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Questions related to Archives
International Journal of Science and Research Archive
Please anyone tell me details about this journal. I thought this was not a good journal. I need some specific reasons.
How do I make reference to a document that has a persistent identifier but no doi
For example
I don't know how to submit my article?, then I inform you that I registered with Ajol
. Thank you in advance for your attention to this submission
I just had an email from the European Society of Medicine asking for a contribution to the journal Medical Research Archives. There is a similar journal on Cabell's published by KEI publishers, however I am unsure if this is the same journal. The European Society of Medicine from the website seems legit. Can anyone offer their personal experiences with the European Society of Medicine?
Hi there,
I have some 16S and metagenomic sequencing data from mice fecals and I want to upload them to NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA). I don't know what NCBI package is suitable for my animal fecal samples.
What packages should I choose to complete my submission?
I want to extract mid-latitude, high-latitude, equatorial region from ionex winrar archive file. I need the script.
Can you find an archive of synoptic solar maps by Patrick McIntosh?
Dear Scientists,
Does Archives of Clinical and Medical Case Reports is predatory journal?
[ISSN: 2575-9655]
Impact Factor: 3.1
Indexing: PubMed / PMC
Best regards
Dr. Abdulla Al Mamun Bhuyan
Please share experience with Archives of Nephrology and Urology journal. Is it authentic or fake/predatory.
Bash a script that downloads and reports upon all of a user-specified image type, e.g. png, jpg, jpeg, gif, at a
user-provided URL.
Required Script Functionality
▪ The user is to be prompted for the desired URL and image type
▪ Your assessor will always enter a valid URL, so you don’t need to validate for this
▪ Your script is to scan for and download images of the following four (4) types only:
1. .jpg
2. .jpeg
3. .gif
4. .png
▪ Keep in mind that URLs often contain multiple copies of the same image file, hyperlinked in different
locations on the page users interact with, therefore, your code will need to account for this so that
such duplicates, where they exist, are neither downloaded nor displayed in the final summary or any
of its statistics
▪ URLs that contain no image files of the allowed types will also be used during the assessment
process, so your script will need to allow for this scenario as well, informing the user of this with an
appropriate terminal message when it occurs and exiting the script exited gracefully
▪ In the event that allowable image file(s) of the type the user stipulates are available at the URL
provided, all of them must be downloaded from the URL and stored in a directory with a unique
name that will not conflict with any other directories that currently exist or which may be created in
the future
▪ It is the responsibility of the script to handle directory naming and creation, not the users’.
▪ Once all allowed image files have been downloaded from the URL provided (where they exist), the
following information is to be displayed to the terminal in a neat and easy-to-read format:
o A count of how many were downloaded (excluding duplicates, where they exist)
o The directory name into which they were downloaded
o A tabulated summary, with an appropriate header, of all of the image files downloaded
(excluding duplicates, where they exist) and the size of each on disk in bytes, kilobytes or
megabytes as applicable
▪ Your script is also to accommodate an optional -z option (to be used at the command line) that,
when used, will facilitate the adding of all the downloaded image files to a zip archive that is to
reside in the same directory as the downloaded image files and given the same name as this
▪ When the -z option is used, the user is to be informed that the requested zip archive has been
created successfully and where it is located as part of the final summary output
▪ If the user provides an invalid flag, or any other invalid input at all, at the command line, they are to
be informed of this with an appropriate error message and the script terminated with an
appropriate exit code
I tried installing Wrapped in R but it has been removed from CRAN. I add to download the zip file from archive yet could not install it because its dependencies namely 'evd', 'sn', 'ald', 'NormalLaplace', 'glogis', 'irtProb', 'sld', 'normalp', 'sgt', 'SkewHyperbolic', 'fBasics', 'cubfits', 'lqmm', 'LCA', 'GEVStableGarch', 'VarianceGamma', 'ordinal' are not available. Any useful help will be appreciated
According to Dubuisson, Jean, et al. "Laparoscopic repair of vaginal vault prolapse by lateral suspension with mesh." Archives of gynecology and obstetrics 287.2 (2013): 307. Laparoscopic lateral suspension with mesh is a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of vaginal vault prolapse. It represents an alternative of laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy to restore the anatomy of the vaginal apex. A posterior colpoperineorrhaphy must be associated in case of perineal insufficiency to avoid the appearance of a new prolapse.
