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Artificial General Intelligence - Science topic
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Questions related to Artificial General Intelligence
One of the most inherent and characteristic capabilities of human beings is their ability to adapt to new unknown situations. This cognitive skill cannot be simulated or imitated by a machine due to the simple fact that if the machine is designed to respond in a certain way to certain changes that might occur then this process cannot be described as an adaptation but rather as a planned response.
This applies also to the case of meta learning where the model is trained on a wide array of tasks with the aim of determining common patterns among these tasks to be ready to solve new tasks.
To illustrate the concept of adaptability in humans which Artificial Intelligence lacks, suppose that a superintelligent machine, which is supposed to surpass all human cognitive skills, competes with a human in a game where the rules of the game suddenly change in an unexpected way while both the machine and human are playing and both players become aware of such changes and there is still a chance for both to win and the game should continue.
For the machine, if this change was not planned for, the best possible scenario would be to continue playing without breaking the rules. As for the human, he will not only adapt to the new rules of the game but will make use of the situation knowing that the machine might not be ready for such a change so he will first evaluate its performance and as soon as he determines a decrease in it he will make sure to win the game.
Even if the human player doesn’t know he’s competing with a machine or that the machine he’s competing with is not prepared for such a change, his adaptability to the new rules will soon make him win the game.
In such a case the definition of Artificial General Intelligence and Artificial Super Intelligence describing a machine’s intelligence as matching to or surpassing all human cognitive capabilities would not be true.
How would you expect the outcome of such a game?
Here is the link to the article:
- How can we integrate ethical principles into AI design to ensure transparency, fairness, and accountability in decision-making processes?
- What frameworks can be developed to evaluate and mitigate biases in AI algorithms to prevent discrimination and promote equity across diverse user groups?
- How can interdisciplinary collaboration between ethicists, engineers, and policymakers enhance the creation of AI systems that prioritize human values and societal well-being?
How can it think and handle a wide range of tasks as humans do?
I wish to share a few notes I made during a lecture I attended at TU/e, the lecture was about AGI, why it should be disregarded and why the scientific community should focus on specialized models in AI instead.
the discussion triggered in me an idea of an AGI system design I shared it on GitHub
I hope you enjoy it.
How can the Business School get maximum benefit from the recent AI development? Please share your opinion 🙏
How should ChatGPT and other intelligent chatbots be used so that it is ethical, socially responsible and does not break copyright? How should intelligent chatbots that are generative language models be used, so that the texts and other types of works created by tools based on generative artificial intelligence are created fairly, in accordance with the ethics of writing articles, certain documents, photos, graphics, videos, etc., and in such a way that, by the way, within the framework of this type of "creation", copyright is not violated, so that all the necessary footnotes to texts, documents, photos, etc. are reliably shown. source, so that a bibliography with all properly shown sources, source materials, references to source documents, so that materials, articles, books, documents and other source studies are properly and reliably cited?
As chatbots equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology are finding more and more applications within the framework of supporting human creative work, so the level of relevance of discussions concerning the ethical aspects of the use of such tools in the creative production of certain works is also increasing. Since the release of ChatGPT in open access on the Internet, it is a rapidly growing application of this tool in the increasingly automated creation of various types of texts, which until now were written by humans and now for humans can be done by artificial intelligence technology, an intelligent chatbot based on a generative language model. Advanced generative language models are taught to produce various types of texts based on artificial neural network technology, which are taught specific "skills" through a process of deep learning on the basis of data and information from many online databases, online libraries, indexing databases of scientific papers, information portals containing millions of source texts, and are refined through ongoing discussions with millions of users on the Internet. At present, such intelligent chatbots based on advanced generative language models are already being made available on the Internet by almost all leading Internet technology companies, or are currently working on developing and improving such tools and will soon make them available in open access to Internet users. Such increasingly "intelligent" tools that develop various kinds of documents, texts, studies in an increasingly sophisticated way and carry out the "creative" process in an increasingly perfect way are finding a rapidly growing scale of new applications and are being used more and more widely by Internet users. However, on the other hand, in a situation where Internet users use such tools not only for casual discussions, for fun, for entertainment, and commission intelligent chatbots to develop an article, formalized document, photo, graphic, etc. intended for publication, for use in a thesis, in an analytical report on the analysis and evaluation of the functioning of certain real-world economic entities and institutions, etc., then certain problems of an ethical nature arise. then certain ethical problems arise in connection with the use by the said intelligent chatbots from texts, documents, photos, articles and scientific and other books available on the Internet, etc., without first asking the authors of these studies, works, etc. whether they allow the use of their works, works, studies that have been published on the Internet in advance. In addition to this, ethical problems are also related to the fact that the said intelligent chatbots, in the course of automated development of works, often still do not fully show footnotes to sources, on show a full bibliography in the specified standards for the development of bibliographic descriptions of texts and source materials. Besides, also during the discussions conducted by intelligent chatbots with Internet users, it is not obligatory for the company providing the chatbot to obtain consent from the Internet user for the use of his knowledge, his documents and studies, his works, which he will enter into the database system of the intelligent chatbot, which are then used to improve the discussions conducted on the part of the chatbot, and are used to provide answers, to perform commissioned works for subsequent other Internet users. Besides, what is particularly important, in a situation when an intelligent chatbot on the order of an Internet user develops a certain work, and if it even shows sources for data, shows materials, publications, articles, books, photos, other source materials in the footnotes, in the bibliography, then at the same time a request is not sent to the authors of the source works for the possibility of their use by the chatbot in the development of a certain commissioned work by another Internet user, and no consent is taken from the authors of the original sources of data, information, results of previously conducted research, analysis, etc. Besides, in connection with the fact that many of the above-mentioned issues are not regulated by law, so there is still no mandatory requirement for authors of studies created with the involvement of tools based on a certain generative artificial intelligence technology to demonstrate that the work or a part of it, a certain fragment was created with the use of a certain mentioned tool. Accordingly, studies, texts, photos created with the use of such intelligent tools may contain information that is inconsistent with the facts and can be and are used to generate disinformation on the Internet, mainly on social media websites. Therefore, there are various dangers, risks, serious dangers associated with the unauthorized, incompatible with ethical principles, without respect for copyright, creation of certain works through the use of generative artificial intelligence. Thus, it is necessary to properly regulate all the above-mentioned issues concerning the creation of various types of works using generative artificial intelligence. In addition to this, it is necessary to legally sanction the creation of a requirement to automatically mark the works created in this way that a particular study, text, article, document, photo, film, etc. was created using a particular intelligent tool. It is also necessary to systematically organize the collection of consent from the authors of various types of source works, previously written texts, articles, books, made studies, photos, films, whose authors are human creators for the use of their works in the automated creation of further studies and works but already realized by tools based on generative artificial intelligence.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should ChatGPT and other intelligent chatbots be used so that it is ethical, socially responsible and does not violate copyrights? How should intelligent chatbots that are generative language models be used, so that the texts and other types of works created by tools based on generative artificial intelligence are created fairly, in accordance with the ethics of writing articles, certain documents, photos, graphics, videos, etc., and in such a way that, by the way, within the framework of this type of "creation", copyrights are not violated, so that all necessary footnotes to texts, documents, photos, etc., are reliably demonstrated. source, so that a bibliography with all properly shown sources, source materials, references to source documents is developed to the full extent, so that materials, articles, books, documents and other source studies are cited correctly and reliably?
How should ChatGPT be used so that it is ethical, socially responsible and does not violate copyrights?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research. In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
You are invited to jointly develop a SWOT analysis for generative artificial intelligence technology: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the development of AI technology so far? What are the opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology and its applications in the future?
