Science topics: Argentina
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Argentina - Science topic

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Questions related to Argentina
  • asked a question related to Argentina
6 answers
Are you familiar with the lessons learnt from the coming and going of BREXIT/Brexism and USEXIT/Trumpism in 2016-2024?
Here is a simple academic way of looking at the NEW LIBERAL DEMOCRACY LANDSCAPE where you have normal democratic outcomes competing for power against extreme democratic outcomes….
Muñoz, 2024. Rethinking democracy 102: What are the 3 fundamental lessons learned from facing exism movements and dictatorship threats 2016-2024?. In: CEBEM-REDESMA Boletin, Año 18, Nº 11, La Paz, Bolivia.
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Carolina, gracias por escribir
Es una buena idea leer los artículos antes de comentar para poder compartir las ideas de manera efectiva.
Su comentario es coherente con las recomendaciones dadas después de compartir las ideas en el artículo utilizando el marco P-A-ETK-IRL, puede encontrarlas al final del artículo REPENSANDO LA DEMOCRACIA 102 compartido anteriormente pero que usted no menciona.
Para comprender completamente qué ha cambiado en la estructura del panorama de la democracia liberal desde 2016, debemos pensar en tres conceptos: polarización/caos, polarización/caos dirigida y polarización/caos dirigida efectiva. La ultima forma cambia el panorama ya que esta es mas que solo polarización or emoción.
Aquí comparto las cuatro publicaciones, que están vinculadas por la misma teoría y pensamiento, una apoya a las otras. Y otras publicaciones estan por salir.
Rethinking Democracy 101: How can a general present-absent effective targeted chaos and independent rule of law quadrant-based framework be built to capture the necessary and sufficient conditions for democratic and non-democratic models to come to exist and persist in power once in power?
Rethinking democracy 102: What are the 3 fundamental lessons learned from facing exism movements and dictatorship threats 2016-2024?
Rethinking democracy 103: How can the present-absent effective targeted chaos and independent rule of law framework be used to point out key aspects related to the theoretical nature of democratic and non-democratic systems, their interactions, and implications.
ethinking democracy 104: How can the present-absent effective targeted chaos and independent rule of law quadrant-based framework be used to show how the democratic landscape has changed since 2016 Brexit and 2016 Trumpism?
  • asked a question related to Argentina
4 answers
Muñoz, Lucio, 2000.   Unprotected Areas, Protected Areas, and Sustainability Under Green Development Policies: Which are the Expected Impacts?, In: THEOMAI, No. 2, Argentina
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Valerij, thank you for taking the time to comment.
The article provides a systematic take of the issues using sustainability thinking and tools from outside the box.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
1 answer
I have been working to support science and our scientific system here in Argentina, which is currently facing an institutional crisis. To contribute, I have created a playlist of science communication videos on my YouTube channel, which I use for teaching purposes. However, science communication is not my area of expertise, and I’d love to improve.
I would appreciate any advice, tools, or experiences you could share to help me:
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Reach a broader audience
  • Create more engaging and impactful content
Thank you in advance for your suggestions
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My advice is to link your message to real-life scenarios and ask questions to keep audiences engaged through their active listening, these are what i utilized in advance.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
Exism movements since BREXIT 2016 have been described as driven by emotions leading to the idea of Emocracy/Emocracies, but as the social discontent that is usually displayed after exism movements a kind of unexpectedly come to power as traditional democratic thinking is inconsistent with their coming shows is the true majority reaction/true emotions to the realization that the unexpected by the true majority actually has happened. So there are true majority emotions and true minority emotions and targeted chaos is directed at both with different goals, one to reduce the size of the true majority voting power by any means and the other to keep the true minority engaged and overdrive by any means...,Hence, we have the idea of democracy driven by emotions and the other idea of democracy driven by targeted chaos,....And this leads to the question, Why is effective targeted chaos more than emocracy?
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Some may be interested in the food for thoughts found in this article, related to the question:
Rethinking democracy 103: How can the present-absent effective targeted chaos and independent rule of law framework be used to point out key aspects related to the theoretical nature of democratic and non-democratic systems, their interactions, and implications.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
1 answer
You see some democratic countries since 2016 Brexit failing to deal proactively to avoid or reactively to neutralize internal democracy threats like local exism movement or deal with external democracy threats like permanent authoritarianism and temporary authoritarianism or the cooperation of authoritarianisn. In 2016 perhaps Brexit came as a surprise because of knowledge gaps in democratic theory, but maybe 2016 Trumpism should not have been a surprise as THE SAME PLAYBOOK was at play, and this should have been a wake up call to traditional democracy theory based thinkers to adapt liberal democracy thinking to absorve to the coming new liberal democracy landscape where normal democratic outcomes are competing for power, no longer against other normal democratic outcomes as before 2016, but AGAINST EXTREME DEMOCRATIC OUTCOMES.
It seems in the UK, in the USA, in Europe as a whole, they have been treating extreme democratic outcomes as either normal democratic outcomes or abnormal outcomes without probably realizing that if certain conditions are met, extreme democratic outcomes can become long term temporary authoritarianism periods, and if some other especific conditions are met, democracy will end and extreme democratic outcomes will become permanent authoritarianism. The liberal democracy landscape changed in clear ways in 2016 yet democratic countries keep running the system the same way as they did in the past giving space to exism movements not just to materialize by to gain power. And this raises the question, relevant to all democracies and democratic thinkers: The rise of effective target chaos in 2016 and the failure for democracies to adapt and deal with it, how are they link to exism movements?
