Science topics: AnthropologyArchaeology
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Archaeology - Science topic

Research related discussions about Archaeology
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Publications related to Archaeology (10,000)
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Conference Paper
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Managing and archiving archaeological data is a long-term challenge in archaeology. For research on excavated remains, it is pivotal to know where they are stored and have access to basic information about them. Persistent identifiers (PIDs) offer this functionality in a digitized world. PIDs are unique identifiers that are permanently and unambigu...
Conference Paper
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This session explores how archaeological insights into past human adaptations to climatic changes can inform sustainable solutions for today's environmental crises. By examining the resilience and adaptability of past societies, it highlights the significance of traditional knowledge systems and their potential to inspire transdisciplinary climate...
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Full-text available |||||||||||||||| The interdisciplinary nature of radiology lends itself to other specialties, such as forensic medicine, archeology, and anthropology. While the term "virtopsy" or "virtual autopsy" has become established in for...
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Although Manila, capital city of the Philippines, played a critical role in economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, little is known about what life was like for its residents during this time. In this book, Ellen Hsieh uses archaeological, historical, and ethnographic resources t...
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The Roman city of Ovilava (today Wels in Upper Austria) was one of the most important commercial, cultural and administrative centres in the province of Noricum due to its favourable location at the crossroads of two important highways. Founded in the 1st century AD, Ovilava remained a civilian town until its demise at the end of the 5th century. I...
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The Sasanian Empire (224–651 CE) has been given relatively little attention in research on climate-society interactions when compared to the neighboring Byzantine Empire, despite evidence of changing conditions and an agricultural economy that is theoretically vulnerable to droughts due to low annual precipitation. We review the available historica...
Research Proposal
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We are pleased to invite you to contribute to our Session #136, titled Aural and Visual Interactions in Medieval and Early Modern Sources: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Archaeology of Sound, which will take place at the 31st EAA Annual Meeting in Belgrade from 3–6 September 2025. This session welcomes researchers interested in the interdis...
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El Tolmo de Minateda es un enclave privilegiado para analizar los procesos de cambio acaecidos entre la época visigoda y la llegada del islam a la península ibérica. Los trabajos sistemáticos en el yacimiento han documentado una secuencia temporal que abarca desde finales del siglo VI a los inicios del X, cuya materialidad es compleja. Al igual que...
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Today, cities and their heritage function under so-called BANI (Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, and Incomprehensible) conditions. Climate change, military conflicts, and the urge to comply with sustainability requirements and to implement green transformation and urban regeneration cause a threat to rapid decision making, which may result in the loss...
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IntrodAncient Indian temple architecture is a profound reflection of the region's historical, cultural, and religious evolution. These architectural wonders, spanning from the early centuries CE to the 12th century, illustrate the ingenuity and artistic excellence of their creators. Temples served not only as places of worship but also as center...
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Here, we present the North American Repository for Archaeological Isotopes (NARIA), the largest open-access compilation of previously reported isotopic measurements (n = 28,374) from bioarchaeological samples in North America (i.e., Canada, Greenland, Mexico, and the United States of America) covering a time-frame of more than 12,000 years. This da...
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Trafford, in Greatre Manchester, UK, has a rich archaeological heritage, encompassing castles at Dunham Massey and at Watch Hill, the medieval borough of Altrincham, the historic villages of Ashton-upon-Mersey, Bowdon, Flixton, Stretford, and Warburton and a site of international importance, the Trafford Park industrial estate. There are also great...
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The article is devoted to a little-studied phenomenon in the history of Russian philosophy of the late period (XX century) – the philosophy of religion by Yu.V. Knorozov and S.A. Tokarev. This approach in the field of philosophy of religion is directly related to another humanitarian research program of researchers – ethnosemiotics. Based on the et...
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El convencimiento de hacer ciencia para la gente, nos llevó a formular el proyecto “Transferencia y difusión en clave participativa: Pukara La Alumbrera y Punta Calalaste/Cueva Colorada (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina)”. Uno de sus objetivos es responder a las solicitudes de vecinos e instituciones de Antofagasta de la Sierra en el...
