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  • asked a question related to CSS
3 answers
Dear researchers,
I am a masters student and trying to implement/writing a code to simulate deformation of a FCC single crystal (in a finite strain rate-dependent setting). I am implementing my work in following steps.
1. Defining the Sample Coordinate System (SCS), orientation of Crystal Coordinate System (CSS) using Euler Angles in Bunge convention.
2. Applying tensile stress in SCS on Z-axis.
3. Getting stress in CSS using rotation matrix
4. Calculating Resolved Shear Stress (RSS) on all 12 slip-systems, using Schmid Tensor
5. Calculating rate of slip for all 12 slip-systems using power law
now the crystal will rotate because of the slip, so how do I update the rotation_matix and how to calculate strain response of the crystal?
Please help me understand the concepts.
Best regards,
Ravi Varma
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Hi Ravi,
You may find it helpful to try and investigate some open-source plasticity frameworks to see how it is implemented there. The benefit of these is that you can peek "under the hood" to see how the authors implemented the formulation directly into the code. The associated publications may also explain in detail how they implemented these formulations. I will post a few examples below:
I hope that helps!
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to CSS
10 answers
Recently I am trying to scrape yahoo finance financial tables for my Ph.D. study. I am using R and rvest package but te I realized I cannot scrape all the data on the tables, because of the "expand all" and "collapse all" buttons. Then I found out it is possible to click those buttons with RSelenium.
The button is indicated as "<div class="expandPf Fz(s)...."
my code is;
webElem <- remDr$findElement(using = "class", ".expandPf")
but I am getting error. I tried to it with "CSS" as well but same error message.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
  • asked a question related to CSS
5 answers
dear community, in order to describe a website architecture design (pages , order of pages, titles,..) I tried to apply web scraping , but till now I can't find a tutorial on how to get this type of data as mentioned below .
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  • asked a question related to CSS
2 answers
I have accessed the Detailed Canadian Soil Survey and the classification is different from those in SWAT, further the CSS doesnt contain many of the needed SWAT Input parameters such as ZMX, BD etc. Is there still a way that I could do it ? I understand that it would be manually intensive for a large basin but my project basin is pretty small at only 55 km2 .
Attached Excel file shows shows the categories within the detailed Canadian Soil Survey.
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That is a good question.
  • asked a question related to CSS
3 answers
I just wonder, why the charge-separated states (CSS) have higher energy level than charge transfer states while in the voltage loss diagrams the qVoc (which represents the free polarons or separated states) is placed lower in energy level than Ect? I thought CTS requires energy loss to make the electrons free, but why the energy level of CSS is higher than Ect?
Thank you.
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Dear Pistach,
These two papers might help you:
The nomenclature is a difficulty, but: the charges end up in the lowest density of states that is a well ordered region of the acceptor phase or the donor phase and good for conduction.(free charge carriers).
The charges are generated in ~ 200 fs or so, and than are in the higher regions of a density of states that we can call a hot charge transfer state ( not vibrationally hot, but just a bit higher in energy). If the solar cells are really good, there is no coulomb attraction keeping the charges together.
After a short while, ~ 200 ps or so, they become relaxed and start moving to the lowest density of states. (relaxed CT state).
We treated this in 2013 with exponential functions (see above, in the SI we also saw these kinds of effects for PCBM-P3HT), and in 2017 looked at laser fluence dependence. (Glotaran)
Laser fluence changes all the kinetics and you have to go to extremely small delta OD's to be at 'solar' conditions.
Exponential functions are not the proper description, but an approximate solution.
RIchard Friend's group uses an evolutionary algoritme to analyse the transient absorption data with full kinetic equations. In Matlab or so.
  • asked a question related to CSS
3 answers
I would like know what code can I use to create this lab.
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you can use red laser as source of fire and a sensor to sense that ultra infrared
  • asked a question related to CSS
2 answers
hello everybody, I want to evaluate  my method that is about privacy of social network using "UCINET IV Datasets" specially "KRACKHARDT OFFICE CSS". the problem is, there are 21 matrices in the dataset. each dataset describes the social network from a point of view of a person in the network. Is it correct to use just one of these matrices to evaluate a privacy method?
