Science topic
Bacteria - Science topic
One of the three domains of life (the others being Eukarya and ARCHAEA), also called Eubacteria. They are unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms which generally possess rigid cell walls, multiply by cell division, and exhibit three principal forms: round or coccal, rodlike or bacillary, and spiral or spirochetal. Bacteria can be classified by their response to OXYGEN: aerobic, anaerobic, or facultatively anaerobic; by the mode by which they obtain their energy: chemotrophy (via chemical reaction) or PHOTOTROPHY (via light reaction); for chemotrophs by their source of chemical energy: CHEMOLITHOTROPHY (from inorganic compounds) or chemoorganotrophy (from organic compounds); and by their source for CARBON; NITROGEN; etc.; HETEROTROPHY (from organic sources) or AUTOTROPHY (from CARBON DIOXIDE). They can also be classified by whether or not they stain (based on the structure of their CELL WALLS) with CRYSTAL VIOLET dye: gram-negative or gram-positive.
Publications related to Bacteria (10,000)
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This study reviews the bacterial diversity associated with the gut microbiota of dung beetles, focusing on the microbial ecology, taxonomy, and environmental factors influencing the composition and functionality of these bacterial populations.
The FliPQR complex constitutes a channel for export of the bacterial flagellar proteins involved in axial structure assembly. It also serves as a template for flagellar rod assembly. A periplasmic gate, formed by the N-terminal α-helices of FliP and FliR, remains closed until FliE assembles onto FliP and FliR. The mechanism by which FliE opens the...
This Special Issue includes studies originating from various countries around the globe and covers diverse types and mechanisms of microbial beneficial functions for plant life [...]
Currently, two long-acting antibiotics are available: oritavancin (ORI) and dalbavancin (DBV) [...]
Biofilms play a pivotal role in bacterial pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance, representing a major challenge in the treatment of bacterial infections. The limited diffusion and inactivation efficacy of antibiotics within...
Overtime the parameters commonly used to measure the population of a location are number of population in figure, population density in and population growth in percentage. These parameters are not enough to quantify the intensity of the population of the entities of a place. The previous methods of measuring population which are number of populati...
O uso de biofertilizantes vem numa crescente nos últimos anos, pois proporcionam uma diminuição na utilização de fertilizantes químicos, bem como promovem o crescimento da planta, a fixação biológica de nitrogênio e a solubilização de fósforo, desencadeando em uma maior produtividade das culturas e impactando na saúde do solo. As bactérias simbióti...
In a recent study by Vaupel et al., a reprocessing concept for filtering face piece 2 (FFP2) masks was developed, investigating different ultraviolet-C (UV-C) irradiation schemes and UV-C-doses. The study successfully proved the effectiveness of the developed method for bacterial decontamination, but viral decontamination was not investigated. Ther...
Objetivando – se a combater os sintomas da insalubridade Habitacional – como as doenças respiratórias, saúde mental, bactérias, mosquitos entre outras, é desenvolvido o Catalogo - “Kit Sustentável de ATHIS” - a fim de combater as patologias das casas doentes Incluindo estratégias Sanitaristas e Transição Energética. Um remédio amenizador destas hab...
Materi mikrobiologi sebagai bagian dari mata pelajaran Biologi SMA seringkali tidak bisa dilaksanakan praktikumnya, disebabkan alat dan bahan yang tidak tersedia di sekolah maupun prosedur yang cukup sulit &/ lama untuk dilakukan di laboratorium. Hal ini membuat materi mikrobiologi menjadi sulit dipahami oleh siswa SMA. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada M...
Producers’ pursuit of higher throughput to boost profitability often challenges the standard management practices, which may impact milk quality. In this two-month survey, three different DeLaval VMS™ V300 farms were monitored for cleaning-related factors (beyond the set number of system cleanings per day) that can also affect bulk tank bacterial n...
This review explores recent insights into the roles and enzymatic mechanisms of canonical and non-canonical tailoring enzymes in shaping and modifying terpene hydrocarbon scaffolds during bacterial terpene biosynthesis.
