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Antioxidant Activity - Science topic
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Questions related to Antioxidant Activity
I did a dpph method and make a variety of concentration (400, 200, 100, 50, 25 ppm). I have done it by making 1000 ppm first and diluted them, I already did this 4 times but the results are always same. is there something wrong with my way in diluting the sample? or is there something wrong with my sample?
I want to check the antioxidant activity of a organic derivative on xanthine oxidase enzyme using molecular docking . For this I have downloaded the Bovine milk XO enzyme from PDB. The active site of the enzyme contains molybdopterin cofactor. Autodock4 shows some errors when I try to run it. I think this may be due to the Mo atom. Anyone please help me to resolve this problem.
Has anyone performed assessment of Antioxidant activity in linoleic acid system? i followed this procedure Samples were dissolved in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer at pH 7.0, while BHT and BHA were prepared in 50 mM linoleic acid in absolute ethanol. FPH, autolysate or PFS (1 ml) was mixed with 0.5 ml ddH2O and 1 ml 50 mM linoleic acid, after which the mixture was incubated at 60 C in the dark with shaking. For the standard, BHT or BHA solution (1 ml) was added to 1 ml phosphate buffer and 0.5 ml ddH2O, whereas the control was comprised of 1 ml phosphate buffer, 1 ml 50 mM linoleic acid and 0.5 ml ddH2O. The extent of lipid peroxidation was monitored using the ferric thiocyanate method." But my absorbance values don't seem right. If anybody has performed the assay could you please mention how was the sample with linoleic acid prepared? I noticed my linoleic acid wasn't soluble in the system with the above mentioned reagents.
#linoleicacid #antioxidantactivity #proteinhydrolysate #radicalscavenging #lipidoxidation
How many receptor sites does Vitamin C interact with?
Good day! I am currently testing for the antioxidant activity of my extract via the hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay. I have already done the experiment in six trials using 30% hydrogen peroxide. Unfortunately the absorbances I got were almost all the same even with my positive control ascorbic acid. After checking the reagents, I realized that the hydrogen peroxide I used was already expired last 2015. I would like to ask if it is possible to use the commercially available 3% or 6% hydrogen peroxide solution for the working solution instead of the 30% since it is regulated in our country and will be hard to procure easily. Thank you very much and have a great day!
Is it correct to filter the extracts we obtain with Whatman filter paper and use them directly in experiments to investigate the bioactivity of phytochemical substances? Or is it correct to first centrifuge the extracts we obtain, then filter the supernatant and use them in experiments?
Is it correct to take the initial DPPH solution used as the A0 value in the DPPH radical scavenging test?
For example; When 1 ml of sample solution of known concentration is added to 3 ml of DPPH solution, the total volume will change and therefore the initial DPHH concentration will also change. Is it necessary to get results by adding the amount of solvent (ethanol or methanol) to the DPPH solution in the amount of sample volume added while reading the A0 value?
I prepare different concentration of ascorbic acid such as 80 migram per ml, 40,20,10,5,2.5,1.25,0.625 and absorbance measured by uv spectrophotometer at 517nm....
Hello everyone. I need help regarding my DPPH assay.
I'm currently trying to measure the Antioxidant Activity of my sample, Water Kefir infused with Plant extract (Turmeric and Green Tea) using DPPH method.
My DPPH Assay protocols are as follows :
A DPPH stock solution was prepared by mixing 24 mg DPPH in 100 mL Methanol. The working solution was obtained by mixing 10 mL stock solution in 45 mL Methanol to obtain an absorbance of 1.1 0.05 units at 515 nm using ELISA plate reader (Bio-tek Instruments, USA). 50 µL of sample was allowed to react with 250 µL DPPH working solution in dark for 30 minutes. The absorbance was then read at 515 nm using ELISA plate reader (Bio-tek Instruments, USA). Trolox solution was used as positive control in this experiment.
However, I noticed that there is precipitate/sediment formed after I incubated my samples for 30 minutes.
Does anyone know what might be the possible cause and how can I minimize the occurrence of this precipitate/sediment?
