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Applied Behavior Analysis - Science topic
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Questions related to Applied Behavior Analysis
I am excited to share a research project three years in the making, that I've worked intimately on with my collaborators.
Survey Link:
Our project is a Multi-University collaboration (Northern Arizona University, the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the University of Utah, and the University of Nevada at Reno), which is currently recruiting participants for a study to explore the perspectives and experiences of the following groups:
- (Previous or Current) Professionals certified with the BACB
- Autistic adults (Dx or Self-Dx Welcome)
- (Previous or Current) Parents and caregivers of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
…in relation to applied behavior analysis (ABA) service delivery.
You are invited to participate in this study if you are over the age of 18 and identify as any of the previous three groups. Select which survey best describes you at:
The principal investigator in this research project is my colleague Dr. Natalie Badgett, Ph.D., BCBA-D from the Department of Special Education at the University of Utah. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Dr. Badgett at
Responses via the comment section will be responded to when possible. Shares of this survey are much appreciated, as we want to hear from as much of the community as possible!

Brenda Smith-Myles
Brenda Smith Myles in the field of autism, contributing address critical aspects of autism education.
Second articles on applied behavior analysis with Ole Ivar Lovaas.
articles on Sally Rogers with Early Start Denver Model
In 1974, the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis published a scientific article by author Dennis Upper with the length of the article content .... less than 1 word. This is quite surprising to the reader, but "fits" with the title of the article "The Unsuccessful Self-Treatment of a Case of "Writer's Block". ideas"). What's even more interesting is that when author Dennis Upper submitted the manuscript, this journal quickly accepted publication without any further editing by the author.
Link to the article here for Schofan who are curious to confirm more:
I have recorded behavioural data, such as incidences of aggression and grooming partners, in a troop of lemurs over three conditions.
What tests should I be using to compare the rates of aggression in the three conditions?
For the grooming partner data, I want to compare grooming between sex dyads. For instance, the frequency of male-male grooming compared to male-female grooming within each condition and then compare the average proportion of grooming between sex dyads in the three conditions. How would I do this?
Thank you in advance for your help. Apologies if this question is poorly worded, I am very new to data analysis.
Dear Colleagues,
Please see the following link and information for more details. If you are thinking about submitting, please feel free to reach out to me directly here or at
The modern field of Applied Animal Behavior has brought about two major advances in the behavioral welfare of animals: (1) The use of environmental/behavioral enrichment, and (2) the implementation of voluntary training procedures to improve human-animal interactions. Both these practices have their roots in behavior analysis and learning theory. However, few studies have examined the learning effects observed in the application of these practices. For instance, most implementations of operant conditioning to the training of animals is done without measurement of the learning process. Likewise, the effects of enrichment, while originally proposed as a form of behavioral engineering to modify learned behavior, is almost exclusively measured in terms of its pre- vs. post-enrichment effect. Both modern advances thus miss a significant result of their implementation: How behavior is shaped by these environmental manipulations.
The following special issue looks to address how learning theory has been applied and measured to address the welfare of animals. Original manuscripts that examine any aspect of how learning theory has been applied to improve the lives of animals, from studies of behavioral training procedures to the modification of behavior as a result of some environmental change, are welcome submissions. Specific interest will be given to papers that use within-subject methodology to measure changes in behavior over time, as well as papers that address how behavior analysis has served the welfare of animals and can better contribute to the field.
Dr. Eduardo J. Fernandez
Ms. Sabrina Brando
Guest Editors
Any viewpoint is highly accepted! You can send any research papers or links which focus on this topic.
Thank you all,
C. Mantzikos
I am looking for advice and tips how twin data could be used in behaviour analysis? In learning and/or skills development in twins? Recommended measure tools, data analyses, comparing results etc.
We're trying to inject the cascade blue dextran into mouse visual cortex by the protocol described in Wang & Burkhalter, 2007, but seem to have issues with the pipette clogging. We'd like to do it by iontophoretic injections so that we can closely control the injection amount, in order to only inject a small area. Any advice helps, thanks!
I have a dataset where for each individual there's a record for its behavior, being a state (with start and end times) or an event (duration 0, i.e. an instantaneous behavior). Some of these events can be simultaneous in time (e.g., you can sneeze while standing, or while sitting). Others usually happen very close in time, but not necessarily one after the other, so there can be some overlapping.
I'd like to analyze this dataset in terms of:
* How many times an event or state is followed by another
* How many times an event or state is simultaneous with another.
