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Behavioral Analysis - Science topic

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Questions related to Behavioral Analysis
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
1 answer
Let’s say I have a 600s run in ANY-maze with the supporting data (distance, latency, etc.) for the 600s. Is there a way to analyze only the first 300s of that data and receive the subsequent data from that 300s?
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Dear Derek,
There is an option to section the test runs and you can specify how long these segments are. Please refer to 1.21 Segment of Test in the attached handbook. Hope this helps!
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
300 Participants in my study viewed 66 different moral photos and had to make a binary choice (yes/no) in response to each. There were 3 moral photo categories (22 positive images, 22 neutral images and 22 negative images). I am running a multilevel logistic regression (we manipulated two other aspects about the images) and have found unnaturally high odd ratios (see below). We have no missing values. Could anyone please help me understand what the below might mean? I understand I need to approach with extreme caution so any advice would be highly appreciated.
Yes choice: morally negative compared morally positive (OR=441.11; 95% CI [271.07,717.81]; p<.001)
Yes choice: morally neutral compared to morally positive (OR=0.94; 95% CI [0.47,1.87]; p=0.86)
It should be noted that when I plot the data, very very few participants chose yes in response to the neutral and positive images. Almost all yes responses were given in response to the negative images.
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I think you have answered your question: "It should be noted that when I plot the data, very very few participants chose yes in response to the neutral and positive images. Almost all yes responses were given in response to the negative images."
This is what you'd expect even in a simple 2x2 design. If the probability of a yes response in the positive condition is very high and the probability very low in the negative condition then the OR could be high as its the ratio of a big probability to a very low one.
This isn't unnatural unless the raw probabilities don't reflect this pattern. (There might still be issues but not from what you described).
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
1 answer
The output characteristics of any antenna changes with respect to the changes made on the surface of the patch, any precise info regarding the behavioral analysis in the prospect of design and o/p characteristics.?
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Saam prasanth Dheeraj it seems like you are looking for a literature review on patch antennas. There are many such reviews available, please see for example
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
8 answers
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"What test would offer insight as to group x condition?"
Only a parametric model can do this. As soon as use ranks (i.e. some kind of "non-parametric analysis") an interaction is not meaningfully interpretable.
There are more important things to consider when analysing an interaction: it makes a difference if you assume that effects are additive or multiplicative. A meaningful interpration also requires that that the observed interaction is not due to ceiling or floor effects.
It's easy to do "some test" and to get "some result", but it is tricky to get a meaningful interpretation. I suggest to collaborate with a statistician.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
Is it possible in any way to obtain in an automated way the activity logs data from an individual FB user? For example, with the use of some API or analytic tool?
I'd like to compare the data from a person's psychological questionnaires with that person's activity on FB. Are there any tools to obtain the latter?
Kind regards,
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This is a disturbing question. If you added the parenthesis (with permission) it might be marginally less so.
Although fb /Meta does use analytic data (and algorithms) to drive their ad delivery, they are reducing the availabilty of that data. Even anonymous demographics about page visitors.
I, for one, would never take part in a study that made giving the researchers the authority to monitor my conversations and reactions on Facebook or similar. And would not answer surveys that would 'validate' my responses in such a way.
In my experience the best way to test responses in surveys is to recast questions so that they appear to be different, but when the responses are compared inconsistencies (fibs?) are revealed. That is, I will ask apparently different questions within the mix of questions in the survey, but some of the key questions are effectively and unobviously asked multiple times.
Research assistants are good yardsticks for this. If they don't see the similarities in the questions, but see them clearly in the responses, you've hit the target.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
7 answers
I would like to make behavioural analysis on the Autism Spectral Disorder. Where can I find a suitable dataset?
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Fadi Thabtah Hi the link you shared seems to not work. It would be great if I could get access to it. Thanks
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
29 answers
I propose the following research topics in the field of behavioral finance operating on securities markets:
Analysis of the correlation of changes in the market valuation of securities on the stock exchange with the economic and financial situation of the issuer's company and external factors such as:
- changes in interest rates of central banking and commercial investment instruments offered by banks,
- changes in the level of income of individual stock investors,
- business cycle in the economy and in the sector in which the company operates, issuer of securities,
- increase in the importance of technical analysis in the face of fundamental analysis in a situation when the share of stock exchange investors using computer programs used for technical analysis increases,
- increase in the importance of stock exchange transactions concluded by computerized transaction systems working on behalf of investment banks, including transactions that last for a short period of time, sometimes a few seconds or part of a second, but for large amounts of funds,
- securities and brokerage houses run by the stock exchange and individual issuers, advertising and image campaigns on the occasion of the public offering of a new issue of acacia or corporate bonds or in other situations,
- change of the state's economic policy, change of the tax system regarding investment in securities, eg by introducing or reducing tax on capital income,
- change in the ratio of investors from foreign exchange investors to domestic investors in connection with the activities of international rating agencies, funds and investment banks.
In view of the above, what other interesting research topics do you offer in the field of behavioral finance operating on securities markets?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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Dear Vivek Pandey,
Thanks for your suggestions for research topics in the field of behavioral finance. The topics are interesting and developmental. In terms of the behavioral consequences of blockchain integration in financial transactions, interesting research can be carried out on improving the security of transactions.
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
Any document clearly indicating the procedures/steps to do the behavioral analysis of mice specifically Elevated Plus Maze.
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Did anyone use DeepLabCut to analyze mouse behavior (i.e., grooming, facial wiping by frontpaw or by hindpaw)?
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
I am conducting a study of the influence of behavioral factors in public procurement. is it possible to recommend similar studies or methods for analyzing the behavior of counterparties in the public procurement market using behavioral analysis?
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Maybe this could be helpful. Is not the same research interest (public procurement) but can to you give some ideas, regarding the context and the nature of the publication:
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
12 answers
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Behavioral economics?
Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Behavioral economics.
Please reply.
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
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Dear Waqas Ali,
Thank you for the link to the scientific publication on the subject: behavioral economics.
Greetings, Have a nice day,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
6 answers
Sometimes mice find a platform, but ignore it and continue to swim or immediately jump off. I thought, can this be seen as a manifestation of learning? That in this case to consider latent time (the first finding of the platform or when the animal sits on it)? Especially interested in a mice study.
