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2025 2nd International Conference on Arts, Education and Management(ICAEM 2025) will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on February 14-16, 2025.
Conference Website:
---Call for papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
(1) Art
· Art
· Xiqu
· Design
· Animation
· Cultural Industry
· Music and Dance
· Theatre and Film and Television Studies
(2) Education
· Pedagogy
· Psychology
· Science Education
· Special Education
· Physical Education
· Intelligent Education
· Sports Rehabilitation
(3) Manage
· Safety Management
· Public Administration
· Business Administration
· Safety Science and Engineering
· Agricultural Economic Management
· Information Resource Management
· Management Science and Engineering
All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers will be published in Journals and will be submitted for CNKI,Google Scholar.
---Important Dates---
Full Paper Submission Date: January 25, 2025
Registration Deadline: February 1, 2025
Final Paper Submission Date: February 1, 2025
Conference Dates: February 14-16, 2025
--- Paper Submission---
Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System:

Dear colleagues,
We are very pleased to invite you to submit your latest research results, developments, and ideas to the 2025 2nd International Conference on Arts, Education and Management(ICAEM 2025) ,which will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on February 14-16, 2025.
Please visit the official website for more information:
***Call for Papers***
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
(1) Art
· Art
· Xiqu
· Design
· Animation
· Cultural Industry
· Music and Dance
· Theatre and Film and Television Studies
(2) Education
· Pedagogy
· Psychology
· Science Education
· Special Education
· Physical Education
· Intelligent Education
· Sports Rehabilitation
(3) Manage
· Safety Management
· Public Administration
· Business Administration
· Safety Science and Engineering
· Agricultural Economic Management
· Information Resource Management
· Management Science and Engineering
***Important Dates****
Full Paper Submission Date: January 25, 2025
Registration Deadline: February 1, 2025
Final Paper Submission Date: February 1, 2025
Conference Dates: February 14-16, 2025
***Paper Submission***
Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System:
Boa tarde, estou realizando uma pesquisa sobre como as representações artísticas de vivências maternas ocorreram ao passar da história da arte, sobre como uma mãe dentro desse ambiente totalmente marginalizante da arte consegue ser artista. Porém, ao procurar referências para esse campo me deparo com pouquíssimas fontes, gostaria de saber se conhecem alguma pesquisadora (de preferência brasileira) que trate sobre essas questões que englobam o maternar e a produção artística.
Agradeço desde já!
- How should arts and culture institutions respond to cultural globalisation within cities?
- What would be appropriate policy frameworks to support these new roles of culture and the arts, as well as create Asian synergies to achieve such policy goals?
- Most cities are in transaction, especially those with an industrial past, how is creativity legitimised within nerd to renew and revitalise their economic base in order to move up the value chain and to become more knowledge intensive places?
Preciso de saber quais são os estudos neste capítulo que demonstram os benefícios das artes na psicoterapia, especialmente na melhoria da saúde mental e emocional (Gonzalez, 2023) .e as respetivas referências.
I'm doing a Ph.D. in Cinema and my problematic has to do with intermediality. I'm trying to find out who theorized arts / media as languages. As the saying: the language of cinema, or the language of photography... So far, I'm looking at McLuhan's Understanding Media and Roland Barthes' Le système de la mode. I'm not looking for linguistic models of natural languages, like Saussure or C. S. Peirce. I'm looking for theories on: how an art form (or a media) either has, or is a language? Any thoughts?
I am a self-contained teacher in a middle school setting. I am struggling to find ways to have my students be included in general education classrooms. Some of my students with severe disabilities and loud behaviors will often struggle to be in traditional settings even the ones that are easier to include them in such as related arts or specials. I also have been struggling to find ways to support my general education teachers to better help them be more willing to include my students in their classrooms. Any ideas would be appreciated! Thank you!
maybe in the afterlife I've failed at... Uniqueness may be the arche...
Everyone is special:
I might not reach mine but, for me, lucrative filmmaker. I would work in Hollywood. Requirements may or might not include a master of arts, experience at Stella Adler's Studio, etc. The job would pay $300,000 a year, plus royalties, etc. The job includes successfully executing a film. I aspire to be a polymath so, engineering, medicine and law(in case filming goes haywire).
This would be my first screen play:'s_Critical_Whiteness?_sg%5B0%5D=started_experiment_milestone&_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uIiwicGFnZSI6InByb2ZpbGUiLCJwcmV2aW91c1BhZ2UiOiJwcm9maWxlIiwicG9zaXRpb24iOiJwYWdlQ29udGVudCJ9fQ
i need a journal that takes maximum 2 months to publish . Q1 or Q2
Maybe God designed the arts for humans to relieve their most aggressive impulses.
