Science topics: Analytical Research
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Analytical Research - Science topic

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Questions related to Analytical Research
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
1 answer
I need to know the style of this paper research.
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According to the APA method In academic writing
These are the components of the paper
1. Title Page
2. Abstract
4. Methods
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. References
Read more here
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
1 answer
This question encourages a thorough examination of factors that could affect the validity of the analytical findings.
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Selection bias which results from a sample that's not a representation of the entire population you studying.
Poor data quality mainly for secondary data analysis, where values were missing or inaccurate for most important variables.
Faulty interpretation
Interpreting correlation as causality
Confirmation bias is where the focus is biased towards preconceptions.
Information bias when retrospective data collection or self-reporting by participants is not as accurate or poor interviewing techniques.
Recall bias is when participants don't really remember previous events accurately.
Researcher bias
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
1 answer
Differences between descriptive research and analytical research.
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There is a difference between Descriptive Research and Analytical Research as discussed here in this lecture ->
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
14 answers
In your opinion, is creativity and innovation important in conducting scientific research?
It is a widely held opinion that creativity and innovation is important in various aspects of people's lives, in many different spheres of human activity.
Creativity and innovation is also important in many spheres of professional activities carried out in different sectors of the economy, in different professional positions and professions of work performed. In addition, creativity and innovation is particularly important in the arts, in the creation of works of art within various fields of art. Creativity and innovation is, in its essence, a key factor in the arts. Creativity and innovativeness is also important in business, in the management of business entities, in the establishment of startups, in the creation of new technological solutions, new technologies, product and other innovations, in the creation of inventions, and so on.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, is creativity and innovation also important in conducting scientific research?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Innovation creates a need for science.
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
3 answers
I am interested to conduct a learning analytics research about cheating in online studies. There is an ethical question involved. Do I need an informed consent from cheaters to study their unethical behavior?
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Cheating is a very context specific and cultural thing. For instance manufacturing a patented medicine in the US/Europe which gets manufactured in India, South Africa, Brazil, Thailand without consent or following the Global TRIPS regime gets considered as cheating or forgery( See Texmati case, haldi powder patent). In India, Nepal and many Asian, African countries there was no notion of patent copyright etc, but in the West it has been existing for hundreds of years.
Now for instance I want to know how the same doctor treats the patients who works both in the government and private sector, taking his consent will destroy the whole purpose of the study. Consents were primarily aimed at clinical trials and any bodily interventions and later shifted to all aspects of research. I can go on and on,,,,, but I hope this much is useful.
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
1 answer
In Open-LCA , If Nano-Bio Materials are related with cancer diagnosis , and analytical research need to do , which free source Database would actually be helpful?
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I'm sorry, the question is not in my area of ​​expertise
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
4 answers
I want to use HS-SPME_HPLC-UV/vis to test some methods for my analytical research in our lab. My question is, could I insert the SPME fiber directly into the HPLC injector port?
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Why you are not eluting the absorbed PAH from SPME fiber (probably PDMS) using ACN and transferring the eluent to LC for analysis?
I should also pinpoint that FLD is more sensitive in PAH analysis if you have and can combine it with the LC system.
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
3 answers
Hello everyone,
Just curious to know about the harmonization in scientific community regarding reporting of urinary analyte concentration in human biomonitoring studies.
Some studies report uncorrected concentrations while some report creatinine-corrected or specific gravity corrected concentrations.
1. Is there any common harmonization existing, to what is the better way to represent urinary analyte concentrations ?
2. What are the other ways to report urinary analyte concentrations in analytical research/biomonitoring studies ?
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Please see attached file.
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
9 answers
Relationship between conducted scientific research and innovations
Innovations can be the result of conducted research and scientific research.
Research work may concern, for example, defining, developing and planning the process of implementing innovative technologies in production processes or determining the potential industrial application of new, innovative types of materials, eg in the field of organic, biodegradable materials replacing hard-degradable plastics.
Research work is a process that is to lead to the implementation of specific research, analytical, research and implementation goals, the development of new solutions, formulas, laws, dependencies, correlations, inventions, patents and sometimes also innovations. Research work requires financial outlays, knowledge, and human resources of educated, experienced research staff. On the other hand, innovations are a new added value created, the value of which is determined by the possibilities of using a particular innovation in manufacturing processes, production or offering services. Innovation is a kind of product of previously conducted research.
I invite you to the discussion
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Dear Osama Rahil Shaltami,
Yes, without research, many innovations would not arise.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
2 answers
I have been trying to find a thesis topic related to Data Analytics. I am interested in doing research on Data Analytics in political campaigns. Are there any suggestions in regards to this?
