Science topic

Asian Continental Ancestry Group - Science topic

Individuals whose ancestral origins are in the southeastern and eastern areas of the Asian continent.
Questions related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
Dear fellow researchers, please be vigilant! The website claims to accept submissions for Kexue Tongbao / Chinese Science Bulletin, but this is not an official address.
Key signs of fraud:
  • The contact email appears in various scam schemes (a quick search will reveal multiple fraudulent connections).
  • When asked for payment details, they provide bank account information in Dubai, even though the journal is based in China.
I urge all colleagues to thoroughly verify publishers before submitting manuscripts or making payments. Stay alert and protect your research from scammers!
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We cannot warn enough for this kind of fraud. The good thing is that the fake website of Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin (ISSN:0023-074X) is mentioned in the best source for identified hijacked journal versions of original journal titles “the Retraction watch Hijacked Journal Checker”
Your observation that is used for numerous other hijacked versions of journal titles is also discussed here on RG
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
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Hi! I am a PhD student at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi working with international women students and their lived experience in the host country. I would like to invite you to share your thoughts and experience with me and participate in my research which will be highly helpful for me... thank you 🙏
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Where is the survey?
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
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Central Asia - a region rich in natural resources, stands at a pivotal moment in its development. With vast reserves of critical minerals and energy resources, these countries have the potential to harness their natural wealth through strategic partnerships on the global stage. This approach can catalyse economic growth and strengthen their geopolitical leverage, offering a pathway to enhanced regional influence and prosperity.
However, the critical question remains: Can Central Asia truly set its own rules in the international arena, or are its resources a double-edged sword that entrenches deeper geopolitical dependencies?
Despite the abundance of natural assets, the region of the finds itself at the nexus of larger powers' strategic interests, which can limit its autonomy in utilising these resources for self-determined development.
A poignant example of this dynamic is the recent sale of Russian stakes in Kazakhstan's Kazatom uranium deposits to Chinese companies. This transaction underscores the complex interplay of regional power shifts and resource control. It highlights how Central Asian countries, while rich in resources like uranium, must navigate the intricate and sometimes perilous waters of global power politics, where their sovereign decisions can be heavily influenced by larger state actors like Russia and China.
This situation poses a vital discussion point: Is Central Asia moving toward greater autonomy, or is it increasingly becoming a pawn in the strategic games of global dominance?
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Well written.
The potential of these countries is enormous. They can take their cue from nearby Azerbaijan, which has gained self-confidence after winning wars over Armenia and weakening Moscow's power due to the Russian-Ukrainian war. However, Turkey is involved in the extraction of Azerbaijan's mineral wealth. The countries of Central Asia will always incline toward the great powers.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
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I am working on HEC-RAS on a small catchment with area of ~ 437 km2. For the input data, I need elevation of the river bed at each of the cross section locations of the river. Is there any DEM with 1 meter resolution that is available in the Asian region ?
Thank you.
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Got it thanks.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
7 answers
📢 Call for Papers: New Asian Journal of Medicine, Volume 2 – Issue 2, 2024 📢 We are delighted to announce that the New Asian Journal of Medicine (NAJM) is now inviting submissions for our 2024 issues. In our commitment to advancing global medical knowledge, we are offering free publication for all articles accepted in 2024. Submission Deadline: 🗓️ July 31, 2024 Topics of Interest Include, But Are Not Limited To: Clinical Medicine Public Health Initiatives Medical Ethics Infectious Diseases Chronic Disease Management Medical Imaging Surgical Techniques Healthcare Policy Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Medical Education We welcome submissions from researchers across the globe, aiming to reflect the diverse nature of medical science and practice. Types of Submissions Accepted: Original Research Narrative Reviews Systematic Reviews Editorials Clinical Trials Perspectives Opinions Letters to the Editor Commentaries Submission Guidelines: All submissions must adhere to NAJM guidelines and are subject to a robust peer review process to maintain the highest standards of scholarly integrity and scientific excellence. How to Submit: Please submit your manuscripts through the NAJM online submission system at []. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions, contact our editorial office at [].
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Thanks for calling.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
Dear Researchgate editor,
I have 5 published articles written in Chinese. It has been published on the Chinese database named China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). May I ask if it is possible to add my Chinese articles in your ResearchGate?
Thank you very much for your reply.
Yuning Chen
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Thank you very much for Professor Frank Veroustraete
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
1. Is there any significant correlation between Chinese university students’ Corona Virus Anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder?
2. Is there any significant correlation between Chinese university students’ Corona Virus Anxiety and depression, anxiety, and stress?
3. Is there any significant correlation between Chinese university students’ Corona Virus and Grade Point Average (GPA)?
4. What are the negative educational and psychological consequences from the Chinese students’ perspectives?
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Frontiers in Psychology reports in 2020 examined the impact of COVID-19 on anxiety in Chinese university students. The study found that the mean anxiety score was significantly higher than the national norm, and there were notable differences in anxiety levels between male and female students2.
These studies suggest that COVID-19 anxiety can have a substantial impact on the mental health and academic performance of Chinese university students, potentially contributing to generalized anxiety disorder.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
If Japan becomes a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, Korean society will be ruined?
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If Korea becomes a non-permanent member of the UN, will the world care about Korea and cause harm to neighboring countries? If Japan becomes a non-permanent member of the UN, will the world care about Japan and harm neighboring countries? Does this generally happen all the time around the world?
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
9 answers
In the EU and the USA, politicians are currently preaching excessive warmongering and hatred of Russians and Chinese. Where does this unnecessary and irrational desire to kill and destroy come from? Is this some kind of psycho-pathological misanthropy?
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"Thank you. You have shown me once again that it is pointless to argue with warmongers and ideologues"
You're welcome. Generally your idea of idea of parroting Russian propaganda was not specially good, while your willingness to treat Eastern Europeans as such expendable subjects that could be subjugated if it's politically convenient was bringing disgusting vibes from your country from '30s.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
East asian countries are attractive markets for foreign retailers to enter, but they face many regulatory problems which would lead to failure in expansion. What specific regulations would they face while entering east asian countries? And how should retailers react to these regulations?
Regards, Amin Shahinpour
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there is nothing special in regulations for certain countries. Most countries have their regulation regarding foreign businesses in their country with main view to protect local businesses, culture , local laws, food safety standards, packaging and language communication and respective quality standards for consumer goods. Industrial goods are taken care between business to business negotiations.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
How was the Chinese character portrayed in the western novel ?
