Science topics: Anthropology
Science topic
Anthropology - Science topic
Anthropology is an any and everything anthropological.
Questions related to Anthropology
If you can contact me, it would be better.
I am writing an article for a magazine with the theme being "happiness and other affections in literature". My article is about how music lyrics that highlights emotions such as sadness and resentment have the opposite effect in some individuals, offering them ways to cope with emotions considered negative and making them happier people in a way, through a non standard affection.
I am an undergraduate anthropology student and any help, be it with the references for the article or suggestions about which way to go, will be much appreciated.
Compared to other ethnicities, why specifically do Northwestern Europeans seldom object to breeding with other groups?
Mainly due to systemic racism, Northwestern Europeans are highly desired as partners. Therefore, breeding with outcomes almost always brings Northwestern Europeans net economic positive benefits compensating for their diminished population.
How feasibly can I pay a senior academic to review my independent research, then award me a certificate for my independent research?
Humor in Anthropology and Ethnic Studies
In his Ethnic Humor around the World, Christie Davies charts the joking targets in 28 different countries. The ones given below are the most recognizable: Americans consider Poles, Italians, and Portuguese as stupid while Jews, Scots, and New Englanders to be tricky. Canadians consider Newfies as stupid and Jews, Scots, and Nova Scotians as tricky. Mexicans consider+ people from Yucatan as stupid and people from Monterey as tricky. Nigerians consider Hausas as stupid and Ibos as tricky. The English, Welsh and French consider the Irish, Belgians, and Swiss as stupid, and the Scots and Jews as tricky.
Davies also said that the most common targets of ethnic humor, live on the geographical, economic, or linguistic edges of the society or culture where the jokes are told. They live in small communities, or rural areas on the periphery of a nation, and are immigrants concentrated in blue-collar occupations. “There is no evidence that the targets are stupid, but they occupy stupid locations.” Also, the marginalized groups learn about the mainstream groups, but the mainstream groups remain ignorant of the marginalized groups.
The joke tellers identify with the target groups by seeing them as comically stupid versions of themselves. The best joking relationship between two groups is when the groups exhibit both “attachment and separation,” along with “social conjunction and social disjunction.”
*Narrative texts such as novels, short stories, and others...
Have you ever read this article? Some food for thoughts here:
Muñoz, Lucio, 2015. Moral and Practical Sustainability Gaps: Implications for the Current Liberal Development Model, Weber Sociology & Anthropology (ISSN:2449-1632), Vol. 1 (4) 2015, Article ID wsa_149, 317-320.
Not only from the perspective of words,but also from the perspectives of anthropology,ethnology and other related disciplines to understand this concept.
I want to know many different opinions from different subjucts.
Why are people of color supporting unchecked white power?
Reflections on Liberal Education
Anthropology precedes Pedagogy, but as to whether this procession is dutifully attained, Philosophy must tell us, for it is in the interest of Philosophy to 'see' what cannot be 'seen' especially if the unseen entails processes. Fundamentals of of Philosophy of Education hold that Pedagogy is a function of the human species, therefore if it is NOT a predicate of humanness then it is a wasteful engagement. Teaching and learning therefore can only take place when the anthropological question "What is man?" is meaningfully answered. The anthropological quest is however ordered by the lens of metaphysics employed to investigate the quiddity of man. The lens can be static, in which man is perceived as a settled phenomenon, or, it ca be liberal in which man is conceived as an existentially unsettled entity. The great Philosophers: Socrates of Athens , Jesus of Nazareth, Paulo Freire of Recife and a dozen others have taught us that man thrives in freedom, because he is intrinsically free to manifest himself through thought. Therefore a pedagogy that does not inculcate free thinking is alien to man , and if it is alien to man, it is not a pedagogy. Rather it is a programming process.
Question: Are you a pedagogue or a programmer?
Both Europeans and Yacuruna arrived in Peru via water, are comparatively hairier than indigenous Peruvians. Both Europeans and Yacuruna also have harmed the Incans.
I might not reach mine but, for me, lucrative filmmaker. I would work in Hollywood. Requirements may or might not include a master of arts, experience at Stella Adler's Studio, etc. The job would pay $300,000 a year, plus royalties, etc. The job includes successfully executing a film. I aspire to be a polymath so, engineering, medicine and law(in case filming goes haywire).
This would be my first screen play:'s_Critical_Whiteness?_sg%5B0%5D=started_experiment_milestone&_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uIiwicGFnZSI6InByb2ZpbGUiLCJwcmV2aW91c1BhZ2UiOiJwcm9maWxlIiwicG9zaXRpb24iOiJwYWdlQ29udGVudCJ9fQ
1)Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Poseidon". Encyclopedia Britannica, 29 Mar. 2024, Accessed 2 June 2024.