My research aims to answer the question, "How did the vocal mechanisms adapt in humans to allow the emergence of oral communication and vocal arts?" In order to do so, my research encompasses a broad anthropological investigation into oral communication and distinct vocal arts, considering both physiological and physiopathological features of vocal production. Additionally, by applying a philosophical approach to the history of voice in these diverse fields, my findings have demonstrated that both oral communication and vocal arts, in their normal and pathological contexts, might be understood as anthropological unfoldings of the human voice, providing me significant insights into vocal pedagogy and therapy. I aim to conduct further investigation on this question in a PhD program in Anthropology from 2025 on. However, I have already uploaded a few research papers and posters in my researchgate profile explaining how I got to several findings that led me to such research interest.
The effect of the special program in the arts (SPA) curriculum to the completers.
Warning somewhat of a pun: Being self-owned is often both literal and figurative because the autonomous often self deprecate.
My formula is often humorously both observational apathy and not serious inaction, executed as ,somewhat self therapy, with jokes(which are minimum words before punchlines, delivered and timed well enough for the audience to laugh). Sometimes audiences pick comedians based on how much they relate.
Hello,I am Wenrito Alavazo, a Master of Arts in Education student at Caraga State University-Cabadbaran Campus.One of our requirements is to contact, communicate, post, comment, or converse on scholarly discussions.
Good day!
I am Daisy Jane T. Corpuz, currently pursuing my Master of Arts in Education at Caraga State University, Cabadbaran Campus, located in Agusan del Norte, Phiilippines. I am deeply interested in understanding the significant of how can educational leaders utilize effective management and supervision strategies to promote continuous improvement, foster professional development among faculty, and enhance overall school performance?
Your expertise and insights would be a great help in my study.
Thank you.
Busco no solo fomentar fomentar la integración de la psicología y el arte ,sino también crear un espacio donde la comunidad pueda expresar sus conocimientos, experiencias o perspectivas sobre la profesión. Considero que la interacción en torno a estas preguntas enriquecerá la comprensión colectiva sobre la importancia de las terapias artístico creativas en nuestras realidades.
Los leo.

International Conference on Arts, Education and Management(ICAEM2024) will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on February 23-25,2024.
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
(1) Art
· Art
· Xiqu
· Design
· Animation
· Cultural Industry
· Music and Dance
· Theatre and Film and Television Studies
(2) Education
· Pedagogy
· Psychology
· Science Education
· Special Education
· Physical Education
· Intelligent Education
· Sports Rehabilitation
(3) Manage
· Safety Management
· Public Administration
· Business Administration
· Safety Science and Engineering
· Agricultural Economic Management
· Information Resource Management
· Management Science and Engineering
All accepted papers will be published in Clausius Scientific Press (CSP) and will be submitted for CNKI,Google Scholar.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: January 25, 2024
Registration Deadline: January 29, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: January 29, 2024
Conference Dates: February 23-25, 2024
For More Details please visit:

Philosophic concepts about arts are so complex and mysterious ! Of course I don't mean mostly postmodern type almost absolutely meaningless works claimed as arts by the ones who have done it for his/her ordinary followers !

Arts Integration is the inclusion of music, dance, theater and visual/digital arts alongside “other” content (Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies) to teach a skill, strategy… Standards from both the arts content and other content are selected and assessed equally.
This article was falsely (automatically, not by me!) categorized as a chapter of a book because the Icon of the Hill Publisher was printed on the first page. But it is an article in the Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, a journal of Hill Publishing. The new version of the article does not contain this Icon any more so that this error can no longer occur. Prof. Dr. Angela Schorr
The question explores the anticipated trajectory of theatrical arts given the increasing impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and its pervasive influence across various technological domains globally. It prompts an examination of how AI might shape or alter the landscape of theatrical performance, production, and reception. Specifically, the inquiry delves into the potential consequences of AI integration in areas such as scriptwriting, set design, character development, and even the overall audience experience.
The evolving role of AI in technology raises questions about how it might revolutionize or augment traditional theatrical practices. For instance, AI algorithms could potentially be employed in generating scripts, creating realistic virtual sets, enhancing special effects, or even contributing to the development of lifelike virtual actors. Additionally, the question touches upon the broader societal implications of AI dominance, hinting at how technological advancements may influence not just the artistic aspects of theater but also its socio-cultural and economic dimensions.
