Science topic
Anaesthetics - Science topic
Agents that are capable of inducing a total or partial loss of sensation, especially tactile sensation and pain. They may act to induce general ANESTHESIA, in which an unconscious state is achieved, or may act locally to induce numbness or lack of sensation at a targeted site.
Questions related to Anaesthetics
How do modern anesthetics differ from diethyl ether?
What are the signs of an anesthetic overdose, and howis it managed?
Why are inhalational anesthetics like nitrous oxidecombined with halogenated agents?
Why is it essential for the surgeon to be familiar withthe side effects of anesthetic agents?
What role does redistribution of anesthetics play inpatient recovery from anesthesia?
How do inhalational anesthetics like sevofluraneimprove patient recovery compared to older agents?
How is malignant hyperthermia identified andmanaged in anesthetized patients?
How does ketamine’s mechanism of action differfrom other IV anesthetics?
Hello everyone.
I am attempting to do visual cortex imaging in mice anesthetized with halothane, but the survival rate of these mice is quite low, even compared to other mice anesthetized with halothane.
I realized the batch of halothane in my lab is quite old, and I'm trying to find out if it's the reason why the mice are not surviving long enough, or whether it's viable to use. Calling the manufacturing company did not help.
1. What are some of the recommended anesthetic techniques and medications for CKD patients, and how do they contribute to improved perioperative outcomes?
Congenital heart disease (CHD) significantly impacts anesthesia management in pediatric patients due to the complex interplay between cardiac physiology, surgical interventions, and anesthetic drugs. Anesthesia for children with CHD requires a comprehensive understanding of the underlying cardiac anatomy and physiology, as well as careful perioperative planning to optimize outcomes and minimize risks.
The anesthesia circle breathing system operates on the principle of delivering a controlled mixture of gases, usually oxygen and a volatile anesthetic agent, to the patient while minimizing waste and ensuring patient safety.
Uterine rupture is a rare but serious obstetric complication characterized by the tearing of the uterine wall, often leading to life-threatening hemorrhage and fetal distress. The anaesthetic management of uterine rupture requires prompt recognition, aggressive resuscitation, and timely intervention to optimize maternal and fetal outcomes.
Describe strategies for minimizing fetal exposure to anaesthetic agents and optimizing fetal well-being during obstetric anaesthesia.
Minimizing fetal exposure to anaesthetic agents and optimizing fetal well-being during obstetric anaesthesia requires careful planning, monitoring, and intervention.
Describe the anaesthetic considerations for elective and emergency cesarean section deliveries. Anaesthetic considerations for elective and emergency cesarean section deliveries involve careful planning, assessment, and management to ensure maternal and fetal safety during the procedure.
Discuss the safety and efficacy of commonly used anaesthetic agents during pregnancy, including opioids, local anaesthetics, and sedatives. During pregnancy, the safety and efficacy of commonly used anaesthetic agents, including opioids, local anaesthetics, and sedatives, are important considerations due to potential risks to both the mother and the fetus.
Discuss the anaesthetic considerations for paediatric patients with comorbidities respiratory conditions?Paediatric patients with respiratory conditions present unique challenges for anaesthesia management due to the potential for airway compromise, ventilation-perfusion abnormalities, and increased susceptibility to respiratory complications.
Discuss the anaesthetic considerations for paediatric patients with comorbidities congenital heart disease.
Complications associated with paediatric anaesthesia can arise due to various factors, including the child's physiological differences, underlying medical conditions, surgical procedures, and anaesthetic agents used. Three common complications encountered in paediatric anaesthesia are emergence delirium, postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), and respiratory complications.
Physiological differences between paediatric and adult patients significantly impact anaesthetic management.
Is a high epidural block the same as a low epidural block with a higher volume of the anesthesic or is a high epidural block administered more cranially between the lumbar vertebrae?
Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows of any good techniques in which you can collect blood from the mouse saphenous vein without having to anesthetize it. Thanks!