Thank you for answers!
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Latency in MWM refers to the time taken for a mouse to locate the escape platform. It is expected to reduce in a mouse with intact cognitive function and prolonged in condition of cognitive impairment.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
Also, I would like to know, as I myself a, doing behavioural analysis from a cognitive structure point of view, what are the main aspects of your research when it comes down to questions. Have you surveyed these people or are they random.
In addition to this, I'd also like to know that according to yu, which perspectives of their behavioural attributes were most complex to understand and how willing were they to change their behaviour.
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Robert Feeney I thank you for your answer. It was very helpful and with loads of useful insight. You said, verbatim ' In my work, I have discovered (and have done more and more exploration of this) that people's willingness to change behavior is correlate to how familiar they are with the subject matter to which the targeted behavior is related.' - Do you, in this case, think that at a micro level, behavior depends upon awareness? I know that it does, but I am interested to know up to what level.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
I have just published a paper in Transport Policy about the mediator role of satisfaction in public transport ( using data from the same survey in five cities (Madrid, Rome, Berlin, Lisbon and London). I have found that satisfaction exerts a complete mediator role between service quality and behavioral intentions in urban and metropolitan public transport services.
My personalized Share Link is,L-HRby6v (valid before Dec 27, 2020).
I would appreciate feedback from anybody that has compared both models (partial vs. full mediator) in the field of public transport or in any other fields?
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Passenger satisfaction is not guaranteed if the quality of the services that public transit delivers do not result in increased passenger perceptions of value in relation to the fares paid. Therefore, providing passenger-value-oriented quality services is crucial for public transit companies if they are to satisfy their passengers and thus increase re-patronage/word-of-mouth behavior, and consequently customer loyalty.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
I am currently working on a project (Correlation Between the Time of ADHD Diagnosis and Performance) for my principles of research course and I am having trouble locating/ accessing a document that mentions or lists the questions/criteria used to assess their patients.
In my research, I would be using a modified version, as I only need this scale to give an empirical definition to the word performance.
The origin of the PSP comes from Morosini et al. Development, reliability and acceptability of a new version of the DSM‐IV Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) to assess routine social funtioning.
I am unsure if they include the observation criteria within their research, as the journal is hidden behind a paywall.
I have a survey already created: though, it will not be completed until I am able to add in the criteria for assessing the participants performance levels.
I would appreciate any feedback on my survey, tips on how to effectively collect this data and proceed with this research, and of course any links to the original testing criteria. If none are available, I would also appreciate anyone who would be able to help me come up with efficient questions that would assess a persons performance.
Thank you!
Edit: I have found the questions that I need and have completed the survey. Thank you all for your help and feedback.
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The PSP is a 100–point single‐item rating scale, subdivided into 10 equal intervals. The ratings are based mainly on the assessment of patient's functioning in four main areas: 1) socially useful activities; 2) personal and social relationships; 3) self‐care; and 4) disturbing and aggressive behaviours. Operational criteria to rate the levels of disabilities have been defined for the above‐mentioned areas. Excellent inter‐rater reliability was also obtained in less educated workers.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
6 answers
I would like to use ToxTrac to help me with my hornet's videos. I did 600 experiments in an olfactometer to follow the behavior of hornets. They are pretty "big" but ToxTarc never detected them. Since I did my experiment in red light, the contrast is low, but we are still able to see the hornet pretty well. I tried to modify the video, in order to get a better contrast. But still, no detection. Is there a way to help the software to detect the insect ?
Thank in advance,
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Thank you very much for your response
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
13 answers
The study of the functioning of securities markets is particularly important in the context of the analysis of the effective functioning of modern economies. It is particularly important to limit the systemic investment risk and strengthen the instruments of financial supervisors to reduce the likelihood of further global financial crises.
In view of the above, I would like to ask you: Analysis of the functioning of securities markets?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion
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Dear Hazim Al Dilaimy, Aa Ss, Sir Soumitra Kumar Mallick, Thank you very much for participating in this discussion. Thank you for the proposed interesting issues in the field Analysis of the functioning of securities markets?
Thank you very much for the sent suggestions of interesting topics, research issues, etc. related to this issue.
Thank you very much and best regards, Have a nice day,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
I wish to use self-monitoring scale developed by Richard D. Lennox and Raymond N. Wolfe ("Revision of self-monitoring"). It is a 2 factor structure scale with total 13 items-
(1) ability to modify self-presentation-7 items & (2) sensitivity to expressive behaviour of others-6 items .
But for a part of my study I am trying to show the impact of self-monitoring on consumption behaviour , so I feel only the first dimension (ability to modify self-representation) is useful for me . Also I have 6-7 more latent variables so the survey is already touching 90 questions so I want to minimise the items .
Can I just use the 7 items given by this scale (representing the first dimension of self-monitoring), without disturbing psychometric properties and still call the composite variable of these 7 items - "SELF MONITORING"? Is this an acceptable practice in Research ? (I will doing SEM eventually)
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You can use only that subscale but you must justify that specific theoretical concept instead of the general variable.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
There are four approaches (Financial, fundamental, technical and behavioral analysis)to investing in financial markets. I think US market are on the verge of a correction in financial markets. How can crises in stock markets be predicted according to these approaches?
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Good question
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
6 answers
I am conducting behavioral trials with tadpoles and I need to track till 16 individuals inside the arena. Basically, I need to estimate the time each tadpole spent active. I would welcome any suggestions.
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Hi Andrea, if you have a way of marking each individual tadpole (for example by putting a small coloured marker on them) then I believe DeepLabCut would easily track the individuals. The output is a CSV file with the position of the marker within the frame which you could use to calculate time active.
Good Luck, Carrie
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
When considering determinants for micropolitical behaviour, I am particulary interested in the dependence on qualification and competence when using micropolitical strategies. As part of my research, I would like to find out how and why people tend to which micropolitical strategies depending on their qualifications and skills. Therefore I would like to ask for information regarding the current scientific state of research on micropolitical behaviour, particulary in the strategies used.
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Many thanks for the kind comment...
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
Hi, I am a german university student (business administration and psychology) and I am going to write my bachelor thesis.
