Science topics: GeoscienceAustralia
Science topic

Australia - Science topic

The smallest continent and an independent country, comprising six states and two territories. Its capital is Canberra.
Questions related to Australia
  • asked a question related to Australia
2 answers
I'm based in Australia, and I will be conducting online interviews with people in both Australia and America. I must apply to my university's ethics committee and get approval from them to start my interviews in Australia. However, I am unsure if I need to undergo a similar process of getting ethics approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) in America, and which IRB I should be applying to, if needed, if I am to conduct interviews for people in America.
I am conducting the interviews online with people of interest in Maine, and I have read that the University of Southern Maine has a publicly accessible IRB that I can apply to. I am just wondering if that whole process is required.
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i agree with Katrina. you will need IRB review if you intend to publish. The choice not to review
should come from the IRB itself.
  • asked a question related to Australia
3 answers
Its an interesting paper that i am half way writing into now. The Australian dollar recently plunged to its lowest level against the US dollar since October 2022. The rapid decline of AUD from 23.93 in Jan 2023 to 21.27 THB is an indication of how economic factors can cause havoc when the Central bank policy runs tangent to government action.the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) dovish bets might drag the Aussie lower. The RBA’s December meeting minutes emphasised that policymakers have become confident that inflationary pressures are easing in line with expectations. Traders have priced in nearly a 65% chance of a 25 basis points (bps) rate cut at the February 18 meeting, with full expectations for a cut by April.Australia’s economy to avoid recession, RBA to hold rates steady for an extended period, and can this be possible? My guess is that with China's support waning from Australia,( less of iron ore purchases) and lower number of chinese students are two primary reasons.
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Thank you for your comments Dr Prasad. Most of the reasons do make a lot of economic sense. Howeverbroadning this to India vs Australia is a bit premature. Just looking at GDP bet these 2 nations -$59 500.00 vs$9 200.00 , density of pop, life expectancy at birth 83.5 yearsvs68.2 years, base education levels etc don't really make these two comparable except probably criicket and being part of the Commonwealth countries. . cheers
  • asked a question related to Australia
3 answers
We have been trying to elicit a physically meaningful answer to the following basic question in Quantum Optics but to no avail.
To: The Editor-in-Chief of Physical Review A
We are trying to find out if your editorial policy of blocking rebuttals of the concept of quantum nonlocality is still in effect as indicated by the following quotation:
 “Several important and high-impact physics journals enforce a policy that declares that papers challenging QNL (quantum nonlocality) will not be considered or sent for review.   I have also personally received such communications from the American Physical Society. Papers challenging QNL receive immediate desk rejections. This type of ‘gatekeeping’ is seen not just in publishing but also in employment and the awarding of research grants. Local realists are systematically excluded. Advocacy of local realism can be a suicidal career move”. By Donald A. Graft, Rhetoric, logic, and experiment in the quantum nonlocality debate, Open Phys. 2017; 15:586–597.
Could you let us know whether your censorship is still in place?
Andre Vatarescu
Canberra, Australia
To: Dr. Thomas Pattard , Chief Editor of Physical  Review A
Thanks for your response which is reproduced below.*
We raised a fundamental question in our previous submission to your journal. This question which has never been addressed in the professional literature is:
"How can a single photon propagate in a straight-line inside a dielectric medium given the existence of the quantum Rayleigh scattering of single photons?"
The concept of quantum nonlocality involving two single and entangled photons requires the synchronization of their respective detections. 
But this synchronization is physically impossible because of the quantum Rayleigh scattering of single photons. 
Additionally, experimental results have been published in journals other than Physical Review A, results which clearly and unambiguously violate Bell-type inequalities with independent photons, thereby disproving the need for entangled photons. 
We will appreciate any reference you may point out in your journal, dealing with the question mentioned above and the consequent physical aspects we have raised in this message.
Andre Vatarescu, PhD
Canberra, Australia
*The only response we received contained perfunctory statements without any mention of our fundamental question.
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You will not get any answer because I too had asked them a question which created a hue and cry. It no more is a quantum now because light as such has been shown to be an electromagnetic wave motion by proving the existence of aether. Once that is done they are responsible for converting physics a science of insanity which is going on since 1905. The Einstein's paradigm which started from 1905 is under open challenge since last twelve years which can be seen in my profile. This is just a mad house not physics research.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
Hello Everyone,
Does anyone know of publicly available observed riverine bathymetry datasets that are available for download?
Preferably, the datasets would not be cross-sections but raster or point-based observations of a continuous bathymetric profile.
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The Australian's have publicly accessible datasets in this portal:
  • asked a question related to Australia
6 answers
Will the leadership style used in the U.S. be successful in Australia, or will the Australians respond better to another? Which leadership training methodology would be most successful with your Australian leaders?
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Un líder tiene capacidades, cualidades, competencias, virtudes que los hacen diferentes de otros personajes. Cada Nación o País tiene su historia, su evolución, su desarrollo y determina una identidad específica que sólo un gran líder sabe como interpretarla y aplicarla, dependiendo además de la tarea que va a desarrollar; se requiere para esto, tener el conocimiento y la experiencia necesaria; además, algo importante en la actualidad, en este mundo cambiante, donde la ciencia y tecnología avanza, un líder debe desarrollar dos cualidades vitales: la empatía y la comunicación asertiva, recuérdese que la empatía es más emocional y reflexiva, mientras que la comunicación asertiva es una habilidad práctica para interactuar. Lo ideal es combinarlas. Australia para los australianos y el mundo. Saludos
  • asked a question related to Australia
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and are each posted illegally (I am the senior editor of the book, in which these chapters appear).
I have written to the authors of these chapters today demanding they be removed.
