Science topics: Art
Science topic
Art - Science topic
Art is a diverse range of human activities, including painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, music, theatre, film, dance, and many more.
Publications related to Art (10,000)
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Co-authored with founding director of Art for Refugees in Transition (ART, USA) and Syrian refugee advocate and activist Wael Habbal, and with a focus on music and dance, this forthcoming chapter examines how forced displacement interplays with matters of cultural sustainability.
In last week’s column on integrative community therapy (ICT) in Brazil, I shared my interview with the founder of that approach, Adalberto de Paula Barreto, MD, PhD. This is part 2 of our interview. Key words in part 2 are: inclusion, transmitting hope, autonomy, and integration.
TFM: A unit of work "The art of Storytelling"
Obwohl ›Anstaltskunst‹ eines der wichtigsten Provenienzfelder seiner Collection de l’Art Brut bildete, distanzierte sich der französische Künstler und Sammler Jean Dubuffet (1901–1985) mit dem begrifflichen Übergang von der ›Kunst der Verrückten‹ (art des fous) zur ›rohen Kunst‹ (art brut) sowohl von der Verklärung des Wahnsinns im Kontext der Avan...
This article proposes reflections on the processes of deindustrialization and repurposing of former factories, railway stations, and port warehouses, as well as their impacts on the urban space, based on a survey and a mapping of industrial remnants in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The study is grounded on bibliographical and documentary research, an...
This book Clearly and simply explains stabilization and stable limit cycle generation in the field of underactuated mechanical systems (UMS). It explores control design challenges and demonstrates concepts through real-time experiments.
This book is organized into three parts:
• Part I: General context and case study
• Part II: Control solutions f...
We present a rare case of a giant fronto-ethmoidal osteoma with orbital involvement, managed through a multidisciplinary approach. This case also highlights the prompt reconstruction using a PolyEtherEtherKetone (PEEK) patient-specific implant (PSI) and the subsequent management of a PEEK implant infection.
We present a case of...
Semiologia Veterinária: A Arte do Diagnóstico visa resgatar a essência do diagnóstico, pautado prioritariamente na disciplina clínica, na conversa com o tutor, no manuseio físico do paciente e na obtenção e avaliação de sintomas, com o objetivo de elaborar hipóteses plausíveis para a resolução do problema.
Literatura indispensável para estudantes...
Curso de Extensión universitaria, online y presencial, créditos 0.5. Del 18 de febrero al 8 de abril 2025. El mundo romano, al igual que otros pueblos de la Antigüedad, dejó una impronta a través de esculturas, pinturas y construcciones de ámbito religioso, político, civil o funerario. Todo ello, sumado a otras manifestaciones artísticas y cultura...
Difference has always been an interest of mine-the different gestures, methods and materials utilised by various post-colonial artists to question authorial identity and to "speak". In my art practice these ideas are interrogated in relation to the question "What difference does it make who is speaking?". This question is intended to expose the inv...
Palaeolithic art in general and female figurines in particular have been subjects that have sparked the imagination of many generations of researchers, generating countless controversies from which new visions regarding their deeper interpretation have emerged. Discussions on such topics are far from being exhausted. Through our endeavour, we have...
English Translation of the the Second Chapter from the First Article of Al Majusi’s ‘The Complete Art of Medicine’, also know as ‘The Royal Book'
Chapter Two from The Complete Art of Medicine, The First Article. Translated from the Original Arabic
Resumen El objeto de este trabajo es cuestionarse si el Derecho Penal habría de intervenir o no en el control de los riesgos derivados del diseño adictivo de las redes sociales y plataformas, a la vista de las conclusiones aportadas por la literatura científica especializada. Se concluye afirmativamente sobre esta cuestión, sin perjuicio de la tute...
This comprehensive article explores the evolving landscape of prompt engineering in Large Language Models (LLMs), examining the fundamental principles and advanced methodologies that enhance human-AI interaction. The article investigates key components, including context integration, instruction-based architectures, and iterative refinement process...
