Science topics: PsychologyBusiness Psychology
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Business Psychology - Science topic
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Publications related to Business Psychology (975)
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This study analyzes predominant themes and disciplinary and methodological trends in academic integrity and misconduct research. It utilizes bibliometric analysis to explore prevalent themes and interdisciplinary intersections within discussions based on Scopus metadata. R Studio, which uses biblioshiny software, is employed to visualize trends. Th...
Se planteó conocer ¿Cuáles son las perspectivas del estudiantado con respecto a los contenidos de la carrera de administración, aprendizajes y plan de vida al interior de uno de los centros de educación superior con mayor incidencia en la escena regional del norte del estado de Campeche?. Por medio de un enfoque cualitativo fenomenológico se valoró...
One of the key strategies for the success of health organizations currently resides in the ability to develop advanced competencies in time management. Individuals who are able to spend their time efficiently are those who do not focus on a single issue within the allotted time but rather spread their time among several tasks. This study aims to in...
Sprachmodelle und Tools wie ChatGPT katapultierten Künstliche Intelligenz schlagartig in den Alltag vieler Menschen. Dieser Artikel berichtet über KI als Forschungsgegenstand bei der Ausbildung von Studierenden der Wirtschaftspsychologie.
The business sector in Jordan significantly impacts the economy, which has led to the development of disciplines like commercial psychology, business psychology, and industrial psychology. This paper discusses innovative solutions and developmental trends in these fields. Thus, the research of current methods and techniques allows us to define new...
Natural language processing (NLP)—previously the domain of a select few language and computer scientists—is undergoing an unprecedented surge in popularity across disciplines. The ubiquity of language data, alongside extremely rapid methodological innovations, has magnetized the field, attracting researchers with the promise of measuring, forecasti...
This research explores the relationship between leadership styles and pro
innovation behaviors in Polish e-government offices using information systems. It seeks to identify which leadership styles are most strongly 9+associated with pro innovation behaviors among Polish e government managers. We employ a mixed
methods approach, including qualitati...
Neue Mitarbeitende treten heute mit immer individuelleren Forderungen an Arbeitgeber heran. Vor allem wollen sie zeitlich und örtlich flexibel arbeiten. Für Unternehmen ist dies herausfordernd: Wegen des Mangels an Fachkräften sind sie geneigt, auf deren Wünsche einzugehen, was aber eine erfolgreiche Integration der Mitarbeitenden deutlich komplexe...
This article provide delves into the interconnected fields of organizational behavior and business psychology, which explore the intricate dynamics shaping individual and group behavior in the workplace. Business psychology, a subfield of psychology, focuses on applying psychological theories to enhance workplace well-being and productivity. Meanwh...
Unsicherheit und Unplanbarkeit nehmen zu, globale Krisen, Fake News und Skepsis erodieren bestehendes Vertrauen. Zusätzlich wird diese Dynamik durch technologische Entwicklungen befeuert, deren Akzeptanz massgeblich von einer subjektiven Bewertung der Chancen und Risiken abhängt. Risikokompetenz, Risikomündigkeit oder auch Vertrauensaufbau sind hie...
Orientation: Problematic loans expose commercial banks to great risk. South African and Namibian banks are highly regulated and require a higher capital adequacy ratio to shield the banking system from default risk. However, such intense regulation distorts the cost of capital and denies equal access to many previously disadvantaged members of soci...
This paper explores the use of coaching and mentoring methods in teaching literature to secondary school students. This innovative pedagogical approach has not been previously practiced in Kazakhstani schools. The study employs a one-month coaching and mentoring initiative tailored for secondary school students. This qualitative study employed the...
Il lavoro è una componente estremamente significativa della vita di ciascun individuo.
La necessità di autonomia economica è tra le principali, ma non l’unica, esigenza che si intreccia a questo tema, fortemente legato all’identità della persona, al suo progetto di vita, alla storia della sua famiglia, all’espressione della personalità, alla social...
Kurzfassung: Durch die Automatisierung und Digitalisierung werden in der Basisarbeit stets neuartige Technologien eingesetzt und/oder ihr Einsatz geplant. Zu den Entscheidungsträger-/innen gehören zunehmend Absolvent-/innen der Wirtschaftspsychologie. Der vorliegende Beitrag möchte die Lücke zwischen theoretischer Hochschulbildung und den künftigen...