Do you perform this lateral suspension for vault prolapse?Would you share your results?
The Department of Analysis of marine ecosystems and anthropogenic impacts of the Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of the Sea, where I work, is going to apply for EURIZON Fellowship and we need a partnership from European Union. Here are the details of the program The deadline is on 8/05.
The name of the project is " The investigation of small saline groundwater dependent ecosystems biodiversity the arid zone (Odesa region, Ukraine) and evaluation it pre-war conditions. ". We have an archive with samples of zoobenthos and zooplankton, collected at ~190 sampling points on different substrates within ~ 30 limnocrenes, rheocrenes and helocrenes with salinity over 5 ‰ different seasons during the free time 2017-2021. We are planning to use this archive for the EURIZON fellowship, but because of war, our institution has no opportunity to take new samples in the Black Sea and limans.
I have to several colleges from Finland and Germany, but now they can take part. So I hope for the help of RG community.
I received a message about deleting my archive, postings, and papers.
Continuation of discussion of 2018 -see attached archive file:
(27) Agroglyphes - are they natural or of artificial origin_.pdf
Suppose you ended the project's are they still in my archive with it's contents or to be removed
If the Journal shows the status of your paper "Archived" within a month or two what does it mean.
What does it mean if the article submitted to a Journal shows the status, 'Archived'?
Which textbook do you recommend for an introductory biophysics course (aimed at 2nd year students from different disciplines:
Do you prefer Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, Internet Archive Scholar or others for finding information?
I have submitted one of my articles to a journal and it's been 18 months since that article was placed in the Journal's Archives. Despite sending dozens of emails inquiring about the status of my article, the editorial team hasn't bothered to respond. Can someone guide me on this what does it mean if an article is placed in the Archives? Does it mean the article is rejected/accepted?
I am a member and have been trying to download an article.
It arrives as an archive file (.rar format)
On attempting to open I am informed that the file is damaged.
I have downloaded the file 4 times with the same result each time.
Is it ok to publish a paper in the archive before publishing it in any journal paper? Actually, I did that to get more citations for my paper, but now when I'm trying to check the plagiarism, I'm getting 90% because of my published version of the paper. Is it something ok ? because the journal sent it back to me and said I have high similarity.
Hi all,
I want to download some reference microbiome data from NCBI sequence Read Archive (SRA). I previously used fasterq-dump or fastq-dump to download the data, and the data were used to be downloaded successfully. However, I don't know why, I cannot download some SRR accession somehow recently. And my linux interface has shown errors as attached. They said the accession is invalid. So I also try other reference accession, and they showed the same errors again and again. Did anyone know what is the problem? Is it usual? Are there any other download tools for SRA accession recommended? Many thanks in advance! :-)
Kind regards,
Good afternoon, I am learning to model biomolecules with nanoparticles. It seems like I'm getting something, but unfortunately, the simulation is not working yet. I get an error that the system is not balanced enough and when the thermostat is entered, the system explodes. I tried enlarging the box, rewriting the topology file and many other things, but the error remains. Maybe someone can help me and explain what I'm doing wrong. I've read a lot of articles on modeling with gold in gromacs, but I can't model what I need :c
I attach an archive with the last attempt of modeling. All my files are there
I was recently looking for an article from an old journal no longer supported. Unfortunately, the journal is so old that is not even available as archive, so its articles are neither available as pdf nor even as simple reference page (in order to cite them and having a formal reference page). So I was wondering wether or not exist unofficial databases for such old journals. In case they don't, what about make some here in RG as discussions? So that if you have a hardcopy or scanned copy of a not available article, you can maybe share it together with its full citation. Maybe it would be great to have one discussion per journal and little by little filling it for the whole publishing period!