Pada tahun 2015, infeksi saluran pernapasan atas ialah penyebab kematian ketujuh, dan Indonesia memiliki kematian terkait ISPA terbanyak. Antibiotik digunakan untuk mengobati infeksi saluran pernapasan yang disebabkan oleh bakteri; oleh karena itu, penerapannya harus sesuai untuk mencegah resistensi. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menentukan kua...
Imunomodulator merupakan senyawa yang dapat mengembalikan ketidakseimbangan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Mekanisme kerja imunomodulator antara lain memulihkan fungsi sistem imun yang terganggu (immunorestorasi), meningkatkan fungsi sistem imun (imunostimulasi), dan menekan respon imun (imunosupresi). Salah satu tanaman yang berpotensi sebagai imunomodul...
Mikrobiologi Perairan.
Selain sebagai elemen kehidupan yang penting, ekosistem air juga menjadi rumah bagi berjuta-juta mikroorganisme dengan peran signifikan dalam ekosistem global. Buku ini menjelajahi dunia mikroorganisme yang hidup di dalam ekosistem perairan, mengungkapkan peran penting mereka pada kehidupan manusia dan keberlangsungan lingku...
Antibiotic resistance has become a global issue, with bacteria that have developed resistance killing thousands of people annually worldwide. This article aimed to learn about the post-antibiotic era. It found that we are now in the post-antibiotic era, which means no new antibiotics have been discovered, and the post-antibiotic era is coming soon,...
Sağlık, salgın tifüs, bakteri,Hıfzihsıhha, doktor
Air rebusan rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) sebagai limbah rajungan yang umumnya terbuang. Beberapa penelitian memanfaatkan air rebusan rajungan sebagai bahan pembuatan produk olahan, salah satunya adalah petis. Sebagai bumbu pelengkap makanan, petis memiliki potensi pasar yang bagus di Indonesia. Penggunaan petis juga sebagai campuran makanan khas r...
Some species of insects harbour strains of the endosymbiotic bacteria Wolbachia that do not cause obvious reproductive manipulations, and so it is unclear why they persist in host populations. There is some evidence that some of these endosymbionts may provide their hosts with protection against viruses, which would help to explain their persistenc...
A sífilis congênita é causada pela transmissão vertical da bactéria Treponema pallidum da mãe para o feto, podendo levar a complicações graves, como natimortalidade, malformações congênitas e sequelas neurológicas. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, retrospectivo e quantitativo, baseado em dados secundários obtidos do Departamento de Informática do...
Trace elements are often omitted from chemically defined growth media. From established properties of trace elements, we deduce that this omission makes experiments unnecessarily sensitive to unavoidable contamination with trace elements. We confirm this experimentally by growing 11 bacterial strains in high replicate with and without supplementing...
Buah anggur adalah salah satu buah yang dikenal kaya akan antioksidan dan mengandung vitamin C dalam bentuk asam tartarat. Asam tartarat adalah salah satu jenis dari Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) yang dapat mengangkat sel kulit mati, sehingga sel kulit baru dibawahnya menjadi lebih terlihat. Selain asam tartarat, arang aktif sebagai scrub alami yang be...
Run-and-tumble is a common but vital strategy that bacteria employ to explore environment suffused with boundaries, as well as to escape from entrapment. In this study we reveal how this strategy and the resulting dynamical behavior can be sensitively regulated by bacterial dimensions. Our results demonstrate that the logarithm of the surface resid...
Introdução: A cárie é causada por bactérias que metabolizam açúcares, gerando ácidos graxos que desmineralizam os dentes. Embora os reparos envolvam a remoção completa do tecido cariado, isso pode comprometer a estrutura saudável e exigir cooperação do paciente, nem sempre alcançada em crianças. Por isso, métodos minimamente invasivos surgem como a...
Resistensi antimikroba, terutama terhadap Bacillus cereus dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa, menimbulkan tantangan yang signifikan dalam pengaturan perawatan kesehatan. Tanaman balsam (Impatiens balsaminaL.) dikenal karena potensinya sebagai agen antibakteri alami karena kandungan senyawa bioaktifnya yang kaya, termasuk flavonoid, tanin, dan saponin. Pene...