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Some may be interested in the food for thoughts found in this article, related to the question:
Rethinking democracy 103: How can the present-absent effective targeted chaos and independent rule of law framework be used to point out key aspects related to the theoretical nature of democratic and non-democratic systems, their interactions, and implications.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
4 answers
You have seem exism movements to come and go now(Brexit/UKEXIT, Trumpism/USEXIT, and Brazilianism/Brazilexit) from 2016, all of them have been the result of targeted chaos being effective and then being ineffective. And this raises the question then, Why is effective targeted chaos the biggest threat to existence of liberal democracies?.
What do you think?
The answer is short if you are familiar with what exism movements are and what effective targeted chaos is and that they are operating under an independent rule of law system as this is happening inside liberal democracies.
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Ghalib, good day. Thank you for taking the time to write. If you take the time to read the article shared above you can support your comments with academic facts, the most important part of this question is WHY?; and you can use that framework to articulate the why.
I appreciate the time taken to comment;
  • asked a question related to Argentina
1 answer
It seems to be back to square one with Brexism, Brazilianism, and Trumpism....They came and they fell in ways away from how traditional democracy theory and thinking works....I wrote since 2016 how extreme democratic outcomes can come out, how they will behave once in power and how they could persist or fall, how important effective targeted chaos is and how important the independent law system and morality is together with predictions/expectations given whether or no targeted chaos is effective or not within an independent rule of law system and majority rule.... If what happened to Brexit July 2024 is consistent with what happens in the USA in November 2024, then the outside the box theory may have several validating points. And this raises the question: Does the fall of BREXISM, Brazilianism and Trumpism mean we know when they come and when they fall in theory and in practice?
What do you think?
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You may find the following article interesting
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
Any ideas?
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You may find the following article interesting
  • asked a question related to Argentina
11 answers
The construction of the Brazilian and Argentine Education system in the 19th century. I need to know why Brazil emphasized Higher Education, and Argentina emphasized Basic Education?
What were the pedagogical influences in both countries?
Thanks for your help.
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Homero Silva In my view, It may be due to cultural, demographic, geographic, political, etc. differences between these two countries.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
Hello everyone! I study various ecological aspects of the mosquito species Aedes aegypti in Argentina. One of them is longevity in adult stage. I have a question about the methodology used in some articles about the time allocated to feeding blood to female mosquitoes. Why do some researchers blood feed females daily or once a week or every 15 days? This question is because I read several articles that also study longevity, but the allotted time feeding blood to females is varied. I don't know what determines the timing of feeding females for longevity in the study. Can someone help me with this?
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For determining the feeding schedule:
1. Natural feeding patterns: Female mosquitoes typically require blood meals for the development of their eggs. The timing and frequency of blood feeding in the natural environment can vary depending on factors such as mosquito species, availability of hosts, and environmental conditions. Researchers may aim to mimic or approximate the natural feeding patterns of mosquitoes to ensure that the experimental conditions align with their natural behavior.
2. Reproductive cycle: The timing and frequency of blood feeding can be influenced by the reproductive cycle of female mosquitoes. After mating, female mosquitoes require blood meals for egg development. Researchers may design feeding schedules based on the known or expected reproductive cycle of the mosquito species under study.
3. Experimental objectives: The specific research objectives and design of the study can also influence the feeding schedule. For example, if the study aims to investigate the impact of prolonged fasting on mosquito longevity, researchers may choose to feed the mosquitoes less frequently, such as once a week or every 15 days, to induce extended periods of fasting. This allows them to assess the effects of nutrient deprivation on mosquito survival and longevity.
4. Resource constraints: Practical considerations, such as the availability of blood sources or logistical constraints, can also impact the feeding schedule. Researchers may need to adapt their feeding protocols based on the resources and facilities available to them.
Hope it helps:credit AI
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
Hello researchgate community!
My name is Giselle Ailin Chichizola, I am from Argentina (South America) and I have a PhD in biology, currently with a postdoctoral scholarship. I am doing a PCA with different seed germination parameters (% germination, mean and onset of germination time) of natine species from two types of environments in Patagonia, Argentina to study their dormancy mechanisms.
I am using R package "factoextra", and I would like to know what happens with the missing values (NA) in the response variables, what does the program do internally to be able to do the PCA, does it average them, disregard them, put some value to them?
If someone could help me to understand what the program does, I would be pleased to receive your answer. It would be very useful for the revision of a paper.
Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to your reply.
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  • A question on Cross Validated that asks about imputation of missing values for PCA in R. The question provides an example of using the prcomp() function with na.action = na.omit, but notes that this method drops the rows with NA values. The question also considers replacing NA values with the median or a value close to zero, but is not sure about the impact on the PCA analysis. The question receives five answers that suggest different methods of dealing with missing values, such as using a soil correction factor, decomposing a covariance matrix, or using the missMDA or pcaMethods packages1.
  • A question on Stack Overflow that asks about PCA analysis using FactoMineR and factoextra packages. The question provides a code snippet that uses the PCA() function from FactoMineR and the fviz_*() functions from factoextra to perform and visualize a PCA. The question also mentions that the ggarrange() function does not work and gives an error. The question receives one answer that suggests that the error is due to the identifier variable being of type character, and advises to remove it from the PCA() function2.
