Science topics: GeriatricsAnti-Aging
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Anti-Aging - Science topic

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Questions related to Anti-Aging
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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Is the most significant breakthrough so far "Published in Nature Aging, the new research reveals that the trick to anti-ageing lies within the white blood cells known as T cells. The researchers behind the study discovered that they can reprogram these cells to turn them into ageing-cell-killing machines known as CAR (chimeric antigen receptor) T cells.
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RNA molecule rejuvenates ageing mice
"Injecting old mice with an RNA molecule called miR-302b seems to reverse some signs of ageing — helping them to live longer, regrow hair and maintain their physical and mental abilities. The treatment works by targeting one of the hallmarks of the ageing process: a stage called cellular senescence, in which cells lose their ability to replicate. Researchers hope the findings could one day lead to the development of anti-ageing drugs, but more work is needed to determine whether they translate to people..."
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"SGLT2 inhibitors are a class of prescription medicines that are FDA-approved for use with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Medicines in the SGLT2 inhibitor class include canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, and empagliflozin.
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  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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Science is making anti-aging progress. But do we want to live forever?
Scientists reprogram T cells to slow down and reverse aging
The Future Of Anti-Aging: Emerging Technologies And Trends ** ( Apr 12, 2024 )
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In my view, the most accurate and practical theories in any scientific field, particularly gerontology, are heavily influenced by temporal, spatial, and cultural contexts. It is challenging to propose a definitive theory on gerontology, as the perspectives and experiences of elderly individuals vary across different decades.”
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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"Cutting-edge treatments have introduced new players to the anti-ageing arena, including poly-L lactic acid (PLLA), polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRN), and exosomes. These substances, administered through injections or micro-needling, stimulate collagen production, promote tissue regeneration, and enhance skin vitality.
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El antienvejecimiento puede extenderse más allá de la apariencia física al enfocarse en varios aspectos de la salud y el bienestar integral. Aquí hay algunas áreas clave donde el enfoque antienvejecimiento puede tener un impacto significativo:
1. Salud Mental y Cognitiva
  • Ejercicio Mental: Actividades como rompecabezas, lectura, aprendizaje de nuevos idiomas o habilidades pueden ayudar a mantener la mente aguda.
  • Terapias y Meditación: La meditación, el mindfulness y la terapia cognitivo-conductual pueden reducir el estrés y mejorar la salud mental.
  • Nutrición Cerebral: Una dieta rica en antioxidantes, ácidos grasos omega-3, y vitaminas esenciales puede apoyar la salud del cerebro.
2. Salud Física General
  • Ejercicio Regular: Mantenerse físicamente activo a través de ejercicios aeróbicos, entrenamiento de fuerza y flexibilidad puede mejorar la salud cardiovascular, la fuerza muscular y la movilidad.
  • Nutrición Adecuada: Una dieta equilibrada con suficientes vitaminas, minerales, antioxidantes y otros nutrientes esenciales puede apoyar la salud en general.
  • Suplementos: En algunos casos, los suplementos específicos como vitamina D, calcio, y otros nutrientes pueden ser beneficiosos.
3. Salud Emocional
  • Relaciones Sociales: Mantener relaciones sociales fuertes y positivas puede mejorar la salud emocional y reducir el riesgo de depresión y ansiedad.
  • Actividades Recreativas: Participar en actividades que brinden alegría y satisfacción personal, como hobbies y voluntariado, puede mejorar el bienestar emocional.
4. Salud Funcional
  • Prevención de Enfermedades Crónicas: La gestión proactiva de condiciones crónicas como la hipertensión, la diabetes y la artritis puede mejorar la calidad de vida.
  • Revisiones Médicas Regulares: Las revisiones y exámenes médicos periódicos pueden detectar y tratar problemas de salud antes de que se conviertan en serios.
5. Tecnología y Ciencia
  • Medicina Regenerativa: Terapias avanzadas como la terapia con células madre y la ingeniería de tejidos tienen el potencial de reparar y regenerar tejidos dañados.
  • Intervenciones Genéticas: La investigación en genética y epigenética puede llevar a intervenciones que ralentizan el proceso de envejecimiento a nivel celular.
  • Tecnologías de Monitoreo de Salud: Dispositivos y aplicaciones que monitorean signos vitales, actividad física y otros indicadores de salud pueden ayudar a mantener un seguimiento proactivo del estado de salud.
6. Aspectos Psicológicos y Espirituales
  • Propósito de Vida: Tener un sentido de propósito y objetivos claros puede mejorar la satisfacción general y la motivación.
  • Espiritualidad: La práctica de la espiritualidad, ya sea a través de la religión, la meditación, o la conexión con la naturaleza, puede proporcionar un sentido de paz y bienestar.
7. Ambiente y Estilo de Vida
  • Ambiente Saludable: Vivir en un entorno limpio, seguro y saludable puede reducir la exposición a toxinas y mejorar la calidad de vida.
  • Estilo de Vida Saludable: Evitar el tabaco, el consumo excesivo de alcohol y otras conductas de riesgo puede prevenir muchos problemas de salud relacionados con la edad.
Integrar estos enfoques en un programa holístico de antienvejecimiento puede no solo mejorar la apariencia física, sino también promover una vida más larga, saludable y satisfactoria.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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Apparently the lack of tyrosinase:
"Inhibition of tyrosinase can reduce the production of melanin and achieve skin whitening, effectively solving pigmentation (Lall and Kishore, 2014). Therefore, the development of antioxidants, tyrosinase inhibitors, and elastase inhibitors play important roles in solving skin aging and pigmentation" ( ).