Also, if I aliquot the supernatant to a new plate and get the absorbance reading, does it affect my result somehow?
I also attached this photo of my plate to give you a better idea on how does the precipitate/sediment looks like
Note : I serially diluted my samples (2 fold each, 6 times). I noticed that the higher the concentration, the more likely the precipitate/sediment to form (A = 1mL, B = 0.5 mL, C = 0.25 mL, D = 0.125 mL etc)
i need to prepare homogenization buffer to be used for eliza and colorimetric assay in rat skin tissue can you recommend me the best one ?
I intend to measure the antioxidant activity of plant extracts and oils using two devices (96 well plate reader and a double beam ultraviolet-visible (UV / vis) spectrophotometer). Which equation should I use to calculate?
Thank you
propolis (Bee Glue) and Evaluate Its Antioxidant Activity
Comparative Evaluation of Selected high and Low Molecular Weight Antioxidant Activity in Rat.
I want to use the Hydroxyl Radical Scavenging method for a series of antioxidant tests.
In the written protocol, I should use iron sulfate, salicylic acid and 0.1% hydrogen peroxide.
Does 0.1% hydrogen peroxide mean by weight or by volume?
and What is the solvent of ferrous sulfate in this protocol? Is the Distilled Water?
In the tests related to Hydroxyl Radical Scavenging, two different methods were used.
In some articles, EDTA, deoxyribose, etc. have been used, but in other articles, these two substances have not been used at all and salicylic acid has been used (Hydrogen peroxide and iron chloride are common in both methods).
What is the reason for this difference?
And what is the difference between these two methods? Are both valid?
Thanks a lot
I wish you good health
I have a question:
In different articles, different volumetric ratios have been used for DPPH testing. For example, one paper used 0.5 cc of sample and 2.5 cc of DPPH solution, and another article used 1 cc of sample (ascorbic acid) and 1 cc of DPPH solution.
What is the reason for these different ratios and how do I know which method is correct?
Thanks for your response.
Hello, could you please answer me about this antioxidant assay?
My sample are crude extracts from Thai edible plant (extracted by using 60% ethanol as solvent). I follow this method
scavenge hydrogen peroxide was determined according to the method of Ruch et al (1989). A solution of hydrogen peroxide (40 mM) was prepared in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). Extracts (100 µg/mL) in distilled water were added to a hydrogen peroxide solution (0.6 mL, 40mM). Absorbance of hydrogen peroxide at 230 nm was determined 10 minutes later against a blank solution containing the phosphate buffer without hydrogen peroxide.
But it's has no result, I means the absorbance values after 10 minutes were the same (they have no different even if it different concentrations also standard ascorbic acid as well). I don't know what I did it wrong because I follow every step as mention. Can anyone help me??
Thank you
I'm performing antiplatelet aggregation induced by collagen, and I have only this manner, I can not test it by other methods such as ADP or TRAP-6 ...
And using different manners helps to confirm finding results and making a correlation. How can we deal with this kind of circumstances?
The range of dilutions i have chosen are 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 ppm. I cannot understand why I have negative values of the percent inhibitory activity. I am currently analyzing the effect of antioxidant activity in the storage of boiled turmeric rice.
Can we give a little bit whether an explanation or interpretation of the potential played by essential oil against free radicals for example without saying only the synergistic effect?
Is there any in-depth way or theoretical study to confirm which compounds, in particular, are responsible for the activity?
I prepared a dose of 1200 ug/ml from my crude extract and doing a serial dilution 600,300,150,75 ug/ml then I poured 1 ml each dose in a 3 ml DPPH solution and final volume of solution was 4 ml. Finally my dose was 300,150,75, 37.5 and 18.75 ug/ml. Now, which doses will I consider, final one or initial one? Most of the authors do not clarify it in their antioxidant article.
As we know, when we increase the concentration, the percentage of inhibition gets increased until reaching the maximum point. But, is it necessary to reach 100% ? Because, sometimes even if we increase the concentration over and over, the value remains stable!