I would like to research a correlation between stress and the language. For the following therms I need your help:
- differently option for stress induction
- or unsolvable tasks for stress induction
- or questionnaire for stress induction
I know about the trier social stress test and the socially evaluative cold water stress test, so I need other options. The best way for me is, to have a computeraided stress test.
I hope you can help me and make my student life a little easier :-).
Best regards,
Timo Köhler
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We study several aspects of moral stress and distress when you are supposed to treat the patient in a way that compromise your conscience or you are afraid of eg mental disorders.. I can add some examples:
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
2 answers
I need to simulate a long queue in a coffee shop and do analysis on the information gathered. the simulation is about a coffee shop that customers enter to order but if the queue is longer than 10 people they leave. numerous things must be simulated and in the end i need to export all these into minitab comparing it with solutions i must provide. i need help both on how i can count the customers that leave and how i can use minitab to see if a new model (the solution i provide) is better than the basic one.
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hope,you already get the answer.
otherwise, you can count the number of customers leaving without being served by using " record " module.
create-- decide -- (true)-- process --dispose
decide (f) -- record(count ) -- dispose 2
in decide module use 2 way by condition using (If queue number <10)
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
Is there anyone who uses behavioral analysis in the own daily life to increase self-understanding and coping?
Is it possible to find any research about that?
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beteendeanalys är gammal och har ersatts av KBT.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
7 answers
Teaching Introductory Psychology, I’ve had students classically condition Pavlov’s dog and operantly condition Fuzzy the Alien through website simulations (links below).  Unfortunately, Pavlov’s dog disappeared and I can’t get Fuzzy the Alien to work anymore. Does anyone know of alternatives or other suggestions for replacements? I have a 150 student class so that limits our ability to do hands-on activities. I don’t feel comfortable having students purchase something expensive or with a long learning curve when behaviorism is 2 of 30 classes (e.g., Sniffy, the virtual Rat).  More broadly, even if not ideal for my class, please do share ideas for engaging and effective ways of teaching behaviorism. Thanks! ~ Kevin
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Sniffy and CyberRat were the worst and so much slower in terms of literal movement and acquisition than real lab rats. You probably already know about the videos on YouTube that Dale Swartenztruber does--he's got a few on habituation, Pavlovian/classical/respondent conditioning, and operant conditioning.
Jeff Wilson at Albion College was doing Pavlovian conditioning with earthworms as a class project many years ago, but I'm not sure how much progress they made. For something slightly less basic but still Pavlovian conditioning, you could do some evaluative conditioning with fake, neutral product brands but real celebrities and have students rate how likely they are to buy each product in a pre/post design (e.g., rate product without celebrity and then again after "pairing" with the celebrity). For example, Jared+sandwich shop = probably not likely to buy but LeBron James+shoes = probably likely to buy.
Full disclosure: I used a textbook that I contributed to for my Introduction to Psychology class, and we authors included demonstrations that students could work through within the electronic text itself instead of having to generate a bunch of in-class demos (plus, it was an online class).
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
7 answers
Anything unique that has been brought to the forefront in very recent years regarding health psychology?
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Agree with Dr@ Mahesh Kumar
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
6 answers
Hello, if you conducted a CFA to validate a scale and the model gives a clear 4 factor solution. The factors load nicely (.60) on each dimension. Can those factor loading be reported as evidence of convergent validty
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Please refer to:
1. Landau, S. and Everitt, B. S.(2004). A Handbook of Statistical analyses using SPSS.
2.Howitt, D. and Cramer, D.(2008). Introduction to SPSS.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
1 answer
I plan to have at least 10 ERT2-Cre activated and 10 control mice. I wonder with how big groups to start the injections, since I will inject repeatedly for 5 or 7 days. Some mice will likely drop out due to irritation by injection, some will drop out for other reasons. Some additional ones might drop out during behavioral analysis (mainly motor behavior and different cognition analyses, no additional invasive proceedures).
Thanks in advance for your input!
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Hi Nadine,
From what I saw in our lab, this can actually vary from line to line - the effectiveness of the recombination is simply better is in some transgenic lines compared to others. On the other hand, we very rarely see any dropouts during the injection period - of course every now and then a mouse dies but if your injection technique is good exclusion due to injection is extremely rare.
The injection conditions are important though - tamoxifen or hydroxi-tamoxifen, how to dissolve, which dose, how often - so if someone already worked with your Cre-line, try to talk to them, find out what worked best for them. Or in case of doubt. run a couple of pilots.
To address your main question I would definitely analyse the recombination in every mouse after the behavioural tests. If you are testing cognitive abilities, you probably have a promoter that drives Cre expression in the brain. So isolate the brain and run an in situ on your target gene or a Cre immuno. You will then get an idea if you will have to exclude any mice from your behavioural analysis.
Ideally, you would have to test recombination in every batch of tested mice but this is not always feasible especially if you are targeting a small population of cells with a low expressing gene. If this is the case you especially need a robust and reproducible injection protocol that reliably gives you efficient recombination. Otherwise you will have a hard time deciding if a lack of phenotype in a mouse is due to individual variation or unsuccessful recombination.
I hope it helped,
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
I am testing the drug effect on expression of a particular protein in mouse brain. We need to have three test groups- one without drug treatment and others with two different concentrations of drug.
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1. Take reference from previous studies for sample size
2. 10 rats/group is sufficient so decide your sample size accordingly
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
We have used both male and female mice for some behavioral analysis. Our 3-way ANOVA results show that some parameters are significant in one sex but not in other sex (compared to control in each sex). Nevertheless, there are some parameters that show statistical significance in both sexes.
Is there any way we can compare two sexes and make a statement that effect is more pronounced in one sex compared to other.
Thanks for the help.
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You can find the 'level of change from control' of the parameters for male and female and then compare them using t-tests. This level of change may be expressed as percent change or fold change, for example. A t-test should reveal if there are differences in the 'level of change' for male vs females. This should inform you if the effect you are looking at is more pronounced in one sex compared to the other.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
I would like to know the probability that a person who inspects the food then eats it, and visa versa. the data is not normally distributed so cannot use traditional progression analysis (at least, i don't know how). The markov chain has been suggested, however i am not sure how to do this. does anyone have a good source on this? or an alternative?
many thanks,
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thank you all for the replies! and A. Panis, any special tests you could suggest in R program?
