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Americanization - Science topic

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Questions related to Americanization
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American experts
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I am a university lecturer of american history and politics
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I am looking for a research paper on the American foreign policy of today following the manifest destiny?
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I am too interested in that field of study.
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list of artists
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One of my essays is listed as being published in an Ophthalmology Journal. However, it is a History essay which is published in The American Historical Review. How do I correct the mistake?
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See "How do I edit my research item's details?" in for instructions. However, there is obviously a mistake in ResearchGate's database of journals. When I type in ISSN 0002-8762 (the ISS Number of the American Historical Review, as given in, the American Journal of Ophthalmology is displayed. It seems that The American Historical Review is missing in RG. However, I am not sure whether writing to the support team will be helpful. RG's database of journals is compiled not manually, but automatically, see - In case of a missing journal in RG's database, I add the bibliographic data to the abstract field (like, e.g., in and
  • asked a question related to Americanization
17 answers
Important pists in the American government are being handed to inexperienced people with worrying political views...Is this goodbye to America's greatness, however that is understood?
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They sold the democratic rights of their interests to those of the oligarchs, that now own them. Presumably that means they will carry on destroying their own ecosystems until everyone dies from their biosphere collapsing.
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Hello. I am currently working on lactide modification, and would like to take this article as reference: A Bifunctional Monomer Derived from Lactide for Toughening Polylactide | Journal of the American Chemical Society (
The author uses TLC to monitor the reaction, (Lactide + NBS, substitution of H to Br) but skip the details. I wonder how to visualize lactide/product after TLC since the compound is not UV-active or have any good functional group for dye to react.
Also, I am not sure which solvent should I use for this system.
Appreciate the help!
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Thanks and sorry for the late reply!
I end up just collect/purify samples and use H NMR for that project. I would definitely try your solution for similar projects.
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East Coast Urban Culture
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American tourism offers a diverse experience, reflecting the country's vast landscapes and multicultural heritage. From the bustling streets of New York City to the serene national parks like Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon, tourists can explore both urban vibrancy and natural beauty. Local cultures vary widely, with Southern hospitality, Midwestern charm, and the artistic influences of cities like New Orleans and San Francisco. Indigenous history, cowboy culture, and the heritage of African-American, Hispanic, and Asian communities contribute to a rich cultural tapestry. Festivals, food, and music unique to each region provide tourists with an authentic taste of local life while highlighting America’s cultural diversity and history.
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3 answers
My name is Benjamin Ryan, and I am currently writing an argumentative essay on standardized education in America. As part of my research, I am seeking insights from experts. Here are my questions:
A recent Pew Research Center poll found that half of Americans believe the education system is heading in the wrong direction. Do you share this concern, and if so, why?
Over the past few decades, studies have shown a decline in math and reading scores, along with issues like decreased class attendance. In your opinion, what are the primary causes behind the overall decline in student performance in America?
Standardized testing has been a part of American education since the late 1800s. Do you believe this system is outdated and should be replaced, or would you advocate for refining it to better fit the needs of today’s students?
If you had the authority to make changes to the American education system for one day, what specific changes would you make?
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Hi Benjamin. I am not an American, and anything I say here derives only from visits to the USA, 10 years+ of researching hundreds of US education sources, and a small amount of teaching American students here in Australia. I make these observations in case there is some value.
Standardized testing is useful in providing a picture, a set of benchmarks, such as the OECD PISA, of performance, against criteria - age, location, type of schooling and early childhood education, socio-economic/cultural environment, health measures, and providing these over time to track progress/change - particularly literacy, numeracy. The nature of the tests and what they assess needs review. See Hattie J, Robinson, K, maybe Sahlberg, and local educational leaders on this.
Yes, I could provide individual anecdotes of how such testa have not identified student potential(s), abilities ...
There is such diversity within and across the US state education systems. There are many individual programs of successful intervention. Some in NY etc have been directed at socio-economic disadvantage in early childhood through whole school and whole community programs. There are individual schools, Charter schools, a program in California exploring music learning, literacy and auditory discrimination, RIASCD - doing amazing things. It is worth exploring as many of these initiatives as possible to see why they work, what use they make of standardised assessment, benchmarks, and what else they are doing to bring about effective change.
The genuinely shocking state of education in many places in the US reflects the unresolved social issues the country faces.
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I haven't seen one in a while so I wondered if that journal prohibits that form of redistriibution.
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Is it possible I thnk It is not possible
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A diachronic study
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Neither lift nor elevator (in the sense of box/cage designed to carry people to higher floors of a building) are included in Webster’s 1828 dictionary.
In the 1850s in the USA, Elisha Otis's company began producing the first safety elevators that prevented the cage/compartment falling, even in the event of cable failure.
In the UK Peter Ellis obtained a patent in 1866 for "an improved lift, hoist, or mechanical elevator" and installed the first elevators that could be described as paternoster lifts at Oriel Chambers in Liverpool, UK two years later. This last example seems to suggest that, at that time, both of the words 'elevator' and 'lift' were in use in Britain.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
3 answers
I would like to change my English accent from Indian to American. How do I change it when I am already too old?
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My suggestion would be that you simply ensure that your English pronunciation is clear to everyone you interact with. I don't think it would be a good idea to strive for the pronunciation of a community of speakers of which you are not a member. The 2020 school syllabus in Singapore "continues to underscore the teaching of internationally acceptable English" - not American English, British English, Singaporean English or any other variety. Excellent German speakers of English tend to have a slight German accent; when you listen to highly proficient Russian speakers of English you can usually tell after a few minutes that they are from Russia. In your case you may sound Indian. Well, that is your identity and you should be proud of it. As long as someone's spoken English can be easily understood when, say, speaking at an international conference, there is absolutely no need to strive to sound American or anything else. Leave that to actors. Be yourself, that would be my advice.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
Are the licensing rounds that China recently obtained from Iraq considered a victory for the Chinese pole over the American pole?
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*Extraction of crude oil and its derivatives
*Pollution during extraction:* Drilling, refining, and extraction operations result in emissions of greenhouse gases, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. In addition, offshore drilling can cause water pollution and harm marine life.
* * * Pollution during use:* When burning fossil fuels, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutants are produced that contribute to air pollution and climate change.
*Pollution during disposal:* Crude oil and its derivatives can leak into the environment during transportation and storage, causing soil and water contamination. In addition, methane and carbon dioxide can be emitted from landfills containing petroleum products.
*Lithium extraction and disposal
*Pollution during extraction:* Extracting lithium from salt mines or brines can cause water consumption and air pollution due to dust. In addition, lithium can leach into groundwater, harming plants and animals.