Objetivos: O presente artigo se propõe a investigar se a recusa do empregado em ser vacinado configura motivo suficiente para demissão por justa causa, conforme previsto no art. 482 da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT). A análise é feita à luz da Teoria da Democracia Construtiva, a qual propõe que uma sociedade é tanto mais democrática quanto...
This essay is a reflection on squalor and transcendence in art.
The constrained version of the standard online convex optimization (OCO) framework, called COCO is considered, where on every round, a convex cost function and a convex constraint function are revealed to the learner after it chooses the action for that round. The objective is to simultaneously minimize the static regret and cumulative constraint v...
Saṅghakkal̥ i is a traditional ritual performing art form practiced by a sect of Kerala Brahmins called Nambūtiri-s. It is yet to gain attention outside their community and there is limited documentation on the subject. It may be assumed that Saṅghakkal̥ i has evolved from a ritual into a performing art by assimilating bits of other art forms. Thro...
The siege of Sarajevo was the longest siege in contemporary human history. One of the characteristics of this period was an amazing response of artists to the situation they faced. As the result of that, artistic scene of Sarajevo in the period of 1992–1995 was one of the most interesting phenomena in all history of art in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Los Programas de Ópera Prima de las escuelas de cine en México han sido una plataforma de profesionalización para los cineastas en formación y recién egresados, pues representan un medio de vinculación con el mundo laboral y un espacio de práctica y aplicación de los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo del proceso formativo. Sin embargo, estos prog...
Se evaluó el efecto de las coberturas vegetales café + eucalipto “Baby Blue” (T1), café (T2) y pasto (T3) en algunas propiedades físicas e hidrológicas del suelo de la finca “La Libertad” del municipio de Zipacón, las cuales llevan cerca de 14 años de establecidas. Las variables evaluadas fueron profundidad del horizonte A, resistencia a la penetra...
Diante da necessidade cada vez maior de otimização do uso de recursos e priorização de investimentos com base em informações qualificadas e suporte para uma avaliação técnica, foi instituído o Plano de Investimentos do Poder Executivo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Com a missão principal de se estabelecer como um instrumento de contribuição para o re...
Rochelle Gurstein talks to the editors about her latest book, Written in Water: The Ephemeral Life of the Classic in Art (Yale University Press, 2024), part of which is reprinted here with her permission (Chapter 14: The Future of the Classic). In the book and the interview, the author reflects with astonishment on the many “instances of wildly flu...
Lucrarea îşi propune să evidenţieze importanţa culturală a activităţii corului Antifonia în peisajul muzicii contemporane româneşti şi europene. Înfi inţat în 1969 în cadrul Conservatorului de Muzică "Gheorghe Dima"din Cluj-Napoca, actualmente Academia Naţională de Muzică "Gheorghe Dima"din Cluj-Napoca (ANMGD), de către profesorul, dirijorul şi com...
Customer-centric success is often perceived as a structured, methodical approach to understanding and meeting customer needs. However, in an era of rapid technological advancements, shifting consumer behaviors, and unpredictable market dynamics, traditional structured approaches often fail. Instead, a disorderly yet adaptive framework is required-o...
Este pequeño artículo busca llamar a la reflexión sobre un tema que crece exponencialmente: la intersección entre la Inteligencia Artificial y el Arte. Si bien no se abordan aspectos técnicos (que dejaremos para otro artículo), se exploran cuestiones éticas y filosóficas que invitan a cuestionar la esencia y autenticidad de la creación artística. S...
Wir dürften wohl annehmen, dass Ernst Fischer die Materialien der kürzlich in Ungarn ausgeführten und mit Déry’s Verurteilung schliessenden sog. Déry-Diskussion direkt oder indirekt kennt. Sein folgender Gedankengang laesst sich restlos in diese Diskussion einordnen: „Dérys Kunst besteht nicht darin, die Gesetzmaessigkeit einer gesellschaftlichen F...
