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Biological Control Of Plant Diseases - Science topic

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Questions related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
13 answers
Since my graduation in 2006 as an Agriculture graduate, I have been witnessing the importance and benefits of biological control agents (BCAs) over chemicals in the management of plant diseases but even after two decades, I could not observe a significant implementation of this very impactful approach even worldwide. I wish but in doubt, how come it will be possible......
Looking hopeful for a data based discussion. Thank you
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Biological control is effective when the population is low and there is no pesticide application as these agents are more sensitive to these chemicals. An earlier endogram was thereafter that no resistant population was discovered. So biocontrol can be part of IPM not as whole.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
3 answers
I'm working on a proposal in which I wish to demonstrate that there is a gene that I can use in a virus or vector of transference that is able to confer resistance to the trees of citrus fruits against the Citrus tristeza virus.
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Go with God by Child, and peace be with you!
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
16 answers
Do you have experiences with alternatives to synthetic pyrethroids in tea pest control? Tea is a very often per year sprayed plant with synthetic pyrethroids against damaging insects. So insectizide resistance has become high and pestizide residues in tea are possible. Which good alternatives methodes are there? Best thanks for answers! J HUMER
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Insecticides Acephate & Fenitrothion could be applied to controlling tea insects.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
8 answers
Due to the high environmental risk of chemical pesticides, biological control of plant diseases with bio-pesticides are highly encouraged and recommend. Chitosan and oligochitosan are the well-known biological control agent for its nontoxic, biodegradable and biocompatible properties.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
4 answers
Good day, all. In a biocontrol study, we can easily determine disease severity by using a disease scale developed for a particular plant disease.
On the other hand, disease incidence measures the percentage of plants infected by the disease.
So, I have completed a glasshouse experiment for 84 days and I want to determine the disease incidence. However, based on the disease scale, all my plants treated with biocontrol agents show mild wilting symptoms whereas plants challenged with pathogen alone (control treatment) show complete wilting.
Based on the definition of disease incidence, this means my biocontrol-treated plants are infected (still show mild wilting) and the disease incidence would be 100% which is the same as the control treatment.
I am not entirely sure if disease incidence can be utilized as a parameter in a biocontrol study. Can someone help to clarify this?
Thank you in advance.
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I am boring on the topic of disease rating, because the longer you study disease, the more important the topic becomes to you. In one disease I study (boxwood blight), I could spend a lot of time determining % leaf area with lesions. However, the diseased leaves tend to drop off no matter what the size of the lesion, so I simply count the number of diseased leaves out of total leaves. In another disease I study (powdery mildew of squash), the total lesion area is correlated with the altered metabolism of the plant and subsequent yield, so % leaf lesion is appropriate. In your situation, you need to ask yourself how much transpiration is affected in partially wilted plants, and whether those plants will eventually become fully wilted.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
15 answers
Agrobacterium bv1 with cucumopine Ri plasmid causes root mat disease of cucumber and tomato in greenhouses. I cannot find any efficient way to reduce the disease on plants and remove the pathogen from mats and hydroponic tubes.
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Just citing myself: "Soil-borne microorganisms such as Agrobacterium spp. are well adapted to aquatic environments, and their growth in mineral substrates is favored by the absence of normal soil microbiome (Ignatov et al. 2016). We compared rock wool mat and coco fiber mat microbiome under cultivated cucumber plants at the stage of fruit bearing by NGS analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments. 16S rRNA gene fragments were PCR-amplified from total DNA using 3 multiplex pairs of consensus primers. Four amplicon’s libraries were obtained and analyzed on the Roche/454 Life Sciences GS JuniorGS sequencer. Analysis of 16S rDNA profiles placed the bacteria into 9 groups: Flavobacteriales (17.4% in average), Rhizobiales (16.7%), Pseudomonadales (12.9%), Sphingobacteriales (12.9%), Burkholderiales (8.7%), Alteromonadales (8.1%), Xanthomonadales (6.8%), Enterobacteriales (0.18%), and an unclassified bacterial clade (16.3%). The percentages of Rhizobiales clones (including Agrobacterium spp.) were greater in the rhizosphere of plants grown on rock wool mats (infected - 25.9% and control -26.1%) than on coco fiber mats (6.6 and 8.1%). ... Agrobacterium spp. was a predominant part of Rhizobiales clones in infected rock wool mats (72.7%), while infected coco fiber mats had only 32% of Agrgrobacterium spp. in total number of Rhizobiales clones. Root mat disease significantly increased population of Flavobacteriales – 21.9% against 12.8% in control, and population of pectolytic Enterobacteriales (0.36% against 0%). Root mat disease significantly decreased population of Xanthomonadales – 2.25% against 11.4% in control. These results suggest that hydroponic mat bacterial community may play an important role in the changes of cucumber rhizosphere biological conditions during the infection caused by Agrobacterium spp. bv1. The pathogen has extremely high rate of spreading, survival in infected soil, water and substrate, and easy establish new local populations in infected glasshouses. Within 4 months after their first observed symptoms on some 0.5% of plants, the pathogen was recovered from 95% of plant, soil, and substrate samples collected across the glasshouse with 12000 plants (Khodykina et al., 2014b). "
Ignatov AN, Khodykina MV, Kromina KA, Dzhalilov FS. Dynamics of microorganisms in hydroponic system of cucumber in response to Agrobacterium bv1 (root mat) infection. SUITMA 9. ( 9th international congress Soils of Urban Industrial Traffic Mining and Military Areas)
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
15 answers
Dear All,
I need your help on how to calculate CFU/g soil. I would greatly appreciate if you could check if my calculation is correct.