Ming-Xiang Li, Jing Xie, Xue Bai, Zhi-Zhi Du,
Anti-aging potential, anti-tyrosinase and antibacterial activities of extracts and compounds isolated from Rosa chinensis cv. ‘JinBian’,
Industrial Crops and Products,
Volume 159,
ISSN 0926-6690,
Abstract: Rosa chinensis cv. ‘JinBian’, a cultivar of Rosa chinensis Jacq., is one of major raw material of rose tea and possesses sufficient plant resources in China. However, the studies on the chemical constituents and cosmetic activities of R. chinensis cv. ‘JinBian’ are almost blank. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the anti-aging, skin-whitening, and antibacterial potentials of extracts and chemical constituents of the flower by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, elastase inhibition, anti-tyrosinase, and antibacterial assays. Bioassay results suggested both 95 % and 65 % ethanol extracts possessed significant antioxidant, elastase inhibition, and anti-tyrosinase activities. The combined active extract was studied with bioassay-guided fractionation to give a new compound, kaempferol 3-O-α-l-rhamnopyranosyl (1→6)-(2”,3”-O-digalloyl)-β-d-glucopyranoside (1) and fourteen known compounds (2–15). All compounds were firstly isolated from this species and subjected to the above mentioned bioassays. Ten compounds exhibited antioxidant activities with DPPH radical scavenging rate from 63.40 %–94.04 % under the concentration of 100 μg/mL. The antioxidant activities of 1, 2-phenylethyl 1-O-β-d-(6'-O-galloyl)-glucopyranoside (12), vomifoliol (14), and 4, 4'-dimethoxy-3'-hydroxy-7, 9': 7', 9-diepoxylignan-3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (15) were firstly found with DPPH radical scavenging rate of 83.24 %, 91.10 %, 63.40 %, and 77.75 %, respectively. The moderate elastase inhibitory activities of 12, ethyl gallate (13), and 15 were firstly found with the inhibitory rate of 43.69 %, 43.25 %, and 35.34 % at the concentration of 100 μg/mL. Multiflorin B (3), 12, and 13 showed strong tyrosinase inhibitory activities with the inhibition rate at 43.83 %–55.80 %, comparing with the positive control, α-arbutin (22.15 %). In addition, 1 showed significant antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus with the MIC50 of 8.51 ± 0.26 μg/mL. Compounds 2–4 and 12–14 showed moderate antibacterial activities against S. aureus. Compounds 6 and 13 also exhibited moderate inhibitory effects against Klebsiella pneumoniae. Above results manifested that R. chinensis cv. ‘JinBian’ possessed potential application values in the development of natural anti-aging, skin-whitening and antibacterial products.
Keywords: Rosa chinensis cv. ‘JinBian’; Antioxidant; Elastase inhibitory activity; Tyrosinase inhibitory activity; Antibacterial activity; Cosmetic potential
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C-SHOT SERUM contains a combination of two molecules with a proven anti-ageing activity: a high percentage (30%) of a more stable vitamin C derivative, 3-O-ethyl-l-ascorbic acid, and lactic acid (1%).
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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A vaccine is a shot of a disease into someone's body, to summon antibodies to fight the illness. If the exact and specific cause of aging could be identified then t cells may mass produce themselves for anti aging. First, aging, as a disease, must have an identified parsimonious cause.
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I think aging is not a disease while vaccine require microorganism or their product the cause of infection
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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Definitely yes
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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Since most anti-aging experimenting is humanely on mice, how about a machine to automatically draw equivalence between the human and mouse body?
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Developing a machine to automatically draw equivalence between the human and mouse body for anti-aging experiments would be a significant technological advancement. Such a machine would aim to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of translating findings from mouse models to potential human applications.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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"Scientists have developed a vaccine specific to a protein found in senescent (old) cells, for targeted elimination. Age or metabolic stress promotes accumulation of senescent cells in tissues that causes pathological aging 'phenotypes'.
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Steve Jobs' Stanford address:
No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but some day not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.
Old age is not a disease. Let's not let them medicalise it.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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What's the latest anti-aging research?
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There was a new research at the start of 2024 about programing t cells to slow down aging
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Fundamentalmente: Muriéndose. Solo envejece lo vivo, aunque vivas muy sanamente. Lo no vivo no envejece, solo cambia.
Envejecer es inevitable a corto o a largo plazo.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
4 answers
Cellular damage, NOT mutation, causes aging. Cellular error is difficult to define.
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Aging is a multifaceted process influenced by various biological factors, with significant research pointing to the role of telomeres. Here's an explanation of how telomeres contribute to aging and the discussion surrounding cellular damage:
Telomeres and Aging
1. Role of Telomeres:
  • Telomeres are repetitive nucleotide sequences at the ends of chromosomes that protect them from degradation and fusion with neighboring chromosomes. Each time a cell divides, telomeres shorten slightly, which is a natural part of the aging process.
  • When telomeres become critically short, they trigger cellular senescence or apoptosis (programmed cell death), which prevents cells from dividing further. This is a protective mechanism to avoid the propagation of damaged DNA.
2. Telomere Shortening and Cellular Aging:
  • Telomere shortening is a key indicator of cellular aging. As cells reach their replicative limit (the Hayflick limit), the accumulation of senescent cells contributes to tissue dysfunction and age-related diseases.
  • Factors that accelerate telomere shortening include oxidative stress, inflammation, and lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and chronic stress.
Cellular Damage and Aging
1. Beyond Telomeres: Cellular Damage:
  • While telomere shortening is a significant factor, aging is also driven by accumulated cellular damage. This includes oxidative damage to DNA, proteins, and lipids, leading to impaired cellular function.