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
My compounds need to be dissolved in DMSO (my final DMSO concentration is 0.5%). Can I use system water to make dilutions then used for behavioural analysis in 5 dpf larval zebrafish? When I use E3 I can't get higher concentrations because the compounds precipitate. The second thing is that when I mix DMSO with E3, the solution is getting warmer (clearly perceptible in hand). So there must be some chemical reaction. My results for the control group (0.5% DMSO in E3) are just random as .... :(
Thanks in advance!
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Hi Agnieszka
I used to use the system water in 6hpf, 24hpf, 48hpf and 72hpf. I used to keep those larvae in system water for 7 days. It used to work well. You don't find any morphological changes due to lack of E3 medium.
It all depends on how many days your experiment plan is about.
With regard to solution preparation, I used to face problem of solubility when I directly take the drug and dissolve in 0.5% DMSO. So we used to take the drug into the 100% DMSO and then do serial dilutions. And we used to keep the final DMSO concentration to 0.1%. It used to work.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
5 answers
I am helping the American Forest Foundation look for successful behavior change programs with measured impacts that have involved one or more of these characteristics, preferably with audiences that were  rural and mostly over 65 years old.  
We’re looking for programs in the following subject areas, but would consider other areas as well.
·        Climate change mitigation
·        Coastal and marine conservation
·        Landscaping and pesticide use
.        Substance abuse and addictions
·        Sustainable agriculture
·        Wildlife conservation and species at risk
Thanks for your consideration
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Hi Jay  
There are many theoretical and practical applications for the behaviour change programs for wildlife conservation and species protection, yet we have to examined practical validity of those application specially in the developing context.   Barrett, C. B., & Arcese, P (1995) have done research about “sustainability of integrated conservation-development projects (ICDPs). On the conservation of large mammals in sub-Saharan Africa”. As they explained “Initiatives to link rural development and species conservation, known as integrated conservation-development projects (ICDPs), have been launched with considerable fanfare and funding around the world. Although ICDPs hold appeal as broader ecological efforts than the conservation and development strategies that preceded them, they also suffer conceptual flaws that may limit their appropriateness and potential sustainability, at least when applied to the protection of large African mammals”. I am sending that research paper for your need, herewith as an attachments
Dr. Kumara 
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
i am planning on using galvanic skin response (GSR)/electrodermal response (EDR) to measure participants implicit attraction to a variety of images of female faces with makeup under 3 varying conditions (no make-up/ natural make-up/ heavy or glamorous make-up) and compare these with attractiveness ratings given by participants later in the experiment. what would be the best analysis strategy for comparing if participants implicitly find faces more attractive that they explicitly claim?
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Thank you so much for your message and the information provided. Now, I can see that it makes sense to employ a within-subjects design. The findings you report make also much sense to me. As you are going to employ a within-subjects experimental design, my help with the statistical analysis has to be modified. If you are nor an expert in statistics, you will certainly have in your department someone who is a specialist in statistics.
I am sure that you will be able to perform an interesting and valuable research. Good luck for your research.
Best regards. 
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
Hey fellow researchers!
I am looking for publications from the domain of artificial intelligence, operations research, marketing research, consumer research that explore and validate methodologies to identify or predict behavioral intent from measuring and analyzing clickstream data.
We are currently working in the space by applying sequential pattern mining but are very welcome to alternative suggestions.
Thank you for your ideas!
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You could consider Local Process Models as well. Local Process Models extend sequential pattern mining to include a larger set of constructs, such as loops, choices (inclusive or exclusive), and concurrent blocks.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
  • For example applying breaks
  • Preparatory behavior involved in it
  • role of automaticity and readiness
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If I understand the nature of your question, it seems possible that these automated actions are occurring essentially neurologically identically to the automated, and automatic, actions of walking.  As both involve movement and spacial adjustments maybe the brain at some point in the development of driving expertise starts treating them the same.  It would be worth a look anyway.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
I plan to run a series of behavioural tests over a week and want to know how testosterone is affected by environmental enrichment prior to these tests. I would need to take measurements both at a baseline and following the behavioural challenges. How long would it stay elevated following the behavioural challenges; do I need to collect samples within half an hour of finishing a behaviour, or could it wait until the very end of testing? 
Thanks in advance.
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Testosterone levels tend to fluctuate based on factors such as time of the day and exercise, among others. Generally, its levels will fall within an hour of exercise or other physical exertion; so I believe collecting your sample within 15  to 30 min. of concluding a behavioural test will be more appropriate.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
13 answers
I have been working on fear conditioning memory for past 18 months on SD and wistar rats, the procedure goes like unconditioned shock (0.8 mA)  stimulus preceeded by tone. On day 2 scored for duration of freezing. But could not find significant freezing with animals.
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Freezing is a species-specific response to fear, which has been defined as “absence of movement except for respiration.” This may last for seconds to minutes depending on the strength of the aversive stimulus, the number of presentations, and the degree of learning achieved by the subject.
So if you do not see freezing and you are sure that conditioning protool was followed this could be due to 1) The strenght of the aversive stimulus, your animals could be conditioned already to the shock stimulus,or the aversive stimuli is insufficient to induce fear. 2).the number of presentations to this dose of footshock is insufficient to condition fear. 3) your animals are unable the condition to this stimulus.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
I am using "integrated model of behaviour prediction" model and I want to find reliable items for measuring : "users skills"  that is necessary for technology adoption. And " constrains" that represent the external barriers for adopting technology.    can any one help!? 
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Thanks Jan..
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
I'm learning about behavior, in the hypothesized case when i observe a male and a female but this female is not in heat, what kind of interaction can i observe in this pair?, there is exist a possibility for observe "agonistic interactions" instead of "sexual behavior"?
I've read "The Analysis of Social Organization in Animals" and there, Scott mentions a case in rats but there's no more information about it.
Thanks in advice!
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 Hi Jannis.
I'm working on with gobies (Elacatinus puncticulatus) so i was experiencing a few problems defining the type of interactions between them but after a few papers read and with your answer, everything is more clear.
Yesterday, I read an article where the authors explain courtship in GREY HERON and they describe that the general patron is a combination between "agonistic" and "sexual" behavior.