Self-play has powered breakthroughs in two-player and multi-player games. Here we show that self-play is a surprisingly effective strategy in another domain. We show that robust and naturalistic driving emerges entirely from self-play in simulation at unprecedented scale -- 1.6~billion~km of driving. This is enabled by Gigaflow, a batched simulator...
We introduce the problem of best arm identification (BAI) with post-action context, a new BAI problem in a stochastic multi-armed bandit environment and the fixed-confidence setting. The problem addresses the scenarios in which the learner receives a $\textit{post-action context}$ in addition to the reward after playing each action. This post-actio...
This combined academic-artistic keynote presentation was held at the 16th NOFOD conference: The Dancer and the Dance: Practices, Education, Communities, Traditions, and Histories. As a dancer and researcher in the field of historical dance, interpreting historical sources for dance is a great part of my work. Reflections on how we can approach past...
The synthesis of infinite-state reactive systems from temporal logic specifications or infinite-state games has attracted significant attention in recent years, leading to the emergence of novel solving techniques. Most approaches are accompanied by an implementation showcasing their viability on an increasingly larger collection of benchmarks. Tho...
This article is an excerpt from my master's thesis (Meira da Silva, 2021), which explores the connections between mathematics and art expressed by students and teachers in the works produced for the Mathematical Art Salon, an event promoted by the Mathematics Education Study Group at the State University of Southwest Bahia. With a qualitative appro...
The art of teaching is not merely about imparting knowledge but about
inspiring transformation, shaping character, and nurturing the soul. In
every era, educators and mentors have sought to emulate the ultimate
example of effective teaching, a Master Teacher whose wisdom
transcends time, culture, and circumstance.
A Prophet's Classroom: Learni...
Frå Form til Famling / From Form to Fumbling premiered on 2 nd November 2023 at Henie Onstad Art Center that takes its starting point in the material traces in the archive after Høvik Ballet. In this article, choreographer Solveig Styve Holte and performer Magdalene Solli reflect on the choreographic and performative parameters of this creation, wi...
Neste texto, relatamos e analisamos algumas experiências desafiantes em dois contextos de ensino remoto: na graduação, referente ao componente curricular Arte-Educação de uma licenciatura em Pedagogia; e em uma Pós-Graduação em Educação, no componente Estudos Orientados, ambos de uma universidade pública estadual brasileira. Problematizamos algumas...
La scène artistique florissante de la Turquie témoigne de l'intérêt croissant du marché international de l'art contemporain pour les pays extérieurs au monde occidental. Istanbul en particulier est devenue une plaque tournante majeure des échanges culturels entre la région de la Méditerranée orientale, le Caucase et le Moyen-Orient. L'art vidéo est...
As complexidades advindas das condições em que vivem as pessoas em situação de rua têm muitos fatores distintos, subjetivos do indivíduo, porém há de se ter atenção no que o poder público pode fazer para melhorar a situação das populações mais vulneráveis, especialmente a população em situação de rua, principalmente no que tange ao art. 5ª e 6ª da...
Een toegankelijk stadscentrum vraagt om empathie: de kunst je te verplaatsen in bezoekers die obstakels ondervinden. Maar hoe ga je daarbij te werk? In dit artikel vier methoden om barrières in de binnenstad op het spoor te komen.
How do we kiss through a museum’s walls, roughly 8,000 miles away? This is a museum exhibit’s journey, from loneliness and longing to togetherness. An art museum, with its predisposition to distance and sterility, softens its stance and opens itself just a little; the exhibit about Long-Distance Love brings forward familiar, loving voices that are...
