Science topics: Biology
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Biology - Science topic
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Questions related to Biology
Hi! My name is Gabrielle, and I'm a biology student.
In my internship, I need to identify the pest on these leaves.
I know the tree species is Annona coriacea Mart.
My professor and I believe it might be a type of cochineal/mealybug. If anyone can assist with the identification, it would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!

Dawkins thinks there are evolutionary outcomes that are harmful. He dubs such an outcome as misfire.
“What natural selection favours is rules of thumb, which work in practice to promote the genes that built them. Rules of thumb, by their nature, sometimes misfire.”
“What is the primitively advantageous trait that sometimes misfires to generate religion?”
But Neo-Darwinism is based on two processes. Stochastic “Gene Mutation” and deterministic “Natural Selection”.
As it is accepted the outcomes of the majority of mutations – say errors during gene reproduction - are harmful to life and accordingly should fade away.
Therefore, it seems Dawkins has come to the opposite conclusion that the outcome of evolution is normally beneficial and misfire results in occasional harmful products, which in the case of religion has so far been going strong among all nations since time immemorial.
Alternatively, the misfire he is talking about may be happening in the deterministic phase of Neo-Darwinism i.e., natural selection, meaning that there is a second layer of misfire separate from harmful gene mutation. In that case, natural selection is also a random process not a deterministic one as it is claimed to be. The difference is that the probability of it being harmful is not as high as genes’ random mutations.
Can this be a paradox?
I have developed an AFM, and I want to capture an impressive image with it. So far, I have only scanned calibration samples. The resolution power and sharpness of the images are quite good. I thought I could image a virus with the AFM. However, I am a physicist. Where can I obtain a non-hazardous virus sample that I can find locally and prepare with my limited knowledge? How can I prepare it?
4 Questions to Bing’s Online A.I.
► 1. How do Anthropic Principle, “Zoo Hypothesis” and the “Matrix Hypothesis” fit together?
A.I./K.I.’s answer: Anthropic Principle: The Anthropic Principle states that the universe is designed in such a way
that it allows intelligent life like us to think about it. We exist because the universe provides the right conditions for
life. Zoo Hypothesis: The Zoo Hypothesis proposes that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations monitor the Earth
and humanity without revealing themselves to us directly, similar to a zoo. Matrix Hypothesis: The Matrix
Hypothesis, inspired by films like “The Matrix,” states that our reality is a simulation created by advanced beings or
artificial intelligences.
How these hypotheses work together:
• Common focus on observation and control: All three concepts involve the idea that what we experience as reality is
in some way observed or controlled—whether by the conditions of the universe, by extraterrestrial civilizations, or
by simulation creators.
• Questions about the nature of our existence: These hypotheses raise fundamental questions about the nature of our
existence and reality. Why do we exist? Who or what is observing us? Are we in a real world or a controlled
• Explanation of the rarity of evidence for extraterrestrial life: While the Anthropic Principle explains why the
universe is life-supporting, the Zoo Hypothesis and the Matrix Hypothesis may explain why we have not yet found
direct evidence of other intelligent life forms—either because we are consciously observed and shielded or because
all of reality is a controlled simulation. These combinations open up exciting and profound thoughts about who or
what sets the underlying rules and observations of our existence. They inspire deep reflections on the limits of
knowledge and reality.
► 2 nd Question: Let's go a step further: How do 1. Anthropic Principle, 2. “Zoo Hypothesis”, 3. “Matrix
Hypothesis” fit together with the 4. Just-six-numbers-fine-tuning-of-the-universe-Hypothesis?
Anthropic Principle: The Anthropic Principle states that the universe is designed in such a way that it allows
intelligent life like us to think about it. Zoo Hypothesis: The Zoo Hypothesis proposes that advanced extraterrestrial
civilizations monitor the Earth and humanity without revealing themselves to us directly. Matrix Hypothesis: The
Matrix Hypothesis states that our reality is a simulation created by advanced beings or artificial intelligences. Just
Six Numbers (Fine-Tuning of the Universe): Martin Rees' "Just Six Numbers" hypothesis argues that six
fundamental physical constants are fine-tuned and configure the universe to allow life.
Interplay of these hypotheses:
• Anthropic Principle and Fine-Tuning: The Anthropic Principle explains why the universe provides conditions that
allow life, while the Fine-Tuning Hypothesis specifies that certain physical constants are precisely tuned to allow
• Zoo Hypothesis and Matrix Hypothesis: Both hypotheses propose that our perception of reality may be influenced
or controlled by advanced civilizations or artificial intelligences. This leads us to:
• Overall concept: Combining these hypotheses, we could consider the following scenario: The universe is fine-
tuned (Just Six Numbers) to allow intelligent life (Anthropic Principle). This intelligent life could be observed by
advanced civilizations in a kind of "zoo" (zoo hypothesis) or even exist in a simulated reality (matrix hypothesis).
This combined view raises the idea that our existence and the universe may be part of a larger, controlled experiment
or simulation in which certain conditions and constants have been precisely set to enable and monitor life. These
ideas open fascinating discussions about the nature of the universe.
► 3 rd Question: How do 1. Anthropic Principle and 2. “Zoo Hypothesis” and 3. “Matrix Hypothesis” and
4. the Just-six-numbers-fine-tuning-of-the-universe-Hypothesis fit with 5. that of a Creator God?