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Slovenskej verejnosti, a dozaista aj tej európskej, je bezpochyby známy jediný nález venuše zhotovenej z mamutoviny zo Slovenska, ktorá bola pred vyše 80 rokmi nájdená na Považí v malej dedine Moravany. Dnes by sme ju na mapách našli pod menom Moravany nad Váhom. A hoci obec zmenila svoj názov, príbeh, ktorý je s ňou zviazaný, je stále ten istý a r...
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In this second edition, Meltzer expands several chapters of his original book published in 2009. The structure is similar but there is a lot of added information on genetics. Many pages cover the historical roots of Paleoindian archaeology and the search for the oldest human presence. The first edition was heavily focused on environmental condition...
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In the Islamic period, different types of pottery techniques are used and developed in workshops in different regions. One of the techniques that has played a very important role in Islamic pottery technology is the "carved in rose" technique. This technique begins at the same time as the third and the fourth centuries AH and reaches its peak durin...
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In the Islamic period, different types of pottery techniques are used and developed in workshops in different regions. One of the techniques that has played a very important role in Islamic pottery technology is the "carved in rose" technique. This technique begins at the same time as the third and the fourth centuries AH and reaches its peak durin...
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In Nepalese political history, the Rana period (1846-1950) is characterized as a ''dark age'' representing the state of skimpy social, economic, and political changes. This article examines the period through modern development perspectives and explores if the politically dark period endured developmental lights. This objective is based on the assu...
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This article examines the articulation between archaeology and ideology in Nazi Germany, specifically the ideological content in archaeological narratives. We analyze German archaeology of this period in light of 19th century pan-Germanism and the German thinkers who helped shape the notion of a German national identity. Archaeology was utilized to...
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Abstract: Ancient lamps discovered in the important archaeological site from south Moldavia have not been the subject of a special study, but they just have been ”capitalized” in some general works regarding the north Danubian Roman culture. The errors infiltrated even within the „source” information, the poor quality of the illustrations, the pres...
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O presente estudo teve lugar no âmbito do projeto AMPERE+CT - Arqueologia Mineira e Património Elétrico como Recursos Educativos mais Cultura e Turismo destinado à reabilitação e valorização do Museu Mineiro do Lousal, no qual se tornou possível o diagnóstico da componente expositiva do museu e se propiciaram condições para desenvolver uma abordage...
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In the Roman time, Azania and its capital Rhapta had cultural and economic connections with diverse civilizations of the world, including those in the Mediterranean basin, the Middle East, India, the Far East, and the deep interior of Africa. Information about Azania was first provided by the Romans – Pliny the Elder, Claudius Ptolemy, and sources...
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In the United Kingdom, the study of archaeological cremated human remains has risen exponentially over the past three decades. Consequently, we are gaining a more rounded understanding of past communities, rather than a skewed perspective caused by an overreliance on studies of human remains from inhumation graves. Yet, ethical considerations relat...
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Este artículo recorre, a partir de recuperar una foto del archivo familiar, preguntas acerca de cómo la (pos)colonialidad afecta los modos en que leemos y vivenciamos el pasado y, en consecuencia, las historias y los cuerpos que podemos ver allí y reconocer en el presente. Ello se relaciona con una reconstrucción del panorama actual de los Estudios...
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En este trabajo se presenta un abordaje del arte rupestre desde la teoría de construcción de nicho. Se plantea que el arte parietal puede desempeñar roles activos en la construcción de nicho porque constituye una modificación deliberada del entorno, capaz de construir ambientes heredables que faciliten las interacciones de los individuos con la nat...
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In the Iron Age, the Neo-Assyrian empire (c. 900–600 BC) conquered territory across southwest Asia and established regional capitals along its borders to secure its gains. Governors at these centers oversaw resource extraction and craft production for shipment to the imperial heartland in modern-day northern Iraq. Metals and textiles were the craft...
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El TAAS es una reunión científica interdisciplinar en la que participan distintos profesionales de diferentes países sudamericanos y disciplinas como la biología, paleontología, geología, arqueología y ciencias forenses. Su origen se enmarca dentro de la necesidad de compartir los avances científicos y las reflexiones sobre la Tafonomía Actualístic...
