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Animal Biochemistry - Science topic
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Questions related to Animal Biochemistry
I want to measure the amount of lactic acid in silage samples using gas chromatography. Can I extract the silage using alcohol?
Hello. Has anyone ever measured lactic acid amounts using colorimetric methods? I measured lactic acid using this method (Taylor, 1996), but I encountered some issues. Should the control samples, which contain no lactic acid, form a color with the reagent? Additionally, the resulting standard curve was a downward-sloping linear curve; what could be the reasons for these discrepancies?
I can fathom the idea of PK being different b/w dogs and rodents, but why would I be seeing a significantly different PK profile for the same drug tested on rats and mice?
I'm inducing (Repeated exposure) lung inflammation by using organic dust; I want to know how we can determine whether the mice's lungs will inflammated or not.
What are the symptoms clinical examination can be seen in the mice?
Thanks in advance
Hi all, I will appreciate if you could direct me to a paper where I can find the stomach pH in crustaceans. I am sure it will vary between species, yet any data will be useful and much appreciated.
I would like to know how much long can I conserve serum samples in - 20°C for biochemical analysis : lipid profile (cholesterol, triglyceride...), protein profile (albumin, total protein...), enzymatic (ASAT, ALAT...), glucose .
Thank you in advance
Hi folks,
I extracted BAL fluid from mice to check total and differential leukocyte counts, as well as inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, and now I'm wondering how long I can keep my samples at -80 degrees to check the same. Suggest some practical experiences or methods for a better result.
I have approached various companies but they aren't dealing with an Elisa kit which can measure corticosterone level in brain tissue homogenate. Can anyone suggest me such kit? Is it possible( considering sensitivity) to use a kit for brain tissue homogenate which is marketed for plasma, serum, urine, milk etc?
Among various factors, the temperature is one of the most crucial factor for enzyme activity. For most of the enzyme assay, researcher use 37oC or normal room temperature as incubation temperature. If we consider the poikilothermic animals like fish, it's natural enzyme activity depends on habitat temperature and each fish (tropical, temperate, polar or cold water species) has their optimum temperature at which it grows best and we know growth is nothing but a consequence of optimum (good) metabolism.
So, is it right to use the mentioned assay temperature for enzyme activity of fish irrespective of its natural habitat?
Do the researchers need to modify the assay temperature according to optimum natural habitat temperature of fish?
Please provide your suggestions.
we did plasma measurement of cho and tri. in our mouse samples, now we would like to measure direct level in the fresh tissues, does anyone know where we could do this around montreal area, or any kits that can be used for this!
to detect meat produced from stressed animals suitable for human consumption?
Could give me please some guidelines to know where to start? I'm looking for the metabolic pathway of resveratrol and thus find a way to see their influence on some cofactor or the same growth hormone.
There is an review to have an panorame of this topic.
Thank you
differences between alkaline phosphatase and acidic phosphates
I have isolated a pure compound from a medicinal plant and now want to check its activity in mice models. In this case, what samples should I to take into account from the following?:
1. crude extract of medicinal plant
2. partially purified extract(s) of medicinal plant
3. Pure (HPLC purity more than 98%) compund
I have seen some research articles which use both, crude extract and pure compounds for such animal studies. Is it needed to test for crude or partially purified extracts? If yes, what is rationale for it? Are there any references available which justify the testing of crude or partially purified extracts?
I would like to estimate the serotonin level in blood plasma of fish. I am not getting any appropriate methods to do that. So can anyone help me out here?
Is the cells repairable after the damage? What is sublethal doses for cell lines, tissues, organs and animals?
What are the differences between the structures of human hemoglobin and bovine hemoglobin?
Brown fat produces heat metabolically in several mammals, but it is absent in birds. Recently some lizards have been reported to produce heat metabolically. Is it by brown fat?
what are the parameters need to be measured for immunotoxicology study on broiler microbiota
After exposure, we will extract blood and determine its ALT and AST levels.
Known and famous methods may be ancient:
1- Digestive Testing (Digestion Boxes) in vivo
2- comparison of the results of their nitrogen content, the beginning and end of the experiment.