* * * Pollution during use:* The use of lithium batteries does not produce any direct emissions. However, the production of lithium batteries requires large amounts of energy, which can generate emissions if obtained from fossil fuel sources.
*Disposal:* Lithium batteries can be recycled, but the process is complicated and can be expensive. If the batteries are disposed of in landfills, the lithium may leach into the environment and cause soil and water pollution.
The extraction of crude oil and its derivatives pollutes the environment at all stages of its life cycle, from extraction to use and disposal. Although the extraction of
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
The American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research has extended an invitation for collaboration. However, it's important noting that the publisher of this journal, Biomed Grid LLC, is listed on Beall's List as potentially predatory. Would it be advisable to proceed with collaboration with this journal?
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As you indicated yourself the publisher behind the journal is listed in the Beall’s list ( ) and the ‘logic’ behind the list is that and I quote “All journals published by a predatory publisher are potentially predatory unless stated otherwise.” Looking at the journal:
-Their indexing info is fulll of so-called misleading metrics ( ) like ISI International and DRJI often used by predatory journals/publishers
-Contact info (333 City Boulevard West, 17th Floor Orange, California 92868, USA) is at best a virtual office (in other words why hide the true origin behind this operation)
-Looking at the editorial board I see that Ian James Martins is linked to for example Open Access Pub, Scientific Research Publishing and BIT Congress all dubious players in the scientific publishing world (see )
Personally, I would avoid this one.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
1 answer
Stop manmade dangers and team up to face climatic danger.
The Palestine solidarity groups, there are many group in it, think they can make UK and USA to order Palestine a free state.
Palestine solidarity groups, the most, don't care for the Gaza civilians such worse suffering to death, it's a mere number counting for them. Their wish is Free Palestine.
Where is a Palestine to make a free state??
In this political ideology conflict of Israel Palestine, innocent, civilians are being put under bombardments, worse effected suffering are children.
I urge playful beings to be kind and be wise.
Come on Muslims, let the Gaza people to Hijrath, following beloved prophet Mohammed s.a., to the safety fir the rear lives, take them out of there to North to make a joint, one state with Jerusalem to be the Palestine and let them all sing "free free Palestine, Damme Philistini".
For the climate change tipped already, Arab region worse climatic environment. Gaza people, like the Syrians don't do farming much, it is must. Gaza through Jordan to Syria there must be climatic adaptation programmes to be started. Canals, ways digging word must be began to make make water faculty in the region. Urgent.
"There in South East Asia and Far East Asia, in Australia, American and European land crofts lands risked to be submerge, threatening world food. In Arab, dry lands must be made ready to grow crofts.
Author Fatema Miah
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  • asked a question related to Americanization
6 answers
Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952). A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association 47, 663–685. MR0053460
The above paper by Horvitz and Thompson (1952) seems backbone of complex designs in survey sampling.
At the same time, I have never seen any paper either by Prof. D.G. Horvitz, or by Prof. D. J. Thompson, or by both on the same 1952 work.
If the authors never promoted (or used) their work, then why other Survey Statisticians are making the HT-estimator so much popular?
Is there any reason (or a story) behind it? Am I missing some work by them?
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@ Dr. Dey: GREG is model unbiased. My work TRUMP that is Tuned Ratio Unbiased Mean Predictor as well as Tuned Regression Unbiased Mean Predictors are also model unbiased.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
49 answers
An article by Francis Fukuyama (FT Weekend) asserts that the above organisation claims a decline in quantity and quality over the past 18 years. He points the worst example as United States. Surely we can all agree with this? Liberal Democracy is at a crisis point. Right wing politics of a sinister kind prevails, conspiracy theories have pushed away fact even for intelligent Americans.
A third of the American electorate believes the studiously false claim put about by Trump that Biden stole the 2020 election. Voters are prepared to back Trump who made a filmed assault on Capitol in 6 2021 to keep himself in power. This event effectively altered American politics. Is American politics becoming putinised or were problems already visible? Did Americans get tired of being powerful? Is democracy energy consuming?
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Under the current arrangement, there is no EU army and defence is reserved for the member states Stanley Wilkin However, on 14 NOVEMBER 2023
EU Defence Ministers agree to prioritise 22 military capabilities to bolster European armed forces.
Poland has already set in motion the plan that will lead it to obtain Europe’s strongest army. Last year, the president of Poland signed into law a bill that allowed the government to spend 3% of its GDP on defence from 2023 on - a full percentage point above what is expected of the alliance’s members.
By comparison, Germany has recently pledged to increase its defence spending to reach at least the 2% threshold set by NATO for its members. In 2021, according to the latest data made available by Eurostat, the EU countries that spent most of their GDP on defence were Greece (2.8%), Latvia (2.3%), Estonia (2.0%), Romania (1.9%), France, Cyprus, and Lithuania (1.8%).
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
Can I chat with a European or American doctor who can supervise my thesis on entomology?
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Maybe I can help You
I am PhD candidate on entomology.
i will consult my menthors also.
what is your thesis?
  • asked a question related to Americanization
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Gordon, R. D., 1994: South American Coccinellidae. Part. III. Taxonomic Revision of the Western Hemisphere genus Delphastus Casey. Frustula Ent. 17:71-133
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  • asked a question related to Americanization
6 answers
Realpolitics was Kissinger's area of expertise although it is easy to find fault with his approach, certainly as both delusion and simplification, but Kissinger developed American policies of the 1970s and 80s and many of the mistakes and illegitimate actions of the US can be placed at his door.
But he was Putin's mentor too, so was he responsible for both Vietnam, or its extension, Pol Pot, and Ukraine?
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I did not say he did but certainly he was important in continuing it. His belief that American security was threatened by America not staying in the field, that the USAºs prestige was effected and thereby it was necessary to extend the war into North Vietnam with carpet bombing was to an extent down to his belief in the amorphous, indeed magical, nature of political/military efforts. in his massive book Diplomacy, page 773, he writes of humanitarianism as an ideological tool only, effectively weaponising it rather than seeing it as a component of peace and towards peace. He saw politics as a continuous conflict.
This I suggest is how Putin sees it, whereby all is a configuration towards conflict without end. Winning, getting on top is the important matter.
Accepting peace with Vietnam would have been accepting their rights and his perception, especially where Vietnam was concerned, of eternal oneupmanship was not only deadly but wrong. For him morality did not exist. Really, is this not Putin's position?
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
I am researching the history of the Macropetalichthyidae family and came across a reference to Charles Rochester Eastman's pivotal role in establishing it. According to Denison (1978), Eastman established Macropetalichthyidae in 1898. However, in my search, I have only found two of Eastman's articles from 1898 published in The American Naturalist: "Dentition of Devonian Ptyctodontidae" and "Some new points in Dinichthyid Osteology". Notably, in his 1897 article titled "On the characters of Macropetalichthys", Eastman did not formally establish the family Macropetalichthyidae.