2)"But we humans, along with bears, lizards, hummingbirds and Tyrannosaurus rex, are actually lobe-finned fish" ( ).
Could this 2mm Ancient diamondized embryo be Martian or remnants of a lost planet .
Ancient human related or could this be some type of Reptilian.
Ancient earth /Reptilian/ ET?

Soy una estudiante de primer año de la carrera de Antropología en Chile, siendo parte del alumnado de la Universidad de Concepción. Se me ha asignado junto con mi grupo el trabajo de entrevistar a una persona egresada o titulada en cualquiera de las ramas de la Antropología hace a lo menos 3 años, con la intensión de aproximarnos al quehacer profesional del antropólogo/a. No hemos tenido suerte en encontrar algún participante, por lo que he decidido probar suerte por otros lados.
Si esta interesado en contribuir, le diré que la entrevista tocará los siguientes puntos:
- Lugar y periodos de estudios académicos: Universidad, años de estudio, etc.
- Área(s) de la antropología en la que se desempeña laboralmente.
Igualmente, comentar que si no se siente cómodo usando su nombre real, no hay problemas en usar un seudónimo. Considere que esta entrevista no tiene animo de lucro, y que la información que usted dará no será publicada en ningún lado.
Para más información, o si quiere aceptar participar en esta actividad, por favor escribir al correo:, o mandar un mensaje a través de esta página.
Gracias a quienes leyeron esta publicación hasta el final. Espero que tengan una buena semana
2024 8th International Seminar on Education, Management and Social Sciences (ISEMSS 2024) will be held Harbin during July 19-21, 2024.
Conference Webiste:
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
1. Sociology and Anthropology
Applied Anthropology
Elderly Care
2. Language and Literature
African Literature
American Literature
Asian Literature
3. Linguistics
Sign Language
Artificial Language
4. Education
Adult and Continuing Education
Civic Education and Leadership
Classroom Management
5. Management
Information Management & Strategy
Information Systems & Technology
E-Commerce Engineering & Management
6. More categories
*Other topics related to education, management, and social sciences are available
---Paper Publication---
All accepted papers will be published in the ASSEHR-Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ISSN: 2352-5398) and will submitted for indexing by CPCI and CNKI.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: June 25, 2024
Registration Date: July 05, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: June 15, 2024
Conference Dates: July 19-21, 2024
For More Details please visit:

The simulation theory is NOT parsimonious because at least partial free will is self-evident. Reason would not exist without the fundamental choice to focus on life. Even animals probably make decisions thus, have souls.
1a)"The epicanthic fold produces the eye shape characteristic of persons from central and eastern Asia; it is also seen in some Native American peoples and occasionally in Europeans (e.g., Scandinavians and Poles)"(Britannica 2023).
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "epicanthic fold". Encyclopedia Britannica, 5 May. 2023, Accessed 27 May 2024.
4) "A small minority of people in northern Sweden and Finland, known as Sami, have some connections with Siberian people.
I don’t think they look Chinese at all. Chinese people have their own unique phenotypes. If you are talking about their eyes, there is a connection with Siberian people, who have eyes that people usually will associate with looking East Asian. Most Scandinavians have eyes that are similar to the rest of Europe.
Convergent evolution is another factor, especially for people living in colder climates. It’s common" (Sam Jones).
2)"Multiracial individuals tended to have worse mental health outcomes compared to their monoracial counterparts, with variations depending on the outcomes, populations/subgroups, contexts, and reference groups"( ).
How many religions are more dedicated to the higher self than a deity?
"DNA is SO unpredictable that they are either fractals or something less predictable, thus a gene is never known to manifest into a trait, debunking hereditarianism and vindicating CRT" (Ohnemus 2024).
No mutation can change an animal into a human and no gene is completely known to manifest into a trait.
My research aims to answer the question, "How did the vocal mechanisms adapt in humans to allow the emergence of oral communication and vocal arts?" In order to do so, my research encompasses a broad anthropological investigation into oral communication and distinct vocal arts, considering both physiological and physiopathological features of vocal production. Additionally, by applying a philosophical approach to the history of voice in these diverse fields, my findings have demonstrated that both oral communication and vocal arts, in their normal and pathological contexts, might be understood as anthropological unfoldings of the human voice, providing me significant insights into vocal pedagogy and therapy. I aim to conduct further investigation on this question in a PhD program in Anthropology from 2025 on. However, I have already uploaded a few research papers and posters in my researchgate profile explaining how I got to several findings that led me to such research interest.