Kind Regards
Colin Butler
Colin D. Butler PhD, MSc, BMed, DTM&H Honorary Professor, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health and Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
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Hey Colin,
You have to send a request to RG. It's strange because they usually spot these things quite rapidly.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
Interested in learning about media power and the role of the media system, have a look at my latest article:
#mediapower #discourse analysis
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تحليل المحتوى وليس تحليل الخطاب. محتوى الإعلام صار وسيلة قبل أن يكون خطاب، فالوسائل تحمل محتويات تنتظر التحليل أكثر من احتياج اللفظ للمعاينة والمعالجة.
  • asked a question related to Australia
12 answers
Dear All
I am searching a collaborator from Australia who is working with fish reproductive physiology.
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I am interested.I did my M.Phil. and Ph.D. from University of Calcutta in fisheries science and currently working as assistant Professor in University of Calcutta Affiliated college
  • asked a question related to Australia
2 answers
I have heard many anecdotal reports of vast numbers of serious adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines in Australia. Can anyone confirm or deny this information which I have not yet published. I write for an australian news service and have documented some of the serious events but have no information as to how rare these are. thank you if you respond please indicate if I should use your name in any article. I will not identify anyone except citing any published reports of interest.
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Thank you, have you done any basic analysis to determine if the percentage of adverse results is high enough to constitute any real proof that the COVID vaccine might have caused the damage? See my recent article
Gracias, ¿ha realizado algún análisis básico para determinar si el porcentaje de resultados adversos es lo suficientemente alto como para constituir alguna prueba real de que la vacuna COVID pudo haber causado el daño? Ver mi artículo reciente
  • asked a question related to Australia
4 answers
Hello all,
I wanted to know, can I use galaxy (USA, Europe or Australia) platform for analyzing the shotgun data, and can it be used for publication purpose as well?
Thanks :)
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The use of trdtional scientfic rules remain the most accurate scientfis one.....while Galaxy .org remain supportive
  • asked a question related to Australia
2 answers
I am working on a literature review of studies that systematically compare at least one case of collaborative governance to one or more cases of conventional governance (or that compare multiple cases on a spectrum from conventional to collaborative). So far, I have found only 15 such studies, listed in the attached slides. Do you know of others? I'm happy to share my preliminary results, which I'm presenting at IASNR in Cairns, Australia, June 27, 2024. Please let me know of any relevant empirical research I'm missing.
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Studies comparing Collaborative vs. Conventional environmental management often highlight that collaborative approaches tend to foster greater stakeholder engagement, consensus-building, and long-term sustainability outcomes compared to traditional top-down methods.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
Dear Professors,
If any one know about the technical conference in Australia between 14-21 September 2024, Please let me know. Thanking you in advance.
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i think in Bengaluru, one conference going on once Check with that details. in Italy also going on...
  • asked a question related to Australia
26 answers
We are looking for researchers from Australia or other countries who wish to work collaboratively for a book chapter of the project: "Transforming Dental Health in Rural Communities: Digital Dentistry".
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Dear Prof.,
I am interested in collaborating with scholars on this research project.
Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
Dear Scholars:
As I am currently applying for a postdoc job in Australia, I understand that PIs are always very busy. As a result, they may not be able to go through each email. I'm just wondering what do need to do in order for a potential researcher to read through my email and attached files? Cheers and thanks a bunch.
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Let your Subject/ Title be catchy and Current.
Be brief and state purpose in the first sentence and be precise in what you wanted.
  • asked a question related to Australia
2 answers
I am Associate Professor in School of Botany, Minhaj University, Lahore, Pakistan. My specialization is in Agricultural Sciences (plant pathology). I have done my Ph,.D in 2016 from Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Punjab University, Lahore. I want to do Post doc from any good University of Malaysia, Turkey, Australia, Switzerland or Italy. i have published 21 papers in national and international Journals. I am attaching my CV.
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Thanks for sharing. Wishing you every success in your task.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
What are the best methods for Gold Nugget Prospecting?
Especially Victorian fields in Australia
And is there any map for abandoned mines and fields in this area?
#Gold #Nugget #Victoria #Bendigo #Ballarat #Australia #Clunes #Avoca #Castlemaine #Creswick #Maryborough
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Most mining claims in various countries are handled through various federal and state registries like and and ... "Sites are classed as ‘abandoned’ once a mining tenure no longer exists. There are about 120 complex abandoned mine sites in Queensland. Some, such as Mount Morgan, Mount Oxide, and Hopeland (ex-Linc Energy), are currently managed through the Abandoned Mine Lands Program (AMLP). The program also manages subsidence issues at Collingwood Park and remediation of smaller mine sites." and ...
  • Access to permit, geoscience and native title spatial data.
  • Links to resource authority reports.
  • Ability to view and query map layers.
Your mileage may vary. Where I live, the state has actually scanned the original engineering drawings, some from the 1800's because the area is honeycombed with shafts and tunnels. Real estate developers get upset when their bulldozers vanish down a shaft.
Also, any interesting area has rock hound clubs and some even are specifically around amateur activities like panning and smelting - they also collect mining memorabilia like maps, tools, etc.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
A Leaked audio from Brisbane’s watch house exposed the fact that police allowed sexist and racist attitudes to flourish inside the dept. This leak outraged Australia. Australia depends on importing cheap young labor with promise for a better life while brunt of the taxes fall on these migrants as well as young Australians towards benefitting the aged for their cavorting health care bills. While many young Australians seek to get into the police force, they are mostly ignored or do not pass the interview stages. Many feel its due to racism's. Now Australia's decided to import police officers (again denying their own young people), and where will these officers be recruited from? England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, New Zealand.
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Good because so to prevent biases and descrimination.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
I have been looking at family violence data in Australia and noticed a pattern of gender symmetry emerging in DFV murder victimisation. While men are still over represented in DFV perpetration data, it has made me question why there is such a strong focus on segmenting data by gender in DFV research, and why there is such a high level of polarisation around discussions of DFV data and public policy.