Tetatus merupakan penyakit infeksi akut yang disebabkan oleh bakteri gram positif basil anaeorb Clostridium Tetani. Bakteri ini dapat menghasilkan toksin tetanospasmin yang dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan spastik dengan menghalangi pelepasan Asam Gamma-Aminobutyric (GABA) yang muncul sebagai peningkatan kontraksi otot rangka ditandai dengan adanya gej...
The reason why certain bacteria, e.g., Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA), produce acetylated alginate (Alg) in their biofilms remains one of the most intriguing facts in microbiology. Being the main structural component...
We consider the two-dimensional chemotaxis-shallow water system, which is derived by Che et al. (J Differ Equ 261:6758–6789, 2016). By employing a refined Bony decomposition and \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upg...
Our concerns with Vahrenkamp et al. (2024) are that the “thrombolitic fabric” of the buildups is not emphasized and that the microbial consortium that constructs the Red Sea thrombolites is limited to “bacteria,” with the likely presence of eumetazoans (foraminiferans) apparently not investigated or reported. Though noted to be “the first discovery...
La Helicobacter pylori fue una bacteria que infectó el estómago y el intestino delgado, siendo la causante de gastritis en personas infectadas. El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar Helicobacter pylori y su relación con la gastritis en pacientes atendidos en el Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social Jipijapa en el año 2023. La metodología...
The effect of gravity on the collective motion of living microswimmers, such as bacteria and micro-algae, is pivotal to unravel not only bio-convection patterns but also the settling of bacterial...
Liver cancer is the fourth most deadly cancer and early detection and timely treatment apparently play a crucial role in it. Intestinal bacteria affect the development of liver cancer through various pathways. In this study, the gut bacteria of liver cancer patients is analyzed in detail by using macro-genome sequencing technology, and some of the...
A água é um fator fundamental na germinação das sementes e para o desenvolvimento vegetal. Entretanto, a baixa disponibilidade hídrica pode comprometer a qualidade fisiológica das sementes. Para minimizar os impactos dessa restrição, uma solução viável é o uso do hidrocapacitor de solo, que contribui para a retenção de água em condições de baixa di...
First Report on Molecular Identification and Biological Control of Bacteria Associated Stubborn Disease-like Symptom in Kaffir Lime Leaf
Karbonat kayaları denizel ve karasal ortamlarda çökelirler. Denizel ortamlarda çökelenler plaj, gelgitdüzlüğü, lagün, resif, resif önü, havza yamacı ve havza ortamlarını karakterize ederler. Karasal karbonatlar ise kart ve kaliş, göl, tufa ve travertenlerdir. Traverten terimi, travertenin yaygın olarak bulunduğu İtalya’daki Tivoli kasabasının eski...
A meningococcemia é quadro bacteriano agudo sistêmico com evolução grave e rápida, podendo causar óbito dentro de 12 a 14 horas. As manifestações clínicas das primeiras horas de doença são tipicamente inespecíficas, semelhantes a quadros de infecções virais não graves, o que atrasa o diagnóstico. Esse trabalho apresenta uma lactente, com sete meses...
Bacterial pericarditis is a serious condition for which diagnosis relies on culture of the pericardial fluid. Culture often remains negative in cases of fastidious organisms or prior antibiotic treatment. To alleviate this issue, we developed Molecular Culture ID, an IVDR-approved, PCR-based pan-bacterial assay that identifies bacteria to the speci...
Latar Belakang: Tanaman gandarussa (Justicia gendarussa Burm. F.) diketahui memiliki flavonoid, alkaloid, triterponoid, tannin, justicin, steroid, dan gendarusin A dan B. Secara empiris, tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai obat untuk memar, bengkak, sakit pinggang, nyeri sendi, demam, antibakteri, bisul, borok, dan patah tulang. Tujuan: Studi ini m...
Pneumonia merupakan infeksi akut pada organ pernapasan, khususnya paru-paru, yang dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus, atau jamur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan antibiotik pada pasien pneumonia yang dirawat inap di Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Cempaka Putih periode Januari-Desember 2023 menggunakan metode Gyssens. Penelitian...
The behaviour of C. elegans is dependent on its microbial environment. This protocol describes how to utilise the Tierpsy Tracking software to extract the unique behaviours of C. elegans upon being subjected to 96 different soil bacteria. We expect varied behaviours driven by the soil bacteria identity.