Conference Paper
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This session aims to gather case studies and theoretical proposals that address the concepts of remoteness and outlands. Remoteness is defined as a state of being distanced from, or lacking connection to, central cores. Geographically remote areas-such as the driest deserts, highest mountains, densest jungles, most isolated islands, freezing polar...
Conference Paper
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Archaeology Museums and Their Visitors: Iraqi Kurdistan as a Case Study
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Gender equality is an objective that has yet to be achieved on a larger scale. Women have always been and are still part of the industrial workforce; nonetheless, they often keep being ignored and marginalized by archaeological research as part of a productive system that enhanced their social subalternization. In general, industrial archaeology co...
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This article is introducing a method for the analysis of landscape visual coherence. Inspired by landscape and architecture research, the landscape chambers method is based on quantitative analysis of visibility networks, modelled in a digital environment. It relies on an algorithm for the detection of closely connected subgroups within an intervis...
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Este manuscrito aborda el Paleoarte como una disciplina interdisciplinaria que combina el arte y la ciencia para reconstruir visualmente escenas del pasado prehistórico. Se inicia definiendo el concepto de Paleoarte, destacando que su origen radica en 1986 cuando Mark Hallett lo enmarcó como un enfoque científico-artístico para dar vida a los dinos...
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Diatom analysis of sediments obtained from five cores drilled in Lake Mariout and the 'Marea'/ Philoxenite archeological site southwest of Alexandria, Egypt, allows us to reconstruct the lake's environmental history during the Hellenistic-early Islamic periods. The distribution pattern and the variation in relative abundance of recognized diatoms d...
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The paper shows the present state of research on the last, fourth line of modern fortifi cations of Lublin, built in 1667–1670 (along today’s Lipowa Street). The author used many studies, printed sources, archival and cartographic sources as well as archeological discoveries made in Lublin during the last 25 years. The last part of the paper is an...
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Zooarchaeological identification often rests heavily on analysts’ opinion, experience, and access to reference specimens or manuals. A review of the literature reporting archaeological domestic dog remains demonstrates the danger of this approach. Domestic dogs have played, and continue to play, important roles in many human societies; however, the...
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Abstract: Skills deal with the ability to do things and techniques with ways of doing them. In this paper discussing Eastern Vindhyan rock art, documented from 2009 to 2023, we identify the chief skills and narrative techniques used in a sample of thirty shelters, in seven distinct groups. It is argued distinctiveness is obtained by the chaine oper...
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After the infusion of “New Archaeology”, the study of the past has witnessed several considerable alterations that emerged by analysing the remnants of the ancient world through multiple perspectives. This diathesis made revulsion in World Archaeology, and the way toward a more nuanced interpretation of the past laid the mainspring for Gender Archa...
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The ancient Egyptians are generally known to have been some of the ancient peoples that practiced and spread the afterlife beliefs among the Peoples of the Ancient Near East. The Egyptian views on judgment with respect to temporary or permanent punishment or the feeling of guilt during the afterlife journeys is explained in this research. Liter...
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Dadan, the capital of the kingdom of Dadan and, later on, of Lihyan, was an important trading hub and place of worship in North‐West Arabia during the first millennium BCE. Located in the AlUla valley (Saudi Arabia), with naturally available fresh water, fertile soil and relative ease of travel through it, people gathered there for trade, religious...
Conference Paper
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This session aims to explore the complex responses of Mesolithic hunter-fisher-gatherer communities during the long and intricate process of Neolithisation in Europe, focusing on archaeological and archaeogenetic evidence that sheds light on how these groups influenced, adapted to, or resisted the shift to agriculture. At the onset of the Neolithic...
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Przedmiotem artykułu jest recepcja odkrycia archeologicznego z Gdańska z 1656 r. w środowisku naukowym XVII i XVIII w. W trakcie prac fortyfikacyjnych w czasie wojny polsko-szwedzkiej odkryto grób, w którym znajdowało się osiem urn. Pierwszym uczonym, który rozpowszechnił wiedzę o znalezisku, był gdański historyk Joachim Pastorius. W 1656 r. z tej...
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Only a few cases of twins have been reported in the bioarchaeological literature so far and their identification is usually prompted by the find situation. A confirmation of this assumption by purely gross-morphological methods is not reliable. More recently, aDNA analysis constitutes a more promising approach, although the preservation of the DNA...