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Dear Roshana Ali,
Research is the broadest perspective. Your specialisation (study discipline) and analytical capacity is the crucial matters for a research investigation. Can you please come out with an area of study that is convenient to you for researching (like Marketing, Human Resource, or Finance)?
Hope you get understood my point. GL.
S. Senthilnathan.
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
9 answers
Good day. I am a resident doctor in a tertiary government hospital in the Philippines. My analytical research involves Development and Validation of an instructional capsule video to aid lay people in using their smartphones to take a photo of a specific body part (will leave it out for purposes of research originality). Two groups will be randomized.
The first group, group EXP will be the experimental group, who will receive the INTERVENTION The second group, group CON, will be the control group, who will NOT receive any instructional video.
The study design is a pretest post test type, with the PRIMARY OUTCOME being the clarity of the body part on a subjective scale I developed, to be graded by Two Consultant Doctors.
The secondary outcomes are perception/experiences of the participants using a 4 - point LIKERT SCALE.
1. Both groups will perform the TASK FIRST.
2. PRE TEST LIKERT SCALE QUESTIONNAIRE will be given to EXP group and CON group, with questions phrased to address their experience with the task.
3. EXP group will be made to watch the instructional video. CON group will have no intervention.
4. EXP and CON group will perform the task again.
5. SAME LIKERT SCALE QUESTIONNAIRE (Post Test) will be given to both groups.
1. Should the Likert Questionnaire be in FILIPINO, ENGLISH, or BOTH?
2. Semantics may have a problem if I include a translation. If it will be in a single language, which should I pick?
3. Does the questionnaire have to validated by a psychometrician?
Initially it was just One group --> PRE TEST --> TASK --> POST TEST. But have decided to make it two groups after reading this article by Stratton
If there are also other comments in the study design, I would be glad to answer and clarify.
Thank you in advance for your time and inputs. I
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Multivariate analysis
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
4 answers
Which one is the best and versatile 'Design of Experiments' software? Can anyone suggest the list of software with the link to access the same.
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DX7 is better.
best rigards.
reza asadi
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
3 answers
Prescriptive analytics is the new area in analytics field.
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Please look at the following below links which may help you in your analysis:
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
12 answers
Hi, i am looking for any papers discussing the impact of Big Data & Machine Learning analytics on research methodology both quants and qual!
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M.Castell, mirado en perspectiva tuvo mayor consistencia que Fukuyama en anticiparse a lo que en eso tiempo muy pocos creian en la sociedad informacional que se avecinaba.
Hoy los sistemas de salud están siendo sometidos a situaciones progresivamente disruptivas que necesitan de respuestas que incorporen en su core modelos innovadores con tecnologias como la bigdata.
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
11 answers
Dear All, I am new in this publication world.
I need your help to know list of Scopus journals where they decide with in one month about article acceptance or rejection.
I have submitted my article to one journal, Have not received any response since 2 months
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Since you already have the title and abstract for your article, you can use the following tools from Elsevier and Springer to help you pick a right journal among those that belong to the respective publisher
The output of these tools shows inter alia average article processing times, which is probably the best information you can get regarding your question, and impact factors of the journals and, if I recall correctly, also publication fees and open access fees.
Recall that in many journals you can publish free of charge if you do NOT make your article open access (i.e. it is available only to journal subscribers), but this should be checked for each journal separately.
Once you make a short list of potentially suitable journals, you can check whether they are covered by Scopus here
and also by Web of Science here
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
40 answers
Based on the upsurge of research works, would there always be a research gab in a field of study?
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I'm very humbled by the depths of knowledge provided for my question.
Thank you!
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
7 answers
Please give your opinion.
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If we make or think any research (as in some funded projects) as close ended, latter it may be opened anytime.
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
11 answers
what are the sources and how we can handle them in the financial analysis?
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Thank yo to all and especially to Zubair Khan, But I specifically search for a research which analyze different kinds of mathematical explanation of shocks and represent a classification of different shocks. I know that the concept of shocks are varied in different markets, but I want a comprehensive mathematical overview of the Financial shocks.
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
5 answers
Hi, all,
I am a researcher in the field of Learning Analytics. I am looking for some open Educational data that I can use to perform my methods and baseline criteria of measuring Learning in an innovative Learning Environment (Online Learning)
If you know please point me to the source of such datasets.
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Hi Vaishali, 
I am not aware of one specific dataset to measure learning in an online learning environment, but you might be able to find that in Kaggle Datasets. For example, issuing the query "education" brought several education-related datasets, such as the "students' academic performance dataset":
and the "online courses from Harvard and MIT":
The query on Kaggle datasets: 
Best Regards, 
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
3 answers
Can anyone help me in?
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Dear Sir. Sai.