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which specific novel?
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
What is the overall prevalence of ESBL-producing gram-negative within different hospital settings in Asian countries?
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According to the above article, the prevalence of ESBL-producing gram-negative bacteria varies across different hospital settings in Asian countries. The article is based on Thailand
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
6 answers
Here are my DEMANDS.
Meanwhile I am going to OCHESTRATE THE WWW.
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  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
18 answers
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Oh CLAUSEWITZ, BISMARCK,... IT'S westfalenhalle,
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
4 answers
I've recently come across several journals that raise serious concerns regarding their legitimacy, yet some of them have managed to secure a spot in the Scopus database. A prime example is the International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences (ISSN 2226-9614), which has a notably poor-quality website that clearly doesn't meet the standards expected of reputable academic journals. Although this journal has since been delisted from Scopus, the fact that it was ever included is alarming.
Another example is Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin (, which despite its unprofessional presentation, holds a Q2 ranking in Scopus.
This brings up several important questions:
  1. How do journals like these manage to bypass Scopus' evaluation standards and achieve high rankings?
  2. Is there a possibility that these journals are engaging in unethical practices to manipulate their inclusion and ranking in Scopus?
  3. Could there be political or other non-academic factors influencing these decisions within the Scopus community?
  4. What measures should be taken to prevent such journals from misleading researchers and degrading the integrity of academic publishing?
I’m interested in hearing the community's thoughts, particularly from those with experience in academic publishing, journal evaluation, and Scopus indexing.
This should help stimulate a discussion on the practices and potential issues within the academic publishing world.
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  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
7 answers
It's their QI, one need not describe it, because that QI exude's through whole space and it's inexaustable.
They both Classical Chinese Scholars and Qigong Masters.
Meet my Classical Chinese Tutor... No I need not drop names.
Funny, among Chinese, I instantly transform in those Chinese folk art's depiction of a good peasant (one who eats wheat, as my mum would say).
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  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
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They kills students live shot with chinese rifles , block facebook, arrest them.
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The Egyptian Revolution of 2011 was a massive transformative event in the country’s history. Corruption, economic issues, and a lack of political freedoms were the causes. Millions of Egyptians took to the streets to demand the resignation of then-President Hosni Mubarak. The revolution resulted in many sacrifices, with many lives lost and injuries sustained, and the president finally stepped down. Pressure would make any government back down, however, many of us cannot contribute to conflicts and collateral damage. Take this route: international pressure.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
Liu Zhaosheng. 2003. Triassic and Jurassic sporopollen assemblage from the Kuqa Depression,Tarim Basin of Xinjiang,NW China. Palaeontologia Sinica, New Series A,no. 14(Whole no. 190). Beijing:Science Press. 1‒244(in Chinese with English abstract)[刘兆生. 2003. 塔里木盆地库车凹陷三叠 纪和侏罗纪孢粉组合. 中国古生物志,总号第 190 册,新甲种第 14 号. 北京:科学出版社. 1‒244]
Zhang Shiben,Huang Zhibin,Zhu Huaicheng et al.. 2004. Phanerozoic subsurface stratigraphy of the Tarim Basin. Beijing:Petroleum Industry Press. xviii + 300 pp (in Chinese)[张师本,黄智斌,朱怀诚等. 2004. 塔里木盆地覆盖区显生宙地层. 北京:石油工业出版社. 1‒300]
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I've just received the papers!
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
I ask Chinese seismologists to inform me: who should I contact to create a joint Forecast Center?
I do not hide that the beginning of my work was connected with the successful forecast of the earthquake in 1975 in Haicheng, Liaoning Province. I continued this research and found the theory of earthquake genesis and the method of short-term earthquake forecasting by monitoring the Kozyrev-Yagodin wave.
It will be fair if we create an Earthquake Forecast Center with Chinese seismologists.
Alexander Yagodin.
Китайских сейсмологов я прошу сообщить: с кем мне связаться, чтоб создать совместный Центр прогноза?
Я не скрываю, что начало моей работе было связано с удачным прогнозом землетрясения в 1975 г. в г. Хайчэн, провинция Ляонин. Я продолжил эти исследования и нашел теорию Генезиса землетрясений и метод краткосрочного прогноза землетрясений мониторингом волны Козырева-Ягодина.
Будет справедливо, если Центр прогноза землетрясений мы сделаем с Китайскими сейсмологами.
С уважением.
Александр Ягодин.
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@Xuemin Zhang
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
4 answers
1a)"The epicanthic fold produces the eye shape characteristic of persons from central and eastern Asia; it is also seen in some Native American peoples and occasionally in Europeans (e.g., Scandinavians and Poles)"(Britannica 2023).
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "epicanthic fold". Encyclopedia Britannica, 5 May. 2023, Accessed 27 May 2024.
4) "A small minority of people in northern Sweden and Finland, known as Sami, have some connections with Siberian people.
I don’t think they look Chinese at all. Chinese people have their own unique phenotypes. If you are talking about their eyes, there is a connection with Siberian people, who have eyes that people usually will associate with looking East Asian. Most Scandinavians have eyes that are similar to the rest of Europe.
Convergent evolution is another factor, especially for people living in colder climates. It’s common" (Sam Jones).
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Well according to the writer the scandivians looking like the europians could be a privilage for them
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
3 answers
The link to the author's research paper:
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Muhammad Adeel Thank you very much, I have found the article translated into Vietnamese.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
A Chinese company (DT) is seeking market development opportunities in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. Before conducting business, it requires communication infrastructure services that can be used locally.
Communication infrastructure services may include: International Internet bandwidth, data center services, Virtual Private Networks, satellite communication services.
Suppose the Chinese company (DT) has already used network infrastructure services provided by China Telecom Global (DX) in region A, but chooses not to use the same services provided by China Telecom Global in another adjacent region B. What reasons do you think could lead the Chinese company (DT) to not use the services of the "former partner" in region B?
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Power game and geostrategy
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
I want to know the mail for this articles: The willingness, knowledge and self efficacy of CPR in Chinese students.
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Thank you so much
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
13 answers
Is Putin turning Russia into an Eastern, Asian country? While the huge number whom he claims voted for him, impossible in a Western state, has no reality it can be seen in small Asian polities. Would this more suit his rule?