What leads this phenomenon and how can we interpret it?
C1= 1 mg gives 60 % of inhibition
C2= 1.5 mg gives 86 % of inhibition
C3= 3 mg gives 86.2 % of inhibition
C4= 10 mg gives 86.5 % of inhibition
Even increasing the concentration, inhibitions percentage started to look stagnated, no more progress!
What about their potential role in postharvest qualities (resistance to decay, to chilling injuries, flavors)?
Having a molecule containing double bonds (e.g Limonene), or a molecule containing a functional group (e.g citronellal). Which one of those are you expecting will have a good antioxidant activity? and why?
Limonene: containing 2 double bonds
Citronellal: containing 1 double bond + functional group ( aldehyde)
We determine the antioxidant activity through either donation H or donation of an electron.
Could you give deeply more details about this explanation?
As we know, an essential oil is a mixture of components playing a pivot role in various domains.
I'm carrying out the antioxidant activity using in vitro tests.
Before doing this task, can we predict the activity of my essential oil only from the compounds found in my sample?
Is there any software to make a theoretical study?
In order to make a good comparison between your present work and the previous reported studies, we need to compare with results obtained below the same conditions.
Sometimes, we don't find works realised under the conditions that we used !
How can we valorize our work?
Are we allowed to compare even if the conditions are not alike?
Recently, FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power Assay) is not accepted by some journals for the investigation of the antioxidant power of a sample like essential oil!
I don't know the reason behind this refusal!
I'm performing the antioxidant activity of essential oil by DPPH manner, and I was wondering about the value of IC50 it seems so high because that of reference which is ascorbic acid is around 0.018 mg/ml, whereas that of my sample is 2 mg/ml. There is a big difference!
When we can consider an essential oil as an antioxidant agent? Is there any intervale of IC50?
Is there any interest to say that this essential oil having an antioxidant activity?
We tested some new compounds and I would like to write a discussion and compare these with other similar compounds... but we used as standard trolox and in study I would like to use they used AA. Thanks for any answer!
I do flavonoid test for biscuit incorporated with muntingia fruit powder.
Sample extracted with metanol (1:10 ,w/v), macerated 24h, sentrifuged and filtered. Supernatan used for analysis.
I have done dpph, phenol earlier with the supernatan from the same extracts. Dpph done well. Phenol had white precipitation.
And now flavonoid have white cloudy like solution.
An aliquot supernatan, add with 0,15 ml nano2 5%, then 0,15 ml alcl3 10% and 1 ml naoh. Then read abs at 510 nm. Quercetin as standard.
But i have cloudy solution which make it difficult to read in spectro.
Do anyone could help me for these? Thanks before
How to prepare a fruit juice sample to measure phenolic and antioxidant compounds by HPLC?
fot types of berries and grape?
I made ice cream using red pitaya peel and i need to measure the DPPH inhibition percentage for both red pitaya peel and ice cream. As we know, red pitaya peel has such strong red purplish color meanwhile my ice cream is slightly pink color.
Can I use different sample volume for my DPPH assay? I've tried using 1,5 ml ice cream extract+2,5 ml DPPH solutions and 0,5 ml red pitaya peel extract+3,5 ml DPPH solution
But the ice cream gives bigger DPPH inhibition percentage than my red pitaya peel
Is it because of different sample's volume? I can't use 1,5 ml red pitaya peel extract like ice cream one because the color is too strong so it doesn't turn to yellow after incubation
Is there any solution? Because I already performed Phenolic content assay and my ice cream's phenolic lower than red pitaya peel's
Thank you
I read this paper - Introduction of Purple and Deep Purple F1 Carrot Hybrids to Egypt Showed High Antioxidant Activity and High Content of Total Flavonoids and Phenols
It mentions that carrots grow in Egypt. I am trying to find out whether the ancient Egyptians cultivated and used carrots. If so is there documentary or graphical evidence (e.g. tomb paintings) I can refer to.
I believe, without proper evidence, that they used the leaves and seeds for medicinal purposes.
Some history books refer to tomb paintings but never give detail.