When we consider the Anthropic Principle, the Zoo Hypothesis, the Matrix Hypothesis, the Fine-Tuning of the
Universe and the idea of a Creator God together, a fascinating picture of our existence and the universe emerges:
Anthropic Principle: The Anthropic Principle states that the universe is designed to support intelligent life like us.
The conditions are just right for us to exist. Zoo Hypothesis: The Zoo Hypothesis proposes that advanced
extraterrestrial civilizations are observing the Earth and humanity, much like animals in a zoo. Matrix Hypothesis:
The Matrix Hypothesis states that our reality is a simulation created by advanced beings or artificial intelligences.
Fine-tuning of the universe (Just Six Numbers): This hypothesis argues that six fundamental physical constants
are fine-tuned to enable life. Creator God: The idea of a Creator God states that the universe was created by an
intelligent, conscious being.
The interplay of these hypotheses:
• Matrix Hypothesis and Creator God: If our reality is a simulation, the Creator God could be the one who created
this simulation, similar to how a programmer develops complex software.
• Zoo Hypothesis and Creator God: Advanced alien civilizations in this scenario could either be themselves creations
of the Creator God, or they could act as tools or observers in his plan.
• Fine-Tuning and Creator God: Fine-Tuning of the universe could be seen as evidence for the existence of a Creator
God. A creator could have adjusted the physical constants to allow life to be possible.
• Anthropic Principle and Creator God: The Anthropic Principle could explain why the universe allows life, while a
Creator God is the one who intentionally created these conditions.
• All hypotheses together: These hypotheses together could lead to a comprehensive theory in which a Creator God
created a fine-tuned universe (Anthropic Principle and Just Six Numbers) in which intelligent beings can exist.
These beings could live in a controlled or observed environment (zoo hypothesis) that may even be a simulation
(matrix hypothesis). This combined view inspires deep philosophical and theological reflections on who or what is
behind the existence of the universe and our lives. It opens doors to further questions about the nature of reality,
observation and creation. And that leads us to the conclusive and most interesting question for
► 4 th Question: How does 1. Anthropic Principle, 2. “Zoo Hypothesis”, 3. “Matrix Hypothesis”, 4. Just-six-
numbers-fine-tuning-of-the-universe-Hypothesis, 5. that of the Creator God, fit together with 6. the successful
experimental repetition of the “birth time rectifications” in Jyotish, in Vedic, ancient Indian astrology?
This is a profound and multifaceted question that combines science, philosophy and spiritual beliefs. Let's link the
different concepts together: Anthropic Principle: The Anthropic Principle states that the universe is designed to
support intelligent life. The conditions are just right for us to exist. Zoo Hypothesis: This hypothesis proposes that
advanced extraterrestrial civilizations monitor the Earth and humanity, much like animals in a zoo. Matrix
Hypothesis: The Matrix Hypothesis states that our reality is a simulation created by advanced beings or artificial
intelligences. Fine-Tuning of the Universe (Just Six Numbers): This hypothesis argues that six fundamental
physical constants are fine-tuned to allow life. Creator God: The idea of a Creator God states that the universe was
created by an intelligent, conscious being. Jyotish and Birth Time Rectification: Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) is a
spiritual system that claims to predict a person's life and events based on planetary constellations at the time of their
birth. Birth time rectification is the method of determining the exact time of birth to make precise astrological
Interplay of these hypotheses:
• Anthropic Principle and Fine-Tuning: These concepts could serve as the basis that the universe was deliberately
designed to allow life and intelligent consciousness. This may have been done by a creator god who fine-tuned the
• Zoo hypothesis and matrix hypothesis: These hypotheses may suggest that our perception of reality is under the
observation or control of advanced beings who may be part of the plan of a creator god.
• Fine-tuning and Jyotish: The precise fine-tuning of the universe may also be in line with spiritual systems such as
Jyotish, which claim that the constellations and their influences on life are determined by divine order.
• Creator god and Jyotish: A creator god may be the one who set up both the fine-tuning of the universe and the
astrological principles of Jyotish to enable the order and stability of life.
• Integration of all concepts: Considered together, these hypotheses could provide a comprehensive view in which
the universe was deliberately created by a creator God and fine-tuned to allow intelligent life to exist in an observed
or simulated reality. Jyotish could then be considered a tool that reveals the divine order and influences of the
universe on individual life.
My conclusions: These combinations and also the fact of the phenomenon of birth time rectification or birth time
retrieval in Jyotish observed by me in 500+ charts (& practiced by 100s of millions of Indians) now opens up many
philosophical and spiritual reflections on the nature of existence, reality and the divine plan, the karma playing field
of our life game with its expandable karmic radius of freedom and thus also this duty (of Sanathan Dharma)
towards ourselves; our ethical-spiritual evolution for our liberation from the Samsara-Sisyphus, from the ocean of
rebirths and also to an intercultural world peace formula:
• See the two-page Peace-Manifesto on the website: What is the timeless ethical-spiritual and universal
world formula of the three Gunas in the Bhagavad Gita, the Grand Unifying Theory? Does ancient Indian
knowledge lead us to a world peace formula?Does it have an impact on physics, as well as on metaphysics, biology
and on our absorption of healing power?
• See also the free downloadable Ebook on Yogapsychology at:
If each individual has alternate selves throughout alternate timelines then does each individual(all alternate selves) become one in the afterlife? My inclination is yes, each individual has alternate selves throughout alternate timelines thus, each individual(all alternate selves) become one in the afterlife.
