trichoderma harzianum URM 7210, Trichoderma aureoviride URM 6669, Trichoderma viride URM 6823, Trichoderma viride URM 6824, Syncephalastrum racemosum...
Cactaceae are a significant group of ornamental plants in the horticultural market. In the present study, X-rays were used for the first time to induce mutational changes in the cactus Copiapoa tenuissima. The aim of this study was to assess the genetic variability in seedlings exposed to in vitro X-ray irradiation at doses of 0, 15, 20, 25, and 50...
In recent times, exploring the protective potential of medicinal plants has attracted increasing attention. To fight reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are key players in hepatic, cerebral and renal diseases, scientists have directed their efforts towards identifying novel compounds with antioxidant effects. Due to its unique composition, signifi...
A pitaieira (Hylocereus polyrhizus) é uma cactácea com grande destaque no mercado de frutas atual. Possui elevada rusticidade e tolerância às condições edafoclimáticas adversas possuindo potencial para o seu cultivo nas regiões semiáridas. Apesar de ser pouco acometida por pragas, a sua exploração comercial pode ser prejudicada se medidas de contro...
As Plantas Alimentícias Não Convencionais (PANC) já são utilizadas, há tempos, por comunidades tradicionais e povos originários, porém, pouco conhecidas por produtores e grande parcela de consumidores que buscam alternativas saudáveis com produtos de origem vegetal, em substituição ao consumo de alimentos de origem animal. Destaca-se, entre as PANC...
In this era of a global biodiversity crisis, vascular plants are facing unprecedented extinction rates. We conducted an assessment of the extinction risk of 32 species and 7 subspecies of Copiapoa, a genus endemic to Chile's fog‐dependent coastal Atacama Desert. We applied the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List Categories and C...
Recent studies have revealed atypical features in the plastomes of the family Cactaceae, the largest lineage of succulent species adapted to arid and semi-arid regions. Most plastomes sequenced to date are from short-globose and cylindrical cacti, while little is known about plastomes of epiphytic cacti. Published cactus plastomes reveal...
The association between cacti and nurse plants has been reviewed by different authors. These reviews however were qualitative because only evaluated aspects such as species identity of cacti and nurse plants, probable explanatory causes of their association, and location of study sites. To our knowledge, there are no quantitative reviews that have...
In the Galápagos Islands, much attention has been devoted to the radiation of iconic species like Darwin's finches, yet the Galápagos Islands offer an overlooked yet equally remarkable opportunity for investigating plant radiations. Using a combination of genomic and phenotypic data, we present evidence of the early stages of a radiation in prickly...
Forage cactus is a vital alternative food source for livestock in arid and semiarid regions. This study aimed to estimate the genetic dissimilarity among forage cactus genotypes grown in the semiarid region of northern Minas Gerais, Brazil. The study evaluated forage cactus accessions through morphological characteristics over different periods and...
We conducted a floristic survey of Non-Conventional Food Plants (Plantas Alimentícias Não Convencionais (PANC)) on the trail of Travessia Petrópolis–Teresópolis in Serra dos Órgãos National Park, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Wild food plants with food potential were collected along a sinuous transect of 27 km in length and 3 m in width....
Opuntia (Cactaceae) species are native to arid and semi-arid regions of Mexico and the southern United States and grow in various climatic zones. Opuntia dillenii is a cactus fruit with many beneficial properties, and it is used as a medicinal plant in various countries. This review paper provides updated information on the phytochemical and pharma...
The Lophophora genus of the Cactaceae family includes Lophophora diffusa and Lophophora williamsii, which has traditionally been used as a natural analgesic; however, its use is now under strict regulation worldwide as it contains mescaline, a unique psychotropic agent. Recently, non-medical and illegal distribution and abuse of L. williamsii have...
Botanical exploration allows us to glean insights into structures that showcase the optimum use of materials, multifunctionality, and aesthetic appeal across different scales. The way plants naturally branch out reveals their adaptability and flexibility in thriving and evolving. Also, it inspires structural and architectural design about the tecto...