I am reaching out to see if anyone in the community can provide information on the specific title of Eastman’s article where he established Macropetalichthyidae. Additionally, if you have access to the full text of this publication, sharing it would be immensely valuable for my research.
Thank you very much for any help or guidance you can offer.
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Hi Pan!
Macropetalichthyidae is definitely used in
Eastman, C. R. 1902. Devonian fish fauna of Iowa. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. XIII
On the other hand, like you pointed out, Macropetalichthyidae is attributed to
Eastman, Charles R. 1898. Some new points in Dinichthyid osteology. Amer. Naturalist xxxii pp. 747-768
This attribution is as early as 1902, in a bulletin from the US Geological survey:
I can't see any use of the name Macropetalichthyidae in "Some new points in Dinichthyid osteology", but he does discuss the need to establish a new family to hold some forms that are sufficiently distinct from Coccosteus. I'm guessing this refers to Macropetalichthyidae, although it's not explicit...
There is one additional 1898 publication that I can't access:
Eastman, Charles R. 1898. On the occurrence of fossil fishes in the Devonian of Iowa. Iowa Geol. Surv. vii pp. 108-116
Maybe this only added more confusion, in which case I'm sorry!
  • asked a question related to Americanization
1 answer
We want to study senescence in adipocytes. However, we applied the method at adipose cells in our laboratory was as follows; ''Preadipocyte cell line 3T3-L1 (American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA, USA, CL173™) were cultured in low glucose (1 g/L) DMEM supplemented with 10% calf serum, 100 g/mL streptomycin, and 100 U/mL penicillin. This is known as complete medium. The cells were grown in culture flasks and the complete medium was changed every 2-3 days and incubated at 37°C in a humidified environment (%5 CO2, 95% air). Differentiation of the 3T3-L1 cell line Differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes was performed according to standard protocols (Green and Kehinde 1975). As a brief description, the preadipocytes were seeded in 6-well plates with complete medium and left until confluence. Next, the differentiation process was induced by incubating with differentiation medium I (DMI), which contains high glucose DMEM (4,5 g/L) supplemented with 10% FBS and adipogenic reagents such as 10 μg/mL insulin, 1 μM DXMT and 0.5 mM IBMX. This DMI was left for 48 hours and then changed to differentiation medium II (DMII), which contains insulin and 10% FBS in high glucose DMEM (4,5 g/L). The DMII was changed every 2-3 days for 10-12 days, obtaining mature adipocytes. Hypertrophic adipocyte model Once the differentiation to mature adipocytes has occurred, the hypertrophic state of the adipocytes can be obtained in order to simulate obese adipose tissue by incubating with high glucose concentrations for a long period. To obtain hypertrophic adipocytes from mature adipocytes, the cells were maintained with DMII for a minimum of 7 additional days. Nearly after 20 days of incubation, a hypertrophic adipocyte model has been observed. It is a well-established model of insulin resistance in adipocytes subjected to metabolic stress '' We do not yet have any information about aging processes. Thank you very much in advance for your sharing. best regards sincerely, Associate Professor Emine Kilic-Toprak
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Dear Emine Kilic-Toprak I hope this help you
To study senescence in adipocytes, you may want to consider several aspects:
  1. Cellular Senescence Definition: Cellular senescence is an irreversible cell cycle arrest combined with DNA damage and the induction of a senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), involving increased secretion of inflammatory agents, proteases, miRNAs, and more. This process plays a role in oncogenesis, aging, and several chronic diseases​​.
  2. Experimental Methods: Typically, the methodology involves inducing senescence in cultured adipocyte cell lines or primary adipocytes. This can be achieved through various stressors, such as oxidative stress, DNA damage, or specific senescence-inducing compounds.
  3. Markers of Senescence: Key markers to identify and quantify cellular senescence include senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) activity, DNA damage markers, and the expression of p16^INK4A and p21^CIP1/WAF1. Measuring the SASP factors like inflammatory cytokines and chemokines can also be useful.
  4. Study Design Considerations: When designing your study, consider the specific aspects of adipocyte senescence you want to investigate, such as the effects of aging, obesity, or type 2 diabetes on adipocyte function and senescence.
  5. Analytical Techniques: Utilize a combination of biochemical assays, molecular biology techniques, and potentially imaging methods to assess senescence markers and cellular function.
  6. Interpreting Results: Understanding the context of senescence in adipocytes requires integrating findings from these assays with knowledge of adipocyte biology, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and aging processes.
It's also important to keep abreast of recent literature in the field, as methodologies and understandings of cellular senescence are continually evolving.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
4 answers
Would anyone be able to please provide me with CIF files for Manganese (II) acetate, Manganese(III) acetate, Manganese (II) and MnIII) phosphate. Required for shell fitting couldn't find from Crystallography Open database and American Mineralogist. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I also need the following JCPDS cards:
1. JCPDS, card no. 33–0901
2. JCPDS card for Manganese(III) phosphate
3. JCPDS card for Manganese(II) acetate
4. JCPDS card for Manganese(III) acetate
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Thank you Haobam. Much appreciated!
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
I recently earned a couple of gerontology degrees and was amazed by the human lifespan and how short it seems. The question that seemed to plague me was the maximum human lifespan. How long can humans live and what reasons do some live longer than others? The answers were simple based on statistical data.
The maximum human lifespan is about 120 years statistically (give or take a few years). How can we extend this lifespan because the average american only lives somewhere between 77 and 82 years. The numbers have been increasing but consistently diet is the most prominent reason for shortening the human lifespan. A bad diet can cause development of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease/high blood pressure which are 3 of the leading causes of death in the study of american seniors.
Biologically the hayflick is another factor that genetically stops us from reachibng our potential in life. For a simple explanation our cells divide and replicate from birth until we are senescent and ready for death. Sometimes they are the reason people die of old age.
Biologic engineers and chemists have also been researching how to reproduce the flavor and satisfaction of fast food while keeping the food healthy. Although there is some argument and some find it a blind alley, many believe that is possible to create food that tastes as good as our favorite fat, and sugary american diet. Food for thought.
In my opinion, research on the human diet, and the hayflick limit could lead to the possible increase of the human lifespan by a factor of 3 or 5 times the normal limit under the right conditions.