  • Cellular damage can result from environmental factors (e.g., UV radiation, pollutants), metabolic processes (e.g., production of reactive oxygen species), and lifestyle choices (e.g., smoking, excessive alcohol consumption).
2. Antifragility and Cellular Resilience:
  • The concept of antifragility suggests that exposure to mild stressors can enhance cellular resilience and repair mechanisms. For instance, intermittent fasting, exercise, and certain hormetic stressors may promote telomere maintenance and overall cellular health.
  • Strategies to protect telomeres and reduce cellular damage include maintaining a healthy lifestyle, consuming antioxidants, and potentially using telomerase activators (though this area requires more research).
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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Yoga and being vegetarian has great impact. Its also proven. Further if a person sticks down to a routine work and maintains proper diet , it can be controlled. Further natural therapy increases youngness.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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Well, first, we have to understand what happens when we age .
Our DNA degrades over time  so the first step is to stabilize DNA structure, and integrity,
Then we move on to door number two
Which is manipulation of DNA 
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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In my experience the easiest way to get research journals is to examine the field, see what journals there are available, determine which ones I wish to receive and then subscribe to them. You might find some free journals, but I would question the value of them if they exist in print form. There are several good online journals in various fields that are free, but they are only online.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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Hello Folks,
I am working on SHSY5Y cells for D-galactose induced aging model. I want to know whether I should use differentiated or undifferentiated SHSY cells to study anti-aging effects of any test material.
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Tissue cultures have limitations to study the biology of aging. Some example to use the cells are above.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
9 answers
Is it medically possible to have a single treatment for all diseases? One way to proceed about it is anti-aging. Aging is a process of accumulation of impairments of aging throughout life and ongoing damage of aging. If we can nullify it, our body intrinsic ability to heal would tale over, and provide a healthier system.
Kindly answer to this question with best of your knowledge. For the ongoing covid pandemic and upcoming chronic disease epidemic, we can provide a better treatment if this method works.
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Also check please the following useful RG link:
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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The incidence of COVID-19-related pneumonia is associated to overall body resistance, which in turn depends on age. Drugs such as IL-7 (which restores the aged thymus) and some others can increase resistance and reduce the likelihood of infection. Therefore, the severity of the pandemic can be reduced.
Here is an article about possible causes of thymus involution
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Dear Alexander Khalyavkin,
In my opinion, finding a direct correlation may not be easy. But indirectly, we can point to the correlation between the enhancement of the body's general immunity and the lower incidence of comorbidities in relation to the Covid-19 disease. And it is precisely comorbidities that are largely responsible for a significant proportion of deaths classified as caused, inter alia, by severe state of Covid-19 disease.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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The role of anti-aging genes such as Sirtuin 1is involved in epigenetics and is critical to the treatment of various diseases such as NAFLD, obesity, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. Sirtuin 1 is critical to the immune system and its repression is connected to the various chronic diseases. The role of RNA editing and genetic engineering is now important to treating various chronic diseases in the presence of Sirtuin 1 repression to prevent and reverse various chronic diseases that are linked to mitochondrial apoptosis and programmed cell death. RELEVANT REFERENCES:
A. Anti-Aging Genes Improve Appetite Regulation and Reverse Cell Senescence and Apoptosis in Global Populations. Advances in Aging Research, 2016, 5, 9-26
B. Single Gene Inactivation with Implications to Diabetes and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome. J Clin Epigenet. 2017;Vol. 3 No. 3:24.
C. Increased Risk for Obesity and Diabetes with Neurodegeneration in Developing Countries. Top 10 Contribution on Genetics. Chapter 1, EBook. 2018.
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It would depend on whether or not the Sirtuin1 causes the symptoms of your interest. Your best bet will be bypassing the Sirtuin 1 repression, activation mutations in another gene, etc. In general, you will need to design the experiments and screen what you want. Good luck.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
16 answers
We are reviewing whether antioxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenols really be developed as supplements or drugs for anti-aging and aging health-related illness? Any possible or not suggestions?
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  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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1. Martins IJ. Advances in Aging and Health Research. Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-61896-569-1
2. Martins IJ. Scientific Nutritional Health and Global Chronic Disease. Scientific Media. New Distribution Report. 2018;443:1-3
3. Martins IJ. Chapter 01. Increased Risk for Obesity and Diabetes with Neurodegeneration in Developing Countries. Top 10 Contribution on Genetics. Book Chapter. 2018.
4. Martins IJ. Anti-Aging Gene linked to Appetite Regulation Determines Longevity in Humans and Animals. International Journal of Aging Research. 2018,1(6): 1-4.
5. Martins IJ. Antimicrobial activity inactivation and toxic immune reactions induce Epilepsy in human. J Med Discov (2017);2(4):jmd17040.
6. Martins IJ. Single Gene Inactivation with Implications to Diabetes and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome. J Clin Epigenet. 2017;3:24.
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No, I don't think so.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
3 answers
Butyric acid regulates gene expression by inhibiting histone deacetylases (HDACs). Butyrate induces growth arrest in a variety of normal cell types and senescence-like cancer cells by inhibiting DNA synthesis and cell growth and inducing stem cell differentiation and apoptosis by DNA fragmentation. Butyric acid regulates gene expression by inhibiting histone deacetylases (HDACs). Butyric acid has been assessed in NAFLD and Alzheimer’s disease as a therapeutic agent. The anti-aging gene Sirtuin 1 is a histone deacetylase and HDAC inhibition may completely interfere with its role in anti-aging and DNA repair and regulation of programmed cell death pathways.