We are currently using Ketamine and Xylazine to anesthetize the mice for imaging purposes. However, upon injection, we see an increase in the blood glucose levels, which in turn, prevents us from inducing glucose stimulation at our desired time point. Is there any anesthetic material that doesn't interfere with pancreatic beta cells or elevate blood glucose levels?
Any insights will be very helpful.
I want to take body size measurements of a few species of butterflies in the field, as well as to take their pictures with enough quality for morphometric analyses. However, I would like not to have to sacrifice so many individuals, for conservation reasons of couse, so I was wondering if anyone may have ideas or insights as to which anesthetic to use and/or their dosage. I've tried to do a literature search but had no luck. Thank you in advance!
I would like to find an anesthetic that has the least effect on coagulation factor.
Before performing a bronchoscopy what are the best anesthetic procedurs able to increase tolerability of the exam, to determine a better chance of the operator to obtain the diagnosis, with the minimum impact of side effects.
I have a problem about rat anesthesia, the situation is that I have Zoletil 50 1mg/ml + xylazine hydrochloride 23.32mg/ml solution that I prepare at the same time from the same source (from the same stock)
I give it to two Wistar rats that both weight 470g, IP 500ul, one rat anesthetizes without problem, but the other one rat fails to anesthetize and stay awake.
This is happening more and more often; I don’t know the reason or how to solve it.
Thank you.
Hello dear researchers. I am a beginner researcher who faced the following problem. During the experiment on rats, the rats die within 40-60 minutes. This process is accompanied by a drop in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. Urethane is used as an anesthetic at a dosage of 1.3 g/kg, and the rats are ventilated using a ventilator with oxygen. Ventilation volume 1 ml/100 g, frequency 60/min. We tried to change the anesthetic to thiopental, without a positive result. Perhaps someone has encountered a similar problem and can provide advice?
Do you:
1) Advise regional anesthesia instead of a GA?
2) Choose a specific anesthetic regime if a GA is required?
3) Manage the patient as if they were a neurosurgical case with tight control of ET CO2?
4) Carefully control hemodynamics and +/- consider transfusion more than you would otherwise?
5) Recommend that surgery not be undertaken for purely elective procedures?
Some other strategy for management?
I heard the best method in this case is euthanasia by decapitation. But should I use anesthetic agents? Doesn't it have an impact on the cytokines levels?
Thank you very much.
I infected mice using 3.5% isoflurane in oxygen for about 5min or until their respirations have slowed to 1 second in between breaths.
I then quickly infect the mice with 100uL of my virus in PBS via oropharyngeal aspiration and place the mice back in their cage to recover.
This technique works well with young B6 mice (6-12wks), but each time I do this technique with the aged mice at least one ends up expiring after infection.
I'd like to avoid any deaths so please let me know if you have suggestions for ways to improve my technique.
We're trying to develop a more humane protocol for perfusion in laboratory mice. We had mice waking up during perfusion from anesthesia with avertin, but not with pentobarbital anesthesia using buprenorphine (for pain control) as a pre-med. Currently there is a shortage/backorder of pentobarbital so we are seeking alternative. We are considering a combination of ketamine and xylazine for anesthesia with buprenorphine + Acepromazine OR Midazolam pre-med.
We like this option because of its welfare benefits: 1) it can be given sub-Q, avoiding painful/uncomfortable IP, and 2) it provides excellent pain control.
But we are also concerned about potential effects of the drug combination (especially ketamine) on our outcome measures - primarily markers of neuronal activity and plasticity (e.g. IEGs, dendritic spine density, BDNF etc. though we are not sure precisely which assays we will be running yet).
- Is the use of ketamine as an anesthetic before brain collection accepted in broader neuroscientific community? Or specifically behavioural neuroscientists working with laboratory rodents? Or is it a hard no-go for various reasons (e.g. having affinity for many membrane-bound proteins potentially causing many unknown alterations in the post-mortem brain)?
- Are there dose dependent effects of ketamine (+/- xylazine) on readouts? For instance, we could reduce the dose of ketamine/xylazine by adding acepromazine to the induction protocol (leave ace out of the pre-med, and use ket/xyl/ace combo SQ to induce anesthesia), if a smaller dose of ket/xyl = less likely to impact outcomes.
