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Am 9.-10.10.2025 veranstalten wir (Julia Schröder, Rudolf Schmitt) online über das Institut für qualitative Forschung IQF in Berlin einen Workshop zur sytematischen Metaphernanalyse als Methode qualitativer Forschung: - Eigenes Material kann eingebracht werden! - Zur Vorbereitung des Workshops fin...
Research Proposal
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Wir laden Interessierte zum kollegialen Austausch und zur Vernetzung ein. Wir freuen uns auf Posterbeiträge, Kurz-Präsentationen und Workshops aus der jungen Wissenschaft. Call for Posters: Postersession-sehen und gesehen werden! Stellt euch mit eurem gegenwärtigen Qualifizierungsprojekt in Form eines Posters vor. Die Postersession bietet Gelegenh...
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Konstantin Seifert (Jg. 1968) studierte ab 1989 Pädagogik, Biologie und Sportwissenschaften an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena und ist seit mehreren Jahrzehnten als Biologielehrer in verschiedensten Schulformen Thüringens tätig. Bereits seit Studientagen, und mit kürzeren Unterbrechungen bis in die Gegenwart, ist Seifert bemüht, auf biologi...
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This study develops a statistical model to analyze apartment rent prices per square meter (rent sqm) in Germany, focusing on Munich and Berlin in 2015 and 2019. Understanding rental price dynamics has become increasingly relevant with rising rent prices and a shortage of new apartment developments. The dataset from FDZ Ruhr at RWI and ImmobilienSco...
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The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, was accidentally introduced into Europe in 2004 and has caused severe economic damage in southern European fruit, wine, and vegetable production in recent years. The first European record of its principal antagonist, the egg parasitoid wasp Trissolcus japonicus, was made in Switzerland in 2017. In...
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Background There is limited investigation on the longitudinal association between common electrocardiogram (ECG) features and the incidence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This study aimed to examine the association of common ECG features with the incidence of OSA in a prospective cohort. Methods 2,563 participants aged 60 years or more were sel...
Conference Paper
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Kapitlet synliggör den bildnings-, fostrans-och undervisningsteori som formulerades av den finske journalisten, filosofen, pedagogen och statsmannen Johan Vilhelm Snellman (1806-1881). Snellmans pedagogik är intressant eftersom hans teoriutveckling visar hur den klassiska tyska pedagogikteorin (Herder, Fichte, Hegel, Humboldt, Schleiermacher), utve...
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Raimund Schulz, Uwe Walter, Griechische Geschichte ca. 800-322 v. Chr, Band 1: Darstellung, p. XV + 278, ISBN 978-3-486-58831-6; Band 2: Forschung und Literatur, p. XV + 378, ISBN 978-3-11-076245-7, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2022.
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The immune system plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we explored whether blood immune cell profiles are already altered in healthy individuals with a genetic predisposition to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Using multicolor flow cytometry, we analyzed 92 immune cell phenot...
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The rich and complex texture information of industrial products, and the fact that the number of normal products often far exceeds the number of defective products in industrial scenarios, poses a great challenge to product quality inspection. In order to solve this challenge, a weakly supervised defect detection model based on nested U-Net was pro...
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Rudolf Diesel (1858 – 1913) wanted to free the people from the dependency of the capitalism in Germany in the time of emperor Wilhelm and wanted to give them an economic self determined life. His book was pressed in 10,000 copies at R. Oldenburg in Munich and Berlin but only 300 copies were sold. All his efforts failed to get his ideas known. This...
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Rudolf Diesel (1858 – 1913) wanted to free the people from the dependency of the capitalism in Germany in the time of emperor Wilhelm and wanted to give them an economic self determined life. His book was pressed in 10,000 copies at R. Oldenburg in Munich and Berlin but only 300 copies were sold. All his efforts failed to get his ideas known. This...
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Addressing the need to achieve the EU's net-zero emissions target by 2050, the inclusion of unconventional measures for CO2 removal from the atmosphere into the technology portfolio appears necessary, meaning the implementation of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) or negative emissions technologies (NET). Various CDR approaches are explored for their po...
Technical Report
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The Berlin Process is celebrated its tenth anniversary is 2024. Since its inception in 2014, the format has developed to be a preeminent platform for fostering regional cooperation among the Western Balkan countries and an important link between the EU and the region. In the past ten years, the Berlin Process has produced many different outputs. It...