  • A website that describes the factoextra package and its features. The website explains that the factoextra package can handle the results of PCA, CA, MCA, MFA, FAMD and HMFA from several packages, and provides functions for extracting and visualizing the most important information contained in the data. The website also provides examples and tutorials on how to use the factoextra package for different types of analyses
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
This is a methodological discussion on Lithium, which I pose in form of three open questions: 1) Who to trust when it comes to lithium reserves? Usually It is assumed that there are still no International certification processes but rather evaluations by some National Geological Agencies. Considering that we could be talking about a real sensitive issue, is it possible to imagine other reliable sources? 2) How to determine, rigorously, the commercial value of lithium and its evolution over time? Some apps and/or specialized webs calculate the price of lithium carbonate, even in a clic, although it is difficult to determine where there is exactly negotiated. Are there reliable alternatives? 3) How to calculate, prospectively, the strategic value of lithium? I'm afraid that some forward-looking calculations are excessively linear. Considering the uncertain environment,, is itn't possible to think in a some kind of a correction factor? I have some ideas but I would like to hear your qualified voices Thank you very much
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Thank you, Ali but that exactly do you mean?
In fact that is precisely the problem I raise with my questions. Searching for "Lithium Resource in the world" seems referring me to Google? Mmmm
Anyway, I google and the system answers me: "According to the U.S. Geological Survey, there are 98 million metric tons of Lithium resources across the globe with the largest portion of these resources (53%) located in three South American countries" etc. Mmmmm
If I filter answers in search of more consistent results there is an inflation of primary and secondary data intertwined, where it's also complicated to distinguish between national and commercial interests
Related to the Lithium value, even pulling the financial thread it is not easy to determine its real market value and how it has evolved over time. Google, in this case, highlights a specialized website that don't provide any real source
Actually, this is a typical commodities problem, I know, but I wonder if there are some reliable estimation models that have already been proposed/constructed
Thank you again
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
We are a group of researchers from the Federal University of Sergipe (Brazil), Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina), Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina) and Queen’s University (Canada) and we are are conducting research to assess whether robots can be commanded to perform tasks through gestures in an easy and intuitive way and we would like to ask for your help.
Please, answer the electronic questionnaire that can be accessed here:
The estimated time to answer all questions is just over 10 minutes.
It would also help us even more if you share this message with your entire network of contacts. To participate, it is not necessary to have any prior knowledge of robotics and your collaboration will assist us in the search for a simpler way for anyone to use robots in their daily lives.
Thanks for your cooperation!
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Eduardo Oliveira Freire Great Human-robot interaction (HRI) via gestures is the use of hand or body movements to communicate with or operate a robot. This sort of connection is especially beneficial when verbal communication is not feasible or convenient, such as when the robot is operating in a loud area or the user is unable to talk.
Gestures may be utilized in various different ways in HRI. A robot, for example, may be trained to identify and respond to certain hand or body signals performed by a human operator. Alternatively, the robot might be outfitted with sensors that allow it to detect and respond to the motions of a user's hands or body.
Gesture-based HRI has a wide range of applications, including industry, healthcare, and entertainment. For example, a robot may be used to help a surgeon during a surgical procedure, with the surgeon controlling the robot's motions and activities through hand gestures. Similarly, a robot may be utilized to engage with guests in a theme park, utilizing gestures to begin and carry out various activities.
Overall, the use of gestures in HRI can assist to make human-robot interaction more natural and intuitive, allowing people to connect with robots in a more familiar and comfortable manner.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
Is there any researcher (paleontologist) who is able to recognize this fossil? Found in Argentina on sandstone banks, probable on tertiary sector. Il is 20 to 30 cm long
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it looks very much like Armstrong first footprint on Moon.
Sorry, no other idea
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
I tried to access the registration systems of both countries at Senasa (Argentina) and DAFF (SAfrica) but with no success. I contacted the respective offices through the channels posted and, so far, no return.
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Dra. Wilma du Plooy was very kind and send me a file from where you will be able to find the chemicals registered for use on citros in SouthAfrica. I'm attaching the file, shall be someone be interested. Again, here go my heartfelt thanks to Dr.a duPlooy.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
9 answers
Hi everyone! I hope you are well...
I m working on my master thesis on: imported inflation in Argentina during 2003 and 2019.
Since the country intervene the statistics national institute since 2007, is really difficult to find trustable data for the period 2007 - 2012.
Do you know any data base that would be useful? Im interested specially in the CPI overall evolution and its different categories and whole sale industrial goods.
Thanks a lot!!!
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
I need a human cardiomyocyte cell line to carry out my research project such as AC16, but it is not currently being commercialized (I live in Argentina). If someone was in the same situation and was able to solve it, your recommendations would be of great help to me.
Thanks Julia
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Hello, thanks for yours answers...but when I open those links I get this message:
"Product SCC109 is not currently sold in your country."
I live in Argentina.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
4 answers
I am trying to purchase this item in Argentina and it seemed unavailable.
Is there other antibody working properly for Western blot/immunohistochemistry techniques?
Thanks in advance for any help to get this antibody or substitute!
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Thanks so much Russell! Sadly,
I can see this antibody is not available here...
Best regards!
  • asked a question related to Argentina
10 answers
When will South America (or specifically Argentina) win a science Nobel Prize?
Another year without a Nobel Prize coming to South America
The last time that a South American scientist was awarded with a Nobel Prize was César Milstein, Physiology or Medicine, 1984. Are the richest countries rich because they inverts a lot in science? or they inverts a lot in science because they are rich?
