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Audiological Medicine - Science topic
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Publications related to Audiological Medicine (30)
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Access and affordability of hearing health care varies depending on residency and individual financial means. Those living in rural areas have limited health care resources and experience higher levels of poverty compared to those living in urban regions. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of interprofessional collab...
Las revistas científicas han sido el vehículo de comunicación de la ciencia desde el siglo XVII. Han servido para organizar el conocimiento en áreas de interés común y para el establecimiento de un nivel en la calidad de las publicaciones. Sin embargo y al mismo tiempo han segmentado la investigación en multitud de revistas y encarecido el acceso a...
Background The guidelines of the National Deaf Children's Society recommend that children with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) be routinely screened for ophthalmological problems and suggest electroretinography (ERG) to exclude Usher syndrome. The present study reports the nature and prevalence of abnormal ERG findings in a cohort of children wit...
Objectives Tinnitus is a condition that almost entirely belongs to the field of audiological medicine, predominately regarded as a disorder of the ear. The purpose of this study was to explore the state of the art concerning the scientific discourse on tinnitus. Our main interest was to find the answers to: Who are involved in the research; i.e. wi...
The 'Choose and Book' system provides an online booking service which primary care professionals can book in real time or soon after a patient's consultation. It aims to offer patients choice and improve outpatient clinic attendance rates.
An audit comparing attendance rates of new patients booked into the Audiological Medicine Clinic using the 'Ch...
The CD-ROM "Voice Assessment: Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology & Medicine" was developed as a teaching tool for people interested in the production of the spoken or sung human voice. Its content comprises several subjects concerning the anatomy and physiology of spoken and sung voice. A careful assessment becomes necessary in or...
Undergraduate inter- and multi-professional education has traditionally aimed to develop health professionals who are able to collaborate effectively in comprehensive healthcare delivery. The respective professions learn from and about each other through comparisons of roles, responsibilities, powers, duties and perspectives in order to promote int...
Introduction For many decades, ear surgery has endeavoured to improve hearing impairment. Initially, ear surgery was aimed at eradicating infectious middle ear pathology, but with better public health and the advent of antibiotics, tumour surgery, especially acoustical neuroma surgery, and the surgical treatment of incapacitating vertigo developed....
49 parents of teenagers with a hearing loss of >50dB BEHL answered an open-ended questionnaire. They were asked to list the difficulties their son/daughter had as a result of their hearing loss (proxy responses) and any difficulties they themselves experienced because of the hearing loss (parental responses).
Both proxy and parental respo...
Editor—Mutations in GJB2 , the connexin 26 (Cx26) gene, are thought to account for over 50% of autosomal recessive, non-syndromic, congenital deafness, the most common form of genetic deafness1 2 and 10-30% of sporadic cases.2 3 Over 50 recessive mutations in the GJB2 gene have been reported since it was originally described4 (the connexin 26 (GJB2...
Scopo dello studio
La medicina di genere rappresenta un aspetto di crescente interesse nell’ambito della ricerca volta al raggiungimento della personalizzazione della gestione clinica del paziente.
Si tratta di un approccio trasversale e intrinsecamente multidisciplinare, che supera il mero studio delle differenze epidemiologiche tra maschi e femmi...
Gender medicine is not a separated branch of medicine, but a novel approach towards classical
clinical disciplines. It consists of considering gender-related differences in terms of pathology,
clinical manifestations, therapy and prognosis. Interesting data are available nowadays in the
fields of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and pharmacolo...
Hearing, Balance and Communication (formerly Audiological Medicine) 2015;13:178.
book review:
Balance Function Assessment and Management.
Second Edition. by Gary P. Jacobson & Neil T.
Shepard (Eds.). Plural Publishing, San Diego:
34 chapters, 887 pp
With their clinical and research activities spanning
the last few decades, Gary P. Jacobson (Depar...
Hearing, Balance and Communication (formerly Audiological Medicine) 2014;12:182-8.
Objective: With an estimated incidence of 77 new cases per 100,000 population aged 65 years or above, idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) is a common clinical finding in elderly patients. There is a shortage of information on the clinical factors ca...
On Jan 1, 2011, Medicare expanded its preventive services coverage to include an annual wellness visit (AWV) to encourage providers to focus on preventive screening and wellness of patients. Shortly afterwards, The Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel released a report in May to help guide curriculum development to incorporate int...
This article is concerned with the disorders of the auditory system and their clinical assessment. It shows the importance of obtaining the history and neurological examination before detailed psychophysical testing. The assessment of disorders of the central auditory system in clinic is a multidisciplinary exercise, involving a key collaboration b...
Laid the foundations for audiology as a medical specialtyRonald Hinchcliffe was a champion of the many patients with hearing and balance disorders, who were often unrecognised and poorly treated, causing considerable educational, social, and occupational limitations. He was one of the first academic clinicians to recognise the role of the basic sci...
An important milestone in medicine has been the recent completion of the Human Genome Project. The identification of 30,000 genes and their regulatory proteins provides the framework for understanding the metabolic basis of disease. This advance has also laid the foundation for a broad range of genomic tools that have opened the way for targeted ge...
Wendy Albuquerque
is a consultant audiological physician at St George's Hospital, London
Yvonne Silove
is a specialist registrar in audiological medicine at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London
Wendy Albuquerque
is a consultant audiological physician at St George's Hospital, London
Yvonne Silove
is a specialist registrar in audiological medicine at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London
A medical, as opposed to a surgical, specialty which was to be entrusted with the investigation, care and management of patients with hearing and balance disorders was established in the UK in 1975. This medical specialty was termed 'audiological medicine' and its specialists, 'audiological physicians'. The relationship of the audiological physicia...
We present a case of a 21 year old with variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) who presented with difficulties in speech discrimination and was found to have a sensorineural hearing loss of predominantly or entirely neural origin. At presentation to the Department of Audiological Medicine, neuro-otological examination revealed only slight difficu...