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  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
5 answers
For those of you who do not know the term, Gong'an literature is Chinese proto-crime fiction, often featuring the characters Judge Dee or Judge Bao. The Chinese stories are all public domain, of course. They are very old. But the translations are not. My question is this: does anyone know of a PD translation of a Judge Dee or Judge Bao story?
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I was unable to find a translation that was labelled PD, so I used AI tools to try and create my own. I was unable to extract good sentences from the Chinese originals, and I had no way of checking the accuracy of the translation. So, I dumped that, and used the main points of the narrative, polished it a little, added some descriptions (old prose is often short of adjectives and moods). I then created an audio intro, made some graphics and recorded it with myself as narrator. It does actually have a little Hong Kong movie feel to it :) The poetry had to be modified as well. This is my "interpretation" a well known story adapted from vernacular legends by Feng Menglong in 16th century, or something. Reconstructing the story from the gibberish produced by the translators was very difficult. It is a PD character, and it was fun.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
Millions of peoples are dying in the world ,with science and medical care and humanitarian aids ,we can help poor children such as in africa and asian countries by distributing justice and food and education ,can we do it? How and why ?
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  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
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We are working on translating the Short Phronesis Measure (SPM) into Chinese; this exciting new measure was initially developed and validated by the Jubilee Centre at the University of Birmingham.
I have finished translating the 106 items into simplified Chinese, and now looking for a colleague who is a native English speaker and fluent in Chinese to do the back-translation.
If you are interested, please let me know. Looking forward to opportunities to collaborate with you!
Many thanks & best wishes,
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Thank you for your interest! We have already found the candidate :-)
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
I'm currently working on a project that requires comprehensive banking sector data for countries like Pakistan, China, and other Southeast Asian nations. I am particularly interested in understanding the dynamics and trends within the banking industry. Could anyone share insights on where and how I can access such data? I'm exploring options for free sources, but if that's not available, what are the recommended platforms or databases for purchasing reliable banking sector data in these regions? Your guidance and suggestions would be immensely valuable. Thank you in advance!
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If you are looking to download data for Indian banks, please explore-
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
I have a book review on a minor book about American political economy. I have published many book reviews before ,mostly on Eats Asian topics. I am not sure where to find a minor journal on American political economy that publishes book reviews.
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Hello! Check out Politikon: The IAPSS Journal of Political Science. It's a peer-reviewed academic journal of the International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS) that aims to provide a platform for emerging scholars and students to showcase their research in political science and related disciplines. The journal has a book review section.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
Calvin College ( became Calvin University in 2019. How can this entry be updated to reflect the new name. Also, how might it be disambiguated from the South Korean Calvin University (
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Gracias Mitzi. Das buenas ideas, pero mi nombre institucional ya cambió (en 2019). Quiero que ResearchGate refleje ese cambio, que no puedo poner en práctica.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
1.Review and Reflection on the Construction of Terminology Discipline in China
2.Terminological Cognitive Discourse Analysis
3.Cognitive Sociolinguistic Study on Terminological Variation
4.Construction of Terminology Semantic Knowledge Base Based on Conceptual Structure and Distributed Representation
5.Nature and Characteristics of Terms of Chinese Source
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That is a very important aspect, with respect to terminological content and social context. Good work !
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
3 answers
Who agrees with me that maybe technically I am over 100 Western European? How? Why? “I am over 100% Western European when all the max possible Western European blood percentages of my ethnicity estimate are added together and the highest possibilities of the other ethnicities are subtracted then I become over 100% Western European. Factors contributing to that genetic paradox are that I have a high mutational load(exemplified by my autism). And that the Southeast Asian Ethnicity is more Neanderthal than the European one”(Ohnemus 2023).
Supporting Sources:
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Check out your DNA - your certainty may well be rocky - many Scandinavians arrived in boats into today's Europe...
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
5 answers
Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Anti-racist question:
Why do Europeans, as the last derivative of Africans, both as indigenous populations, not have the least genetic diversity? How? Why?
Sources and Quotes
Fox News . “Whites Genetically Weaker than Blacks, Study Finds.” , Fox News , 13 Jan. 2015, Accessed 14 Dec. 2023. “As would be expected with the ‘out of Africa’ theory, the researchers found Africans had the greatest amount of genetic diversity, followed in turn by Middle Easterners, then Europeans and South Asians at about equal levels, then East Asians. Native Americans had the least genetic diversity of all, indicating that part of the world was settled last..”(Fox News 2015).
Fox News . “Whites Genetically Weaker than Blacks, Study Finds.” , Fox News , 13 Jan. 2015, Accessed 14 Dec. 2023. “It's been known for years that all non-Africans are descended from a small group, perhaps only a few dozen individuals, who left the continent between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago.
But the Cornell study, published in the journal Nature Thursday, indicates that Europeans went through a second ’population bottleneck,’ probably about 30,000 years ago, when the ancestral population was again reduced to relatively few in number”(Fox News 2015)
Nei, M. “Evolution of human races at the gene level.” Progress in clinical and biological research vol. 103 Pt A (1982): 167-81.
“It seems that the Negroid and the Caucasoid-Mongoloid groups diverged about 110,000 +/- 34,000 years ago, whereas Caucasoid and Mongoloid diverged about 41,000 +/- 15,000 years ago”(Nei 1982).
Tateno, Yoshio et al. “Divergence of East Asians and Europeans estimated using male- and female-specific genetic markers.” Genome biology and evolution vol. 6,3 (2014): 466-73. doi:10.1093/gbe/evu027 “Surprisingly, the European individuals did not form an independent clade, but branched within in the East Asians. We then estimated the divergence time of the root of the European clade as ∼ 41,000 years ago”(Tateno 2014).
Cavalli-Sforza, L., Feldman, M. The application of molecular genetic approaches to the study of human evolution. Nat Genet 33 (Suppl 3), 266–275 (2003).
(Photo attached)
Lohmueller, K., Indap, A., Schmidt, S. et al.Proportionally more deleterious genetic variation in European than in African populations. Nature451, 994–997 (2008).
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Muhammad Umar More specifically, I plan to leverage my white privilege to create a more equitable healthcare system.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
Could anyone please provide or recommend where there are experts in Europe who are doing research on cell metal element imaging or metal isotope fractionation on cell biochemical processes? Is there anyone who can accept joint Ph.D.s jointly by Chinese CSC?