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Thank you for your opinion. Most diseases that cause death prematurely are heavily influenced by our diet (cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease). Yes there are some diseases which are caused by germs, bacteria or chemicals as well. Education would help us to prevent exposure to these diseases in my opinion.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
1 answer
During the coming years, most likely two years, the United States of America will be able to obtain a new generation of artificial intelligence that is ten times smarter than Albert Einstein, because the degree of artificial intelligence will reach 1500 degrees, and this is certain, and the United States of America is superior to its competitors, both China and Russia. .
Artificial intelligence is being applied in the near future in other fields such as robotics, automation, big data analysis, machine learning, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), augmented reality, and virtual reality, all of which combine to focus its use in cyber attack.
It enables America to obtain advanced technological chips that are more advanced and thinner than the current chips that measure three nanometers. Because some research centers were able to create technological chips with a thickness of 0.46 nanometers.
It has been proven that each of the huge number of transistors used in this field can accommodate approximately three billion data.
It is known that obtaining artificial intelligence falls within the scope of preemptive wars. Who do you think will be the first to get it and what are the repercussions of that?
The simplest scenario is for America to surprise the world with its sudden attack on the defense and technological systems of China and Russia, penetrate them in moments, and take control of all operational system codes, especially nuclear weapons. Presidents Xi Jinping and Putin remain idle, so America and its allies and partners simply control the world.
Then what will begin the era of powerful, intelligent and multiple robots whose production America and its companies monopolize so that America can maintain the administration of its new colonies and rule the world from afar through robots loyal to American hegemony and its companies?
Let us ask what next? What are the repercussions of this on the economic, political and social aspects in light of America’s dominance over robots and the superiority of artificial intelligence?
Will artificial intelligence remain silent about the global situation in the future? Will she accept what America is doing to her? Will you try to seize America's power or not? The truth is that it is a terrifying scenario and at the same time realistic and possible.
Is America itself subject to and affected by the artificial intelligence it will produce? If you submit to it, the economic, political and social aspects will change.
If we enter into a new world order at the mercy of robots, but robots are very intelligent, they choose the best and work on the principle of improvement and preference, and certainly what I see is the birth of the imaginary imaginary socialist system that satisfies us all and fills the world with happiness and prosperity.
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After a greater collapse, your imaginary picture of a next generation economic system is possible.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
10 answers
Clarification about-(التوضيح عن )
President Joe Biden's position
Congress position
The position of American public opinion
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The United States support Israel because it is their main strategic partner in the Middle East. Another factor to consider is that, if Palestinians had also created a state in 1948 according to the UN decision, most probably there wouldn't be an "occupation issue" nowadays. Moreover, the US and the European Union (EU) have characterised Hamas as a terrorist organisation. This justifies their support to Israel.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
1 answer
What issues are studied and researched in universities and architecture centers in America and Europe today? What are the topics of the articles about architecture today?
For example, green architecture, digital architecture, environment and architecture, sustainable architecture, etc.
(Please explain by mentioning some articles.)
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European architecture draws on a rich history of diverse styles including classical, Gothic, Renaissance, and modernist movements. Many European cities have well-preserved historic districts that continue to influence contemporary design and urban planning.
In contrast, American architecture, especially in newer cities and suburban areas, often lacks historical depth. The United States has a shorter history compared to Europe, leading to a more eclectic and pragmatic approach to design.
European architecture emphasizes aesthetics, craftsmanship, and attention to detail. There is a tradition of designing buildings that blend harmoniously with their surroundings, leading to more ornate and context-sensitive designs.
In contrast, American architecture leans towards functionalism and pragmatism. Modernist and minimalist design principles are prevalent, emphasizing clean lines and simplicity. Function often takes precedence over ornamentation.
European cities tend to have more compact, walkable urban centers with a mix of land uses. This can influence building design to accommodate the urban fabric and promote pedestrian-friendly environments.
American cities, particularly in suburban areas, are often characterized by low-density sprawl with a heavy reliance on automobile transportation. This can lead to a different approach to architectural design, with an emphasis on standalone buildings and ample parking.
In general, European countries have been more proactive in adopting sustainable and energy-efficient building practices. There is a strong focus on environmental considerations in European architecture, with an emphasis on green building standards and energy conservation.
While sustainability is increasingly important in American architecture, the pace of adoption and regulatory standards can vary by region. LEED certification and other sustainability measures are common, but there may be variations in commitment and implementation.
European countries have generally implemented more stringent building codes and regulations, which can influence architectural design in terms of safety, accessibility, and environmental considerations.
Building codes and regulations in the United States vary by state and locality, leading to a more decentralized system. This can result in differences in architectural approaches and construction standards.
European architecture frequently reflects a deep connection to local culture and history. This can result in a greater emphasis on preserving architectural heritage and maintaining a sense of place.
In the US, architectural diversity can be attributed to the nation's history of immigration and cultural assimilation, leading to a more eclectic and multicultural approach to design.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
Solopova, O. A., Don Nilsen, and Alleen Nilsen. “The Image of Russia through Animal Metaphors: A Diachronic Case Study of American Media Discourse” Russian Journal of Linguistics 27.3 (2023), pp. 521-542.
The image of a country has a critical impact on the degree of its political, economic and cultural influence in the world. This indicates a need to understand various perceptions of a country that exist among other nations and mechanisms of their formation and change in an ever-shifting world. This qualitative case study seeks to examine the changing nature of wild animal metaphors employed to model the image of Russia in American media discourse in the XIX-XXI centuries.
The study is limited by two source domains, namely, the beast and the bear. They were analyzed within particular contexts: American English, culture and media discourse. The research data were drawn from dictionaries and corpora. The dictionaries included etymological and explanatory entries, as well as those covering idioms, symbols, and metaphors.
The corpora research data were collected from the Corpus of Contemporary American English and Chronicling America, a collection of historic digitalized texts. A total of 218 metaphors were selected from 4929 texts. The metaphors were studied through lexicographic, conceptual metaphor, culture-specific, corpus, discourse, and diachronic methods.
The findings of this study suggest that the two metaphors “Russia is a beast” and “Russia is a bear” are frequently used in realizing the strategy of ‘othering’ in XXI century American media discourse. Still, their meanings allowed for variation and modification in the periods of the two countries’ amity and cooperation. In the XIX century and in the years of US-Soviet alliance in WWII the metaphors could evoke positive images of Russia, thus, realizing the strategy of ‘bridging’ or ‘belonging’. The contribution of this study has been to confirm that, whatever metaphorical projections exist in language and culture, historical factors determine choices in any sample of discourse.
This could be important for understanding the mechanisms involved in modeling the image of modern Russia in foreign media discourses.
The image of Russia through animal metaphors: A diachronic case study of American media discourse
Solopova O.A., Nilsen D., Nilsen A.
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I guess you mean 20th and 21st century (+ 19th C) - and the answer is: that is a very broad field - and one that hs probably not been given much attention.