There are new ways I do not know ..! Does anyone tell us about them?
Dear colleagues, I have question related with regulation of lipolysis process in white adipose tissue;
do you know any isoform of adenylyl cyclase take part during lipolysis process in adipocytes of white adipose tissue (particulary in the rattus) ?
40º is the temperature of the oviduct in the hen, where the eggshell is synthesized, but i don't know if there's a biomineral that in physiological, natural conditions is made in a temperature greater than 40º...
Thanks in advance!
I am working Western Blot on rat cells.
Hi, I measured homocysteine levels in rat liver tissue homogenate with ELISA kit but I coldn't get results I think because of the homogenate's dansity, so I should dilute it. Is there anybody who have experience about measuring homocysteine levels in rat liver tissue with ELISA?
By the way, I am using CSB- E13376R CUSABİO Rat Homocysteine Elisa Kit (96 test). THANK YOU.
When expressed in these two ways depending if it is heme content or pigment, heme iron is expressed in g hematine/ 100g muscle, g myoglobin/ 100g meat, g heme iron/ 100 g muscle (are this different?)
I would like to express my results in g of heme iron/ 100 g meat. Which would be the formula to use the factor above?
Can someone please tell me reliable and simple methods to estimate minute quantities of glycogen, lipids and phophorus in an animal tissue?
Considering a basal diet, which are the nutritional requirements (% protein, fat carbohydrate and fiber) for zebrafish.
Is there a universal method to measure the cholesterol content of biliary and fecal samples in mammals? I'm looking for a method to estimate total cholesterol content and that doesn't require a HPLC machine.
Could saliva be used rather than serum to measure passive transfer of IgG1? Often a veterinarian is needed to take a blood sample which is why a noninvasive method (saliva) to measure passive transfer of IgG1 would be of use for the farmer to keep track of calf colostrum management. Thanks!
I need some articles that can help me understand electromagnetism in different animals.
In most chemical analysis for determination of a given compounds, protocol is usually, recommended a given pH if we do not confined to this pH we will not accomplished the desired reaction precisely at least..... are there interpretations
Humans as many animals are trichromats, so we can discern milions of colours from the visual spectrum.
Some butterflies, but also many marine animals such as some mollusks and some crabs have many more, up to 11 (butterfly) or even 18 (mollusc). Why should these animals need so many if four are enough? There's a lot of puzzling on visual conferences and surprizingly, I have never heard the most obvious suggestion: spectrophotometry! Having many photopigments, one can potentially discern a mixture of colours (say yellow and blue) from a monochromatic one (green), which we can't. By this vision could aid smell even more than it does for us being much more discriminative in a chemical sense.
Who would like to test this!!!
I want to use of 120uM Torlox ( water soluble analogue of vitamin E) and I want to know can I make solution and store it for two month?
Can anyone explain the regulation of Leptin, Orexin and NPY for metabolism and growth out in teleost?
As we are interested to prepare the probiotic fermented milk, need to specify the milk we are using for the preparation. But, we don't have the clear idea about the milk we are using from the supplier. Can any one suggest me the confirmation test to differentiate the above mentioned milk types. Thanks for your concerned in advance...
for example 2.826 µg /g (ppm) wet weight of Pb in liver = ???? µg /g (ppm) dry weight of Pb in liver
I want to measuring motor evoked potentials (MEP) in rats using TMS and surface EMG. Typically in humans 50 microvolt (peak-to-peak amplitude) is a good indication of a positive MEP. However, is it reasonable to also assume this for rats? What I could find from the literature is that 15-20 microvolt was used as a positive MEP for measurements recorded from the front limbs. Would this also suffice for hind limb measurements?
For functional analysis of certain miRNAs in bovine follicular development/ ovulation, I want to perform in vivo experiment by delivering the LNA microRNA or LNA inhibitor into the cow. I need technical advice of feasibility and modus operandi of this experiment in bovine; for instance way of delivery, point of delivery LNA microRNA or LNA inhibitor …
Mu-crystallin (CRYM 16p13.11-p12.3. in human) is a lens structural protein in diurnal marsupials and an enzyme in mammalian possible involved in the potassium-ion recycling system; in addition it is a mammalian homologue of Agrobacterium ornithine cyclodeaminase..