The article examines the issue of performance management and its key role in modern management. It seeks the practical aspects of theories from the field of business psychology that are related to the management of work performance. For this purpose, a brief overview of the theoretical constructs of motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational...
Der Druck zur Veränderung ist heute groß, und er macht vielen Beschäftigten Angst. Auch Führungskräfte bleiben davon nicht verschont. Wie wäre es, wenn sie offen über ihre Gefühle sprechen würden? Riskieren sie damit ihre Reputation? Diese Sorge ist berechtigt, weil noch zu wenige Organisationen eine positive Fehlerkultur haben. Umso mehr sollten F...
ABSTRACT L'articolo sottolinea l'importanza di introdurre e sviluppare il concetto di Competenze Non Tecniche, Soft Skills e Non Technical Skills, in ambito formativo ed in particolare in ambito Universitario. Durante le lezioni di Psicologia del Lavoro e Comportamento Organizzativo, nel Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze delle Professioni Sanit...
Viele Jobs bleiben aktuell wegen des Fachkräftemangels unbesetzt. Der Kampf um Talente und helle Köpfe ist derweil in vollem Gange. Doch wie finden Unternehmen die beste Person für eine offene Stelle? Sie sollten sich auf eine psychologische fundierte Eignungsdiagnostik stützen. Denn bei dilettantischen Verfahren drohen kostspielige Fehlbesetzungen...
Decision-making is one of the steps in problem-solving that can be applied in manifold areas from personal situations to the management of organizations. There are functions and processes to lead to making a decision; however, it may sound complicated to select between decision-making models and approaches as different factors and different outcome...
Im Rahmen des Nachwuchsworkshops der DGPs-Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie wurde Doktorand:innnen vom 21.06.-23.06 ermöglicht, sich in Kleingruppen über ihr Promotionsthema und den aktuellen Stand ihrer Promotion auszutauschen. Der vorliegende Abstract stellt das Promotionsvorhaben von Clarissa Sabrina Arlinghaus vor,...
Social media platforms have been adopted rapidly into our current culture and affect nearly all areas of our everyday lives. Their prevalence has raised questions about the influence of new communication technologies on moral reasoning, judgments, and behaviors. The present scoping review identified 80 articles providing an overview of scholarly wo...
In recent years, there has been a shift in many business areas from profit-oriented management to the integration of the triple bottom line of economic, social and environmental performance as outlined in the approach for sustainable development schemes (Longoni & Cagliano, 2018; Yuan et al., 2018). Moreover, digital key competences have become a c...
Work and life satisfaction is a topic that psychology and business psychology focus on. The concept of work and life satisfaction first began to be considered in the 1920s. Basically, work and life satisfaction are two concepts that affect each other. Life satisfaction is in the hands of a person and their desires the closer these two are to each o...
The purpose of this study was to determine the significant antecedents to shared leadership and
the role of shared leadership as a mediating effect on task performance. This research applied the
Big Five personality traits and five control variables to assess the impact of personality on the
emergence of shared leadership within teams. The results...
Zusammenfassung Die Metaanalyse von Schmidt und Hunter (1998) hat bis heute einen großen Einfluss auf das Forschungs-und Anwendungsfeld Eignungsdiagnostik und es ist zu erwarten, dass die Metaanalyse von Sackett, Zhang, Berry und Lievens (2022) einen ähnlichen Impact entfalten wird. Unklar ist, wie sehr diese meta-analytischen Erkenntnisse in der P...
Call for Book Chapters: "Happiness at Work: Autonomous Psychology. Handbook on Psychological Marketing" Vernon Press invites book chapter proposals for an edited collection on "Happiness at Work: Autonomous Psychology. Handbook on Psychological Marketing", edited by Vladan Kuzmanovic. Psychological marketing is a set of individual training, psychol...
Call for Book Chapters: "Happiness at Work: Autonomous Psychology. Handbook on Psychological Marketing" Vernon Press invites book chapter proposals for an edited collection on "Happiness at Work: Autonomous Psychology. Handbook on Psychological Marketing", edited by Vladan Kuzmanovic. Psychological marketing is a set of individual training, psychol...