As I'm still looking for the intended original paper, I'd like to know if anybody has a copy of this paper (so to start with this journal in particular):
Zeitschrift für Techniche Physik 1931, 12, 593-601, Kubelka Paul and Munk Franz, Ein Beitrag zur Optik der Farbanstriche (ENG: "An article on optics of paint layers")
Thank you!
I wanna selectively expand erythroblasts from freshly isolated PBMC for reprogramming into human iPSCs. Would I be able to substitute those above media with RPMI 1640 with cytokines and growth factors (SCF, IL-3, EPO, dexamethasone, IGF1 etc.) will be required for all media listed. Feel free to share your experiences or some literature references from your archive. Thanks in advance!
If anyone have a reference of website or the PDF archive downloaded to insert in X'pert highscore plus. Please send me by e-mail I appreciate very much.
With regards
Hi All,
I have heard that papers in Nature, the ones that got into review and further consideration are often held for a year and more in limbo. Do other people have the same experience and what action should be taken? Obviously you want your research to go out and at some point publishing in another journal may be a better option.
The new service is ResearchSquare teamed with Nature now allows you to post a preprint and get a doc number, same is for Archive. Do people have experience with posting preprint online and if this would violate Nature embargo policy?
I have received the following polite email request from Medical Research Archives, European Society of Medicine a number of times.
Is it legitimate? Would you mind sharing your thoughts if you have any experience of this kind? Thanks
Dear Dr. Yegnanew A. Shiferaw,
If you have a few minutes I wanted to discuss your COVID-19 research. I am serving as the editor of a special theme issue on Advancements in COVID-19 which will be released by the European Society of Medicine next year and I was thinking that something related to your work on "Regime shifts in the COVID-19 case fatality rate dynamics: A Markov-switching autoregressive model analysis" would be interesting to include in the issue. Perhaps you could tell me more about your research in this area.
This could be in the form of a research article or even a review article.
Might this be a possibility?
L. Smith, M.D.
Medical Research Archives
European Society of Medicine
Online ISSN: 2375-1924
Print ISSN: 2375-1916
PubMed ID: 101668511
I tried one method but get the following texts..
Verifying archive integrity... 100% All good.
Uncompressing 'DS Client and extracting files, please wait ......' 100%
./ 49: ./ [[: not found
./ 70: ./ Syntax error: redirection unexpected
Hi everybody,
we sent a short communication to : Probiologist -Archives of Clinical Toxicology (, that has been accepted on November 10, 2020. To date, the article is still "in-press" ( "Neurotoxic amyloid prefibrillar oligomers: Do salmon calcitonin and amyloid β1-42 wear the same "outfit"?)
As an author, I wrote several times to the journal board, but no one replied to my emails.
Have someone else had the same problem with this journal ?,... Do you know if Is it a predatory journal?
This research was conducted by Huber Hendrichs. I have found multiple citations but could not found the research from any archive. It would be a big help if anyone can help me with finding this paper.
The reason for asking this question is because, since I was fortunate enough to get a contract job at the local school as an administrative assistant, I thought I should also use the opportunity to use it and gain practical experience for my CV and the qualification in Archive and Records Management. Any input will be allowed because I have to present the approach by the end of this week.
I won't forget to use references where necessary.
Thank you in advance.
Kamohelo Hlasa
BA Student in Archive and Records Management
Several reports exists relating to the frequency fundamental of male and female speech. Though they not all agree, there is a clear trend that the fundamental frequency of men's voices is lower than females. One example: "The voiced speech of a typical adult male will have a fundamental frequency from 85 to 155 Hz, and that of a typical adult female from 165 to 255 Hz."[1]
QUESTION: Is it meaningful to study speech below these frequencies and why?