The list is very short: Argentine 3, Brazil 1, Venezuela 1
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The first statement seems more likely to me!
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
“Pensar a largo plazo y actuar de inmediato”
29 al 31 de Marzo de 2021 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Frente a la pandemia, la comunidad de LCA tiene las herramientas y la oportunidad de mostrar los beneficios ambientales y sociales a largo plazo de las nuevas preferencias de la humanidad y así potenciar el posicionamiento de tecnologías más sustentables: aquellas que permiten actuar de inmediato, sin perder de vista el largo plazo. Quizás lo más importante es que estas tecnologías podrían consolidarse y convertirse en moneda corriente una vez finalizada la emergencia, logrando mejoras sustanciales en términos de sustentabilidad.
CILCA 2021 propone un espacio para abordar estos nuevos desafíos con su tradicional enfoque de ciclo de vida, aceptando la participación presencial y virtual en todas sus instancias. De esta manera, esperamos proporcionar una solución adaptable a la pandemia actual de COVID-19 y la diversidad de circunstancias que pueden afectar a las personas y limitar su participación en el formato tradicional.
Llamado a presentación de resúmenes para exposiciones orales y posters: hasta el 31 de agosto de 2020, por la plataforma EasyChair:
Para más información, visita el sitio web de CILCA: o contactanos en
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Muchas gracias estimado Germán Rodolfo Henderson , saludos y éxitos en el evento
  • asked a question related to Argentina
12 answers
We are looking for perfection to contain this novel corona virus and of course that is our priority.
Is perfection possible in every case?
You can see that what is happening around the places!
- Echizen Maru fishing vessel left port in Ushuaia, Southern Argentina, 35 days ago.
- Sailors all tested negative and also had a 14 days quarantine before voyage began.
- When they returned having several sailors fell ill, 57 out of 61 are positive for coronavirus.
- Scientists are baffled because ship had no contact with land while it was gone.
They can’t explain how the symptoms appeared. It is a case that escapes all the descriptions that have been published so far, because that long incubation period has not been described yet!!
Please put your views regarding this news. Thanks in advance.
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Are we absolutely sure that the tests have been done according to the prescribed protocols? What is the test failure rate? The reliability of the tests is certainly not 100%. It is therefore possible that the test carried out on any of the crew members has trivially failed. In fact, whenever possible the test should be repeated after a few days, and in any case a blood test must be done to diagnose with certainty the presence of the virus or its absence. In other words, if the swab test shows positivity to the virus, it is certain that you have been infected with COVID 19 with or without symptoms; vice versa, if the swab test shows negativity to the virus, there is no certainty that we are not carriers of COVID 19. The viruses found in the stool or in the wastewater do not seem capable of infecting anyone, as Anju Kaushal has already explained.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
I am looking for an antibody to show the expression of OVGP1 in porcine oviduct cells in culture. Is there one from Sigma and others form ABCAM. But an antibody is too expensive (at least for us, in Argentina), thus, before buying one, I would like to listen to some experiences from researchers who have already used it
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Hello Maria,
In our lab we currently use a polyclonal made in rabbit by ABCAM (ref. ab118590). Because of being a polyclonal it works in multiple species such as human, rat, and cow (according to the manufacturer's web), but it also recognizes porcine OVGP1. In fact, it was used in this article to recognize recombinant porcine and rabbit OVGP1:
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
Hi everyone,
I am trying to undertake a DEA-Bootstrap model to estimate the technical efficiency of banks in Argentina. I want to compare the efficiency scores obtained with the intermediation and production approach to verify if some firms do better or worse with a certain approach. What would be the correct method of doing it? Test for differences in distributions? Difference test in the means? Estimate functions of non-parametric densities?
Thank you!
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For many years I have been conducting research on the effectiveness of banks' operations using for this purpose the financial security instruments (credit risk management) and cyber security (data transfer risk management in online banking) used in banks. The conclusions of the research I published in scientific publications that are available on the Research Gate portal.
Have a nice day. Regards.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
I would very much like to read the full project, if possible. In Argentina we are trying to develop similar ideas. Is this a compltely novel project, or is it a continuation of other "paving-the-way" endeavors? Do you have published papers with preliminary results?
Eduardo Trumper
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we are still writing the manuscripts. We will upload them once they are ready.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
8 answers
I have been exploring the mean diurnal cycle of different variables of the ERA5 reanalysis in some regions of South America and I always find strange discontinuities or "jumps", as illustrated in the attached pictures. The examples attached are for 15-year region-averaged mean diurnal cycle of 2-meter temperature and precipitation around northeastern Argentina for DJF (hours in UTC in the x-axis and Celsius*10 or mm/day in the y-axis). For temperature you can see an abrupt jump at 10 UTC and other non-smooth transitions at 16 UTC and 22 UTC. For precipitation you can see the same phenomenon at 7 UTC and maybe 20 UTC. I have also found this type of behavior in other regions (even outside of South America) and in other variables such as winds at different levels and wind convergence. The issue in winds is mentioned in the "known issues" of the ERA5 documentation, but nothing about temperature or precipitation. I would not expect this type of behavior in "smooth" variables such as 2 meter temperature and I have never seen something alike in other models or reanalyses.
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This is the answer from Paul Berrisford regarding the discontinuities in 2m temperature (which don't appear in radiation).