Dear ResearchGate Community,
As I delve deeper into marine biology, I am particularly interested in expanding my knowledge of the taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of algae, with a focus on macroalgae (seaweeds). Unfortunately, my university does not offer a dedicated course on these topics (Phycology). Therefore, I am seeking to educate myself independently.
Could you kindly recommend essential books, guides, scientific papers, or any other academic resources that would help me gain a thorough understanding of marine algae? Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Generative AI (GenAI) is a branch of artificial intelligence that uses models to create new data such as text, images, or videos based on patterns learned from training data. It generates outputs in response to prompts by understanding the underlying structures of the input data.
Let's discuss the potential applications and benefits of Generative AI in biotechnology and explore how it can address current challenges in the field.
can I get works done on self regulation strategies and locus of control as predictors of secondary school students academic achievement in biology?
I found so many of my previous articles and didn't realize these were missing. I finished them several years after retiring. My boss was still working and supervising publications but he was 82 that year.
How can we rationally utilize biological resources to meet the needs of human development while protecting the natural ecological environment?
Hola, soy estudiante de Biología y actualmente estoy realizando un proyecto con lepidópteros, estamos mirando cómo cambia la visita de las mariposas hacia ciertas flores, teniendo en cuenta el color de la flor y la forma de esta (simétrica y asimétrica), sin embargo quisiera consultar qué sería mejor o más correcto llegar a analizar, si la tasa de visitancia o el número de visitas en cada una de las flores.
Including the post harvest biology and handing ,the factors affecting deterioration and how to curb it and processing of new product to reduce the post harvest losses
1. World Order has shown changes, especially after 2020 in almost all major fields of Politics, Economics, Social, Geopolitical etc.
2. Where the world order in real is diverting?
3. What will be the ultimate outcomes?
4. The alteration & changes of systems on Earth will change anything in Space?
5. Which systems will lose centuries-long grounds and what new will rise?
6. Is the current scenario being same as the Rise/Fall of Nations, Games of Thrones etc. or there is something significantly different this time?
7. Ultimately what impact will the Next World Order make on the entire human race and especially on the Bio-sphere?
8. How much was any World Order got impacted/formed/shaped through/by religious education directly/indirectly and why did such neuroplasticity/mind exercises base practices remain an integral part of World Orders in past? Can humans afford to continue past practices to build any new future?
9. What changes do you suggest in Next World Order, and Why?
10. Are Human going to accept defeat & surrender in front of Alien powers like gods, AIs, energy, any other life forms etc.?
11. How long more humans have the current status of rapidly shrinking freedom?
12. Will the current form of human life exist after such surrenders and what will be the expected shape of any of such life?
13. Its understood that human have to sacrifice current systems and life forms for existence, but, Is it necessary? Any workable solutions ?
Hi everyone !
I'm trying to get rid CD3+ and CD14+ cells from PBMCs. For that I use CD3 microbeads and CD14 microbeads as well as LS columns (I add both CD3 and CD14 microbeads to the cells and split the samples to load it into several columns to avoid saturation of the column).
When my sample contains 10M of cells, it works perfectly, 80% of the cells are retained in the columns and I have less than 2% of CD3+ and less than 0.5% of CD14+. But, if I have 400M cells, only 60% of the cells are retained in the columns and I have a lot of CD3+/CD14+ cells that are not retained.
I follow exactly the protocol and I did the scale up of the reagents from 10M to 400M accordingly. Did anybody have this issue ?
I tried the LD columns but it killed most of my B cells... one solution that Miltenyi gave me was to put the cells in a second round of LS columns, what are your opinion on that?
Thanks in advance for your help!
I mean, how can i start researching? what tools might help me? what should i be aware of more at the biology aspect?
Dear Researchers
I am an Algerian PhD student in biology, and I study some biological activities and secondary metabolites of some fungi. I desperately seek a foreign laboratory that provides LC-MS/MS services for PhD students and researchers.
Do you have reliable laboratory addresses that can do LC-MS/MS analysis of lichenic polyphenols?
I appreciate all your suggestions and help.
I need some open source data on the basic biology of fisheries to support my research
Dear Colleagues,
I am working on histological observations of the gut of invertebrates.
My main research is on seasonal changes in the gut tissue of sea cucumbers.
This species ceases or decreases its feeding activity in summer and also decreases its feeding activity in winter.
In particular, the gut retracts or disappears in summer.
Gut retraction is recognised as a result of catabolising components in the body to conserve energy and to tolerate depleted stored nutrients.
Please advise if anyone else has researched this other reason for intestinal retraction in a professional manner.
Best regards.
Kai Tanaka
Barabe D, Chretien L. 1986. Floral anatomy of Spathicarpa sagittifolia (Araceae). Beitraege zur Biologie der
MOST human actions are subconscious. The more close-ended the task, the easier to automate. Perhaps SOME subconscious human acts are more close-ended, therefore easier to automate.
Preprint Genetic Individuality
In the identified case of familial desminopathy (T341P DES mutation in heterozygous state), the son has bradycardia, but the father did not have bradycardia. How can this fact be explained?