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Why? Because we live in the generally post-Truth Age of ShowBiz, which maintains divisive normalized mass-confusion and mass-delusion. Of course, the enabling syndrome is the normalized anti-ethical cultural illness of ecocidal consumerism, financialist globalization, and pandemic authoritariasn personality disorder. For more basics & details, see my preprint "Trump, Hitler, Freud, and Monstrosity" (available here via my RG profile pages), etc. (available elsewhere online).
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
I would like to know the minimum and maximum percentage of steel as per international codes.
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The minimum and maximum percentage of steel in concrete elements depends on the type of element, the design code and the loading conditions. Different codes may have different criteria for determining the optimal amount of reinforcement to ensure adequate strength, ductility and serviceability of the structure. Here are some examples of the minimum and maximum percentage of steel as per some international codes:
  • According to IS 456:2000, an Indian standard for plain and reinforced concrete, the minimum percentage of steel in beams is 1%, the maximum is 2%, the minimum in columns is 1%, the maximum is 6%, the minimum in slabs is 0.7%, the maximum is 1%, and the minimum in foundations is 0.7%, the maximum is 0.8%1.
  • According to ACI 318-19, an American standard for building code requirements for structural concrete, the minimum percentage of steel in beams and one-way slabs is 0.75% for Grade 60 (420 MPa) bars or 0.5% for Grade 40 (280 MPa) bars, the maximum is limited by the spacing requirements and the strain compatibility, the minimum in columns is 1% for spiral reinforcement or 0.8% for tied reinforcement, the maximum is 8% for spiral reinforcement or 6% for tied reinforcement, and the minimum in foundations is not specified, but it should be sufficient to resist cracking and provide adequate anchorage2.
  • According to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004, a British standard for design of concrete structures, the minimum percentage of steel in beams and slabs is determined by the crack control requirements, which depend on the exposure class, the concrete cover, the bar diameter and the stress level, the maximum is limited by the ultimate limit state design and the serviceability limit state design, the minimum in columns is 0.8% for normal conditions or 4% for fire conditions, the maximum is limited by the confinement requirements and the buckling resistance, and the minimum in foundations is not specified, but it should be adequate to resist punching shear and bending.
These are just some examples of international codes that provide guidance on the percentage of steel in concrete elements. There may be other codes that have different specifications and requirements. It is important to consult the relevant code and design standards for each project and follow the best practices of structural engineering.
for more information :
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
I did MS/ M.Phil in Health Psychology. My Academic research was on "Psychosocial aspects in patients with Multimorbidity Health Conditions". Now I want to do PhD in Psychology preferably in Health Psychology. I'm looking for supervisor who as assist me with fully funded scholarship in Australia Or Canada.
Please guide me how I can find supervisor?
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I don't have any idea for Australia.
  • asked a question related to Australia
3 answers
I am interested to learn more about how First Nations students (Indigenous, Aboriginal) particularly in Australia are assessed. I am not looking at how they are assessed in public schools but the Indigenous ways - decolonising how First Nations students are being assessed. Appreciate if recent research/articles can be recommended.
Thank you. R
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Do they not attend the same schools as everyone else? You are not asking how they should be assessed, but what is actually the case?
  • asked a question related to Australia
7 answers
Hi. My only interests are in public and private sector accounting and auditing. No interest in medicine. Please remove the latter from my record. Regards, Patrick Barrett.
ANU, A=Australia.
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@ Thanks Andrea & Andre V Sales
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
As an international student which country is the most suitable further studies in the world ?(For master and PhD in Environmental management )
Eg Canada ,Japan ,Australia ,Germany ,USA, Finland , Sweden
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Correct and ideal decision to pursue study in particular subject and in right place should depend on one's interest and explore desire into the field he/she want to specialize and about the country the individual should best pursue study in country know its language and where people traditions are close to the student. Additionally should take into account the costs of study and ought to be within the limits of student abilities.
  • asked a question related to Australia
8 answers
I would like to do Post doc in canada or australia or any europe countries. Which Country or Universities are easily to grab the opportunities. I have completed my Ph.Drecently with two SCI Publication.
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Europe Germany
  • asked a question related to Australia
7 answers
Respected All,
I want to apply and join Postdoctoral fellowship in Australia or Canada. Kindly Guide me for the same. My specialization is food fermentation, health food and waste management.
If you have any vacancy related to this kindly let me know So I can apply for the same.
Thanking you all in advance....
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  • asked a question related to Australia
2 answers
Hi Scholars:
Hi Schiolars:
I obtained my phd degree from The University of Melbourne, Australia in late 2021. Then, I got a job in Taiwan which didn't work out for me. Now, after some considerations, I decided to apply jobs overseas. As I am constructing my own cover letter and e-mail template for postdoc job application. What I know is that I must do some researches of a lab that I'm interested and express my interest my cover letter. However, I am not so sure what else I need to say just to have a chance to have an interview with a potential employer. Therefore, could someone have a look at my attached documents and give me some suggestions?
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Thanks a bunch. I asked my senior graduate from my previous lab. I will take your kindly suggestion into consideration as I'm looking for postdoc job in Australia.
  • asked a question related to Australia
4 answers
Dear researchers,
Recently I and my colleagues had a discussion regarding the quality of PhD research works in UK and Australia. We had different opinions regarding the statements, and I would like to leave this discussion into researchgate, because it would help me to advice my undergraduate students regarding the best possible country for undertaking thier PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering, among UK and Australia.
Your opinions are welcomed.
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Being an Australian, there is only one obvious answer! :-) Who in their right mind would want to live in UK! But it really depends on what area of research is being pursued and what expertise is available. In some specialist areas, there are probably only a one or two universities in each country that really have the expertise, equipment and capability for research projects in those fields.