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This article deals with the reasons, possible causes, and manifest missed opportunities due to which Croatian culture did not have a successful transition. It especially focusses on the mechanisms and instruments used by the relevant authorities in the Republic of Croatia when it comes to decision-making in the field of culture. Implicit decisions...
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Об оценке независимыми экспертами (В. Б. Хабаров) книги "Инновационные аспекты биогеохимии" (Москва, авторы книги-ученые РАН и МГУ): ; ABSTRACT: в данной публикации изложено содержание статьи (автор – сотрудник одного из авторитетных научных институтов Российской Академии Наук В. Б. Хабаров). В ста...
Technical Report
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Die „Handlungsempfehlungen zum Umgang mit Crack-Konsum“, die eine von akzept e. V. versammelte Expert:innen-Gruppe zusammengestellt hatte, wurden im Januar 2023 veröffentlicht. Diese „Handlungsempfehlungen“ sind auf große Resonanz in der Drogen- und Suchthilfe, bei Behörden und Politik und in den Medien gestoßen.1 Die „Handlungsempfehlungen“ haben...
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Human–robot collaboration (HRC) remains an increasingly growing trend in the robotics research field. Despite the widespread usage of collaborative robots on the market, several safety issues still need to be addressed to develop industry-ready applications exploiting the full potential of the technology. This paper focuses on hand-guiding applicat...
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Germany is facing significant challenges in its foreign and economic policies, most notably the loss of Russian energy supplies, managing the economic partnership with China amid growing geopolitical tensions and, more recently, the prospect of an unfriendly US administration under Donald Trump. Domestically, Berlin is grappling with the consequenc...
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This article explores the relationship between cosmopolitanism, and secular and orthodox Jewish identities in recent Jewish film and television dramas with a focus on the Netflix series Unorthodox (Schrader 2020). It argues that Unorthodox presents a cosmopolitan image of Berlin and has Jews constitute an affirmative, symbolic and embodied presence...
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This Chapter discusses the issues of ensuring and protecting human rights in healthcare based on the Ukrainian experience accumulated during the full-fledged war of aggression unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Special attention is paid to the protection of the right to health in conjunction with the non-derogable rights to life a...
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The concept of Superblocks has been recognized as a promising urban transformational intervention. With the concept evolving, spreading, and being adapted to different contexts, it is necessary to take stock of the situation. The article aims to clarify the Superblocks concept through an e-Delphi process and test the theoretical framework against o...
Research Proposal
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Nachhaltigkeit bzw. Nicht-Nachhaltigkeit und planetare Zukünfte" (Arbeitstitel) 29. September bis 01. Oktober 2025 an der Universität zu Köln Die neu eingerichtete Arbeitsgemeinschaft (AG) ging aus der ad-hoc-Gruppe "Erziehungswissenschaften for future" hervor, initiiert von Ursula Stenger (Universität zu Köln) und Christoph Wulf (FU Berlin) beim D...
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Background: The ultra-rare nature of melanoma in children, adolescents, and young adults poses significant challenges to the development and implementation of effective prevention and diagnostic strategies. This article delves into the ELSIs surrounding these strategies, placing particular emphasis on the transformative potential of AI-driven tools...
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Over 250 years ago Johann August Ephraim Goeze, a Protestant pastor from Quedlinburg, Germany, discovered the first tardigrade. The German physiologist and anatomist Carl August Sigismund Schultze (1795–1877) later named the first species Macrobiotus hufelandi C.A.S. Schultze, 1834, a designation that remains valid today. By the first third of the...
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This paper focuses on the causes and consequences of colonial domination in Nigeria. Nigeria being a ‘gift’ to Britain from the Berlin Conference of 1884/85, was conquered by the British led by Sir Goldie of the Royal Niger Company and later by Frederick John Lugard before the close of the 19th century. By 1897, the fall of the Benin kingdom was im...
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In this keynote, I present findings of three studies* to showcase how language and gender interact from a linguistic perspective and how this interaction may be investigated using both computational (distributional semantics, linear discriminative learning) and creative (story telling, translation) methods. *• Schmitz, D. (2024). Instances of bias...
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This article introduces a novel hybrid mathematical modelling approach that effectively couples partial differential equations (PDEs) with ordinary differential equations (ODEs), exemplified through the simulation of epidemiological processes. The hybrid model aims to integrate the spatially detailed representation of disease dynamics provided by P...