5 g of soil was placed into 50 mL water. The solution was serial diluted 10x (1/10). 0.1 mL of the dilution was spread onto the agar plate.
30 bacterial colonies were obtained. 
My calculation:
5 g of soil was placed in 50 mL water so I have 100 mg soil in 1 mL of water.
With a dilution of 1/10, I have 10 mg of soil in 1mL of water
Next, I spread 0.1 mL of this dilution -> 1 mg of soil
I have obtained 30 CFU so I have 30 CFU on 1 mg of soil. Consequently, I have 30 000 CFU on 1 g of soil
Is this correct?
Thanks in advance.
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@ Wong, CFU /g soil = Count per Plate/ dilution factor
For example, if 30 colonies are present on 10 -6 dilution plate, the calculation will be:
CFU = 30/ 10 -6 = 3x 10 7 colonies per gram soil.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
12 answers
Pomegranate trees, fruits, leaves, stems, all parts are spoiled, due to bacterial blight, and checked it is xanthomonas axonopodis, what will the permanent solution or treatment be?
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IIHR Bengaluru has succeeded in control of bacterial blight oof pomegranate through microbial interventions. We have developed a consortium of microbs which supresses the disease, promote plant growth and mobilizes nutrients through which the plant develops internal resistance to meet the challanges of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae. This has been extensively tried and demonstrated successfully in Karnataka. Today this product named Arka Microbial Consortium (AMC) is licenced and is made available to farmers.
You can watch this youtube videos on this control measure
Arka Microbial Consortium for the Control of Pomegranate Blight ...
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
32 answers
I am going to be working with Bemisia tabaci management in green house condition. What may be your suggestion in regards of bio-rational or eco-friendly treatments (including botanicals, biopesticides, safer chemicals etc.) to be added in my experiment. 
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Prof. Paul, you have given good suggestions, but problem is that these vegetable oils does not show consistent results.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
21 answers
Hello everybody, wilt disease in tomato plants, in particular that caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, is the most important disease which causes serious economic loss in all tomato growing areas of the world. The management of this disease still complicated as the biological control for plant pathogenic fungi can work well as long as the control organism targets only the invasive species. Since, all the methods used have some restrictions’ no single technique can manage the disease effectively. We are looking for sustainable approaches for management this disease
Thank you
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Dr. Jawad;
i think we should before diagnoses the agriculture stile before starting any therapy or control programs. my point of view is to try to create a rhizoplan or rhizospher under control with any tested biological control, this procedure i do with soilless culture by using agr-waist substrate and it gave good effects. 
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
11 answers
 Hi i am looking for bioagent(fungi )active against Hyacinth water,a very destructive water weed.
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Dear Prof. Mohammed Fayyadh.
You can see the following articles.
Best Greetings
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
5 answers
I am planning to carry out bio-control  on crown rot of banana. Now my question is what scale of disease measurement can i use.