The ERA5 data on the CDS disks comes from the analyses unless that parameter is only available from the forecasts. The data assimilation system, which produces the analyses including temperature, uses 12 hour windows from 9 - 21 UTC and 21 - 9 UTC, the following day. The analyses should be smoothly varying during each assimilation window but, potentially, there could be discontinuities on going from one analysis window to the next ie from 9-10 UTC and 21-22 UTC. (This agrees with the discontinuities) As you say, we have already documented such cases for u and v. When these were discovered I did check temperature and it was fine. However, that was only for a couple of locations where we had problems with u and v. Therefore, I can't rule out there being problems with temperature at other locations.
The radiation data comes from the forecasts. There are two forecasts per day and in the CDS, forecast steps 1 to 12 are used from the twice daily forecasts to populate the 24 hours of the diurnal cycle. These forecasts begin at 6 and 18 UTC, so there you might expect discontinuities between 6-7 UTC and 18-19 UTC. Fortunately, you don't appear to suffer discontinuities here.
One possible solution to the temperature discontinuities would be to use the forecast temperature instead of the analysed temperature. This data is in MARS and can be accessed using the CDS API, see:
However, there are disadvantages to using forecast temperatures, namely that the influence of observations is less, only influencing the initial states from which the forecasts are run. For example, the model tends to be biased cold at low levels, so in many regions the forecast temperatures are lower than the analysed ones.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
I understand that in a number of countries, danazol has been restricted due to anti-doping regulations. However, in its use, particularly in the treatment of anemia in MPNs,, are there any restrictions in:
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  • asked a question related to Argentina
1 answer
Estamos trabajando sobre la migración de la especie en el norte de Argentina, especialmente números de aves migrantes hacia el norte
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I wish I had what I was looking for but I had no good luck
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
Often, while thinking about the harsh economic situation in countries like Argentina and Brazil, I would say myself, "OMG, what would they have done without soccer!". This study is a good kickoff -- it should be carried out globally by fellow researchers. And, above all, this is a note of hope for the world.
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It is a common belief that people find sports and especially football as a way to pause their thoughts and problems when they are going through an economic crisis. This was the case in Cyprus as from 2013 !. On the other hand though, this might drive them to misbehavior actions and most of the times you could have increase of disorder incidents and extreme hooliganism actions.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
estoy comparando pájaros carpinteros Melanerpes de Argentina
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Tal vez puedas usar el Análisis Factorial, y más particularmente el Análisis de Correspondencias Múltiples. Acá te dejo info.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
9 answers
In my country there is growing support for policies against neoliberalism. The "free market" is destroying education and science. The support for the formula Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner already has 9600 signatures. The video of the act: To sign, complete the form here: I retransmit what I received from the group Science and Technology Argentina (CyTA =
What do colleagues in other parts of the world think?
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I agree. Determined social goods ought to remain in public hands, at least in my opinion.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
Comparing the recent reforms undertaken in the health sector by the governments of Argentina, on the one hand, and Chile on the other and to evaluate the role played by politics in these choices thru the different implementation of the digital revolution in the last decades.
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Thank you very much for your help. We have tried to get informations from health ministery and their digital branches of both countries about the development of digitization and the impact to it (more tv or mobile phones or pc oriented) and how the sensibilization campaigns about health programs were perceived (including the reactions) from the population but had no reply. In the end it would be enough for us to be able to get data from some dataset so that we can combine them but at the moment nobody from the latin american's establishment seems interested or have time to help us doing a job that could be useful for them too. Will try again to contact the addresses (Chile) and somebody from the National Director office of Health Information Systems in Argentina (got them after long researches) that at the moment did not reply to my mails. If you have any info or more hints that could help us please let me know. Thanks again. You have been very kind to contact me. Have a nice day
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
I'm searching for information (papers, reviews, conference abstracts) about volcanic fumaroles within the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex, at Argentina. I'm looking for ages and composition of the volcanoes showing these fumaroles.
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Dear Don
Thanks for your answer. Yes, there are fumaroles at Ollagüe and San Pedro volcano (targets of our next trip field next month). I didn't know that about Tata Sabaya (on which I work on 2005), as no information was published. I also I'm aware about geothermal manifestations at Sol de Mañana (Bolivia).
I don't know about this in the Argentinian Andes, but it seems that some manifestations are recognized in the Puna (
Thanks again,
  • asked a question related to Argentina
5 answers
Se trata de Argentina: el valor del peso nacional baja: en lo que va de marzo perdió un 6% de su valor, los precios crecen en promedio a un 3/4 % mensual, y los salarios no llegan a subir en promedio un 35% anual, los pensionados se prevé que incrementen sus haberes aún un poco menos que los asalariados. Los exportadores estacionales retienen su oferta de divisas y las carteras privadas están dolarizadas. En este escenario desde hace 6 meses el Banco Central y la Tesorería Nacional suben las tasas de interés internas de letras a menos de una año a un nivel que toca el 70% anual. La tasa de crecimiento del pbi es nula y la cuenta corriente es negativa en un 5 % del pbi. Es esto sostenible? Claro que no! Sin embargo coo el déficit fiscal operativo es nulo el presidente del país cree que todo irá bien y estaos creciendo.