- Do you have any other recommendations for anesthetics that can be administered sub-Q or IM (avoiding IP for welfare considerations)?
- Are there studies on rodents using ketamine + xylazine prior to perfusion and examining markers of neuronal activity and plasticity (please provide reference)? And/or are you (the reader) currently using this drug combination with mice or rats to do neuroscience? Or know anyone who is?
- Are there any studies examining the post-mortem effects of ketamine + xylazine on a variety of neuroscientific assays versus other anesthetic agents (please provide reference)?
Thank you all very much for your help!
Could anyone recommend the appropriate anesthetic procedure for BMT in mice?
I do bone marrow transplantation in mice as a part of my study.
The problem is, the engraftment rate got pretty low recently.
I suspect that it's due to the change of the drugs.
I'm currently using the mixture of three drugs, which are midazolam, medetomidine and butorphanol.
I used to use the combination of pentobarbital(i.p.) and sevoflurane(inhalation).
Would it be possible that it's because of this change ?
I do transplantation by retro orbital injection.
I know it's possible by tail vein injection with no anesthetic drug usage. I tried, but it was technically difficult for me.
I appreciate any suggestions.
Thank you.
I have a survey with dichotomous variables and need tetrachoric/polycoric analysis. I used R module but tried to run it also in SPSS and cannot do polycoric analysis (keep getting a message - could not find function "hetcor"). I checked on extensions and it is telling me that extension HETCOR is installed. Any suggestions? I am running out of options. Thank you so much!!!
Hi everyone,
We will look at c-fos expression in different brain regions. As most of you know any new procedure or administration of a drug induce the expression of c-fos and various anesthetics have different effects. So I am trying to find the best drug combination that will not effect our results. Does anyone have any suggestions for anesthetics that can be safely used in a c-fos study?
In a study there are some animal species need to implement a coronary stent from (femoral artery) and to undergo a laparotomy in order to place a telemetric transponder.
What are the recommended anesthetic drugs that induct anesthesia without affecting the cardiovascular system at the time of procedures for equine?
I am a bit confused. I am planning an experiment in the field where fish will be caught by electrofishing. Afterwards, they are supposed to be euthanised by using an anaesthetic.
I found literature which recommended 2-Phenoxyethanol and linked it to a low cortisol response. A bit late I found papers that claimed the opposite. I used glove oil before and I thought that this option is also the most environmentally friendly one since I am working in the field. I would like to ask you about your opinion and your experience. I want to measure the Cortisol response in the blood afterwards and oxidative stress. Thank you in advance.
Using eugenol to anesthetize freshwater angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare), behavior is apparently affected not only during anesthesia, but also after anesthesia.
The study by Cooke et al. (2004) is interesting.
Cooke, S.J .; Suski, C.D .; Ostranda, K.G .; Tufts, B.L .; Wahl, D.H. Behavioral and physiological assessment of low concentrations of clove oil anesthetic for handling and transporting largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Aquaculture, v.239, p.509-529, 2004.
Are there other studies that have evaluated the behavior of anesthetized fish?
Hi everyone,
Where can I find some information regarding sterility requirements for topical dosage forms?
To the best of my knowledge sterile topical drugs are: ophtalmic drugs, for wound healing and burns, gels used in endoscopy (anesthetic mostly) and certain dermoscometics?
Are there other type of drugs that should be manufactured in sterile dosage forms? (only topical).
Thanks very much!
Is anyone able to tell me why my anaesthetized rats often do a 'double breath', or diaphragmatic breath, like a hiccup (see video). This often begins after 1-2 hours under anesthesia, and can occur every 4th to 10th breath. The rats are anaesthetized with isoflurane (usually set to 1.5L/min). They are ventilated with a mixture of O2 and air (about 30:70). The ventilator is on volume control. When the rats 'double breathe' like this, I can sometimes stop it by turning the tidal volume right up, but this then leads to severe hypocapnia. There is no obvious cause for the development of this abnormal breathing (end tidal CO2 is in the normal range and the rats are not getting light in terms of anesthesia). Can anyone help?