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Thanks for sharing. I wish you every success in your task.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
I have just started conducting research on culture shock. I have designed a questionnaire for my study, and there are a few questions that include the option "Others _________" in the answer section. For example:
Q1: How did you feel when you participated in Chinese festivals?
a) Excited
b) Confused
c) Uncomfortable or nervous
d) Others _________
Q2: Which of the following Chinese traditional festivals did you find most shocking or difficult to understand? (Select all that apply)
a) Spring Festival
b) Lantern Festival
c) Dragon Boat Festival
d) Qingming Festival
e) Mid-Autumn Festival
f) Chinese Valentine's Day
g) Others _________
I would like to determine whether this particular question is considered open-ended or close-ended, and how I should describe it in the methodology chapter of my research?
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It may be considered open ended semi-structured questionnaire and you may require a qual-quant approach for data analysis and interpretation.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
Atypical Chinese nominal uses(nouns are typically used as subject and object) such as nominal predicate sentences are commonly used in daily life.Can anyone suggest some other usages and theire analytical framework?
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Atena Attaran thanks for your kindness.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
how is it the Chinese are using the terra Nellus in its action of building the artificial island in South China Sea. is it abide with the unclos?
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The term "terra nullius" refers to land that is considered nobody's territory or unclaimed territory. The idea of terra nullius has been historically used in various contexts, including colonialism, but its application to territorial claims in the South China Sea, particularly the Spratly Islands, is not entirely accurate.
China's claims in the South China Sea, including the Spratly Islands, are primarily based on historical assertions and what it perceives as ancient rights. China claims that it has historical evidence of sovereignty over the islands dating back centuries. The concept of terra nullius is not explicitly invoked by China in its claims in the South China Sea.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is the international legal framework that governs maritime boundaries and rights. The UNCLOS establishes rules for the delimitation of maritime boundaries, exclusive economic zones, and the rights and responsibilities of states in maritime areas. The South China Sea has been a source of territorial disputes among several countries, including China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and others.
China's claims and actions in the South China Sea have been a subject of concern and contention among neighboring countries and the international community. While UNCLOS provides a framework for resolving maritime disputes, not all countries involved in the South China Sea disputes have agreed to submit their claims to international arbitration. China, for example, has not accepted the 2016 ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, which rejected China's historical claims in the South China Sea and upheld the Philippines' rights under UNCLOS.
In summary, China's claims in the South China Sea are based on historical arguments rather than the concept of terra nullius, and the application of these claims to UNCLOS is a complex and disputed issue. The situation is influenced by geopolitical factors, historical claims, and the interpretation of international law.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
Why are European men and Asian women a common interracial pairing?
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Asian women are ambitious, while eu mens are self underestimated due to long period of emancipation.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
1. Prommalikit O, Pancharoen C, Nisalak A, Thisyakorn U, Thisyakorn C. Pathogenesis of
dengue shock syndrome : Immune enhancement or viral virulence. Asian-Oceanian
Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health 2004;3:26-9.
2. Treesirichod A, Chaiyakulsil C, Prommalikit O, Assadamongkol K. Acne-like presentation
of recurrent varicella infection in a child with nephritic syndrome. J Med Assoc Thai
3. Treesirichod A, Hantagool S, Prommalikit O. Nasal carriage and antimicrobial
susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus among medical students at the HRH Princess
Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center, Thailand: A follow-up study. J Infect Public
Health. 2014;7:205-9.
4. Prommalikit O, Thisyakorn U. Association between mannose-binding lectin gene
polymorphisms and susceptibility to dengue virus infection: a preliminary report.
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2015;46(Suppl.1):S29-34.
5. Prommalikit O, Waidab W, Suphapeetiporn K, Thisyakorn U. Cytokine-related gene
expression in peripheral blood leukocytes and dengue infection severity. Southeast
Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2017; 48(Suppl.1):S62-6.
Thank you very much.
Olarn Prommalikit
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Public health
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
hello everyone.
what is the difference between exciton and excitation exactly?
how Thay are formed?
how Thay could be calculated?
when it should be used DFT and TD-DFT for calculating them?
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An exciton is a bound state of an electron and a hole in a semiconductor or insulator. It is a quasiparticle, meaning that it has some of the properties of a particle, such as mass and energy, but it behaves differently from a traditional particle in some ways. For example, excitons cannot move freely through a material in the same way that electrons and holes can.
An excitation, on the other hand, is a more general term that refers to any change in the energy state of an atom or molecule. Excitations can occur for a variety of reasons, such as the absorption of light or the collision of two particles. When an atom or molecule is excited, its electron is promoted to a higher energy level.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
We are excited to announce that the 2023 International Conference on Mental Health Promotion will be held offline from December 8th to 10th at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). The conference aims to foster further advancements in the field of mental health promotion in China, encouraging collaboration and exchange among professionals from psychology, neuroscience, sports science, medicine, sociology, and other related disciplines.
📝 Theme: "Positive Lifestyle and Mental Health Promotion"
This conference will spotlight the cutting-edge achievements, emerging trends, and challenges related to promoting mental health through positive lifestyle choices, including non-pharmaceutical interventions like exercise, nutrition, and psychological interventions.
➡ Organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) and Tech Science Press, the conference has the support of Shenzhen University, Shenzhen Health Promotion Association, Yangzhou University, and Griffith University (Australia).
➡ We are honored to have Academician Kwok-Fai So and President Nan Wu as the honorary chairpersons, along with Professor Aiguo Chen , Professor Jing Sun, and Professor Xiaotian Wang serving as the conference chairpersons.
🎉 The event will feature a series of academic exchange activities, including academic presentations, experience-sharing workshops, and interactive roundtable discussions. We will also provide publication support, with selected papers from attendees being eligible for awards and priority publication in SCI/SSCI journals.
We extend a warm invitation to experts and scholars from all fields to join us in this knowledge-sharing endeavor. Together, let's explore innovative strategies for promoting mental health through positive lifestyle choices.
👉 For more information and registration, please visit our conference website:
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative academic experience and contribute to the advancement of mental health promotion! See you in December! 🌈🧠 #ICMHP2023 #MentalHealthPromotion #PositiveLifestyle
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Where is the venue (hotel)?