1. Ho L, Ono K, Tsuji M, Mazzola P, Singh R, Pasinetti GM. Protective roles of intestinal microbiota derived short chain fatty acids in Alzheimer's disease-type beta-amyloid neuropathological mechanisms. Expert Rev Neurother. 2018 Jan;18(1):83-90.
2. Kosta Steliou, Michael S. Boosalis, Susan P. Perrine, José Sangerman, and Douglas V. Faller. Butyrate Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors. Biores Open Access. 2012 Aug; 1(4): 192–198. 3. Bourassa MW, Alim I, Bultman SJ, Ratan RR. Butyrate, neuroepigenetics and the gut microbiome: Can a high fiber diet improve brain health? Neurosci Lett. 2016 Jun 20;625:56-63.
4. Eva Juárez-Hernández, Norberto C. Chávez-Tapia, Misael Uribe, and Varenka J. Barbero-Becerra. Role of bioactive fatty acids in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Nutr J. 2016; 15: 72.
5. Anti-Aging Genes Improve Appetite Regulation and Reverse Cell Senescence and Apoptosis in Global Populations. Advances in Aging Research, 2016, 5, 9-26
6. Single Gene Inactivation with Implications to Diabetes and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome. J Clin Epigenet. 2017; Vol. 3 No. 3:24.
7. Anti-Aging Gene linked to Appetite Regulation Determines Longevity in Humans and Animals. International Journal of Aging Research. 2018,1(6): 1-4.
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Dear Klein,
Thank you for your mail. Yours sincerely, Ian Martins (Ph D, D.Sc and Dr.Med, Honoris Causa) World's Famous Scientist Dr. Ian James Martins from Australia conferred with Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science for Outstanding Scientific Contribution in Nutrition. Dr. Ian Martins from Australia conferred with Honorary Degree of Doctor of Medicine for Outstanding Scientific Contribution in Diabetes. Fellow of International Agency for Standards and Ratings (IASR) Division for Certification and Acreditation Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute Edith Cowan University 8 Verdun Street, Nedlands 6009. Western Australia, Australia
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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What is the scientific proof of Houttuynia Cordata's benefits for anti-ageing and skin brightening function?
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Please also take a look at this useful RG link.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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anti aging studies in drosophila
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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Recently scientists found vitamine 3 is unique in mitochondria remedy for anti-aging,and FDA approve use of this material ,how this assist anti aging?,mwhat is mechanism of healing?
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
24 answers
Kindly suggest the name of some antioxidants you know, which are effective to reduce free radicals in living body.
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Which has the largest number of hydrogen atoms
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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Interests in Biomarker Research has escalated with relevance to mitochondrial survival and global organ disease in diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Biomarker Research is expected to cost approx 118 billion dollars in the next 10 years. Bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) should be measured in the blood plasma of developing world individuals with relevance to mitochondrial apoptosis and global chronic disease. The anti-aging protein such as Sirtuin 1 may also now be relevant to mitochondrial apoptosis versus mitochondrial biogenesis and may supersede the various biomarkers for mitochondrial survival relevant to diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and neurodegenerative disease research.
1. Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides and Neuron Toxicity in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Neurology Research and Surgery. 2018; 1(1): 1-3.
2. Early diagnosis of neuron mitochondrial dysfunction may reverse global metabolic and neurodegenerative disease. Global Journal of Medical Research.. 2016;2: 1-8.
3. Role of Clinical Proteomics, Lipidomics, and Genomics in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. Proteomes, 2016. 4(2) 1-19.
4. The Future of Biomarkers Tests and Genomic Medicine in Global Organ Disease. Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2017; 1(1): 1-6.
5. Unhealthy Nutrigenomic Diets Accelerate NAFLD and Adiposity in Global communities. Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine: 03/2015; 9(1).
6. Diabetes and Organ Dysfunction in the Developing and Developed. Global Journal of Medical Research: F Diseases Volume 15 Issue 1 Version 1.0 Year 2015.
7. The Future of Genomic Medicine Involves the Maintenance of Sirtuin 1 in Global Populations. Int J Mol Biol . 2017. 2(1): 00013.
8. Dietary Interventions Reverse Insulin and Synaptic Plasticity Defects Linking to Diabetes and Neurodegenerative Diseases. SL Nutrition and Metabolism. 2017; 1:111:1-5.
9. Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides Change Membrane Fluidity with Relevance to Phospholipid and Amyloid Beta Dynamics in Alzheimer’s Disease. J Microb Biochem Technol. 2016; 8: 322-324. 10. LPS Regulates Apolipoprotein E and Aβ Interactions with Effects on Acute Phase Proteins and Amyloidosis. Advances in Aging Research 03/2015; 4(2):69-77.
11. Overnutrition Determines LPS Regulation of Mycotoxin Induced Neurotoxicity in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Int J Mol Sci. 2015; 16(12): 29554–29573.
12. Bacterial LPS Overrides Adenosine Treatment of Epileptic Seizures. EC Microbiology 7.3 (2017): 83-86.
13. Sirtuin 1, a Diagnostic Protein Marker and its Relevance to Chronic Disease and Therapeutic Drug Interventions”. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 6.4 (2018): 209-215.
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Dear Dr Monnerat,
Thank you for your mail.
Yours sincerely,
Ian Martins (Ph D)
Fellow of International Agency for Standards and Ratings (IASR)
Centre of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease Research and Care Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute
Edith Cowan University 8 Verdun Street, Nedlands 6009. Western Australia, Australia
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
4 answers
There are published reports that oral collagen supplements in the form of collagen hydrolysate, collagen tripeptide or collagen dipeptide improves the quality of skin and gives anti-aging property. How does it work? How is it metabolized in the body? When supplement is given is there any down regulation of collagen synthesis by fibroblasts?