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HI Maryam,
That data set was collected to evaluate something called "cognitive social structure", how well a person's perception of a network (especially ties that don't involve themselves) matches others' perception of the same network. In this data set there is no single objective network, just 21 subjective networks on two relations (advice and friendship). I'm not sure what you mean by "privacy of social networks" but if the method assumes that the network reflects a single, objective reality then this data set is probably not appropriate. (You can find the original study here: Krackhardt D. (1987). Cognitive social structures. Social Networks, 9, 104-134.)
If you wanted to create a single, composite network from these data, I would do the following. Chose one of the two relations (advice or friendship) to work with. Assume that the responses from members of a dyad about the presence or absence of a tie between them are more accurate than responses from other subjects. That is, assume the responses from subjects A and B about whether or not they are friends are more accurate than C's perception of their friendship. Use only dyad member's responses to decide the state of each tie between them. You will still need to decide what to two when two subjects' responses are discordant (that is, if A says B is his friend, but B does not report A as a friend). The conservative approach is to only assume a tie exists when both members of a dyad report one. The more liberal approach is to assume a tie exists if either member of the dyad report one. (Note also that this will be more difficult with the advice network data since the ties are directed: you'll have to make a decision about each directed tie based on the reports of each member.)
All of this sounds like a lot of work to me, and it can't be easily automated. I suspect for your purposes it would be easier to find another data set to use.
  • asked a question related to CSS
9 answers
For example imagine I want to build a front end web framework like "bootstrap", so what are the design process to build this kind of frameworks?
Recently I read about software design based in patterns and component-driven (component based software engineering) are these concepts involved? or I'm just crazy :D ?
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Hi Alfredo
Also, don't forget to take security and privacy into account when you design your web system. A poorly configured server provides an easy gateway for hackers to get into your server.
  • asked a question related to CSS
3 answers
I have spent entirely too long trying to find the formal scoring method for the Criminal Sentiments Scale and identification of which questions comprise which subscales. Does anyone have a document explaining this or know where I can get one?
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just came across your post. If you are still looking for these details about the criminal sentiments scale, just let me know. Its too bad this info is not more readily accessible, . please reply to
  • asked a question related to CSS
9 answers
I want to make a navigation menu for website using CSS codes + HTML + JavaScript
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here is my code: it has a header with 2 images and gradient (CSS3 multiple images are used not forget to change image sources) and right below there is a menu with transition effect on mouse over, home has a link, if you'd like to have other links just copy/paste the<a href="">...</a> inside the list, with appropriate links:
<style type="text/css">
#header {
background-image:url('sun.png'),-moz-linear-gradient(to right,rgba(255,0,0,0),rgba(255,0,0,0.7)),url('1.jpg');
background-image:url('sun.png'),linear-gradient(to right,rgba(255,0,0,0),rgba(255,0,0,0.7)),url('1.jpg');
#menu {margin-top:20px; width:100%; height:100px;}
ul li { display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;padding:10px; background-color:gray; border-radius:5px;float:right;
-moz-transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out;
transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out;}
ul li:hover {background-color:red; border-radius:15px;}
<div id="header">
<div id="menu">
<li><a href="">HOME</a</li>
  • asked a question related to CSS
3 answers
can I use sql with php , javascript , css , html? 
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if you mean mysql (by sql) y can do it using querries:
now in javascript you can't do that --> you need to use ajax
html and css are for web page creation and design only u must use php (<?php ..... ?>.
  • asked a question related to CSS
11 answers
hello all,
I want to know what is the best corner detector ?
I read that harris is the best but i found some where that it exist an other method called CSS wich is better.
is it true and is there an other detector better ?
otherwise, i need an article as a reference about this.
Thank you
best regards
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I assume you are talking about computer vision.