A SWOT analysis details the strengths and weaknesses of the past and present performance of an entity, institution, process, problem, issue, etc., as well as the opportunities and threats relating to the future performance of a particular issue in the next months, quarters or, most often, the next few or more years. Artificial intelligence technology has been conceptually known for more than half a century. However, its dynamic and technological development has occurred especially in recent years. Currently, many researchers and scientists are involved in many publications and debates undertaken at scientific symposiums and conferences and other events on various social, ethical, business, economic and other aspects concerning the development of artificial intelligence technology and eggs applications in various sectors of the economy, in various fields of potential applications implemented in companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions. Many of the determinants of impact and risks associated with the development of generative artificial intelligence technology currently under consideration may be heterogeneous, ambiguous, multifaceted, depending on the context of potential applications of the technology and the operation of other impact factors. For example, the issue of the impact of technology development on future labor markets is not a homogeneous and unambiguous problem. On the one hand, the more critical considerations of this impact mainly point to the potentially large scale of loss of employment for many people employed in various jobs in a situation where it turns out to be cheaper and more convenient for businesses to hire highly sophisticated robots equipped with generative artificial intelligence instead of humans for various reasons. However, on the other hand, some experts analyzing the ongoing impact of AI technology applications on labor markets give more optimistic visions of the future, pointing out that in the future of the next few years, artificial intelligence will not largely deprive people of work only this work will change, it will support employed workers in the effective implementation of work, it will significantly increase the productivity of work carried out by people using specific solutions of generative artificial intelligence technology at work and, in addition, labor markets will also change in other ways, ie. through the emergence of new types of professions and occupations realized by people, professions and occupations arising from the development of AI technology applications. In this way, the development of AI applications may generate both opportunities and threats in the future, and in the same application field, the same development area of a company or enterprise, the same economic sector, etc. Arguably, these kinds of dual scenarios of the potential development of AI technology and its applications in the future, different scenarios made up of positive and negative aspects, can be considered for many other factors of influence on the said development or for different fields of application of this technology. For example, the application of artificial intelligence in the field of new online media, including social media sites, is already generating both positive and negative aspects. Positive aspects include the use of AI technology in online marketing carried out on social media, among others. On the other hand, the negative aspects of the applications available on the Internet using AI solutions include the generation of fake news and disinformation by untrustworthy, unethical Internet users. In addition to this, the use of AI technology to control an autonomous vehicle or to develop a recipe for a new drug for particularly life-threatening human diseases. On the one hand, this technology can be of great help to humans, but what happens when certain mistakes are made that result in a life-threatening car accident or the emergence after a certain period of time of particularly dangerous side effects of the new drug. Will the payment of compensation by the insurance company solve the problem? To whom will responsibility be shifted for such possible errors and their particularly negative effects, which we cannot completely exclude at present? So what other examples can you give of ambiguous in the consequences of artificial intelligence applications? what are the opportunities and risks of past applications of generative artificial intelligence technology vs. what are the opportunities and risks of its future potential applications? These considerations can be extended if, in this kind of SWOT analysis, we take into account not only generative artificial intelligence, its past and prospective development, including its growing number of applications, but when we also take into account the so-called general, general artificial intelligence that may arise in the future. General, general artificial intelligence, if built by technology companies, will be capable of self-improvement and with its capabilities for intelligent, multi-criteria, autonomous processing of large sets of data and information will in many respects surpass the intellectual capacity of humans.
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology are described in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
I invite you to jointly develop a SWOT analysis for generative artificial intelligence technology: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the development of AI technology to date? What are the opportunities and threats to the development of AI technology and its applications in the future?
What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology and its applications?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Can artificial intelligence create innovations with the help of artificial intelligence, since the knowledge bases of AI applications contain what humans have already created before?
Can innovations be created with the help of artificial intelligence, since AI-based applications have been trained on existing achievements already created by humans before?
Can new innovations, including technological innovations, be created with the help of generative artificial intelligence technology, since AI-based applications have been trained through a process of deep learning on existing achievements previously created by humans?
The key issue in this kind of consideration is to answer the question of what is a fully new solution, what is an innovation. Generative artificial intelligence technology, combined with other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including Big Data Analytics and computers equipped with high-performance microprocessors, enable multi-criteria, advanced processing of large information datasets in many times less time than if a human were to do it without the use of the aforementioned technologies. Advanced information systems equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology backed by high computing power computers make it possible, through a process of deep learning, to train intelligent chatbots to carry out specific tasks and commands much faster and more efficiently than a human can do the same. In a situation where intelligent advanced language models that enable a machine to carry on a conversation with a human were learned on large collections of data and information, including online databases of scientific knowledge that contain millions of scientific texts and/or databases of other publications, the texts generated by intelligent chatbots will be created much faster than a human would and, in addition, will be generated on the basis of processing, analysis, inference, etc. of thousands or millions of different source texts. This is virtually impossible for a human to do. However, whether the texts generated by intelligent chatbots will contain innovative solutions, whether they will be created in an innovative way, whether they will contain proposals for innovative implementation of a specific task, command, etc., this will already depend mainly on how this issue will be programmed in these machines by a human. Unless, in the future, autonomously functioning highly intelligent robots will be created, which will be equipped with a strong general artificial intelligence and will thus be able to act independently within a certain range of independence, will be able to self-improve, repair their own faults, will be able to learn just like a human being, over time will become better and better at performing various types of activities previously performed exclusively by humans then perhaps they will also learn to solve certain tasks in a highly innovative manner themselves. But this is a matter for consideration for the perspective of the next dozen or so years of dynamic development of AI technology and its applications.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
And the applications of Big Data technologies in sentiment analysis, business analytics and risk management were described in my co-authored article:
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the issues described in the publications given above, and to scientific cooperation in these issues.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Is it possible to create new innovations, including technological innovations, with the help of generative artificial intelligence technology, since AI-based applications have been trained through a process of deep learning on existing achievements previously created by humans?
Can innovations be created with the help of artificial intelligence, since the knowledge bases of AI applications contain what humans have already created before?
Can artificial intelligence create real innovations when it learns from what humans have already created before?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
I would like to know when will we have Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) which will be capable of doing anything generic in this world and which will completely replicate the human brain or cognitive system.
Can paintings painted or sculptures created, unique architectural designs by robots equipped with artificial intelligence be recognised as fully artistic works of art?
In recent years, more and more perfect robots equipped with artificial intelligence have been developed. New generations of artificial intelligence and/or machine learning technologies, when equipped with software that enables the creation of unique works, new creations, creative solutions, etc., can create a kind of artwork in the chosen field of creativity and artistry. If we connect a 3D printer to a robot equipped with an artificial intelligence system that is capable of designing and producing beautiful sculptures, can we thus obtain a kind of work of art?
When a robot equipped with an artificial intelligence system paints beautiful pictures, can the resulting works be considered fully artistic works of art?
If NO, why not?
And if YES, then who is the artist of the works of art created in this way, is it a robot equipped with artificial intelligence that creates them or a human being who created this artificial intelligence and programmed it accordingly?
What is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this topic?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The ability to generate true randomness is a key indicator of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Current AI systems, which rely on deterministic algorithms and pseudo-random number generation (PRNG), lack this fundamental capability and fall short of true intelligence.
Randomness is a fundamental aspect of the universe. An AGI that can't replicate it demonstrates a limitation in its ability to grasp the underlying complexity of the world.
Breakthroughs in science, art, and problem-solving often involve a degree of chance or unexpected connections. PRNGs are predictable, hindering the ability of AI to explore truly novel solutions.
Humans can be unpredictable because of our internal, non-deterministic processes. An AGI whose every action is determined by its programming lacks this key element of human-like intelligence.
Are you a full-fledged empiricist and see a totally empirical Psychology?
Maybe if you don't see that you will after reading about 1000 pages of my writings :
What are the key research areas and open challenges in advancing the field of artificial general intelligence (AGI)?
Assuming that in the future - as a result of the rapid technological progress that is currently taking place and the competition of leading technology companies developing AI technologies - general artificial intelligence (AGI) will be created, will it mainly involve new opportunities or rather new threats for humanity? What is your opinion on this issue?
Perhaps in the future - as a result of the rapid technological advances currently taking place and the rivalry of leading technology companies developing AI technologies - a general artificial intelligence (AGI) will emerge. At present, there are unresolved deliberations on the question of new opportunities and threats that may occur as a result of the construction and development of general artificial intelligence in the future. The rapid technological progress currently taking place in the field of generative artificial intelligence in connection with the already high level of competition among technology companies developing these technologies may lead to the emergence of a super artificial intelligence, a strong general artificial intelligence that can achieve the capabilities of self-development, self-improvement and perhaps also autonomy, independence from humans. This kind of scenario may lead to a situation where this kind of strong, super AI or general artificial intelligence is out of human control. Perhaps this kind of strong, super, general artificial intelligence will be able, as a result of self-improvement, to reach a state that can be called artificial consciousness. On the one hand, new possibilities can be associated with the emergence of this kind of strong, super, general artificial intelligence, including perhaps new possibilities for solving the key problems of the development of human civilization. However, on the other hand, one should not forget about the potential dangers if this kind of strong, super, general artificial intelligence in its autonomous development and self-improvement independent of man were to get completely out of the control of man. Probably, whether this will involve mainly new opportunities or rather new dangers for mankind will mainly be determined by how man will direct this development of AI technology while he still has control over this development.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Assuming that in the future - as a result of the rapid technological progress that is currently taking place and the competition of leading technology companies developing AI technologies - general artificial intelligence (AGI) will be created, will it mainly involve new opportunities or rather new threats for humanity? What is your opinion on this issue?
If general artificial intelligence (AGI) is created, will it involve mainly new opportunities or rather new threats for humanity?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
There is currently much speculation on when AGI may be achieved if at all. Recent advancements in AI technology from ChatGPT’s SORA to NVIDIA’s robotics have fueled the belief that AGI is near- with some speculating that it is a soon as 7 months away. Discussions regarding capabilites of Q star, developed by OpenAI have made some move their predictions sooner. However, other experts like LeCunn remain skeptical and view AGI as still much farther ahead. Of course, much of this depends on the underlying definition of AGI.