I am studying speech directivity and for some reason in the literature the male and female voice seems to repeatedly compared at 125 Hz, near the male fundamental. This seems nonsensical to me but maybe there is a good reason for this? I have recorded a fair bit of female speech and I see very little sound energy in this frequency band.
[1] Baken, R. J. (2000). Clinical Measurement of Speech and Voice, 2nd Edition. London: Taylor and Francis Ltd. (pp. 177), ISBN 1-5659-3869-0. That in turn cites Fitch, J.L. and Holbrook, A. (1970). Modal Fundamental Frequency of Young Adults in Archives of Otolaryngology, 92, 379-382, Table 2 (p. 381).
I am making an archive with works of contemporary art (photography, performance, installation, painting, sculpture ...) that deal with the subject of work.
I will be thankful for every contribution.
Can you help me find an Archive/ Library where "Radio Jordan Bulletin" for 1964-1971 is available?
Scientific articles published in esteemed newspapers hold many informations that can be of great value which often includes biodiversity documentation, sporadic incidents, demographic data and many more that are seldom being cited and eventually consign to oblivion.
Do you think that these datas, only those that are relevant and authentic, should be cited and a proper archive and citation protocol should be constituted.
I want to archive tweets from other Twitter accounts either to a CSV file or another similar file type. Is there a tool that can help me out?
Many documents are started electronically but then printed. We use many smart devices, but at the end of the day we print documents.
(The purpose of this discussion is the study of our interaction with papers, and it is not about climate change)
Data from Zadar's archive mention the fraternity of flagellants (dei flagellanti) in Zadar in 1214founded in the church of St. Silvester (fratalia seu scola sancti Silvestri Iadere Frustancium). In 1215 in Dubrovnik was founded the fraternity of flagellants in Dubrovnik 1215. A number of studies mentioned that firthe st flagellant confrateconfraternityrniti was founded in Perugia in 1260. What is the reason for this?
I've trying to access hourly precipitation data from NCEI's Radar Archive however I've not been able to configure past the downloads. Is there any code available to decode the data?
Hello mates, I'm just curious if there is a kind of RG archive, where I can find records of all my achievements, like "Your book reached 500 reads" or "With 120 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your institution" etc...
Thanks, MM.
COVID-ARC is a data archive that stores multimodal (i.e., demographic information, clinical outcome reports, imaging scans) and longitudinal data related to COVID-19 and provides various statistical and analytic tools for researchers. This archive provides access to data along with user-friendly tools for researchers to perform analyses to better understand COVID-19 and encourage collaboration on this research.
For instance, the 'Historical Archives' section of the 'Audio Visual Library of the International Law' website gives access to the negotiation documents related to various instruments of international law. It is impressive because the information has been systematically arranged as introductory note, procedural history, status, documents, photos etc.
Is there such a source of systematic information related to IPRrelated documents?
We are digitizing National Forest Insect Collection at Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. We have taken thousands of high resolution digital photographs of about 19,000 insect species. Therefore to safe guard this effort we need to archive this huge digital collection. M-disc technology is known to archive such works for several hundreds of year. If some one of you is using this technology/product, I shall be happy to know about your experience and suggest newer product available in the market, if any. Kindly suggest make and models of M-Disc burners and M-Discs.
I used auroral electrojet indexes (AE, AU, AL) for the ionosphere modeling. However, there is no data at Kyoto WDC after February 28, 2018 ( or Could someone inform about an archive containing at least data during 2018-2020?
Hi. I am doing simulation of compression testing of a structure.My experimental and simulation results are same in the linear region. I have tried the simulation with all types of contact behavior even with pin ball at different radius with linear and non linear material properties with large deflection on/off.The following graph shows my results. The loading/unloading is along y-axis.
Please find the attached Archive file of my structure for further recommendations. I would like to mention that the non linear data is actually extracted by using extenso-meter and used in this simulation.I have to delete the results and solution data from the attached file due to size of the file. I ave used 0.5-1 mm mesh size with 26 mm displacement. So your valuable recommendations will be highly appreciated.