I will often use diagnostic blocks of various structures to diagnose pain syndromes. Most medications I inject will last between 4-6 hours. There are others that do not reach the peak of action until around 8 hours. I wonder if there is a pain perception difference if I were to injection a faster acting/shorter duration anesthetic versus a slower acting/longer duration agent.
I've looked around but have not run across this research specifically.
Does anyone have insight or research to point me towards?
Thank you!
i wanna administer cigarette smoke extract to induce emphysema in mice, i am asking for the maximum volume of intranasal administration ? can i use ether or chlorofom to anesthetize mice?
I also want to do some biochemical analyses and need to take some blood of the rats. To take the blood I need to use anesthetics. But I want to evaluate TNF-a and oxidative stress in the brain. Which anesthetic does no influence on this? I'm working on the model of VPA to induce austism.
What is the reason for the ineffective or insignificant effect of Neuromuscular relaxants such as Atracurium and anesthetics such as Ketamine on patients with Coronavirus hospitalized in the intensive care unit who have been treated with these drugs for a long time?
p.s: I saw in the hospital in the intensive care unit that these drugs do not work on patients, and I wanted to know the reason or be informed about other methods in this area.
Best Regards
Hello everyone,
I am in search for an injectable anesthetic with less cardiovascular depressive effects like urethane. The issue with urethane is that you can only use it for non-survival surgeries. Does anybody know any injectable anesthetic like urethane that can be used for survival surgeries?
Thank you in advance for your helps.
Performing respirometry on Nile tilapia to quanitfy specific dynamic action (SDA). Fish eat like crazy while in a tank with others, but when isolated they hardly eat (very tough to estimate meal size). Am currently collecting any food and nitrogenous waste that gets flushed from the system but this is extremely tedious and I fear quite inaccurate as a tool to work back and get an accurate meal size estimate. Have tried force feeding with gavage, but this is obviously very stressful on the fish as they need to be anaesthetized and handled and as a result the MO2 spikes drastically after force feeding (undesired).
Does anybody have any experience in introducing the A&E department to LAT (lidocaine, adrenaline, tetracaine) gel as a topical anaesthetic in children?
We are hoping to trial LAT gel in our department for children with wounds usually requiring conscious sedation or GA to close lacerations, but also to thoroughly clean large abrasions. As we know the former is a real challenge in the DGH and the latter can be very painful, especially in children, even with the gentlest 'paeds nurse' touch!
I'm working with transgenic mice 3-12 months old. We anaesthetise them for an acute experiment (~10 hours, with top-ups as necessary), but they keep dying on me around 2-3 hours after the initial anaesthetic. We use an oxygen-isofluorane (gas) mixture for the initial loss of consciousness, then ketamine + dormitor (medetomidine) (ip) for the rest of the day.
Initial dose: ketamine 75ug/g dormitor 1ug/g
Top-up: ketamine 25ug/g dormitor 0.33ug/g
Any suggestions for how to prevent them from dying so early?
I would like to ask if it's possible to use BIS Quatro Sensor together with a standard 64-channel EEG Cap? What would be the recommended montage in that case?
Awake craniotomy and related anesthetic techniques in the operating theatre
Closed loop ansthesia delivery systems typically use TIVA, using propofol or other intra venous drugs. I want to now if there is any system which use inhalational anesthetics to alter the plane of anesthesia .
Dear All,
How can I explain no significant difference in oxygen consumption rate, but a significant ammonia excretion reduction in shrimps exposed to different anesthetic concentrations?
