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Business Transformation - Science topic
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Questions related to Business Transformation
Publishers: Emerald Publishing
Future-Proof: Innovative Approaches to Management and Digital Transformation in Modern Business
Dr. Miltiadis D. Lytras, Effat University, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Andreea Claudia Șerban, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Dr. Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
Dr. Afnan Alkhaldi, Arab Open University, Kuwait
Dr. Sawsan Malik, Arab Open University, Kuwait
Book Description
In an era defined by rapid technological advances and shifting market dynamics, the need for digital transformation is essential for business sustainability. Future-Proof: Innovative Approaches to Management and Digital Transformation in Modern Business offers a comprehensive exploration of contemporary management theories and practices, emphasizing their alignment with digital innovation.
This book equips business leaders, managers, and academics with actionable insights to embrace emerging technologies, enhance operational performance, and gain a sustainable competitive edge. It bridges theoretical foundations with practical applications, addressing crucial topics such as operational efficiency, digital engagement strategies, and anticipating future trends.
With case studies and best practices, the book offers readers a deep understanding of how digital transformation can become a cornerstone for resilience and growth.
Book Sections and Chapter Topics
Foundations of Modern Management
• Overview of Modern Management Theories
• Principles of Effective Leadership in a Digital Era
• Cultural Change and Digital Transformation
• Strategic Planning and Execution in the Digital Age
Enhancing Business Performance with Technology
• Leveraging Big Data and Analytics
• Innovations in Customer Relationship Management
• Digital Marketing and Social Media Integration
• Operational Efficiency Through Automation
Digital Transformation Strategies
• Blueprint for Digital Transformation
• Technology Adoption and Integration Challenges
• Case Studies: Successful Digital Transformations
• Measuring the Impact of Digital Initiatives
Future Trends and Sustainability
• Emerging Technologies and Their Business Implications
• Sustainability and Ethics in Digital Business
• Building Resilient Business Models
• Leadership in a Future Shaped by AI
Objectives of the Book
• Provide a holistic view of digital transformation’s role in enhancing business performance.
• Offer a practical framework combining traditional management with digital innovation.
• Highlight the critical importance of ethics and sustainability in digital transformation.
• Serve as a guide for business leaders and managers to effectively navigate digital transformation.
Important Dates
• Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline: 25 November 2024
• Notification of Proposal Acceptance: 5 December 2024
• Full Chapter Submission Deadline: 31 January 2025
• Revisions Due: 4 April 2025
• Submission to Publisher: 1 May 2025
• Anticipated Publication: Winter 2025
Target Audience
• Business Executives and Managers: Insights on strategic integration of digital technologies.
• Digital Transformation Consultants: Advanced strategies and best practices.
• IT Professionals and Technology Managers: Aligning technology solutions with business goals.
• Academics and Students in Business and Technology: Supporting education on digital transformation.
• Digital Transformation
• Strategic Management
• Business Innovation
• Operational Efficiency
• Change Management
• Agile Management
• Internet of Things (IoT)
• Cybersecurity
• Sustainability
• Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Submission Guidelines
We invite chapter proposals aligned with the sections and objectives outlined in this CFC. Proposals should include:
• Title
• Authors and Affiliations
• Abstract: 200-250 words
• Keywords
Contact Information
Dr. Miltiadis D. Lytras:
Dr. Andreea Claudia Ș
Dr. Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos:
Dr. Afnan Alkhaldi:
Dr. Sawsan Malik:
Do you agree that the green business transformation of business entities, including companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions should be a key element of corporate social responsibility, i.e. environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility?
In this regard, should environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility be recognized as key factors in corporate reputation and non-financial ESG reporting?
Based on my research, I conclude that the green business transformation of business entities, including companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions, should be a key component of corporate social responsibility, namely environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility. Accordingly, environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility should be recognized as key factors in corporate reputation and non-financial ESG reporting. An important factor for effectively carrying out the pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the classic growth brown linear economy of excess to a sustainable green zero-carbon growth zero-carbon economy and a closed loop economy is to increase the pro-environmental and pro-climate awareness of citizens. Awareness of the urgent and effective implementation of the green transformation of the economy, including the implementation of the plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions until the creation of a zero-carbon economy, to slow down the process of progressive global warming to save the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems is a key determinant of ensuring the conditions of existence on the planet for future generations of people. Accordingly, the issue of pro-environmental and pro-climate awareness of citizens should be correlated with the environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility of business, i.e. economic entities, including companies, enterprises, financial institutions and other organizations. Meanwhile, environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility should be an important factor in the green reputation of companies, businesses, financial and public institutions, and also an important element of non-financial ESG reporting.
Key aspects of the implementation of the goals of sustainable development and the necessary acceleration of the processes of green transformation of the economy to decarbonize the economy, slow down the process of global warming, protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems I described in the article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In view of this, should environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility be recognized as key factors in corporate reputation and non-financial ESG reporting?