Moreover, in fishes, there are some postures that indicate if you can consider a behavior pattern as agonistic or courtship (e.g. fin display), additionally you can consider the OSR (ASR), environment (resources) as the primary factors affecting the type of interaction.
Thank you Jannis,
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
I'm going to conduct behavioral test with T-maze on zebrafish at different ages.When I used a few samples to go through the behavioral test protocol, I found there were some fish have difficulty in learning where the food was. However , among these fish , I also found two fish that had lower locomotivity, which means they didn't move a lot as the other fish . Should I exclude data from these low locomotivity fish ?
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Thanks for response .I understand . I think I should use more fish than that I need in case of this situation.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
So far I have found and as the only helpful resources. If you know of any others, please let me know. 
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Alan and Antonia, 
Thank you very much for your help! I will check out those resources and hopefully find something useful. 
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
I need to conduct open field and morris water maze on groups of mice. If I do open field in the morning, can I do morris water maze in the afternoon, or will that interfere?
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It is advisable to keep an interval of 24h between the open-field and the MWM. If you can't avoid carrying out the two tests on the same day, then perform the open-field in a session before MWM. Never do the opposite, since the stress induced by the forced swimming in the MWM would affect the anxiety levels in the open-field.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
1 answer
I am planning to create a mouse AD infusion model by introcerebroventricularly injecting aggregated Abeta42. I have been unable to find information on the differences between aggregating Abeta42 for 3, 5, or 7 days. What is the minimum number of days during which I can aggregate Abeta so that the Abeta injected mice show AD behavioral characteristics? Thank you for your help.
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Dear Julia, 
check this out: 
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
8 answers
I have 2 related species, I want to test them in two unsolvable tasks, with 2 different shaped apparatuses (to control for the apparatus effect), to measure the same behaviour. the performance during the second task may decrease since the subjects already know that the task is maybe unsolvable. the idea is to counterbalance the two tasks and the individuals of the two species. However, since I expect one species to have a better performance in both tasks, counterbalancing them may mask interspecies differences in general performance at unsolvable tasks, what do you think?
thank you for helping me.
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Although I could not envision your task and the apparatus, if you want to counterbalance, I would divide both species into two groups and use the first and the second task in a counterbalanced design. Initially, half of the rats in for each species get test A, while the other half gets B first. Is it not possible to use a completely different test for the same behavior? What is the test, what is the apparatus?
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
11 answers
In a repeated-measures ANCOVA, we saw differences between groups (p<.05). Than we checked the planned contrasts, putting the control group as reference, but (in some cases) we do not found in which groups there were differences (all p>.05). Why this happened? How we solve it? How we report it?
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If the planned contrasts do not allow you to discern the differences, then the contrasts don't fit the group differences. You could run the post hoc analyses and report the differences that way. Just be honest that it's post hoc
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
We run behavioral experiments with goldfish (as prey) and Egret (as predator). The goldfish groups (10 to 20 individuals) are in a pond (1000 Liters) and Egret preys (or attacks) on them regularly. When attacked, the goldfish seeks refuge under a central cover (circular disks in the middle of pool, that prevent egret from hunting). Is it possible to measure stress hormones in water without capturing or killing the goldfish (non invasive method)? Is it possible to measure the stress hormones through time (we run the behavioral expt. for 6 hours)? If yes, what kind of stress hormones can be measured? I would be very happy to get your feedback's. Please let me know if you need further details. Thank you.
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Hi Gordon and Diogo:
Thank you very much for your comments. I really appreciate your help.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
Hey Folks,
I have a question regarding my research. I am looking into the behavior/personality of CEO on the firms general Behavior. My theory in short, an intuitive CEO will make the firm more Entrepreneurial. In my dataset I have responses from both CEO and General Manager of each company.
Now, the behavior/personality response from the CEO is in the CEO source only. The question now is, would it be necessary to now take the datas representing the company variable (DV) from the general Manager only (to reduce common method bias)?
I would very much like to combine both responses on my DV, as I believe that the CEO has another insight/perspective on the company than the general manager, making the variable more complete if using them combined. This however would than mean that I could not use my multiple sources to control for common method bias. I read that one should use another source for the DV than for the IV if possible.. I however don't know what to do if you expect the sources to have different insights etc. as they belong to a different group/ different power.
I'd appreciate some help
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This paper is perhaps relevant:
C Schneider O Spalt, "Conglomerate investment, skewness, and the CEO long-shot bias", Journal of Finance, 2016, 71, p 635 -671.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
I am concerned about aggressive behavior resulting in severe injuries considering an overcrowding stress paradigm in male Balbs.
What about adolescent Balbs starting to share the same cage with older ones? I have my concerns but I would like to hear some inputs about it.
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Existen dos posibilidades en el trabajo que me ha señalado: a) los ratones que estuvieron bajo el hacinamiento ninguno era dominante, por eso es que no reportan agresión entre ellos, b) los ratones hospedados en el régimen de hacinamiento eran de la misma camada y convivieron durante su crecimiento.
Si quieres eliminar el factor agresión deberías tomar la segunda estrategia, ya que optar por la primera, es temporal no tener agresión, ya que los ratones son jerárquicos y después de un tiempo un macho toma la batuta e intenta dominar mediante la agresión.
Es necesario reflexionar sobre algunos aspectos que pudieran contribuir al la agresión entre los ratones:
1. El sitio donde se colocan las cajas, no deberían estar cerca de cajas con ratones hembra, los olores pudieran estimular más la producción de testosterona en los machos.
2. Los cuidadores y manipuladores de los ratones no deberían usar perfumes o fragancias.
3. Los ratones que forman parte de este experimento, tienen que ser de la misma camada y haber convivido durante su crecimiento previo.
4. En caso de ser de diferente camada, inmediatamente después del destete, los ratones machos los tienen que juntar en cajas grandes de convivencia y crecimiento hasta el momento en donde los asignaras en los distintos grupos.
5. En caso de no seguir estas recomendaciones entonces, lamentablemente tendrás que evaluar dos fuentes de estrés el del hacinamiento y el de la agresividad que ejercerá el dominante. E incluso es posible que el más vulnerable de la caja no llegue al tiempo de 8 semanas, antes puede morir de las lesiones que le propine el más fuerte.