What do you want to do please?  Do you mean analytsis and design of agricultural experiments ?
With greetings
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
9 answers
Find blow the link for the google form.
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Thank you Mohannad and Aristidis Sir. Really Appreciated.
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
12 answers
The power or sensitivity of a binary hypothesis test is the probability that the test correctly rejects the null hypothesis (H0) when the alternative hypothesis (H1) is true. should this be addressed before every clinical studies?
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A priori power analysis is intended to avoid studies that can't address their primary question or studies that waste precious resources by being larger than they need to be. They also force you to define your primary question and think about clinically meaningful effect sizes. In that sense, I regard them as mandatory. As a result, I tend to reject grants or papers sent to me for review that don't include a sample size calculation. That said,  most statisticians eschew a posteriori power calculations, since once the study is done, you either saw the effect or didn't. For the latter, it's a matter of taste and philosophy.
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
6 answers
Dental research is of paramount importance in order to improve mankind's ability to preserve and conserve humanity's oral health.India being a nation of more than a billion people has both the challenge to keep dentistry affordable and reachable and the opportunity to contribute immensely to global research in a meaningful manner.
The number of colleges that our country has along with the thousands of postgraduate students actively doing their dissertations makes it a fertile ground for us to translate this into a research powerhouse. But is that it, Why is dental research still not getting its due importance here and what can be done to bring it out from the shadows into the limelight.
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Acknowledging the factors mentioned in the earlier comments, I would also add another factor here that is collaborative research. I say this because I was personally conducting research on dental implants at the Material Testing Laboratory, Departments of Material Science, IIT Bombay, a few years ago. The aim of the research among other things was to improve the mechanical strength of the dental implants to lend them longevity as well as making them cheaper by using newer materials. We were fortunate to be partnered by the local dental colleges in and around Mumbai; although, we had to struggle with a lot of dentists due to their inertia to participate in such research. They were not really enthused about the project primarily due to lack of mental bandwidth that a practising doctor can offer and also because research in India is unstructured. 
I would, therefore, say that more structured collaborative research is required which would not only enrich the field but ultimately benefit the patients too. 
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
3 answers
Regarding market shares, prices of inner rings, outer rings and rolling elements, has someone an industrial research about ceramics in rolling element bearings?
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Mr. Jansen
There are two PDF files one of them rom NASA as a PDF Boo; discussing such topics from NASA Reference Publication 1105 June 1983.Please find it in the attached file. Another Pdf also is attached , I hope it will help you quiet  a lot..
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
2 answers
I'm trying to find node disjoint path algorithm in graph theory.
We have a given graph, there is a different subset of vertices (nodes), we are trying to find path which is disjoint. We can not take two nodes from same subset.
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I think that you have to find a Hamilton path of graph from source node s to destination node t.
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
8 answers
Reliability of research activities depends on many factors. It will vary from sector to sector. If the reliability is in question, what should be the best possible way of establishing a meaningful setpoint relationship between research and real world application?
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To ensure laboratory results can be applied successfully in an operational environment, stepwise pilot testing is important as conditions will change as the testing programme progresses. This process is expensive, time consuming and in many cases, requires specialised equipment and research resources.
Many products on the market rely on suppliers’ testing plan and results to assure compliance to legal requirements, e.g. FDA. However the industrial world is open the suppliers selling products that claim many benefits but when these products are applied they fail. Many years of experience has shown, that when testing new products in a full scale plant environment, a closely controlled testing programme is necessary in collaboration between the end user and the supplier. Although time consuming, this strict QA process will ensure new products have gone through effective monitoring before they are applied across an operational environment.
This process, applied across a number of organisations in the beverage industry, has saved money, reduced the risk of product liability claims, product loss and plant downtime or replacements, as well as building good supplier – client relationship.
A win-win for all!
  • asked a question related to Analytical Research
300 answers
Should the authors pay for the research they do for the profit of the publishing companies. Is there any alternative models one can think of for open access publishing that ensure high quality review with no cost to readers and authors.
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The Open Access policy for publication will probably need to get some re-thinking soon, however, the idea is quite interesting.
The resources most of us use come most of time from public (governmental mostly) funding, and publishing the results in journals that are not available to the public sound un-fair to my ears. However, someone has to pay the costs of high-quality scientific publication; it may the authors or it may be some specific agencies as well, but it will come from funding agencies as well.
One may not forget that what makes a scientific paper interesting is the number of people that is impacted by it, reflected, for example, in the citations the paper gets. In this sense, publishing in a journal that is free-of-charge to be read may give an interesting boost in the impact of a paper. So, one important issue is how to give the essential visibility to the free-access journals, if they may have very limited resources?