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Behavioral Neuroendocrinology - Science topic
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Questions related to Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
measured blood sugar level after and before electrical stress. I have statically no incidence of stress on the blood glucose values. Do you have more information on the stress response and catecholamines, corticosterol and blood glucose level for broilers?
I'm currently testing ketamine as an anti-depressant in female ovariectomized rats. Am curious what size field would be ideal to test the effects of ketamine 24h or 1 week after administration.
I'm trying to do research into Behavioural Endocrinology, as I am considering it for my final project for my masters. But I can't seem to find information anywhere, regarding equipment etc. Any help would be appreciated!
I am trying to administer a hormone daily to a rat for up to 6 months without causing the rats any unneeded stress.
My current options:
- Daily subcutaneous injections.
- Implanted osmotic pumps.
- Daily force feed using gavage.
- Daily syringe feeding .
- Some type of treat containing hormone??? (please let me know if you know of something like this)
Essentially aside from some form of a treat containing the hormone I am not a fan of the 4 other options.
Daily injections would be time consuming for a large sample, and would be inherently stressful to the rats.
Osmotic pumps would require routine changing over the course of the experiment, meaning that the rats would be going into minor surgery every 2-3 weeks.
Daily force feed would be inherently stressful on the rats, and according to the literature on using gavage, can cause throat ruptures, and becoming increasingly difficult over time.
Syringe feeding is the most viable option of all those aside from feeding them some form of capsule or pellet containing the hormone, but would still be quite time consuming to do daily.
Any recommendations or advice on how to proceed here is very welcome. Please help.
I have flash frozen brains in the past using isopentane with dry ice in it but I found that some of them cracked. What is the optimal time to leave the brain in the isopentane such that it is frozen solid but the cells are still viable?
Can anyone let me know if GH has been used in MS? Is it a viable treatment in relation to other treatments used for MS. I do not have any expertise in the area of MS, and it is a case that has been brought to me recently.
I want to examine insulin like peptides in crickets, however no primers exist for ILP's in crickets nor any methods of detection. They exist in the drosophila literature- I just am at a standstill on trying to figure out how I could do this without spending a fortune.
Dear Researchers,
I am working on a behavioral and molecular study in a transgenic mice model. I want to evaluate the improvement in cognitive ability among mice after using certain agents. I want to know if it is necessary to test Morris maze among both male and female?
Please, if possible provide me with an article to read more about this.
My experiment plan is to make mice depressive model by CUMS on mice and then mice would subjected to behavior tests (such as a forced swimming test, tail suspension test etc.). Is it needed to do a forced swimming test before the mice modeling, in order to eliminate the mice who have big difference of the test results? Have you done such test and how much is the Elimination Ratio?
Does anyone either know how long it takes for glucocorticoids type 1 to become saturated in baboons? or how long after an acute stressor the hormone takes to reduce to baseline or non-behavioural change levels? or maybe just how long it takes for them to start decreasing? I understand this may depend on whether the animal is dominant or subordinate depending on deficits in negative feedback loops...
We run behavioral experiments with goldfish (as prey) and Egret (as predator). The goldfish groups (10 to 20 individuals) are in a pond (1000 Liters) and Egret preys (or attacks) on them regularly. When attacked, the goldfish seeks refuge under a central cover (circular disks in the middle of pool, that prevent egret from hunting). Is it possible to measure stress hormones in water without capturing or killing the goldfish (non invasive method)? Is it possible to measure the stress hormones through time (we run the behavioral expt. for 6 hours)? If yes, what kind of stress hormones can be measured? I would be very happy to get your feedback's. Please let me know if you need further details. Thank you.
I am planning to do 4 or 5 behavior test on my respected groups after drug administration, I have to do test after every two weeks for about 8 weeks. I have eight groups and each group comprised of 30 animals. After behavior experiment i have to kill the animal for other studies. Can we select six or seven animal per group for each week experiment and kill them at the end. I have to do training in all the behavior experiments before trial. So, i need suggestion that is it fine to select 6-7 animals for each 2 weeks or not. Kindly explain if possible if we cant do it.
I have 2 group of mice, one of them should have seizure like behaviors, however, I didn't notice that phenotype, so I want to induce seizure in mice, and check if there are some difference between the 2 groups, anyone can give me some suggestions? thanks a lot! Hailong Hou
I am looking for an answer to a rather systemic biology question - is there a 1:1 relationship between HPA axis activation and stress response (in terms of the whole body, I mean not the cellular or tissue stress). I mean could an experimental model without functional HPA axis experience stress in its proper sense of word? I know that it depends on what how we actually define stress, but still, is there any possibility of generalized stress response without HPA axis activation? Will be very grateful for any suggestions, Julie
Dear All,
How do perform Maternal Odor Preference/Homing Behavior in pups? and how many day old pups should be used for this behavior study??
Hello to everyone!!!
I am working in the field of stress physiology, my work is about i will stress to mother during pregnancy and will check cognitive functions of its offspring.. I will using 40 days old pups for further experimental studies,, will it differ maternal stress effect and cognitive functions of the offspring before and after puberty period of the animal...
In relation to finding mechanisms of pain catastrophizing in healthy humans and what it will likely be when HPA axis is disrupted by disease.
There are many publications using fluoxetine as a standard treatment in corticosterone induced depression and in these publications it is shown that fluoxetine lowers serum corticosterone levels. Through which mechanism fluoxetine lowers serum corticosterone concentration.
I ask this because I postulated in our most recent paper that one reason girls are more susceptible to the traumatic effects of child abuse may be because they perceive and remember social cues differently, perhaps appraising them as being more threatening than do boys. Is there evidence for this idea?
I am working on a connection with colic and brain development in infants.
I'm curious whether there's a consensus as to whether chronic stress can damage the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, diminishing the efficacy of negative feedback and leading to further damage, including hippocampal atrophy. This position was argued by Robert Sapolsky: Is there convincing evidence that it is correct? Thanks!
New evidence exists that replicates the results of Weaver et al. (2004) about the increase in demethylation of DNA in exon 1 (7) of GR? What new evidence supports the non-genetic transmission of stress responsivity of the mother through maternal care to her offspring? Which mechanisms are implicated? Specific neurotransmitter actions are related to the process?
To what the science refers when speaks about a "model" of something, and in this case, about an animal model? Exist a general perspective about the concept, beyond the specific definitions of specific interest topics?
Are the individual differences of the mother's anxiety behaviors and their maternal care predictors of the anxiety response of offspring? Could that be enhance by impoverished social and physical environment?