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Hi Aishatu
You can follow this scale from 0-7 to measure the disease severity :
0 ¼ no discoloration or mycelial growth on the crown,
1 ¼ discoloration or mycelial growth limited on surface of the cut crown,
2 ¼ discoloration or mycelial growth less than 10% of the crown area,
3 ¼ 11–40% discoloration or mycelial growth on crown area,
4 ¼ 41–70% discoloration or mycelial growth on crown area,
5 ¼ 71–100% discoloration or mycelial growth on crown area,
6 ¼ discoloration or mycelial growth advanced to finger stalks,
7 ¼ finger-stalk rot occurs, causing the fingers to drop-off when handled.
Reference :
Dionisio G. Alvindiaa,
An integrated approach with hot water treatment and salt in the control of crown rot disease and preservation of quality in banana.
 International Journal of Pest Management, 2013
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
15 answers
Which protocol i may follow to preserve plant pathogens at -20 and at -80 degree Celsius specially Rhizoctonia, Alternaria, Bipolaris, Curvularia, Sclerotium, Colletotrichum and Fusarium? we are not using liquid nitrogen based preservation more. 
Thanks in advance
Shuvrah Rehman
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Preservation of the pathogenic spore suspension at -80°C in glycerol is the best way as suggested by Dr. Latif. 
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
5 answers
i want to know bacterial and fungal strains present on the surface of black gram(vigna mungo)
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Dear Saniya Sarfraz,
The attached chapter lists the bacterial and fungal strains on the surface of black gram (Vigna Mungo).
Hoping this will be helpful,
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
6 answers
It's taken for granted that agricultural wastes are contaminated by plant pathogens and pesticides. I would like to know the different techniques  and methods you suggest to improve the supressiveness effect of composting against plant pathogens.
thank you and best regards
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I'm not a pathologist but my reading says that the whole pile needs to reach at least 60 degrees C at some stage
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
5 answers
Different places/location have differing water pH. Do they have a direct effect on the efficacy of the biopecticide? 
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Dear Jactone:
For entomopathogenic fungi such as Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae water is the carrier vehicle for spores, this must be clean with pH close to 7.0, different values may alter the spore germination.
Best wishes,
Luis Miguel
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
4 answers
During production of bio-control agents such as metarhizium, trichoderma,  there is addition of yeast which forms a major contamint at the end.Why is it added and it is not anaerobic fermentation as oxyg. is supplied?
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Hi Geoffrey,
There are a lot of growth medium which requires the use of of yeast extract as a nitrogen source.
Except you are trying to perform any specific assay, there is no reason to add yeast cells to the liquid culture of Metarhizium or Trichoderma. In fact, as you know, they a major contaminant to industrial cultivation of fungi since you can not use antibiotics. Besides, if you are trying to produce fungi conidia think about using semi-solid fermentation with rice or corn as growth media.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
1 answer
We have many problems with spiroplasma and maize rayado fino in corn seeds production areas in central Brazil and did not find an efficient vector control.
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Dear Juliano:
The leafhopper Dalbulus maidis can be surveyed in the field using yellow sticky traps. For inoculation of plants of maize for spiroplasma  and maiz rayado fino  monitoring, confined plants of maize can be exposed to 10 AY-WB-infected D. maidis at a uniform growth stage for 7 days. An equal number of plants can have the same treatment with healthy insects. Insects are then removed and plants can be observed for symptom development at 18 days after the first day of insect exposure. All plants can be kept separately in individual plastic plant tube cages. To monitor insect survival on AY-WBinfected and healthy plants, 10 adult leafhoppers of approximately the same age can be added to the individual tube cages. Monitoring of survival can be carried out over 10 days. For the feeding assays on maize, 5 insects of D. maidis can be confined to single leaves using leaf cages. Insects can be observed for 5 days. Leaves can be harvested for trypan blue, DAB and aniline blue staining. Damage can be quantified by counting visible damaged cell areas per unit area of leaf surface.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
3 answers
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 Yes ,siderophores  such as pyocyanin and  the antibiotic phenazine produced by a strain of bacterial biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens can be used against the  pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in the field . It should be used as prophylacticrather than curative during the initial stages of infection.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
6 answers
These parameters shall be used for the in vivo evaluation of the effect of Citronella grass essential oil on Fusarium.
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you can do by % inhibition of plants or by dual culture assay on plate.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
6 answers
I found attached symptoms in 35 days old ricebean plants. The leaf started bit drying from margin followed by upward curling. Later on full curling and complete drying. Ultimately, total plant dries. I found, the symptoms are covering whole field within 3-4 days. It has not affected nearby Dolichos. Interestingly, initially 1-2 leaves showing symptom and other leaves normal, slowly covering all leaves. 