I am using Ferric sulphate as standard and ascorbic acid as positive control
Need to know from the community why we use Hippury-L-histidyl-L-Leucine as a substrate in ACE inhibitory activity
Does one use only one concentration of ascorbic acid and measure over time to get the linear equation? Or use several concentrations? Is it advisable to use dilutions of blank DPPH solutions as a standard curve and ascorbic acid as a positive control?
Hi all,
In the determination of Antioxidant capacity of fruit samples, I used DPPH assay and have a few questions regarding the DPPH assay
1) why is it necessary to vortex and incubate in dark the sample and DPPH solution? Is it so the sample and the DPPH can mix and allow the redox reaction to take place?
2) Why must DPPH be mixed with methanol to form methanolic DPPH? What is the purpose of methanol?
3) How did the equation %Inhibition= [(A0-A1)/A0] × 100 come about? Why is it not using beer-lambert law of calibration curve instead?
Please help! Thank you(:
I am finding a way to determine the all the possible derivatives of a certain compound (say derivatives of curcumin). And, I am having a hard time pointing out possible pathways and for novel product derivatives. Can anyone suggest how I can do it systematically or any technique at all, is there a software for this? Thanks
I´m looking for the best diluent for total antioxidant capacity in serum or plasma.
Carried 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2, 2'-Azino-Bis-3-Ethylbenzothiazoline-6-Sulfonic Acid (ABTS), Cupric Reducing Antioxidant Capacity (CUPRAC), Total phenolic content (TPC), Reducing Power (RP), Hydroxyl radical scavenging assay (HRSA), Total Antioxidant Activity (TAA) in standard and sample. In DPPH, TPC, CUPRAC and HRSA standard was superior than sample. What may be the reason for this result?
I'm looking for laboratories working with oxidative stress to test nitrocellulose redox permanganometry (NRP). NRP is a simple method for reductive capacity assessment based on the analysis of the MnO2 precipitate following redox reaction between KMnO4 and biological samples fixed onto the nitrocellulose. This method estimates how well the sample can give up its electrons to KMnO4, so it estimates the amount of chemical antioxidants. In other words this method can be used to measure total chemical antioxidant capacity of biological samples. Advantages of the method are: great precision and accuracy; the possibility to measure a lot of samples simultaneously; simplicity; cost (you only need a piece of nitrocellulose membrane and KMnO4). Moreover, the method can be used to obtain information on the spatial distribution of antioxidant capacity in tissue sections (both cryosections and FFPE can be used), providing unique information on the redox status of the tissue.
As the method is new, and we proposed it just recently, I'm looking for laboratories that are working with oxidative stress to test the method in their samples. We conducted thorough analyses and the method seems to be very robust. Nevertheless, I believe additional independent testing is always a good idea. Also, I believe comments of researchers closely working with oxidative stress would be beneficial for further development of this simple method.
The original paper can be found here:
A step by step protocol can be found here:
I am trying to measure the antioxidant activity in food samples. Which is the best way to express Antioxidant capacity - %DPPH inactivation or Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity? How do they differ? I see the usage of two ways of representations in a same article.
what are the best plant extract dilution concentrations used in Antioxidant Activities?any well known dilution procedure and concentration for Antioxidant activities?
What is the criteria should I follow to study the antioxidant effect of an extract of marine algae?
I mean determination of the concentration that recommended to be administrated in water.
Is there a standard method should I follow?
Should I perform a toxicity test first?
Could I use the concentration to the its effect on amino acids and fatty acids metabolism of adult Zebrafish?
I would like to have an idea of which cell-based assays have been used in different laboratories to assess antioxidant activity.
Dear scientist:
I want to measure the antioxidant capacity of cosmetic creams and lotions with the DPPH and
ABTS methods, but I am not sure how to prepare the samples. Will dissolving them in a mixture of methanol or ethanol and water work?
