Science topic

Apocynaceae - Science topic

The dogbane plant family of the order Gentianales, subclass Asteridae, class Magnoliopsida. Members of the family have milky, often poisonous juice, smooth-margined leaves, and flowers in clusters.
Questions related to Apocynaceae
  • asked a question related to Apocynaceae
3 answers
Calotropis is a genus of flowering plants in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1810. It is native to southern Asia and North Africa
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Please have a look at this useful RG link.
  • asked a question related to Apocynaceae
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Choongan Caralluma
Caralluma Tuberculata
Urdu: Chongan
English: Bitter Cress
Pushto: Pamankay
It is a wild plant used as a food. Its taste is bitter.
It is found in Africa, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Southern Europe.
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Choongan Caralluma is a medicinal plant, used in Ayurveda traditional medicine. This plant has purgative action, anti-inflammatory and protein digestive action-proteolytic action of latex. The medicated thread Ksharsutra is prepared by coating the thread with latex along with turmeric and alkali of acyranthes aspera plant. Such thread is used in Hemorrhoids and mainly in Fistulous tract for slow cutting action, this Technic is now more or less universal as minimum invasive para surgical method.
  • asked a question related to Apocynaceae
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Apocynaceae, Creepers, Locality: AndhraPradesh.
Plant Taxonomy ?
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Check - Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight & Arn.
  • asked a question related to Apocynaceae
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Any literature  available on pretreatment offor Wrightia tinctoria seeds?
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  • asked a question related to Apocynaceae
6 answers
I need accessions (seed or leaf) of Apocynaceae taxa for DNA extraction. Does anybody know, how I can get them? Please give me addresses or links. I am ready for exchange my accessions (from Iran) to another countries.
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  • asked a question related to Apocynaceae
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I'm currently trying to find articles that deal with the identification of species within Apocynaceae using intergenic spacer regions and ITS.
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Possible contacts:
Dr. Paul Forster (BRI)
Dr. Alexander Krings (North Carolina State)
Dr. Mark Fishbein (OKlahoma State U.)
More generally, however, use Index Herbariorum's search menu on the right side of the at  Simply type in the family name under "Research Specialty" and it will present a list of all researchers who self-identify as researchers with the family.
Neil Snow (formerly at BISH)
  • asked a question related to Apocynaceae
3 answers
Has anyone else had difficulty amplifying regions of taxa in the Apocynaceae.  Specifically, I am trying to optimize the following primers: trnV-ndhC, rpl32-trnL, 18S (IGS)-18S (ETS), 26S-18S. Has anyone found optimal PCR cycling parameters that allow for good amplification of these regions among taxa WITHIN Apocynaceae?
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Dear Kauahi Perez,
                             PCR depends mainly upon the constituents like buffers, dNTPs, Pol enzyme Primers, etc. However, the annealing of the primers are very crucial. Before proceeding just check the primer sequence status  like homology percentage with the target, oligo properties, etc. Be sure that the primers you have selected are specific for you experiment.
                          You can also optimize PCR by adding MgCl2, DMSO, BSA, etc in the reaction mix and then try it in a lower stringency.  All such additives helps to nullify the inhibitors in the reaction.
                         It should work. Good luck.......
  • asked a question related to Apocynaceae
4 answers
This plant (a tropical weed) reportedly produces high levels of vindoline and catharanthine. (Plant Sci. 2001 Apr;160(5):971-977. Terpenoid indole alkaloid profile changes in Catharanthus pusillus during development. Zárate R, Dirks C, van der Heijden R, Verpoorte R.)
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Respected Sir,
                           This plant is available in Petchiparai, Kanyakumari District Tamil Nadu.
Good Luck