Currently, there does not seem to be a single methodology for the development of soft skills (both in secondary school and in general). There are a number of diverse approaches used in academic and extracurricular work, additional education, corporate training systems, business, psychological trainings, etc. Platform solutions ("digital universitie...
Technology's quick advancement has compelled businesses to employ the most modern business practices, including e-commerce. However, a lot of businesses fail to take internal HR into account while aiming for company success. They believe that the machine is the key element. Since business goals are broad and include the welfare of many parties, the...
Servant leadership is a common topic among researchers in business, psychology, and leadership studies. A challenge is available assessments lack a religious component. At best measures of servant leadership assess spirituality, but from a non-religious perspective. This paper will demonstrate how Greenleaf (1977) emphasized the importance of relig...
The main focus of brand personality is the emotional bond that the consumer establishes with the product or service on offer and the strategies that are developed to strengthen such bond. This concept has received increasing attention and both its study and its applications have escaped the field where it initially originated: marketing. Despite th...
The purpose of the chapter is to show the possibility of using certain aspects of analytical psychology, as seen by Carl Gustav Jung in management when motivating managers to creativity and pro-innovative behavior, as well as in their verification. We investigated correlations between adaptation attitudes, such as extraversion or introversion, and...
The purpose of the chapter is to show the possibility of using certain aspects of analytical psychology, as seen by Carl Gustav Jung in management, when motivating managers to creativity and pro-innovative behavior, as well as in their verification. We investigated correlations between adaptation attitudes, such as extraversion or introversion, and...
The need for a comparison between two proportions (sometimes called an A/B test) often arises in business, psychology, and the analysis of clinical trial data. Here we discuss two Bayesian A/B tests that allow users to monitor the uncertainty about a difference in two proportions as data accumulate over time. We emphasize the advantage of assigning...
Purpose: The article researches the compatibility between the cooperative group and the current commercial environment in Vietnam to propose for improvement to the laws and for promotion of development of the cooperative group. Theoretical framework: Recent literature points out that the cooperative group model is quite suitable for the production...
This book acts as a valuable quick-access resource on the challenges and opportunities that the digital age presents to organizational leadership. Balanced, comprehensive, and thought-provoking, the book will be useful to professionals and practitioners. The book broadly follows a macro, meso, and micro approach to argumentation and is best read fr...
Call for Book Chapters: "Happiness at Work: Autonomous Psychology. Handbook on Psychological Marketing"
Vernon Press invites book chapter proposals for an edited collection on "Happiness at Work: Autonomous Psychology. Handbook on Psychological Marketing", edited by Vladan Kuzmanovic.
Psychological marketing is a set of individual training, psycho...
The SARS-Covid 19 pandemic has produced a change in the relationship between health professional and patient and between doctors and family members. Restrictions to avoid the spread of the virus encouraged the use of electronic communication in interactions and the use of face masks in hand-to-hand contact, reducing the possibility of communication...
Learning games for instruction constitute a progressively important, mutually universal challenge for academics, researchers, and software engineers worldwide. Embracing no definite rules for encouraging negotiation, civics, and sustainability game-based learning and agency decisions, this study investigates negotiation/conflict and civics/sustaina...
Over the past few decades, it has become clear that the service sector is expanding quickly and is a dominant force in the economies of highly developed countries. Service science is a branch of applied science that studies service design, delivery, and management. It is an interdisciplinary field, drawing from many disciplines, such as engineering...
The literature on the functioning of organizations, as well as the legal system, distinguishes between private (for-profit), public (state) and non-governmental (non-profit) organizations. As mentioned by McMurray et al. (2009), NGOs are often ignored by researchers in business psychology or management science, while raising questions about the ade...
Introduction. Training psychologists to provide help in crisis situations should include the formation of not only a high level of professional skills (hard skills), but also a range of social skills (soft skills), including skills of creativity, critical thinking, effective communication, time-management, flexibility and stress resistance, which r...
Lo studio nasce con l’obiettivo di esplorare le forme che assume la consulenza di psicologia del lavoro in Italia. Attraverso un progetto di ricerca qualitativa, condotta per mezzo di video-interviste, si è proceduti a raccogliere le testimonianze di 23 consulenti, iscritti all’albo della professione di Psicologo/a, in modo da conoscere le modalità...