Thank you in advance for your collaboration
Can anybody suggest me one/more plant names for doing project either in alone or combination therapy of diabetic mellitus, wound healing and anti oxidant property?
antioxidants studies in C. quinoa in different parts of the plant
i use ethyl acetat and ethanol as solvent for extraction fruit of mangrove Avicennia marina. I have a problem with crude extract from ethanol solvent contain liquids that are very similar like oil. I did DPPH test from the extract of both solvents, and the results for ethanol have very weak activity IC50 = almost 2000 µg/mL. Does the liquid like oil affect the value of the activity obtained?
How can I calculate and express total phenolic content as mg GAE/g DE?
Below are the details:
1. I dissolved 10mg dry extract in 1ml methanol
2. 200 micro was taken for folin ciocalteu assay
3. The absorbances for one sample were: (0.915, 0.917 & 0.919)
4. i used (0, 10, 30, 50, 70 & 90 micro g/ml) and got the equation (y = 0.0193x + 0.047)
Hi, I am trying to estimate total flavonoid content in crude extract, can you please provide any protocol to prepare catechin standard curve.
Thank you in advance.
The systemic antioxidant therapy is one of the therapeutic options for oral mucosal lesions. In Localized delivery of antioxidant molecules to the oral mucosal lesion, will the oral mucosal cells uptake/absorb the antioxidant molecules? Will the antioxidant molecules perform their action when delivered locally? Which route of delivery (systemic/local) of antioxidant molecules can have better activity?
Hello everyone, You know what is the blank for the FRAP Assay?, to calibrate to zero the FRAP solution, or What is the absorbance of FRAP solution?, (control absorbance, for example in DPPH is around 0.6).
Thank you for the answers
Dear Sir/Madam, I invited as a guest editor from high quality journals to handle special issues. If anyone can prepare a review similar to my review papers, particularly about a natural product in cancer prevention with focus on the structure activity relationship and mechanism of action, please kindly let me know to send an official letter. At this stage you should just send the title, authors and affiliation and abstract. Please kindly let me know as soon as you can. The suggested deadline for sending review is about 3 month. Best wishes, Suggeted topic: Genotoxicity of different agents and possble protection. Reducing side effects of radiotherapy and chomotherapy. Next generation of cancer therapy; Natural products. Natural products as novel therapeutic compounds. Radiation protection.
Based on my research journals say that fermentation can increase antioxidant activity because the acid lactid bacteria will form primary and secondary metabolites which the secondary metabolite is polyphenol, can someone explain how that happen? Thankyou
I've a question regarding lipid oxidation - there are secondary products with truncated chains (like PoxnoPC and PazePC). The question is if they are stable, since I can't find any publication regarding the problem.
In seedlings it is important to verify that ozone does not cause damage, because plants are more sensitive to ozone in juvenile stages (Timonen et al., 2004).
Ozone, applied diluted in water and sprinkled on seedlings of ornamental perennial species such as Salix integra, Hydrangea paniculata or Spiraea japonica, has proven to be a very effective treatment against fungal foliar diseases, ultimately causing a saving of chemical products. This fact in a world that increasingly requires more ecological treatments, and in which the demands for reducing the residues of fungicides and other pesticides are increased not only in fruits but also in foods processed with them (Edder et al., 2009 ).
Ozone is considered as a possible organic biocide because apart from not leaving chemical residues, it acts in two ways, a direct and an indirect way through the ROS species (Zotti et al., 2008). Toxic doses in sprinkler irrigation were observed from 1.5 ppm on the mentioned perennial seedlings, in applications of 7.5 minutes of irrigation / day (approx 1L per plant / day) for 6 weeks. The non-toxic dose was observed in concentrations below 1.5 ppm, such as 0.5 ppm. At these levels, an elimination of algae and biofilm is ensured, without showing phytotoxic effects (Graham et al., 2009).
In hydroponic or semi-hydroponic systems, water (30%) and fertilizer (40%) were saved by recycling leached or closed-circuit water (Runia, 1988, 1993, 1994; McDonald, 2007).