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Muchas gracias por los comentarios, ¡es bueno dialogar!. Pero, quisiera que leas nuevamente el cuadro de desequilibrios y lo que he dicho cuando cité al presidente del país que cree que como el déficit fiscal operativo es nulo asegura que todo irá bien y aprovecha para negar que estamos decreciendo. Hoy publicaron el dato oficial del superávit operativo de 9.0 mil millones de pesos en febrero pero como el déficit financiero que lo incluye es de casi 5.0 mil millones de pesos, significa que los intereses pagados han sido de 14.0 mil millones de pesos. Y la deuda crece a tasas astronómicas. Agrégale que es notorio como la demanda de dinero para transacciones cae y ¡los precios suben aún cuando la base monetaria disminuye! Disminuye la oferta de base con una inflación mayor al 50 %.!!! O sea: estamos en la tasa de inflación que el Nobel R. Mundell define como indicador de hiper inflación: más del 50 % anual, y no es raro que el multiplicador de la base suba!. Agrego lo que ven mis ojos: la gente vuelve a sus hogares después de cobrar sus ingresos mensuales, saldar sus cuotas (algunos muchos no lo hacen ya ) y, con el resto que les queda: comprar provisiones para lo que pueda del mes entero. La velocidad de remarcación de los precios en los negocios que siguen abiertos es total, cierran y cierran muchísimos. Seguimos con que para sostener un valor del dólar que subió más del 120% en un año la tasa de interés del BC está en 70% anual. Esto no es un escenario de convocar a la gente a conversar para ser más competitivos, juntarnos todos y dialogar, es un escenario de pos guerra como en los países europeos después de la llamada 2da Gran guerra en los años 40 y, acá se debe a una redistribución de ingresos y riqueza regresiva en desmedro del mercado interno, en contra de los asalariados y pensionados, más el olvido de la atención a las funciones in delegables del estado en la salud y educación. La generación de pobreza que se ve implica tener no solo el dramático standard actual sino que es crear más población no educada ni sana a futuro por lo cual ya los profesionales de Colombia, Venezuela, africanos: muchos de Nepal, que huyen de sus desangrados países, son incorporados al mercado de trabajo informal que crece mientras el mercado formal va en caída. ¿Se entiende de lo que hablo y advierto?
  • asked a question related to Argentina
10 answers
We are seeking contributors to write on work-life balance in South Africa, Egypt, Tanzania, Indonesia, Argentina, Ecuador, and Columbia.
Please signify your intention by emailing me @
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Sounds fascinating! If you are interested in Kazakhstan, I would be happy to contribute
  • asked a question related to Argentina
30 answers
The meeting of the G20 was held in Argentina, the meeting between the United States and China being the most important at a global level. China being an economy that in recent years has accelerated the gap with the United States. This probable change of world leadership will provoke a series of accommodations in the different countries, as it believes that it will rebound, if this occurs, in the rest of the countries.
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I think that all is not economy, human rights are also very important because of what it serves "be rich" if one cannot be free to enjoy his benefits?
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
I would like to learn about your project. Wold it be possible to read its proposal? Any papers coming from it already?
The reason I ask about countries and scale of land tenancy or ownership involved is because I would like to compare with our agriculture structure in Argentina. where most of maize production corresponds to what we call extensive agriculture or fields crops, implemented in farms in the scale of around two hundred hectares average. I am interested in approaches and methods proposed to apply agroecoloy on big scale plots.
Thanks in advance.
Eduardo Trumper
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Thank you for your answer. I do not work on fertilization but on pests.
Good luck with your project.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
have material from a kind of Carex. In Flora Argentina only C. polysticha is accepted, but I am not sure if it can be C. pseudocyperus. These specimens, although they have the terminal staminate inflorescence, the 2 inferior to this one are Gynaecandrous. In the descriptions of C. polysticha they do not mention this characteristic, but I understand that they do in C. pseudocyperus. Can someone guide me about it? Thank you
  • asked a question related to Argentina
1 answer
I am working with biogeography of southern Paraguay and the info about Paraguay river evolution is relevant for my work. So, if someone could help me, I will be very gratefull! Specially, I have not any info about the Center and South Paraguay river evolution. Brazilian Pantanal and Formosa, Argentina, have information I already get, but nothing about paraguayan sections of actual river course.
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Sadly, this seems to be the "lost arc" of natural sciences knowledge in Paraguay...?
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
In Argentina, biology teachers usually playfully say to their students "do not ask 'what for', ask 'why'!" ("no preguntes para qué, pregunta por qué"). This expression represents a rejection, in the letter but not necessarily in the spirit, of teleology: final causes and functional language. Do English-speaking Professors of biology, use a similar expression?
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Kou Hayakawa
With all due respect, I think there should be a common language to exchange Scientific ideas. Earlier it was Latin and now it is English. I agree English might not be the best one, but it is the most used one, till, perhaps, we decide upon some other Lingua Franca.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
4 answers
I'm from Argentina and i'm working whit genetic expression of degenerative joint disease in dogs. So we're trying to isolate RNA from cartilage to further NGS analysis. But till now we haven't get good results. We need some advices about which is the best kit or method to isolate RNA from cartilage tissue. Could you tell me some about it please?
My best regards
Gabriela Rudd
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Hi Gabriela,
RNA isolation can be done by simplly by Trizol method and purifying by RNAeasy kit.
Key point is homogenization of cartilage. Our lab colleague clipped cartilage pieces from rabbit knee with scalpel and placed all the pieces in stainless steel grinding jar containing some trizol (jar placed in LN2), and vibrated on the Tissue Lyser II with some specific speed for 30 secs or so. The information of Tissue Lyzer II and stainless steel jars is as below:
After that he isolated RNA using Trizol protocol and purified by RNAeasy kit. He got the best RNA all the times, I was super impressed.
