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Analogical Reasoning - Science topic
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Questions related to Analogical Reasoning
Or a tool used in various different kinds of arguments?
Or an equivalence class of arguments that use comparisons and similarities?
I refer to :
Bartha, P. (2013). Analogy and Analogical Reasoning. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. E. N. Zalta. Stanford, Stanford University: 1 - 69. URL =
The Genetic Fallacy is an informal fallacy of reasoning — viz. one of the so-called fallacies of irrelevance – in which an argument or claim is based on someone's or something's history, origin, or source, i.e. when an idea or argument is either accepted or rejected because of its source, rather than – allegedly – its merit.
Are there any circumstances under which an argument based on an idea's or a concept's origin might have merit? Please explain and/or give an example.
When study of metaphor is at its fever pitch, will analogical reasoning remain at a reasonable level?
My question is a confirmation request about an analogy reasoning between heat transfert and electricity in the contexte of heat transfert by convection according to Newton law.
If we considere a scenario 1 where we have some quantity of water V heated by a single hot plate (see the attached file - scenario1). On the other hand, the scenario 2 where the same quantity is subdivided to several quantities with thin layers having the same section the same as in scenario1 heated by several hot plates with the same value of contact surface as scenario 1 (see the attached file - scenario2).
The analogy with electricity is that in scenario 1 we have a serie circuit where thermal resistance is deducted from Newton law for heat transfert to water by convection where the heat tranfered matches to current and the temperature difference matches to voltage difference.
On the other hand in scnario 2 we have a parallel circuit where the thermal resistance is smaller according to law of electricity and it is devided by the number subdivisions in scenario 2. My conclusion from this analogy reasoning is that the heat expended to evaporate the whole quantity of water in scenario 2, is smaller than the heat expended in scenario 1.
My question is : this analogy reasoning is correct ? and the conclusion is correct also ?
I need to extract patterns of responses to exercises analogical reasoning, but first I must develop a model on which the possible values obtained responses fit, so I wonder if Fuzzy Petri nets would be recommended for this type of analysis.
I will also need articles about this topic. Many thanks for responses.