Overall, the question invites a thoughtful exploration of the interplay between AI and theatrical arts, considering both the creative possibilities and potential challenges that may arise as technology continues to advance.
The Concise Version of IRAN Handicrafts and Traditional Arts was provided and the Comprehensive version will be released soon in collaboration with Dr. Senapathy Marisennayya. We also welcome any comment.
Considero que las mujeres que han empleado el material cerámico para sus creaciones artísticas tienen un doble estigma, su género y el material que emplean.
Supongo que la larga tradición cerámica dentro del estado español y su indudable vinculación con la artesanía es un alegato que descarta a las personas que emplean este material apartándolas de la inclusión dentro del Arte.
I have been invited to join the editorial board of a journal called 'Arts & Communication', which appears on the website of ACCScience to be a newly launched publication. However, I have looked up some of the people on the editorial board - and some are very established scholars - but I cannot see mention anywhere of their involvement with 'Arts & Communication'. The invitation email looked genuine (none of the usual spelling errors, etc). If anyone can provide insight, I would be grateful.
From Primary to Higher Education.
- Arloopa
- Fectar
- UniteAR
- AR Viewer
- Augment
- SkyView Lite
- Assemblr EDU
- Vuforia View
- Anatomy AR
- Google Arts
If not, have you used at least 1 of the total 40 apps mentioned in Table 1 in the study?
Related research:
Conference Paper Augmented Reality in Primary Education: Adopting the new nor...
Is there any professor on this platform doing research in Arts for Community Development? I am looking for a PhD scholarship in that field. I would be grateful if anyone can connect me to such an opportunity. Thank you
I think this is about applying various art forms in a constructivist way.
I'm researching in the field of Background for 2D Animation, more specifically about Architecture in 2D Animation. But, I don't know about articles of research or others research focus on it. I need to collect an extensive Bibliography about this field. Could you help me?
Now a days every researcher receiving many emails as invitation of guest speaker in conference in foreign countries (I am invited as guest speaker to many conferences that are not even related to my field). How we can stop these fake things in scientific environment that are there just for money?
Does the development of online information technologies and the Internet of Things contribute to the popularization of art and culture in society?
More and more museums present their collections of works of art in the form of reproductions published on the Internet. The development of Internet information technologies and the Internet of Things contributes to the popularization of art and culture in society.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes

Arts and culture and creativity - both material and immaterial heritage, skills and competences - are resources that should be protected and promoted. They not only contribute to the realisation of the SDGs, but also make them possible to a special degree. Only culturally sensitive, creative, unconventional approaches to solutions ensure the success of measures to achieve the SDGS.
Why does art not appear explicitly in the SDGS? But purely as a cross-cutting issue?
Recueil de planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux, et les arts méchaniques : avec leur explication (1762) was edited by Denis Diderot. Was it Jacques-François Blondel to write the following commentary about François Franque? Where is the evidence?
“Cette Planche offre une distribution réguliere très-in-génieuse, contenue dans un terrain clos de murs, le plus irrégulier qu'il soit possible, & dont M. Franque a tiré parti d'une maniere à faire juger de sa sagacité, de son goût & de son intelligence. En effet, rien de si bien entendu que ce plan; beauté, proportion, variété, agrément, commodité, symétrie, relation des dedans aux dehors, tout s'y trouve réuni. En un mot, ce projet nous paroît un chef-d'œuvre, & seroit seul capable de faire beaucoup d'honneur à cet architecte, s'il n'avoir pouvé par tant d'autres productions l'étendue de ses connoissances, & son expérience dans l'art de bâtir.”
I am working on a project on urban food initiatives and communities from an arts and humanities perspective. I’m interested in ideas of food citizenship and the project is aimed at raising awareness.
Are there any solved examples and outstanding arts?
So I have been working on a project discussing the various partnerships and collaboration strategies engaged by arts organizations with different stakeholders. Although we've been using partnerships and collaboration almost interchangeably in academic writing, I have some feelings that the two terms are different in practices, or they are related somehow but involving different degrees and types of inter-organizational relationships. I am wondering if anyone can point me to some sources discussing their similarities and differences. They can be cases from the arts and cultural sector or in general. Thanks!
I would like to start a discussion on which index is more reliable, H-Index or i10-Index. Both are usable, however their ways of calculation are different. There is also G-Index. I am not asking on the differences but on their reliability. Welcome to any comments.
Which is the best teacher education program between BA/BSC + PGDE and integrated BED (either arts or science)?