If you do not have this Tissue Lyser II, you can crush your cartilage to very fine powder in the presence of LN2 by using a mortar and pestle (your hands will feel cold due to LN2 by doing that, take it easy), that will work too (we have done with human cartilage)
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Argentina
8 answers
I need to work on cardiomyocytes as hosts of parasitic infection. I have been working with HL-1, but culture media is expensive and it takes a long time to arrive after purchase (I live in Argentina). Therefore, I am thinking of working with H9C2 or AC16. I will need to do siRNA on the cell line I choose. I can easily get H9C2 from another group, but I am a little bit worried about the differentiation/undifferentiation and unfortunately I don´t have anybody that can teach me to culture this cell line properly (I will end up being trial and error). On the other hand, I have not seen reports on difficulties with AC16 but I will need to buy them because nobody I know seems to work with them, and they are expensive. Is it worth making that investment? Or should I just stick to H9C2?
Any advice will be wellcomed
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Depends on your goals. If you intend to study human parasitic inf.,
(AC16) will be better as it is HUMAN cell line, so the results will be more comparative comparing to mice cell lines such as (H9C2) or (HL-1). Culturing cell line should not be that dilemma as you have a previous experience with culturing techniques in general. You can follow the culturing guidlines easily which come from the manufacture. Notice that any new cell line you use, you will need to adjust your first few runs, so if the price difference between them is big I think going for another cell line is a wise choice. Final issue, try to contact an author who used these cell lines before if you have more doubts regarding their usage.
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Argentina
27 answers
Special issue on Mineral Deposits of Latin America and the Caribbean (Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana)
Heads up! We are intending to publish a special issue on Mineral Deposits of Latin America and the Caribbean in the Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana (BSGM, The BSGM is a completely free access semi-annual journal, the oldest strictly peer-reviewed journal on Earth Sciences in Mexico and one of the oldest in Latin America, and is included in the Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, SciELO, Scopus, and in many other instruments. We do not aim to restrict our scope to any type of deposits or type of studies, and all contributions related to the formation of mineral deposits in Latin America, the Caribbean or conterminous regions are most welcome, from the regional to the mineral-association scales of observation and analysis. Both original research papers and original thematic reviews are welcome as either full-length papers or short notes. Both Industry and Academia authors are encouraged to submit their contributions. Contributions focused on mineral deposits from Mexico, Cuba, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela and the Dominican Rep. are so far lined up! The guest editors to this special issue are · Joaquín A. Proenza (Universitat de Barcelona), · Lisard Torró (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), and · Carl E. Nelson (Recursos del Caribe S.A.). All inquiries associated with this special issue or the journal itself are be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief of the BSGM (Antoni Camprubí, Contributions can be written in either English or Spanish, and must adhere to our instructions to authors ( We apply no restrictions with regard to number of pages, number of figures or tables (other than those determined by our valued scientific reviewers), and we do not charge for coloured figures of for any other matter. First, we need to have a precise idea of how many contributions can be effectively expected for this call for papers; therefore, we need the interested contributors to kindly provide a tentative title, a list of authors (with their institution names and contact emails), and a 300-word synopsis of their intended contributions. Important dates: · November 3, 2018: deadline for submittal of tentative title, author list and synopsis. · May 31, 2019: deadline for submittal of original manuscripts · August 31, 2019: deadline for all revisions by peers of submitted manuscripts. · October 31, 2019: deadline for submittal of revised manuscripts. · April 30, 2020: deadline for online publication of all accepted contributions. The dates above are only tentative and may be corrected depending on the amount of contributions to this issue. Any changes in schedule will be notified to all contributors as soon as necessary. Do not hesitate to forward this message to any colleagues you may consider to have a potential interest in this special issue. We will surely be most grateful to you for your help in disseminating this information.
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It is all about mineral deposits of any type in Latin America and the Caribbean and that is the only restriction we have thought of. One may send contributions at any scale of study regardless of their focus, whether it is mineralogy, the characteristics of mineralizing fluids (or their sources), timing of mineralization, local metallogeny, regional metallogeny, etc. Or all the above at once.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
Entre los estudios críticos a la innovación, dos pudieran ser convergentes: innovación por resistencia (Thomas et al)['] e innovación por distanciamiento (Herrera & Jimenez, 2013[¨]).
La propuesta es poner a prueba esas posibles convergencias (entre resistencia/ distanciamiento) en el análisis de una de las llamadas en Latinoamérica enfermedades huérfanas: El Chagas.
Nos interesaría responder en un análisis de caso abordado entre Argentina y Colombia a la pregunta: ¿Cómo ha resistido la universidad, distanciándose de jugar en redes internacionales de tecnologías excluyentes?
[¨] Esta última sociología de la innovación llamada por Vinck y Goulet en la revista REDES (2013): "por desapego" [*]
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En Argentina fue tomado como un caso modelo en CTS sobre todo por el uso que le dieron Kreimer, Zabala y otros autores para analizar utilidad social de la ciencia, ciencia de excelencia en la periferia y estrategias de contrucción política y científica de la utilidad.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
6 answers
Great job & keep on going!