When in your view will AGI be achieved, if ever?
When full empiricism seems to have a foothold and more is sought (no compromises sought) then in the psychological, biological and the social : the Age of Reason may begin .
Ethogram Theory and the Theories of Copernicus "et al" : beyond analogy, but a real similarity
Back in the 1500s, Copernicus "stepped back" and looked at more and more carefully. He gave us a reason to think that, indeed, everything does NOT revolve around the Earth.
In the next century, Galileo Galilei and Keplar gave us more reasons to think this way. Keplar described orbits of the planets as elliptical and Galileo showed that OTHER non-Earth objects had things going around them (e.g. Saturn -- the moons). Finally, with Newton's work, the orbits of the planets were mathematically described.
Now, I firmly think Ethogram Theory is more than an analogy to that above, but has REAL similarity. Ethogram Theory "steps back" and looks at more (and more carefully as well). Ethogram Theory looks at cognitive development in a way like Piaget, but Piaget's theory is merely just descriptive and puts forward nothing like proximate causes; thus, in a way Ethogram Theory, with regard to Piaget's particular theory, is only an analogy to Piaget's, with Ethogram Theory empirical and totally investigateable ; the weakness is not with Ethogram Theory but with Piaget's. Ethogram Theory, like Piaget's , reckons cognitive development as central to most major developments in Psychology. Ethogram Theory yet sees way to see similar stages, not only with Piaget's. but phenomenology described by other major stage theorists. Some of these stage theories, Piaget's in particular, actually have good evidence of universality among peoples (despite being only descriptive); such is seen in all cultures tested. But, by being just descriptive, Piaget doesn't NOT even point us at proximate causes, AND to totally empirical things that could be empirically investigated -- exactly verified or amended, totally INVESTIGATABLE with modern eye-tracking technology.
This is what Ethogram Theory does. If you are familiar with Ethogram Theory, indeed : material, empirical, actual, directly observable phenomenon are cited for the cognitive stage transitions. These are perceptual shifts, often attentional/perceptual shifts (in what the subject looks at, and seeks to see better and more of).
I would argue that something like these shifts is necessary. Nothing except something like Ethogram Theory stages, points clearly to anything fully empirical.
Finally : The productive thinking about Ethogram Theory would be BY FAR mainly inductive processes. And, in fact, inductive processes ARE the very main way [ at least ] ALL other mammals process information and learn. I firmly think that the major types of learning in humans are via such inductive processes, in both child and adult -- for most processing of information both for advanced scientists and babies. [ There are qualitatively different types of inductive learning, varying with the stages. ]
I am going downhill hard and fast (related to age and me); I would guess this is my last post.
Hi, I'm Yusuke Mikami, a master's student doing LLM for embodied control
I'm personally making a list of LLM-related papers here
[Notion table]
However, I am a very new person in this field, so I want to have help from you.
Please post interesting papers and keywords at
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, will this mean that man has become better acquainted with the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness?
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, i.e., AI technology capable of self-improvement, independent development and perhaps also achieving a state of artificial consciousness, will this mean that man has fully learned the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness?
Assuming that if man succeeds in building a general, general artificial intelligence, i.e. AI technology capable of self-improvement, independent development and perhaps also obtaining a state of artificial consciousness then perhaps this will mean that man has fully learned the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness. If this happens, what will be the result? Will man first learn the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness and then build a general, general artificial intelligence, i.e. AI technology capable of self-improvement, independent development and perhaps also obtaining a state of artificial consciousness, or vice versa, i.e. first a general artificial intelligence and artificial consciousness capable of self-improvement and development will be created and then thanks to the aforementioned technological progress made from the field of artificial intelligence, man will fully learn the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness. In my opinion, it is most likely that both processes will develop and implement simultaneously on a reciprocal feedback basis.
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, i.e., AI technology capable of self-improvement, independent development and perhaps also achieving a state of artificial consciousness, will this mean that man has fully learned the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness?
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, will this mean that man has better learned the essence of his own consciousness?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
This question seeks to explore the potential integration of various digital technologies that cab be used for developing Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) projects aimed at improving clinical decision-making. It specifically asks for an enumeration and explanation of these digital technologies, highlighting their roles and contributions within the project.
Key aspects of the question:
- Focus: Digital technologies specifically, not just any technology.
- Application: Development of projects related to clinical decision-making.
- Desired outcome: Listing and explanation of relevant digital technologies.
Will the combination of AI technology, Big Data Analytics and the high power of quantum computers allow the prediction of multi-faceted, complex macroprocesses?
Will the combination of generative artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics and the high power of quantum computers make it possible to forecast multi-faceted, complex, holistic, long-term economic, social, political, climatic, natural macroprocesses?
Generative artificial intelligence technology is currently being used to carry out various complex activities, to solve tasks intelligently, to implement multi-criteria processes, to create multi-faceted simulations and generate complex dynamic models, to creatively perform manufacturing processes that require processing large sets of data and information, etc., which until recently only humans could do. Recently, there have been attempts to create computerized, intelligent analytical platforms, through which it would be possible to forecast complex, multi-faceted, multi-criteria, dynamically changing macroprocesses, including, first of all, long-term objectively realized economic, social, political, climatic, natural and other macroprocesses. Based on the experience to date from research work on the analysis of the development of generative artificial intelligence technology and other technologies typical of the current Fourth Technological Revolution, technologies categorized as Industry 4.0/5.0, the rapidly developing various forms and fields of application of AI technologies, it is clear that the dynamic technological progress that is currently taking place will probably increase the possibilities of building complex intelligent predictive models for multi-faceted, complex macroprocesses in the years to come. The current capabilities of generative artificial intelligence technology in the field of improving forecasting models and carrying out forecasts of the formation of specific trends within complex macroprocesses are still limited and imperfect. The imperfection of forecasting models may be due to the human factor, i.e., their design by humans, the determination by humans of the key criteria and determinants that determine the functioning of certain forecasting models. In a situation where in the future forecasting models will be designed and improved, corrected, adapted to changing, for example, environmental conditions at each stage by artificial intelligence technology then they will probably be able to be much more perfect than the currently functioning and built forecasting models. Another shortcoming is the issue of data obsolescence and data limitation. There is currently no way to connect an AI-equipped analytical platform to the entire resources of the Internet, taking into account the processing of all the data and information contained in the Internet in real time. Even today's fastest quantum computers and the most advanced Big Data Analytics systems do not have such capabilities. However, it is not out of the question that in the future the dynamic development of generative artificial intelligence technology, the ongoing competition among leading technology companies developing technologies for intelligent chatbots, robots equipped with artificial intelligence, creating intelligent control systems for machines and processes, etc., will lead to the creation of general artificial intelligence, i.e. advanced, general artificial intelligence that will be capable of self-improvement. However, it is important that the said advanced general advanced artificial intelligence does not become fully autonomous, does not become completely independent, does not become out of the control of man, because there would be a risk of this highly advanced technology turning against man which would involve the creation of high levels of risks and threats to man, including the risk of losing the possibility of human existence on planet Earth.
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Will the combination of generative artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics and the high power of quantum computers make it possible to forecast multi-faceted, complex, holistic, long-term economic, social, political, climatic, natural macro-processes?
Will the combination of AI technology, Big Data Analytics and high-powered quantum computers allow forecasting of multi-faceted, complex macro-processes?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Based on the my personal Gemini Ultra test results, I can say that GPT-4v is definitely better than Gemini Ultra!!!
Presentation Comparison of Gemini Ultra and GPT-4v
The hype around the absolute benefits of Gemini Ultra is just a purely business PR campaign that mainly misleads users and tries to pass off wishful thinking. The multimodal capabilities of the Gemini Ultra v 1.0 are actually very limited and do not meet the requirements. At the same time, ideally, it is necessary to use these different LLMs, supplementing the gaps of one with the advantages of the other.
Please share your experience regarding this.
Would you choose to participate in a manned mission, space expedition, tourist space trip to Mars in a situation where the spacecraft was controlled by a highly technologically advanced generative artificial intelligence?
The technologically leading companies currently building rockets and other spacecraft have aspirations to build a new generation of spaceplanes and bring intercontinental aviation into the era of intercontinental paracosmic flights taking place near the orbital sphere of planet Earth. On the other hand, the aforementioned leading technology companies are building rockets, satellites and space landers to be sent to Earth's moon and also those to be sent to the planet Mars as well. Manned flights to the Earth's Moon are to be resumed and manned bases are to be built on the Moon in the 2020s perspective of the current 21st century. then manned missions to the planet Mars are to be implemented in the 1930s perspective of the current century. It may also be that in the perspective of the next decades, manned bases will be built on Mars and perhaps there will be colonization of this as yet inaccessible planet for humans. Perhaps in the perspective of the second half of the present century there will already be periodic manned missions, space expeditions, tourist space travel to Mars. If this were to happen, it would not be out of the question that participating such manned missions, space expeditions, tourist space travel to Mars will be carried out using spacecraft that will be largely autonomously controlled with the help of highly technologically advanced generative artificial intelligence.