Whether the length of a thesis is a mark of quality is a subject that is treated differently in different fields and universities. While it is universally accepted, in some fields e.g., the arts and ecology, that a well-researched PhD thesis ought to achieve some number of words, some fielded e.g., mathematics and physics, may not place a lot of emphasis on the length of PhD theses. What is your opinion of this subject, and what is the practice in your field/ institution.
If you like music, movies, theatre plays, literature, poetry, paintings, sculptures, museums, galleries, fashion, architecture, video games - we need to know your opinion!
This survey is designed to assess the differences in participation in arts by art receivers through natural/traditional versus digital/new ways.
We want to find out how the pandemic time - that forced us to move to digital ways of participation in arts - will influence our future behaviors in this area. We focus on the art receiver perspective.
Dr. Michał Szostak, University of Social Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Dr. Damian Kedziora, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Łukasz Sułkowski, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
In History, Literature, the Arts and elsewhere it is customary to give a talk at their university or present at a conference with the subsequent article based on this experience. Amazing authors from Henry David Thoreau to C.S.Lewis and J.R.R Tolkien read their early chapters with their peers and this preprint protocol improved and made more accessible their works. Would the hard sciences be ameliorated by adapting this premise?
I am looking for literature about cases where the arts are used to build peace and peace learning
In the research project Embodied Language Learning through the Arts, my colleagues and I conduct a systematic review of empirical studies using embodied learning approaches in language learning and teaching. In addition to exhaustive database searches and hand-searches in selected journals, we are expanding our search to find studies that might have escaped our attention. We are interested in peer-reviewed empirical studies (reported in articles, chapters, conference proceedings, and dissertations) published between 1990–2020.
Does any of you know of empirical studies reporting on this topic?
Thank you in advance.
The majority of customers who are used to purchasing arts in many countries are tourists. Regarding Covid-19 pandemic, what was the impact on the trade of wooden arts in your home country ?
Thanks in advance for your contribution and best wishes.
El arte dramatico ayuda a mejorar la comunicacion no-verbal de la persona, a gestionar sus emociones e incluso llega a favorecer a la persona en su autoestima y autonimia personal.
Si a todo ello se le incluye que las tecnologias nos ayudan a alcanzar esos obejtivos junto a este arte a veces tan poco valorado porque no olvidemos que realizar fotos consideradas como influencer o preparar un reels o tik tok es una preparacion previa e interpretar un persona ajeno a uno mismo.
¿Que pensais?
My interactive media art installations generate various kinds of portraits from visitors (algorithmic, generative, combinatory) and I'm looking to frame that practice in a broader context. This means I'm interested in portraiture in general but also, more specifically, in portraiture as present in media and interactive arts.
Looking for collaborators/info sources for a new book I am writing in the career/life coaching
field on "Adult Bullies". Most research has been done on childhood bullying, however they
eventually grow up and cause problems at work, in organizations, etc. There are very few books written in this field, and I have a wealth of experience, however I am a career coach and IT
person, not a counselor. Anyone interested in joining this effort ? I have technical books out,
this will be first one in career self-help.
Hello, colleagues,
Greetings from Brazil.
I would like to know if you could recommend recently published material (open access, preferably) addressing Jesuits' dictionaries and "artes" from 16th, 17th centuries. I'm interested in their works on the Japanese language, but texts about the structure and approach of their ditionaries/"artes" in general will also help.
Thank you very much!
Does the scientific community, including, of course, Research Gate, place greater value on scientific research published with multiple authors? Did great achievers, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein work alone and independently, or were they simply at the right place at the right moment in the history of science such that they were able to make their contributions to human knowledge because they managed to crystallize the research findings of the predecessors, colleagues, and team-mates? This trend toward collective team participation in research runs counter to the pattern of individual accomplishments in the world of literature, music, and the arts. How do you account for this seeming polarity and what consequences follow from it?
Can anyone please recommend a book on Research Mechanics and Methodology in Arts and Humanities, that is updated, comprehensive and best ever?
Thanks in advance!
Once again I require urgent help with a matter:
I am looking for any; myths, tales, legends, drawings, pictures etc. which depicts a tsunami, or involves a tsunami. I believe it is a matter of ethnography and anthropology.
Is there a good lead on this?
Thank you for your answers.