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This paper is a reflection on how archaeology can intersect in dynamic ways with activism and protest, reflecting the evolving socio-political-economic-cultural landscape globally. Across diverse regions, from rural spaces to urban centers, activism within archaeology confronts systemic issues such as politics, gender inequality, social disparities...
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In Rostock wurde im Wintersemester 2021/2022 ein Seminar mit 16 Studierenden der Archäologie (Bachelor und Master, auch Nebenfächer) durchgeführt, mit dem Ziel der Ausstellungsvorbereitung und populärwissenschaftlichen Vermittlung von Inhalten zu einem archäologischen Thema (Module "Vermittlungskompetenz" und "Forschungsperspektiven"). 13 Arbe...
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Rezumat. În această scurtă intervenţie autorul analizează atestările denumirilor de monede poloneze care au circulat în spaţiul românesc. Întrucât acestea sunt foarte numeroase, și-a îndreptat atenţia doar asupra uneia dintre ele, anume "potronicul". "Potronic" este un termen atestat în special pe teritoriul Moldovei și mai puţin în celelalte provi...
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The archeological discoveries from Barboși are essential for the knowledge of the Dacian and later Roman culture and civilization from the south of Moldova, but not only. Therefore, they were submitted to the attention of historiography, being dedicated to them numerous bibliographic materials, from various perspectives. Explored early on - when th...
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Speleothem oxygen isotope records offer unique insights into Asian Monsoon evolution, with their precise chronologies used to identify abrupt climatic events. However, individual records are sometimes used to draw broad conclusions about global climate, without considering the dynamical context in which they exist. We present a robust framework for...
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O artigo busca refletir sobre a inclusão na instituição museológica, partindo da interface Arqueologia/Geografia em uma abordagem transdisciplinar. Por meio do estudo da rotina de pesquisadores cegos no Laboratório de Arqueologia Guarani e Estudos da Paisagem e Museu de Arqueologia Regional da FCT-UNESP, campus de Presidente Prudente, SP, a investi...
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W XIX w. archeologia uniwersytecka na ziemiach polskich rozwijała się na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim i w znacznej mierze związana była z Józefem Łepkowskim (1826–1894). Był on pierwszym profesorem archeologii na terenie Polski podzielonej wtedy między trzy zabory. W 1863 r. uzyskał habilitację, trzy lata później został mianowany profesorem nadzwycz...
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Abstrakt: Wolin został lokowany na prawie niemieckim w szóstej lub siódmej dekadzie XIII w., w miejscu starszego zespołu osadniczego o charakterze wczesnomiejskim. Na podstawie dostępnych źródeł pisanych i wyników wykopalisk w artykule przedstawiono zmiany przestrzenne zachodzące w związku z lokacją nowego miasta, jego topografię i zabudowę. Abstra...
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Research on field fortifications from World War II in Slovakia has led to the identification of the Margareten-Stellung, a German defensive line, a part of which has now been located east of the town of Šahy where the Soviets engaged the retreating Germans in mid-December 1944. The identification was based on references from written sources and LID...
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This study examines two Early La Tène miniature gold fibulae from the Early Hellenistic period and four Roman crossbow gold fibulae from the National Institute of Archaeology with Museum in Sofia using non-destructive XRF analysis and microscopic traceological observation. It aims to investigate the possibilities to determine if and how long these...
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In the historiography and archeology of the city of Aqu(a)e, whose eponymous unit of municipal autonomy covered the Sarajevo area, and possibly some other nearby areas, the end of its development in the classical civilization form is a source of doubt. In the available sources, it is still not possible to find explicit proof of the events that led...
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Material culture encompasses more than objects; it represents the dynamic interactions between people and artifacts, embedding cultural practices, values, and social structures within tangible forms. Rooted primarily in archaeology and anthropology, Material Culture is closely associated with technology, understood as the processes and systems unde...
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This chapter assesses gender in digital archaeology theory and practice in Europe and North America. This is achieved by, firstly, presenting a discussion about who makes digital archaeology based on quantitative studies of journal authorship. The state of theorisation in digital archaeology and the challenge of androcentric biases are then discuss...