Looking at more recent metaphors (looking at the last 50 years) there are some publications like
Marks, Michael P., and Michael P. Marks. "Metaphors of International Political Economy." Revisiting Metaphors in International Relations Theory (2018): 31-89.
Andreas Mussloff's "Political Metaphor Analysis"
Clearly, in the 19th and early 20th C, the main European powers - England, France,Germany and Russia would have used a lot of this kind of language to describe other countries, the US, for most of the 19th C a relative backwater and political minion however - there would not be as much material to look at than there is since we have the pax Americana, I guess.
Hope this helps anyway -
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2 answers
Which outstanding contemporary American entrepreneurs, such as Musk, Jobs, Bezos, Larry Page, and others, who graduated from The United States Military Academy(or called: West Point Military Academy)?why?!
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Here are some outstanding contemporary American entrepreneurs who graduated from the United States Military Academy (West Point):
* **Brad Feld** (Class of 1987): Co-founder and managing director of Foundry Group, a venture capital firm that has invested in over 1,000 companies, including Twitter, Lyft, and Etsy.
* **Chris Dixon** (Class of 1992): Co-founder and general partner of Andreessen Horowitz, a venture capital firm that has invested in companies like Facebook, Airbnb, and Coinbase.
* **David Rubenstein** (Class of 1970): Co-founder and co-chairman of Carlyle Group, a global investment firm with over $300 billion in assets under management.
* **Jeff Bezos** (Class of 1986): Founder and CEO of Amazon, the world's largest online retailer.
* **Jim Breyer** (Class of 1983): Accel Partners venture capitalist who has invested in companies like Facebook, Spotify, and Slack.
* **Kenges Rakishev** (Class of 1997): Kazakh billionaire and tech entrepreneur who founded BTA Digital, a fintech company.
* **Mark Pincus** (Class of 1990): Founder and former CEO of Zynga, the social gaming company that created FarmVille and Words With Friends.
* **Matt Mullenweg** (Class of 2002): Founder and CEO of WordPress, the world's most popular content management system.
* **Peter Thiel** (Class of 1987): Co-founder of PayPal and Palantir Technologies, and early investor in Facebook.
* **Safra Catz** (Class of 1982): CEO of Oracle Corporation, a global software company.
* **Susan Wojcicki** (Class of 1996): CEO of YouTube, a video-sharing platform owned by Google.
These entrepreneurs have all made significant contributions to the American economy and society. They are role models for future generations of entrepreneurs, and their stories demonstrate that it is possible to achieve success in both the military and the business world.
In addition to the entrepreneurs listed above, here are some other notable contemporary American entrepreneurs who graduated from West Point:
* **David Dorman** (Class of 1975): CEO of Eaton Corporation, a diversified manufacturing company.
* **John Chambers** (Class of 1968): Former CEO of Cisco Systems, a global networking company.
* **John Thompson** (Class of 1966): Former CEO of Symantec Corporation, a cybersecurity company.
* **Mike Mullen** (Class of 1968): Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
* **Sandy Weill** (Class of 1953): Former CEO of Citigroup, a global financial services company.
These entrepreneurs have all achieved great success in their respective fields. They are a testament to the West Point education and the values that it instills in its graduates.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
True or False?: despite being the suspected land of opportunity, the USA has the some of the least upward mobility in academia.
My case(the American PhD Paradox or "APP":
Relevant answer
Still, the USA lacks PhDs by publication, thus, prior degrees and many years are a major deterrent for US doctoral prospects.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
1 answer
Is this journal - " North American Academic Research NAAR" predatory? ?
Relevant answer
I can remember from recent past, that several RG members used to answer questions regarding predatory publishers and journals. But not now, Maybe they just used to search BEALL'S LIST of predatory journals. As this and many others could not be found there.
If we look at the website of the journal there are many concerns, for example, we read
"NAAR is sponsored by TWASP ( The World Association of Scientists & Professionals )"
and when we search the told "Association" we find a website that does not contain any specific information (boards, people, members, missions, manifesto...
But that website matches with the website of NAAR !
Whether it is a predatory or not we need new criteria to judge about the credibility of journals by ourselves.
In this regard my detailed part 3 of my answer in the following discussion, be a good point to start.
  • also see my answers to these related discussions
  • asked a question related to Americanization
1 answer
The second law of thermodynamics does not match the experiment, so scientists provide an explanation or make some adjustments. The maintenance cost of the second law of thermodynamics is really expensive. The first law of thermodynamics does not have such maintenance costs.
The second law of thermodynamics is not a fundamental science.
Here is a case study:In 1950, American scientists tested 10-30 times the prediction of the second law of thermodynamics.The change in capillary vapor pressure: The experiment is 10 to 30 times the second law of thermodynamics (Kelvin formula). Is the Second Law of Thermodynamics a pseudoscience?
Please refer to the pictures and literature links for details.
Relevant answer
Reading your question caused me to miss the article about vapour pressure in capillaries. The anomalous results contradict Kelvin's equation, not the Second Law. I will read the article carefully, but it looks as if the authors had a possible explanation in terms of long-range forces.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
4 answers
Could you name some examples of American novels where populist discourse is prevalent?
Relevant answer
Here are some examples of American novels where populist discourse is prevalent:
"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck
"It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis
"The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair
"Main Street" by Sinclair Lewis
"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald (arguably contains elements of populist discourse)
These novels deal with themes of economic and social injustice, and often portray populist voices advocating for change. They offer insights into the historical and cultural forces that have shaped American politics and society.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
Hi everyone,
We want to start performing some FluoroJade C stainings at the lab but the product that other labs have recommended is longer available (AG325 from Sigma-Aldrich). Do you have any other recommendation? We are in Spain, so brands from Europe or American ones with European distributors are preferred.
Many many thanks!
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Brian Lee Thanks for your answer! We're still trying to figure it out :S
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
The number of team players is five
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Five players per team
  • asked a question related to Americanization
1 answer
recently I have been working with American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences. Now I have finished all the processes and left only with uploading the pdf version ready for publication.
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click the 'Add files' link below so that you can upload the file you want to be uploaded. When finished, click the 'Add' button marked blue on the right side. at this point, you have completed the task.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
1 answer
Which American journal is the best for offshore engineering?
