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Astrology - Science topic
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Questions related to Astrology
Octo-Alloy, also called Ashtadhatu, is a traditional alloy to produce religious idols, ornaments and sculptures in indian subcontinent. My question regarding the alloy is
- According to wikipedia,( Ashtadhatu ), the alloy consists of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, tin, iron and antimony or mercury . Does this alloy consisting of so many dissimilar metals undergo phase separation during casting? Are there any research papers available about microstructure of this alloy, or about phase separation prevention of this alloy?
- Again, some ornaments, especially bangles made of this alloy are made in forms of two interwinning wires of different color. Which metals are incorporated into which wire?
- Where can I get credible Archeometallurgical and contemporary methods of casting (temperature, composition, time)and metalworking ( embossing, scribing) of this alloy? Was this work of a jeweler, a sculptor or a metallurgist?
- Is there any possibility that the alloy is a high-entropy alloy? Have there been any research on molecular dynamics simulation of high entropy alloy of these particular alloying elements? I have not found any in interatomic potential repository
- Had there been any research on MEDICAL (NOT ASTROLOGICAL) benefit of using octo-alloy( more specifically its self-disinfecting capability and heavy metal poisoning hazard)?
So, what are the Pros and Cons?
Do you want to know if you will get an un-treatable disease in the future? Is that healthy for you?
What does the government want to do with your data?
If the government makes a huge discovery on your data, will they share the profits with you?
Risk of getting a disease is often modified by environmental factors- how reliable will these predictions be? will this all just be another level of Astrology?
By limiting this test to those that can pay, is there not already a bias to the higher classes of society?
What is your opinion?
To me, an Erdös number seems like a harmless piece of trivia, akin to having the same astrological sign as some celebrity or sleeping in the same hotel room that a famous person had once slept in. I realize that a network of linked Erdös numbers may have interesting topological properties, but other than that, do they show anything of general significance?
In the calculation to change the latitude and longitude to Cartesian (x,y,z) the first step is converting latitude and longitude to Radian. Anyone know why we have to do this and not just use the angles of longitude and latitude?
This is the instruction that i got from one of the reference:
"All latitude and longitude data must be converted into radians. If the coordinates are in degrees.minutes.seconds format, they must first be converted into decimal format. Then convert each decimal latitude and longitude into radians by multiplying each one by PI/180"
Please share if you know why we have to convert the data to rad?
After seeing so many questions related to astrology in RG I would like to know how many of us believe in it?
Some famous non-psychotic people have found meaning in and been inspired by their hallucinations. Many others in the past were convinced that devils or spirits had taken over their minds. Nowadays, we regard these as malfunctions in the brain or mind, and therefore unlikely to have meaningful content. However, there is an influential movement which wants to revert to the pre-scientific situation, where the person's interpretation of their hallucinations is regarded as valid. This can only result in some with distressing hallucinations presenting to exorcists, religious representatives or terrorist organizations rather than going to or being sent to psychiatrists. Medical treatment of psychosis is far from perfect, but still much better than no treatment or unproven or dubious alternatives.
See here the first lines from an article by John Read in The Conversation 0ct 21 2016: Hearing voices that other people can’t is a meaningful experience. Like dreams, they can usually be understood in terms of one’s life experiences.
So, what is the evidence that, for example, auditory hallucinations during fevers or after taking drugs have any meaning? Hopefully, people will not be using the Astrologers' Gambit, ie that their vague generalised predictions are valid and true since undoubtedly many clients are convinced such predictions are accurate and derive comfort and reassurance from them.
Since we can send electromagnetic pulses from Earth to Spacecrafts out of the solar system and induce an electric current in their communication circuitry. Why can't we send more powerful pulses to induce more power to enable the working of the spacecraft besides communication.
How feasible is my proposal?
In her book, Influences: Art, Optics, and Astrology in the Italian Renaissance, Mary Quinlan–McGrath uses as one of her examples the Astrological Vault of the Sala dei Pontefici. The original version was commissioned by Leo X and apparently designed by Raphael just prior to his death in 1520. With the Sun located centrally for astrological reasons, the ordering of the remaining celestial bodies is Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Does anyone know of evidence as to how the sequence for Mercury and Venus was established in this case? The ordering of the planets with respect to their distance from Earth was under considerable discussion at this time.