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I would question whether those "reports" refer to appropriately designed studies, using techniques like randomization and placebo control, and whether the sponsors have any financial interests in the outcome. I'm not aware of any that meet these seemingly rather basic criteria. Have any links?
Like most peptides, oral collagen would be partially digested by enzymes like intestinal elastase, and taken up as a "hydrolysate" or as individual amino acids, which are then either absorbed into the body's protein synthesis or broken down for energy. If provided as hydrolysate (pre-digested) it should be taken up more or less as it is, perhaps with minor additional hydrolysis.
In theory it seems difficult to see where your amino acids come from. You could get them from oral collagen. Or you could get them from eating steak and lentils. The only thing special I could see regarding collagen hydrolysate is that it would provide them in the exact correct ratios to make more collagen. Its amino acid composition is quite special, consisting mainly of Gly, Pro, and some Lys. So if you're generally low on amino acid reserves, and your body wants to make collagen, I could see that supplementing these specifically in the form of collagen hydrolysate could, under special enough circumstances, in theory, help it out.
But is collagen even the right thing to aim for? I would associate collagen production with fibrosis, more so than with youthful "elastic" skin quality. As far as I'm aware, the elastic qualities of young skin would be associated with the aptly named elastin more so than with collagen, no?
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What are the ways to isolate/extract retinol in its pure form from a mixture of retinol, polysorbate 20, BHT(butyl hydroxy toluene), and BHA(butylated hydroxyanisole)?
Retinol 50C(BASF product) is made up of :
- Retinol (49.5%)
- Polysorbate 20 (48%)
- BHT (3.5%)
- BHA (1%)
I've tried just about every search engine available, however, I am still having trouble finding the relevant information. Your help/guidance would be greatly appreciated!
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2-5 g of Retinol 50C (BASF product) are dissolved with vigorous stirring in 10-15 cm3 of n-hexane, using an ultrasonic bath to accelerate dissolution. Remove excess water by adding anhydrous sodium sulfate. The contents of the flask are filtered through a filter paper to separate the undissolved precipitate. The flask is washed twice with 5 cm3 of n-hexane. The filtrates are collected in a volumetric flask with a capacity of 25 cm. The solution is adjusted to the mark with n-hexane. Then an aliquot of the hexane solution is evaporated in a stream of nitrogen and the dry residue is redissolved in the eluent
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
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Wrinkling of skin happened due to multiple factors including ageing, genetic bases, sunlight exposure, eating behavior etc. we can control these factors by applying anti age creams available in the market which slow down the wrinkling and promote collagen and elastin protein, while collaginase breaks it, now what are anti aging creams which are really beneficial and having what ingredients in it, some suggestions needed,
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Hi Abdul Malik Anyone that promotes specific creams, emollients, balms or snake oils that claims to halt skin wrinkling through promoting collagen and elastin production is totally ignorant of basic biochemistry and biology. And no, "we", cannot control skin wrinkling.
1. The outer layers of normal skin is made of keratin protein polymers.
2. It is not collagen or elastin.
2. Collagen and elastin are major components of scar tissue that is made after injury to the skin.
3. Keratin is a dead outer layer of skin and it is impermeable.
4. If rich, ignorant and vain people are involved......
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5 answers
I have publications on using synergistic nutrient combinations on different days of the week to avoid inter nutrient interactions, reduce antagonism, improve efficiency, achieve optimum utilization. The therapy is yielding consistent results in hair loss management. It has helped improve iron levels, correct associated thyroid, PCOS, improve skin as well. Cyclical therapy utilizes antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, amino acids in an optimum dose cycles on different days. A similar approach can create an effective day to day care program for anti aging.
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This is a highly innovative approach: the focus of my work is more on synergism, but we share a commen goal. The common goal is to improve and maintain health by timed and targeted specific nutrition. Cordial greetings, Your Burkhard
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10 answers
the ageing population is one of the greatest challenges facing society. more people are surviving to old age than even before, but we currently lack the mean to keep them healthy and independent. mean while i heard anti ageing drugs are coming what will be importance to protect cells and tissue.
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A number of products, including diets, drugs and supplements, are promoted to have anti-aging properties. Unfortunately, the hype is often undeserved. Here, I review the most famous products aimed at delaying the aging process and the misconceptions in which most--but not all--are based. Future anti-aging therapies and some advice on healthy lifestyles is also included.
Caloric Restriction
Hormonal Therapies
Telomere-Based Therapies
Stem Cells
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1. Antibiotic Use and Nuclear Receptor Inactivation Linked to Mitophagy in Diabetes and Chronic Diseases. Journal of Diabetes and Clinical Studies. 2018,2 (1);1-3.
2. Sirtuin 1, a Diagnostic Protein Marker and its Relevance to Chronic Disease and Therapeutic Drug Interventions. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 6.4 (2018): 209-215.
3. Antibiotic Resistance Involves Antimicrobial Inactivation in Global Communities. SAJ Pharma Pharmacol 2017;2: 102.
4. Antimicrobial Drugs and Bacterial Amyloid Peptide Induce Toxic Manifestations in Chronic Diseases. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 6.1 (2018): 01-04.
5. Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides Change Membrane Fluidity with Relevance to Phospholipid and Amyloid Beta Dynamics in Alzheimer’s Disease. J Microb Biochem Technol. 2016; 8: 322-324.
6. Inactivation of Anti-Aging Genes is Related to Defective Drug Metabolism in Diabetes. Int J Drug Disc. 2017; 1:003.
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Not sure about diabetes but several classes of antibiotics induce mitophagy to eliminate dysfunctional mitochondria. So I guess this phenomena should be common.