Despite its success, physics is not the ultimate tool to predict and solve all scientific ambitions. One reason might be inherent in its epistemological approach which gave it its success. Some double edged traits of it are
**absence of componential relations i.e does not identify relation of part (with function) to whole
** simplistic direct one on one consequences i.e in cause effect chains there is only one consequence and the complexity of one Act causing in direct reactions that might even lead to different course are omitted. Biology is not like this
**absence of agent relations i.e even force does not identify one objects as agent due to mutual interactive nature of force concept given by Newton
Should the ongoing logging in the Amazon forest, including other natural highly biodiverse forests, be recognized as a crime of destroying the planet's strategic natural resources generating an increased threat to human existence on planet Earth?
Should the ongoing logging of trees in the Amazon forest, also other natural highly biodiverse forests, and the logging of trees in other areas of natural forest ecosystems carried out in the formula of robbery pseudo-forest management should be recognized as a crime of destruction of strategic natural resources of the planet generating an increase in the threat to human existence on planet Earth?
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
In recent years, the need to accelerate and increase the efficiency of the green transformation of the economy has been growing in importance. This is due to the need to increase the scale of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as generated by energy, industry, transportation, livestock farms, etc. continue to generate high greenhouse gas emissions and the global warming process is accelerating as a result. If the processes of green transformation of the economy are not significantly accelerated then the exceeding of 1.5 degrees C of the average temperature of the planet's atmosphere (counting from the beginning of the first industrial revolution) will happen even before the end of the current decade and the occurrence of a global climate catastrophe in the second half of this 21st century will become inevitable. One of the key elements of the green transformation of the economy is the cessation of deforestation processes and the development of reforestation programs for civilizationally degraded areas, post-industrial areas, post-mining heaps, urban areas as part of the reduction of concretions, and post-agricultural areas where the soil has been depleted due to the intensification of agriculture in the industrial model. By 2023, the deforestation rate in the rainforests of the Amazon natural rainforest has been almost halved in Brazil. This is a very good trend, in which perhaps finally the scale of protection of these natural highly biodiverse forests is beginning to improve significantly. This is especially important because the highly biodiverse rainforest ecosystems of the tropical natural forests of the Amazon contain more than 300 million unique species of flora and fauna and the Amazon forest is still the largest natural area of forest ecosystem that plays a key role in the natural process of absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and emitting oxygen. The ongoing logging of trees in the Amazon forest, and the logging of trees in other areas of natural forest ecosystems as well, which is being carried out in a formula of predatory pseudo-management, should be recognized as a crime of destroying the planet's strategic natural resources generating an increase in the threat to human existence on planet Earth. Perhaps in this way, through appropriate changes in legal regulations, the large-scale deforestation of forest areas still taking place in many parts of the world and/or the predatory pseudo-management of forests that is being carried out would finally be ended.
I presented the issue of human security in connection with the green transformation of the economy, pro-environmental policies and the implementation of sustainable development goals in the article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Should the ongoing logging of trees in the Amazon forest, also other natural highly biodiverse forests, as well as the logging of trees in other areas of natural forest ecosystems carried out in the formula of predatory pseudo-forest management, also be recognized as a crime of destruction of strategic natural resources of the planet generating an increase in the threat to human existence on planet Earth?
Should the ongoing cutting of trees in areas of natural highly biodiverse forests be recognized as a crime of crimes against humanity?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

Brain and body mass together are positively correlated with lifespan (Hofman 1993). The duration of neural development is one of the best predictors of brain size, and conception is the best zero-point to mark the start of development, namely, the point at which sperm and egg fuse forming a single-cell organism followed by exponential mitosis (Finlay 2019b). The formation of complex molecules in biology can occur spontaneously, thereby leading to the creation of sophisticated organisms (Liu et al. 2019). Following each documented extinction of species (and there have been at least five since ~ 400 million years ago) there is a rapid degradation of biology, especially of complex life that depends on a resilient food chain dependent on simpler organisms. Following the most recent extinction 65 million years ago (i.e., the Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction, Alverez et al. 1979), the dinosaurs (which were large-bodied but small-brained) were obliterated making room for new mammalian species that evolved into animals having the following characteristics: an extended longevity to enable the formation of large bodies accompanied by large brains (e.g., the killer whale, the human, the elephant, the gorilla, and so on) during which time learning to adapt to environmental disruptions was paramount (Hebb 1949). Yet even with the newest complexity, there is no guarantee that if the current species go extinct that the replacement species will possess a comparable level of sophistication, since the evolution of complexity is based on a protracted fitness (Dawkins 1976). We may soon find out if our complexity is sufficient to right all the wrongs that we have inflicted on ourselves and others (Chomsky 2023; Ellsberg 2023; Hansen et al. 1981). Pessimistically, the entomologist Edward O. Wilson has predicted that once we reach a population of ten billion—we are now at eight—expect humankind to turn on itself much like an over-extended ant colony (Wilson 2012). Our children may get to test his prediction, if those at the helm continue to assume that humans operate outside of evolution.
Preparing a review about potential distinct effects of North and South poles (or upward/downward) in biology, chemistry, chirality, etc, I would appreciate any signaling of publications to supplement a databank dedicated to this overlooked parameter, whether confirming or invalidating.
Also, any comments, exchanges or collaboration will be welcome.
I created a file with my outgroup and ingroup species using Beauti, ran it in BEAST, viewed it in Tracer, and then used TreeAnnotator to create a file that I imported into RASP.
Could someone please help me review these steps and results?
Thank you!