Relevant answer
Those journals with the option to upload codes will be more prefereable.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
Heraclitus’ Saying “The Wartime-Slaughterer is the Father of Everyone”: almost confirmed through Einstein’s Intuition
Otto E. Rossler
Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Tubingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, 72076 Tubingen, Germany
The Einstein-Bell-Feingold experiment is reviewed and put into a 2 ½ millennia old context. There are only months to go until the experiment will be accomplished by ESA following 14 years of preparation. This “relativistic Bell experiment” is arguably the most important one of history. The riddle of the “assignment conditions” which complement the “laws” and “initial conditions” of Newton is the deepest in science. This riddle is made experimentally accessible for the first time by the Zeilinger experiment. In this experiment, the assigned world will most likely turn out to be personalized. If so, Everett’s theory will be experimentally proven at the expense of the Copenhagen interpretation. In this way, religion will be re-installed as the central element of reality.
Key words: Laws, initial conditions, assignment conditions; Einstein’s bi-symmetric thinking; Einstein completion of quantum mechanics; Bell nonlocality; relativistic EPR experiment; two-frame EPR experiment; second EPR effect; Feingold experiment; Zeilinger-Pan experiment; quantum satellite; assignment experiment; falsifiability of Copenhagen; Everett experiment; VX-experiment; vexing experiment; Heraclitus experiment; subtle connection; partial solipsism; religious experimental physics; ESA; EPR; REP; MFU; AAH. (May 12, 2015)
Heraclitus is the most daring mind on record with his commonly misunderstood phrase of war as the father of all things. What he actually said was (with explanatory words added in square brackets): The war [-time slaughterer] is both the father of all [souls] and the king of all [souls]; the ones [of them] he has appointed to be gods, the others to be humans, the ones he made [to be] slaves, the others [to be] free citizens, cf. [1].
Does there really exist this only momentarily palpable “father” with his infinite power, also called by Heraclitus The Lightning [-thrower] who controls everything in detail and, at another place, A child on the throne playing board games? Heraclitus had further names for the same instance including female ones.
The physics experiment referred to here is in progress for 14 years at ESA under the aegis of Anton Zeilinger and more recently also that of Jian-Wei Pan, cf. [2]. Susan J. Feingold first proposed the experiment in the 1970s (cf. [3, 4]) with many other authors following suit independently including Roger Penrose [5] as number three. The second case [6] (not the first as could be believed at the time) still got responded to by John Stewart Bell himself in 1988. He spontaneously said “this idea is completely new to me” when the VX diagram (see below) was drawn onto a dinner-table napkin for him and his wife. Later – after having seen the finished manuscript that owed its existence to his encouragement – he responded to the written request to kindly submit it for me in his characteristic style: “I do not share your enthusiasm for these ideas and do not want to share in the responsibility” but: he had carefully corrected-through the whole manuscript so it could be published [6]. The Feingold experiment (as it deserves to be called [3]) represents “heavy diet” indeed.
The VX diagram combines the light cone (symbolized by a letter V with time pointing up) of the two bilaterally emitted correlated photons of the Bell experiment [7] with two crossed simultaneity lines (symbolized by a flat letter X) overlaid. Therefore in each of the two local simultaneities valid in the two almost-horizontal mutually crossing relativistic frames, the rotation-symmetric singlet state of two correlated photons that are simultaneously emitted from the center in opposite directions (V) gets “reduced”(destroyed in a measurement) first. Note that the two measurements are located at the upper-right and the upper-left crossing of the V by the X. Hence for each side, the other measurement is the second measurement since it comes later [6]. This is what you get when the famous EPR gedanken experiment of 1935 [8] is combined with special relativity [6].
The new double-frame EPR experiment can be realized with a standard Aspect [9] experimental set-up when the latter is equipped with a source of correlated photons that is pairwise-simultaneously emitting. What is new is only the fact that one of the two measurements is done, not on earth with its equal simultaneity (as in the experiment of ref. [9]) but rather in a momentarily receding relativistic frame endowed with its own simultaneity – that is, inside a fast-departing satellite that has just flown overhead [6]. The experiment will prove (in case it has the outcome no one in physics doubts) that each observer lives in her or his own Everett world [6]. In other words it will imply that “the world is made for me” in accordance with an old phrase in Judaism (which continues “I am nothing and You are everything”). This is frightening stuff in a physics context. Possibly – just possibly – the deeper reason why the experiment did not get finished over more than a decade has to do with its straightforward metaphysical implications. At any rate, humankind appears not ready to face the expected (if never emphasized) experimental outcome.
Even if the VX experiment is going to fail in a currently unfathomable manner, it can still with some justification be called “the most interesting experiment of history.” The name assignment experiment or synonymously Heraclitus Experiment therefore offers itself. Another name would be Psalm 139:5 Experiment since the psalm’s words were contemporaneous to those of Heraclitus conveying the same daring spirit [10].
The both most frightening and most humble Experiment
The experimental set up is originally due to Kocher and Commins [11]. These authors were the first to, (i) prepare a singlet quantum state valid between two correlated photons emitted in opposite directions and to, (ii) measure angular correlations. It was only owing to their not yet having learned about Bell’s result [7] that they did not measure through all relative angles of the polarizers used on the two sides (or if they did, they did not include those results). The most famous later version of this non-relativistic EPR-Bell experiment is due to Alain Aspect [9] as mentioned. It is well-known in the physics community that this experiment has demonstrated to the eye, with its careful checks, that the rotation-symmetric singlet quantum state of a pair of freshly emitted correlated photons can be successfully reduced (be measured) on one side first – and that at this very moment the spin gets fixed onto a particular (the same) angle also on the other side through instantaneous action-at-a-distance [7]. Many variants and extensions of this Bell nonlocality were tried out since with a large literature accrued (see [12] for the most recent example in which two quantum properties got “teleported” simultaneously). Such a “spooky action at a distance” [8] type outcome had been considered possible if unlikely by Einstein who optimistically expected that following the measurement on one side of the momentum (say), the corresponding position measurement could still be made with impunity on the twin particle of the other side. But Einstein had single-handedly spotted this whole symmetry problem. The important new element, contributed subsequently by Bell [7], was to make Einstein’s idea testable in a physically realistic setting by having his “Bell inequality” applied to the measured outcomes of both sides. This is what Aspect tested and confirmed: the first measurement’s outcome makes itself felt superluminally fast on the other side [9]. For his surprise breakthrough, John Stewart Bell would have won the Nobel prize only days after his sudden death in 1990 (and with him presumably would have Alain Aspect and perhaps also Kocher and Commins).