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W 2024 r., po 33 latach istnienia, zakończył swoją działalność Komitet Nauk Pra- i Protohistorycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk. W tekście przybliżono jego historię, sposób funkcjonowania, znaczenie dla rozwoju polskiej archeologii oraz główne kierunki działalności prowadzonej od roku 1990.
Conference Paper
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Las instituciones totales constituyen espacios cuyo desarrollo se enmarcan en prácticas de exclusión social, las que se encarnan en las personas y sus cuerpos. Estos procesos de exclusión involucran, entre otros aspectos, objetos que buscan romper la identidad de los y las internas con el mundo exterior. Sobre esta base, se analiza el vestuario des...
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W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań nad techniką miękkiego tłuka użytą do wykonania wiórów krzemiennych znalezionych na wybranych stanowiskach z późnego paleolitu z terenu Pomorza Zachodniego. Analizowano materiały z trzech stanowisk: Kocierz 3, Buniewice 7 i Wołczkowo 1, związanych ze społecznościami kultur Federmesser i ahrensburskiej oraz pra...
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Wspomnienie o Profesorze Zbigniewie Bukowskim, archeologu, który przez całe życie zawodowe związany był z Instytutem Archeologii i Etnologii PAN. Zajmował się problematyką epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza w Europie Środkowej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kultury łużyckiej. Był wieloletnim redaktorem naczelnym czasopisma "Archeologia Polski".
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This paper problematizes the meaning of subjectivity constructed by Colombian English Teachers in response to a National Bilingual Program and its system of reason to produce English teachers’ identity and promote bilingual education. The double-side character of subjection/subjectification (Foucault, 1982) is used to analyze English teachers’ work...
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Informacja o rozpoczęciu prac przez nowy Zespół Redakcyjny czasopisma, o planowanych kierunkach rozwoju periodyku i celach, które Zespół będzie realizować w latach 2024-2027.
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In this article, Marketa Uhlirova discusses some of the theoretical and practical challenges she faced in the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded project on fashion film in the early 20th century she ran with fashion historian Caroline Evans and media theorist Jussi Parikka. In conversation with Emily Caston, Uhlirova probes some of...
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I have the pleasure in announcing the publication of the new issue of our Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World (MCMW) Volume 5 (2024): Issue 1-2 (Dec 2024)
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Las investigaciones arqueológicas desarrolladas en el archipiélago de Tierra del Fuego se han centrado mayormente en canales y mares interiores mientras que aún persiste un escaso conocimiento sobre el uso efectuado por poblaciones cazadoras-recolectoras-pescadoras de las islas exteriores durante el Holoceno. Dentro de este entorno, Isla de los Est...
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Kompleks klasztorny ss. Norbertanek w Imbramowicach pozostaje dotychczas obiektem słabo rozpoznanym, zarówno pod względem architektonicznym, jak i archeologicznym. Okazją do pogłębienia wiedzy o przemianach architektonicznych kościoła i klasztoru stały się prace związane z poszerzeniem krypty grzebalnej sióstr. W ich wyniku zarejestrowano nieznane...
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Для вивчення середньовічної історії Карпатського регіону важливе дослідження сакральної пам’ятки у східній околиці міста Ужгород – Горянської ротонди. Однак, не дивлячись на значну до неї увагу різних фахівців і вже більше ніж сторічне вивчення, все ще залишається відкритим питання часу її зведення. Нажаль, у розпорядженні вчених немає безпосередні...
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ResumoO Museu de Arqueologia e Paleontologia (MAP) da Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI) completou dez anos em 2023 e, devido a isso, foi elaborado e cadastrado o Programa de extensão Plano museológico participativo (PLAMPA-MAP/UFPI) para o desenvolvimento de atividades vinculadas a elaboração deste documento de gestão e planejamento exigido por...
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Este artigo examina as visões contrastantes de Michel Foucault e Jürgen Habermas sobre o conceito de poder, destacando a ênfase de Foucault na dimensão corpórea e difusa do poder e a defesa de Habermas pela racionalidade comunicativa como base para a legitimidade. A análise aborda as críticas de Habermas às limitações da abordagem de Foucault e com...