  • asked a question related to Australia
4 answers
Journalists in developing countries wield significant agency and power in shaping public opinion, as evidenced by research. While there may be variations in the perception and practice of journalism across different parts of the world, journalists have been found to exercise their influence in manipulating public opinions. Regarding my ongoing research paper titled "Passivity and Exclusion: Media Power in the Construction of the Aged-Care Debate in Australia and Malaysia," I have been prompted to consider the agency and power of journalists specifically from developing countries. What are your thoughts? #australia #media #construction #research #power #journalism #malaysia #DevelopmentJournalism #developingcountries #phdresearch #freedomofspeech #mediatraining
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Anthony Kalume thank you for your input. Similar tactics are used in other developing countries, which indeed is upsetting to see.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
Besides Professor Arulrajah in Australia, is there anyone else working on this issu
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  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
This software has been used to calculate the degree of crystallinity in materials.
This is related to XRD
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via RG messenger you may please ask the authors of:
At section 2.2.4 (page 5) they mentioned, that they have use this software
Good luck and
best regards
  • asked a question related to Australia
5 answers
I need reviewer for Taylor edited book from Computer Science area from Canada or USA or UK and or Australia University. URGENT!
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Thank you but its outdated.
  • asked a question related to Australia
4 answers
The Australia-China bilateral relationship was based on strong economic and trade complementarities and longstanding community and cultural links. Chinese investment into real estate in NSW, WA, Queensland, while Australia was a haven for Chinese students and the young generation to migrate to a beautiful country far away from the Communist mindset, compulsory Army training, and rigid control of fundamental rights. In 2018 annual two-way trade between China and Australia reached almost 215 Bil AUD. Iron ore, gas and coal make up the bulk of Australian exports to China (more than AUD 79 billion), but Australian service industries – was led by education and tourism. In 2021, bilateral trade between the two countries amounted to approximately US$231.2 billion, a rise of 35.1 percent year-on-year, however, relations have soured dramatically in the last 5 years and militarily Australian strategy had hardened against China forcing Australia to join AUKUS-The UK, US and Australia have announced a historic pact to counter China. Emerging cooperation between India and Australia is widely understood as a response to the China challenge that is facilitated by multilateral groupings like the Quad. But the recent signing of the Australia–India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA) on 2 April suggests the bilateral relationship is much more substantial.
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Australia trade relation specially with China shows the movement from export to import or consumption driven growth. Australia terms of trade is also likely to fall due to export’s reduction, resulting downturn pressure on Australian dollar.So Australia should maintain trading partnership with China by developing two way investment proposal.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
I need to know about research on date palm based on drought occurances and develop recommendations based on technologies, or research and development that can provide solutions to farmers in australia to ensure resillience during drought times. Growing and production in drought and desert climates, and report on how farmers here in australia can implement date trees on their farms to increase resillience during times of drought when other crops would otherwise fail.
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Date palm tolerates dry weather and low atmospheric humidity up to 5%, as is the case in desert areas, while an increase in relative humidity in palm-growing areas leads to physiological imbalances such as fruit blotching, blackening of the tail, and rotting of the fruits.
Growth and development of date palm (Phœnix dactylifera L.) seedlings under drought and salinity stresses African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (9), pp. 968-972, September 2005 Available online at ISSN 1684–5315 © 2005 Academic Journals
Effects of Various Quantities of Three Irrigation Water Types on Yield and Fruit Quality of ‘Succary’ Date Palm
Prospects for the Study and Improvement of Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Date Palms in the Post-genomics Era
INTERACTION INDICATORS BETWEEN PLANT AND ENVIRONMENT DATE PALM (PHOENIX DACTYLIFERA) AS AN EXAMPLE European Journal of Agricultural and Rural Education (EJARE) Available Online at: Vol. 3 No. 5, May 2022 ISSN: 2660-5643
This is some research on date palms that may be of interest to you
  • asked a question related to Australia
2 answers
needed o know about research on date palm based on drought occurances and develop recommendations based on technologies, or research and development that can provide solutions to farmers in australia to ensure resillience during drought times. Growing and production in drought and desert climates, and report on how farmers here in australia can implement date trees on their farms to increase resillience during times of drought when other crops would otherwise fail.
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And that applies to your country of Pakistan, which joined the "Middle East Green Initiative" when your Prime Minister made a pledge to be part of the 24 countries that are going to plant 40 BILLION trees to offset Global Warming.
The good thing about planting trees, is you will also help cure droughts that way. That is what the people of the Indus Valley found 3,500 years ago, chop down all the trees to fire the millions of bricks to build your 1,000 cities, and the rain stops, and all of your five million people must abandon every one of those 1,000 cities forever.
  • asked a question related to Australia
2 answers
Hello Everyone, I am working on paleoclimate of northwest Australia. I have been searching for the sediment discharge/sediment load of ''Ord River'', ''Victoria River'' and ''Fitzroy River'' but cannot find it anywhere. Can anyone guide me where can i find the sediment discharge data of the mentioned rivers?
Thank you
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It depends on what sort of data you want - often monitoring of rivers is poor, especially for sediment data. This kind of work might be useful to you:
  • asked a question related to Australia
5 answers
Hello Researchers,
I am considering publishing a Case Study report on Cross-cultural and Comparative Analysis of Leadership Styles on Australia and Bangladesh in an international open-access journal for international business. I had received a high distinction for this report in my MCom program at an Australian university. I would like to ask you all about the possible format of the report for publication, I would like to ask for your recommendation on the matter.
I wrote the report focusing on Comparative and cross-cultural leadership styles between Bangladesh and Australia. The two cultural models I chose were Hoffsteid and Globe study.