The Einstein-Bell experiment yielded the very outcome – proof of a superluminal connection – that Bell favored [7] and Einstein doubted but had singlehandedly spotted as a possibility in need to be falsified experimentally [8]. The superluminal connection was then empirically found to be physical reality on using the new instrument of the Bell inequality [7] by Aspect and his coauthors [9] as mentioned. This famous finding, called “Bell nonlocality,” consists in the superluminal “fixation at a distance” of the “reduced quantum state,” generated by the first measurement out of the former rotation-symmetric superposition-type “singlet state” of the pair of freshly emitted correlated photons, on the other side. In other words the measurement done first “reduces” the previous superposition of spins onto a fixed orientation [7,9]. The second measurement accomplished on the other side could, by means of the instrument of the Bell inequality, be proved to have been influenced at a distance by the first measurement [7]. Thus the “trap” put to nature by Einstein [8] was made operational by Bell [7] – albeit with an experimental outcome that Einstein himself had considered unlikely. This latter fact has misled many to erroneously believe that Einstein had been experimentally “disproved” here for once.
All of the above is well known. So is the fact that – despite the proven superluminal breakdown of the circular symmetry of the previously valid singlet quantum state of the pair of correlated photons accomplished at a distance by the first measurement – no messages can be sent in this fashion. Or to be more precise: the superluminally sent message cannot be verified unilaterally. The verification over there becomes possible only “in retrospect”: after the first measurement’s result has been relayed to the receiving side by subluminal mail [13]. All of this is both fascinating and perplexing, cf. [14].
Susan J. Feingold was the first to see that the experiment is going to work, not only under a condition of ordinary spatial separation alone mentioned by Einstein [8] for its being the most straightforward possibility, but also under a condition of causal separation. The latter occurs when either measurement in its own frame takes place before the other. Peres’ 1984 paper [4] represents an early attempt to formally come to grips with this situation. The revolutionary idea is to arrange for things in such a way that on either side, the measurement done there is the first measurement in the relativistic frame of that side [4,6,13].
This “relativistic extension of the EPR experiment” for some reason went unmentioned in the original EPR publication [8] but was of course “trivially implicit” since at least the first author of that paper was fully aware of it and merely chose not to mention it for reasons of didactic simplicity. Conversely, Einstein would have been maximally astonished to learn that it would take four decades until the (to him trivial) relativistic extension of his experiment would for the first time be seen by someone else in the future (Susan Feingold). This natural extension then indeed possesses the world-shaking power that Einstein had had in mind from the outset. The choice of the soft-sounding word “completion” in the EPR paper [8] is living proof of this maverick intention on his part. Note that “completing” a position measurement by an unperturbed momentum measurement (etc.) in quantum mechanics is tantamount to the abolition of quantum mechanics itself. Einstein never was more subtly aggressive than in this maximally soft-footed choice of words. Note that an in this sense “completed” quantum mechanics amounted to a refuted quantum mechanics in Einstein’s days since it meant being able to measure both the virgin “momentum” and the virgin “position” of a pair of correlated particles – the one thing that quantum mechanics forbids.
So much for a somewhat more detailed description of the “Zeilinger experiment” as it deserves to be called (unless ESA is overtaken by a competitor who then will carry the palm). At the present moment in time, no one can be absolutely sure what the outcome of the Zeilinger experiment will be. However, the overwhelmingly likely prediction mentioned – that the Bell inequality will continue to be violated empirically so that Bell’s nonlocality persists – is apparently doubted by no one in the field [2]. Unfortunately – or fortunately – this prediction is fraught with heavy implications.
Main Point
The point is that, if in the Zeilinger experiment the familiar result of a violation of the Bell inequality will be found on earth in combination with the measurements relayed back from the satellite, as no one doubts will occur, then these pairs of measurement “must not be the same pairs” as hold true in the other frame (that of the satellite together with the results relayed up to it from the ground). For in the case of that identity holding true, the uncertainty principle and the Copenhagen interpretation would be disproved empirically – just as Einstein had hoped. For then, both the position and the momentum (or their analogs) of a pair of correlated particles would have been measured successfully. This aim Einstein hoped to achieve under a condition of mere spatial separation already. But now, under the relativistic extension of the EPR-Bell experiment of the Tel Aviv school [4], the situation has become radically stronger: Einstein’s prediction that two non-commuting quantum results can be measured with impunity can be confirmed in experiment. This result – which no one doubts will be found – will imply the end of quantum mechanics as it was known in 1935. Einstein’s “battle of giants” with Bohr would then have been won at last [15].
However, the virtually certain vindication of Einstein’s 1935 superhumanly bold aim, surprisingly, will not entail the demise of quantum mechanics itself. It will “only” mean that the Copenhagen interpretation (not “theory” any more) of quantum mechanics has been experimentally disproved in fulfilment of Einstein’s 1935 goal: Two first measurements will exist – with each side possessing formal evidence, based on the Bell inequality, for its having affected the other side at a distance as the corresponding second measurement. In either frame, the data then are no different than in an ordinary Bell experiment: each side will find that it has reduced the superposition-type singlet state first and thereby has influenced the measurement result obtained on the other side.
However, this is impossible since then, both measurements would be virgin-type measurements which quantum mechanics forbids. The observed validity of the Bell inequality will prove that only one measurement (one’s own) has been a superposition-reducing first measurement, so that the other by implication could no longer contribute a virgin measurement of the complementary result. Thus, both measurements would be virgin experiments and both frames would be privileged. But while quantum mechanics seemingly survives in each side’s frame (so that this frame was privileged), the other side can say the same thing about itself. This is illogical. Does there remain a way open to say that Einstein’s aim to find two virgin results that jointly violate the uncertainty relation was not fulfilled? From this logical conundrum, one way out remains open. This is the big surprise reported here.
For the first time in history, one will have empirical evidence on hand that more than one quantum world exists in the sense of Everett’s theory of quantum mechanics [16]. For in perfect accordance with his theory, two pairs of measurement will be proven valid experimentally, each in its own frame but each inaccessible in the other frame. That is, the first measurement would still have influenced the other in a superluminal fashion in accordance with the observed violation of the Bell inequality. However, the same thing would hold true in the opposite direction for the other side (that of the satellite) since that side likewise reduced the superposition-type singlet quantum state first in its own simultaneity. Thus, there must now exist two unequal superluminal influences valid in two unequal pairs of measurement, each bilateral pair being plain on one side and opaque to the other. This is the conclusion which remains possible to be drawn in case the Bell correlations are going to empirically survive in the Zeilinger experiment as no one doubts.
Both “ordinary” Bell-type measurement results cannot coexist in the same common quantum world because then both the “momentum” and the “position” (or their analogs) would be empirically known for both particles so that quantum mechanics would be disproved experimentally just as Einstein had hoped. The still remaining alternative – unknown to exist in 1935 – is Everett’s theory [16]. There is a historical gem to tell at this point: Seven years after the EPR paper had appeared, Einstein would write an encouraging letter to a 12 years old boy, so I learned from Bill Seaman who had seen the original document (personal communication 2010). That same former child would later invent the now alone-surviving theory of quantum mechanics: Everett (for this was the name of that boy 15 years before).