Elżbieta Mączyńska ORDOLIBERALIZM I JEGO NAPRAWCZY POTENCJAŁ Obserwator Finansowy NBP, 2024 /19 Dziś twierdzenie, że żyjemy w szczególnie turbulentnych czasach, czasach narastania nieładu, głębokiego chaosu, można uznać za swego rodzaju truizm. Zewsząd bowiem , zarówno ze świata nauki, praktyki, jak i wielu innych środowisk płyną niemal dramatycz...
The paper discusses the artistic and conceptual strategies of the deconstruction of nationalism in the selected works of contemporary Serbian artist, Milica Tomić (b. 1960) by interpreting them from a hitherto overlooked perspective of Derridian deconstructivism. It demonstrates that the analyzed performances and billboards made by Tomić offer a co...
Introducción: Las emociones son cruciales en la creatividad, influyendo en el pensamiento, la resolución de problemas y la generación de ideas innovadoras, pero pocas investigaciones abordan las emociones epistémicas derivadas de actividades cognitivas. Esta investigación evalúa en qué medida los futuros docentes experimentan emociones epistémicas...
Psychological interventions are related to improved performance in many sports. However, studies evaluating the effect of motivational interventions on the performance of mixed martial arts athletes are lacking. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of motivational strategies on the specific performance of mixed martial arts athletes. For...
El concepto tradicional de «derecho fundamental» en la doctrina y jurisprudencia españolas incluye todos los derechos y libertades del Capítulo II del Título I CE (arts. 14 a 38) debido a su carácter «vinculante» para el legislador previsto en el art. 53.1 CE. En su lugar, el artículo propone un concepto más restringido de «derecho fundamental». So...
Extacto de unas páginas del capítulo que escribí para el libro editado por Pilar Bonet y María José González: Cosmología Esotérica. Arte, ciencia, espiritualidad y utopía de mujeres visionarias, en el que publico los resultados de mi investigación sobre algunos aspectos creativos de la bailarina Ana de España (a.k.a Ana de Pombo). En el capítulo ha...
Generating cover photos from story text is a non trivial challenge to solve. Existing approaches focus on generating only images from given text prompt. To the best of our knowledge, non of these approaches focus on generating cover photos from a text story. The paper addresses this issue by introducing multi-object image generation with text title...
A common factor among white people is the denial that they are racialized subjects, so that they use white fragility and innocence as strategies to protect and enjoy privilege and racial superiority. By the other hand, decolonial art is made up of a set of works that aim to separate the artistic production of non-Europeans and non-whites from a sup...
The merchant and art agent Philipp Hainhofer (1578–1647) is best known for his extraordinary art cabinets. Collaborating closely with neighbouring Augsburg artisans, Hainhofer worked to compile, collate, and market these visually and materially astounding collections to a range of elite patrons. His first commission, the Pomeranian Cabinet, was for...
High-Utility Itemset Mining (HUIM) has recently emerged as an important data mining technique that focuses on discovering those itemsets that offer high utility. Nonetheless, this is limited in applicability with real-world settings where utility values change dynamically over time, as the vast majority of existing methods either assume static valu...
Facebook: @RevistaLaCiencia X: @rev_La_Ciencia Instagram: @revista_laciencia Tik Tok: @Revista.La.Ciencia ILUSTRACIÓN EN PORTADA: ITZLEL VELAZCO (INVIERNO AZABACHE) EDITORIAL ARTE + CIENCIA El arte y la ciencia son obras del ingenio humano. Aunque podría decirse que, mientras el primero es la expresión del alma, la segunda es el pensamiento lógico...
Il quaderno verte su Pierantonio Palmerini e Giacomo di Marco da Firenze, pittori in società tra Pesaro, Urbino e Dubrovnik nel primo quarto del Cinquecento. Di Giacomo di Marco finora non si conosceva nessuna opera eseguita da solo o nella quale la sua mano potesse risultare predominante rispetto a quella del collega, ma una “Madonna col Bambino”...