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology are described in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Would you choose to participate in a manned mission, space expedition, tourist space travel to Mars in a situation where the spacecraft is controlled by a highly technologically advanced generative artificial intelligence?
Would you choose to take part in a tourist space trip to Mars in the situation if the spacecraft was controlled by an artificial intelligence?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
To what extent does the ChatGPT technology independently learn to improve the answers given to the questions asked?
To what extent does the ChatGPT consistently and successively improve its answers, i.e. the texts generated in response to the questions asked, over time and when receiving further questions using machine learning and/or deep learning?
If the ChatGPT, with the passage of time and the receipt of successive questions using machine learning and/or deep learning technology, were to continuously and successively improve its answers, i.e. the texts generated as an answer to the questions asked, including the same questions asked, then the answers obtained should, with time, become more and more perfect in terms of content and the scale of errors, non-existent "facts", new but not factually correct "information" created by the ChatGPT in the automatically generated texts should gradually decrease. But has the current, next generation of ChatGPT 4.0 already applied sufficiently advanced, automatic learning to this tool to create ever more perfect texts in which the number of errors should decrease? This is a key question that will largely determine the possibilities for practical applications of this artificial intelligence technology in various fields, human professions, industries and economic sectors. On the other hand, the possibilities of the aforementioned learning process to create better and better answers to the questions asked will become increasingly limited over time if the knowledge base of 2021 used by ChatGPT is not updated and enriched with new data, information, publications, etc. over an extended period of time. In the future, it is likely that such processes of updating and expanding the source database will be carried out. The issue of carrying out such updates and extensions to the source knowledge base will be determined by the technological advances taking place and the increasing pressure on the business use of such technologies.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
To what extent does ChatGPT, with the passage of time and the receipt of further questions using machine learning and/or deep learning technology, continuously, successively improve its answers, i.e. the texts generated as a response to the questions asked?
To what extent does the ChatGPT technology itself learn to improve the answers given to the questions asked?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
Please write what you think in this issue? Do you see rather threats or opportunities associated with the development of artificial intelligence technology?
What is your opinion on this issue?
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the issues described in the article given above and to scientific cooperation on these issues.
I invite you to scientific cooperation in this problematic.
Please write what you think in this problematics?
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me based on my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Is LLM/ChatGPT actually moving further and further away from AlphaGo-style AI?
AlphaGo can surpass humans because for each input of the model, there is a 100% correct answer as the target label?
And humans will make mistakes in situations like 1%.
What are the possibilities for integrating an intelligent chatbot into web-based video conferencing platforms used to date for remote conferences, symposia, training, webinars and remote education conducted over the Internet?
During the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, due to quarantine periods implemented in many countries, restrictions on the use of physical retail outlets, cultural services, various public places and government-imposed lockdowns of business entities operating in selected, mainly service sectors of the economy, the use of web-based videoconferencing platforms increased significantly. In addition to this, the periodic transfer of education to a remote form conducted via online video conferencing platforms has also increased the scale of ICT use in education processes. On the other hand, since the end of 2022, in connection with the release of one of the first intelligent chatbots, i.e. ChatGPT, on the Internet by the company OpenAI, there has been an acceleration in the development of artificial intelligence applications in various fields of information Internet services and also in the implementation of generative artificial intelligence technology to various aspects of business activities conducted in companies and enterprises. The tools made available on the Internet by technology companies operating in the formula of intelligent language models have been taught to converse with Internet users, with people through the use of technologies modeled on the structure of the human neuron of artificial neural networks, deep learning using knowledge bases, databases that have accumulated large amounts of data and information downloaded from many websites. Nowadays, there are opportunities to combine the above-mentioned technologies so that new applications and/or functionalities of web-based video conferencing platforms can be obtained, which are enriched with tools based on generative artificial intelligence.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the possibilities of connecting an intelligent chatbot to web-based video conferencing platforms used so far for remote conferences, symposia, training, webinars and remote education conducted over the Internet?
What are the possibilities of integrating a smart chatbot into web-based video conferencing platforms?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Imagine machines that can think and learn like humans! That's what AI is all about. It's like teaching computers to be smart and think for themselves. They can learn from mistakes, understand what we say, and even figure things out without being told exactly what to do.
Just like a smart friend helps you, AI helps machines be smart too. It lets them use their brains to understand what's going on, adjust to new situations, and even solve problems on their own. This means robots can do all sorts of cool things, like helping us at home, driving cars, or even playing games!
There's so much happening in Artificial Intelligence (AI), with all sorts of amazing things being developed for different areas. So, let's discuss all the cool stuff AI is being used for and the different ways it's impacting our lives. From robots and healthcare to art and entertainment, anything and everything AI is up to is on the table!
Machine Learning: Computers can learn from data and improve their performance over time, like a student studying for a test.
Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI can understand and generate human language, like a translator who speaks multiple languages.
Computer Vision: Machines can interpret and make decisions based on visual data, like a doctor looking at an X-ray.
Robotics: AI helps robots perceive their environment and make decisions, like a self-driving car navigating a busy street.
Neural Networks: Artificial neural networks are inspired by the human brain and are used in many AI applications, like a chess computer that learns to make winning moves.
Ethical AI: We need to use AI responsibly and address issues like bias, privacy, and job displacement, like making sure a hiring algorithm doesn't discriminate against certain groups of people.
Autonomous Vehicles: AI-powered cars can drive themselves, like a cruise control system that can take over on long highway drives.
AI in Healthcare: AI can help doctors diagnose diseases, plan treatments, and discover new drugs, like a virtual assistant that can remind patients to take their medication.
Virtual Assistants: AI-powered virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant can understand and respond to human voice commands, like setting an alarm or playing music.
Game AI: AI is used in games to create intelligent and challenging enemies and make the game more fun, like a boss battle in a video game that gets harder as you play.
Deep Learning: Deep learning is a powerful type of machine learning used for complex tasks like image and speech recognition, like a self-driving car that can recognize stop signs and traffic lights.
Explainable AI (XAI): As AI gets more complex, we need to understand how it makes decisions to make sure it's fair and unbiased, like being able to explain why a loan application was rejected.
Generative AI: AI can create new content like images, music, and even code, like a program that can write poetry or compose music.
AI in Finance: AI is used in the financial industry for things like algorithmic trading, fraud detection, and customer service, like a system that can spot suspicious activity on a credit card.
Smart Cities: AI can help make cities more efficient and sustainable, like using traffic cameras to reduce congestion.
Facial Recognition: AI can be used to recognize people's faces, but there are concerns about privacy and misuse, like using facial recognition to track people without their consent.
AI in Education: AI can be used to personalize learning, automate tasks, and provide educational support, like a program that can tutor students in math or English.
Will generative artificial intelligence taught various activities performed so far only by humans, solving complex tasks, self-improving in performing specific tasks, taught in the process of deep learning with the use of artificial neural network technology be able to learn from its activities and in the process of self-improvement will learn from its own mistakes?
Can the possible future combination of generative artificial intelligence technology and general artificial intelligence result in the creation of a highly technologically advanced super general artificial intelligence, which will improve itself, which may result in its self-improvement out of the control of man and thus become independent of the creator, which is man?