Business Psychology is a science that combines human understanding with experience in the world of work with the aim of improving the effective and sustainable performance of individuals or groups. The existence of business psychology is very important to balance the success of an organization/company. With business psychology, a Leader/CEO learns...
This book could be said to be a continuation of the previous book, namely "Business Psychology 1: Individuals and Groups". However, in the Business Psychology 2 book, the content is certainly different from the Business Psychology 1 book. The discussion in this book is also of course different from the previous book, but still in the same context....
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of optimistic expectations on job satisfaction at work and whether job crafting behaviour plays a mediating role in this effect. At the same time, this model presents the need for “expectation management” in the context of work psychology to the attention of all academics and practitioner...
In der Literatur wächst das Interesse gegenüber der menschlichen Perspektive auf
offene Innovationsprozesse (Bogers et al., 2019; Bogers, Foss & Lyngsie, 2018) und
wie Mitarbeiter:innen zum Wettbewerbsvorteil von Unternehmen beitragen können
(Kratzer, Meissner & Roud, 2017). Die Treiber für den Wandel von geschlossener hin
zur offener Innovation (C...
Eine Fixierung auf die Arbeit wird als Arbeitssucht bezeichnet, welche negative Auswirkungen auf die psychische und körperliche Gesundheit hat. Als Ursachen gelten Persönlichkeitsmerkmale wie Ehrgeiz, Leistungswille und Perfektionismus, aber auch Lernerfahrungen in einem leistungsorientierten Umfeld. Diese Merkmale weisen Ähnlichkei...
Whether a broad undergraduate curriculum prepares students well for academic and professional specialization is a much‐debated question. This discussion is particularly relevant in the context of European liberal arts bachelor's programmes, which recently re‐emerged as an exception to the continental norm of specialized undergraduate curricula. Whi...
Financial wellbeing is an emerging variable in business psychology that is expected to measure overall financial status and future financial trajectories. Financial intelligence and wellbeing have been key determining factors for the financial performance of entrepreneurs. The present study aimed to examine the crucial financial determinants (finan...
Transformational leadership style is the most studied concept of business psychology. The primary goal of the present research was to investigate the theoretical assumptions of transformational leadership style on psychological empowerment and psychological well-being in leaders vs. subordinates working in telecommunication sectors. The Sample comp...
Digital dialogue systems, known as “chatbots,” are an application sub-area in automation which is increasingly used in both work and business contexts. The growing use, functionality and benefits of chatbots are therefore also of interest for university teaching in economics. Students at the University of Bremenʼs Department of Economics are develo...
The children living in brothels are susceptible to a range of risks. Some risks are from the physical location of the brothels; some are constructed/caused by children themselves, their mothers and the brothels, and; some are risks constructed/caused by the outside community, broader society, outside institutions like police, political leaders, and...
Purpose Whilst the psychological make-up and behavioural characteristics of executives remained the pivotal focus in this research that alone proved to be too narrow a perspective to account sufficiently for the range of dysfunctional episodes and patterns of behaviour observed. Further analysis identified two additional dimensions each of which wa...
This phenomenological study provides a theoretical and practical understanding of workplace spirituality (WPS) including faith at work (FAW) with the aim for a deeper awareness of the experience in the lives of employees and managers considering various faith and work organizational frameworks (Miller & Ewest, 2015) and individual practices and too...
Dopo una breve illustrazione del contesto di riferimento italiano nel quale si sviluppano le esperienze del Laboratorio di psicotecnica di Bologna, sono richiamate le ricerche e le riflessioni di Canestrari che stimolano e sostengono l'impegno di alcuni suoi allievi/collaboratori nell'ampliare l'immagine della psicologia del lavoro arricchendola di...
Il gruppo tematico E-CARE (Early CAreer REsearchers' network) della Sezione di Psicologia per le Organizzazioni dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP) si prefigge tre obiettivi: rappresentare i ricercatori ad inizio carriera presso AIP; sensibilizzare AIP rispetto ai bisogni dei soci ricercatori ad inizio carriera; raccogliere e formulare l...