In hydroponic tomato cultivation with nutritive solution + ozone, larger tomato plants were obtained than in nutritive solution - ozone. It was demonstrated in this work that the concentration of macro and micronutrients of the nutrient solution is not modified: there is no variation in the levels of Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphate, Ammonium, Nitrate, Copper, Molybdenum or Zinc depending on the dose increasing ozone up to 10 ppm. There is a drastic decrease in Manganese (from 0.5 ppm) and Iron (from 5 ppm). To avoid that, Terazoe (2001) proposed the ozonation of the water in a separate tank before adding the nutrients or separating the irrigation with ozone and the irrigation of nutrients. Despite this drastic decrease in the irrigation solution, there are no differences in the content of these nutrients in the leaves, which is not negatively affecting their normal development. There is a notable decrease in the incidence of root rot, typical of hydroponic cultivation (Ohashi-Kaneko et al., 2009).
So, everything seems quite good in that way, but many questions comes to my mind:
1) Given the potential of this tool, why is ozone not an essential tool in agriculture today?
2) Are we still in a time of transition to tools such as ozone in agriculture? Or, on the other hand, do people distrust this technology due to unethical actions carried out by certain companies in the manufacturing sector of ozone generators and other innovative technologies?
3) Are there few studies in agriculture with ozone application? Or perhaps the studies show very contradictory results among them?
Feel free to discuss and propose your own questions/answers,
Thank you!
Edder, P., Ortelli, D., Viret, O., Cognard, E., Montmollin, A. D., & Zali, O. (2009). Control strategies against grey mould (Botrytis cinerea Pers.: Fr) and corresponding fungicide residues in grapes and wines. Food Additives and Contaminants, 26(5), 719-725.
Graham, T., Zhang, P., Zheng, Y., & Dixon, M. A. (2009). Phytotoxicity of aqueous ozone on five container-grown nursery species. HortScience, 44(3), 774-780.
Ohashi-Kaneko, K., Yoshii, M., Isobe, T., Park, J. S., Kurata, K., & Fujiwara, K. (2009). Nutrient solution prepared with ozonated water does not damage early growth of hydroponically grown tomatoes. Ozone: Science & Engineering, 31(1), 21-27.
Timonen, U., Huttunen, S., & Manninen, S. (2004). Ozone sensitivity of wild field layer plant species of northern Europe. A review. Plant Ecology, 172(1), 27-39.
Zotti, M., Porro, R., Vizzini, A., & Mariotti, M. G. (2008). Inactivation of Aspergillus spp. by ozone treatment. Ozone: Science and Engineering, 30(6), 423-430.
What are the genes involved in Polycystic ovary syndrome (pco), what is the role of oxidative stress in progression of PCO?
I am read this sentence in artical paper >
(( Successive extraction with petroleum ether (6×50 mL), ethyl acetate (3×100 mL), and n-butanol (3×50 mL) afforded fractions))
I am using the dpph test for some plant extracts, the extracts are colored and they interfere with the resulted absorbance and I get an absorbance above the negative control....if any one could give me the protocol I'll be very thankful
Coffee is a simple beverage, but it’s full of complex compounds with health benefits. It contains hundreds of bioactive components including vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory polyphenols such as flavonoids. The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee can vary, depending on factors ranging from the type of bean used. So, What about the healthy daily amount of caffeine was recommended to be healthy with no risk?
I need the full protocol for analysis Chlorophyll a and b, and Anthocyanin for hydroponics lettuce and the ideal solvent for analysis such as acetone for cholophyll and methanol for anthocyanin.
For the experimental study we would like to use Thymoquinone. Is there anyone who could explain the dissolving procedure and dose before irradiation?
Estoy evaluando actividad antioxidante de un extracto de hojas de ortiga para ello quiero determinar el IC50 por lo cual prepare diferentes concentraciones del extracto para lo cual tuve que disolverlo por lo que las concentraciones están expresadas en mg/mL por lo tanto al calcular el IC50 este tendrá las mismas unidades (mg/mL) sin embargo revisando un articulo científico encuentro que el IC50 esta expresado en mg/g como logro esto? y como se interpreta estos resultados.