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
Hello All,
I am tasked with writing a summary of cell confluency of adheent cell cultures, and would like to know if you ahve any favourite papers you think I should include, please?
Thay can be about what cell confluency is, why it is important to measure it, how to measure it, etc.
Thanks for your help!
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
i need to know the impact of ESG factors firm financial risk and why one will work on it for future?
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The impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors on financial risk in Asian developing countries can be multifaceted and can vary depending on various factors, including the specific ESG factors considered, the industry, and the country's economic and regulatory context.
Here are some key considerations for understanding this relationship:
Environmental Factors (E):
  1. Climate Risks: Asian developing countries are vulnerable to climate change-related risks, such as extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and changing precipitation patterns. Companies and industries that are exposed to these risks (e.g., agriculture, infrastructure, and tourism) may face increased financial risk due to property damage, supply chain disruptions, and increased insurance costs.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Regulatory changes related to environmental protection and sustainability can impact businesses. Companies that fail to comply with environmental regulations may face fines and legal liabilities, which can affect their financial stability.
Social Factors (S):
  1. Labor Practices: Companies that do not adhere to fair labor practices, including issues related to worker rights, safety, and fair wages, may face reputational and operational risks. Labor disputes and strikes can disrupt operations and impact financial performance.
  2. Community Relations: Businesses that do not engage positively with local communities may face social license issues and reputational damage. This can result in protests, boycotts, and legal challenges, which can affect financial performance.
  3. Consumer Preferences: Changing consumer preferences for socially responsible products and services can impact the sales and profitability of companies. Businesses that fail to meet these preferences may face declining demand.
Governance Factors (G):
  1. Corruption and Bribery: Weak governance practices, including corruption and bribery, can lead to legal and reputational risks. Companies involved in unethical practices may face fines, legal actions, and damaged relationships with investors and customers.
  2. Board Structure and Independence: The composition of a company's board of directors and the level of independence can impact its risk management practices and decision-making. Weak governance can result in poor oversight and strategic missteps.
  3. Risk Management and Reporting: Companies with robust risk management practices and transparent reporting are better equipped to identify and mitigate risks. Weak governance can lead to poor risk assessment and inadequate disclosure, increasing financial risk.
  4. Executive Compensation: Excessive executive compensation practices that do not align with shareholder interests can be viewed negatively by investors and lead to governance-related risks.
It's important to note that the impact of ESG factors on financial risk is not solely negative. Companies that proactively address ESG issues may also benefit from reduced risks and increased opportunities. For example, investments in clean technologies and sustainable practices can lead to cost savings, enhanced brand reputation, and access to new markets and investors.
The relationship between ESG factors and financial risk in Asian developing countries is complex and requires careful analysis on a case-by-case basis. Investors, businesses, and policymakers are increasingly recognizing the importance of integrating ESG considerations into financial risk assessments and decision-making processes.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
3 answers Is like a google scholar form china and have great research that I can not find anywhere else, but in order to access you need to log in with a WeChat account or with a Chinese app and I am not able to do it. Is anyone able to access it and see the papers?
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I do not speak chienese :) But you are not looking for a regular academic search engine, but rather a search engine for open access publications. The most famous ones are core and base.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
3 answers
flowers for m[A]chines
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''To be or not to be isn't the question. The question is how to prolong being.''
--Tom Robbins
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
5 answers
Asian or European?
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The idea that Russia has been an "oriental power" for ages is a complicated and varied one. Despite its physical location in Eastern Europe, Russia's history, culture, and political identity are frequently connected with the East, notably via its Orthodox Christian past. Factors like the country's wide territorial extent, historical linkages with Asia and the Middle East, and different cultural and linguistic traditions have all contributed to this identification. It is crucial to emphasize, however, that this classification is not widely recognized and is open to interpretation and argument.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
4 answers
In your opinion, do you think ChatGPT has the potential to pass the Vietnamese national high school graduation examination? What role do you think teachers and administrators should play in utilizing ChatGPT effectively in this context?
Our results showed that ChatGPT was able to pass the examination with an average score of 6-7.
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For administrators, it is crucial to consider implementing ChatGPT to improve the learning and teaching management processes, as well as to provide training and enhance the technological capabilities of teachers and students. Additionally, clear policies and regulations regarding the use of technology in education need to be developed. For teachers, ChatGPT can assist in creating teaching materials, preparing lessons, and answering students' questions. However, it is essential for teachers to understand the limitations of ChatGPT and not solely rely on this technology. They should use ChatGPT as a supporting tool, critically evaluate, and modify the information provided by ChatGPT.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
Does the Chinese geopolitical ring seek to tighten soft control over Africa? What are the most important pillars? Is it the Silk Road? Or is it the multipolar economic diplomacy?
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China has mastered the art of African needs and how to go about it, including adopting cultural diplomacy. Today, Chinese language is prioritized among African educated population, the Chinese government is also offering scholarship programs to Africans, while at the same time offering exchange programs at a good rate, though still behind Europe according to my opinion. With Tiktok influence, we are bound to see more fear among Africans of high level of racism in China diminishes, which then may translate to soft spot among African youths when it comes to China.
Nonetheless, Africans' pool of needs are wanting, meaning they is deficiency in their priority of the kind of relation they want with China. They keep it "mixed plate" - vitamins there, carbohydrates there, protein there....However, in the end, trade and infrastructural relations has upper hand.
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2 answers
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DOI: 10.1093/cjip/poad003
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I always believe Google is very effective in searching for articles. This time it failed to provide a full text . Then I tried Bing, and the same article appeared and can be viewed. Bing recently has improved a great beyond my expectation. I am sure if you try Jstor, it is there as well. You only have to log in through your institution, or else you will have to pay. Good Luck
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
4 answers
I have a paper to be completed, and the title is "The Expansion of Bank Branches and Enterprises' green technology innovation: Evidence from China". Which journal is this paper suitable for?
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Shraddha jain Sharma Thank you for your answer !
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
I would be grateful if you could provide me with information (e.g. papers, URLs) on exemplary data science education projects in Asian countries of which you are aware.
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Dear Dr. Ma'Mon Abu Hammad,
I sincerely thank you for the valuable information you have provided.
I will look into the respective websites and institutions.
Thanks again,
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
3 answers
I am currently at a Japanese university and working on a project with my co-workers.