An important issue concerning the prospects for the development of artificial intelligence technology and its applications is also the question of obtaining by the built intelligent systems taught to perform highly complex tasks based on generative artificial intelligence a certain range of independence and self-improvement, repairing certain randomly occurring faults, errors, system failures, etc. For many years, there have been deliberations and discussions on the issue of obtaining a greater range of autonomy in making certain decisions on self-improvement, repair of system faults, errors caused by random external events by systems built on the basis of generative artificial intelligence technology. On the one hand, if there are built and developed, for example, security systems built on the basis of generative artificial intelligence technology in public institutions or commercially operating business entities providing a certain category of security for people, it is an important issue to give these intelligent systems a certain degree of autonomy in decision-making if in a situation of a serious crisis, natural disaster, geological disaster, earthquake, flood, fire, etc. a human being could make a decision too late relative to the much greater speed of response that an automated, intelligent, specific security, emergency response, early warning system for specific new risks, risk management system, crisis management system, etc. can have. However, on the other hand, whether a greater degree of self-determination is given to an automated, intelligent information system, including a specified security system then the scale of the probability of a failure occurring that will cause changes in the operation of the system with the result that the specified automated, intelligent and generative artificial intelligence-based system may be completely out of human control. In order for an automated system to quickly return to correct operation on its own after the occurrence of a negative, crisis external factor causing a system failure, then some scope of autonomy and self-decision-making for the automated, intelligent system should be given. However, to determine what this scope of autonomy should be is to first carry out a multifaceted analysis and diagnosis on the impact factors that can act as risk factors and cause malfunction, failure of the operation of an intelligent information system. Besides, if, in the future, generative artificial intelligence technology is enriched with super-perfect general artificial intelligence technology, then the scope of autonomy given to an intelligent information system that has been built with the purpose of automating the operation of a risk management system, providing a high level of safety for people may be high. However, if at such a stage in the development of super-perfect general artificial intelligence technology, however, an incident of system failure due to certain external or perhaps also internal factors were to occur, then the negative consequences of such a system slipping out of human control could be very large and currently difficult to assess. In this way, the paradox of building and developing systems developed within the framework of super-perfect general artificial intelligence technology may be realized. This paradox is that the more perfect, automated, intelligent system will be built by a human, an information system far beyond the capacity of the human mind, the capacity of a human to process and analyze large sets of data and information is, on the one hand, because such a system will be highly perfect it will be given a high level of autonomy to make decisions on crisis management, to make decisions on self-repair of system failure, to make decisions much faster than the capacity of a human in this regard, and so on. However, on the other hand, when, despite the low level of probability of an abnormal event, the occurrence of an external factor of a new type, the materialization of a new category of risk, which will nevertheless cause the effective failure of a highly intelligent system then this may lead to such a system being completely out of human control. The consequences, including, first of all, the negative consequences for humans of such a slipping of an already highly autonomous intelligent information system based on super general artificial intelligence, would be difficult to estimate in advance.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can the possible future combination of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence technologies result in the creation of a highly technologically advanced super general artificial intelligence that will improve itself which may result in its self-improvement escaping the control of man and thus becoming independent of the creator, which is man?
Will the generative artificial intelligence taught various activities performed so far only by humans, solving complex tasks, self-improving in performing specific tasks, taught in the process of deep learning with the use of artificial neural network technology be able to draw conclusions from its activities and in the process of self-improvement learn from its own mistakes?
Will generative artificial intelligence in the future in the process of self-improvement learn from its own mistakes?
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technologies are described in my article below:
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Thank you,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
In your opinion, will the development of artificial intelligence applications be associated mainly with opportunities, positive aspects, or rather threats, negative aspects?
Recently, accelerated technological progress is being made, including the development of generative artificial intelligence technology. The aforementioned technological progress made in the improvement and implementation of ICT information technologies, including the development of applications of tools based on generative artificial intelligence is becoming a symptom of the transition of civilization to the next technological revolution, i.e. the transition from the phase of development of technologies typical of Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0. Generative artificial intelligence technologies are finding more and more new applications by combining them with previously developed technologies, i.e. Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Cloud Computing, Personal and Industrial Internet of Things, Business Intelligence, Autonomous Robots, Horizontal and Vertical Data System Integration, Multi-Criteria Simulation Models, Digital Twins, Additive Manufacturing, Blockchain, Smart Technologies, Cyber Security Instruments, Virtual and Augmented Reality and other Advanced Data Mining technologies. In addition to this, the rapid development of generative AI-based tools available on the Internet is due to the fact that more and more companies, enterprises and institutions are creating their chatbots, which have been taught specific skills previously performed only by humans. In the process of deep learning, which uses artificial neural network technologies modeled on human neurons, the created chatbots or other tools based on generative AI are increasingly taking over from humans to perform specific tasks or improve their performance. The main factor in the growing scale of applications of various tools based on generative AI in various spheres of business activities of companies and enterprises is due to the great opportunities to automate complex, multi-criteria, organizationally advanced processes and reduce the operating costs of carrying them out with the use of AI technologies. On the other hand, certain risks may be associated with the application of AI generative technology in business entities, financial and public institutions. Among the potential risks are the replacement of people in various jobs by autonomous robots equipped with generative AI technology, the increase in the scale of cybercrime carried out with the use of AI, the increase in the scale of disinformation and generation of fake news on online social media through the generation of crafted photos, texts, videos, graphics presenting fictional content, non-existent events, based on statements and theses that are not supported by facts and created with the use of tools available on the Internet, applications equipped with generative AI technologies.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, will the development of artificial intelligence applications be associated mainly with opportunities, positive aspects, or rather threats, negative aspects?
Will there be mainly opportunities or rather threats associated with the development of artificial intelligence applications?
I am conducting research in this area. Particularly relevant issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technologies are described in my article below:
And what is your opinion about it?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Has the development of artificial intelligence, including especially the current and prospective development of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence technologies, entered a phase that can already be called an open Pandora's box?
In recent weeks, the media covering the issue of the prospects for the development of artificial intelligence technology have made disturbing news. Rival leading technology companies developing ICT, Internet and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies have entered the next phase of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence development. Generative artificial intelligence technologies already present mainly through the ChatGPT intelligent chatbot, which was made available on the Internet at the end of 2022, and new further variants of it are already being made openly available to Internet users. Citizen interest in Internet-accessible intelligent chatbots and other tools based on generative artificial intelligence technology is very high. When OpenAI made the first publicly available versions of ChatGPT available to Internet users in November 2022, the number of users of the platform with this offering grew faster than the previously reported increases in the number of users on social media sites in the corresponding first months of their online availability. Dominant in the markets of online information services, the most recognizable brands of technology companies compete in the development of artificial intelligence technology no longer only in the development of generative artificial intelligence, which, through deep learning and the use of artificial neural networks, is taught specific abilities to intelligently perform jobs, tasks, write texts, participate in discussions, generate photos, videos, draw graphics and carry out other outsourced tasks that were previously performed only by humans. Currently dominating the markets for online information services, major technology companies are also competing to build increasingly sophisticated AI solutions referred to as general artificial intelligence. From the analysis of futurological projections of the possibilities of development of constantly improved artificial intelligence, there is a risk that at some point this development will enter another developmental phase, which will consist in the fact that advanced general artificial intelligence systems will already create even more advanced general artificial intelligence systems on their own, which with their computing power and advanced processing of large data sets, processing of data on platforms using accumulated huge data sets and Big Data Analytics information will far surpass the analytical capabilities of the human brain, human intelligence and the holistic computing power of all neurons of the human nervous system. This kind of development phase, in which advanced general artificial intelligence systems will already create even more advanced general artificial intelligence systems on their own, could lead to a situation where this development is out of human control. In such a situation, the risks associated with the uncontrolled development of advanced general artificial intelligence systems could increase strongly. The levels of risk could be so high that it could be compared to the situation of various very serious threats and even armegeddon of human civilization depicted in catastrophic futurological projections of the development of artificial intelligence out of human control depicted in many science fiction films. The catastrophic and/or bordering on horror movie images depicted in science fiction films suggest the potential future risks of a kind of arms race already taking place between the globally largest technology companies developing generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence technologies. If this kind of development of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence technologies has entered this phase and there is no longer any possibility of stopping this development, then perhaps this development can already be called an open Pandora's box of artificial intelligence development.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Has the development of artificial intelligence, including, above all, the current and prospective development of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence technologies, entered a phase that can already be called an open Pandora's box of artificial intelligence development?
Has the development of artificial intelligence entered a phase that can already be called an open Pandora's box?
Artificial intelligence technology has been rapidly developing and finding new applications in recent years. The main determinants, including potential opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology are described in my article below:
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
How to build a Big Data Analytics system based on artificial intelligence more perfect than ChatGPT that learns but only real information and data?
How to build a Big Data Analytics system, a Big Data Analytics system, analysing information taken from the Internet, an analytics system based on artificial intelligence conducting real-time analytics, integrated with an Internet search engine, but an artificial intelligence system more perfect than ChatGPT, which will, through discussion with Internet users, improve data verification and will learn but only real information and data?