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Eva-Maria Seng/Helmut Schlichtherle/Claus Wolf (Hg.): Prähistorische Pfahlbauten im Alpenraum. Erschließung und Vermittlung eines Welterbes. Berlin: De Gruyter 2019; 225 S., 70 Abb, 69,95 EUR
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Müslüman, Katolik ve Ortodoks nüfusuyla kozmopolit bir yapıya sahip olan Osmanlı Vilayeti Bosna-Hersek, jeopolitik konumu ile de Osmanlı Monarşisi, Avusturya-Macaristan Monarşisi ve Çarlık Rusya’sı arasında Balkanlar’daki nüfuz mücadelesine sahne olmuştur. Bu çıkar çatışması, Bosna-Hersek’te Rusya’nın Panslavizm propagandası ile 1875’te Bosna-Herse...
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The type material of species of Habralictus Moure, 1941 housed in the Museum für Naturkunde (ZMB), in Berlin, Germany, was studied, and lectotypes are designated for Neocorynura banghaasi Schrottky, 1910, Neocorynura ligea Schrottky, 1911 and Neocorynura metallica Friese, 1916. Taxonomic notes, diagnosis and redescriptions are presented. Remarks an...
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Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the female breast is treated with surgery possibly followed by radiotherapy (RT) and/or adjuvant hormonal therapy despite their known long-term side effects. Since not every DCIS will progress into an invasive breast cancer (IBC), disease progression and de-escalation of treatment is an important topic of current...
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Zusammenfassung Vor 20 Jahren beschloss das Präsidium der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, das Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft zu schließen. Dieser Artikel beschreibt, was nach diesem Beschluss geschah, warum das Institut heute noch besteht, welche Wirkung Unterstützungsbriefe und Strategiepapiere haben und welche Lehren wir für universitäre In...
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The “kill chain”—involving the analysis of data by human users of military technologies, the understanding of that data, and human decisions—has fast been replaced by the “kill cloud” that necessitates, allows, and exacerbates increased thirst for domination, violence against distant populations, and a culture of experimentation with human lives. T...
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The research group of Prof Dr Dieter Neher at the University of Potsdam invites applications for a postdoctoral position funded by the German Research Foundation. The position is for two years and will start in 2025. The recent development of non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs) has been a turning point in the field. Organic solar cells, which are at the...
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Gürcü krallıkları yönetiminde olan Artvin bölgesinin ilk fethi Karadeniz sahilinden başlandı. Şehzade Selim’in Trabzon valiliği sırasında Batum’a kadar alındı. Çoruh havzası ise Kanunî Sultan Süleyman’ın İkinci İran Seferi sırasında fethedilmeye başlandı. 1549 yılında Tortum, Nihah, Pertekrek kaleleri fethedildi, ileri harekete devam eden Osmanlı k...
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The Berlin Heart EXCOR is a paracorporeal, pulsatile, and pneumatically driven ventricular assist device and can provide durable support to the left ventricle, right ventricle or both ventricles and can be used as bridge to recovery or bridge to transplant. The aim of this short report is to present the outcomes and complications in adult patients...
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Background This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of the NoSAS, STOP-Bang, and Berlin scoring systems, which are utilized to predict obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), in forecasting difficult airway management. Additionally, the study sought to determine which of these scoring systems is the most practical and effective for this purpo...
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Poster zur Präsentation des Beitrags Whitepaper Resonanzstabilitäts-Bewertung nach dem impedanzbasierten Stabilitätskriterium bei der Tagung zukünftige Stromnetze 2025 in Berlin.
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Objective: Exposure of emergency service personnel to disasters can lead to significant mental health challenges. The psychological impact of intentionally caused disasters, such as terrorist attacks, tends to be more severe than that of natural disasters. While much research has focused on terrorist attacks, little is known about the effects of in...
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Background The population figures in Germany are obtained by updating the results of the latest census with information from the statistics on birth, deaths and migration statistics. The Census 2011 in Germany corrected population figures, which have only been updated over a long period of time. The aim of this work is to show the effect of the cen...
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Background Drafting for drag reduction is a tactic commonly employed by elite athletes of various sports. The strategy has been adopted by Kenyan runner Eliud Kipchoge on numerous marathon events in the past, including the 2018 and 2022 editions of the Berlin marathon (where Kipchoge set two official world records), as well as in two special attemp...
Conference Paper
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An important issue that is still being debated in Ionic architecture is the use of friezes in the archaic period. During the excavations of the sanctuary of Apollo in Didyma, two corner blocks of archidrav-frieze with gorgon reliefs, one found in 1896 and the other in 1913, constitute the main part of the discussions. One of these fragments is pres...