We use DropBox to share an SPSS file (.sav) to run some analysis in AMOS. My co-workers (using the Japanese version of Windows 11) can open the file from Dropbox and conduct analysis without any problem. However, in my case (I am using an English version of Windows 11), my AMOS (no matter set in Japanese or English) cannot read the file.
Does anyone here have similar experiences? Is it because of my OS issue?
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Dear Christian Geiser,
If your AMOS software is unable to read your SPSS file, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:
1. Check the file format: Ensure that your SPSS file is saved in a compatible format that AMOS can read. AMOS typically supports the .sav format, which is the standard format for SPSS data files. If your file is saved in a different format, try saving it as a .sav file and then attempt to open it in AMOS again.
2. Verify the version compatibility: Confirm that your version of AMOS is compatible with the version of SPSS used to create the file. Sometimes, compatibility issues arise if you are using an older version of AMOS that does not support the file format created by a newer version of SPSS. Make sure you have the latest updates for both AMOS and SPSS.
3. File integrity: Check if the SPSS file itself is intact and not corrupted. Try opening the file in SPSS to ensure it can be accessed without any issues. If SPSS can read the file successfully, the problem might be specific to the AMOS software.
4. Reinstall AMOS: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, try uninstalling and reinstalling AMOS. This can help resolve any potential software conflicts or glitches that may be causing the problem.
5. Contact support: If the problem persists after attempting these troubleshooting steps, consider reaching out to the technical support team for both AMOS and SPSS. They can provide further assistance and guidance tailored to your specific situation.
By following these steps, you should be able to diagnose and resolve the issue with AMOS not being able to read your SPSS file.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
Now I want to access the two future simulations of temperature and precipitation in the CMIP6 dataset (in ssp126, ssp245, ssp370, ssp585 senario). It is only necessary to obtain the data for the Chinese region. Finally it will be carried out to calculate the annual average of rainfall and temperature for each province according to the regional boundaries of the Chinese provinces. How do I implement it?
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If you can understand Chinese, you can read one of my blogs: Simply, it is actually using CDO to cut .nc file by .shp files.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
3 answers
Recently, a paragraph was forwarded and went viral online, causing great panic for a time: “Lancet, a leading medical journal, recently published an article and wrote that lumbago has become a major global challenge.” The data showed that the patients of lumbar spondylosis in China had exceeded 200 million, and the disease becomes prevalent among young people.
But why the adult labor force in China 40 years ago could carry a hundred pounds on their shoulders, but now lumbar spondylosis prevails among young people in China?
Through 6 years of unremitting efforts, I have made progress in the research on the traditional shoulder-carrying culture and spine of china, the world medical science confused the Oriental spine with the standard spine in Western medicine textbooks, yet there are stark differences between them. Research in this academic field is still blank in the world. Occasionally, the scholar (it's me) becomes the first discoverer and researcher in this field. It is the historical mission of China to sort out its national heritage, and it is the duty and obligation of every Chinese to fulfill the historical mission.
The traditional Chinese spine was born under the traditional shoulder-carrying culture of the Chinese nation, and will disappear with its demise. Today, shoulder-carrying skills can be called an intangible cultural heritage. The skill may disappear within a decade and is now on the verge of extinction. Only those elderly people have maintained the shoulder-carrying tradition, meaning that fewer and fewer people have the traditional Chinese spine. Unfortunately, the modern medical community has little or no knowledge of the structure, physiology and kinematics of the spine, leading to huge losses.
I think the study of Chinese traditional shoulder-carrying culture and spine can solve the mystery of the epidemic of lumbar disease.I have the answer, but I do not have strong scientific research ability to write it out. Time is urgent, so I put forward my opinion through the website of the researchgate hoping that more people in the world will know about this and participate in the research.
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Am in support of your observations at
Dissemination in science is generally very slow, with respect to our human lifespan , dear Chen Huabin
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. Lao Tzu
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
Based on our observations, why are social enterprises generally large in foreign countries, while in China, the scale of social enterprises is generally very small? Secondly, more importantly, foreign social enterprises span multiple countries, while Chinese social enterprises are limited to their local areas and have few cross provincial operations? Why? Thirdly, more importantly, the fields of foreign social enterprises are relatively broad, while the fields of Chinese social enterprises are relatively narrow. Why?
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Many reasons behind the large scale operations of social enterprises in other countries over China:
First, the legal process, rules and regulations of many countries are supportive for establishing and operating social enterprises smoothly. Some countries have special laws and rules which clearly defined the scope and area of activities for social enterprises. In contrast, China does not have a unified legal framework for social enterprises, and the existing regulations are often vague and difficult to understand.
Second, maximum foreign countries who are patronizing social enterprises and social business for solving many social problems are giving different institutional supports to social entrepreneurs for their initiatives. For example, PKSF is an autonomous organization operated by Bangladesh government for assisting many social enterprises. Similarly, NGO bureau, different ministry, microfinance regulatory body etc. are also helping social enterprises and monitoring the activities of social enterprises. However, China has lack of such specialized institutional supports for social entrepreneurship.
Thirdly, through different authorized institutions, governments of other countries also giving financial supports, tax exemption, tag the programs of social enterprises with different international charity and fund supportive organizations. It helps them to operate with financial strength even at the crisis time of their phase.
Fourth, foreign countries have a more mature social investment market, with a range of investors and financiers willing to invest in social enterprises. In China, the social investment market is still in its infancy, and there is a lack of investors and financiers with the necessary expertise and experience to support the growth of social enterprises.
Fifth, in foreign countries, there is a greater awareness and appreciation of the value of social enterprises, with government support and public recognition of their role in addressing societal challenges. In contrast, social enterprises in China are often viewed as “second-tier” enterprises and are not given the recognition and support they deserve.
The structure of socialistic economy may have little concern about social entrepreneurial functions and its effectiveness for real development of the society in China.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
Google is consistently at the head of the pack when it comes to A.I. and algorithm-based learning, and Translate's no exception. The program generates translations using patterns found in huge amounts of text, discovered through millions of documents that have already been translated by humans. As time goes on, the program recognizes more and more patterns, receives input from real people, and continues to refine its translations.
In September, Google switched from Phrase-Based Machine Translation (PBMT) to Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT) for handling translations between Chinese and English. The Chinese and English language pair has historically been difficult for machines to translate, and Google managed to get its system close to human levels of translation by using bilingual people to train the system ... Google planned to add GNMT for all 103 languages in Google Translate. That would mean feeding in data for 103^2 language pairs, and the artificial intelligence would have to handle 10,609 models.