Well, ChatGPT is not perfect in terms of self-learning new content and perfecting the answers it gives, because it happens to give confirmation answers when there is information or data that is not factually correct in the question formulated by the Internet user. In this way, ChatGPT can learn new content in the process of learning new but also false information, fictitious data, in the framework of the 'discussions' held. Currently, various technology companies are planning to create, develop and implement computerised analytical systems based on artificial intelligence technology similar to ChatGPT, which will find application in various fields of big data analytics, will find application in various fields of business and research work, in various business entities and institutions operating in different sectors and industries of the economy. One of the directions of development of this kind of artificial intelligence technology and applications of this technology are plans to build a system of analysis of large data sets, a system of Big Data Analytics, analysis of information taken from the Internet, an analytical system based on artificial intelligence conducting analytics in real time, integrated with an Internet search engine, but an artificial intelligence system more perfect than ChatGPT, which will, through discussion with Internet users, improve data verification and will learn but only real information and data. Some of the technology companies are already working on this, i.e. on creating this kind of technological solutions and applications of artificial intelligence technology similar to ChatGPT. But presumably many technology start-ups that plan to create, develop and implement business specific technological innovations based on a specific generation of artificial intelligence technology similar to ChatGPPT are also considering undertaking research in this area and perhaps developing a start-up based on a business concept of which technological innovation 4.0, including the aforementioned artificial intelligence technologies, is a key determinant.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How to build a Big Data Analytics system, a system of Big Data Analytics, analysis of information taken from the Internet, an analytical system based on Artificial Intelligence conducting real-time analytics, integrated with an Internet search engine, but an Artificial Intelligence system more perfect than ChatGPT, which will, through discussion with Internet users, improve data verification and will learn but only real information and data?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Could a thinking generative artificial intelligence independently make decisions contrary to human expectations which could lead to the annihilation of humanity?
Recently, the technology of generative artificial intelligence, which is taught certain activities, skills previously performed only by humans, has been developing rapidly. In the process of learning, artificial neural network technologies built on the likeness of human neurons are used, as well as deep learning technology. In this way, intelligent chatbots are created, which can converse with people in such a way that it can be increasingly difficult to diagnose, to distinguish whether we are talking to a human or an intelligent chatbot, a tool. Chatbots are taught to converse with the involvement of digital big data and information, and the process of conversation, including answering questions and executing specific commands is perfected through guided conversations. Besides, tools available on the Internet based on generative artificial intelligence are also able to create graphics, photos and videos according to given commands. Intelligent systems are also being created that specialize in solving specific tasks and are becoming more and more helpful to humans in solving increasingly complex problems. The number of new applications for specially created tools equipped with generative artificial intelligence is growing rapidly. However, on the other hand, there are not only positive aspects associated with the development of artificial intelligence. There are more and more examples of negative applications of artificial intelligence, through which, for example, fake news is created in social media, disinformation is generated on the Internet. There are emerging possibilities for the use of artificial intelligence in cybercrime and in deliberately shaping the general social awareness of Internet users on specific topics. In addition, for several decades there have been films in the genre of science fiction, in which futuristic visions of the future were presented, in which intelligent robots, equipped with artificial intelligence autonomous cyborgs (e.g. Terminator) or artificial intelligence systems managing the flight of a ship of an interplanetary manned mission (e.g. 2001 Space Odyssey), artificial intelligence systems and intelligent robots transformed humanity from a source of electricity to their needs (e.g. Matrix trilogy) and thus instead of helping people, they rebelled against humanity. This topic has become topical again. There are attempts to create autonomous human cyborgs equipped with artificial intelligence systems, robots able to converse with humans and carry out certain commands. Research work is being undertaken to create something that will imitate human consciousness, or what is referred to as artificial consciousness, as part of the improvement of generative artificial intelligence systems. There are many indications that humans are striving to create a thinking generative artificial intelligence. It cannot be ruled out that such a machine could independently make decisions contrary to human expectations which could lead to the annihilation of mankind. In view of the above, in the conditions of dynamic development of generative artificial intelligence technology, considerations about the potential dangers to humanity that may arise in the future from the development of generative artificial intelligence technology have once again returned to relevance.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Could a thinking generative artificial intelligence independently make decisions contrary to human expectations which could lead to the annihilation of humanity?
Could a thinking generative artificial intelligence independently make decisions contrary to human expectations?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Should the intelligent chatbots created by technology companies available on the Internet be connected to the resources of the Internet to its full extent?
As part of the development of the concept of universal open access to knowledge resources, should the intelligent chatbots created by technology companies available on the Internet be connected to the resources of the Internet to their full extent?
There are different types of websites and sources of data and information on the Internet. The first Internet-accessible intelligent chatbot, i.e. ChatGPT, made available by OpenAI in November 2022, performs certain commands, solves tasks, and writes texts based on knowledge resources, data and information downloaded from the Internet, which were not fully up-to-date, as they were downloaded from selected websites and portals last in January 2022. In addition, the data and information were downloaded from many selected websites of libraries, articles, books, online indexing portals of scientific publications, etc. Thus, these were data and information selected in a certain way. In 2023, more Internet-based leading technology companies were developing and making their intelligent chatbots available on the Internet. Some of them are already based on data and information that is much more up-to-date compared to the first versions of ChatGPT made available on the Internet in open access. In November 2023, social media site X (the former Twiter) released its intelligent chatbot in the US, which reportedly works on the basis of up-to-date information entered into the site through posts, messages, tweets made by Internet users. Also in October 2023, OpenAI announced that it will create a new version of its ChatGPT, which will also draw data and knowledge from updated knowledge resources downloaded from multiple websites. As a result, rival Internet-based leading forms of technology are constantly refining the evolving designs of the intelligent chatbots they are building, which will increasingly use more and more updated data, information and knowledge resources drawn from selected websites, web pages and portals. The rapid technological advances currently taking place regarding artificial intelligence technology may in the future lead to the integration of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence developed by technology companies. Competing technology companies may strive to build advanced artificial intelligence systems that can achieve a high level of autonomy and independence from humans, which may lead to a situation of the possibility of artificial intelligence technology development slipping out of human control. Such a situation may arise when the emergence of a highly technologically advanced general artificial intelligence that achieves the possibility of self-improvement and, in addition, realizing the process of self-improvement in a manner independent of humans, i.e. self-improvement with simultaneous escape from human control. However, before this happens it is earlier that technologically advanced artificial intelligence can achieve the ability to select data and information, which it will use in the implementation of specific mandated tasks and their real-time execution using up-to-date data and online knowledge resources.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
As part of the development of the concept of universal open access to knowledge resources, should the intelligent chatbots created by technology companies available on the Internet be connected to Internet resources to their full extent?
Should the intelligent chatbots created by technology companies available on the Internet be connected to the resources of the Internet to the full extent?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
How can the development of artificial intelligence technologies and applications help the development of science, the conduct of scientific research, the processing of results obtained from scientific research?
In recent discussions on the ongoing rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies, including generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence, and their rapidly growing applications, a number of both positive determinants of this development are emerging but also a number of potential risks and threats are being identified. Recently, the key risks associated with the development of artificial intelligence technologies include not only the possibility of using AI technologies by cyber criminals and in hacking activities; the use of open-access tools based on generative artificial intelligence on the Internet to create crafted texts, photos, graphics and videos and their posting on social media sites to create fake news and generate disinformation; the use of "creations" created with applications based on intelligent chatbots in the field of marketing communications; the potential threat to many jobs being replaced by AI technology but also in the development of increasingly superior generative artificial intelligence technology, which may soon be creating new, even more superior AI technologies that could escape human control. Currently, all leading technology and Internet companies are developing their intelligent chatbots and AI-based tools, including generative AI and/or general AI, which they are already making available on the Internet or will soon do so. In this way, a kind of technological arms race is currently being realized between major technology companies at the forefront of ICT, Internet and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies. The technological progress that is currently taking place is accelerating as part of the transition from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 technologies. In the context of the emerging threats mentioned above, many companies, enterprises, banks are already implementing and developing certain tools, applications based on AI in order to increase the efficiency of certain processes carried out within the framework of their business, logistics, financial activities, etc. In addition, in the ongoing discussions on the possibility of applying AI technologies in aspects interpreted positively, in solving various problems of the current development of civilization, including to support ongoing scientific research, to support the development of science in various disciplines of science. Accordingly, an important area of positive applications of AI technology is the use of this technology to improve the efficiency of reliably and ethically conducted scientific research. Thus, the development of science could be supported by the implementation of AI technology into the realm of science.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can the development of artificial intelligence technologies and applications help the development of science, the conduct of scientific research, the processing of results obtained from scientific research?
How can the development of artificial intelligence help the development of science and scientific research?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research. In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
For details on the current OpenAI leadership situation see e.g.
Can artificial intelligence help optimize remote communication and information flow in a corporation, in a large company characterized by a multi-level, complex organizational structure?
Are there any examples of artificial intelligence applications in this area of large company operations?
In large corporations characterized by a complex, multi-level organizational structure, the flow of information can be difficult. New ICT and Industry 4.0 information technologies are proving to be helpful in this regard, improving the efficiency of the flow of information flowing between departments and divisions in the corporation. One of the Industry 4.0 technologies that has recently found various new applications is artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence technology is finding many new applications in recent years. The implementation of artificial intelligence, machine learning and other Industry 4.0 technologies into various business fields of companies, enterprises and financial institutions is associated with the increase in digitization and automation of processes carried out in business entities. For several decades, in order to refine and improve the flow of information in a corporation characterized by a complex organizational structure, integrated information systems are being implemented that informationally connect applications and programs operating within specific departments, divisions, plants, etc. in a large enterprise, company, corporation. Nowadays, a technology that can help optimize remote communication and information flow in a corporation is artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence can help optimize information flow and data transfer within a corporation's intranet.