Conference Paper
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Einfluss sozialer und dimensionaler Vergleiche auf das fachspezifische Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept von Grundschulkindern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund Das Internal/External-Frame-of-Reference Modell (I/E-Modell, [1]) sowie der Big-Fish-Little-Pond-Effekt (BFLPE; [2]) erklären die Genese des Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept (SK). Das I/E-Modell beschreib...
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SUMARIO: 1. INTRODUCCIÓN. EXPERIENCIAS MÁS ALLÁ DE LA LEY DE MOVILIDAD SOSTENIBLE.— 2. LA REGULACIÓN: EL EQUILIBRIO PARA GOBERNAR LA MICROMOVILIDAD COMPARTIDA: 2.1 Los operadores privados. Aportando innovación y servicio; 2.2 Las administraciones locales. Velando por el espacio público; 2.3 Elementos sujetos a colaboración público-privada.— 3. CARA...
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Aims Heart failure (HF) is a complex clinical syndrome with high morbidity and mortality, influenced significantly by sodium balance. Recently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has emerged as a non-invasive method to evaluate tissue sodium load in HF patients. This proof-of-principle study investigates the association between tissue sodium content,...
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In the early days of its existence, Airbnb was heralded as a champion of the “sharing economy”, enabling amateur hosts to offer short-term lodging to a global community of guests. Since then, public debates and research have highlighted the rise of professional hosts as an indication for the commercialization of Airbnb. However, it is neither well...
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The detection of genetically modified organisms (GMO) is crucial for regulatory compliance and market control. Therefore, detection methods are constantly being developed and improved. New genomic techniques (NGT) present unique challenges for detection due to the minimal genetic changes they introduce. The ‘International Conference on GMO Analysis...
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This study presents a framework for integrating traffic simulation with high-resolution air pollution modeling to design adaptive traffic management policies aimed at reducing urban air pollution. Building on prior work that establishes the coupling of the MATSim traffic model with the PALM-4U urban climate model, this second part focuses on implem...
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Es handelt sich hier um einen praxisorientierten Abschlussbericht zu einem Forschungsprojekt mit dem Titel "BeziehungsWeise Natur", das im Mai/Juni 2024 an einer Berliner Grundschule zum Thema Naturbeziehung von Kindern durchgeführt wurde.
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Our contemporary world faces multifaceted crises spanning political, socio-cultural, and economic aspects, underlined by events like the COVID pandemic, climate emergencies and geopolitical conflicts. These challenges fuel scepticism towards democracy's efficacy in surmounting obstacles, evident in the rise of far-right movements globally. Amidst t...
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Nutrition plays a crucial role in human and planetary health, as prevailing nutritional patterns significantly contribute to the global non-communicable disease pandemic. Moreover, the global food system is inextricably linked to planetary health deterioration. The relevance of nutrition for individual and planetary health is insufficiently address...
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The article considers the potential of digital video as a research and cognitive instrument in visual history. The text offers examples of how digital video technology can be used as a research tool. It suggests potential applications of visual history in the use of digital technologies, including digital video, in research and cognitive function....
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Karadağ, Avrupa'nın güneydoğusunda Balkanların Adriyatik kıyısında bir ülkedir. Kuzeyde Bosna-Hersek, kuzeydoğuda Sırbistan, doğuda Kosova, güneydoğuda Arnavutluk, batıda ise Hırvatistan ve Adriyatik Denizi ile çevrilidir. Başkenti ve en büyük şehri Podgorica’dır (Wikipedia, 2023). Karadağ, Fatih Sultan Mehmet devrinde kısmen, 16. Yüzyılın başların...
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Different perspectives on the controversially discussed »Jewish Councils« The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by German authorities and their allies during the Second World War, commonly known as »Jewish Councils«, have been controversial since their establishment. These organisations’ leaders have been criticised for their...
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Different perspectives on the controversially discussed »Jewish Councils« The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by German authorities and their allies during the Second World War, commonly known as »Jewish Councils«, have been controversial since their establishment. These organisations’ leaders have been criticised for their...
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Different perspectives on the controversially discussed »Jewish Councils« The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by German authorities and their allies during the Second World War, commonly known as »Jewish Councils«, have been controversial since their establishment. These organisations’ leaders have been criticised for their...
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Different perspectives on the controversially discussed »Jewish Councils« The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by German authorities and their allies during the Second World War, commonly known as »Jewish Councils«, have been controversial since their establishment. These organisations’ leaders have been criticised for their...