The article aims to determine the impact of a psychologically grounded interactive educational space on the professional self-realization of future art professionals. The study used the methodology “type and level of professional self-realization,” methodology for studying satisfaction, test for studying the motivation of professional activity, and...
Investigation of potential biological mechanisms involved in the relationship between overweight-obesity and childhood asthma
Investigation of the Potential Beneficial Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Allergic Diseases in Childhood.
El presenté articulo tiene como objetivo principal implementar las artes plásticas como estrategia didáctica para fortalecer la dimensión estética en el preescolar en la Institución Educativa El Nacional de Sahagún Córdoba. Esta investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo y es investigación acción, lo cual se desarrolló en una población conformada p...
Ciencia y Arte. Exploraciones Transdisciplinares 3 | Justicia en su tinta. Relaciones transdisciplinares serie EXPLORACIONES TRANSDISCIPLINARES ___________________________ colección CienciArte JUSTICIA EN SU TINTA. Relaciones transdisciplinares
Artykuł omawia metodę oczyszczania warstwy malarskiej i usuwania nawarstwień za pomocą środków wodnych według systemu Modular Cleaning Program. W pierwszej części przedstawiono podstawowe zagadnienia teoretyczne, sposób pracy z programem i jego możliwe zastosowania. Druga część opisuje dotychczasową praktykę stosowania MCP na Wydziale Konserwacji i...
Este artículo se concentra en los proyectos de la Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes de Argentina (ANBA) orientados a la promoción del pasado artístico del período colonial y la relación con las políticas oficiales desarrolladas desde mediados de la década de 1930 en torno al patrimonio, el turismo y la modernización vial. La colección Documentos de...
Una visió del consum i la cultura del cànnabis al Marroc entre els anys 1860 i 1909 a partir de testimonis gràfics de pintors dels Països Catalans (Catalunya, País Valencià i Illes Balears) que reflecteixen la tradició del seu ús a la societat magribina. Les obres d'aquests artistes, que van viatjar al i van plasmar les visions personals, es van co...
Aquest article pretén problematitzar les connexions del món de l’art i del disseny contemporani amb la pervivència d’una lògica cultural etnocentrista encarnada a partir del quefer creatiu d’Elizabeth Montero, artista afrodominicana coneguda com La Flor del Tamarindo. La seva producció és un punt d’inflexió afrofeminista, decolonial i anticolonial....
Inspired by the meaning and composition of Diego Velazquez’s Las Meninas and Michel Foucault’s The Order of Things, Literacy in Waiting is a deeply personal multi-media painting about my children, how they acquire and interpret information, who or what is influencing their understanding, and the tension experienced in the process.
L’article dona a conèixer una obra inèdita sortida en el mercat de l’art per ara tot desconeguda: un àlbum postromàntic realitzat i compilat entre el 1879 i el 1895, propietat de Ramon Romaní i Puigdengolas (1846-1898) destacat empresari català, innovador de la indústria paperera i líder de la industrialització a Catalunya de la segona meitat del s...
A Educação Ambiental (EA), substancia-se como direto constitucional, tendo sua previsão no Art. 225 da nossa Lei Maior. É visível a preocupação dos legisladores em criar normas Federais, Estaduais e Municipais que, de fato, promovam a EA, em especial a EA Formal. É unânime o entendimento entre os doutrinadores, legisladores e administradores públic...
تعد الحماسة الشجرية من مصادر الشعر العربي المهمة على مدار اربعة عصور هي (الجاهلي ، والاسلامي ، والاموي ، وجزء كبير من العصر العباسي) انتقى فيها ابن الشجري الكثير من النصوص المتنوعة الأغراض والتي حذا فيها حذو ابي تمام والبحتري ولم يختلف عن منهجيهما كثيراً، حيث بغ عدد شعرائها ثلاثمائة وخمس وستين شاعراً عدا المجهولين الذين لم يسمهم ، وبلغت مقطوعاتها ت...