Google tackled this problem by allowing a single system to translate between multiple languages
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Not all languages are as well documented and understood as English and Chinese. For machine translation to work for any pair of languages or for all languages, we will need as much documentation for each language as their is for English and Chinese. You mention that there are 103 languages in Google Translate. There are still over 7,000 languages spoken in the world so Google Translate is not yet touching upon even 1.5% of the World's languages, let alone recognizing the documentation for those languages that has already been done, and the vast amount still needed.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
4 answers
There are not doubts, being China the biggest trading partner for any country in the world , that Yuan will increase its weight as currency reserve , but its limitation and the relative size of domestic capital market will not be functional in replacing the dollar. Chinese pragmatism and long term view approach scarcely adapt to rapid shift at expenses for stability , considering as well the over 2 tn $ of trade value with western partners .
The King Dollar is about to be Dethroned by Yuan…
Just a year after Russia- Ukraine war:
- China’s Yuan replaces US Dollar as most traded currency in Russia.
- China and #France complete first Yuan-settled LNG trade, signaling the end of using the US Dollar for these energy trades.
- US Dollar used in 59% of world’s reserves, down from 72%
- Saudi Arabia and China to build #refinery for 83.7 billion Chinese Yuan ($12.2 billion)
- China and #Brazil agree to use Chinese Yuan to settle trade rather than US dollars
- President of #Kenya tells citizens to get rid of US dollars.
- #India says they will settle trade in Indian rupees with certain countries rather than US dollars
- Chinese yuan passes #Euro to become Brazil's second-largest currency in foreign reserves
- #Malaysia, a year after the invasion of Ukraine China to Discuss ‘Asian Fund’ to Cut US Dollar Dependency
#Exporting #Inflation, #Sanctions,
Forcing emerging economies to purchase dollars for #oil and #weapons ,
and systemic instability have people looking for alternatives.
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De-dollarization is not simple nor will it be a fast switch to something else, e.g. Chinese renminbi (RMB) and yuan. However, It is possible for the Chinese yuan to gain greater global influence and recognition in the future, but China's financial system still has many technical limitations, with respect to openness and transparency. Such monetary processes and shifts depend on how consistent a particular currency is in terms of being able to build a sense of trust and managing market stability.
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value - zero.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
4 answers
give link please
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The indexing info of this journal “Asian journal of education and social science” can be found here The answer to your question about the impact factor is: no they have no impact factor since they are not indexed in Clarivate’s SSCI (or SCIE) which you can check here If you mean with your question is it an indexed journal then the answer is: it depends. It is not (they do not claim this by the way) indexed in Scopus (which you can check here ) or indexing/membership services like PubMed, DOAJ etc.
This brings me to a warning. The publisher behind this journal is “Science Domain International” which has (used to have?) a history of a questionable reputation. See for (the different) opinions about them here on RG for example:
Personally, I think that it is a publisher that is trying to ‘get their act together’ and as the old Dutch proverb is saying “trust arrives on foot and leaves on horseback” meaning it’s hard to gain trust and easy to lose. One of the trustworthy initiatives of this publisher is their open peer review as described here:
Open peer review: promoting transparency in open science
So, you might consider them but do remember that for the moment it is a journal that is not recognized by the indexing services that are perceived as serious (like Clarivate’s SSCI/SCIE, Scopus, PubMed, etc.).
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
In light of the escalation of tensions in the Asian continent, China and Japan announced expected increases in their military budgets, which is likely to cause an increase in tension in the region, especially in light of the presence of conflict and hostile backgrounds between the two countries, and their entry into an acute dispute over the East China Sea.
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Asia is home to great and powerful countries. Especially China and Japan have enormous economic potential, so they can spend a significant amount of money on defense if they want to. China increased military spending and massive military build-up in the past several decades, and Chinese leaders increasingly becoming more aggressive. They pursued expansionist "wolf warrior" diplomacy and this led to a change in the security perception of most of the countries. Japan feels threatened and decided to increase military spending as well as accelerated alliance building.
China also feels threatened by security AUKUS, QUAD, and other bilateral cooperations between Japan, India, America, etc. These kinds of scenarios further triggered the arming race in the region and countries fiercely compete with one another.
Once the situation is out of control, and any miscalculations or changes in the balance of power there is a great possibility of breaking up clashes in the future.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
4 answers
In his essay, Rongxin Li translates a tremendously prescient Chinese "democracy" proverb. It reads as follows:
While water can carry a boat, it can also overturn it
Li uses the proverb to help explain the Chinese concept of Minben.
Do you know of a "democracy" proverb - especially from a language other than English? If so, please (oh please!) share it here! :)
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Democracy is the political veneer of a commerical society.
It is thought that democracy creates equality, when in reality, equality creates democracy.
Both from the book Our Human Herds.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
Due to undeveloped technology, backward tools, poor transportation, poor living environment, and insufficient draught animals in the past thousand years, part of the heavy “burdens” of transportation works and farming labor fell on the shoulders of most of the Chinese ancestors, resulting in the unique shoulder-carrying culture of China, but also the unique spine of the Chinese nation.
In ancient times, the Chinese character “动” was created with the meaning of laboring with great physical strength. The ancient Chinese tradition will never be useless or outdated, and it will only be lost or disappear. What is outdated is our vision and thinking. As today’s traditional Chinese shoulder-carrying culture disappears rapidly, people who dedicate their lives to shoulder-carrying work are expected to disappear within a decade or so. The traditional Chinese spine forms an important and indispensable part of global medical research on the spine. Any period of medical history without a study of the traditional Chinese spine would be incomplete, if not erroneous.
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Chen Huabin In Chinese traditional culture, shoulder-carrying refers to the practice of carrying heavy objects, often with the use of a shoulder pole. This practice has been used for centuries in China as a means of transportation and work, particularly in rural areas. Traditional spine in Chinese culture refers to the concept of maintaining a straight and upright posture. In traditional Chinese medicine, a straight spine is believed to be essential for good health and longevity. In addition, a straight spine is associated with inner strength, discipline, and self-control in traditional Chinese philosophy. The cultivation of a straight spine is often emphasized in practices such as tai chi, qigong, and meditation.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
8 answers
Many scholars wrote about BRI is impacting on the democracy. After this initiative democracies are facing several challenges. My question regarding this how Chinese project is impacting the democracy. Are these projects harmful democracy?