In mammalian forebrain ketimine reductase was identified as mu-crystallin. It was also seen that CRYM encoded "adenine dinucleotide-nicodinamide phosphate (NADPH) -regulated thyroid hormone-binding protein (THBP)"; this identifies a new role for thyroid hormones in regulating mammalian amino acid metabolism.
There are many publications that correlate these enzyme activities to various pathological events.
Analysis of human tissues detected abundant expression of CRYM in heart, brain, skeletal muscle, and kidney, lower expression in lung and liver.
Hormones: estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and cortisol. Thank you very much.
I'm working on my thesis and I would like to find the prevalence of subclinical ketosis in dairy cattle by measuring acetoacetate in urine. However, I have not found any information about what the normal levels of this ketone are. Thank you.
I am looking for non-destructive method for analyzing pesticide contamination in birds of prey, can we use fecal sample and pellets for analyzing pesticide contamination?
We are analyzing fish bile acids by LCMS and are interested to quantify each bile acid. What internal standard is most suitable. What are the marker ions for conjugated and unconjugated bile acids?
Hi, I'm running Western blots, looking at various proteins involved in the mTOR pathway and I'm looking at phosphorylated versus total protein ratio.
I have 8 replications (animals) and 4 treatments and am using gels with 15 wells so I can only load 3 reps (each with their 4 treatments) per gel. I'm using the same procedures but sometimes exposure times will differ somewhat on each occasion.
What would be a good way to normalize between different gels? How can I account for differences between gels.
I was also wondering if anyone ever uses a positive control and normalizes to that. Right now my data is organized as phosphorylated protein as a ratio of the positive control (which is a pooled random muscle sample), total expressed as a ratio of the positive control and then the final value is a ratio of those ratios as in Phosphorylated versus Total.
I am in need of normal reference values (like we have for humans,) for various biochemical parameters in adult male albino wistar rats, like serum glucose,plasma insulin, HbA1C, SGOT, SGPT, ALP,UREA, CREATININE, ALBUMIN, LDL, HDL,TOTAL CHOLESTEROL,TRIGLYCERIDES, VLDL and in vivo liver antioxidant enzymes like SOD,CAT,GPX ,LPO. Please provide me the values with proper references. thanks.
I am looking for articles dealing with dragonflies dyes or dyes in other order of insects.
Any suggestions? Thank you.
We've performed thermal coagulation of bulk (~4x4x4 cm) porcine muscle, LD (loin) tissues using two different heating protocols. In the first one, the sample was submerged into a jar with boiling water and heated for ~ 40 min, until the internal temperature reached 85-90 deg C. In the second one, the sample was inserted into a Ziploc bag and then into the jar with boiling water following the same heating time with the same end temperature. We've noticed that these two protocols triggered different changes in optical scattering of the samples. BTW, water loss was the same in both cases.
I'm wondering what kind of changes in the sample structure, morphology, biochemistry etc. do these protocols introduce such that they are manifested in optical scattering. Or, perhaps just tell me what is (or can be) different in these samples, and I'll try to relate it to optical properties by myself:) Also, any resources analyzing different methods for thermal processing of meat will be helpful.
Thanks in advance!
P.S. Details of optical measurements and the method for extracting optical absorption and scattering of tissues can be found here:
In large animals like cattle, sheep, etc. 0.1 ml of 1mg/ml Johnin PPD is generally used, but for mice, which concentration and dose will be suitable for DTH test?
I provide mix buffer containing 100 mM glycine, 100 mM tris, 100mM succinic acid and 100 mM imidazole with ph 3, 3.5.....9
25 microlitr enzyme in tris buffer with ph 7.5 was mixed with 50 microlitr mix buffer and incubated in 4 C for 2 h. Then I add 75 microlitr substrate and assay thier activity in specific time and tempreture.
I think I went wrong way.for determining ph stability, all of my samples should reach the same ph (ph optimium) finally and after that I could assay thier activity, shouldn't they?
How do samples with different ph reach the same ph finally?
Kindly suggest me a simple protocol to count protozoa from rumen fluid.