Besides, the technologies of Industry 4.0, including artificial intelligence, can help improve the cyber security techniques of data transfer, including that carried out in email communications.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
Can artificial intelligence help optimize remote communication and information flow in a corporation, in a large company characterized by a multi-level, complex organizational structure?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
How should the architecture of an effective computerised platform for detecting fakenews and other forms of disinformation on the internet built using Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0 technologies be designed?
The scale of the development of disinformation on the Internet including, among other things, fakenews has been growing in recent years mainly in social media. Disinformation is mainly developing on social media sites that are popular among young people, children and teenagers. The growing scale of disinformation is particularly socially damaging in view of the key objective of its pursuit by cybercriminals and certain organisations using, for example, the technique of publishing posts and banners using fake profiles of fictitious Internet users containing fakenews. The aim is to try to influence public opinion in society, to shape the general social awareness of citizens, to influence the assessment of the activities of specific policies of the government, national and/or international organisations, public or other institutions, to influence the ratings, credibility, reputation, recognition of specific institutions, companies, enterprises, their product and service offerings, individuals, etc., to influence the results of parliamentary, presidential and other elections, etc. In addition to this, the scale of cybercriminal activity and the improvement of cyber security techniques have also been growing in parallel on the Internet in recent years. Therefore, as part of improving techniques to reduce the scale of disinformation spread deliberately by specific national and/or international organisations, computerised platforms are being built to detect fake news and other forms of disinformation on the internet built using Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0 technologies. Since cybercriminals and organisations generating disinformation use new Industry 4.0 technologies in the creation of fake profiles on popular social networks, new information technologies, Industry 4.0, including but not limited to Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, etc., should also be used to reduce the scale of such harmful activities to citizens.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should the architecture of an effective computerised platform for detecting factoids and other forms of disinformation on the Internet built using Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0 technologies be designed?
And what do you think about it?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
How will the rivalry between IT professionals operating on two sides of the barricade, i.e. in the sphere of cybercrime and cyber security, change after the implementation of generative artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution?
Almost from the very beginning of the development of ICT, the rivalry between IT professionals operating on two sides of the barricade, i.e. in the sphere of cybercrime and cyber security, has been realized. In a situation where, within the framework of the technological progress that is taking place, on the one hand, a new technology emerges that facilitates the development of remote communication, digital transfer and processing of data then, on the other hand, the new technology is also used within the framework of hacking and/or cybercrime activities. Similarly, when the Internet appeared then on the one hand a new sphere of remote communication and digital data transfer was created. On the other hand, new techniques of hacking and cybercriminal activities were created, for which the Internet became a kind of perfect environment for development. Now, perhaps, the next stage of technological progress is taking place, consisting of the transition of the fourth into the fifth technological revolution and the development of 5.0 technology supported by the implementation of artificial neural networks based on artificial neural networks subjected to a process of deep learning constantly improved generative artificial intelligence technology. The development of generative artificial intelligence technology and its applications will significantly increase the efficiency of business processes, increase labor productivity in the manufacturing processes of companies and enterprises operating in many different sectors of the economy. Accordingly, after the implementation of generative artificial intelligence and also Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution, the competition between IT professionals operating on two sides of the barricade, i.e., in the sphere of cybercrime and cybersecurity, will probably change. However, what will be the essence of these changes?
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How will the competition between IT professionals operating on the two sides of the barricade, i.e., in the sphere of cybercrime and cyber security, change after the implementation of generative artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution?
How will the realm of cybercrime and cyber security change after the implementation of generative artificial intelligence?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
What are the possibilities of applying generative AI in terms of conducting sentiment analysis of changes in Internet users' opinions on specific topics?
What are the possibilities of applying generative artificial intelligence in carrying out sentiment analysis on changes in the opinions of Internet users on specific topics using Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical of Industry 4.0/5.0?
Nowadays, Internet marketing is developing rapidly, including viral Internet marketing used on social media sites, among others, in the form of, for example, Real-Time marketing in the formula of viral marketing. It is also marketing aimed at precisely defined groups, audience segments, potential customers of a specific advertised product and/or service offering. In terms of improving Internet marketing, new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0/5.0 are being implemented. Marketing conducted in this form is usually preceded by market research conducted using, among other things, sentiment analysis of the preferences of potential consumers based on verification of their activity on the Internet, taking into account comments written on various websites, Internet forums, blogs, posts written on social media. In recent years, the importance of the aforementioned sentiment analysis carried out on large data sets using Big Data Analytics has been growing, thanks to which it is possible to study the psychological aspects of the phenomena of changes in the trends of certain processes in the markets for products, services, factor markets and financial markets. The development of the aforementioned analytics makes it possible to study the determinants of specific phenomena occurring in the markets caused by changes in consumer or investor preferences, caused by specific changes in the behavior of consumers in product and service markets, entrepreneurs in factor markets or investors in money and capital markets, including securities markets. The results from these analyses are used to forecast changes in the behavior of consumers, entrepreneurs and investors that will occur in the following months and quarters. In addition to this, sentiment analyses are also conducted to determine the preferences, awareness of potential customers, consumers in terms of recognition of the company's brand, its offerings, description of certain products and services, etc., using textual data derived from comments, entries, posts, etc. posted by Internet users, including social media users on a wide variety of websites. The knowledge gained in this way can be useful for companies to plan marketing strategies, to change the product and service offerings produced, to select or change specific distribution channels, after-sales services, etc. This is now a rapidly developing field of research and the possibilities for many companies and enterprises to use the results of this research in marketing activities, but not only in marketing. Recently, opportunities are emerging to apply generative artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies to analyze large data sets collected on Big Data Analytics platforms. In connection with the development of intelligent chatbots available on the Internet, recently there have been discussions about the possibilities of potential applications of generative artificial intelligence, 5G and other technologies included in the Industry 4.0/5.0 group in the context of using the information resources of the Internet to collect data on citizens, companies, institutions, etc. for their analysis carried out using, among other things, sentiment analysis to determine the opinion of Internet users on certain topics or to define the brand recognition of a company, the evaluation of product or service offerings by Internet users. In recent years, the scope of applications of Big Data technology and Data Science analytics, Data Analytics in economics, finance and management of organizations, including enterprises, financial and public institutions is increasing. Accordingly, the implementation of analytical instruments of advanced processing of large data sets in enterprises, financial and public institutions, i.e. the construction of Big Data Analytics platforms to support organizational management processes in various aspects of operations, including the improvement of customer relations, is also growing in importance. In recent years, ICT information technologies, Industry 4.0/5.0 including generative artificial intelligence technologies are particularly rapidly developing and finding application in knowledge-based economies. These technologies are used in scientific research and business applications in commercially operating enterprises and in financial and public institutions. In recent years, the application of generative artificial intelligence technologies for collecting and multi-criteria analysis of Internet data can significantly contribute to the improvement of sentiment analysis of Internet users' opinions and the possibility of expanding the applications of research techniques carried out on analytical platforms of Business Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Data Science and other research techniques using ICT information technology, Internet and advanced data processing typical Industry 4. 0/5.0. Most consumers of online information services available on new online media, including social media portals, are not fully aware of the level of risk of sharing information about themselves on these portals and the use of this data by technological online companies using this data for their analytics. I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in scientific publications, which are available on Research Gate. I invite you to cooperate with me.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the possibilities for the application of generative AI in terms of conducting sentiment analysis of changes in the opinions of Internet users on specific topics using Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical of Industry 4.0/5.0?
What are the possibilities of using generative AI in conducting sentiment analysis of Internet users' opinions on specific topics?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
How to build an intelligent computerized Big Data Analytics system that would retrieve real-time data and information from specific online databases, scientific knowledge indexing databases, domain databases, online libraries, information portals, social media, etc., and thus provide a database and up-to-date information for an intelligent chatbot, which would then be made available on the Internet for Internet users?
Almost every major technological company operating with its offerings on the Internet either already has and has made its intelligent chatbot available on the Internet, or is working on it and will soon have its intelligent chatbot available to Internet users. The general formula for the construction, organization and provision of intelligent chatbots by individual technology companies uses analogous solutions. However, in detailed technological aspects there are specific different solutions. The differentiated solutions include the issue of the timeliness of data and information contained in the created databases of digitized data, data warehouses, Big Data databases, etc., which contain specific data sets acquired from the Internet from various online knowledge bases, publication indexing databases, online libraries of publications, information portals, social media, etc., acquired at different times, data sets having different information characteristics, etc.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How to build an intelligent computerized Big Data Analytics system that would retrieve real-time data and information from specific online databases, scientific knowledge indexing databases, domain databases, online libraries, information portals, social media, etc., and thus provide a database and up-to-date information for an intelligent chatbot, which would then be made available on the Internet for Internet users?