* Other cool and sexy stuff with it such as visualizations, etc.
I've never worked with this kind of problem, and I don't know if there's a specific keyword while searching for solutions for this.
Any help like which tool or documents, tutorials, etc. on the matter (preferably in R language) will be highly appreciated!
People advocate that education/ knowledge is solution to all problems on this planet, but it is observed that in many cases more educated are more found to be more corrupt, more nonsensitive to others problems and so on. Thus it seems that content learning does not really translate in to behavior modification the real purpose of education. what is your point of view?
Regards. In the analysis of data from an attitude scale (Likert) what level of measurement must be selected in view of variables: or ordinal scale? My question is because some authors have selected in the view of variables as scale (no tag value) and other authors as Ordinal. There are also those who considered the ordinal variables (dimensions, indicators or items), but the sum or scale transformation consider it? Thanks in advance.
We are conducting an experiment about the impact of physical exercise (running) on neurogenesis in the adult brain. We use a transgenic mice model and so far, we encountered some problems with the mice because they don't want to run...we have tried to attract them towards the running wheel with some food placed on the running wheel. However, this method didn't work so far. Therefore, I want to ask you whether you have any suggestion about what could we do in this situation.
Many thanks and I look forward to your help :)
Daniela Ivan
SILS, Center for Neuroscience
University of Amsterdam
I am interested in behavior analysis and recognition of autistic children.I have read literature on recognition of stereotypical motion disorders in autistic. children.I really need to know where to get data sets to analyze the behavioral patterns of autistic children.
I would like a few ideas on how to implement the active support model with daily staff persons using ABA.
I can video with insects (Musca domestica). I need the software for analysis moving of individuals from video. I find new packages Bemovi What similar programs you know and how to use them?
I want to analyze video from three different cameras.
I am analysing repeatabilities of behavioural traits. One of the behaviours appeared to be affected by the "repeat number". I need to calculate the adjusted repeatability, but after reading papers I still have no idea how. Is there anybody who could describe me the procedure in a very simple way. Thanks a lot!!!
So, this is the question. I have recorded the behavior of individuals every 30 seconds and I want to compute the bout duration averages dedicated to each type of activity. I have already included this data in an excel file.
As I said, I prefer to do it in R, but recommendations on any other program will be welcome.
Are there any specific behaviour change models for specific patient based interventions that are more efficient and successful than others?
I consider that different behaviors or lifestyles need different energy saving technologies. Is there a feasible description method for occupant behaviors of the indoor environment?
I have been trying to find research on risks for recidivism in pedophilic behaviors such as consumption of child pornography or child sex abuse in persons with an autism spectrum disorder (or if there are any) and pedophilia. I'd greatly appreciate any tips.
I'm interested in PRT implementation in schools. I've been able to find 10 studies examining this, but wonder if there are more out there. Is anyone aware of any? Is anyone doing any work in this area? Thanks!
What are the applications of data mining in the municipality? Actually, what are the applications of artificial intelligence in the municipality? Based on polling and data which are gathered from other resources.
I am trying to define inhibition, planning, set-shifting, and working memory in behavioral terms. Can anyone help with that?
My data use baseline WPPSI tests to compare with later WPPSI tests after a year of treatment. Dose of Reflective Network Therapy sessions correlates with IQ rise, regardless of diagnoses.
I am planning to conduct an experimental research on competitive state. I would appreciate if somebody could recommend me any software with flexible cognitive task and features to evaluate the individual and team performance.
The empirical evidence on the educational benefits of inclusive education for students with disabilities appears minimal, but inclusive education is promoted by a variety of professionals in special education, intellectual disability, autism, disability studies, and so on. "Presume competence" appears to be the rallying cry for full inclusion advocates, but also is used to defend pseudoscientific and invalidated interventions like facilitated communication and rapid prompting method. The notion seems largely supported by professionals aligned with a postmodern epistemology and may have been a strategic tactic by proponents like Douglas Biklen. Is "presuming competence" different from "presuming capable" and, regardless of the position, should we refrain from skepticism of people like Carly Fleischmann, Ido Kedar, and Sue Rubin to implicitly endorse the notion, or suspend belief until compelling evidence to substantiate their communicative competence is presented? Consider that members of society generally do not presume anyone to be competent and that we instead rely on evidence to substantiate such claims. Under what circumstances would people with disabilities be exempt from this application?
I am looking for current primary research that involves the use of ABA to teach reading skills.
This is currently a serious question being considered by APA and insurance companies in the United States.