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Armed Conflict - Science topic
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Questions related to Armed Conflict
-state security and human survivability represent distinct priorities in international and regional conflicts;
-Achieving a sustainable balance between these objectives remains a central challenge for policymakers, practitioners, and advocates working to mitigate the human costs of armed conflict.
-promote inclusive, rights-based approaches to security and development.
To WW3 or Not To WW3, That is The Question!... to Ask Scholars, in light of the devastating Wars currently shaking the World and threatening its Security. What Work of Pedagogy, Explanation, Teaching, and Analysis the Scholars of the World must undertake, to generate Peaceful Narratives likely to promote the Defusing of Current or Potential Conflicts in all Areas under tension. Twelve Paramount Red Spots have been inventoried [1]: (i) Europe vs. Russia (C1); (ii ) China vs. Taiwan (C2); (iii) South Korea vs. North Korea (C3); (iv) Pakistan vs. India (C4); (v) Japan vs. China (C5); (vi) Japan vs. North Korea (C6); (vii) Greece vs. Turkey (C7); (viii) Israel vs. Middle East (C8); (ix) U.S. vs. China (C9); (x) U.S. vs. Russia (C10); (xi) U.S. vs. Russia Allies in Latin America (Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela) (C11); (xii) U.S. vs. Iran (C12). What are the Historical Facts that support these Conflicts? The Ins and Outs that drive them? the Global Security Issues they Involve? Possible and Impossible Solutions to Imagine? What Conciliation Steps should be put in place to Avoid Possible Escalations and Encourage Their Defusing? This Discussion, intended to be Academic, aims to Stimulate Reflections, Analyses, and Opinions, to constitute a Platform for Exchange between Scholars likely to bring about Prospects for Peace in the World.
[1] Ruiz Estrada & Mario Arturo, 2022 "Welcome to the World War 3 (WWIII), Available at SSRN
Illustration from: Explore Ww3. DeviantArt Galery on:
Looking for thoughts:
(i) How to verify Methodology of GHG Emission for Armed Conflict, considering no clear methodology identified by UNFCC, nor academia use consistent factors as baseline for calculation?
(ii) Why some studies consider emission for destruction of concrete building in addition to reconstruction, while other only consider rebuilding? Is it the significant amount of concrete and release of of CO2 due destruction?
Hello friends I hope you all are doing well,
Dear Seniors, I am a PhD aspirant in Civil Wars Studies and new to this area.
I request experienced scholars in the field to please suggest me some good books/articles readings for understanding the basics in the area.
Any suggestion about good articles/books on the Research Methods in Civil Wars studies would also be welcomed.
I am looking on literature analysing how Islamic State recruited civilian experts as computer technician, experts in managing public goods, doctors, nurses... from Western countries. Is there anything in the literature? I am not looking on fighters' recruiting but on civilian experts in order to improve rebel governance expertise.
Can anyone help me by suggesting an appropriate extremely simple statistical method for evaluating a natural experiment. I want to analysis the effects of global warming on violent armed conflicts by using disasters as a natural experiment. I am using events data base both for disasters (EM-DAT, The international disasters database) and conflicts (Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) data base) . I am looking forward to answering the research question " Do natural disasters increase violent armed conflicts?
Has the present/existing law of international armed conflict been really effective in mitigating the sufferings caused by war?
Preprint Tensions Involving RPC
At present, the following disputes are attracting the attention of the media and analysts of international political conjuncture:
1 - The reintegration into the territory of the PRC or definitive independence of Taiwan, which Beijing calls the "rebel province of Taiwan";
2- Increased political tension involving Japan and PRC; and
3 - Economic disputes within the framework of the World Trade Organization, involving the USA and PRC.
4 - In addition to the above, it is noted that, at the present time, there are also no news of relevant tensions involving the PRC and the nations that in Asia hold nuclear artefacts, namely Russia, India, Pakistan and North Korea.
Chinese diplomacy is extremely skilful and calculating. Once the historical, geographical, social, political and economic aspects of the PRC are addressed, the time has come to know and analise the national interests of the PRC.
I am writing about my father's ordeals during WW2. He was captured in Serbia and was held for 3.5 years in German Stalags for POWs in Germany and France. I am especially interested in Stalag 12F (Forbach), 12E (Metz), 12D (Trier), 12A (Diez, near Limburg)and Saarburg - hospital for POWs from France, Serbia and Italy. Also will help me - anything on Serbian soldiers POWs.
Many thanks!!
I've seen some literature on FDIs before or after civil wars, but I'm curious as to whether anyone is aware of circumstances in which investors came in prior to the outbreak of a civil war and stayed for the duration of the war. If so, what type (sector) of investors were they?
Seeing what is happening right now in Colombia, about demobilised FARC members being killed after they handed over their weapons, is there any other case in the world where this happened? Former combatants being killed or threatened after they disarmed?