Thank you in advance,
Today I tried to induce and maintain the anesthetic state for a mouse using isoflurane vapor. Initially I followed the protocol that I composed with the dose below:
+ Induction: flow rate = 1000 mL/min - 4% isoflurane
+ Maintenance: flow rate = 500 mL/min - 1.75% - 2.5% isoflurane
However, the mouse was still moving and even woke up while it was inhaled with anesthetic agent. At that time, I decided to increase the dose like this:
+ Induction: the same as above
+ Maintenance:
- Stage 1: 1000 mL/min - 3.5% isoflurane (in 2 minutes)
- Stage 2: 1000 mL/min - 2.5% isoflurane (until it ends)
The total time of maintenance was 1 hour simulated to the previous surgery. After that I removed the mouse and let it recover. Unluckily, there were some muscle contractions that quite strong and then the mouse’s heart stopped beating and it died in a short time. During the maintenance time, I tried to count the heart beat of it, it’s 176 bpm. Finally, I could not save the mouse.
In our animal facilities, we don't have the mixture of oxygen and air, I just use only the 100% Oxygen as a carrier gas to supply for the vaporizer. So is it a problem?
Can anyone help me in this case? Thank you in advance.
---Huy Vu---
I want to monitor the tumor size. Does 4t1 needs to be labelled? What are the most common procedures used to monitor tumor size by imaging in a live/anasthetic mice ?
I am trying to study synaptic plasticity in hippocampus in urethane anesthetized rats (in vivo). Following are the coordinates recording electrode (Bregma −4.4, lateral 2.0–2.25, depth 2.0–2.7 mm), and the stimulation electrode (Bregma −3.4, lateral 2.5, depth 2–3 mm).
Is there any procedure to optimize the amplitude of the population spike. What are the factors to be considered for optimization.
Hi everyone,
I perform gastric motility recording with drug microinjection in rats. The experiment lasts over 4-5 hrs, therefore I need an anesthetic that provides a prolonged action without influencing/depressing autonomic functions. I have tried urethane but it exhibited a substantial depressor action on vagally mediated actions. Thiopental seemed almost OK but its action lasts only half an hour then the rats died due to the applied additional doses.
I know that inactin appears to be the best way to go however due to some reason I cannot get it. Could anyone suggest an alternative anesthetic to inactin (thiobutabarbital)?
Can I please have you opinion about LOCAL treatment of primary burning syndrome of oral cavity? Do you have any experiences with using clonazepam in mouth rinse or is there any similar type of such treatment? Unfortunately, I cannot use clonazepam in rinse in my country for such indication so I would like to know if you have some another ideas how to help these patients using local treatment... My patients do not accept rinses with anaesthetics so well ..
I will be happy for every idea, magistraliter, type...
Thank you !!!!!!
I am involved as advisor in the development of equipment to administer feed-back controlled Xe at any concentration at a desired FiO2.
A combination with an agent end-tidal controlled will be available.
The device will be able from about 1 kg up.
On-line metabolic measurement shall be available as well (VO2;VCO2;RQ) So I am interested to your project and of course the results.
Kind regards,
Bart Westerkamp
I want a reliable and valid method
Hello everyone!
I would kindly ask if there is someone who has some experience in taking BALF from mice. I´ve seen people taking BALF from deeply anesthetized mice but my impression is that most of the people are taking the BALF from dead/exsanguinated mice.
Are there any differences between these to ways regarding the cell-count or protein-level in the BALF? What would you recommend?
Many thanks in Advance!
I am hoping to start using this model, but need more details about LPS administration.
In view of setting up in vivo recording in rodents in my lab, and being new to the subject, I would like to know if a thermostatic heating blanket placed in a faraday cage could cause electric noise during recordings in anaesthetised mice. If yes, does anyone know an alternative system, like water-heating pads which could prevent this noise?
Thanks in advance.
I am trying to use heart beat as a developmental index to study the effect of environmental contaminants. I will be using MS-222 (Tricaine methanesulfonate) to anesthetize the larvae.