Greetings from Mar del Plata, Argentina
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If you address the sustainability as a range of suitable balances you collect a lot of changes and interactions leading to that state. The existing knowledge (old and new knowledge) leads to intervention therefore action. A combination of purpose coherent actions is categorised as practice, good or bad both are useful for learning. The outputs and outcomes of practices could and should influence the behaviour, particularly by their present and potential future impact. These outputs and outcomes resulted from actions and practice generate new knowledge that further influences the behaviour. Theoretically it is not impossible to separate the constituents yet the question is - to what purpose?
  • asked a question related to Argentina
4 answers
I am helping in a project about plant species that are eaten by the deer of the Pampas (Argentina, southern South America). I identify the plant species and We would like to associate each species with their fisiological mechanisms (C3 or C4). Thank you very much for your help! Saludos!
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Gracias Sebastian!! Ahora le envio estos datos a la biologa que los necesita para su trabajo. Nuevamente gracias!!!
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
Dear colleagues:
Can anyone recommend me a paper that speaks specifically about the competitions between nearby ports and their rail hinterland?
Thank you very much in advance
Best regards
Gustavo Chalier
Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
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This matter is discussed in the frame of p. 11 of the enclosed paper AJD 150F available on ResearchGate. Essentially, combinations of ports and hinterland modes are defined and a choice model estimated. The frame points to the correct and the incorrect ways to estimate the resulting share model in order to obtain coefficients that are truly independent of the choice of a reference mode as one applies a particular, well-known estimator..
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
"At the just-concluded WTO meeting in Argentina, India and a group of developing countries blocked an initiative that would have ushered in a 20-year moratorium on levying duties on electronic transmissions – especialy from Spotify, Netflix, Amazon, Google. In response, a number of developed economies, including the EU, UK and the US, served notice that they would work towards a deal, outside the WTO, among themselves to aenhance 'the export of digital services without costly customs duties'. Is this good for internaional trade and the survival of WTO?
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TRIPs protect owners of approved copyrights and patents, enabling them to earn the right profits in all member countries.
Generally, "liberalization" promoted under the WTO with a strong focus on ensuring adequate benefits for the industrialized countries and transnational corporations operating in these countries.
The rules followed by the WTO begin to operate when international corporations face barriers from local and national laws and competition. Unequal treatment inscribed in the functioning of these rules, especially in trade between North and South is most visible, if we look at the very hard and intricate regulations and procedures in force in this institution.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
They do not want to send me a free sample to Argentina and I have no references on whether it actually works on mouse brain tissue for immunofluorescence.
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Hello, Amaicha,
Maybe you can try anti-Arg1 antibody from Creative diagnostics, who always provides antibody with high quality. Hope it will be helpful.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
1 answer
A number of highly visible cases of corruption have emerged in Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, and other Latin American countries. At a first glance, these cases fit well with your work on Asia, and the general expectations of you settlements approach to development. My previous work on the Ecuadorian and Bolivian states show that the institutions that would hold corruption in check did not emerge in the past decade, despite the rethorical commitment of the progressive parties in power. Is there a window for cooperating in this issue?
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Yes, without these countries, the research of corruption in the world is incomplete.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
2 answers
 I need this questionaries to evaluate physical activity level in older adults in Argentina.
I want to compare these questionaies with RAPA and YPAS.
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Hi Dibakar Pal, many thanks for your answer, but I'm looking for IPAQ-E for elderly peolple. Have you got avaiable this questionaire?
  • asked a question related to Argentina
5 answers
Dear Professors and colleges in academia, I'm writing my master degree thesis about SSR in Argentina. I would appreciate sending me any references.
Best regards. 
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Maybe this can help you
  • asked a question related to Argentina
8 answers
In the Argentina Pampas region, several agricultural land were flooded due to high rainfall and the rise of the water table. What engineering techniques can be applied to prevent flooding in plains?
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may attempt for creating avenues for large scale artificial ground water recharging by facilitating vertical movemnet as fast and as much it can be...but all depends on local site conditions...the excess parcels of flood volumes needs to be safely economically and rapidly shifted to ground water bodies even may be in wells or local acquifers. this could be one innovative way to dampen the flood peaks atleast....
the excess water if any way diverted or spread over the adjacent forest or grassed area it will be relatively a easy task...
  • asked a question related to Argentina
3 answers
I need to know how the molting pattern of the genus Akodon in northwestern Argentina is, that is, if the fur molt one or more times a year and in what season. 
I would appreciate information from other species of any related genus, or even of the subfamily Sigmodontinae, or the family Cricetidae, in the subtropics.
Thank you.
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Thank you very much!
  • asked a question related to Argentina
4 answers
These microfossil (ordovician calcareous algae) belong to Floian carbonate rocks from Argentina Precordillera and these microfissil are asociate with sponge and few crinoids. Previously them have been identified as Nuias sp. but I think they are some kind of algae.
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I agree with the others. Its Nuia.
  • asked a question related to Argentina
6 answers
Could some colleagues please suggest a place where I can find high resolution
climate simulations for South America?
I'm looking for something with a resolution of 0.25 x 0.25 or better, covering
southern South America.
I'm collaborating on a project to update the wind hazard map of Argentina using
climate simulations. I'd appreciate any tips regarding high resolution climate simulations to complete the project.
Augusto Sanabria, MSc. Ph.D
Profesor Visitante
Facultad de Ingenieria (
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE) Resistencia, Argentina
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I recomend to read: Pliscoff, P., Luebert, F., Hilger, H. H., & Guisan, A. (2014). Effects of alternative sets of climatic predictors on species distribution models and associated estimates of extinction risk: A test with plants in an arid environment. Ecological Modelling, 288, 166–177.