Me mantengo en espera de sus comentarios y si en algo más le puedo apoyar estoy a sus ordenes
Alfredo Briones
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
5 answers
I am currently researching a book on stalking. It is primarily based on my own experience as a case study. The UK law changed recently making stalking a criminal offence, however it is apparent that not all police authorities recognise stalking as a problem outside of domestic violence and this presents a major problem for mental health workers who are one of the most likely professions to be experience this very distressing and anti social behaviour. I am looking for contemporary literature/empirical data ideally from the UK on non-domestic violence related stalking.
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Thank you. I have already found one of the articles before, but these have been really helpful.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
I am using AMOS to validate two behavioral models: the theory of planned behavior  (TPB) and the integrated behavioral model (IBM), using data collected in a behavioral study. I managed to do run measurement models for both models as well as the structural model for TPB. I am however not sure how to include background variables such as age, gender, worry (latent variable) in the IBM structural model.
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Hi Kolentino!
There is a simple guide, see the link. Basically you need to add a covariate (a possibly confounding variable, e.g. age/gender) and draw a regression line from it onto all other variables that should be controled for the effect of this covariate. I hope the youtube will help.
Good luck with you research!
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
I'm analyzing the muscle capability of my treated mice (via grip strenght test), and I was wondering whether is possible to change the operator or not. Thanks
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The same person should do all the experiments to get consistent results.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
5 answers
I am very much interested in the field of behavioral intervention research where much work has been done in order to decompose interventions into behavior change techniques in order to find out what techniques do help achieve the desired behavior change. 
I am interested in design and deployment of eHealth and mHealth solutions that are in fact behavior change interventions. For this, I would like to see, what existing frameworks exist that bring together knowledge from different sciences that is eventually used to inform the design of these solutions.
I would also like to collect information about existing platforms that support more than one intervention.
Thank you!
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I suggest you incorporate any behaviour change communication strategies and policies while designing the solutions.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
2 answers
I am trying to study the reduced-freezing response in the mouse.
I found several papers comparing recent and remote fear memory.
But I could not find the Pavlovian Auditory fear conditioning protocol which shows less freezing response on remote testing period.
Is there such protocol available?
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Dear Bumjin! Please evaluate some papers (the text below).
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
Dear all, 
I wondered if any one knows of the rate/number of the participants being diagnosed to have some kind of neurological disorder while joined an MRI study as healthy volunteer?
Thanks in advance!
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I suppose, the question is: what do you call "disorder". There are many conditions that appear abnormal on tests (abnormal mammograms for e.g.) that dont actually have bad outcomes. Then there is the condition of highly sensitive and lower specificity that picks up conditions that should not be there. Finally you have to consider this in light of the baseline prevalence (or expectation) of the condition and interpret tests accordingly
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
I know that mice are disqualified if they don't interact for at least 30 seconds during the test. I am wondering if there is literature on rats and what is considered too little interaction? 
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I would not exclude animals based on an absolute criterion. There are many factors that can affect medium time of interaction as mentioned before, also light, odors..
Exclusion of animals should only be done if they are outside a range of at least 2 standard deviations.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
By convention single item measures are reflective in PLS path model. what about use behavior measured with a single item usage frequency . Should i measure it formatively or reflectively?
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You can do it reflectively as you may get a richer amount data for your measuring the behaviour.
Many thanks,
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
7 answers
Hello, I am attempting to design a study that measures potential changes in cognitive performance in individuals who smoke a fixed amount of marijuana over the course of a year. I wanted a test that I can administer to gather a baseline for the subjects before the study begins and then at 3 month intervals through the course of the study. Any suggestions on what test I could use? 
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First off, I agree with Maria - you need to specify the cognitive domains of interest to your study. You should probably begin with a quick review of the existing literature on the effects of marijuana on cognitive performance - or perhaps I should say, on cognitive performance among marijuana users (because most of this will be essentially correlational).
I think you will find that sustained attention/processing speed and learning/memory will be the "prime suspects," so to speak. The challenge you'll face here is that most tests of these constructs will show clear practice effects. That is, people naturally do better when retested. So you want something with at least two parallel forms. You might consider the RBANS (see link below). Although I don't think it includes multiple forms, the cognition battery from the NIH toolkit is also worth checking out (see link below).
You may be able to find parallel forms of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, the Complex Figure Test, and the Controlled Oral Word Association Test, all of which could be relevant to your work.
Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
Hi. I am looking for research focused on gender identity, formation and labeling theory.
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Labeling theory leads us to consider that language and cultural rules are not necessarily dependent on underlying social structures or stable systems of meaning, but rather hinge on interaction, as people give names and meanings to the things they encounter. We can then ask ourselves: does this put in jeopardy the role of structuring variables such as class, power or gender, in favor of a textual analysis of social life? Not quite. It is first of all necessary to remind ourselves that these variables do not carry intrinsic value, given that they are contingent on the specific meanings they take in each situation: as abstract entities, they are no more than representations on a given state of the world. To take those categories as a 'given object' of reality, and to situate their activities and cultural productions as expressions of class, status and power 'positions', is a dangerously deterministic and theoretically naive idea. These variables are expressed in a theory of social activity where life is demonstrated in social, cultural and historical fields, associated merely by an 'idea of structure' and not an 'objective' social structure with determined roles. It is the shape of social relations which gives the interpretative character to the categories themselves, stemming from a presumed 'stable system of meaning'. To consider the 'shape of the relation' of importance in the analysis of culture and power is to understand it as not stemming from structuralism bases and power theories.
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3 answers
I am looking specifically for implementation protocols and/or research around its use for substance use or procrastination (and in young adults would be ideal). 
Thanks in advance! 
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Also 2 articles from American Journal of Public Health
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
1 answer
I want to test 2 ( High Crowding * Low Crowding) * 2 (Deception* Not Deception) on emotions of consumers (experimental survey study design). I have four vignettes representing (Crowding and Deception, Crowding Non-Deception, Non-Crowding and Deception, Non-Crowding No Deception) vignettes. If I give one vignette for one respondent rather than all, is it ok...