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Different perspectives on the controversially discussed »Jewish Councils« The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by German authorities and their allies during the Second World War, commonly known as »Jewish Councils«, have been controversial since their establishment. These organisations’ leaders have been criticised for their...
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Different perspectives on the controversially discussed »Jewish Councils« The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by German authorities and their allies during the Second World War, commonly known as »Jewish Councils«, have been controversial since their establishment. These organisations’ leaders have been criticised for their...
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Different perspectives on the controversially discussed »Jewish Councils« The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by German authorities and their allies during the Second World War, commonly known as »Jewish Councils«, have been controversial since their establishment. These organisations’ leaders have been criticised for their...
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Different perspectives on the controversially discussed »Jewish Councils« The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by German authorities and their allies during the Second World War, commonly known as »Jewish Councils«, have been controversial since their establishment. These organisations’ leaders have been criticised for their...
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Different perspectives on the controversially discussed »Jewish Councils« The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by German authorities and their allies during the Second World War, commonly known as »Jewish Councils«, have been controversial since their establishment. These organisations’ leaders have been criticised for their...
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Different perspectives on the controversially discussed »Jewish Councils« The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by German authorities and their allies during the Second World War, commonly known as »Jewish Councils«, have been controversial since their establishment. These organisations’ leaders have been criticised for their...
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Different perspectives on the controversially discussed »Jewish Councils« The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by German authorities and their allies during the Second World War, commonly known as »Jewish Councils«, have been controversial since their establishment. These organisations’ leaders have been criticised for their...
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Unplanned meetings can stem from complex movements across geographies, with serendipity playing a key role. Media artist Budhaditya Chattopadhyay unexpectedly meets researcher Budhaditya Chattopadhyay at a café in Budapest. This is their eighth meeting, following previous encounters in Copenhagen (2017), Den Haag (2021c), Kolkata (2021b), Berlin (2...
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Different perspectives on the controversially discussed »Jewish Councils« The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by German authorities and their allies during the Second World War, commonly known as »Jewish Councils«, have been controversial since their establishment. These organisations’ leaders have been criticised for their...
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Martin Jung: Die württembergische Kirche und die Juden in der Zeit des Pietismus (1675-1780). (Studien zu Kirche und Israel, Band 13). Institut Kirche und Judentum, Berlin 1992. 395 Seiten. Pappband DM 29,80
Technical Report
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This study report outlines the background context, research questions and design of the project: A longitudinal qualitative panel study of settlement experiences of Ukrainian protection-holders in Berlin and Munich. The project was funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Se...
Cover Page
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Digital Materials in Physical Spaces: Strategies for Exhibiting Digital, and Beyond-Digital Installations in Contemporary Art Institutions Carlijn Juste Description of the PhD research This research investigates new curatorial strategies for exhibiting digital artworks in physical exhibition spaces. By digital art, I refer to artistic projects t...
Cover Page
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Call for Papers: Workshop on Highly Qualified Immigrants - Refugees in Europe and Turkey . For this workshop we invite contributions from the fields of forced migration, diaspora and refugee studies that involve empirical, methodological and theoretical research on highly qualified immigrants and refugees from diverse ethno-cultural, socio-economic...
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The Cold War, which shaped global geopolitics for much of the 20th century, was fundamentally influenced by the rise of the Soviet Union and the establishment of the Communist Bloc following World War II. This paper examines the role of the Communist Bloc—comprised of Eastern European countries, China, and revolutionary forces in the Third World—as...
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Purpose Magnetic Resonance Imaging based brain segmentation and volumetry has become an important tool in clinical routine and research. However the impact of the used hardware is only barely investigated. This study aims to assess the influence of scanner manufacturer, field strength and head-coil on volumetry results. Methods 10 healthy subjects...
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Der im Rahmen des Spreestadt-Forums/Berliner Krankenhausseminars gehaltene Vortrag befasst sich mit Stand und Perspektiven der Ambulantisierung in Deutschland unter folgenden Fragestellungen: Was treibt die Ambulantisierung? Gibt es einen Fahrplan für eine stärkere Ambulantisierung? Welche Chancen und Risiken bieten die unterschiedlichen Ansätze zu...
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The purpose of this article is to announce the existence of a third copy of two Old Latvian monuments: Undeudsche Psalmen und geistlicher Lieder and Evangelia und Episteln (both 1587). They are bound together with the third copy of Rivius’s Catechism (1586). The volume is now preserved in Berlin at the Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heri...