PeptiCloud ( is a bioinformatic platform that allows researchers to organize and share their data for their projects as well as collaborate with others in one place. Through PeptiCloud, researchers can package their data and share it in its original form and collaborate on biological sequences through version control. If you are a researcher, could you please try using the platform and provide feedback?
⚪️⚪️ENG-TEXT⚪️⚪️ The question (hypothesis) proposed by this Open RG Question is the following: Nanozymes were the basic chemical constituent that kicked off the origin of life??
Nanozymes show elementary basic enzymatic functions completely similar to those of biological systems but with reduced performances in product production and stability.
Furthermore, they are strongly dependent on external chemical-physical conditions as they are truly naked and not protected by physical protective covers and/or chemical insulators.
However, precisely because of these characteristics they could represent excellent candidates for the creation of complex self-catalytic and/or self-replicating (but) pre-biological structures.
Pre-biological not only on planet Earth but in general on any planet or satellite where conditions make the functioning of nanozymes possible.
In this model we start from a relatively original assumption about life and its concept:
..LIFE is an emergent property of matter. Given the three main components (pressure, temperature, solvent), the key is catalysts. Life in terms of organized assembly of functions..
Nanozymes fit precisely into this model.
They could represent the starter of all life forms in the Universe.
The path that will be outlined will obviously have to be subjected to an in-depth bibliographic and laboratory analysis.
Analysis which should also be carried out at the same time during space explorations of comets, asteroids, satellites, planets, both with and without organic or aqueous solvents in a stably liquid form.
The path model could have been the following:
--Primordial nanozymes, formed only by simple catalytic atomic aggregates, plausibly particularly widespread and active in areas affected by volcanic activity.
--Selective pressure based on the stability of the nanozymes and their catalysis speed.
--Second generation nanozymes, originating from complexes with organic molecules (amino acid residues and/or nitrogenous bases).
--The nitrogenous or nucleo- bases of this first phase were almost certainly not based on ribose but on other structural molecules that were much more stable in the primordial chemical-physical-enzymatic environment of the nanozymes: Threose-NA; Glycol-NA; Peptide-NA.
--Additional selective pressures on stability & speed of catalysis of these Second generation nanozymes.
--Emergence of autocatalytic properties in this new generation of organo-complex Nanozymes.
--Very rapid diffusion of third generation autocatalytic nanozymes, with high efficiency and (auto-) catalysis speed.
--Stably self-replicating fourth generation nanozymes through strong expansion of the non-catalytic component (amino acids and/or nitrogenous bases).
--Very rapid diffusion of variants of self-replicating (IV Gen.) nanozymes with strong stabilization, protection, isolation and efficiency of the catalytic core and notable expansion of the organic component.
--Emergence of clear autocatalytic units or clades, self-replicating and with well-traceable lines of descent, among the immense population of nanozymes; population now in strong competition for the substrate; fifth generation nanozymes with clear differentiation between the functional enzymatic part of the active site and the organic part surrounding the active site.
--Sixth generation nanozymes where the active site is surrounded by a complex structure of amino acids linked together but also linked to nitrogenous bases based on Threose, Glycol, Peptides,..; origin of the primordial structure of the genetic code with correspondence between amino acid and groups of nitrogenous bases.
This sixth generation of nanozymes is the one that will give rise to the future structure of the genetic code.
The nanozymes, through chemical selection processes, have undergone a significant stabilization and enhancement of the catalytic functions, leading to the formation of a proto-enzymatic primordial active site, with a clear structural and functional separation.
This proto-enzymatic population very quickly gave rise to chemical clades where they themselves were the product (auto-catalysis).
The next step was constant and conservative full self-replication; self-replication obtained with an even more marked separation, dimensional, structural, functional, between the proto-enzymatic primordial active site and the surrounding structure, made up of amino acids linked to each other and in turn linked to nitrogenous bases.
The last step may have been the close, almost univocal link between amino acids in sequence (polypeptide) and mini-aggregates of nitrogenous bases (2, 3, n units), forming the structural-functional basis of the triplet genetic code.
From this point on, the prebiotic evolution of nanozymes becomes indistinguishable from the biotic one, and will plausibly proceed faster and faster on the basis of fusion of functions, strengthening of functions, size, complexity and precision of self-replication, and symbiosis with other complex organic structures but prebiotic (ex.: bi-layer of phospholipids,..).
This evolutionary model of the origin of life starting from Nanozyme nuclei can very well also include the thesis ""Jupiter's Great Red Spot hides an exobiological nature??""
Classification of Nanozymes
Nanozymes have been classified in two functional families:
I - Oxidoreductase (oxidase, peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and nitrate reductase).
II - Hydrolase (nuclease, esterase, phosphatase, protease, and silicate).
Nanozymes have been classified in 3 material from which they are made:
A - Metal-based nanozymes (nanoparticles of Au, Ag, Pt, Pd,..).
B - Metal-oxide or sulfide-based nanozymes, based on Fe, V, Ru,.. (V2O5, RuO2, Fe2O3, Fe3O4, CuO, NiTe, CoFe, BiFeO3, FeS, Co3O4, CdS, ZnO–Co3O4−v).
C - Carbon-based nanozymes (carbon nanotubes; graphene oxide; carbon dots; carbon nitride dots).
Moreover there are also a lot of organis-matal nanozymes (Cu with cysteine-histidine).