Whites(more specifically Northwestern Europeans) are the most privileged, least indigenous and most recessive, MAYBE all because they are the last derivative people.
Sometimes if someone is interesting enough, then that individual deserves the attention sought.
Why parsimoniously does fertility negatively correlate with socioeconomic status? How?
When I point unpleasant things out, people often respond by insulting me. So, under complete eugenics I would either have been killed and or castrated at this point.
If Nazis do gain control over the USA, I may be killed first because they really hate white looking people with disabilities and or subtle non white ancestry.
The more North Western European liberal nations become multiracial democracies, the more a select few elite North Western Europeans turn into the leadership base. Hence why so many politicians and other elites are North Western Europeans. Thus, the "Great Replacement" should really be named the "Great Filter" because it consolidates whiteness(state of being North Western European). North Western European liberals did not just coincidentally invent transhumanism and eugenics.
Work Cited
I think the leading parapsychologist is me.
I am trying to find the works of a researcher (I think an anthropologist) who wrote on indigenous land management in California. In particular, he argued that this management was not as spatially widespread pre-colonization as many researchers have recently argued. My memory is that his first or last name may start with a "V".
Any ideas?
How would you start your own accredited university?
I’ve been trying to login multiple times but, I keep failing.
If one biological male repopulated the Earth with 5 billion birthing people, what diseases could spread? How?
The Anthropic Notion of Existence and “Being-Becoming” in Heidegger: Heidegger’s continuous engagement with ‘nothingness’ in his works has not been about the non-existence of anything specific or the whole of what we call Reality or of its To Be. [-----] Heraclitus never had a notion of becoming that makes everything to escape into absolute nothingness; Parmenides never dissociated from human beings’ notion of being the apparent becoming. Apparent becoming, he thought, is a contradiction to his concept of being. Heidegger depended much on his re-interpretations of Heraclitus and Parmenides. None of them shewed away from Heidegger’s thought whatever is existent or seemingly existent into any absolute becoming or absolute seeming of becoming or absolute nothingness that would reduce the stuff of everything into a nothing in existence.
What Went Wrong in Heidegger's Thought: For the above reasons, within the ‘becoming’ that meant continuous activity, and beyond the ‘being’ that often presented the sense of permanence, Heidegger (1) did not think of the metaphysical approval of ontological commitments behind notions, thoughts, feelings, etc., sought a non-traditional notion of existence that he thought is discourse-bound and language-bound which thus became an anthropic notion of Being without commonalities with other existents, and (2), did not possess methods of dissociating (a) mere subjective and intersubjective objectivity from (b) subjectively and intersubjectively obtained objectivity via objectuality in discourse. Thus, he ended up holding only the (a) above and laughably anthropologized philosophy, science, and human institutions through a sense of superiority of the merely anthropically Being-thinking humans over all others. His politically overshadowing such a notion of Being-thinking humans by a vague identification of it with the Hitler race was naturally a gimmick to use the opportunity to save and elevate himself and his thought and additionally obtain a long opportunity to laugh privately of his own professor.
Did Michael Jackson somatically mutate to have both recessive genes and recessive traits? How Why?
“…a strong enough acquired mutation could potentially turn any individual into a part of the Racial European population“(Ohnemus 2023).
Ashkenazi Jews co-exist and cooperate with the North Western European self-filter because the former are at least partially diaspora of the Levantine, mixed with whoever is recessive enough to continue their phenotype,(Levantine were some of the few Mediterraneans who were not subject to the dysgenic forces of petty nationalism, which is clinging to a homeland thus being subject to dysgenic forces). “Conservatives may have more kids but, liberals are more likely to use life extension and to have increased socioeconomic status. Removing almost all doubt, the self-imposed demographic decline of the North Western Europeans is an attempt to filter SO, only their GENERALLY smartest remain. Progressivism rightfully did NOT emerge from the Jews but, from North Western Europeans recognizing that under their continued empire, proving constructivism more so than hereditarianism, they would be subject to dysgenic forces and then become petty nationalists, and they have mysterious impulses to check their own unchecked power, as the most powerful group. As that was the case with the Mediterraneans. Plus, GENERALLY the highest IQ North Western Europeans are liberals and they GENERALLY get more progressive on race relations the more intelligent they become. ALL DISPARITIES are the fault of the North Western Europeans, thus the MOST ENLIGHTENED North Western European people should be cloned so they and their descendants can pay reparations. And the recessive privileges of being an Enlightened North Western European should MAYBE be distributed through genetically engineered somatic mutations”(Ohnemus 2024)
I aspire to NOT take the work-based insults personally because the ridicule means my work has been noticed and may get more attention, and or maybe I should improve somehow.