PS: PMID: 30373788 PMID: 27693455
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
5 answers
Biological Ageing is natural decline and deleterious effects in health and diminishing life span with more diseases like degenerative like Alzhemier, Parkinson in old age, diabetes, cardiovacular diseaes and cancer. Before, 1950s there was no mention of ageing but now its emerging field in research and thinking for better cure of diseases and reverse or delay aging, metformin, rapamycin some antioxidants, herbs and aspirin are screened for anti-aging agents, some trials are needing to finalize the ageing treatments, Hope, in future, there will be less diseases and less early deaths as happening now,
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Dear Malik, anti-ageing therapy can include multiple strategies such as gene therapy, physical exercise , diet (keto diet/Fasting/intermittent fasting/time restricted feeding/ dietary supplementation), hormones replacement therapy, enhancement of cognitive function or mental ...The goal here for anti-ageing medicine is to slow or to reverse (temporarily) the changes associated with age, so the combination between some strategies would be more beneficial than using one
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
2 answers
Dear all,
Have you ever studied a paper about probable interaction between some of anti-aging genes, such as Klotho, TERT (Telomerase) and Sirtuins genes?
Could you please send me the document or links?
Thanks in advance
Warm regards
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Dear Hassan,
Many thanks for sending links.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
2 answers
Study on anti aging effect using plant extract
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
2 answers
Plant extract potential as anti aging.
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My advice is that someone already beat you to it:
Geron has also done several screens for natural and synthetic compounds that affect telomerase activity. I believe that TA-65 was sold by Geron to TA Therapeutics.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
3 answers
Thinking about the importance of avoiding free radicals ... will there be a way to drink something that encapsulates them? Is it a very crazy idea?
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Hi, it is not crazy to think of drinking anti-aging agents. It is good to have enough antioxidant s and reducing agents in our body but with moderation to prolong the vitality of the cells which will in turn prolong the systems.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
4 answers
Please see Presentation below entitled
" Drug-Drug Interactions with Relevance to Drug Induced Mitochondrial Toxicity and Accelerated Global Chronic Diseases"
at the 8th World Gene Convention-2017.
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The example of Dr. Christian Q. Scheckhuber is for simple organisms. However, wit more complex and longer living organisms, there is a risk that that if you block reproduction of mitochondria, the organism will die young. Aging is a very complex process and different organs age at different pace. On my page I just posted few papers, which discuss this issue.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
5 answers
Hi Joseph, I am a Neuroscientist and have been using deprenyl as you prescribed for 20 years now and at 78 have no diabetes or heart problems and weigh 170 lbs. I still ride my dual purpose motorcycle. I have lost erectile function and wear hearing aids. What progress have you made in the last 20 years that could benefit me? Thank you for your very important work and contributions!
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Brain Longevity
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
4 answers
I am trying to measure the anti-aging properties of specific compounds. What are the most used methods to do so?
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You can culture cells with your antiaging substances and stain using beta galactosidase test.. I have done it in the past, but now Mark has been doing it. Can buy kit from sigma. CS0030 Sigma Senescence Cells Histochemical Staining Kit
sufficient for 100 tests. Less cells stained means more young cells.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
3 answers
Food restriction in diabetes is essential to activate the anti-aging genes to increase cholesterol and glucose metabolism. The brain with increased food consumption may lose synchrony (Type 3 diabetes) and careful food restriction is required to activate the hypothalamus that contains the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Food restriction for diabetes treatment may depend on the amount of bacterial LPS, mycotoxins, xenobiotics and other compounds that may enter the brain and interfere with the SCN circadian rhythm.
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Primarily with following objectives.
Metabolic support & Management of hyperglycemia
Lipid management
Obesity Management
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
4 answers
Does anybody know works where two or more circadian genes were overexpressed multiplexly and lifespan of a model was observed? Probably somebody knows groups solving the problem of combined overexpression for life extension, I would be grateful to recieve any information.
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Dear Ilya,
I have not looked at double-over expression but I have looked at single-over expression of several core clock genes in whole body or specific tissues. Based on that, I would say that effect of double-over expression on lifespan could be tricky as the two genes-when taken individually have different effects on lifespan based on the tissues they are over expressed.  I also look at effects of diet on lifespan and that adds a new dimension on the lifespan measurements of the animals.  
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
2 answers
In the whole chain of oxidative phosphorylation, does the reduction of oxygen step limit the speed at which NADH can be processed?
Suppose you had 2 OXPHOS systems side by side - one in which O2 was always, 100% completely reduced (producing no free radicals) and one in which O2 was only reduced halfway (producing lots of free radicals). Which system would run faster, and by how much?
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I think that an electron transfer from 2Fe-2S to heme c1(or f6) is a rate limiting step in Oxidative phosphorylation (photophosphorylation). 
A link of our animation of this process:
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
11 answers
According to WHO, Active ageing is the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age. It applies to both individuals and population groups.
With the population ageing world wide, Its necessary to carry out different activites to make active ageing to our senior citizens. From this active ageing it will indirectly save the health expenses and other social support related expenses of the family, society, community and of Nations. While sharing the Policy and Action program carried out in your country or region or community people from developed country or other region can also replicate the program which will be useful for the well being of aging society.
I look forward to get lots of theoretical or empirical study results as well as policy related materis will be shared in this forum related with active ageing. Thank you every one for your kind contribution.