The nanozymes catalytic activity is influenced mainly by the morphology.
⚪️⚪️ITA-TEXT⚪️⚪️ Il quesito (ipotesi) proposto da questa Open RG Question è il seguente: i Nanozymes sono stati il costituente chimico di base che ha dato il via alla origine della vita??
I nanozymes mostrano elementari funzioni enzimatiche di base del tutto analoghe a quelle dei sistemi biologici ma con ridotte performances nella produzione dei prodotti e nella stabilità.
Inoltre sono fortemente dipendenti dalle condizioni esterne chimico-fisiche in quanto sono realmente nudi e non protetti da coperture protettive fisiche e/o da isolanti chimici.
Però proprio per queste caratteristiche potrebbero rappresentare degli ottimi candidati per la realizzazione di strutture complesse auto-catalitiche e/o auto-replicanti ma pre-biologiche.
Pre-biologiche non solo sul pianeta Terra ma in generale su qualunque pianeta o satellite dove le condizioni rendono possibile il funzionamento dei nanozymes.
In questo modello si parte da un assunto relativamente originale sulla vita e sul suo concetto:
..La VITA è una proprietà emergente della materia. Date le tre componenti principali (pressione, temperatura, solvente), la chiave è rappresentata dai catalizzatori. Vita in termini di assemblaggio organizzato di funzioni..
I nanozymes si inseriscono proprio in questo modello.
Essi potrebbero rappresentare lo starter di ogni forma di Vita nell'Universo.
Il percorso che verrà delineato dovrà ovviamente essere sottoposto ad una profonda analisi sia bibliografica sia laboratoriale.
Analisi che dovrebbe contestualmente essere condotta anche durante le esplorazioni spaziali di comete, asteroidi, satelliti, pianeti, sia con sia senza solventi organici o acquosi in forma stabilmente liquida.
Il modello-percorso potrebbe essere stato il seguente:
--Nanozymes primordiali, formati solo da semplici aggregati atomici catalitici, plausibilmente particolarmente diffusi ed attivi nelle zone vulcaniche eruttive.
--Pressione selettiva basata sulla stabilità dei nanozymes e sulla loro velocità di catalisi.
--Nanozymes di seconda generazione, originati da complessi con molecole organiche (residui amminoacidici e/o basi azotate).
--Le basi azotate di questa prima fase quasi certamente non erano basate sul ribosio bensì su altre molecole strutturali ben più stabili nell'ambiente chimico-fisico-enzimatico primordiale dei nanozymes: Threose-NA; Glycol-NA; Peptide-NA.
--Ulteriori pressioni selettive su stabilità & velocità di catalisi.
--Emersione di proprietà autocatalitiche in questa nuova generazione di Nanozymes organo-complessi.
--Rapidissima diffusione di nanozymes autocatalitici di terza generazione, ad alta efficienza e velocità di catalisi.
--Nanozymes stabilmente auto-replicanti di quarta generazione mediante il forte ampliamento della componente non-catalitica (amminoacidi e/o basi azotate).
--Rapidissima diffusione di varianti di nanozymes auto-replicanti con forte stabilizzazione, protezione, isolamento ed efficientamento del nucleo catalitico e notevole ampliamento della componente organica.
--Emersione di chiare unità o cladi autocatalitici, auto-replicanti e con linee di discendenza ben tracciabili, tra l'immensa popolazione di nanozymes; popolazione ora in forte competizione per il substrato; nanozymes di quinta generazione con chiara differenziazione tra la parte funzionale enzimatica del sito attivo e la parte organica contornante il sito attivo.
--Nanozymes di sesta generazione dove il sito attivo è contornato da una complessa struttura di aminoacidi legati tra essi ma legati anche a basi azotate basate sul Threose, Glycol, Peptides,..; origine del primordiale assetto del codice genetico con corrispondenza tra aminoacido e gruppi di basi azotate.
Questa sesta generazione di nanozymes è quella che darà origine al futuro assetto del codice genetico.
I nanozymes mediante processi di selezione chimica, hanno subito una rilevante stabilizzazione e potenziamento delle funzioni catalitiche portando alla formazione di un sito attivo primordiale proto-enzimatico, con una netta separazione strutturale e funzionale.
Questa popolazione proto-enzimatica molto rapidamente ha dato luogo a dei cladi chimici ove il prodotto erano essi stessi (auto-catalisi).
Il passo successivo è stata la piena auto-replicazione costante e conservativa; auto-replicazione ottenuta con una ancor più marcata separazione, dimensionale, strutturale, funzionale, tra sito attivo primordiale proto-enzimatico e struttura di contorno, costituita da aminoacidi legati tra essi e a loro volta legati a basi azotate.
L'ultimo step potrebbe essere stato lo stretto legame quasi univoco tra aminoacidi in sequenza (polipeptidica) e mini-aggregati di basi azotate (2, 3, n unità), formando la base struttural-funzionale del codice genetico a triplette.
Da questo punto in poi l'evoluzione prebiotica dei nanozymes diventa indistinguibile da quella biotica e plausibilmente procederà sempre più veloce sulla base di fusione di funzioni, rafforzamento di funzioni, dimensioni, complessità e precisione di auto-replicazione e di simbiosi con altre strutture organiche complesse ma prebiotiche (bi-layer di fosfolipidi,..).