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Interesting paper [1] The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers in the Twenty-first Century: China's Rise and the Fate of America's Global Position , January 2016, International Security 40(3):7-53 "....Unlike past rising powers, China is at a much lower technological level than the leading state, and the gap separating Chinese and U.S. military capabilities is much larger than it was in the past. In addition, the very nature of power has changed: the greatly enhanced difficulty of converting economic capacity into military capacity makes the transition from a great power to a superpower much harder now than it was in the past. Still, China's rise is real and change is afoot".
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
I am sorry that the talk is in Chinese only here:
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Thanks a lot, dear Stephen I. Ternyik . Speed is a reality of DIKWP.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
5 answers
The notion of buying and selling carbon credits wreaks of money laundering and political schemes to undermine the citizens.
Either reducing carbon emissions is critical or it is not. If it is, then it is equally critical in China as it is in Chicago. Having Chicago have standards that are more stringent that China wreaks of a corrupt system of abuse and money laundering - the environment is not Chinese or American or European, etc. and it is not controlled by humanity - it may have aspects that are better managed, but it is not controlled, and attempts to control mother nature typically end up like the nuclear bombs and destroy lives.
Is the act of selling carbon credits an acti of money laundering?
If a company sells carbon credits, does that mean it has developed a currency, just like crypto currency firms who are in the cross hairs of US Regulators seeking to control currency for the monopoly powers of central banks?
Who would buy carbon credits - someone who is emitting too much carbon, so they payoff, as in a bribe, by buying carbon credits, in order to continue to "destroy the environment"?
This entire notion of creating carbon credits and buying/selling carbon credits has nothing to do with the environment. It is a money laundering scheme of epic proportions to tax citizens and allow the oligarchs to continue with corruption of humanity on Earth.
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To me, I do not think it is money laundering since it helps to solve reduce a canker that is bedeviling the world.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
5 answers
As you know, casein means continuous improvement. It is a mindset that prevents any progress in life. Antikaizen, on the other hand, is a toxic mindset and includes all irrational beliefs that slow down or prevent any improvement and progress.
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I also think that kaizen and anti-kaizen always coexist. The factors affecting the mutual proportions may be of interest. I am convinced that considering the whole of phenomena is better than the sum of the parts. Hence, the interaction of kaizen and anti-kaizen gives the entire organization a feature that develops in accordance with the resultant of this interaction. Thus, the advantage of kaizen over anti-kaizen will be understood as development and vice versa as degradation.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
The question is pretty self explanatory, but I am looking especially for female labor force participation, where the focus has been on rural areas? especially in Asian and African countries.
I have been tasked with creating a policy brief for my development economics course, so would really appreciate any such information on existing policy briefs or ones implemented in the past too.
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  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
4 answers
Hello everyone! 大家好!
I am asking for help with completing my questionnaire. Respondents must be native bilingual Cantonese-Mandarin speakers from Guangdong province. Also, if it doesn't apply to you, but you know someone who could complete it, please share it with them. The questionnaire (link below) is in Standard Chinese (普通话). Thank you!
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Tweety Lam Hello, thank you for your feedback. I filled in your questionnaire, very interesting topic. I will also share it to other people.
I am going to create another questionnaire for my research, this time I am looking for native speakers from Hong Kong. I will share it here later.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
3 answers
The effects of K-pop music on the listening taste of teenagers and why teenagers are interested in it?
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Thanks for your question and for the expert who answer your question. She cites her study for this topic from an Indonesian perspective. Since you are doing serious research, why not google your topic where you can get some basic info . If you can access JSTOR in your regional library , you can obtain more sources of high quality . I do not know Korean language and culture, I have just been to South Korea for a conference briefly stayed there a couple days .Personally I am not qualify to advise you .I did try to google it and check with Jstor just now and have found my efforts are effective . Hope this can be of some help to you. Mei-kao Kow
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
1 answer
I have to write a bachelor thesis. My topic is: "The Chinese benchmark for the implementation of strategic infrastructure investments."
It means I have to mention Chinese: high-speed trains, harbors, highways, offshoring and coal power stations
I will be grateful for your help!
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485 / 5.000
Çeviri sonuçları
Your topic is far from my area of interest, but I can still give you a piece of advice or two. You can find all the photos related to the topics you are looking for by searching the Chinese site "Baidu". You can download many Chinese or English books about China from ZLibrari for free if you become a member. This is how I reached some of the materials necessary for some of my articles. I would like to help more, but I can't do more. I wish you success in your work.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
2 answers
Did Chinese agriculture develop between the 16th and 20th centuries? What is the level of Chinese agriculture compared with other countries of the same time?
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Some information can be found on the home page of the European Rural Network, in particular in the publications and the journal "Studies in Agricultural Economics"; please refer
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
3 answers
Example 1: A team with good communication, because of the addition of one person, all members of the whole team no longer stick together.
Example 2: After the famous Chinese dairy company Sanlu encountered the melamine crisis, other Chinese dairy companies were questioned and for this reason, the Chinese dairy industry suffered a long-term blow.
In an organization, individual problems can lead to the paralysis of the entire organization. And sometimes, serious individual failures don't affect the organization.
RQ1:What kind of emergencies can severely impact an organization or supply chain to the point of irreversible results?
RQ2:What we can do to prevent this from happening?
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I wonder, if such types of issues can be handled using Markov Chain analysis. It may entail the long run effect to its neighbor or surrounding organization.
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
4 answers
For my upcoming paper, I need help from the Chinese Postdoc or researcher or Ph.D. candidate to manually collect the data from 35 Banks' annual reports for 13 years. As the Bank's annual reports are in Chinese, so I need help from my Chinese friends.
The Paper is related to China's Shadow Banking Sector.
Specific details of required data will be shared directly with the researcher.
You can reach me via Researchgate or
Thank you.
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Syed M Raza Shah sure
  • asked a question related to Asian Continental Ancestry Group
4 answers
I am a Chinese scholor majored in metonymy studies in Chinese classics. If you have interest, let's share some points.
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@ Ahmed T. Hussein Thank you so much, Professor Hussein. I am so grateful for your inspiring information and papers. What you suggested is helpful for my study and I have followed your studies and hope to learn more from you.