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You can also try adding Neem cake or Neem leaf extracts (prepared traditionally) in soil and see if it helps the plant to fight the disease.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
10 answers
What is the best way to keep long yellow rust uredospores?
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For long term storage (-80oC freezer or liquid nitrogen), uredospores can be stored in gelatin capsules, glass vials, plastic bags and aluminum foil pouches.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
8 answers
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Argemone maxicana and Eupatorium odoratum can control the rust of cicer, can refer this research paper.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
3 answers
Faba bean seeds
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pre-emergence growth occurring in the dark
pre emergence stage : is an heterotrophic growth of seedling in the dark befor the seedling shoot leads the seedlings outside of the soil.
post emergence; is an autotrophic growth after the emergence of seedling apex from the soil
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
7 answers
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Dear Elaheh,
probably my comment is taken for granted, but to add a point to the useful comments above, do not forget -whenever possible and available - to use resistant tomato cultivars/hybrids.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
9 answers
While working on root-knot nematode's hatching rate, there are some isolates' egg-mass that did not hatch in some treatments while others did. We want to know if it is the effect of the treatment or something else. Is there anybody that could help with explaining egg-mass chemical structure and physiology?
Also, any information on the egg's and nematode's cell walls and molting physiology?
Does the availability of O2 affect the egg hatching? What affects the egg-mass?
Thank you so much in advance.
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As far as experienced by myself, Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. hapla are quite easily hatching in water. From one tomato plant 1 million juveniles can be obtained within 10 days from a spray-mist chamber. Those eggs that do not hatch are embryonic eggs. Furthermore, there is a possibility to stop eggs from hatching by adding a small amount of sugar(?) to the water. Embryonic eggs will develop into mature eggs but will not hatch. This method was developed by a breeding company in The Netherlands (HZPC) to make sure all eggs would hatch at the same time when they were needed. I am not 100% sure it was sugar they added.   
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
1 answer
With respect to the botanicals, biological agents, and the chemicals.
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spry with fungicide Di-thane M - 45 @ 2.5 g/L of water  at first appearance of disease symptoms, it can be repeated after 10 to 15 days interval if the disease still persist.     
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
16 answers
I'm working with walnut rootstock. I noticed a lot of plants have white streaks/fuzzy white clouds around the callus. They made the plants grow slowly and made the callus turn dark brown/black. Sometimes, no callus form at all. Could you guys suggest some ways to control it? Would PPM or streptomycin help? Thanks for any thoughts.
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I use chloramphenicol to control bacterial contamination but use it during surface decontamination. if incorporated in the culture medium it can slow the growth of cultures
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
4 answers
Can anyone tell me what I could see from the value of N, P, K and Zn, pH to infer the change of available nutrients to plants or uptake of nutrients, etc? Please see the attachment.
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How you applied Trichoderma and which spp.?
You have to give Trichoderma in some times intervals.
After giving Trichoderma besides the controlling the pathogen, you also want to see the NPK from Tricho treat soils?
You may check NPK but how you apply your treatment it is also important.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
14 answers
Invasive species, most of which are exotic, have become significant threat to our environment, economy, health and well-being. The best way of control is to prevent establishment in the first place by adopting prompt eradication action. However, if an invasive species is established, options like chemical control or mechanical excavation for removal can cause environmental damage. Target specific biological control can work well; otherwise there is a risk that the control organism might also become an invasive species. Alternative, such as manipulating existing natural enemies and/or the environment to enhance biological control, are also on hand. Despite all these tackling the problem of invasive species remained a great challenge. Hence what should be the sustainable solution and practicable strategy to deal with the continually growing problem of invasive species?
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Dear Yogesh,
Until the population density of an invasive species is low eradication can be effective. E.g. the successful eradication of Metcalfa pruinosa by pesticides in UK and the Czech Republic. However, strict quarantine is the best solution that is thorough investigation of all kinds of goods and products in order to hamper the introduction of dangerous species.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
4 answers
I am designing a guide RNA for Crispr to target specific genes in rice that when silenced can have a good effect on the stability of rice, such as disease-resistance.