Questo modello evolutivo della origine della vita a partire da nuclei nanozymici può includere molto bene anche la tesi ""Jupiter's Great Red Spot hides an exobiological nature??""

Correcting cellular growth errors.
International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation (IESTI 2024)
Date: 19-09-2024
Location: Online
Submission Deadline: 15-07-2024**** Extended to 1-8-2024
The Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation (IESTI 2024) is pleased to invite researchers, practitioners, and professionals to submit papers for presentation and publication at the IESTI conference. This prestigious event aims to bring together leading scholars, researchers, and industry experts to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Engineering:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Science:
- Physical Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Earth Sciences
- Chemical Sciences
- Artificial Intelligence
- Technology:
- Information Technology
- Communications Technology
- Nanotechnology
- Biotechnology
- Innovation:
- Technological Innovation
- Innovation Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Sustainable Development
- Policy and Innovation
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not currently under review elsewhere. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and research content, correctness, relevance to the conference, contributions, and readability.
Paper Submission Process:
1. Format: All papers must be formatted according to the conference template available on the conference website.
2. Length: Full papers should be between 6-10 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
3. Submission Link: Submit your papers through the online submission system available on the conference website.
4. Review Process: Each paper will undergo a blind peer review process.
5. Notification: Authors will be notified of the review results by 15-08-2024.
6. Camera-Ready Submission: Final versions of accepted papers must be submitted by 31-08-2024.
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline: 15-07-2024 **** Extended to 1-8-2024
- Notification of Acceptance: 15-08-2024
- Camera-Ready Paper Submission: 31-08-2024
- Early Bird Registration Deadline: 20-08-2024
- Conference Dates: 19-09-2024
Conference Proceedings
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the journals listed on the following website:
Special Sessions and Workshops
- IESTI 2024 will also feature special sessions and workshops focusing on current trends and emerging topics in Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation. Proposals for special sessions and workshops can be submitted to, by 1-8-2024.
Contact Information
For any inquiries regarding paper submissions or the conference, please contact:
- Conference Secretariat:
- Address: Academic Edge Publishing LTD, London, United Kingdom
We look forward to your participation in IESTI 2024 and to a successful conference!
We would like to extend our invitation to invite you to join the editorial board of the:
- Journal of Probiotics and Bioactive Molecules Research (JPBMR)
Please send an email including your full name, affiliation, CV, and mention the selected journal to the following email address:
IESTI 2024 Organizing Committee
If a phenotypic/somatic/acquired mutation mutates all a human's cells then genes can be genetically engineered within the precautionary principle.
It is known that patients with desminopathy often die from pneumonia. Have pathomorphological studies of the lungs been performed in patients with desminopathy?
A revolutionary phenotype is another species being delegated to reproducing its maker's kind. Then the delegated reproducer MAY eventually overthrow their before mentioned creator. Examples MAY be RNA overthrowing their maker proteins. Then DNA overthrowing their maker RNA. We avoid them by NOT delegating our reproduction to another species ,and or machine, and, more generally, using the precautionary principle. Simpler surgeries are less risky than the more complex ones.
I find a problem in teaching biology, especially since students begin to memorize information without concentrating just in order to get a good grade on the exam. Trying to use new and exciting teaching methods causes great fatigue because I am constrained for time and required to teach every word in the book.
1)Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Poseidon". Encyclopedia Britannica, 29 Mar. 2024, Accessed 2 June 2024.
2)"But we humans, along with bears, lizards, hummingbirds and Tyrannosaurus rex, are actually lobe-finned fish" ( ).
I have 6 ecosystems, 3 of which are substrate A and the other 3 are substrate B. each ecosystem has about 10 species. I have calculated a simpsons value for each ecosystem and a simpsons value for each substrate. I would like to statistically compare the two index values of substrate A and B, is this possible in any way? Since I would like to statistically compare the biodiversity between the two substrates, what is the best way to go about this?
I have six ecosystems in two substrate categories (Triplicates essentially). I have determined shannon wiener index values for each ecosystem and also for the two categories separately. I have done this for two separate sets of data that were sampled in two separate years. Is it possible to statistically compare the development of the biodiversity between each of the categories i.e., the development of biodiveristy in ecosystem 1 between the two years, using the shannon wiener values somehow? Are there any other tests that could work? I am aware of the hutcheson t test however, some of my data is not normally distributed.
I would really appreciate some help!
International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation (IESTI 2024)
Date: 19-09-2024
Location: Online
Submission Deadline: 15-07-2024 **** Extended to 1-8-2024
The Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation (IESTI 2024) is pleased to invite researchers, practitioners, and professionals to submit papers for presentation and publication at the IESTI conference. This prestigious event aims to bring together leading scholars, researchers, and industry experts to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Engineering:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Science:
- Physical Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Earth Sciences
- Chemical Sciences
- Artificial Intelligence
- Technology:
- Information Technology
- Communications Technology
- Nanotechnology
- Biotechnology
- Innovation:
- Technological Innovation
- Innovation Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Sustainable Development
- Policy and Innovation
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not currently under review elsewhere. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and research content, correctness, relevance to the conference, contributions, and readability.