I have a search for the protection of children from recruitment.
Thomas Weldon, Oxford philosopher and aide to Air Chief Marshall Sir Arthur 'Bomber' Harris belived that the only way to end war was for it to be as evil and nasty as possible. A war fought by rules would simply perpetuate war. Did he have a point?
So therefore, it is not a question of ethics at all! War is not the opposite of peace, nor is it a corollary of it! War is a complete breakdown in civilization, so it shouldn't have "ethics" thrust upon it. Because that way lies danger; that way, war becomes acceptable! The means of death and destruction are immaterial, war was always war, the only difference today is the scale of it! So, when this war is finally over, the world should accept that there is no limit; there are no "Hague Rules of Combat" anymore! The worse war is, the more savage it becomes! When people understand this, and stop trying to limit it, then perhaps, we shall achieve lasting peace!
Thomas Dewar Weldon: Fellow in Philosophy Magdalen College Oxford
I am trying to investigate the potential problems of the UK embedding troops in foreign forces, especially US forces, in areas where the UK has not declared itself at war - such as Syria before the parliamentary vote or within US troops in Camp Lemonnier. Does anyone know any experts or work done on this?
In general, my thesis examines the social context of media production in the Western political system, with particular emphasis on British war journalists’ experience of reporting from particular geographical area (The Middle East), and their exposure to different factors of influence in the newsgathering process.
The central question is; what is the most factor that influence British wartime reporters while reporting high-intensive conflict like Syria when there are no troops on the ground?. Building on this question i will apply the "hierarchy of influence' model which was developed by Shoemaker and Reese . The sub questions will be as follow:
a. What drive war journalists to adopt self-judgments strategy in covering high-intensive conflict like Syria?
b. what are the implications of the military media doctrine set up by the UK armed forces on wartime journalism’s performance ?
c. How did war journalists negotiate their autonomous roles with their organisation to enhance their status as professionals?
d. Do different types of violence have an influence in media outlets response?
e. Do war journalists understand the diversification in culture, religions, ideology, and ethnicity in the Middle East?
Are there any negative impacts that armed conflicts have on biodiversity? Is there any article on the same?
Kind regards
I am preparing my prospectus for my PhD dissertation on attitudes of Army personnel and their help-seeking behavior. I want to know if there is correlation between attitudes, stigma, religious coping and the willingness of soldiers to seek mental health. I am interested in finding correlation between 3 instruments taken by the same population and sample. The instruments are the Military Suicide Questionnaire, Military Stigma Scale, & the Brief RCOPE. The Military Suicide Questionnaire uses a 5 point likert scale and the Military Stigma Scale & the Brief RCOPE use a 4 point likert scale. Is it possible to find correlation between these instruments and if so what statistic, formula, or package would I use?
I am currently researching for a university project which could potentially turn into my dissertation, the title of the essay is:
Horsepower: Impact of motorised transport on military logistics
You are required to produce an essay that identifies and evaluates the employment of motorised transport in support of military logistics. You can draw examples from any military campaign or war between 1861 AD and 2014 AD.
Motorised transport is defined as any means of transport that propelled by an engine.
For this i am specifically looking into the withdrawal of the military from Afghanistan and how the use of the the Internal combustion engine has effected this, (this includes the use of rail, road, air and maritime logistics).
Any information would be much appreciated,
Many Thanks
The democratic peace theory is now very popular. It postulates that democracies do not engage themselves into armed conflict with others democracies. I am wondering if this can be considerer as a serious path toward the universal peace or it is an artificial trend among western nations.
Can Protracted social conflict theory by Edward Azar be applied to explain domestic armed violence in Latin America (such as Brazil)?
I am aware of the paper in "New Armies from Old", and ISS's "Ourselves Alone" and "Evolutions and Revolutions". I'm looking for people with access to primary-source data.
I am interested in an interventional study of psychological resilience assessment and improvement among internally displaced persons following armed insurgency. I will appreciate your assistance with regards to assessment tools and best interventional strategies.
I am familiar with COW and ACD, and recently I also had a look at Banks' Cross-National Time-Series Data Archive. The latter seemed promising but is not exactly what I am looking for.
What I am looking for is a database which codes wars according to the way they are fought, e.g. 0 for mostly conventional, 1 for unconventional/ assymetric/ guerilla however you want to call it. Banks seems to list the number of ambushes etc. staged per year. That is nice, but it does not tell me whether the war itself was predominantly fought with guerilla or conventional tactics.
If anyone knows of such a dataset I would be very grateful if you could tell me! If you think, as I do by now, that this does not exist, please write me, too!
Much oliged!
My case study is the U.S and I'll be assessing how conflict scenarios can have an impact on economic indicators and the extent to which economic performance is affected (whether adversely or positively). I was just wondering whether running a regression model using Military expenditure as the independent variable and GDP growth as the dependent variable would lead to viable results.