There is a need to assess the merit and utility of existing cybersecurity curricula. This paper seeks to take a deeper dive into the question of whether a college degree is necessary in the cybersecurity field with an exploration into some examples of US-based undergraduate and graduate cybersecurity degree programs.
The authors review the industry...
The focus of the study is to analyze the decision making process in decision support software systems and to devise a model that can be incorporated into Business decision support software systems. Decision support systems (DSS) in general is information systems that is used by managers to assist them in their decision-making process. In order to i...
The paper describes the development of a new course. Psychology of innovation, which is in the process of being approved as an elective course for four different majors: engineering, business, psychology, and art. The paper describes the course content, course educational objective, weekly assignments and projects. The new course is expected to be...
Befragt wurden 669 Dozent*innen und 279 Student*innen zu ihrem Erleben der Hochschullehre in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie im Sommersemester 2020. Die Ergebnisse zeigen in beiden Gruppen, dass die Präsenz-lehre mit einer höheren Zufriedenheit einhergeht und die Befragten auch nach der Pandemie mehrheitlich eine Rückkehr zur Präsenzlehre präferieren. U...
Leading Solutions: Essays in Business Psychology (Serrat, 2021) gives readers an unusually accessible, critical, and engaging take on what leadership means. In the form of précis—concise statements of essential points—the book combines rounded explanations of theory with article reviews, case studies, development plans, field observations, group wo...
Purpose- To test the relationship between self-efficacy, self-awareness, creativity, and organizational climate from self-awareness training to test the relationship between self-efficacy the positive relationship it has on creative self-efficacy and creative potential. Examining if an increase in self-awareness has a positive relationsh...
Purpose- To test the relationship between self-efficacy, self-awareness, creativity, and organizational climate from self-awareness training to test the relationship between self-efficacy the positive relationship it has on creative self-efficacy and creative potential. Examining if an increase in self-awareness has a positive relationsh...
There is increasing awareness of the value of interdisciplinary collaboration within academia. Scholars argue that by drawing upon the conceptual, methodological, and interrogative paradigms of at least two disparate disciplines, researchers are challenged to re-evaluate and reconsider their own discipline-centric assumptions. A consequence of such...
Ziel dieser qualitativen Studie ist die Untersuchung erfolgskritischer sozialer Kompetenzen im Topsharing und wie diese in der Management-Diagnostik von Unternehmen, insbesondere in der Führungskräfteauswahl und -entwicklung, berücksichtigt werden. Es wurden acht halbstrukturierte Einzelinterviews mit Stelleninhaber*innen und Fachexpert*innen gefüh...
This book on business psychology—particularly organizational leadership—crosses industries, continents, and business environments: it includes 45 précis on emerging theories of leadership; ethical and cultural considerations; group and team leadership; leadership self-development; management philosophy and practice; organizational diagnosis and cul...
Globalization and dynamic economic conditions have exponentially increased the use of virtual work in organizations. Effectiveness in software development teams, therefore, is now a relevant issue in business, psychology or other fields. Despite the uniqueness of software development teams and their work conditions, their effectiveness has not been...
Indian Institute of Business Psychology [IIBP] aims to create a community of individuals with similar interests & an ambition to transform the field of Business Psychology in India. IIBP acts as an accrediting body in the space of coaching practices, psychometric testing, assessment & development centers, and occupational health services. On a regu...
In diesem Open-Access-Buch werden erstmalig Merkmale und Bedingungen der Arbeitsgestaltung und der Wirkung von Arbeit bei Social Entrepreneuren in Deutschland umfassend und wissenschaftlich fundiert erhoben. Das Ergebnis stellt im Kern ein komplexes Wirkungsmodell dar, das vielseitige wie vielschichtige Belastungssituationen von Sozialunternehmer*i...
HdWM Mannheim Studiengang Beratung und Vertriebsmanagement Vortrag auf der 18. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie (GWPs) in Köln-08.02.2014 Vergleichende Evaluation zum Studium an Mannheimer Hochschulen-Motivation und Erfolg im Studium aus Sicht der Studierenden
Dati ufficiali indicano che, ogni anno, un quarto della popolazione lavorativa europea esperisce condizioni di malessere psicologico legate al lavoro, quali ansia, depressione, burnout e stress lavoro-correlato. Tale scenario danneggia il benessere dei lavoratori, determina costi umani e sociali, influenza negativamente le prestazioni organizzative...