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Thank you Jose and Barbara for adding the information.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
3 answers
I have done microneedling for 19 years and I always apply vitamin A, C and E to the skin immediately after the treatment. I have never seen a reaction ever and my experience covers about 2000 personal cases and in excess 10,000 when including my associates using the same regime.   The product we use is Environ vitamin ACE Oil which has no added preservatives, colourants or perfumes.  This is the same oil as used by Zeitter et al in their research at Hannover Medical School to test needling skin at weekly intervals.   In their research the vitamin A,C E oil vastly increased the magnitude of the result.
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  • I think cleaning the skin properly with a suitable anti septic and anti microbial agent will help in preventing granulomas.
  • post exposure to unsuitable environment especially malls, road dust house dust soaps or even dirty hands also may contribute.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
3 answers
Found a quote in a paper by Judith Campisi "RAS and similar GTPases generate reactive oxygen species as signal molecules". Can anyone explain this further?
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These papers might help you
1. › NCBI › Literature › PubMed Central (PMC)
by M Sagi - ‎2006 
The role of ROP GTPases appears to be more than simple activation of Rboh, but is ... These results suggest that ROS generated by Rboh act in several ...
by E Werner - ‎2004 
GTPases, work as binary switches that exist in GTP-bound or. GDP-bound ... provides insights into the regulation of other ROS-generating enzymes by GTPases.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
5 answers
Mice, fish or any other
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In reality, the best 'animals' for anti-aging studies are humans.  Although animal research has been invaluable in understanding aspects of ageing, what really matters is how ageing affect us. Only the results of research in humans can be directly applied on humanity at large. Any animal research may not be applicable to us, and there are many examples where positive animal effects were not observed when the method was applied on humans.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
4 answers
If not, why not? Similarly, if oxytocin rejuvenates certain cells, is this observed in cases where oxytocin is used for treatment of human diseases?
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The following articles are in line with your querry. They might help you.
Livers of old mice exposed to young blood had rejuvenated potential for growth
Most speculation about anti-aging mechanisms and candidate 
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
3 answers
I need to do western blot of RBC globin but i can't find how to extract globin from the cells. I will use anti-AGE antibody. Did somebody do something like that? Thank everybody for answers!
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Hi Taras, point taken.
I was thinking that you were analyzing hemoglobin from diabetic patients.
What I meant with Hb that  "it usually does not develop advanced glycation end products in vivo." is that the RBCs have a high turnover in the circulation (20-30 days) that precludes them from developing more advanced Amadori and Maillard reaction products that can be classified as AGE.
You usually don't find vascular proteins with AGE products because vascular proteins are turned over rapidly by the liver.
Extravascular proteins, like collagens and elastin, however, have a long turnover rate (~years), are more likely to develop AGE products.
Question. Why do you want to want to remove the heme group from hemoglobin? The heme is not involved in the glycation process as far as I know.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
2 answers
Since continual mitochondrial function is required for maintenance in response to stress, mitochondrial function is impaired with aging.
In response to this mitochondrial dysregulation, is MRS activated as a compensatory or quality control mechanism?
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MRS is altered by general cell stress, which should increase with aging (via inflammaging, as well as other mechanisms).  Humanin and MOTS-c are both responsive to general cell stress as far as I know.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
68 answers
How reliable is the research that has gone into health, wellness and beauty products? To what extent can we trust the research? Do we have convincing evidence that research with such products was carried out and that the results showed the efficacy of these products?
Please share your specific views. Thanks.
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Dear Miranda,
I am not an expert in this field however I used to ask my wife and daughters about it. It seems to me that healthy, wellness and beauty products are a flowering business area because the official control is not as strict as in case of medicaments. Many wellness and beauty products have but phraseologic impacts. Even some can have serious side effects. I remember some years ago an American reporter (a woman) prepared a Tv programme on unreliable and dangerous cosmetic products. Citing Shakespeare many cosmetics are but much ado for nothing!
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
7 answers
Following the very interesting question: "" asked by, I wonder if it's true that this decease of neurons with age is very decelerated by the reading in very different disciplines. especially when this read is daily and is done by concentration on the senses.
Is there a difference between intellectuals and others ...
Also, is a special diet has an influence ? the memory exercises ? etc...
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This question is rather moot, considering that recent research findings actually show that normal, healthy aging is not associated with a loss of neurons, per se. Rather, synapses, astrocytes, glial cells and myelin do show morphological change and losses with age. Thus, the idea that any kind of cognitive training, exercise, or dietary intervention serves to spare neurons in older age is rather misguided, IMO.
Although enhancing or maintaining cardiovascular functioning via aerobic exercise appears the best intervention in neurocognitive aging, this appears to occur through other mechanisms than staving off neuronal loss. This is not to say that other factors such as education and cognitive engagement may not also be beneficial, but they do not appear to alter the number of neurons in most brain regions.
Findings regarding neurogenesis (i.e., the formation or birth of new neurons) are limited to specific regions - the hippocampal dentate gyrus  and the olfactory bulb. Although age, exercise, and behavioral/cognitive enrichment may all be linked with changes in neurogenesis in these regions, this is appears qualitatively different from the OP's question. 
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
5 answers
TLR2 belongs to a family of pattern recognition receptors that regulate responses to extraneous pathogens as well as endogenous misfolded proteins released after cellular stress.
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Start looking for the connection between sleep and aging. Recent research (last couple years) has seen sleep studies overlapping with anti-aging more and more.
There is a big connection between the rest/hibernation phase of life (at all scales - yeast, worms, flies, mice, and primates) and cellular ROS damage.
The narrative that I've come up with is that you can think of your brain as a CPU that's being overclocked during the day. At night, it shuts down and cools off, repairing itself and cleaning out the buildup of ROS. Sirtuin agonists and sirtuin-like molecules (a lot of plant polyphenols) enhance this process, but only at night. This narrative explains a lot of the current findings relating to mitochondrial redox chemistry, sirtuin activation of cellular stress response, and anecdotal evidence like the French paradox and mediterranean diet.