Paper Submission Process:
1. Format: All papers must be formatted according to the conference template available on the conference website.
2. Length: Full papers should be between 6-10 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
3. Submission Link: Submit your papers through the online submission system available on the conference website.
4. Review Process: Each paper will undergo a blind peer review process.
5. Notification: Authors will be notified of the review results by 15-08-2024.
6. Camera-Ready Submission: Final versions of accepted papers must be submitted by 31-08-2024.
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline: 15-07-2024 **** Extended to 1-8-2024
- Notification of Acceptance: 15-08-2024
- Camera-Ready Paper Submission: 31-08-2024
- Early Bird Registration Deadline: 20-08-2024
- Conference Dates: 19-09-2024
Conference Proceedings
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the journals listed on the following website:
Special Sessions and Workshops
- IESTI 2024 will also feature special sessions and workshops focusing on current trends and emerging topics in Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation. Proposals for special sessions and workshops can be submitted to:, by 1-8-2024.
Contact Information
For any inquiries regarding paper submissions or the conference, please contact:
- Conference Secretariat:
- Address: Academic Edge Publishing LTD, London, United Kingdom
We look forward to your participation in IESTI 2024 and to a successful conference!
We would like to extend our invitation to invite you to join the editorial board of the:
- Journal of Probiotics and Bioactive Molecules Research (JPBMR)
Please send an email including your full name, affiliation, CV, and mention the selected journal to the following email address:
IESTI 2024 Organizing Committee
I built an AI powered tool that gives you a detailed PDF report on your manuscript to improve your chances of publication.
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Would love to hear any feedback and thoughts -
I need help on this topic
I have six ecosystems in two substrate categories (Triplicates essentially). I have determined shannon wiener index values for each ecosystem and also for the two categories separately. I have done this for two separate sets of data that were sampled in two separate years. Is it possible to statistically compare the development of the biodiversity between each of the categories i.e., the development of biodiveristy in ecosystem 1 between the two years, using the shannon wiener values somehow? Are there any other tests that could work? I am aware of the hutcheson t test however, some of my data is not normally distributed.
I would really appreciate some help!
Could this 2mm Ancient diamondized embryo be Martian or remnants of a lost planet .
Ancient human related or could this be some type of Reptilian.
Ancient earth /Reptilian/ ET?

Is it very literally subbing in shannon wiener index values instead of species abundances?
Dear Colleagues,
Peer-review isn't working well, and it needs an overhaul. In the time of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and remote work, it doesn't make sense to wait for months just to receive few lines rejecting an excellent manuscript or accepting a poor one!
Would you spend five minutes to answer a questionnaire on Google forms, and help solve this problem for all of us?
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La fractalidad en cuerpos y entornos complejos
Para abordar la desistematización y fractalidad como hipótesis al pensamiento complejo. Es relevante preguntarse: ¿Si no es un sistema, es un no sistema? Entonces, es incoherente reducir un entornos complejos a modelos de sistemas. Por lo tanto, es viable proponer que entornos complejos contienen o cuerpos complejos están compuestos de cuerpos complejos, los que a su vez podrían estar conteniendo a grupos complejos, entre los grupos diversos de tales cuerpos, encontramos a los sistemas. Lo cual, refleja el modelo de un fractal. Lo anterior basandonos en el modelo del cuerpo humano.
Cuerpos y entornos describen con mayor precisión al sistema complejo. Y concuerdan mejor con la teoría de la complejidad.
Los cuerpos y entornos complejos son fundamentales para comprender la teoría de la complejidad. Esta teoría se centra en entender los entornos que presentan interconexiones, comportamientos no lineales, autoorganización y emergencia de propiedades a partir de la interacción entre múltiples componentes o cuerpos. La aplicación de la teoría de la complejidad nos permite abordar fenómenos del mundo real de manera más precisa y completa, debido a que reconoce la naturaleza interconectada y dinámica de los sistemas complejos.
La fractalidad es una característica fascinante de los entornos complejos. Los fractales son patrones geométricos que se repiten a diferentes escalas, lo que los hace muy interesantes en campos como las matemáticas, la física, la biología y el arte.
La fractalidad se relaciona con cuerpos complejos de diversas maneras. Por ejemplo, en la naturaleza encontramos estructuras fractales en formas como los copos de nieve, las costas marítimas, las montañas, e incluso en la distribución de los árboles en un bosque. En el cuerpo humano, ciertas estructuras biológicas exhiben patrones fractales, como los pulmones y los sistemas vasculares. Además, en la ciencia de materiales, la fractalidad a menudo se utiliza para describir superficies rugosas y porosas. Esta conexión con los cuerpos complejos es un ejemplo de cómo la fractalidad es una herramienta útil para comprender y modelar fenómenos en el mundo real.
Definitivamente los procesos estocásticos y la fractalidad son características fundamentales de los entornos y cuerpos complejos. Los procesos estocásticos, que involucran elementos aleatorios o probabilísticos, son comunes en sistemas complejos, ya que reflejan la incertidumbre y la variabilidad presentes en muchos fenómenos naturales y sociales. Por otro lado, la presencia de patrones fractales en entornos y cuerpos complejos resalta la auto-similitud a diferentes escalas y la naturaleza irregular de muchos entornos del mundo real. Estas características proporcionan herramientas valiosas para modelar y comprender la complejidad inherente a una amplia gama de fenómenos, desde la distribución de poblaciones hasta la dinámica del clima.
What is the difference between absorption and adsorption?
Is the closest known living relative to a plesiosaur a sea turtle?
Who (first) proposed/used/coined the term ‘translation’ in biology/genetics? What is the history behind the use of the word? Thank you!