Eine dreijährige Verlaufsstudie mit dem Freiburger Persönlichkeitsinventar FPI an 181 KlientInnen untersuchte die Effekte der Transzendentalen Meditation (TM) in der ursprünglichen Fassung - und psychologischer Interventionen bei stressbedingten psychosomatischen Beschwerden sowie in der Stress-Reduktion und Stress-Prophlaxe.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen...
Im berufsbegleitenden Fernstudiengang „Betriebswirtschaft und Wirtschaftspsychologie“ steigt die Anzahl der nichttraditionell Studierenden ebenso wie an vielen Fachhochschulen und Universitäten. Um den gesetzlichen Forderungen nach dem lebensbegleitenden Lernen nachzukommen und Bildungsbarrieren abzubauen, werden Unterstützungsangebote in Form von...
Diese Studie untersucht, ob Persönlichkeitsmerkmale mit der Neigung, ein Unternehmen zu gründen, zusammenhängen. Dabei werden zwei Ansätze verfolgt: zum einen ein korrelativer Ansatz, bei dem die Selbsteinschätzung der Gründungsneigung mit selbst eingeschätzten Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen verglichen wird. Dieser Ansatz wird ergänzt um einen Vergleich...
Motivation bedeutet sich oder andere zu etwas zu bewegen (lat. movere = bewegen): Was bewegt Sie dazu, dieses Buchkapitel zu lesen? Warum konsumieren Sie dabei einen Apfel und keinen Softdrink (oder umgekehrt)? Was planen Sie als nächstes? Mit der Analyse der Beweggründe für menschliches Verhalten bietet die Motivationspsychologie (wie auch andere...
Mit der Flexibilisierung der Arbeit wachsen die Anforderungen an die Beschäftigten. Sie müssen ihre Arbeit eigenständig mitgestalten, um nachhaltig effektiv tätig sein zu können. Wie erfolgreich sie darin sind, hängt von ihrer Arbeitsgestaltungskompetenz ab. Damit sind auch die vielen Beschäftigten konfrontiert, die im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie ihre...
Background: The objective of the present study is to understand the key personality characteristics that contribute to the success of a business leader. In Pakistani context, doing business with all social and environmental challenges is not an easy job. Many theoretical paradigms have tried to capture and explain this phenomenon ranging from trait...
Wirtschaftspsychologie etabliert sich seit 1998 als neue Fach an deutschen Hochschulen. Es verbindet Inhalte aus Psychologie und Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Im Mai 2020 wurde es erstmalig in das CHE Hochschulranking aufgenommen, das Papier fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des Rankings aus der Befragung der Fachbereiche, Professorinnen und Professoren...
Although regulations and established practices in academia have focused on a data-rich model of performance information, both to evidence operational capability and to support recruitment, it is considered that this approach has been largely ineffective in addressing student choice behaviour. Historical studies, business, psychology, and technology...
Soziale Innovationen sind intentionale Änderungen im Umgang von Menschen miteinander, z.B. neue Organisationsformen, neue Regulierungen und neue Lebensstile.
Hochschulen wären prinzipiell geeignete Orte, um solche Änderungen zu initiieren. Gleichwohl entstehen Soziale Innovation bislang selten aus dem Hochschulkontext heraus. Die Rolle von Hochsch...
Amid controversy over plurality and contestation of the meanings of corruption, previous reviews and studies showed that proneness to moral emotions, i.e. shame and guilt, can predict one's corruption behavior. To give a theoretical basis for the efforts of preventing corruption that is thick with emotional nuance, this present study employs disrup...
In der Präsentismusforschung wird der sozioökonomische Status (SES) häufig als Determinante für Präsentismus angeführt - allerdings mit widersprüchlichen Befunden. Durch die in diesem Beitrag vorgenommene Aufschlüsselung des SES in seine drei Komponenten Bildung, Berufsstatus und Einkommen ergibt sich die Möglichkeit, differenziertere Berechnungen...
For long-run success, both innovation and growth are the keys. However, the role of psychological ownership in the recent years is less observed both in theoretical and empirical context. This study aims to analyze the effect of psychological ownership on innovation and growth opportunities in Indonesia. Different measuring items for both dependent...