Since the report was written in the Case Study format and most international journals use the traditional journal article format, do you think it would be better to reformat the report into a traditional journal article format (Intro, Lit. Review, Rationale, Research Methods, Main Body, Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations)?
Or do you think there is scope for publishing it in a Case Study format? I know Case Study articles are popular in Medical journals, but not sure if there are any Case Study international journals in the fields of international business and management.
Please let me know your opinion at your earliest convenience.
Warmest Regards,
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IMO, Business-oriented journals tend to publish case studies more than Psychology journals. You might also want to check out the Common Ground research network for Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations ( The latter does not have a huge circulation and is not registered with Web of Science, but they do provide peer review for papers submitted for publication and you can pay for an accepted article to be open access. Their conferences are great too, with case studies accepted for presentation.
  • asked a question related to Australia
6 answers
Reading Bruce Chatwin's Songlines where he describes how the songlines work amongst the aborigines of Australia, creating a spiritual network of Australia based on individual totems and their narratives. not only do we, therefore, have religion, but also psychology, geography and its symbolism (I recently read a Muslim writer who claimed the latter for Islam) but a sense of knowledge connected to both individuals and tribes.
Does this reach back in time thereby representing a means of transmitting knowledge over a long distance but also preserving it?
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Indigenous Australians connected the song to the landscape and totem. Chadwick points out that the original Greek legends, although many came from the Middle East, are based on totems and could have begun in the same way. Early Greek poetry was connected to song, with the Greek bard a singer.
  • asked a question related to Australia
6 answers
This was collected at Townsville, Queensland, Australia. It does not match any of the native species known from Townsville or elsewhere in Queensland, so perhaps it is an introduced species?
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Kindly check it as Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb.
  • asked a question related to Australia
6 answers
I am currently working on the use of metacognitive abilities to improve teacher proficiency of teaching mathematics in Primary schools. I am looking for international collaborators from Japan, Germany, Singapore, Netherlands, USA, Canada and Australia.
Thank you
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Those with creative thinking skills and intelligence
  • asked a question related to Australia
15 answers
A colleague is interested in the problem of mega-fires. If there are scientific papers for the United States, Australia or France, there is little research for South America. In France, a mega fire can be identified from 1,000 ha, in the United States or Australia from 10,000 ha.
Are there any studies in South America (e.g. Chile)?
Are there objective criteria for defining a mega fire?
Many thanks!
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Nicolas Maestripieri The answer to your question is here:
"definition of megafire as fires > 10,000 ha arising from single or multiple related ignition events. We introduce two additional terms – gigafire (> 100,000 ha) and terafire (> 1,000,000 ha) – for fires of an even larger scale than megafires."
  • asked a question related to Australia
4 answers
Taking into consideration that Australia has an active but, nevertheless, relatively small academic community, are there any signs that 'clinical' cognitive science research in Australia has really broken the barriers between the three traditionally involved disciplines, computer science, psychology and brain-related medicine, especially with the latter of the three (i.e., beyond one-off instances, or minority collaborations)?
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Sergii Boltivets Το γνωρίζω ήδη από τις πληροφορίες στη σελίδα σας. Μού κάνει εντύπωση που η Ελληνική είναι τόσο διαδεδομένη στην Ουκρανία. Στην Αυστραλία τη μιλούν μόνο οι Ελληνοαυστραλοί (ώς ένα βαθμό). Ευχαριστώ και πάλι.
  • asked a question related to Australia
34 answers
Some countries have age barrier to get scholarship for conducting PhD. For example, in Germany 35 years, Australia 40 years. But so far I know there is no research that revealed younger people perform better in doing PhD and vice versa.
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I do not think there is age limit for any academic degree, PhD inclusive
  • asked a question related to Australia
6 answers
I'm wondering if I can gather information to study a social phenomena (artificial intelligence and ethics) in one country (Australia for example) and validate the result in another country (Saudi Arabia for example)?
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If this ResearchGate discussion thread question were revised such that the word "validated" were changed to "corroborated," then I am pleased to say that my answer to the question is affirmative: "Yes"!
This is a restatement of your ResearchGate discussion thread question:
"Can I conduct a data collection (survey) in one country and corroborate the result on another country?
  • Asked November 11, 2021
I'm wondering if I can gather information to study a social phenomena (artificial intelligence and ethics) in one country (Australia for example) and corroborate the result in another country (Saudi Arabia for example)? "
If the question is intended to ask if validation in a country other than the one in which the scientific data collection was made, then my answer is definitely in the negative: "No!"
Best regards,
Nancy Ann Watanabe
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
Anybody knows a company that can service/calibrate an ARISE EZ MATE 601S in Australia?
Our local Bio-Strategy does not provide support any more.
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This manual might be helpful, have a look:
Kind Regards
Qamar Ul Islam
  • asked a question related to Australia
6 answers
I'm looking for a PhD position and opportunity in one of the English speaking university in European countries (or Australia).
I majored in artificial intelligence. I am in the field of medical image segmentation and My thesis in master was about retinal blood vessels extraction based on active contour. Skilled in Image processing, machine learning, MATLAB and C++.
So could anybody helps me to find a prof and PhD position related on my skills in one of the English speaking university?
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You have any examination is cleared than you go for scholarship
Like in NET etc
  • asked a question related to Australia
12 answers
I'm looking for Ph.D. programs (Scholarships) in Europe/USA/Canada/Australia/Great Britain.
Professors who are looking for Ph.D. candidate, I'm ready to work with any new subjects in Computer Science Field and especially in Deep Learning/Machine Learning.
I really appreciate your help!
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Dear Mokhaled,
I will suggest searching your interested domain/professors who are working on it and direct contact through email along with your synopsis.