I'm using isoflurane as the anaesthetic agent for my lab rats. The isoflurane provided by sigma is in mg form and I'm planning to dissolve it in ethanol (for drop jar method). But I'm not sure how many milligrams of isoflurane powder need to be dissolved in 100mL ethanol to give good anaesthetic effect. If anyone have prior experience with isoflurane powder, please advise me about the preparation. Thanks in advance
There is relatively little know about late effects of general anesthesia exposures, by quantity of episodes, duration of episodes. There is a debate about post operative delirium, and persisting cognitive impairments after surgery and critical illness regarding how much of the variance in outcomes may be explained by specific disease factors, generalized inflammation, and specific toxic exposure to general anesthetics and other medications.
I am currently working on ischemia- reperfusion-induced brain injury in Wistar rats, and as of now we are using Ketamin-Xylazine or low dose of Urethane for inducing anesthesia. I have over heard that these agents could greatly influence the ischemia-reperfusion-induced brain injury and hence looking for better and safe anesthetic agent.
Based on your experience and domain knowledge can any one refer better anesthetic agents for my experiments.
I am using Isoflurane anaesthesia on an insect, however due to the nature of my experiment it is not able to move/behave during the experiment.
I am looking for a way to confirm the anaesthesia had an effect during the experiment. For example, one possibility would be to use an antibody to stain the Anaesthetic agent and then image the brain (If there are Isoflurane antibodies out there?)
Though there are several animal studies but detailed method of anesthesia was not mentioned. So I need a method with proper reference.
Is there any effect of anesthetic on extraction of exosomes from blood? (I use ethyl carbamide, took bold from optic vessel) What are possible methods to extract mi.RNA from exosomes? I use trizole to extract but concentration is in negative absorbance, which is very surprising.
Thanks for expert opinion.
I performed yesterday 6 subretinal injections using Isofurane as an anesthetic. The surgery lasted something less than an hour, isoflurane was set to 2% and mice were treated with Metamizol and Meloxicam as painkillers. I was checking the reflexes all way though because breathing was sometimes slow but intense and there was no respone. Even though all of them woke up and were behaving normally at least for 2 hours after the surgery, 2 of them died within 24h after the surgery. I cannot understand why this happened, since everything looked fine. I checked for injuries, bleeding but I found nothing. I am considering hypothermia (but why only 2 out of 6) or stress. Any other ideas or suggestions would be great so that I could take care next time. Thank you!!
It is observed that, not all, but a good number of surgeons have an obsession to involve or should it be said, to mess the liability with the anesthesiologist(s) following an unwanted surgical outcome which is absolutely outlying from anesthetic consequence. Instead, there are lot many surgeons who weigh & admit the affirmative contributions of perioperative management. Is it prevailing elsewhere?
Is genomics in Anesthesia practice evolving? When will genomic testing be part of the pre-anesthesia work up?
Simon Body published an interesting paper in 2009 but I haven't seen the conversation continue. I'm wondering if anyone in the community is working in this area.
We are recording LFP in anesthetized mice, in the last few days and after analysis of the results there seems to be a loss of the high frequency band wave with a great decrease in power in comparison to several experiments before. We have checked all the system and anything that might be causing this issue however there is nothing to indicate that anything changed. Has anyone come across such an issue where the power of the high frequency in LFP was reduced severely without an explanation?
I will apply the Nd:YAG 1064 nm laser for 20 second on the skin of anesthetized rat, then I will sacrifice them in 3, 6, 9, and 12 hours following laser irradiation.
The tissue will be collected for WB and IHC, and H&E staining.
For WB I will collect the sample and put it in liquid nitrogen and keep it in freezer.
For H&E , I put them in the OCT and do staining
For IHC , I need help that which way is better.
By using them as anesthetics in my research activity, I'm looking for articles and reviews that explain well and in detail the mechanisms of action of urethane and ketamine on the central nervous system.
Studying spontaneous electrical activity (LFP) in the hippocampus, my problem now is to be able to characterize the combined effect.
Could you suggest some reading about it?
Hi there,
So far, I’ve recorded ECG traces in anesthetized rats using needle electrodes, however, I am about to start doing same thing on conscious rats.
I am wondering whether it is possible and/or reliable to implant the needle electrodes into muscles chronically, (or maybe using silver pellet surface electrodes). Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.