Quest’articolo sottolinea l'importanza degli stati mentali usati, quando s’esamina lo stile cognitivo usato nella ricerca per informazione, nel campo della psicologia del lavoro (Tidwell & Sias, 2005). L'enfasi sugli stati mentali può lavorare al vantaggio delle donne e dei gruppi emarginati, poiché gli stati sono puramente mentali, trattando il ge...
Academic studies on sexual discrimination in employment examine the concept in three different aspects of employment: labor, labor market and the organization. The theoretical framework offered here borrows theoretical prepositions from a diverse number of schools of thought ranging from economics, management, business, psychology to sociology and...
The assignment of a value to any economic system, especially in healthcare management, is the topic of this article. The assignment of a value to a clinical act is a very complex process, as it joins the complexity of estimating value in an economic system with the estimation of the value of well-being. An interdisciplinary approach joining discipl...
Eine Entscheidungs- und Orientierungshilfe für Studierende auf dem Weg zur Abschlussarbeit mit den Schwerpunkten:
Hypothesentests mit quantitativen Daten,
Modellentwicklung mit qualitativen Daten,
Systematische Literaturanalyse und
Entwicklung psychometrischer Tests und Fragebogen.
Dieses Buch veranschaulicht Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen zur Förderung von Selbstkompetenzen, Sozialkompetenzen, Methodenkompetenzen und mentaler Stärke im Rahmen der Positiven Psychologie.
Im Mittelpunkt steht das Modell des Positiven Selbstmanagements mit folgenden drei großen Komponenten:
• Methoden und Techniken der Positiven Psychologie und...
Als uns das Virus SARS-CoV-2 in Europa erreichte, gerieten wir in Panik. Das Leben wurde auf das Notwendigste heruntergefahren und zaghaft wieder gelockert. Dem Lockdown folgen gewaltige Veränderungen. Die Rückkehr in die bekannte Normalität ist nicht in Sicht. Wie erlebten wir die Bedrohung unserer Gesundheit und die Veränderungen der gewohnten Le...
The sharing economy in general and peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodations have attracted the attention of academic researchers; research in this area has exponentially increased over the past few years. These researchers have come from a variety of disciplines including tourism and hospitality, business, psychology, law, and cultural studies. The P2P ac...
Posting represents a growing dimension of intra-European mobility. This ebook proposes an analysis of posted work, based on transnational research conducted with Portuguese workers in the construction sector in France. Inspired by Reynaud’s theory of social regulation, the approach adopted considers posted work as a social system, opposed to tradit...
p class="07KatakunciKeywords">Jack Ma is a founder and is the highest executive officer of the Alibaba Group. Alibaba Group Company is a company engaged in the field of e-Commerce. Jack Ma gave the opinion that a leader who wants to succeed not only has a high Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ), but also a Love Quotient (LQ). Me...
Servant leadership as well as psychological capital are important factors influencing positive work behaviour. We investigated the potential mediating effect of psychological capital on the relationship between servant leadership and work engagement representing one aspect of leadership effectiveness in a cross-sectional survey study with N = 416 e...
Hochsensible Personen zeichnen sich durch eine besondere Empfindsamkeit für sensorische Reize aus. In unserem Beitrag untersuchen wir, ob diese Empfindsamkeit mit im Arbeitskontext förderlichen Kompetenzen dieser Personen verbunden ist. Im ersten Teil unseres Artikels zeigen wir anhand einer querschnittliche schriftliche Befragung an N = 315 deutsc...
In this unique memoir, the author reveals his struggles and triumphs as a touring musician pursuing a college education. From 2011-2017, Alex Dontre performed 505 concerts with his band Psychostick while simultaneously enrolled in rigorous online courses. It culminated with a master's degree in Business Psychology from Franklin University, at which...
Wie entstehen Soziale Innovationen in Hochschulen? Wie entwickeln sie sich aus der Forschung heraus? Wie gelangen sie in die Zivilesellschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft, Öffentlichkeit? Diesen Fragen geht das Projekt WISIH nach. Wir zeichnen die Wege Sozialer Innovationen innerhalb und außerhalb der Hochschulen nach und werden Indikatoren für jeden einze...