Multi-cellular organisms have obvious advantages & larger cells would have severe limitations. But NEVER in any place & time there could be a species where individuals are huge cells! Why? Volume - surface ratio is one of the answers I have seen in some of the text books. Not convinced completely though. A few websites/scientists have some answer; I have some thoughts. But wonder what are your thoughts on this!
In my opinion, on the contrary, they activate because the goal to a perceived action was attributed (understood) previously. If the goal is attributed, then MNs activate. If the goal is not attributed, they do not activate. If MNs processed the goal they would activate regardless of the presence or absence of a goal. To be responsible for a phenomenon a neural structure should activate during this phenomenon. What do you think about it?
You can look through my article:
Prions are dangerous misfolded infectious proteins - which I read in an article about mad cow disease. Up until prions I used to think, only nucleic acids could be replicated into this earth. How can prions can do so without DNA? I can not accept it. You know they are crazy like zombies... I feel like investigating more on this topic to find out in which way they are multiplying themselves and becoming harmful. If you know about their mechanism of virulence please share with me..
I generally use paint but it's not enough for advanced biological structures.
The old concept says there might be 3 or 2 but new concepts say there will be only around 2.5 or 1.5.
I want to deliver antiviral plasmid into shrimp via feed. Is that possible to integrate the plasmid into animal feed without degrade all of plasmid. What methods that I must use?
I am trying to establish cardiac cell or cardiomyocytes isolation and culture from a mouse heart. I need a convenient protocol, if somebody can help me out. As far as I know the heart has to be isolated fresh and proceeded. Can we try storing heart tissue at -80?
In an experiment adding inhibitors sample with cyanide added sperm cells were more motile and motile for longer than controls.
I am looking for the routine biochemistry analyzer for liver function tests. I need it for rats therefore it should require small amount of blood. Also I want to measure prothrombin time. Please suggest a good and cheap device on the market with light exploitation features. Thanks.
Can anyone suggest a method to protect a peptide from being hydrolized by digestive enzymes in the digestive tract of penaeid shrimp, keeping its functional activity as modulator of glucose metabolism?
I'm unable to get the yellow colour for GSH estimation (by ellaman's et al). I'm standardizing through rat's liver and rat's kidney. I'm preparing 10% homogenate, centrifuging it and using the supernatant I'm carrying out the assay. Once I add ellaman's reagent I'm unabe to get that straw yellow colour. However my glutathione standards are giving out excellent results.
Where could I be going wrong?
I have to sacrifice pretreated mice models to evaluate the mechanism study. Before killing them I have to collect blood for GTT. I've been informed that I have to give them an interval before killing them (I do not want to make them stressed). Also I need time to collect blood from all of the mice models.
1. I need to know that how long the interval should be before killing them?
2. Should I collect blood from all mice of same group in same day or should I collect a certain number of mice from all of groups?
3. Should the killing order be maintained the same as the blood collection or is random order fine if the interval is about 3-4 days?
There are a lot of papers about GnRHR expressed in several tissues, including prostate, ovary and mammary cancer. But it has been difficult for me to find a reference about its localization (protein or mRNA) in testicular tissue.
I would like to estimate total protein from crab muscle tissue samples and would like to know if a chilled centrifuge is necessary (my lab does not have one). I plan to use the Pierce* 660 nm Protein Assay in order to quantify the amount of protein.
A number of studies have suggested that pharmacological compounds such as resveratrol, which activate (among others) SIRT1, can improve longevity in rodents and also metabolic function in obese rodents and humans. However, recent data (see attached) suggests that the over-expression of SIRT1 does not improve skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity, does not have an additive effect to caloric restriction and has no significant effect whole body metabolism. Additionally a number of reports have questioned the specificity of resveratrol as a SIRT1 activator which leads to the question of how relevant is SIRT1 in the physiological regulation of insulin responses and metabolic function?
Researchers identified the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as the cause of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) two decades ago. Since then, the search for an effective vaccine to the deadly infection has received more funding than any other vaccine effort in history. And the search, employing ever more innovative strategies, continues. Skeptics say no vaccine will ever be found.
I would like to compare my results with reference values.