If I want to test all four from one respondent how should I include all four vignette to test emotions of respondents. What is the way that I should include them to test dependent variable. Appreciate early help
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you need to have four groups of participants. Each group receives 1 vignette. You have to have in each group a minimu of 25 people, but better 30+. There is a special software to find out the optimal sample size ( It is free to use, but you have to know which analysis you are going to apply (probably ANOVA F-Test, group comparison, 4 groups).
You are not allowed to give to each person two or more vignettes - the results of the second (thrid, fourth) answer might be biased through their previous answer and the overall understanding on what is your research about. Moreover, the induced emotions might change or "overlap".
Remeber, that all your vignettes should be almost identical, apart of the manipulation (1-2 words). This is the only way to exclude all other influencing factors! Do not forget to test for confouning variables like age, current emotional state, and so on.
It is also recommendable to make a pretest of your vignettes on a small sample of participants. If you test for crowding/deception, you can do it with students as well as your main study. You are not able to merge the rpetest and the test, however, since other factors (time of the day, weather, light) might have influence on the answers of participants.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
9 answers
Dear all,
I am working on a paper on the impact of behavioural science on the curriculum and medical students. Please kindly share resources and expert insights. Thank you in advance. 
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There are three sets of answers to this question:
1. How will behavioral sciences help you make money as a physician?
Patients are interested in having a doctor that can relate to them. Behavioral Sciences help you understand the doctor patient relationship and its impact on the patient and your practice.
2. Most of the diseases we treat are behavioral in nature. It is extremely important for clinicians to know how to help people change their behavior. Motivational Enhancement Therapy techniques are key.
3. What about psychiatrists? Should they be experts in behavior as well as pharmacology? Yes they should. Due to short sighted financial interests psychiatrists have lost the lead in mental health care delivery. They will soon find themselves hired pill pushers if they lack the capacity to be well rounded clinicians,
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
People advocate that education/ knowledge is solution to all problems on this planet, but it is observed that in many cases more educated are more found to be more corrupt, more nonsensitive to others problems and so on. Thus it seems that content learning does not really translate in to behavior modification the real purpose of education. what is your point of view?
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I'd question even the basic premise that education is about behavior modification. Unless you define behavior much more broadly than is typical. If you go back to the root word in education  as "drawing out" it is more about self-knowledge than knowledge for behavior change. Even 'learning to do something" would be a more common way to think about education. Certainly no philosopher of liberal education would say that education is about behavior change. If your interest is education, I'd recommend reading more about liberal education, and such books as Parker Palmer's To Know As We Are Known. If your question is really about behavior change, that's an entirely different domain. But I hope you don't imply that education should be about coercion into one particular behavioral path rather than laying out choices that may expose someone's essential character.
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3 answers
If you have some citations, please include it on your answers.
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According to Perceptual Control Theory (PCT), the major variables affecting behavior are the references that one has (such as goals, principles, homeostatic set points) and one's perceptions related to those references.  When a perception differs from a reference, an error signal is produced.  A neural error signal that is important, including those important to one's survival, results in behavior produced to reduce the error signal.  Such behavior, when it seems to produce desired perceptions (i.e., when error signals are reduced) results in the reorganization of the neural control systems that generated the behavior and tends to occur again in similarly perceived situations.
Variables external to the nervous system influence behavior when they either (a) result in perceptions that produce important error signals or (b) when they may result in important error signals.  An so, we jerk our hand away from a painfully hot object and we don't walk in front of a speeding car. 
Cross-culturally, behavior often differs because our references often differ.  For example, in the USA giving someone something with the left hand is usually OK, but in some other cultures would be considered impolite.  Similarly, in the USA, blowing one's nose in a handkerchief and putting that in your pocket is usually OK, but in some other cultures is disgusting.  Eating dogs is OK in some cultures whereas in others doing so is a revolting idea.  Such differences depend on our references and related perceptions!
For more information about Perceptual Control Theory, a classic but technical textbook is William T. Powers, Behavior: The Control of Perception (1973/2005).  Information online is available at (website of the International Association for Perceptual Control Theory).
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
8 answers
I have treated ICR mice with an anxiolytic drug. I observed that almost 60% mice are responding to treatment (means giving anxiolytic effect) and 40% aren't (same as that of control group). Can I divide that treatment group in to Responders and non-responders? I have not see people do this before. Any suggestions? 
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It depends on your hypothesis. But: I've done this twice in my publications. Once for animal behavioral data, and once for analyzing the proportion of different types of responsive neurons to a drug stimulus (i.e., non-responsive neurons, neurons that showed increased activity in response to stimulus, and neurons that showed decreased activity to a stimulus). In this latter case, in my analyses, I eliminated the non-responders and I did a binomial exact test to see if the proportion of neurons showing an increased response were significantly greater/fewer in proportion to neurons showing a decreased response. 
Behavioral example:
Physiology example: (Attached). 
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
7 answers
I don't know in excel data, what are the types of behavior that the manual shows in tables.
Data/ Place/ Behavior/ ID
In manual show in group mode the behavior 1, 2, 3,...
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Hi Raul,
I'm sorry but I couldn't understand what you mean… Can you specify better your question? Do you have questions about the organization of the behaviors in the excel? Or do you have questions in the categorization of the behaviors?
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
1 answer
Dear colleagues
Does indulgence/constraint (as a cultural dimension) affect ethical behavior ?
Kind regards
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
4 answers
I am training some rats on a simple discrimination task, but 4/10 animals are spending up to 40 seconds at the hopper after receiving a reinforcer, licking and occassionally biting. Their weight is a little high but not excessive. What could be the cause?
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I think Apomorphine can induce such licking behaviour.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
9 answers
What are the most effective but easiest parameters for measuring the stress in non-ruminants?
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corticosteroid administration triggers some physiological pathways. First, hyperglycemia: you can measure circulating glucose. It responds to corticosteroid administration after a short time but remains elevated even after corticosteroid clearance. Second, immune response: corticosteroid administration suppress immune function, especially when administered chronically. Thus, you can measure  circulating immune protein (complement system), lysozyme, immunoglobulins, and acute phase proteins. Also, leukocyte related immune functions could be assayed.
They are the main effects of corticosteroid administration. But, corticosteroid administration also can reduce bone formation (long term osteoporosis),
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
9 answers
I am looking for the proper test to assess cognition (non social) in juvenile mice (between 25 and 30 post-natal days).