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Hi all
You can also have a look at the following database
All the best
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
12 answers
Erwinia amylovora is a new pathogen for Russia and other countries of the FSU. In Kazakhstan, about 60% of apple orchards are infected. But, in Russia, with cold climate, there are some evidence that the pathogen slows down, and infected trees stay alive for several years, without spreading disease to younger trees. Is there any examples on natural disappearing of the disease?
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@Emilio, Hi!
I'm not sure I agree with your minimal infective dose. We regularly detect more bacteria and we don't always have disease. I agree that when all is right: bacteria present, weather conducive and susceptible cultivars, then things move fast!
As you know, in America we "live" with fire blight (FB). Eradication is not an option. The key is management: Copper in early Spring, antibiotics (or blossom protect) when conditions are favorable during bloom, removal of flowers in new blocks, Apogee before petal fall in some blocks and pruning out symptoms as soon as they appear. When efforts are concentrated in the most susceptible blocks = <10 years and susceptible cultivars, FB can be successfully managed.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
24 answers
There is a possibility that due to some side effects of fungicide application certain active ingredients and potentially whole classes will be prohibited in future for use in agriculture. What are our options? What new resistant varieties, chemistries, biopesticides or biological control agents will be available for efficient disease control in cultivated plants? Which alternative approaches for plant protection will be pursued and employed to maintain the supply of raw food produce with the high standards of environmental protection?
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Hello Srdan,
Another alternative added to the above list that proposed by Dr Sidhu is the use of Plant Elicitors or activators which increase the plant immune system and induce its resistance against pathogen by eliciting the salicylic acid SA pathway... For more details, please check the attached paper.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
3 answers
Thanks in advance
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Dear Fatemah,
As it is not my area of specialization; I can't help you by my experience or knowledge. But I want to help you so here is some idea which I got from internet.
I will send you some research paper soon. Inshallah.
A psychological disorder, also known as a mental disorder, is a pattern of behavioral or psychological symptoms that impact multiple life areas and/or create distress for the person experiencing these symptoms.
How are Psychological Disorders Diagnosed?
The classification and diagnosis is an important concern for both mental health providers and mental health clients. While there is no single, definitive definition of mental disorders, a number of different classification and diagnostic criteria have emerged. Clinicians utilize the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV TR), published by the American Psychiatric Association, to determine whether a set of symptoms or behaviors meets the criteria for diagnosis as a psychological disorder. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-16), published by the World Health Organization, is also frequently used.
with regards
Qaim Mehdi
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
1 answer
I have read that intercropping is one of the approaches to control wilt diseases or dieback in a Guava tree. What about chemical controls?
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Removal of all dry twigs and uprooting of wilted plant is effective
Apply balanced nutrition especially nitrogen through organic sources.
and Growing resistant varieties like Allahabad Safeda, Banarasi supreme etc.
The infection can be minimized by soil drenching with Brasicol and spraying of Bavistin (0.1%) around the roots and leaves at an interval of 15 days.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
2 answers
I stumbled on a variety of papers from the nineties that claim the use of biological control agents against various diseases in Brazil and other subtropical regions. Since research of the underlying mechanisms of biocontrol is scarce for most traditionally used BCAs, I wonder if they are still in use today? Anyone up-to-date on what is currently used as BCA by farmers in warmer climates?
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Please contact Head, Division of Crop Protection , Coconut Research Board, (former Institute) Sri Lanka for details for disease control by BC in coconuts.
In Sri Lanka BCAs are used to control Mosquito which spread the 'Dengi' fever. More information could be get from Medical Research Institute, Sri Lanka. that is a virus imported from Cuba.
Larvae of Black beetle which harm crown of coconut could be control by a virus which is not harmful to human.
Promicothica Kumagi, a beetle which harm coconut leaves at epidemic level had been controlled by a BCA imported from Java in 1970s. Now that BCA is in the natural environment and no longer that beetle is threat to coconut Industry.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
3 answers
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae and pv. atrofaciens cause diseases of wheat and other cereals, most harmful at early spring on winter crops. It was a problem in the USA from 1960-70 (Otto, 1976, 1977).
What can we do to reduce the development of this disease?
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I think You have better to check for the limiting temperatures of the bacterium, if it likes lower temperatures and needs low temperatures, You can keep host-pathogen window close using late-heading cultivars that head when it is warmer. However, the best control approach would be the use of resistant cultivars that can be performed in combination with crop rotation and the use of certified healthy/ sterilized seeds in order to decrease selection pressure on pathogen population through restriction of its population and increase of the durability of plant resistance.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
1 answer
I want to make protoplast fusion between different species of trichoderma.