Hello everybody!
is it possible to measure 8-OHDG biomarker molecule in frozen sperm sample (epididymal) or it has to be a fresh sample necessarily?
thank you
I am conducting a experiment for antioxidant activity. For example let a sample X( Containing alpha-Tocopherol and ascorbyl palmitate) giving 250 (mM/g)(TEAC) for ABTS and 450((mM/g) ) for DPPH for a single sample. But most of research publication shows DPPH values have always less than ABTS for a single sample. Is there possible reason behind my result being high in terms of DPPH than ABTS.
As far as I know, ascorbate peroxidase enzyme (APX) is the major enzyme involved in H2O2 scavenging. It is specific to plants and algae.
Recently, I was shocked when I came across an article in which APX and guaiacol peroxidase (GPOX) from fungi were unusually assayed !
In fact, GPOX activity monitoring in fungal cells is not surprising since the famous class II peroxidases such as lignin peroxidase that is found in fungi can use guaiacol as electron donor. However, APX assay is well conducted and APX activity was even higher than catalase that is well reported in fungi !
Although ascorbate (or erythroascorbate) could be a natrural substrate for many peroxidases, what do you think about the presence of APX enzyme in non-photosynthetic organisms and especially in fungi ?
Your contributions will be welcomed.
I'm using "Use of a Free Radical Method to Evaluate Antioxidant
Activity W. Brand-Williams, M. E. Cuvelier and C. Berset" as reference.
I' m trying to measure antioxidant activity on garlic extract but something react with metoh so the solution isn't clear and can't be read on spectrophotometer .
thanks a lot
I want to determine some extracts' antioxidant activity but I am looking for methods which do not need to spectrometery.
Please let me know if you have any idea. Thanks.
I want to conduct a theoretical study in which the antioxidant activity and capacity of a phenolic chemical compound is supposed to be evaluated. The number of atoms of the compound is less than 40. I am absolutely in need of a computational method to use in the molecular modeling. Moreover, for doing the calculation, I need an open-source computational software, preferably a windows version. I thank you in advance for your valuable suggestions.
Some polymer additives are added during polymerization reactions in petrochemical plants while masterbatchs are added to the final polymer out of the plent.
Is the above sentence right?
Actually i cannot get the proper list of polymer additives added in petrochemical plants.
I google it but there is not any specific term yet i confuse with masterbatch and additives.
Suggest some best journals which offer speedy publication of research articles covering physio-chemical, sensory and antioxidant analysis of a developed food product. The journals should be impacted.
Thanks in anticipation
I'm a total newbie on antioxidant assay. Trying to determine antioxidant activity of an encapsulated polyphenolic compound
So I was looking at some journals for ABTS Assay procedures, and got quite confused as below:
This is the confusion part for me:
For (1), 7mM ABTS solution mixed with K2S2O8 solution. In that mixture, the concentration of K2S2O8 is 2.45mM.
Whereas for (2) equal amount of 7mM ABTS solution is mixed 2.45mM K2S2O8 solution. Doesnt that mean the final concentration of K2S2O8 in that mixture is 1.225mM.
Is (2) correct. Are they trying to get final concentration of 1.225mM. Or am I reading it incorrectly?
Actually, I'm trying to extract Spirulina microalgae using ethyl acetate to evaluate antioxidant activity. I want the ethyl acetate to be 50% diluted, meaning that I'm planning to add 50 ml water into 50ml of ethyl acetate. Is this applicable, because ethyl acetate has a low solubility in Water? Will this work?
Hello everyone,
I have a query regarding ''the possible reasons behind the higher phenolic content but lower antioxidant activity''. I used the raw bamboo shoots and it showed good amount of phenolic/flavonoid content and antioxidant activity but when I prepare candies from it without adding any other antioxidant rich ingredient, processing decline the phenolic content but antioxidant activity increase significant higher. Kindly suggest what could be the reason behind it.
LED treated plants gave lower concentrations on APX, SOD and CAT antioxidant activities than fluorescent light...what does it tell from the concentration of the enzymes? which is better?