Do you agree that the green business transformation of business entities, including companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions should be a key component of corporate social responsibility, i.e. environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility?
Do you agree that the green business transformation of corporate entities should be a key element of corporate social responsibility?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

To what extent, nature and direction will the current energy crisis accelerate the processes of pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the economy, including the implementation of sustainability into the economy, the development of a green closed-loop economy, increase the scale of protection of biodiversity, biosphere and planetary climate?
In countries where the development of renewable energy sources has been hampered in recent years, now the scale of the negative impact of the 2022 energy crisis is much deeper compared to countries where such neglect of green energy transformation is much less. In view of the above, arguably the current energy crisis will accelerate the processes of pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the economy, including the implementation of sustainability into the economy, the development of a green closed-loop economy, increase the scale of protection of biodiversity, biosphere and planetary climate. However, due to the different level of energy security, mix and structure of energy sources, the level of independence, the level of the cost of operating specific energy sources, the level of modernity and new technologies applied, the level of development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources, also the scale of the impact of the current energy crisis on the economy is uneven across countries. The aforementioned determinants of structural diversity, etc. of the energy sector in individual countries also the extent and nature of the acceleration of the processes of pro-climate transformation of the economy, including the transformation of the energy sector will probably vary. Taking into account the structural diversity of the energy sectors and the mix of energy sources in different countries, the acceleration of the processes of pro-environmental, pro-climate, green transformation of the energy sector in different countries will not be the same and will vary in terms of its nature, level and pace of development of certain types of energy sources.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
To what extent, nature and direction will the current energy crisis accelerate the processes of pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the economy, including the implementation of sustainability into the economy, the development of a green closed-loop economy, increase the scale of protection of biodiversity, biosphere and planetary climate?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

Did the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic potentially increase opportunities to accelerate processes of pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the economy, but unfortunately these opportunities were not taken advantage of?
During the 1st wave of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, the stock markets crashed. Energy and industrial commodities fell sharply on the commodity exchanges. A stock market crash also occurred on the stock markets. The main factor in the panic on the capital markets was the declaration of a global coronavirus epidemic, or pandemic state, by the World Health Organisation on 8 March 2020. This new term 'pandemic' itself created fear and uncertainty in the context of financial markets and economic processes. During the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, there were also disruptions to international supply and supply logistics chains, government imposed quarantines and lockdowns imposed on selected sectors of the economy which increased the scale of the 2020 recession. As a result of these mainly interventionist actions by central institutions, a deep economic crisis emerged in 2020, the economy declined in many sectors of the economy, and economic process activity declined. The result of the decline in economic activity was a decrease in demand for raw materials, including energy raw materials. Due to the increase in remote working by employees of many companies from home, the use of cars, especially combustion cars, decreased. As a result, air quality and the state of the environment noticeably improved in 2020. In addition, opportunities have arisen to accelerate pro-climate transformation processes in the economy. Unfortunately, in many countries these opportunities have not been seized. For example, in the country where I operate during the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19), the government used printed money to provide financial public assistance to companies and enterprises operating in a wide variety of industries and sectors, not just those in lockdowns, on a historically record scale. Many companies and enterprises that were in good financial standing also benefited from these programmes of non-refundable financial subsidies, employee wage subsidies, tax relief, deferrals of contributions to the social security system and so on. The scale of the granted non-refundable public aid realised on the basis of printed money introduced extra-budgetarily by government funds created especially for this purpose was so large that inflation began to rise in Poland almost from the beginning of 2021. Citizens invested the extra, free money in shares and flats, which caused an increase in the prices of these assets. On the other hand, opportunities to accelerate the processes of pro-climate transformation of the economy were missed by the government. Subsidies for the development of renewable energy sources were not increased and were even reduced on some issues. Since April 2022, the government has reduced subsidies and worsened the economic conditions for the installation of photovoltaic panels by citizens on the roofs of their houses. There is a lack of subsidies for insulating the facades of buildings and single-family houses, installing photovoltaics, installing heat pumps and other renewable energy solutions. Poland has still not met the European Union guidelines for receiving EU subsidies to finance projects that could be implemented under the National Reconstruction Programme. As a result, the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources has slowed down instead of accelerating as it could have done during the pandemic. Unfortunately, still the process of pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the energy sector is progressing much slower than it could if the issue of green transformation of the economy was not ignored in the political and business spheres in Poland. The result of these omissions, neglect and ignorance is the current low level of energy independence and security in Poland in the context of the currently developing energy crisis. The result of this neglect is also the poor air quality in Poland. Poland has one of the worst air quality in the world. Poland is one of the 3 countries in Europe with the highest mortality rate caused by poor air quality polluted with various toxins resulting mainly from the dominant dirty energy industry based on burning fossil fuels. In addition, even more negative consequences of these omissions, negligence and ignorance appear in the future, when the process of global warming will significantly accelerate in the next decades and lead to a worsening of the climate crisis and to a climate catastrophe, which may already occur at the end of this 21st century.