  • asked a question related to Australia
3 answers
Thanks to all who joined the discussion of useful COI primers for shark DNA amplification. I have narrowed down our efforts to the Ward et al. 2005 primers, but there are 2 sets, 2 forward and two reverse, we would like to narrow down the search to which set is likely to perform best, and specifically with Odontaspis noronhai, the primers listed are:
(PDF) DNA Barcoding Australia's fish species. Available from:'s_fish_species [accessed Jul 01 2021].
Has anyone used these with Odontaspis, or even Odontaspidae? Thanks again.
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Brenden Holland I have used all primers from Ward et al. 2005 and Ivanova et al 2007 in a few shark species. The primers from both papers bind to approximately the same COI region, so you get the same segment (the barcoding region). You can do a mix with all and try in your samples.
There is no reference mtDNA for O. noronhai and just a few partial sequences. You can try to align the primers to a related species - the mtDNA of Odontaspis ferox is available. You can align the primers and see if they are close enough, and have an idea if they are likely to amplify.
I had some deep-sea shark species that fail to amplify with all Ward and Ivanova primers, so be careful. You may have to design new primers. If that is necessary, look to related species with available mtDNAs.
  • asked a question related to Australia
4 answers
For example I have last 50/100 years of rainfall data for a large country like Brazil or India or Australia. Can I project rainfall for the next 100 years from that data on yearly, monthly, daily and even hourly basis in terms of intensity? What are the methods and models can I use for that?
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Using CMIP5 GCM models and different RCP scenarios you can project futrue rainfall for next 100 years. But for this you need 30 years historical daily weather data like minimum temperature, maximum temperature, rainfall and solar radiation. For more details check out But i dont have any idea of your second question of disintegrating monthly data into daily, or daily rainfall to hourly.
  • asked a question related to Australia
7 answers
On a scale of 10 - In different countries -Effectiveness of online Primary education (Scores)
1 UK - 4.9
2 Canada - 5.6
3 USA -5.6
4 Australia - 6.6
5 France 4.6
6 Germany - 6.1
7 Japan - 3.1
8 China - 5.4
Source- Economist - taken from DB (26-6-2021)
Is there any research available or ongoing for COVID-19 impact and effectiveness of online teaching in higher education (Graduate, Master degree course, Professional Courses (Medical & Engineering)
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  • asked a question related to Australia
25 answers
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced their plans to keep their castle in England, and, in addition, to live in Canada and also to stay for part of the year in California. Further, they love Africa and they frequently make trips to Australia, New Zealand, and enjoy visiting the Orient.
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Evidently, the Sussexes have laid out explanations of the source of their current income, which primarily consists of the Sovereign Grant & provisions from the Duchy of Cornwall. The Sovereign Grant is derived from revenue of the Crown Estate; a portion of these public funds are issued as a grant to cover the royal family’s work in support of the Queen, helping pay for things like maintenance of official residences and offices.
  • asked a question related to Australia
10 answers
Hi I am doing soil erosion modelling applying RUSLE equation. But I was searching for the most appropriate and latest method to determine K-factor for a large area like India or Brazil or Australia? Please suggest. Thank you in advance for your time and effort.
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The K factor is determined by soil series or type. At the scales suggested, there are typically many soil series, and thus many or at least several K factors to consider. These could be mapped in GIS by soil type, and then weighted average determined for country by unit area of each soil series.
  • asked a question related to Australia
5 answers
Hi All,
I have a very particular question, I used to use skim milk powder as a cryoprotectant for lactobacilli that would face freeze-drying, (skim milk would give the best viability). However, in Australia, if we want to register a product as organic it is necessary to provide a certificate of origin for all bulk agents. Unfortunately, Oxoid put out of the market the analytical-grade skim milk and I can't use any other milk that is not manufactured in Australia/New Zealand. Does anyone have an idea what other options are for lactobacilli cryoprotectants?
Thank you so much
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  • asked a question related to Australia
5 answers
is there a coincidence that the global fires of siberia have covered the entire northern hemisphere with smoke .... global fires in australia - the southern hemisphere. - and it is in this year that a global outbreak of lung infections occurs?
I suggest the same way for other respiratory infections and COVID-19 too ...
one new brick in the wall
Wildfire Smoke May Raise COVID-19 Risk, Study Says
Kiser, D., Elhanan, G., Metcalf, W.J. et al. SARS-CoV-2 test positivity rate in Reno, Nevada: association with PM2.5 during the 2020 wildfire smoke events in the western United States. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol (2021).
"We found that a 10 µg/m3 increase in the 7-day average PM2.5 concentration was associated with a 6.3% relative increase in the SARS-CoV-2 test positivity rate, with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 2.5 to 10.3%. This corresponded to an estimated 17.7% (CI: 14.4–20.1%) increase in the number of cases during the time period most affected by wildfire smoke, from 16 Aug to 10 Oct.Significance Wildfire smoke may have greatly increased the number of COVID-19 cases in Reno. Thus, our results substantiate the role of air pollution in exacerbating the pandemic and can help guide the development of public preparedness policies in areas affected by wildfire smoke, as wildfires are likely to coincide with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021.
3 Meo SA, Abukhalaf AA, Alomar AA, Alessa OM. Wildfire and COVID-19 pandemic: effect of environmental pollution PM-2.5 and carbon monoxide on the dynamics of daily cases and deaths due to SARS-COV-2 infection in San-Francisco USA. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2020 Oct;24(19):10286-10292. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_202010_23253. PMID: 33090440.
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No. Effects would be local to sub-regional. Besides, if you are looking for global effects you have to remind that 85% of the area burned in the world comes from tropical grasslands and woodlands. Fire crisis elsewhere like in Australia and Siberia won't change that.
  • asked a question related to Australia
5 answers
I am trying to know if there are recent projects/ research on earth-based material for construction in Australia specifically, and what are the used methods (e.g. cob- adobe-rammed earth)
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Hi Steve,
How are you?!
