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Anthropometrics - Science topic

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Questions related to Anthropometrics
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
2 answers
For industrial engineering and product design purposes.
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Dear Dr. Belkadi Adel thank you so much for your kind answer.
I'm currently working in a Manufacturing Engineering team in Saudi Arabia, and we are developing some ergonomic guidelines design criteria, for manufacturing teams (ME and MO teams).
We want to stablish some ranges for the working population anthropometrics, especially those measurement related to work, such as body measurement (static and dynamic).
We are using some data from ISO 7250 for Asia region, but there is anthropometrics information mainly from Japan, Korea and Thailand.
I wish we can have some similar research in MENA countries so we can use proper data regarding working population. If you know any researchers that is involved with industrial ergonomics research around the area, I'll be glad to contact them.
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
6 answers
Anthropometrically and conceptually, association does not equate causation. However, regarding anthropometric indicators (i.e., metrics of general and abdominal obesity), most of studies worldwide focus in determining the association degree with cardiovascular diseases or even all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. In this approach, mathematical inequalities between the simple body measurements (e.g., weight, height, waist circumference, hip circumference, muscle perimeters, bone diameters etc.,) were always overlooked when comparing the healthy and unhealthy groups.
For the first time, we have revealed confounding factors that historically distorted causal inferences. Similarly, we mathematically have demonstrated bias errors when a same value of any anthropometric (e.g., BMI, WHR or WC) may indicate different high-risk body composition between groups being compared. Effectively, high BMI is not equivalent to general obesity and high-risk body composition. Moreover, abdominal obesity measured by WC or WHR is not the same as an abdominal volume of risk from WHtR. It is clear, each anthropometric express a different body composition of risk and risk exposure level, and therefore, they may never be compared to assess the same health risk.
In our opinion, talking about anthropometrics and health risks, the historical paradigm should be shifted. By using anthropometrics (e.g., BMI, WHR, WC) without balancing for the simple measurements (i.e, fat mas vs. fat free mass, waist circumference vs. hip and waist circumference vs. height) between the healthy and unhealthy cases has been a historical anthropometric error that always distorted causality.
1. Angel Martin Castellanos. “Why Predicting Health Risks from Either Body Mass Index or Waist-to-Hip Ratio Presents Causal Association Biases Worldwide: A Mathematical Demonstration”. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 7.7 (2023): 112-120. DOI: 10.31080/ASMS.2023.07.1605
2. Castellanos AM., 2024. Association of Body Mass Index and Abdominal Obesity with Myocardial Infarction: We Reveal Confounding Factors that Historically Distorted Causal Inferences, Medical Research Archives, [online] 12(3).
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Absolutely! On all counts!
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
3 answers
Dear all,
 I have found in-
Carter JEL. The Heath-Carter Anthropometric Somatotype Instruction Manual. Revised Edition, San Diego, U.S.A., San Diego State University. 2002.
SAM =∑SADi / nX
Where: SADi = somatotype of each subject minus the mean somatotype of the group; nX is the numberin the group x.
please explain this how can I exicute it.
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Hello, I'm attempting to calculate the somatotype, but I'm having trouble locating the Excel file. Could you please provide guidance on where I can find it? Thank you!
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
4 answers
Let me know if you have any experience in this subject or any interest. Also I need some articles about this field and authors who worked in this field.
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Oh, tnx for this answer.
I'll following those researchers articles.
Tnx alot for your help.
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
11 answers
By ergonomic design/modification we can increase output of the operator with great safety and comfort. Exports are invited to highlight the way to strengthen the ergonomic design aspects. 
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The availability of practical experience in the maintenance e and repair of agricultural equipment and knowledge of the type of equipment or machine design are to be modified .without changing the technical specification of the machine
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
4 answers
We are doing a multi-year project to test the youth national basketball teams and talented players from basketball clubs. We are planning to test those players twice per year, creating the database, giving references for the selection of players, and designing an appropriate training plan. Could you please give your suggestions or ideas for what are the necessary/best tests to evaluate the anthropometric, physical fitness, skills, tactics, and recognition of basketball players?
Thank you!
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In regards to anthropometrics you could measure height, weight, body composition, upper/lower limbs length. You could also classify players by body type.
For physical fitness parameters I would suggest doing some tests on maximal strength, power, speed, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular endurance.
For skills, each player will be proficient in a particular skill according to their role on the court, make sure to account for that. You could probably create a set of basketball specific drills, maybe 3, highlighting dexterity with the ball, dribbling skills, and or shooting skills.
Regarding tactics, it will be important to evaluate players during one or more games, or even practice. You could look for in-game intelligence (assist, defense, rebounds, possess) spatial awareness, efficiency of movements.
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
2 answers
Hi, I'm looking for datasets like the Baracca dataset, containing both pictures of people (not 3D scans) with their body measurements (e.g. shoulder width, leg length, etc.)
Do you know where I can find such dataset ?
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It is very expensive metode for screeing much more patients
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
3 answers
I have surveyed and collected data of 100 family about demographic, socioeconomic, nutrition knowledge and anthropometric data. Now I want to publishe in research paper.
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That was actually really hard! A lot of journals on this topic charge for submission and publication.
I hope these are ok - sometimes it was not really totally clear it was free but it sounds like it. I suggest you email the office(s) to confirm.
- Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Human Nutrition and Metabolism
- Clinical Nutrition
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
1 answer
Has anyone developed or found specific anthropometric models for this population in the scientific literature?
I'm looking for this to solve a problem in my clinical practice..
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Dear Marcio,
there are many indicators that can impact body composition. using the mathematical formula for these studies is not suitable for journal publications. in addition, wheelchair users are suffering from sarcopenia which significantly makes bias in the composision. Do you have any specific aims?
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
1 answer
In India Navratri celebration are done for 9 days in which people do fasting (different patterns) , however the effect of fasting on health during Navratri has not been explored , with different studies exploring the same effect on festivals like Ramadan. We carried out a pilot exploratory study among 50 healthy adults willing to perform intermittent fasting (Fasting period of 12 hours) .Anthropometric , Biochemical and inflammatory parameters were assessed before fasting and day after completion of fasting .There was a significant reduction in Body Weight, Waist Circumference and Hip Circumference during the intermittent fasting period . There was significant lower levels of Total Cholesterol and LDL . However, there was a significant increase markers like TNF-alpha, IL-1, IL-6, and IL-8. How can we justify our results showing reduction in key Anthropometric parameters and biochemical parameters like cholesterol in a short span of 9 days and paradoxical increase in pro-inflammatory markers?
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  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
15 answers
My research detected a common measurement system in all buildings, from the protohistoric period until the introduction of the metric system. It's simple, is based on sides and diagonals of a anthropometric reference square, and is very efficient for the design and dimensional coordination works (see my publications).
However no written sources are known. So, could it be a secret for millennia? We have a new paradigm on the measure in the past?
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Hi dear Francisco.
In the past, architects used tools such as chains, compasses, solar compasses. To measure the distance between two points, chains with equal grains and a certain size were used. Using a solar compass and with the help of the sun and stars, they determined the direction and latitude of a point. In addition, the solar compass could help measure horizontal angles and determine the true north. Measuring tapes were also used to determine short distances.
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
13 answers
I want to check difference between anthropometric and physiological parameters of athletic and non-athletic adolescents but also want to check the differences between males and female between the athletic and non-athletic adolescents. Which test should I apply ? I am unable to apply t-test after splitting the files by gender.
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And, naturally, you'll have to explain in the Discussion section why certain variables were significant--but just as important--why certain variables were not. Reporting non-significance is a good thing too.
There, you have it!
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
1 answer
Anthropometric data needed to draft safety guidelines for playground equipment.
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  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
7 answers
I am analyzing a dataset. There I have a group of participants whose age range is 10-17 years. I have their gender, date of birth, height and weight. I want to measure their BMI for age, z-score and percentile using WHO guidelines. WHO provides "Anthro Survey Analyser" to calculate these but in the default format, it can calculate the BMI for the age of under 5 years children (0-60 months) only (both in online anthro tool and offline anthro software).
So, how can I calculate the BMI for age, z score, and percentile of 10-17 years age group children using WHO Anthro Software or Online Survey Analyzer?
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  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
5 answers
I want to validate the findings by using different anthropometric methods on same sample....
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MT is a very useful tool to validate any research.The best way to collect Data in MT should involve both qualitative and quantitative methods.
For quantitative methods u can use statistical tests and for qualitative methods U can make themes and later on cross check with the quantitative data
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
6 answers
Good day, everyone. I have been trying to search for good methods in quantifying only muscle mass, other than generally classical anthropometric methods in humans, and I wished to ask if there are present techniques that account for muscle length and quality in humans. 
It could be through clinical procedures or with specialized apparatuses. 
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Muscle mass can be easily obtained using BIA-bioelectric impedance analysis as an indirect method. It is very important to do it according to a measurement protocol. Results include total muscle mass and skeletal muscle mass.
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
6 answers
Prompted by a design project from students working on a height-adjustable product, I'm wondering whether there have been any studies into ergonomic / human-factors aspects of couples, such as height differences between partners.
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Renee, thanks for the interesting question: I found a few sources about this topic:
anthropometry depends on having a partner or not according to the amazing study of Sittig and Freudenthal(1951) in which they measured 5001 Dutch female to develop a new sizing system for the company Bijenkorf. In that book they included a graph about the body weight depending being maried or not. And surprisingly the married female growth in weight (don't need to search anymore...)
Another more recent source is about anthropomery of celebrities:
The best source is from Plos One after analysing 12k couples in UK. One of the results says the correlation is 0 .18 which is positive but very low. Read the whole paper on
kind regards
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
3 answers
I am going to construct models of the human body to use for crash safety analysis, and I need help to get started with my selection of representative individuals. I am not skilled in statistics or experimental design (mechanical engineer).
I am starting from four desciptive parameters of a human : Age, sex, BMI (Body Mass Index) and Stature.
If I choose a sex, an age, a BMI and stature, I have all the information I need to create a human body model.
I also know the distributions of BMI, Age, and Stature of the population (female and male or combined), and assume that sex is 50/50.
Also, I know that all the parameters will influence my results in terms of injury risk evaluation given a certain crash (females more likely to become injured in similar crash, old age associated with higher injury risk, Higher than normal BMI increases risk of certain injuries, stature affects seating position and interaction with airbags etc.)
If I could construct only 1 model how should I choose it? If I can construct 5 models? 10? 100? The goal is to be as representative as possible of the entire population with the N models I have.
Is this possible to answer?
Any hints on reading?
Best Regards
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Dear Karl-Johan,
I think you need to take a stratified sample. You may also need to cross-tabulate frequencies of your population for your four different parameters. If you cna split each up into an interval then you can calculate the freqeuncy of each combination then take a random sample that has the same frequency for each combination.
For example, if 2.3% of your population were female, between the age of 30 and 35 with a BMI between 18 and 20 and a height between 1.4 and 1.5 and your sample size was 1000 you would randomly select 23 members of your population that had this combination of values.
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
9 answers
For the metric interpretation of the architectures prior to the metre (SI).
We seek resources (sponsors, architects, archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, restorers, mathematicians, ...) from any country, preferably European.
Next goal: Europa Nostra Awards 2018.
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Would be interested to know more about this project and hope to collaborate. 
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
7 answers
They are considered nineteenth century (neo-alhambreño) but their anthropometric analysis shows the same metric as the palaces of the Alhambra (except modern tiles).Do you know any other procedures to date them?
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For wood and charcoal/carbon 14C dating is fairly reliable. It really isn't that good for something dating newer than around 1850, but since Alhambra dates earlier than that a recent date would answer your question too. As I said, the carbon in wrought iron might be used to date the doors, but I am not certain and also don't know how large a sample would be needed if it was possible. Lime mortar and lime plaster that uses calcium carbonate can be dated by 14C, though it takes a larger sample than normal carbon dating. Ceramics can be dated using thermoluminescence. Tree ring dating for the wood is the most accurate, but there needs to be a sufficient number of rings in the sample in order to compare with known baseline data in that area if established.
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
6 answers
Research topic: Profiling of Anthropometric, speed and muscular strength among male rugby players at the University of Venda.
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You would have to provide more information in regard to the kind of data you are using for your variables.
How have you measured your independent variables? (i.e. categorical, continuous etc.)
What is your outcome/dependent variable?
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
3 answers
I´m working on an article investigating the optimal somatotype and body composition of triathletes. I´m searching for anthropometric characteristics of female and male triathletes competing in different distances and different skill levels
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Thank´s Thom
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
5 answers
What kind of software application can be used to obtain various anthropometric dimensions of human body from image of such?
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Some software is directed  for sports performance improvements. A motion video is used.
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
2 answers
I am looking for a model to calculate bone lengths and joints depth for human hand fingers. I know the paper of Buchholz for predicting bone lengths but I need the joints depth as well.
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Thank you very much for your help and suggestion. it is really important to have such a model
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
3 answers
I would like to compare the Body Adiposity Index (BAI) in Europe and Brazilian adolescents, seen that mainly female brazilian adolescents have a higher hip circumferende than the world's average.
Would be aweesome hip circumfernece, height, weight, sex, age and related.
Thanks in advance
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Dear Antonio, There are the following articles :
  1. Cole TJ, Lobstein T. Extended international (IOTF) body mass index cut-offs for thinness, overweight and obesity. Pediatric obesity 2012 Aug 1;7(4):284-94.
  2. McCarthy hD, Ashwell M. A study of central fatness using waist-to-height ratios in UK children and adolescents over two decades supports the simple message “keep your waist circumference to less than half your height”.
International Journal of Obesity 2006;30(6):988-92.
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
1 answer
Standard anthropometric data related to average anterior abdomen wall displacement, average frequency and duration of uterine contractions during labor. Where can I find these data?
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dear Arun Ariyapattan
please study the attached file, if needed, let me know for sending more ppaers.
good luck
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
4 answers
I have looked into classic articles (e.g. Dempster, 1955; Zatsiorsky (1983)...), but they only present equations to calculate segment weight from total body weight. I am curious if there is a way to calculate mass of an individual muscle from anthropometric data, for example total body weight, forearm length or circumference.
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Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
1 answer
I am attempting to track down reliable data concerning BMI/BSA (anthropometrics) of the German population. So far, my search has not revealed any optimal data. I would be interested in Data from the last 10 years ideally. 
Thank you
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The KIGGS study of RKI should be a good source for children and adolescents. The RKI data collection on the adult population will also help. RKI offers free access to survey data. 
good luck!
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
1 answer
Anthropometric measurements. Any article cited would be a big help.
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Correlations are dependent on the populations of concern, considering factors such as gender, age range, selection criteria (occupation - military or civilian, factory of office workers, etc.), health and so forth, and what kinds of body tissue are included.  If the data involve only bones (as in skeletons), the data are likely normally distributed (or nearly so) for large, homogeneous samples.  If you have the coefficient of variation for the two dimensions, the ratio of such coefficients (maxillary canine vs. bizygomatic breadth) may be a good predictor of coefficient of correlation. Where skin and fatty tissue are included (for the bizygomatic breadth), the correlation is likely lower than for bone-only breadth.  Closest example of real numbers i have for "skin-included" dimensions  is Head Breadth ((eu)L- (eu)R) vs. Bizygomatic Breadth, which is  0.643 for large samples of U. S. Army females.  You can  Google  for "Maxillary Intercanine"  studies  (but I did not see any mention of bizygomatic breadth therein)..
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
2 answers
The question is based on the need for the development of local Anthropometric Standards for the Africa Region. The intention is to assess the feasibility of pooling local databases at sub-regional levels through local Children Studies and using the same Methodologies and Analysis as WHO, arrive at the feasibility of the correct and accurate interpretation of the locally developed Anthropometric Standards for height, weight, sitting height, Head Circumference, Relaxed Upper Arm Circumference, Bi-iliac and Bi-acromial Diameters and Skinfolds from the biceps,triceps, supra-iliac and Sub-scapula sites.
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The whole point about the 2007 WHO standards is that they were based on a highly selected sample of women from 6 countries who were high SES, well educated, provided a constraint free environment during pregnancy (no smoking, alcohol, drugs etc.), and followed WHO breast feeding guidelines.  The premise is that such women produce babies who have equal potential for growth.  
Not sure what is meant by "successful" WHO standards.  If you mean do they accurately identify local/national growth patterns then the answer is usually "No" because they are standards of optimal growth not references of growth "as is".  Locally produced cross-sectional references ought to better reflect the absolute size of samples of local children but cannot be used to monitor the growth of individual children because they are not longitudinal standards. See the original WHO publications to understand the difference between references and standards. 
If you follow the Methods of the WHO you will end up with a growth standard that is not significantly different from the WHO standard.  My guess is that "local databases at sub-regional levels through local...studies" will not conform to the WHO selection criteria. It is also highly unlikely that any "local" growth study would take more than height, weight, head and arm circumference and perhaps abdominal circumference.  Few, if any, studies would have other anthropometric measures.  Also a "standard" is the result of a longitudinal study and I would guess that most "local" studies are cross-sectional allowing the creation of growth "references" but not growth "standards".   
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
1 answer
With spontaneous breathing freely working muscles of inspiration and expiration. Is it possible considering the anthropometric parameters and volume velocity inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength to calculate the inhalation and exhalation?
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  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
6 answers
Im looking for anthropometric databases with the most accurate measurements and procedures (DEXA?).
I need to test own developed formula to calculate basal metabolic rate and other energy requirements against real measurements taken as accurate as possible.
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We have published comprehensive anthropometric database for some population groups settled in Himalayas. 1. Tibetan morphology and clines of Genetical variations in Tibet, Vijender Bhalla, the journal of Anthropological Society of Nippon, vol. 84 (3) , 230-245, 1976. 2. Malaneese of Malana Glen: Analysis of Morphometrics data and ethnic relationship with some neighbouring populations of Himachal Pradesh, India., P. Sharma and V. Bhalla, Anthropologischer Anzieger, 45(4): 337-350, 1987. The article at sr. No. 1 is uploaded to my research gate profile. You may down load the same. For the 2nd article pl consult the journal. 
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
3 answers
We have two independent groups that have both had repeated measures completed, to give us a percentage change in a number of anthropometric and physical assessments.
We want to know whether we can compare the difference in the change for each group using the group-averaged % change from repeated measures, using Cohen's d and examine further using magnitude based inferences?
We want to do this without using ANOVA or NHST
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Be careful that baseline values are similar, because percentage change is very sensitive to them. The more extreme the initial score, the greater the possibility of change.
I have no faith in Cohen's d as a measure of effect size. No-one understands it, and it critically depends on the standard deviation, which is a) non-robust to outliers and b) non-robust to differences in shape of distribution. It's bandied about in the literature, but no good clinical decision I'm aware of was ever made on the basis of the size of d.
(An open appeal for evidence to the contrary!)
What's wrong with calculating the difference between the groups post-treatment with pre-treatment values as a covariate? Hard to know unless you have a specific hypothesis about Cohen's d.
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
5 answers
I look for good equation for simply anthropometric method. Maybe someone could suggest good source in literature?
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Dear Pawel Posluszny.
Several of our colleagues have suggested interesting solutions to solve your problem. Therefore, any additional information would be repeating what has already been said so I send you two references, one for appendicular mass calculation of old and the other for general use.
Martin, A.D.; Spenst, L.F.; Drinkwater, D.T.; Clary, J.P. Anthropometic estimation of muscle mass. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1990; 22:729-33.
Piettra Moura Pereira Galvão, Danny Alcantara da Silva, Gilberto Moreira Santos, Luiz andAmandio Petroski Edition Aristides Rihan Gallagher. Development and validation of anthropometric equations to estimate appendicular muscle mass in elderly women. Nutrition Journal. 2013; http: www.nutritionj.comcontentpdf1475-2891-12-92.pdf
Additionally, I suggest reading the chapter: Estimation of Muscle Mass.In: Human Body Composition. Roche, A.F.; Heynsfield, S.B.; Lohman, T.G.
Good luck
 Amandio Geraldes
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
6 answers
I'm looking for anthropometric data (at minimum measurements for stature) for any matrilineal populations. Preferably differentiated for males and females. Can you provide or point me to the location of such data? 
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Dear Ben,
I hope that the following papers helps your work in some small way:
Sultana T, Karim MN, Ahmed T, Hossain MI. Assessment of under nutrition of Bangladeshi adults using anthropometry: can body mass index be replaced by mid-upper-arm-circumference? PLoS One. 2015;10(4):e0121456.
Agrawal KN, Singh RKP, Satapathy KK. Anthropometric considerations of farm tools/machinery design for tribal workers of northeastern India. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript MES 1406 Vol. XII. March,2010.
Bose K, Bisai S, Das P, Dikshit S, Pradhan S. Inter-relationships of income, chronic energy deficiency, morbidity and hospitalization among adult male slum dwellers of Midnapore, West Bengal, India. J Biosoc Sci. 2007;39(5):779-86.
Khongsdier R, Varte R, Mukherjee N. Excess male chronic energy deficiency among adolescents: a cross-sectional study in the context of patrilineal and matrilineal societies in Northeast India. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2005;59(9):1007-14.
Khongsdier R, Mukherjee N. Growth and nutritional status of Khasi boys in Northeast India relating to exogamous marriages and socioeconomic classes. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2003;122(2):162-70.
Best wishes from Germany
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
5 answers
Using Z score systems in reference to a certain population, the following terms are employed- stunted (< 2 S.D. for height-for-age), wasted (<2 S.D. weight-for-age) and underweight (< 2 S.D. weight-for-height.
However, how do their rates vary in a study population despite the fact that they all represent under-nutrition .
Moreover, what inference can be drawn from such variance ?
Is it due to a specific attribute to population or an inherent characteristic of the index itself?
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Dear  Khushboo Verma,
The variation in the prevalence of these indicators is due to the population to which the measurements are taken. That is why several authors associate nutritional status with socioeconomic and demographic factors, and viceversa. It is important to understand the association and involvement of economic's factors and the access to some food that are also found related. I have built a table that show how in some cases when you do not have anthropometric measures for nutritional status, it is done through economic indicators. I leave the link if it's any response .
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
3 answers
Knee replacement and sizes of implant.
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as per available experience, i find all available sizes are reasonably fine. but problem lies with less possible difference in available size in OT
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
5 answers
I am searching for sources of information on anthropometric measures in order to make my project to graduate. The aim is to check if the bone structure is associated with increased fat mass.
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Hello, thank you very much for the reply.
However, I`m looking for relationship between anthropometric measurements related to bone, and fat.
Anyway, thanks, I had not taken into account the mineral density.
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
1 answer
I have been trying to look into finding a way to plot this data in an electronic format to facilitate clinicians to be able to tell what gentile patients are in for their growth velocity.
I managed to find the original reference graphs within this article (Tanner & Davies 1984)
I want to see if anyone knows what the formula is for this line or if any of you may be able to point me to a source where I could find these details. Ultimately would like to be able to put in the age and growth velocity and calculate what percentile it was.
If the equation is out there maybe you could help let me know if it is possible to calculate the other centiles from just the 50th?
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We published a new auxology book where you find actual values for height velocity
Studying Human Growth and Development
Ed.: Michael Hermanussen
2013. XII , 324 pages, 283 figures, 89 tables
ISBN 978-3-510-65278-5, paperback, 39.90 €
  • asked a question related to Anthropometrics
4 answers
Non-laboratory setting, for use in clinical practice
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Same question- what anthropometric measure do you want? Arm span can give an estimation of height. Using one of three methods, height is used to establish an ideal body weight. For obese subjects, arm and waist circumferences are best for tracking improvement in weight loss interventions.