Most of the recent articles require a subscription. I think this one will be useful for your purposes, though. You can find some articles if you look by CSS full name too (Curvature Space Scale)
  • asked a question related to CSS
5 answers
I need codes to open a small picture by click on it to open it in a new window using Java Script and HTML codes + CSS styles.
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Do you really need to open a complete new window (browser window) or just a floating box containing this image, bust within the active page?
If you really need to open a new window which will contain this image, you can use just JavaScript like this:"", "Window Title", "width=500, height=450");
That will create a "popup" window with the picture.jpg image. The windows's size will be pre-set to 500x450px.
If, on the other hand, you need to open a "box" with that image within the same page, you can use this approach:
<a href="#" onclick="showMyImage();">Click here to open this image</a>
. . .
<img id="image-holder" alt="">
#image-holder {
  width: 500px;
  height: auto;
  position: absolute;
  left: 300px;
  top: 200px; /* Or perhaps different coordinates */
  display: none;
function showMyImage() {
  var img = document.getElementById('image-holder'); = 'block';
This is the most basic it can be. Of course, you can make it more sophisticated and more generalized.
  • asked a question related to CSS
10 answers
Sometimes, there are many rules for implementing a specific code of HTML. However, cascading decides which code should be implemented. Now my question is, how does cascading actually work here?
The Inherit method is considered very strong in this regard.
1st.. it'll follow inline or Inherit from parents
2nd.. In page (Internal CSS) or Import
3rd.. External CSS
will it take the same sequence to follow?
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CSS is full of "gotchas", particularly how things cascade. The official specification regarding cascades and inheritance is here:
Some things to be aware of are:
1). Inheritance in CSS is property specific. For example, the "color" property is inherited by default, whereas the "border" property is not. Either learn these by trial and error or look up the default inheritance for each property. See:
2). How a property is applied can be modified by the keywords: "inherit", "initial" and "unset". Try to avoid these where possible as they usually end up costing more time than they save. See:
3). Where two properties end up competing for the same node in the DOM, precedence is assigned based on the specificity of the selector. For example, {} is more specific than p {} so {} will override p {}. See: 
4). Where two properties end up competing for the same node in the DOM and there is no difference in selector specificity, the winner is determined by the order of reading by the browser. The official spec calls for imported stylesheets to be read first (in the order imported), then <style> tags in document order, then inline styles. See:
5). Use of the "!important" qualifier causes all competing properties to be overridden (even inline styles). For a CSS beginner, it can be very tempting to use "!important" out of frustration. By all means use it when trying things out, but don't leave it in your final product. See:
6): Be aware of "all:" being used with inheritance modifiers. Eg, "all:initial;". Again, this is one of those things that people tend to use out of frustration but often causes more trouble downstream. Best to track down what's actually going wrong and build a clean stylesheet rather than rely on overrides. See:
Finally, I strongly recommend debugging CSS with something like Firefox Developer Edition. See:
Open up the inspector and modify styles on the fly to see what happens. It will also show you exactly how styles are cascading and where overrides are coming from. This is the best way to learn while keeping MDN in the background for when you really get stuck.
Then when you encounter the worst part of CSS (the part I haven't even mentioned yet), which is cross-browser compatibility, consider throwing it all in the bin and making the move to Sass or LESS ;-) These frameworks take care of all the nonsense for you, regarding cross-browser consistency, while also providing some neat syntactic sugar.
  • asked a question related to CSS
19 answers
I want to learn both CSS and Javascript but I am a little confused whether should I do CSS first or Javascript first.
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I agree: Learn HTML first, CSS second, and JavaScript third. CSS merely provides parts of your HTML with a non-default appearance. Think of CSS as a "coating of colored wax" over your HTML: It changes the appearance but it's "solid". Once you've applied the CSS, you're done. It won't change...
...until you use JavaScript, which can "melt the wax", "remove wax", and "add new wax", making your HTML and CSS "liquid", able to be dynamically changed based on current external conditions -- e.g., the time of day, user inputs, random number generation, GPS location, temperature, etc.
It's a little like learning the concept of numbers are before learning about mathematical operations like multiplication and division which can act on those numbers.