I am not sure about research specifically, but there is definitely construction happening - this is an ecovillage that I have been researching over the last couple of years, on the Central Coast of NSW, near Gosford. There are many different forms of construction being experimented with. Drop me an email if you want to look at potential for collaboration.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
Looking for information on Clinical Neuropsychology Postdoctoral positions that focuses on Pre/ Intraoperative/ Post-Operative Brain Mapping and Cortical Stimulation in the United States / France/ Europe/ Australia.
Also looking for information on Centers/ Hospitals and names of Clinical Neuropsychologist who routinely perform these protocols (Brain Mapping and Cortical Stimulation) for Awake Brain Surgeries in US, France/ Europe and Australia.
Any information on any of the above would be greatly appreciated.
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You may wish to contact David Loring PhD, ABPP, FAAN at Emory University Brain Health Center. He would likely be aware of such fellowships.
  • asked a question related to Australia
3 answers
Can you recommend conferences in the field of BioChemistry and specifically applicational BioChem in Australia in the near future, and with a close deadline for submission (range of 3-6 months)?
It can be also a New Zealand located conference, or, alternatively, it can be another conference that can be accessed by Zoom or similar technologies.
Thank you in advance!
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Thank you! Ajit Singh & Jeffrey McCormack! This is a very useful piece of information, indeed :-)
  • asked a question related to Australia
12 answers
Dear All,
Hope you are staying safe and sound.
I`m conducting a quantitative research in my PhD to test and validate a conceptual framework that has been developed based on the data from 26 interviews. I`m struggling with finding participants to fill the survey for the quantitative phase of my PhD as the inclusion criteria are too specific and narrow. I`m looking for social entrepreneurs who are either Co/founder, CEO, or managing director of social enterprises in Australia and use online communities related to their enterprise. I know that generally, it is said that I need to find at least 100 and preferably 150 participants for the quantitative research, however, it is a very difficult and challenging task for me to reach these numbers considering my limited time and resources.
I would appreciate if you could let me know how I can justify a sample size with between 50-70 participants and whether it is justifiable or not in a mixed-method research, in which interviews are the main data collection tool.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
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Hi Behnam Abedin, you may consider using G*Power, a free power analysis program, to calculate your minimum sample size. Following is the reference article, download link and learning video. Hope it would help.
1. Reference article
Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Buchner, A., & Lang, A. G. (2009). Statistical power analyses using G* Power 3.1: Tests for correlation and regression analyses. Behavior research methods, 41(4), 1149-1160.
2. Software Download (Windows and Mac)
3. YouTube: Using G*Power to Determine Sample Size
  • asked a question related to Australia
3 answers
Methods for assessing group work in mathematics and the case for individualized student's contributions were discussed. Countries considered were US, UK, Canada, and Australia.
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Informal, non-formal learning
  • asked a question related to Australia
3 answers
Particularly interested in the Eyrean Barrier, but would also be of value to have a dataset of the well known barriers around Australia. (for example, figure 1 from this article)
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Thanks Stuart - doesn't look like what I am after unless I am just missing it? I am after the actual shapefiles showing features such as the Eyrean barrier (which is a line on a map, not a region as such).
  • asked a question related to Australia
17 answers
New Covid virus came to Europe, Australia then will spread other part of the world, do you think that previous vaccine will effective for recent virus?
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The new variant of SARS-CoV-2, known as VUI–202012/01 or lineage B.1.1.7, was identified in United Kingdom. It is more able to transmit than other variants. According to experts COVID-19 vaccines will be effective against new variant of SARS-CoV-2.
  • asked a question related to Australia
6 answers
Our team in Australia is looking for international collaborators to do a joint research towards scientific publication on psoriasis treatment using our controlled-release formulation. If you are interested, please send us an email to: and we will give you details.
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Thanks for your message. Can you send me your CV and contact details to:
  • asked a question related to Australia
8 answers
I have been waiting for a review from a journal in Australia for about a year. It will be one year on November 21, 2020. Is this normal? What do you think about the journals extending their review times that much?
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Let me update my previous answer. The following scenario may happen:
  • The corresponding author submits the complete manuscripts according to the journal according to its requirement.
  • The journal editor finds the right reviewer(s) to review the manuscript.
  • One of the reviewers can't review the manuscript for some reasons such as he/she has no time to review or he/she may have been died. Or, he/she might reject the invitation of review. Then the journal editor should return back to the previous step.
All in all, the journal editor should return back with an answer to the corresponding author within a maximum of six months.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
Researching school principal development models in Australia
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Try looking at the papers of the last year's Economics Nobel laureates, that is Michael Kremer, Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee. They performed several on filed experiments on improving the educational outcomes in various countries.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
I am interested in mental health literacy research with a CaLD community in Australia. I am seeking collaborator or guide/supervisor for this project.
I would love to hear from experienced academic interested in this topic.
Thank you in advance.
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willing to collaborate. I am currently the director of a hospital providing psychiatry, deaddiction, rehabilitation and center of LD
  • asked a question related to Australia
5 answers
How can I get the publications correctly attributed?
Please email me on
Andrew J Carmichael
Consultant Dermatologist
S Tees
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I used Claim Authorship function several times for at least one month but my publications are still connected with other profile.
  • asked a question related to Australia
3 answers
Good day friends.
I have a few questions regarding my project.
The project is mainly focused on IoT, network traffic classification, intrusion, machines learning/deep learning.
So, my questions, here, is:
1) Is it possible to test IoT datasets that were captured in Australia in other countries, since I want the study tp base in specific country context?
2) The study settings will be based on a smart city (smart toll tag) or a smart environment. But, the datasets I’m planning to use which are captured in Australia, are datasets of weather station, (which generate air pressure, temperature, etc), smart home ( motion activated light), smart fridge, remotely activated garages door, smart air conditioner (thermostat), etc.