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best method is digest the fungal cell wall using chitinase enzyme by keeping the mycelium in enzyme over night and centrifuge and isolate the protoplast. Use PEG fuse or try SV40 virus.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
4 answers
To identify unique microbial strains a lot of methods have been studied, I want to know simple method to detect such strains.
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If you want to find rare strains present in one environment but absent in another, you should better use a large number of selective media and many samples for both variants (I suggest above 100). Other ways are mostly linked to molecular study without bacteria isolation.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
5 answers
Plant pathogens are very specific to their host . In the case of non host plant pathogen they will produce hypersensitive reaction like necrosis. If this is the case non host plant could be anything apart from the host. Then why is nicotiana tabacum alone used for performing that test?
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Please, be careful with Nicotiana: HR depends on injected leaf age.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
4 answers
I am working on the effects of fungi on the growth and biochemical aspects of forest trees.
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Trichoderma specifically T. harzianum works well against Ganoderma sp.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
7 answers
Can anyone suggest me which hypothesis to test?
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Ultimately, society expects plant pathologists to control pathogens like bacterial canker. The contract is: "we give you funds; you solve the problem".
So I suggest that the studies you undertake need to lead to control of bacterial canker in tomato.
1. Epidemiology - under what conditions does bacterial canker occur ?
2. Breeding - there are resistant varities in South Africa. Access these and backcross the gene for resistance into locally adapted varieties. Or develop a molecular marker for the gene, so breeders can make the backcross more consistently. Or develop a better inoculation technique that miics nature more closely, with a lower dose than is used normally.
3. Biocontrol - isolate bacteriophages to control the bacterium. And develop a production process and conduct field trials on the use of bacteriophages to control the problem..
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
1 answer
I know that these stimuli have to work together. I mean it is difficult to separate them and the bibliography about them is quite important. But if we combined in one experiment a relatively old plant, a virus infection and an aphid parasitoid, can these effects be additive? Virus infection sometimes changes the nutritional quality of a plant in order to beneficiate aphids. On the other hand, foraging behavior of parasitoids can increment aphid movement, but when the aphid is already parasitized, some aphid show lower movement capabilities. And an older plant has normally lower nutritional quality, inducing aphid to move out to more nutritional plants, but in presence of parasiotids, large plants may be a better place to hide from parasitization than younger ones, especially knowing that parasitoids females only expend a short period of time in each patch in order to increment their efficiency.
Are there any thoughts of these issues?
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Dear D. Calvo,
Aphid movement, stay, foraging, reproduction, interactions are orchestrated by a complicated net of mechanisms which are influenced by many conditions where also the wind direction and intensity may have a role. It is difficult to assess the correlation among the three stimuli you have selected.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
2 answers
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there is one research group at CSK HPKV Palampur who have worked on C. truncatum from pea as well as green gram. I will also search for C. pisi from kashmir
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
5 answers
Fengycins also hasmany isoforms, i am intrested in Fengycin B, A, C, S, or any other
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Thanks Mr. Tony
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
2 answers
I have been working on quantifying genomic DNA extracted from leaf (sugar beet) which was inoculated with fungus. I am able to amplify sugar beet DNA while I am not able to amplify fungal DNA. The DNA from leaves were extracted 3, 5 and 7 days post inoculation. Now the strange part: I am able to amplify fungal DNA with a regular PCR but am unable to amplify fungal DNA in a qPCR (Taqman Probe). I would appreciate any comments, suggestions or any different protocol that I can follow.
I use CTAB method for DNA extraction and FAM and HEX probes for qPCR.
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Thanks for your reply Touseef. I have already followed the suggestions you gave me. I did a gPCR to check the right annealing temperature and my primers for qPCR give a product less than 150 bp.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
4 answers
I am thinking about purchasing a Bioanalyzer 2100 or a QIAxcel Advanced System. Could anyone advice me which system is better/cheaper for use? Or if there is any alternative equipment which have less expensive consumables? Maybe a better idea would be to buy a regular CE machine? Our lab is starting a project which is aiming to develop a standardized protocol for multiplex detection of several potato viruses directly from tubers. We will be working in collaboration with other labs, and I was thinking that it would be cool to have a protocol based on the specific RIN value. However, I do not want to end up with equipment which is expensive in use and will be collecting dust after finishing this project. We do work also with proteins and DNA on other projects, and potentially I would have an application for a Bioanalyzer, especially in combination with OffGel 3100. But since I never had a chance to use a Bioanalyzer 2100 or QIAxcel, I am afraid that both may be too expensive to use in routine lab work.