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Screen advertising production is a relatively neglected domain of British screen history, largely overlooked in extant studies of the UK’s film production sector. The Guardian ‘Points of View’ (1986) is one of the more acclaimed works produced by that production sector which continues to attract popular interest. This article conducts an archaeolog...
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‘Newsround’ offers a platform for new discoveries that do not appear within the specialist contributions of this year’s Archaeological Reports , but which nevertheless warrant emphasis, either as a result of their particular characteristics or for the contribution they make to broader archaeological narratives. This section is not intended to be ex...
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This paper presents a review of new research carried out within the borders of modern Albania in the last 10 years. It offers a roughly geographical outline – albeit incomplete – of recent discoveries from prehistory to the Middle Ages and attempts to place them in the wider context of current research in the field. Beyond pointing the reader to ne...
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The purpose of this study is to examine how archaeology topics are reflected in the Social Studies textbooks for the 2023-2024 academic year. Social Studies courses provide students with the opportunity to recognize and analyze their past, present, and future, and also help young people in a culturally diverse democratic society develop the ability...
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Partiendo de las imágenes de jaguares presentes en piezas incas y coloniales, y a través de la articulación de diversas fuentes, este trabajo intenta intersecar la Arqueología con valores y prácticas relevantes en la memoria nativa, que nos conducen a repensar las relaciones entre humanos, animales y objetos. Las piezas y relatos estudiados hablan...
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Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy piastowskich klejnotów hełmowych, używanych przez władców w drugiej połowie XIII wieku (do 1301 roku włącznie). Przedmiotem uwag i rozważań jest kwestia znaczenia tego elementu umieszczanego na hełmach władców. Na podstawie analizy zachowanego materiału źródłowego (wizerunków napieczętnych) można dostrzec pewne prawidłowoś...
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After 2014, the conditions for early Palaeolithic field research in Ukraine changed because of the Russian aggression. Firstly, these changes became noticeable in the studies of Crimea and the eastern regions. Such changes are associated with the danger of conducting fieldwork and the impossibility of planning expeditions and field practices. In 20...
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The establishment of the Spanish mission system in Alta California disrupted and dismantled long established sociocultural norms in California Indian communities. Some of the people most affected identified as third and fourth genders, more generally identified today as nonbinary genders. Recorded in mission records as joyas, nonbinary people were...
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We present the implementation of exercises based on LEGO® Classic in the Archaeological Methodology module (Degree in History at the University of Valencia). The learning difficulties detected in previous courses have motivated the teaching team to design and apply new activities that improve the understanding of certain theoretical-practical conce...
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Luego de la transgresión del Holoceno medio, el paisaje de la bahía San Sebastián estuvo sujeto a transformaciones importantes que cambiaron sus propiedades para la ocupación humana. La formación de extensas llanuras con parches de recursos atractivos para los cazadores-recolectores promovió estrategias variables de uso del espacio. En este trabajo...
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Resumen: Este trabajo se aproxima al papel jugado por el fuego como polo simbólico de las Casas aristo-cráticas en la periferia norte de Tartessos, así como en la conformación de sus identidades y sus estra-tegias de dominio-poder en el genuino ciclo histórico Bronce final-Hierro I de este territorio. Dicho objetivo toma como referencias conceptual...
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O ano de 2024 foi caracterizado como um marco para a atualização da Revista de Arqueologia Pública, mantendo o compromisso de que o conhecimento científico é um bem público, e, portanto, que deve se manter acessível a todos. Nesse sentido, buscou-se modernizar a RAP e torna-la dinâmica, assumindo a Política de Ciência Aberta, Política de Quarentena...
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Studying historical and archeological records shows us that most of the nations have built places for worshipping based on their own religious beliefs. Ka’abe is introduced as the first place for worshiping the Unique God by Koran. Then mosque was built by Muslims based on the Holy Prophet’s order for worshiping the Unique God. Contrary to other te...
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El Estado chileno ha desarrollado una política de ocultamiento basada en la destrucción e invisibilización de los centros de detención, tortura y desaparición utilizados durante la dictadura cívico-militar, como es el caso del Regimiento Puente Alto. En el marco del proceso de recuperación de este espacio, llevado a cabo por la Asociación Memorias...