How to build a Big Data Analytics system that would provide a database and up-to-date information for an intelligent chatbot made available on the Internet?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
How should AI-assisted Big Data centers be developed so that they fit in with the Sustainable Development Goals?
How should Big Data centers aided by AI technology be developed so that they fit in with sustainability goals, so that they do not generate large amounts of electricity consumption and/or are powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
Generative artificial intelligence technology, which, with the help of deep learning applied to artificial neural networks, is taught specific skills, performing activities previously performed only by humans, is finding more and more new applications in various branches of the economy, in various types of business entities. Generative artificial intelligence technology helps in solving complex tasks that require processing large sets of data in a relatively short period of time, which is already far beyond human capabilities. Therefore, more and more new tools based on generative artificial intelligence technology are being created, which are engaged in solving specific tasks, in which a number of specific criteria are required to be met in order to create a precisely specified product, project, innovative solution, finding a solution to a complex problem, and so on. This type of complex problem solving includes the creation of new solutions for green technology and eco-innovation, which can be helpful in connection with the need to accelerate and increase the efficiency of carrying out the green transformation of the economy, including the green transformation of the energy sector based on, among other things, the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources. However, paradoxically, generative artificial intelligence technology performing certain outsourced tasks i.e. based on large data sets collected in data centers, using Big Data Analytics technological solutions consumes large amounts of electricity. In a situation where these large amounts of electricity are generated by burning fossil fuels through dirty combustion energy, the aforementioned new technological solutions increasingly categorized as Industry 5.0 are unfortunately not described as green, pro-climate, pro-environment, pro-environment, pro-environment, sustainable, pursuing sustainable development goals, etc. Accordingly, Big Data centers assisted by artificial intelligence technology should be developed to fit in with sustainability goals, not to generate high electricity consumption and/or to be powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources. The aforementioned Big Data centers assisted by artificial intelligence technology should therefore be designed and built in such a way that power plants generating energy from renewable sources are also built next to them or above them if they are built underground, such as wind farms and/or photovoltaic panel installations or other power plants generating energy by other means but emission-free. In the future, these may also include a new generation of nuclear power plants generating energy from currently generated spent fuel waste from currently operating nuclear power plants operating on the basis of widespread traditional nuclear technologies. Besides, in the future, another solution for emission-free clean energy may be the use of a new generation of nuclear power based on cold fusion. In addition to the above, the technologies categorized as energy futures also include energy based on green hydrogen and new types of energy resources, which may be extracted from space. An effective combination of the above-mentioned technologies, i.e. green energy technologies and ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies, may lead to the creation of AI-assisted Big Data green data centers.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should AI-assisted Big Data centers be developed so that they fit in with the Sustainable Development Goals, so that they do not generate a lot of electricity consumption and/or are powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
How should AI-assisted Big Data centers be developed so that they fit in with sustainability goals?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
If an imitation of human consciousness called artificial consciousness is built on the basis of AI technology in the future, will it be built by mapping the functioning of human consciousness or rather as a kind of result of the development and refinement of the issue of autonomy of thought processes developed within the framework of "thinking" generative artificial intelligence?
Solutions to this question may vary. However, the key issue is the moral dilemmas in the applications of the constantly developing and improving artificial intelligence technology and the preservation of ethics in the process of developing applications of these technologies. In addition to this, the key issues within the framework of this issue also include the need to more fully explore and clarify what human consciousness is, how it is formed, how it functions within specific plexuses of neurons in the human central nervous system.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
If an imitation of human consciousness called artificial consciousness is built on the basis of AI technology in the future, will it be built by mapping the functioning of human consciousness or rather as a kind of result of the development and refinement of the issue of autonomy of thought processes developed within the framework of "thinking" generative artificial intelligence?
How can artificial consciousness be built on the basis of AI technology?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Can the applicability of Big Data Analytics backed by artificial intelligence technology in the field be significantly enhanced when the aforementioned technologies are applied to the processing of large data sets extracted from the Internet and executed by the most powerful quantum computers?
Can the conduct of analysis and scientific research be significantly improved, increase efficiency, significantly shorten the execution of the process of research work through the use of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence applied to the processing of large data sets and realized by the most powerful quantum computers?
What are the analytical capabilities of processing large data sets extracted from the Internet and realized by the most powerful quantum computers, which also apply Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics technologies?
Can the scale of data processing carried out by the most powerful quantum computers be comparable to the processing that takes place in the billions of neurons of the human brain?
In recent years, the digitization of data and archived documents, the digitization of data transfer processes, etc., has been progressing rapidly.
The progressive digitization of data and archived documents, digitization of data transfer processes, Internetization of communications, economic processes but also of research and analytical processes is becoming a typical feature of today's developing developed economies. Accordingly, developed economies in which information and computer technologies are developing rapidly and finding numerous applications in various economic sectors are called information economies. The societies operating in these economies are referred to as information societies. Increasingly, in discussions of this issue, there is a statement that another technological revolution is currently taking place, described as the fourth and in some aspects it is already the fifth technological revolution. Particularly rapidly developing and finding more and more applications are technologies classified as Industry 4.0/5.0. These technologies, which support research and analytical processes carried out in various institutions and business entities, include Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence, including generative artificial intelligence with artificial neural network technology also applied and subjected to deep learning processes. As a result, the computational capabilities of microprocessors, which are becoming more and more perfect and processing data faster and faster, are gradually increasing. There is a rapid increase in the processing of ever larger sets of data and information. The number of companies, enterprises, public, financial and scientific institutions that create large data sets, massive databases of data and information generated in the course of a specific entity's activities and obtained from the Internet and processed in the course of conducting specific research and analytical processes is growing. In view of the above, the opportunities for the application of Big Data Analytics backed by artificial intelligence technology in terms of improving research techniques, in terms of increasing the efficiency of the research and analytical processes used so far, in terms of improving the scientific research conducted, are also growing rapidly. By using the combined technologies of Big Data Analytics, other technologies of Industry 4.0/5.0, including artificial intelligence and quantum computers in the processing of large data sets, the analytical capabilities of data processing and thus also conducting analysis and scientific research can be significantly increased.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can the conduct of analysis and scientific research be significantly improved, increase efficiency, significantly shorten the execution of the process of research work through the use of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence applied to the processing of large data sets and implemented by the most powerful quantum computers?
Can the applicability of Big Data Analytics supported by artificial intelligence technology in the field significantly increase when the aforementioned technologies are applied to the processing of large data sets extracted from the Internet and realized by the most powerful quantum computers?
What are the analytical capabilities of processing large data sets obtained from the Internet and realized by the most powerful quantum computers?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Thank you,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
How should artificial intelligence technologies be implemented in education, so as not to deprive students of development and critical thinking in this way, so as to continue to develop critical thinking in students in the new realities of the technological revolution, to develop education with the support of modern technology?
The development of artificial intelligence, like any new technology, is associated with various applications of this technology in companies, enterprises operating in various sectors of the economy, and financial and public institutions. These applications generate an increase in the efficiency of the implementation of various processes, including an increase in human productivity. On the other hand, artificial intelligence technologies are also finding negative applications that generate certain risks such as the rise of disinformation in online social media. The increasing number of applications based on artificial intelligence technology available on the Internet are also being used as technical teaching aids in the education process implemented in schools and universities. On the other hand, these applications are also used by pupils and students, who use these tools as a means of facilitating homework, the development of credit papers, the completion of project work, various studies, and so on. Thus, on the one hand, the positive aspects of the applications of artificial intelligence technologies in education are recognized as well. However, on the other hand, serious risks are also recognized for students, for people who, increasingly using various applications based on artificial intelligence, including generative artificial intelligence in facilitating the completion of certain various works, may cause a reduction in the scope of students' use of critical thinking. The potential dangers of depriving students of development and critical thinking are considered. The development of artificial intelligence technology is currently progressing rapidly. Various applications based on constantly improved generative artificial intelligence subjected to learning processes are being developed, machine learning solutions are being created, artificial intelligence is being subjected to processes of teaching the implementation of various activities that have been previously performed by humans. In deep learning processes, generative artificial intelligence equipped with artificial neural networks is taught to carry out complex, multifaceted processes and activities on the basis of large data sets collected in database systems and processed using Big Data Analytics technology. Since the processing of large data sets is carried out by current information systems equipped with computers of high computing power and with artificial intelligence technologies many times faster and more efficiently than the human mind, so already some research centers conducting research in this field are working on an attempt to create a highly advanced generative artificial intelligence, which will realize a kind of artificial thought processes, however, much faster and more efficiently than it happens in the human brain. However, even if someday artificial consciousness technology could