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Zunehmend näher an unseren Lebens-und Ar-beitsalltag rücken Naturkatastrophen, die uns oft wie unerwartete Ereignisse erscheinen. Sie verset-zen uns in eine Situation, der wir kaum gewach-sen sind. Ängste, Haus und Hof zu verlieren bis zum Verlust an Menschenleben bahnen sich ihren Weg. Zum Beispiel entwickeln sich aus dahinplät-schernden kleinen F...
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This essay attempts to construct the life stories of five German women within the context of German East Africa, the largest of the German colonial domains. Within the salons of Berlin there was a general agreement that married German women were necessary in the colonies to prevent any miscegenation, to keep the colonies racially pure. Yet the econ...
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Soğuk Savaş (1947-1991) döneminde Batı Bloğunu koruma misyonuyla kurulan ve işlev kazanan NATO, savaş sürecinden sonra da etkin olabilme potansiyelini kazanmıştır. Bu çerçevede özellikle NATO genişlemesinin Amerika Birleşik Devletleri isteğiyle önemli bir işlev kazandığı, bunun ise genel bağlamda uluslararası güvenlik ve savunma temelli olduğu vurg...
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عضوية اللجنة العلمية للمؤتمر الدولي العلمي: التحولات الجيوسياسية وتأثيرها على الأمن والسلم العالمي: النزاعات الإقليمية وتحديات بناء الدولة السورية الذي ينظمه المركز_الديمقراطي_العربي (مؤسسة بحثية) ألمانيا – برلين بالتعاون مع: - مجلة العلوم السياسية والقانون – مجلة دولية محكّمة تصدر من ألمانيا – برلين المجلة الدولية للدراسات الاقتصادية – مجلة دولية...
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Defining consistent calculus frameworks on discrete meshes is useful for processing the geometry of meshes or model numerical simulations and variational problems onto them. However, digital surfaces (boundary of voxels) cannot benefit directly from the classical mesh calculus frameworks, since their vertex and face geometry is too poor to capture...
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Among many conundrums in Isaiah Berlin's thought are the apparent tension between a strongly “personalist” approach to ideas and appreciation for Romanticism, and his warnings against the identification of freedom with human perfection and of politics with aesthetic projects, and aversion to any form of excessive “zeal,” as potentially oppressive,...
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Lorsque nous parlons plus avant de la "rationalité", nous n'entendons pas par cette catégorie la rationalité de la science normale fonctionnant "normalement", pas non plus directement le concept de rationalité de la logique de la science de toute provenance établie analytiquement. Nous envisageons dans cet essai une plus vaste idée, une catégorie h...
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Zusammenfassung Hintergrund In Deutschland liegen kaum Studien vor, die Versorgungswege im Frühverlauf von Psychosen sowie die Dauer der unbehandelten Psychosen (DUP) untersuchen und dabei den Migrationshintergrund berücksichtigen. Ziel der Arbeit Die Studie untersucht, ob sich junge Erwachsene mit (PmM) und ohne Migrationshintergrund (PoM), die...
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Guided by an analytical framework consisting of standard explanatory variables and non-standard ones like intensive negotiation processes of give-and-take, we strive to explain implementation failures and successes in the German immission control law field. Based on a thorough content analysis and a Crisp-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (csQCA...
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With increasing freight demands for inner-city transport, shifting freight from road to scheduled line services such as buses, metros, trams, and barges is a sustainable solution. Public authorities typically impose economic policies, including road taxes and subsidies for scheduled line services, to achieve this modal shift. This study models such...
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We present a new Teaching assesment strategy.The BILOE model is highly adaptable for various learning modalities and formats, including events. Emphasizing dialogue to communicate goals and intentions is crucial in fostering metacognitive skills. This approach enhances effective and deliberate planning, ensuring that both instructors and participan...
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Zusammenfassung Erst im Transfer können Diversity-Schulungen zur Wertschätzung von Diversität im Arbeitskontext beitragen. Diese Interviewstudie ( N = 16) untersucht, wie Teilnehmende aus Schulungen der Berliner Landesantidiskriminierungsstelle Transfer anstoßen und erleben. Das Ergebnis ist eine Typologie aus vier Transfererfahrungen: die Vorbilde...
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The largest anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) come from local sources, such as cities and power plants. The upcoming Copernicus CO2 Monitoring (CO2M) mission will provide satellite images of the CO2 and NO2 plumes associated with these sources at a resolution of 2 km × 2 km and with a swath of 250 km. These images could be exploited u...