The potential for accelerating the processes of pro-climate transformation of the economy that occurred during the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic was described in my publications, which I posted on my profile of this Research Gate portal after publication:
What does it look like in your country?
Did the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic potentially increase opportunities to accelerate processes of pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the economy, but unfortunately these opportunities were not used?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

This is a review research paper that I have been currently working on and the research topic covered the "Managing Technology and Innovation in Achieving Business Transformation towards Sustainability in Tourism Industry during the Pandemic" considering the current situation and future enhancement in the Tourism Industry that, would be improved.
Dear Research Community,
I am asking for your participation and especially for your feedback on our Self-Assessment for Digital Transformation Leaders:
The goal is to provide leaders a mirror to reflect on themselves and the skills as well as personal attributes required for digital transformation. In the end, participants receive an integrated presentation of their results (see appendix).
- Are all questions understandable?
- Which questions lack precision?
- In your opinion (as a digital leader), are essential aspects still missing? If so, which ones?
I am looking forward to any kind of suggestions.
Best regards
Alexander Kwiatkowski
Hi there,
through my research, I am more and more coming to the conclusion that the contexts of corporate change turn out to be essential. For example, a transformation in agriculture is regulated quite differently than in the aerospace industry. In a recent presentation by Daimler's CEO, this aspect was emphasized in particular (ecosystems, increasing networking, etc.).
Beyond the ambiguous definitions of change, there are, as you surely know, various approaches to characterizing corporate change. One comprehensive approach is presented by Albach et al. 2014 (, see appendix.
There are also characterizations for economic activities, the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, both as a broad and very detailed industry specification:
Do you know if there is already research in this area? Which disciplines are addressing the question of how industry contexts (macro) influence corporate change (micro)?
Certainly, it is not possible to cover all industries, but is there, for example, research in the context of C - Manufacturing? How do the industry-specific characteristics of the manufacturing industry affect corporate change projects? Are there certain change characteristics (features, certain dynamics, etc.) that are always expressed in the same way on a broad or detailed industry classification?
How would you proceed methodically with the investigation? I thought first of all of an investigation of the rough structure, e.g. expert interviews and a subsequent survey? Feel free to "brainstorm" as an answer as well.
Thank you and best Greetings from Aachen, Germany
Alexander Kwiatkowski
Dear colleagues,
I would like to create a repository with documents, reports and scientific articles that speak about COVID-19 and Circular Economy. The aim is to try to draw future potential scenario, defining research questions and in general have a panoramic on the phenomenon.
We have developed a framework for AI effectiveness measurement and ROI computation.
We are looking for response to expand our research.
link to our paper:
We are trying to push the acceptance of Serious Gaming in SME in the Dutch-German Border region. Therefore we are interested in the acceptance of Serious Gaming by CEO and owners of SME.
Hi everybody,
business has a long history of integrating sustainability in operations and developing new solutions to tackle ecological and societal challenges. Thus, business can be a major force for achieving the Agenda 2030.
Now, organizations have one new driver for change: digitalization. How does the digital transformation contribute to the achievement of all 17 SDGs?
Can you please share scientific literature, project ideas, and on-going projects. Feedback is highly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your support.
Best regards
Michael v. Kutzschenbach
Hey there,
I am in the mids of a research about the change management frameworks and models used for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) introductions in organisations and currently aim to read about as many past such efforts as possible.
Therefore, I'm looking to hear from experts what are the most important ICT innovations in the context of business organisations?
Furthermore, if you have any suggestions on papers about the change management techniques around the way these tech advancements were implemented, please share them.
Thank you very much in advance!
Firstly, Is WhatsApp a good tool for internal communication in an SME? Secondly, can a tool like WhatsApp increase the intra-organisational trust? Thirdly, can such a tool increase the willingness of sharing (tacit) knowledge? Finally, how is such communication tool changing the organisational culture?
Thank you in advance for your insightful contribution.
The cloud technology changes the ways how organizations create value from interacting with customers, suppliers as well as changing organization internally which produce new business opportunities along with economic advantages. Broadly we can say the cloud is contributing in transforming entire business models including roles , strategies and procedures. .
Is this area/topic can be consider for a PhD dissertation? Yours kind answers and suggestions are highly appreciated.
Integration can be found in examples such as integrated supply chains, integrated design for buildings, and the integration of IS/IT within an enterprise. I am looking for papers about how integration is measured and used as a construct when evaluating the integration of a new paradigm within or across different business functions. A new paradigm for this application of integration I am particularly interested in is sustainability. Thank you in advance for any help toward this matter.
Dear all,
I have seen that state-space models are a flexible framework to model various processes and data dependencies, in ecological models. I would like to deepen my knowledge about them, as I mostly rely on Buckland's "State-space models for the dynamics of wild animal populations". Is there any more recent text about them?
In particular, I am interested in papers about Innovation Management providing dynamic models and systemic approaches balancing the need for new ideas (being creative) and making business (scaling)
Can anyone give some ideas how to conceptualize culture and measure its impact on dynamic capabilities?