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I routinely use the Bioanalyzer 2100 CE machine. It can completely replace SDS-PAGE or native-PAGE analyses with far less time and effort. There is an internal standard which helps with data analyses and the software is very used friendly. This CE machine won't be left to collect dust if you regularly do PAGE gels as it will act as a replacement.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
8 answers
I am concerned with the study of insecticidal efficacy of certain plant extracts, the plants chosen are mostly wild herbs and shrubs. I collect the plants for the experiment during their flowering stage, however recently it was suggested that it is important to determine the plant age before collection.
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It would probably be useful to know, also the date the plant was collected. One should also note if the plant was damaged. Some compounds are produced as a result of stress, such as being attacked by insects. If insects attack plants only during a certain part of the year, the plant probably won't expend energy producing insecticidal compounds during the rest of the year. In addition, plants may be more vunerable to certain insect pests at different portions of their growth cycle and the plant mave have evolved to produce protective compounds only during the vunerable portion of their life.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
2 answers
DNA does not amplify and it looks degraded on the gel
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I quite often use the Wizard Genomic DNA Purification kit (Promega) which does well both for gram negative and gram positive bacteria.The yield and purity obtained with this system is so far good for me, and you can use the purified DNA for many applications including amplifications, restriction digestion, and membrane hybridizations. Visit their we site :
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
6 answers
How to inoculate arbuscular mycorrhiza(AM) in pots for wheat crop.
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Unfortunately, Amhishek Pyasi's proposed method is used far too often. It is similar to the so-called 'autocthonous' inoculum published in some of the work from Granada, Spain. This is no way to produce inoculum, unless you also want to include mites, nematodes, pathogenic fungi, oomycetes, chytrids, and any other kind of soil inhabitants. Not only that, but such work is scientifically unrepeatable. If you do the same thing the next time, there is no way of knowing if your 'inoculum' is the same as the previous time.
So, what you need to do is to isolate your fungi. If you feel the need to mix species, then you should isolate several species, and mix them yourself at the time of inoculation. That;s the scientist’s job – not to allow random acts of nature to operate. This way, what you do can be controlled and replicated, as should all scientific experiments.
So, you can begin with soil traps of the sort recommended by Abhishek, but not for use as inoculum. The traps will allow you to multiply up some (though unfortunately not all) of the AMF in your soil. Then you extract spores from these pots and use them to establish single species cultures, or better still, isolates (the term isolate should NEVER be used for anything other than a culture established from a single propagule). You can then bulk up these cultures or isolates, but you must ensure you use disinfested substrate and mycorrhiza-free host plants. Once bulked, you can use them as inoculum, preferably after establishing their colonisation potential with trials (most probably number).
As you live in India, I suggest you contact Prof. Alok Adholeya, in Delhi (, who runs the Biotechnology and Management of Bioresources Division, The Energy and Resources Institute in New Delhi. His group can supply outstandingly good AMF inoculum: obtaining it in this way will save you much work and time.
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
14 answers
During my exploration of the Saudi flora, I have found this Withania sominfera with a strange leaves colour, is it a fungal/bacterial or virus disease, dose this plant deserve a phytochemical study in order to isolate new secondary metabolites caused by this infection? Please note the spots as indicated with the red arrow.
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I am sure that the plant is not infested with fungal/ bacterial/ viral pathogen. The plant definitely suffers from mineral deficiency. The symptom is interveinal chlorosis. Please check for Mg/Mn deficiency or Fe . It will be a wasteful exercise to examine the plant for secondary metabolites
  • asked a question related to Biological Control Of Plant Diseases
5 answers
Does anybody know any assay using extracts of a resistant plant extract to control disease in susceptible plants of the same species?
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Fadel, I'd like to extract from Theobroma cacao plants and my idea is to verify if applying extracts from resistant plant varietes it could enhancing resistance in susceptible ones. Once is suposed that elicitors would be present in those extracts, am I wrong? Don't worry about english Igor, mine is terrible so!!