There exist at least two African American culinary groups that I am aware with new initiatives that focus on the lack of education, awareness and exposure of people of color in the culinary arts field. One underlying goal of these initiatives is to focus attention on the food inequalities and absence of food availability involving communities of color. Based on what I have observed, some discussions suggests that this gap adversely impact communities of color in ways that produce disadvantaged well-being for people of color, which ultimately cause disproportionate physical and emotional stress and trauma that might lead to comparatively poorer performance and productivity. These two culinary arts advocate groups argue that greater education and exposure of African Americans to the culinary arts field will produce more health care and healthy eating representatives and agents for better eating habits, food availability, and improved nutritional behavior in communities of color. The question for these two groups is do current eating habits, specific types of food availability, and nutritional values contribute to performance and productivity outcome in any significant way involving people of color?
I am looking for journal articles about business-related arts especially in the field of painting and drawing because I want to look at the artist's problems in a time they try to commercialize their artworks or they want to live based on their art. How they try to cope with those obstacles?
The international conference below will be held at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Luzern, Switzerland
It seems to me that this relationship is foregrounded in for example Japanese arts, but that the two are often uncoupled , for example in arts in the UK? I'm not restricting my field to the arts, and all other perspectives are welcome.
The Effect of the Black Arts Movement on the Evolution ot Black Identity by Njeri Williams
The common view is that it does, but recently this view has been challenged. For example Prum (2013):
"Current concepts of art cannot exclusively circumscribe the human arts from many forms of non-human biotic art. Without assuming an arbitrarily anthropocentric perspective, any concept of art will
need to engage with biodiversity, and either recognize many instances of biotic advertisements as art, or exclude some instances of human art."
Necesito bibliografía para hacer el estado del arte sobre fertilización sostenible de praderas. Gracias
Dear Colleagues,
I am putting together a collection of essays on Literature and Class for the publisher Routledge.
Some of you may look at this question with different eyes than mine.
So please tell me about any experiences you have writing about literature through the lens of social class.
Have you done such analysis?
What theory did you find most helpful?
How do you define social class when it comes to writing about it in the arts?
Thanks for any and all ideas and comments.
Hi expert team,
I am finishing my thesis on SANETS and the only chapter I am missing is the state of arts and current work - future trends. Can you advise how to tackle the subjet quickly? I dont have much time left as I have to submit soon.
Technical education by default has opportunities for encouraging and publishing original thought/analysis as part of project works/industry exposure for both budding researchers and postgraduate students. It is not so in the case of social sciences. humanities or arts normally.
In social sciences, humanities and arts, research scholars are expected to co-author with their guides before they could be considered for independent publication. In the case of postgraduate students, even such opportunities are rare indeed.
If we have to develop thought leaders in social sciences, humanities and arts, we need to consider giving opportunities to postgraduate and budding research scholars to publish independently. How do we go about doing this? Your suggestions are welcome.
Are the arts capable of keeping pace with technological development or separate from it?
If you have not studied your current science, what would you like to study?
Since we face with heteronomy and self-censorship in the nature of traditional arts, can teaching handicraft, rather than fine art project, lead to different consequence in the quality of rehabilitation of incacerated men and women?
Se trata de Argentina: el valor del peso nacional baja: en lo que va de marzo perdió un 6% de su valor, los precios crecen en promedio a un 3/4 % mensual, y los salarios no llegan a subir en promedio un 35% anual, los pensionados se prevé que incrementen sus haberes aún un poco menos que los asalariados. Los exportadores estacionales retienen su oferta de divisas y las carteras privadas están dolarizadas. En este escenario desde hace 6 meses el Banco Central y la Tesorería Nacional suben las tasas de interés internas de letras a menos de una año a un nivel que toca el 70% anual. La tasa de crecimiento del pbi es nula y la cuenta corriente es negativa en un 5 % del pbi. Es esto sostenible? Claro que no! Sin embargo coo el déficit fiscal operativo es nulo el presidente del país cree que todo irá bien y estaos creciendo.
What is the difference between digital colors and chromatic colors?
What is the difference between architecture and the rest of the arts, such as sculpture or drawing?
Works of art are an important element of culture in the social and cultural heritage. The achievements of culture, including works of art, should be cherished for future generations, they can not be allowed to be forgotten, and unfortunately it often happens that in the era of current informational technological revolution, the development of new media, in the pursuit of modernity specific aspects of culture, tradition and art they are often interpreted only in the historical dimension.
On the other hand, new information technologies, new online media should be used to promote traditional values of culture and art. For example, websites have been created for many art and culture. Many works of art, entire collections of many museums are digitized in the form of a digital record of reproduction of works of art so as to increase the accessibility of citizens to cultural and cultural heritage.
Does this type of propagation of culture and art on the Internet should be developed?
I think so.
Do you agree with me?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes