Science topics: Anthropology
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Anthropology - Science topic

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Publications related to Anthropology (10,000)
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My overriding concern in being a folklorist has been the sharing of results of my research with a community of researchers who may be interested in the topics offered. One of such topics was the study of folklore not only as literature but also as a social science: folklore being the complete discipline that combines separate disciplines as sociolo...
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Ecological sensitivity or fragility refers to the permanent and irreparable loss of extant life forms or significant damage to the natural processes of evolution and speciation with the alterations in the ecological integrity of a region. The comprehensive knowledge of the ecological fragility of a region is quintessential for evolving strategies f...
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Full-text available |||||||||||||||| The interdisciplinary nature of radiology lends itself to other specialties, such as forensic medicine, archeology, and anthropology. While the term "virtopsy" or "virtual autopsy" has become established in for...
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SAVE the DATE 5th International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt 24-28 March 2025 Rzeszów University Rzeszów, Poland
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"Radical Freud: Reconstructing the Bisexuality Thesis" reveals a radical dimension to Sigmund Freud's sexual theory that picks up and continues from previous work by Thomas Olver. Olver argues that Freud's radical heritage has been transformed into an orthodox school with an internal stasis that is unassailable from within but increasingly challe...
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Urban Nightlife and Contested Spaces Cultural Encounters After Dusk Urban Nightlife and Contested Spaces: Cultural Encounters after Dusk captures the multifarious nature of the urban night and how it is lived, structured, and reflected upon in diverse cultural and artistic expressions. The volume acknowledges the urban night as an often-overlooked...
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This thesis looks into the case of the Peace Class Law, an education policy currently abided by Colombian teachers and educators. It is a complex case in the current sociopolitical situation that will be analysed from an anthropological perspective. In detail, the thesis will explore theories on the Anthropology of Education Policy, Colombian legis...
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Le dossier montre le chemin parcouru depuis la parution de Foucault et les sciences humaines. Il réunit en effet des phénoménologues et des spécialistes de la philosophie moderne afin d’interroger, à partir d’un Foucault que l’on continue à découvrir, les diverses dimensions de l’anthropologie philo¬sophique aujourd’hui. Il examine et interroge en...
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este trabalho procura refletir sobre um conceito que é utilizado na sociologia e na antropologia de maneira irrefletida: o conceito de tradição. Que nunca é definido claramente, mesmo que possua usos políticos, como o de ser a negação da modernidade tanto no sentido de práticas quanto no de mentalidades. Nesta empreitada vamos primeiramente fazer u...
Conference Paper
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Human teeth are highly informative biological structures that offer invaluable insights into many aspects of human life in the past-from dietary practices and oral pathologies to non-masticatory activities. This session seeks to highlight the significant potential of dental anthropology for understanding past lifeways, particularly when combined wi...
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While mathematics and technologic systems have been intrinsically developed with purposes of representing and computing problems with a human-centric orientation, they nonetheless can be considered to have non-human agency. Drawing on anthropology and architecture studies, this article argues that the human-based logics underpinning mathematics and...
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El convencimiento de hacer ciencia para la gente, nos llevó a formular el proyecto “Transferencia y difusión en clave participativa: Pukara La Alumbrera y Punta Calalaste/Cueva Colorada (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina)”. Uno de sus objetivos es responder a las solicitudes de vecinos e instituciones de Antofagasta de la Sierra en el...
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This paper analyzes the collaboration between healthcare professionals and algorithms in making decisions within the realm of public healthcare. By extending the concept of ‘tinkering’ from previous research conducted by philosopher Mol (Care in practice. On tinkering in clinics, homes and farms Verlag, Amsterdam, 2010) and anthropologist Pols (Hea...
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Resumen: La danza ha sido relacionada con efectos curativos, desde las tribus ancestrales hasta la actualidad. Se trata de una disciplina situada en los márgenes de la concepción falogocéntrica de la realidad impuesta por la Modernidad. El mapa conceptual de la lógica binaria atribuye estas formas de interacción fundamentalmente a alteridades no...
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This article is an invited contribution in the form of an essay, with the aim of illustrating the modalities of use and development of artificial intelligence in learning environments and as a support for educational design and research.The aim is to place electronic computing in an anthropological perspective, to outline the salient features of th...
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The study of polytheism in sociology and anthropology is not a very well researched subject, apart from works that belong in historical anthropology, carried out by historians. One limitation in many of these is the lack of data, or any form of systematic survey that could inform quantitative analyses. In this paper, we examine acts of worship in p...
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The human tooth’s morphology, which includes variations in cusp numbers and patterns, is of tremendous interest to anthropologists, morphologists, and dentists. Cusp 6 is an additional cusp that is very seldom encountered in primary or permanent mandibular molars, especially first molars. A supernumerary cusp located lingual to the distobuccal cusp...
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RESUMO Uma das dificuldades ocasionadas pela modalidade a distância é a questão do mercado de trabalho para os estudantes, pois sua ausência se torna um forte fator de evasão. Soma-se a essa dificuldade interpessoal certa dificuldade com estudos, outro fator que explica o abandono de cursos superiores online. Ciente dos números alarmantes dessa mod...
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Este trabalho pretende investigar a relação construída em Celebração dos elementos, de Henriqueta Lisboa, no que tange à Literatura, à Antropologia e à Psicanálise. Para estudo do texto poético em apreço, aplicar-se-ão os aparatos teórico-metodológicos dos ritos de passagem e da alquimia junguiana, uma vez que tal relação e processo acontecem na me...
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Seguindo um rumo interdisciplinar, o objetivo desse ensaio é compreender alguns desdobramentos do pós-estruturalismo no campo antropológico, observando seus efeitos e contradições. Quais as vantagens e, principalmente, os riscos dessa linha filosófica nas mãos do antropólogo contemporâneo? Existe, talvez, algum tipo de vício ocidentalizante sendo r...
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Este trabalho, se refere a uma análise sobre a vida dos objetos e sua forma de circulação nos espaços, tomando como ponto de partida o registro fotográfico de Taiçapa, líder indígena Amazonense, feito na aldeia de seu povo: os Pirahãs. A imagem é analisada a partir de dois elementos da indumentária de Taiçapa: a camisa pólo da marca Tommy Hilfiger...
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Cultural festivals serve as vibrant expressions of collective identity, offering individuals an opportunity to engage in shared rituals, performances, and celebrations that facilitate emotional well-being. This paper explores the psychological concept of self-soothing and how it is cultivated through participation in cultural festivals. Drawing fro...
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The use of complex technologies by humans (Homo sapiens) and their ancestors is a key feature of our evolution, marked by the appearance of stone tools 3.3 million years ago. These technologies reflect cognitive complexity and an advanced understanding of materials and mechanics. Studying current primates, especially those that use stones, offers i...
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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir y analizar el proceso de construcción del sistema de documentación de las colecciones de la División Etnografía del Museo de La Plata, llevado a cabo durante el año 2022, con la aspiración de generar un sistema abierto, consultable y compatible con otras instituciones. Para la construcción del mismo...
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Culture, a defining feature of human societies, permeates every aspect of our lives. It informs the way we communicate, interact, and perceive the world around us. This academic exploration into cultural studies seeks to unravel the profound influence of culture on society, underscoring its pivotal role in shaping individuals, communities, and coll...
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Se analiza el significado filosófico del libro de Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina Por amor al Arte (2024). ¿Qué es lo que intenta Urbina con su aparentemente inocua distinción entre conocimientos propios y conocimientos impropios? ¿Cómo se recoge el distanciamiento de Richir con respecto a los análisis heideggerianos sobre los mismos fenómenos de l...
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En el curso de 1929-1930, Los conceptos fundamentales de la metafísica, Heidegger presentó una famosa y controvertida tesis: la piedra es sin mundo, el animal es pobre de mundo y el ser humano es configurador de mundo. Durante mucho tiempo, en medio de diversas críticas e interpretaciones, ésta pasó como la palabra definitiva del pensador alemán re...
Cover Page
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Cover Page of Nature Anthropology Number 2 Issue 4. The cover image is based upon the Research Article Maxillary Molar Enamel Dentine-Junction Shape Differences between Krapina Neanderthals and Modern Humans. Nature Anthropology 2024, 2 (4), 10017;
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Komínolezectví ve své organizované formě reprezentované Svazem českých komínářů existuje na našem území již více než čtyřicet let. Počet jeho registrovaných vyznavačů k dnešním dnům přesáhnul tisícovku. Spolu vytvářejí jedinečnou subkulturu disponující originální symbolikou, žargonem, terminologií a specifickou praxí, která se pro řadu aktérů stala...
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Alienation is a modern and postmodern symptom. The alienation is said to happen due to social, psychological, and economic pressure. It is also appearing as a kind of self-protection or self-accommodation. Our paper will attempt to outline the loss, search, and discovery of one of the most extraordinary characters of Albanian short-story writer Mit...
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The article focuses on the predicaments faced by return migrants to Cuba and how they respond to societal pressures to make a valuable difference ‘back home’, opening analytical avenues at the juncture of the anthropology of ethics and morality and migration. It does so by uncovering five distinct but complementary ways in which returnees respond t...
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In this paper, I share insights from ongoing ethnographic fieldwork among adult Danes who identify as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) but do not meet the clinical standards and have yet to receive a diagnosis. These individuals are particularly relevant to the ongoing debates about under- and overdiagnosis of ADHD, as their c...
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The study focuses on the theoretical articulation of the points of departure and assumptions of the so-called posthumanist turn in fashion design. In the first phase, we address the connection between fashion and modernity, which leads us to inquire about what posthumanist clothing fashion might have to say about the nature of modernity. In the en...
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Interpersonal communication is a type of communication-based on body images. In the age of social media, the change of image media from the body to the electronic screen affects the characteristics of facial imaging and people's cognition of communication objects. With the support of digital technology, facial images have undergone a dynamic proces...
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Se ofrece una visión general de las consideraciones clave para llevar a cabo un peritaje transcultural de un superviviente de tortura. La primera parte introduce algunos conceptos esenciales de antropología, medicina, psicología transcultural y psiquiatría. La segunda parte repasa los elementos más relevantes relativos al informe forense de un supe...
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This interview article explores how British anthropologist Tim Ingold’s work can inspire innovation in mental health and the psy disciplines. Ingold critiques dominant biomedical and individualistic approaches, arguing for the importance of caring attentiveness and abolishing dichotomies like those between surface and depth, when engaging with peop...
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Parentesco y reciprocidad en América Latina: Lógicas y prácticas culturales. 1ra. Edición en español. Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología, 2024 190 p. ISBN (Obra completa): 978-9915-9544-3-1 ISBN (Volumen): 978-9915-9544-8-6
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Neste texto, temos por objetivo apresentar a revisão bibliográfica sobre a produção antropológica referente a produção de laudos antropológicos em contextos quilombolas no Brasil. Em termos metodológicos, empreendemos buscas em publicações da Associação Brasileira de Antropologia, especialmente as referências recorrentes em documentos e na produção...
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This brief introduction presents the contributions of Catherine Yanko and Stephanie Edwards as part of a roundtable on Jessica Coblentz’s Dust in the Blood: A Theology of Life with Depression , to which the author offers a response in the form of six lessons to learn when engaging in theological reflection on psychological distress. Yanko and Edwar...
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The book is dedicated to the expedition to the Amur (1915–1917) by S. M. Shirokogorov. It includes materials from the collections of the Amur Regional Museum named after G. S. Novikov-Daursky, the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kunstkamera), the Scientific Museum of Amur State University,...
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A pesquisa que deu origem a este artigo abrangeu uma manifestação popular típica da cidade de Belém, capital do estado do Pará (norte do Brasil, Amazônia Oriental), denominada Pássaro Junino. Trata-se de um teatro popular secular inspirado na tradição operística da Belle Époque cultivada ao longo do século XIX. Já no século seguinte, após período d...
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Doctor en Pedagogía. Titulado superior en música, Maestro y licenciado en Antropología cultura. Colabora en los consejos editoriales y en las revisiones de 10 revistas del área nacionales e internacionales. ORCID: JOSEP GUSTEMS CARNICER , CATERINA CALDERÓN GARRIDO. SOBREVIVIR AL CHAT GPT. REFLEXIONES Y PROPUEST...
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La antropología, en una escueta pero certera definición, es la “ciencia que estudia la cultura”. Aserto que exige una comprensión clara de lo que significa lo que es la cultura y su evolución; particularmente considerando que desde mediados del Siglo XX vivimos en la Era de la Información, elemento que algunos consideran fundamental, a la par con l...
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This article proposes an interpretation of the ideas of Ferdinand de Saussure and Mikhail Bakhtin that seeks to relate them not through an epistemological point of view, but based on a concept proposed by Henri Meschonnic, according to which one author can be linked to another without an explicit reference to an affiliation between them. The starti...
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Los y las jóvenes de familias migrantes de origen boliviano establecidas en el cinturón hortícola platense, en Argentina, acceden a carreras universitarias para alejarse de una actividad caracterizada por las precarias condiciones de vida y de trabajo. En el presente artículo se examinan los desafíos que enfrenta esta población en su tránsito hacia...
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En el presente artículo se aborda cuál es el lugar de enunciación de las feministas mestizas que no pertenecen a los movimientos identitarios actuales. Esta interrogante se expresa en la noción de outsider-insider, la cual es el reflejo de sujetas que están simultáneamente dentro y fuera de las luchas feministas, controversia que se manifiesta en u...
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The problem of the gap between science and ethical practice has long been dealt with by religious instructions as well as by many philosophers and scholars. Socrates and Plato regarded knowledge the same as virtue, and believed that if man possesses the knowledge of good and evil, that would suffice him to avoid evil and to perform good deeds. Aris...
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The use of music and song in the English language-learning classroom is not new. While many teachers intuitively feel that music is beneficial in teaching English language, there is sometimes a lack of the theoretical underpinnings that support such a choice. There are examples in the literature to argue the strong relationship between music and la...
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This article proposes an interpretation of the ideas of Ferdinand de Saussure and Mikhail Bakhtin that seeks to relate them not through an epistemological point of view, but based on a concept proposed by Henri Meschonnic, according to which one author can be linked to another without an explicit reference to an affiliation between them. The starti...
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En el presente artículo se aborda cuál es el lugar de enunciación de las feministas mestizas que no pertenecen a los movimientos identitarios actuales. Esta interrogante se expresa en la noción de outsider-insider, la cual es el reflejo de sujetas que están simultáneamente dentro y fuera de las luchas feministas, controversia que se manifiesta en u...
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En el artículo se exploran las trayectorias de jóvenes de familias paraguayas residentes en barrios periféricos del Gran Buenos Aires, indagando su relación con los mercados de trabajo a los que ingresan y con la ciudad que habitan. De esta forma, el objeto de estudio lo constituyen los y las migrantes y también quienes nacieron en Argentina, pero...
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En el artículo se exploran las trayectorias de jóvenes de familias paraguayas residentes en barrios periféricos del Gran Buenos Aires, indagando su relación con los mercados de trabajo a los que ingresan y con la ciudad que habitan. De esta forma, el objeto de estudio lo constituyen los y las migrantes y también quienes nacieron en Argentina pero v...
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La precariedad laboral es un fenómeno multidimensional que afecta gravemente a la población joven en América Latina. En el presente artículo, basado en la información proporcionada por encuestas aplicadas a hogares en Argentina, Brasil, Colombia y México en 2023, se analizan cuatro de sus dimensiones: inestabilidad, desprotección social, ingresos i...
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En Colombia, las políticas públicas orientadas a la población joven se estructuraron bajo el marco de los derechos sociales, económicos y culturales establecido por la Constitución Política aprobada en el año 1991, lo que permitió ampliar la perspectiva sobre el rol de este grupo etario y de su ciclo de vida. En el presente artículo me enfoco en la...
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La precariedad laboral es un fenómeno multidimensional que afecta gravemente a la población joven en América Latina. En el presente artículo, basado en la información proporcionada por encuestas aplicadas a hogares en Argentina, Brasil, Colombia y México en 2023, se analizan cuatro de sus dimensiones: inestabilidad, desprotección social, ingresos i...
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En el presente artículo se examina el rol de la Red de Profesionales de la Salud por el Derecho a Decidir (Red) en el proceso de implementación de las interrupciones del embarazo en Mendoza, Argentina, entre los años 2018 y 2020. Para ello, nos centramos en el proceso de emergencia de la Red, en su articulación con el Estado provincial y en el impa...
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En este artículo se exploran los significados de las masculinidades de universitarios en la ciudad de Temuco, región de La Araucanía en Chile, considerando que los estudiantes con este nivel de formación constituyen un segmento que cuestiona los valores presentes en su educación, incluyendo las representaciones de las relaciones de género tradicion...
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En el presente artículo se examina el rol de la Red de Profesionales de la Salud por el Derecho a Decidir (Red) en el proceso de implementación de las interrupciones del embarazo en Mendoza, Argentina, entre los años 2018 y 2020. Para ello, nos centramos en el proceso de emergencia de la Red, en su articulación con el Estado provincial y en el impa...
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This chapter argues that anthropological and global art collections are an important starting point for understanding different kinds of relationships between objects and media, and the multiple actors and institutions who have engaged with them over time. It shows how the focus on collections as relations opens up new perspectives on (1) the micro...
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En este artículo se exploran los significados de las masculinidades de universitarios en la ciudad de Temuco, región de La Araucanía en Chile, considerando que los estudiantes con este nivel de formación constituyen un segmento que cuestiona los valores presentes en su educación, incluyendo las representaciones de las relaciones de género tradicion...
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En Colombia, las políticas públicas orientadas a la población joven se estructuraron bajo el marco de los derechos sociales, económicos y culturales establecido por la Constitución Política aprobada en el año 1991, lo que permitió ampliar la perspectiva sobre el rol de este grupo etario y de su ciclo de vida. En el presente artículo me enfoco en la...
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Los y las jóvenes de familias migrantes de origen boliviano establecidas en el cinturón hortícola platense, en Argentina, acceden a carreras universitarias para alejarse de una actividad caracterizada por las precarias condiciones de vida y de trabajo. En el presente artículo se examinan los desafíos que enfrenta esta población en su tránsito hacia...
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En junio de 2018 y en marzo de 2019, organizaciones ecologistas de la provincia del Azuay alcanzaron dos objetivos en contra de los proyectos mineros Río Blanco y Loma Larga, logrando que se dictara la suspensión de las actividades extractivas por medio de una acción de protección y una consulta popular, respectivamente. ¿Qué factores influyeron en...
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Los estudios sobre la transición sistema educativo-trabajo tradicionalmente se han centrado en las formas en que los y las jóvenes movilizan sus capitales y se adaptan a las condiciones que ofrecen los distintos espacios laborales. Sin embargo, también resulta importante considerar la incidencia del trabajo y de la vida laboral en la reelaboración...
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A principios de marzo de 2024, después de más de una década de discusión científica, la Subcomisión de Estratigrafía del Cuaternario (SQS) rechazó la propuesta de confirmar el ‘Antropoceno’ como una nueva época geológica en la Tierra. A pesar de la evidencia presentada por el Grupo de Trabajo del Antropoceno (AWG), que proponía localizar el ‘clavo...
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Los estudios sobre la transición sistema educativo-trabajo tradicionalmente se han centrado en las formas en que los y las jóvenes movilizan sus capitales y se adaptan a las condiciones que ofrecen los distintos espacios laborales. Sin embargo, también resulta importante considerar la incidencia del trabajo y de la vida laboral en la reelaboración...
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En junio de 2018 y en marzo de 2019, organizaciones ecologistas de la provincia del Azuay alcanzaron dos objetivos en contra de los proyectos mineros Río Blanco y Loma Larga, logrando que se dictara la suspensión de las actividades extractivas por medio de una acción de protección y una consulta popular, respectivamente. ¿Qué factores influyeron en...
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Judeus na Amazônia é o tema central do livro Sefarad na Amazônia, organizado por alunos e professores do Núcleo de Estudos Sefarditas da Amazônia (NESA), da Universidade Federal do Pará, coordenado pela professora Alessandra Conde, da Faculdade de Letras, campus de Bragança. Esta coletânea de ensaios versa sobre Literatura, Artes visuais, Linguísti...
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This essay explores the historical and theological development of the ensoulment debate, centering on the question of when the human embryo receives its soul and attains personhood. The concept of ensoulment, understood as the soul's entry into the embryo, has been interpreted variably, reflecting differing views on the soul as the body's form and...
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Over the past decade, ethnographers have increasingly paid attention to the ways in which practices and principles of financial speculation have been adopted in the governance of public and private resources. Those interested in matters of tax and taxation have typically associated speculation with tax evasion and fraud, paying less attention to ot...
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This book tells the untold story of a pioneering anthropologist in India. It contains a Foreword by an eminent anthropologist and sociologist, Professor Hari Mohan Mathur.
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Artykuł traktuje o popularności rodzinnych ogródków działkowych (ROD) i działek poza miastem, szczególnie w okresie pandemii Covid-19. Przybliża ideę i historię powstania ROD, będących namiastką wsi dla mieszkańców miast. Tekst, w oparciu o wywiady etnograficzne, skupia się na motywacjach do posiadania własnego kawałka ziemi, sposobach spędzania wo...
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This paper introduces a theoretical model that integrates insights from sociocybernetics and persuasive technology to deepen the understanding of content dissemination and manipulation within social media platforms. Algorithms, while central to curating content and guiding user engagement, are vulnerable to exploitation by external actors with diff...
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Este artículo se enmarca dentro de una investigación etnográfica realizada con personas sobrevivientes de la psiquiatría, y se centra en la trayectoria de vida de una de las colaboradoras en particular. El objetivo del texto pasa por analizar e interpretar el relato de vida de dicha mujer, sobreviviente de violencias familiares y sexuales. Se prete...
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The aim of this paper is to analyse some aspects of the sociolinguistic situation of the Cape Verdean archipelago, applying the assumptions of the community of practice theory. It is the second part of a broader comparative study juxtaposing two linguistic communities: Xálima and Cape Verdean, through the prism of the same theory. We define the com...
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I cambiamenti antropologici nel mondo contemporaneo e l'impatto sull'evoluzione della Chiesa di domani. Il Concilio di Nicea segna il passaggio dalla Chiesa degli inizi, proibita, nel processo di organizzazione delle strutture ecclesiali secondo le specificità del cristianesimo, verso una Chiesa istituzionale, come partner di dialogo con le altre i...
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How do we understand the relationship between preaching and culture? This question is as old as Christianity, even though “culture” in its anthropological sense is a relatively recent development. As every preacher knows, both preacher and listener are shaped by certain pre-understandings and values as they approach the interactive moment of procla...
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This chapter serves as a bridge between the social sciences and humanities, and clinical research. It identifies the utility of anthropological and historical perspectives for the purposes of decolonizing global health, demonstrating the relevance of multidisciplinary approaches for the discipline. The chapter illuminates the historical trajectory...
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En este ensayo se efectúa una reflexión en torno al quehacer de la socio antropología y el papel que desempeña el investigador ante el reto de manejar información aportada por sujetos/objetos que actúan al margen de las normas del derecho. Los datos, por sus características singulares requieren de ser manejados o presentados en forma encubierta. El...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan toponimi desa-desa di wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Lamongan. Peneliti memanfaatkan tuturan lisan kesenian kentrung Solokuro sebagai data guna menelusuri toponim. Dalam penelitian ini, akan diidentifikasi bentuk satuan kebahasaan dan kategori makna toponimi desa-desa di wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Lamongan....
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The woman-animal has been recurring in Graça Morais’ work since the 1980s. A hybrid being, part human, part animal, and sometimes vegetal or supernatural, she appears endowed with a salvific power. Connected to the earth and a guardian of memory, her power of creation ties her to the future, giving her a gift of premonition. Graça Morais often iden...
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This work deals with the daily difficulties of black people and the strategies that help them recover their dignity. In order to dismantle the evils that still objectify and reduce the existences and bodies of black people to their racial condition, as if they had no values or importance, we invite Rosana Paulino with her method of refazimento and...
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Psychiatry and Neuroscience Volume V is dedicated to the study of the state of the art of studies on addictive behaviors. As in previous titles of our periodical book, we display evidences from philosophy, anthropology, education, basic and clinical research and recient therapeutic procedures. Here we attempt to offer the foundations of the human a...
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The exceptional and vast plastic work of Graça Morais evokes conceptual and plastic universes linked to memory, Anthropology, and sacredness, among others. In this text, certain references will be established between Graça Morais’ drawing and painting and the History of Art, more specifically Celtic and Medieval art. From the masks and portraits to...
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Mozambique is a country with cultural segregation along its rivers, dividing the main ethnic groups of the Machangana, Macena, and Macua, respectively from the South, Centre and North. This division has led to internal conflicts, seemingly rooted in ethnicity. The aim of this study is to analyse the tolerance of the main ethnic groups in Mozambique...
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One Health is increasingly recognized for its value in addressing emerging infectious disease threats. In Bangladesh, the integration of One Health approaches into outbreak investigation and response can be traced back to the advent of outbreaks of Nipah and avian influenza viruses. Through accounts from epidemiological, anthropological, ecological...
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Dubia denomina o presente apontamento respeitante a um conjunto de 173 anecdota paradoxográficos em grego antigo, de autoria e titulação incertas. A aparente simplicidade opuscular sem inovação, de matéria leviana de gosto popular, marcada pela exposição de temáticas grotescas e assombrosas encobre manifestos valores de técnica conceptual, como ree...
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The purpose of this article is to analyze the representation of the motifs of Lower Silesia and the lost East in East German cinematography. In the Soviet occupation zone and later in the GDR, there was a ban on public mention of the lost Heimat practically until 1989. This was due to the new state’s need to accept the Yalta–Potsdam agreements, as...
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The article develops an anthropological and semiotic approach to advertising spots that narratively place a product on stage. The hypothesis is that advertising appeals to the same resources as magic. For the magical-advertising act to be effective, the necessary ritual conditions of its presentation must be set: through catharsis, a feeling of com...
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Graça Morais and the Art of Thinking the World was the title of an international conference dedicated to the work of the painter Graça Morais (b. 1948). Held in Paris in December 2021, this event brought together a range of professionals from the academic, museological, and cinematic fields, who, alongside the artist, presented their reflections on...
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El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un nuevo enfoque multidimensional e interdisciplinar para el análisis de los relatos de viaje. Se parte de la idea de que el turismo de masas constituye el contexto de los viajes contemporáneos y sus relatos, condicionando de esta forma tanto la experiencia y la escritura como la recepción de las obras por...
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This paper follows the idea of the Christian caritas in the writings of political authors of the late Middle Ages and the early modern era: Stanisław of Skarbimierz, Paweł Włodkowic, Jan of Ludzisko, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski, Łukasz Górnicki, Wawrzyniec Goślicki, Protestant and Catholic authors arguing about the Warsaw Confederation, and Post-Tride...
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Eliane Boroponepa Monzilar, é primeira mulher indígena doutora em Antropologia pela UnB. No ambiente acadêmico, Eliane percebeu a possibilidade de intensificar a militância em defesa de seu povo e a representatividade de seu lugar de fala. Em sua tese, a indígena agregou suas experiências, desde o processo de escolarização até a trajetória como pro...
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O texto apresenta os resultados de pesquisa teórica sobre as conexões conceituais entre sensações, sentimentos e emoções, em uma perspectiva semiótica peirciana, fundada nas categorias universais da experiência Primeiridade, Secundidade e Terceiridade, em articulação com a antropologia dos afetos, sendo o principal expoente Le Breton e a psicanális...
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W niniejszym artykule teza o zmianie funkcji i symboliki domów pod wpływem rewolucji informacyjnej, jaką zaproponował w 1990 r. filozof mediów Vilém Flusser w eseju Architektura przyszłości, zostaje skonfrontowana z fotografiami autorstwa Zofii Rydet z cyklu Zapis socjologiczny. W tekście analizowane są – stanowiące najliczniejszy zbiór – fotografi...
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The article considers recent versions of the proposed by geneticists hipothesis of “Yamnaya expansion”. The author demontstrates that the data of Y-chromosome analises, as well as the data of phisical anthropology obviously does not agree with the supposed model of “population replacement” of Europe (even partial) as a result of late migrations fro...