Se trata de analizar el concepto de patrimonio cultural desde la perspectiva antropològica, en el siglo XXI
Who agrees white privilege is linked to not being indigenous? Elaborations welcome.
My sources:
Who agrees both my book and my short film might help morphology? How? Why?
My Book:
My Short Film:
How does one gauge sincerity to a cause against mere self-righteousness? Why? My answer: One gauges sincerity to a cause against mere self-righteousness by discerning the observed‘s adherence to reciprocity, harm avoidance, the golden rule(treating others as the treater wants to be treated), the silver rule(NOT treating others as the treater does NOT want to be treated), tradition(what led previous generations to survive and to be anti-fragile), risk analysis(everyone analyzes risks because NO human has complete information to act on), symmetry, empathy, common sense(evolutionary set instincts), human dignity and skin in the game(those paying a more immediate price for the consequence have the greater right to opine as goes with reciprocity and harm avoidance). Plus admitting all humans have the impulses to commit unethical acts and anyone claiming otherwise is disingenuous because no act is completely selfless nor completely selfish. Which consistently leads to an open society with negative utilitarianism(reduce suffering as much as possible without violating before mentioned risk analysis, reciprocity and skin in the game due to desired societal anti fragility).
I'm looking for works in anthropology and/or sociology that examine these concepts, where they're distinct, and where they overlap. Quite a bit has obviously been published on both race and ethnicity, so I'm having a little trouble finding particular important works on this subject.
How misleading is the recorded history of music?
The historians normally recorded positive historical events of the powerful kings. What musical events did happen among ordinary people that we know nothing about? To what extent have the victorious nations hidden the music of the defeated nations?
medical anthropology, an essay of 2000-2500 words.
I am starting a discussion on the PowerPoint which I prepared for the Talk held on 12th August 2023 at the Roundtable Session in World Anthropology Congress – WAC - GLOBAL PEACE, DEVELOPMENT AND THE CHALLENGES OF CONTEMPORARY TRANSFORMATIONS AND ALTERNATIVE PLANETARY FUTURES: TOWARDS A NEW ANTHROPOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY OF WORLD SPHERES. The title of the talk was: “Gandhi and Gita”. I am going to publish a text which takes elements from the PowerPoint.
Is there a special reason, why the term "superficial cervical ansa" (Ansa cervicalis superficialis) was removed from official anatomical terminology?
Liminality was originally developed from ethnographic analysis of rites of passage, specifically related to spirituality. How does this translate to health education?
Any source/s to refer to on identifying methodological gaps/methodology gaps in research?
Please mention the links.
NB: Of course during so many years there may be some minimal mutations, which doesn't change main identical resemblance of Y-chromosomes of fathers and their sons...

What if we never knew that plant has life. What would be the difference with and without this discovery of plants as living entity in Philosophy. What may Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose conclude about chatbot.
This question seeks to determine how art connects with society. Comments and forwarded studies, art exhibits, plays, music, literature, all have roles to play in this. Please add your thoughts.
Gloria McMillan
Anthropology seeks to “think about and understand the unity of man through the diversity of cultures”. It is at the crossroads between the various human and natural sciences, which studies the human being and human groups in all their aspects, both physical (anatomical, biological, morphological, physiological, evolutionary, etc.) and cultural. (social, religious, linguistic, psychological, geographical, etc.). So let's think about the steps of good anthropological research
The unique adaptive strategy and cultural space of diverse tribal communities has gained huge research attention across the world owing to complexities of the issues related to their bio-cultural diversities, ethnicity, historicity, response to state policies and ongoing negotiation processes in a globalise world. Depending on their exposure to the forces of change and intricate link to the wider socio-political realities of life these issues have accelerated the process of transition/transformation among the diverse tribal population. In view these facts and circumstances, what should be role of human science and other related disciplines to deal with the emergent contemporary issues, which have local, regional as well as global implications?
In most contexts, the terms alternative medicine, complementary medicine, integrative medicine, holistic medicine, natural medicine, and unconventional medicine are almost synonymous.
As tourism grows and tourists come to dominate public spaces, the value/use of those spaces to native-born populations is shifting. This is a rather new topic for me, but looking for resources that will address the changes and how the status of localities shifts as they are rendered public for tourists but of limited use/access by native born. Thanks!