Estudi sobre la presència del Grup Ton-fan a Barcelona a partir de l’exposició al palau de la Virreina l’any 1958. El grup Ton-Fan està considerat el primer grup d’art abstracte xinès procedent de Taipei i, per tant, dissident de les polítiques del govern de Tchang Kaï-Chek. Aprofundeix en la presència a Barcelona de l’artista Hsiao Chin membre del...
Society censors, rather than confronts, stories of rape and harassment. The artist’s work unveils the consequences of sexual assault trauma by engaging viewers with the emotional affect. Incorporating influences from Affect Theory, Relational Aesthetics, and Trauma therapy,the artist’s project proposal for TBA, “Your Comfort, My Silence,” examines...
En este artículo, se explora el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Armonía en el ámbito de la enseñanza profesional de la música en Cuenca, Ecuador. Se examinan los procesos formativos de esta disciplina, resaltando la importancia de fomentar una metodología más dinámica y de mayor interrelación con otras disciplinas teórico-prácticas en este n...
Teaching reading is one of the noblest activities that the teacher has developed, the same one that over the years has managed to awaken curiosity, but also a lack of interest, especially in school-children. The daily debate and the continuous search for answers to the questions raised by teachers in relation to how to improve and energize the teac...
Introducción: El Festival de las Artes tiene unos principios fundamentales claramente establecidos, pero ha sido sumamente inestable en su organización. Objetivo: Se analiza el proceso de institucionalización de este festival desde cuatro ámbitos: funcionamiento, programación, tendencias artísticas y presupuestos. Métodos: Se emplean normativas, re...
Menghadirkan gambaran kehidupan nyata, film berdampak mempengaruhi relasi sosial dan gaya hidup masyarakat Indonesia; termasuk di dalamnya, juga memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman budaya selaras zamannya. Berlatar belakang narasi kultural Jawa pada awal abad ke-20 yang mengangkat tentang Pesugihan Kandang Bubrah, Garin Nugroho membuat film “Setan...
Popular post-training pruning methods such as Wanda and RIA are known for their simple, yet effective, designs that have shown exceptional empirical performance. Wanda optimizes performance through calibrated activations during pruning, while RIA emphasizes the relative, rather than absolute, importance of weight elements. Despite their practical s...
Is it possible for art to promote cultural changes through it collaborative methods of practice that encourage participation, dialogue, reflection and learning?
#arts-basedresearch #socialpracticeart
El trabajo estudia y contextualiza el interés que el tema jacobeo suscita en el público británico, relacionándolo en dos fenómenos como son el Gothic Revival (que conducirá al vaciado del Pórtico de la Gloria destinado al nuevo museo de Artes Decorativas en Kensington) y el Revival religioso (no solo católico, aunque este cobre especial relevancia...
Attosecond spectroscopy of materials has provided invaluable insight into light-driven coherent electron dynamics. However, attosecond spectroscopies have so far been focused on weakly-correlated materials. As a result, the behavior of strongly-correlated systems is largely unknown at sub- to few-femtosecond timescales, even though it is typically...
Este estudio examina las percepciones de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Educación de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi sobre el proceso de vinculación social de la universidad durante el período abril-agosto del año 2023. El problema observado es que, durante el período analizado, se han constatado ciertas actitudes d...
The meeting of cinema with creativity includes
being together, creating a special perception of the
world, self and others. This meeting allowed writers
and novelists a wide imagination, through which
they could imagine an entire world in the shadow of
imagination. The relationship that arose, and a new
art was born, which is cinema and science fic...
Der Beitrag greift den linguistisch-kognitionswissenschaftlichen Ansatz der Frame‑, Konzept- und Netzwerksemantik auf und verbindet ihn mit einer genuin literaturwissenschaftlichen Perspektive. Ausgehend vom Wort- und Begriffsfeld ›Rat‹ werden handlungspragmatische und diskursive Formationen im Rahmen spezifischer gattungs- und wiss...