I want to study the dark network structure (social network for criminals). I want to study the network connections, important factors, significant leaders of the network. I already found one such dataset ( ). Where can I get other free datasets?
As part of a project funded by the EOSC, we offer support for curating COVID19 simulation models. You can submit your model to BioModels database, and we will help curating it and providing the model as a fully reproducible COMBINE archive.
Details are available here:
My question is: Which COVID19 model(s) would you like to see in our special selection?
Hello, dear fellow scholars.
I'm writing this post after the advice that I received to bring to your knowledge a lesson that I'm learning yet at the beginning of my academic career.
I'm one of the authors of a case report that has been published by the journal 'Archives Of Medicine' without our consent¹. Before the case report has been published, we have sent a formal e-mail soliciting to the editors the withdrawal of our intention to publish, because we have found that the journal was being investigated due to suspicious activities².
I'm currently a 3rd-year medical school student and this was the first time that we have submitted an article to a journal (me and my colleague, which also is a 3rd-year medical school student). I'm mentioning this just to contextualize the fact that we are pretty much beginners in the matters of scientific publications and we never even imagined that such thing as "predatory publishers" exist.
When we started to look for journals to publish the case report, we were looking for a cost-free journal, but at the time we submitted the article to the Archives of Medicine, by an honest mistake and lack of attention, we didn't realize that this journal has a publishing fee, and a few days after we had submitted the case report we received an e-mail with a charging bill of over 1,500 euros.
Immediately after receiving this e-mail, we started to write a formal message to the editorial board, explaining to them about our mistake, apologizing for the inconvenience, and soliciting the withdrawal of the intent to publish the case report. Also, we got suspicious by the fact that this charging form was asking for sensitive financial information (like credit card number, CVV number, and other info).
In the meantime, we came across a post (here in Research Gate) mentioning the suspicious activities about the IMedPub² (the group responsible for the Archives of Medicine). As soon as we found out these facts, we sent the e-mail formally soliciting the withdrawal of the intent to publish the case report. However, a few days later as I've mentioned at the beginning of this post, the journal published the case report¹ without our consent and ignoring our solicitation. We have only completed the initial forms for starting the publishing process and send them the manuscript by completing the on-line form but we didn't make any payment for the publication fee since we sent this e-mail soliciting the withdrawal of the submitting intention (even though, the journal published it anyway).
All this post was originated by the concern about the fact that our names are now associated with an article published by a journal that was under the accusation of suspicious activities and how this could affect our academic reputation and professional future.
We have received some advice to turn the situation public here in Research Gate to other researchers to learn from this lesson and also to hear your opinion. We'll appreciate it if you let us know your perspective about the case and if you can advise a better way of how to resolve this situation.
I apologize for this enormous text, but I think it was necessary to explain the whole situation with some more detail.
If you want to know more details about the original post, the link is the following:
Thanks for your attention.
Best regards,
Wilian Sant'Ana
I am working on graph partitioning for scientific simulation load balancing. I used Chris Walshaw's archive partition dataset.
but when I would like to work on a real simulation case, I cannot model the said simulation in a graph to partition it afterwards
how I can convert a simulation application to a task graph?
From where i can get archive climate data -District wise Monthly Data of Precipitation, Temperature, and the extreme events of Uttar Pradesh ?
From: <>
Date: Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 2:41 AM
Subject: arXiv endorsement request from Eue Jeong
To: <>
(Eue Jeong should forward this email to someone who's registered as an
endorser for the hep-ex (High Energy Physics - Experiment) archive of
Eue Jeong requests your endorsement to submit an article to the hep-ex
section of arXiv. To tell us that you would (or would not) like to
endorse this person, please visit the following URL:
If that URL does not work for you, please visit
and enter the following six-digit alphanumeric string:
Endorsement Code: NLAVZA
## I have just finished writing the paper on the measurement of the neutrino's magnetic monopole charge, ready to upload at arXiv. ##
How can I get an endorsement for my mathematical archive in the arXiv website?