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  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
9 answers
If it exists, which is a good behavioral parameter, even indirect, to do this?
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Hi Analisa,
yes, as Vittorio Porciatti wrote, there is a reliable way to do that. It's the Westheimer paradigm (no "r" in Westheimer), and the field size that is measured by it is called the "perceptive field size".Oehler (1985) has even used it with monkeys, and the seminal paper is by Lothar Spillmann. There is a chapter in my review on peripheral vision on it:
(or go to my website,
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
Instead of calculating a whole set of bivariate correlations, I was thinking that alpha is much shorter.
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If you have 5 different groups of items with 3-4 in each and you want to see if your items measure the same thing in ONe group then you use Cronbachs alpha.= the internal consistent in one special group of items:
a. I am feeling bad, 
b. I feel nausea,
c.  I did not sleep well last night, then you calculate your Cronbach's alpha and these probably measure all that you are depressed or pregnant depending on your question so you get an alpha between .85 to .90.
Then you have another group of questions that measure how happy you are to get a baby. 
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
We have been using 45°C on our Columbus Instruments Hot/Cold Plate Analgesiometer with 3-6 month old Sprague-Dawley rats. Previously, this gave us a reliable baseline latency of 100-200 seconds before paw-licking. Recently, all the animals have started to respond below 100s, some of them dramatically below. Has anyone experienced this effect? Any ideas as to the cause?
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I assume you have made sure the hot plate is actually at 45 degrees and that there isnt an issue with the kit. 
There an numerous factors what can affect pain behaviour:
Firstly, have you changed supplier or have the supplier started sending you rats from a different colony? Are you certian they are sending SD rats? Has the constituents of the diet changed? (Seltzer et al saw a significant reduction in neuropathic pain behaviour when soy protein was added to their rat chow without them knowing). Have you changed experimenters, if not have you changed after shave or shampoo? Have there been any changed in animal care staff? Are there any works in the facility or in the surrounding buildings? Stress induced hyperalgesia is as real a problem as stress induced analgesia. The list could go on!
Another point is that over the years I've seen dramatic alteration of pain behaviour over the course of a year with a marked reduction over winter months. I've never had the resource to look into this effect methodically but I'm certain its not an artifact. 
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
3 answers
[Edited question:]
Sorry, I wasn't being specific enough in my original question (but thanks for your responses so far!). Things like personality and genetics don't really change from day to day, so they can't directly correlate with / predict / cause someone to drink on one day but not another. I'm looking for antecedent causal variables that can fluctuate from day to day, and thereby cause fluctuating behavior from day to day. There are some daily-drinking-diary studies out there on this kind of thing (e.g., daytime experiences of negative social interactions leading to more drinking that evening), and to achieve greater specificity I want to parse "more drinking" into the binary variable "if drank" and the interval variable "how much drank, provided drinking occurred." Different daytime events may be differentially stronger predictors of these two criterion variables, and I'm looking to learn what people know about this possibility. In any research, have these variables been parsed before with respect to the causes of a single drinking episode? Aside from established research, what are your best guesses? Thanks!
[Original question:]
I'm aware of the frequency/quantity literature on characterizing global drinking traits, but would like to hone in on what causes whether or not a person will drink on a given day versus how much they will drink on a given day, provided they have at least one drink. Studies on daily determinants of other kinds of potentially problematic behavior or experiential avoidance would also be useful (e.g., drug use, binge eating); I'm primarily interested in functional and methodological approaches to this kind of distinction. Thanks!   
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I would suggest looking at secondary analyses from Project MATCH or the COMBINE study. Then look at predictors of percentage of days abstinent (a marker of frequency) and drinks per drinking day.
We recently looked at this in a depressed alcohol dependent sample (Foulds et al, Alcohol and Alcoholism,doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agv122) and found the personality trait novelty seeking predicted more heavy drinking on drinking days. 
Personality measures are probably worth considering for your analyses.
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
17 answers
We are conducting an experiment about the impact of physical exercise (running) on neurogenesis in the adult brain. We use a transgenic mice model and so far, we encountered some problems with the mice because they don't want to run...we have tried to attract them towards the running wheel with some food placed on the running wheel. However, this method didn't work so far. Therefore, I want to ask you whether you have any suggestion about what could we do in this situation.
Many thanks and I look forward to your help :)
Daniela Ivan
SILS, Center for Neuroscience
University of Amsterdam
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I've seen some strains of mice be resistant to running in a wheel, although generally C57's will start running within minutes. I assume the running wheels you have are specific for mice? The individual rungs of the wheel are spaced closer together for mice than for rats, so getting a mouse to run on a wheel made for rats could be difficult as they'd likely have their feet constantly falling through and in between the rungs. Are these wheels part of a connected system that measures time/speed/distance? If the wheel could be introduced in their homecage, that could facilitate running. If it can't, could the mice be housed in the running wheel cage and thus constantly exposed to the wheel, increasing the chance they may check it out and use it?
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
6 answers
I am comparing groups based on their EEG spectral power across a day in each vigilance state (Wake, NREM, REM). The spectra look good for NREM (high delta, low theta) and REM (prominent theta). However, my waking spectra has a high delta component (in addition to a high, but lower theta component). 
I have re-scored the data a few times to see if it was a scoring error, and it doesn't seem to be so. Annoyingly, there seems to be a group difference in the waking delta power...but I don't know how relevant this is as waking delta is not something many people seem to discuss (focus on theta, gamma, etc...).
Any ideas?
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if it occurs in the 0.5-1.5 Hz range it might be movement or eye movement artifacts that usually occur around 1 Hz. If you filter out <2Hz and it still is present in the 2-4Hz part of the delta band, you may be on to something. If this is a general finding, you should be able to see it in published data for mice and rats. How sure are you about the scoring off sleep states? Mice do have a lot of scattered sleep during their activity phase at night....
  • asked a question related to Behavioral Analysis
5 answers
In all my experiments, there is a fraction of stressed mice which when analysed using the dark/light transition test, prefer to just sit in the light and do nothing. They don't appear to explore the area, just to sit in one place and look around. Am i doing something wrong, or this is just a deeper form of anxiety disorde