What do you guys think? Is it possible?
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Hello, I have doubt around it, maybe becaus I do not know in detail your idea. However, on the one hand, when we are talking about IoT, the idea is associated with a real-time data processing. On the other hand, when we talk about datasets (even very large), we are referring to a batch data processing model. If you want to recreate a new environment using data from monitoring do you ensure the consistency of both processing environments? Mainly thinking about the kind of available resources and algorithms to use.
  • asked a question related to Australia
1 answer
Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to announce 2020 Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics that will be held Online, August 24th-30th, 2020. For details see .
The workshop will be organized by Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the Ural Federal University (Yekaterinburg, Russia), N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS (Yekaterinburg, Russia), and The Ural Mathematical Center (Yekaterinburg, Russia).
The workshop aims to cover modern aspects of group theory (including questions of actions of groups on combinatorial objects), graph theory, some combinatorial aspects of topology and optimization theory, and related topics.
The program of the workshop consists of 50-minute talks by keynote speakers and a number of 15-20-minute contributed talks.
Our Keynote Speakers (in alphabet ordering):
Rosemary Bailey (The University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK)
Peter Cameron (The University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK)
Ilya Gorshkov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Tatsuro Ito (Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan and Anhui University, Hefei, China)
Alexander (Sasha) Ivanov (Imperial College London, London, UK)
Elena Konstantinova (Novosibirsk State University and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Denis Krotov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Mikhail Khachay (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)
Long Miao (Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China)
Ilia Ponomarenko (Petersburg Department of V. A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Viktor Mazurov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Christopher Parker (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK)
Cheryl Praeger (The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia)
Danila Revin (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia and N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia)
Wujie Shi* (Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing, China)
Sergey Shpectorov (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK)
Arseny Shur* (Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)
Alexey Staroletov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Ying-Ying Tan* (Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei, China)
Vladimir Trofimov* (N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS and Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)
Evgeny Vdovin (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Mikhail (Misha) Volkov (Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)
Yaokun Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China)
Alexandre Zalesskii* (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK)
* to be confirmed
To attend the workshop please register for free until August 15, 2020 via the website .
In your registration form, you are welcome to give us some information on your mathematical interests. We kindly ask keynote speakers to register via this website to be available for mailings!
Contributed talks
If you want to contribute a talk, please prepare your one-page abstract with the template (see the website ), fill the corresponding form in "My Submissions" on the website, and upload your abstract until July 20, 2020.
We kindly ask you to name the file with your abstract as follows FirstName_LastName.tex.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact to me via e-mail butterson[at]mail[dot]ru.
Best regards, Natalia Maslova
DSc Leading Researcher, Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Associate Professor, Ural Federal University 620990, Yekaterinburg
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It's my pleasure!
  • asked a question related to Australia
3 answers
Is it true that naturally occurring radioactive material from a specific type of rock is the same?
For example the gold-bearing rock in Australia and that from Tanzania.
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Thank you Samwel and Joseph for your answers.
  • asked a question related to Australia
21 answers
Due to poverty and wealt of other peoples, many Europeans have moved to America, Australia and Canada.
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Dear All. I stop answering in all my Questions. Wish you all good luck.
  • asked a question related to Australia
21 answers
In the International Marketing course at Clarion University of Pennsylvania, I want my students to get an opportunity to talk to students in other parts of the world to understand their culture and work on developing a marketing plan. Please let me know, if anybody is interested in joining hands or passing some leads. I can then share more details and a plan to collaborate.
Thank you
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It is very interesting, however the language barrier can prevent the experience from being more comprehensive.
  • asked a question related to Australia
6 answers
Australia has been a relative success story but an outbreak in Melbourne is at a "critical stage", experts say.
Infections have surged in the past few weeks - there are now 482 active cases in the state of Victoria.
The numbers remain below Australia's March peak, but what's concerning now is that most cases are being spread locally rather than by people arriving from overseas.
In every other state, the virus has been dramatically slowed or eradicated. So what's gone wrong in Victoria?
July 03, BBC
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I think voluntary social distancing is more appropriate term and it does not against human right too. Unluckily, for the people of third world countries voluntary social distancing is not possible where practice of healthy behavior is not satisfactory and you can see the reality even in USA too. Yes, lockdown will be failed if we don't change our individual behavior. Again I do agree with you, we the public health specialists are totally failed to come to a conclusion and the role of WHO is still confusing. WHO is changing its decisions and recommendations again and again. They should be more bold and clear. Thanks again dear Daniel Goldman .
  • asked a question related to Australia
2 answers
Hi, I'm interested to know the threshold on tree and vegetation monitoring in Australia, South Africa, Europe or any other country. Thanks :)
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Hi, can you explain a little more?
  • asked a question related to Australia
7 answers
In my research methodology I would like to apply Dynamic Global vegetation Model to project future vegetation growth/availability under future climate projections. I found LPJ-Guess used in the previous research but couldn't find how to use at catchment scale in Australia.
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Hi J.C.Tarafdar,
Thank you so much for sending me the information. Just wondering do we need Linux operating system for installing CESM? Thanks
  • asked a question related to Australia
5 answers
What are these countries doing differently from Europe and United States, that makes them so successful?
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Control of COVID-19 in Australia and New Zealand
From very early in the COVID-19 since January these countries adopted the policy of border closures, cruise-ship docking restriction, retesting people returning from other countries, putting them in quarantine, testing and tracing the contacts of SARS-CoV-2 positive cases, and sel-isolation of patients at home. They also adopted strict lockdowns, closure of schools and offices and introduced Apps to track down COVID-19 case.
This is how these countries have succeeded in limiting the disease and reducing the deaths due to COVID-19. (See attached links)