My advice - drink red wine and eat dark chocolate right before going to sleep so you metabolize the resveratrol overnight, don't miss sleep, and don't force yourself to stay awake at night. Plant foods (vegetables, plant oils, etc.) typically contain hormesis agents in the form of polyphenols which should be consumed in such a way as to be metabolized overnight or when resting.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
6 answers
It is well known that this amazing linear tripeptide of L-glutamine, L-cysteine, and glycine is often referred to as the body's master antioxidant. Once generation of free radicals exceeds the body's capacity to neutralize and eliminate them, oxidative stress occurs, and primary function of glutathione is to alleviate this oxidative stress. Low Glutathione levels are associated with health diseases such as Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, AIDS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Atherosclerosis, Pregnancy Complications, Cataracts, Asthma, Autism, Bronchitis, Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Male infertility, Migraines, Osteoporosis, Pain, Poor Eyesight, PMS, Psoriasis, Wrinkles, Low Sex Drive, Chronic Fatigue, Balding and Cirrhosis. So can inhibition of GSH breakdown in the stomach or a induction of GSH synthesis be a step towards the fountain of youth?
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When we enhanced antioxidant activity in Drosophila mitochondria (SOD and ectopic catalase), oxidant release was curtailed but the flies also had a decreased life span. Given that oxidants are needed, as Eric said, but some of those oxidizing molecules do cause damage, we need to repair or replace damaged molecules and cells. When it comes to oxidative damage, I have long wondered whether an ounce of cure might be worth a pound of prevention. The reason is that the prevention in this case (antioxidants) inevitably causes other problems.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
7 answers
There is this f06.7 find in icd 10 and there are no real treatments for it. Using dementia as an etalon for the medication didn't gave any good answer dealing with it but more of nausea for researchers that still don't find it's place in cognitive function problems and many think of it as an predementia but the criteria for it is the absence of dementia.
Can anyone on RG give a better more up to date explanation over this diagnostic and its clinical features?
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This is not an ad. Coaxil is an anti depressant that is mainly used in therapy for cardiovascular patients. Empower plus Q96 is a concentrated mixture (nano- blend) of vitamins and minerals that specifically target the brains neurotransmitters and receptors and encourage the brain to fire and release the natural chemicals necessary for healthy brain function and healing. It also has no trouble passing the blood brain barrier. While exploring herbs back in the 80's, I stumbled upon a remedy which I put together after one of my MD friends started experiencing memory loss/ early signs of dementia. Gotu-kola is now widely prescribed and combined with other herbal extracts in the treatment of Menopause, Alzheimer's and Dementia patients with positive results. What I can not understand is why we as a medical community of problem solvers are willing to rule out the obvious. What I mean by that is the natural aging process in relation to lower levels of the bodies capacity to release enzymes due to natural physiological changes. The only way to find out is to try something different, even if it is off the beaten path. In comparison to side effects caused by traditional prescriptions, working with the body instead of against it to me is just common sense. I am currently doing an independent study on the Q96 brand in particular with just neighbors and friends and I am also participating in the study. One woman suffers from chronic depression and is no longer depressed. She has clarity of mind and has a sense of renewed well being and purpose. She is 56. Another woman was experiencing lapse of memory, extreme confusion, fear and anxiety. She now has clarity of mind, a renewed sense of purpose. She went back to college to be a "shrink. She is 50. (LOL) This is just 2 people out of many. Licia asked for new ideas. I am giving her one that I know for a fact works. Thank You for your post.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
5 answers
I am trying to transfect the gene of interest into HeLa cells using Lipofetamine 2000 to see if this gene would cause any changes in senescence ratio (using Senescence Associated beta-gal staining) and cell cycle profiles.
In order to maximize transfection efficiency, I have determined the plasmid to lipofectamine ratio should be 0.6:3 OR 1.2:3.6, according to the western-blot result. However, the cell toxicity induced by lipofectamine is a big issue in senescence measurement.
Is there any suggestions that you can offer to help reduce the cell toxicity while maintaining the gene transfection efficiency? How about transfecting the gene twice, at half amount of requested amount each time?
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Dear Bokhari,
Thanks for your answer.
The expression level of my target genes were really satisfactory.
Somebody in my lab suggest me transfect with lower cell density and less transfection reagent, in order to reduce cytotoxicity.
The negative control was lipofectamine+empty vector with the same backbone. Also cause significant cell death. The cell death event was evidently positively correlated with the plasmid that was transfected.
I have tried consective transfection: 0.6ug at day1 plus 0.6ug at day2, and harvest them/SA-beta-gal staining at day 3, to see if this provides any better results than single transfection of 1.2 ug. I will report to you guys when I got the results.
  • asked a question related to Anti-Aging
25 answers
I isolated a compound from a plant source which shows nearly 80% antioxidant activity. What kind of analysis can I carry out with that compound?
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There are various models of antioxidant activity. There is the in vitro and also in vivo tests. In addition, there are many tests for in vitro antioxidant activity such as DPPH, ABTS, Hydroxyl radical, Nitric oxide, ferric iron etc. Similarly, the in vivo antioxidant activity tests also involve many biomolecules such as Superoxide dismutase, catalase, reduced glutathione, lipid peroxidase, glutathione peroxidase etc. It is therefore necessary to know which model of antioxidant activity you used. However, if your compound is pure and you have characterized it, you could, in addition to the suggestions earlier given, test the compound for hypoglycemic/antidiabetic activity. Because, it has been established that there is a link between free radicals and diabetes.