It's either that or I may opt for a panel data analysis. I just wanted some opinions on the methodology that I've opted to use here and it's viability.
Notes: I'm using the U.S as my primary source of investigation and I'd be looking mostly at the Iraq war as my primary source of conflict. If I were to opt for a panel data analysis, I'd look at the entire world and relate it back to varying conflicts in those geographical locations. Attached is a general consensus of my research work (which isn't necessary to read ).
Thanks in advance for all your opinions.
Apart from the case in this contribution (Central African Republic) I am not aware of in-depth studies on repercussions of rebellion on those political parties that are not linked to a rebellion. I am wondering who is actually working on representation questions during/after armed conflicts.
Colombia is a country in a context of peace building after 50th years of armed conflicts in rural areas. This conflict context has allowed in certain way, an ecosystem conservation processes, but the peace conversation process could lead to take advantage of new territories por promoting rural development-
A senior Palestinian official who served as an adviser to Yassir Arafat said that at the same time that King Hussein embarked on peace talks with Israel (the peace agreement with Jordan was signed in 1994) he collaborated with Hamas in order to undermine the Oslo Accords. Hussein did not like the Israeli-Palestinian peace process that was done without his involvement nor blessing. It is well-known fact that Hussein hosted the leader of Hamas, Khaled Mashal in Aman. The Palestinian official said that the Mukhabarat (Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate) provided Hamas with important intelligence and actively assisted Hamas in carrying its murderous suicide mission that rocked Israel during the 1990s.
Former Deputy Head of the Israeli SHABAC Yisrael Hasson said that he is not familiar with direct Jordanian aid to Hamas in its terrorist operations in Israel but Hamas was a welcome guest in Jordan, it had offices in Amman and directed its operations from the Jordanian capital. All this was done with the King’s consent.
Now, this is a fascinating staff. The Palestinian official has, of course, an interest in highlighting the terrorist connections between Hamas and Jordan. But if this is true, and Hussein did assist Hamas in its suicide missions that undermined Oslo and derailed the peace process, bringing the end of the Labour Party government, then it shows Hussein in a very different light; certainly not the peace-loving gentleman.
If this is true, it also shows that SHABAC was not informed to the extent that it should have about the terrorist connections between Hamas and the Mukhabarat. I should say that the Mukhabarat is a very respected and well-appreciated intelligence agency. It is highly regarded by many intelligence agencies in the world as very capable agency.
Further information is welcome and appreciated.
States and other past parties to armed conflict have placed more and more sincere value over the last two hundred years on sparing and safeguarding immovable and movable cultural property than might be assumed.
Dear All,
I am researching on the role of the Nigerian railways in the Nigerian Civil War. I am looking for materials on how the Nigerian forces and the Biafran armies appropriated the railways to achieve or sabotage the war.
I am particularly interested in texts that describe how the railways were used in transporting troops and materials; what and what were transported on the railways and how the government controlled the system during the war. I am also interested in text that describes or suggests killings of Igbo and other Nigerian groups in transit, as well as how the Biafran forces used the system to scuttle the Nigerian forces or achieve their mission.
I also welcome suggestions on texts with further insights on the role of railways/ transport and logistic in warfare on comparative level.
I Thank you in anticipation of your response,
I would like to write about recruitment of child soldiers, but can´t find any framework which I could apply on some region. I need some categorization with good criteria, so it will be not difficult to apply on for example middle east.
Hello. I'm trying to gain an overview of different efforts to reduce political violence and gang violence in South African cities after 1994, both at the local and national level and in between. I’m particularly interested in measures and programmes against violence in the Johannesburg- and Durban areas. Could you recommend me a few good sources? Thank you.
Currently doing field research on the impact of armed conflict on women in conflict-affected areas in the Sudan, we are proposing a literature review as part of the introductory chapters of the research, seeking assistance on the most recent theoretical work done on this area.
This summer I will travel to Uganda and work on a participatory action research project with Gulu University and a group of formerly abducted young women. Although the impact of war on children is almost always severe there is research that indicates that positive adaptation can follow exposure to armed conflict. Often this growth is indicated as a result of a lack of PTSD symptoms. I am looking for a validated instrument to measure posttraumatic resilience.
I’m currently looking for a way to rank the success of different conflict resolution and/ or peacebuilding initiatives throughout the world. Do you know of any data project with such indicators or methodological literature, which would help me discerning the most relevant criteria for determining various levels of success?
I look this as a very rapid and immediate need and I have proved that during the implementation of ENReP project. But politicians are not happy about this.
For example, in Libya, fighting on the ground was done by local allies, while intervening states participated in the conflict via relatively safe air support operations and by providing weapons to the local allies. Why this is happening?
My work with Atin Basu and Bill Shughart, Predicting State Failure: A Classification Tree Approach, predicts something like this for a civilian-led, not-too-poor, weakly democratic regime like Egypt.