In response to several inquiries over the past few years, I have undertaken the task of updating the thermodynamic properties of steam. It has been 25 years since the IAPWS first released SF95 so that this effort is long overdue. My goal is to extend the range of applicability up to 6000K and 150GPa, considerably above any existing formulation. The data on which to base this extension has been available since 1974. While I have not completed the task, I have made considerable progress. As some researchers have expressed an urgent need for this work, I am releasing preliminary results. All of the data plus an Excel AddIn are contained in the following archive, which will be updated as the work progresses. There is an installer to facilitate selection and placement of the correct (32-bit or 64-bit) AddIn, although this is unnecessary, as the libraries (AllSteam32.xll and AllSteam64.xll) are included. The current implementation is piecemeal and not optimal, but it does function. When complete, I will also release the source code. The average error in calculated density (compared to experimental) for the 2930 data points from 18 studies (see spreadsheet H2O_PVT_data.xls) for the SF95 and 2020 formulations is 0.68% and 0.46%, respectively, The maximum error is more telling, at 267% and 40%, respectively, as shown in the attached figure. I welcome your discussion.
The attached ANSYS archive is a very simple model of a door hinge. I would like to be able to see the stress in the hinge as it closes. However, I must be misunderstanding how this is supposed to be done because when I run the simulation, the hinge doesn't move. It's almost like the connection is bonded even though it's frictional contact. What is the correct means of simulating dynamic movements of parts?
P.S. This is a simplified example of an issue I'm having with a larger model. The larger model includes two load steps prior to when parts should start moving. Specifically, I am applying a preload to bolts in the first load step, and applying gravitational acceleration (which applies the load to the "hinge" via the weight of the "door") in the second load step. Following that, everything else is the same.
I am looking for a specific issue of René Worms' Revue internationale de sociologie somewhen between 1925 and 1927. Do you know of any online archive beyond Gallica?
I want to develop a strategic marketing plan and for this, I design holistic case study with thematic analysis but as a data source I plan to use document/archive records and researcher participant observation in my company (Yin, 2015) are the sources, the design and analysis complement each other? basically the data source would be enough for qualitative case study?
I need the yearly Rainfall Statistics of India (2001-2017). I have got from 2012-2017. However I am unable to find the reports for rest of the years mentioned above. Can anybody please provide me any link to find those reports?
Thanks in advance.
I am a Computer Engineer, so do not have any knowledge of FEA and have never used Ansys before. I have a 4x4 plain fabric weave model with properties of vectran and I want to do creep analysis on this model. But I am not sure which creep model to use and how to calculate the creep constants.
From one of the research papers, I have obtained some constant values (beta) for vectran (%elongation/log(t)). But I am not sure if I can make use of these values directly as C1 or C2 in Ansys.
This is the research paper for reference.
I have submitted an article to this journal but can not find any article that they have published in the past. When I go to their website the sections labeled "In Press", "Current Issue" and "Archive" all state that the section will be updated soon. However, it has been that way for a while. I have searched Google Scholar, Medline and Research Gate with no luck. I have also asked the editor to tell me where and how I can view past publications and for recent DOI designations. Again no luck. I would appreciate any evidence that they are actually publishing articles.
I downloaded the MRI breast database from cancer imaging archive but it does not include ground truth images
The website and manual are too general and do not explain well. I have the radiation data from sensors. Have to make a quality check. How can I use the BSRN toolbox to create station to archive file? The report and website are too naive' to explain.
I have looked up Cancer Imaging Archive but I need a bigger dataset. Can anyone help me out with some good places to look at for more images with and without contrast agents?
I am writing a research paper on an electronic archive of documents
The morals and principles have taken back seat behind competition. The later is driven by technology, smart working, feedback, etc. The employees are getting marginalized due to disparity created by such practices. This is damaging the organization's archive of knowledge. So, the systems are anticipating the need for coaching and mentoring - an approach to build a social commitment and loyalty towards the organization.
I do not know what software is effective and reliable at work