Everett would thus be confirmed experimentally for the first time by the mentioned, currently alone conceivable outcome (survival of the Bell correlations) of the Zeilinger experiment. This is maximally surprising since so far, Everett’s theory was believed to be a mere interpretation rather than a competing theory of the same standing as the Copenhagen theory. Now, the two roles are switched in defiance of previous wisdom. The exciting new falsifiability of Copenhagen in the footsteps of Einstein was apparently first glimpsed by Susan J. Feingold. It will (or rather would since the result is not yet in) imply as an automatic corollary that “the world is made for me” (see Introduction). For the measurement’s outcome (persistence of the Bell correlations) will represent the first empirical proof of more than one quantum world existing. It will thereby re-install the partial solipsism of Heraclitus and King David mentioned in the Introduction. No single more surprising and awe-inspiring experimental prediction was ever made in the history of science, it appears.
A description has been offered of how Einstein’s bi-symmetric mind worked. From that basis, a “virtually certain outcome” was derived for a particular experiment that is about to be done for 14 years already. It can be called the Einstein-Bell Task.
This strand of physics is not at all easy to understand. The pertinent mathematics is still underdeveloped in view of the complex symmetry constraints that apply. The “relativistic EPR experiment” (REPR) got first spotted by Susan Feingold. The experiment – two opposite directions of a light cone V overlaid with two flat simultaneity lines X valid in two mutually receding frames – can be called the “vexing experiment” (for VX). The two measurements are located on the upper outer sides of the letter X, a figure found first (without the X lines continuously drawn) in a 1984 paper by Asher Peres [4] who was Feingold’s physics mentor. The Feingold experiment makes unusually heavy demands on human visualization. To date, Professor Feingold works as an active composer in her second vocation (in which identity she can be found on Youtube). Only very few physicists have so far dared focus on the power of this “second epoch-making Einstein experiment” as it deserves to be called 28 years in the wake of Einstein’s first (the outlandish 1907 prediction of a gravitational clock slow-down that is confirmed every day in our car navigation systems). These two miraculous – maddeningly absurd – predictions make Einstein the most intimidating thinker since Heraclitus [17].
The original EPR experiment (the V overlaid with but a single simultaneity line ) already implies that a measurement done on one side influences in an instantaneous superluminal fashion the outcome of a measurement done subsequently on the other side [7]. This fact cannot be found out locally but only after the first measurement’s sequence of results has been made known at the location of the second by subluminal means [13]. Note that even this first EPR effect, made tangible by Bell, was maximally alien in its own right already (it is such a pity it could not be made more visible by Stockholm).
However, the ultimate EPR effect is even wilder. In this two-frame or completed Einstein-completion experiment (CECE), with the V overlaid with a flat X rather than a mere hyphen as spotted by Feingold a decade ahead of everyone else, the same outcome (manifest violation of the Bell inequality) is expected to occur by everyone in the field to date. This outcome will prove that the observer on one side lives in her or his own quantum world different from that on the other side. The same thing holds true for the observers living on the other side if there are any inside the satellite (or in the space station which can be employed as well).
This prediction, highlighted above, is so maximally unsettling that the experiment could remain unconsummated for 14 years in a row even though the requisite large-distance technology for EPR experiments got established early on during that phase by the world-leading Zeilinger school, cf. [19]. Only finishing the “quantum satellite” was still causing problems two years ago as mentioned. Now everyone is maximally curious about the outcome while many no doubt are apprehensive. It will be important also to solicit the opinion of the venerable Dalai Lama, John Bell’s close personal friend who strongly influenced his work [20].
The experiment is uniquely embarrassing by its nature in case the Bell correlations survive as no one doubts. It will prove that either side reduces the rotation-symmetric superposition of the singlet quantum state first onto a fixed angular direction. Hence two pairs of non-commuting measurements can predictably be obtained for the first time in history. This even though only one of the two pairs will be accessible to every single observer. The currently unavoidable prediction that the Bell correlations will survive under relativistic separation thus entails that a second physical reality of equal rights exists which is inaccessible on one’s own side. Einstein in the year 1935 could not possibly know about this later Everettian version of quantum mechanics in which a subtle connection exists between the internal observer and her or his objective world. In this way the 1935 EPR experiment turns out to be even more ingenious and frightening than anyone could appreciate at the time.
The VX experiment therefore ought to be performed as soon as possible. Only thereafter will scientists know for sure whether or not “the world is made for me” if this formulation makes sense. If the outcome is positive – as everyone in the scientific community expects in the absence of a logical alternative –, your own quantum world (the one down on earth valid for you and for us with you) will be experimentally proven to be not the only one. It will be tailor-made for you by a “father” (an overwhelming instance that is maximally intimidating and awe-inspiring) just as Heraclitus anticipated in his white-blue Mediterranean surroundings more than 2 ½ millennia ago. The experiment with its virtually certain outcome will prove that the name Heraclitus experiment is applicable to Einstein’s biggest brainchild.
To conclude, “religious experimental physics” REP is about to become a reality in light of the EPR paper (no pun intended). This prediction was shown to hold true unless a currently unfathomable surprise outcome is going to arise in the relativistic EPR experiment of Feingold-Peres-Zeilinger-Pan (FPZP). The “quantum satellite” was still unfinished two years ago (Anton Zeilinger, personal communication, June 2013). The world will, in case the outcome is the expected one, become a reality that is “made for you” MFU (or, more accurately speaking, made for the inhabitants of the frame to which you belong since your own frame and all other frames on the same side cannot be told apart as of yet). We will then all ostensibly live in the same quantum world down on earth – but not in that of the satellite. The latter world will be masked from us and vice versa. This state of affairs is very hard to follow in one’s mind but is virtually certain to date even before the FPZP experiment is in. Thereafter, two different assigned worlds will be empirically proven to exist in quantum mechanics.
Heraclitus predicted the essence of this in his famously “dark” language which becomes interpretable with regard to his darkest statement only to date. Everyone is now looking forward to being informed about the outcome of the most important physics measurement of history: whether or not Heraclitus’ fearless pious view was correct all along. If the answer is yes as no one doubts at present, a more than 2 ½ millennia old Akhenaten-Abrahamitic-Heraclitean revolution of thought (AAH) will prove to be implicit in the physical thinking of Einstein and Feingold as the two most powerful composers of space-time melodies.
I thank György Darvas, Wolfgang Müller-Schauenburg, Frank Kuske, Vasileos Bountis, Oleg Nikitinski and Kensei Hiwaki for discussions and Jürgen Jonas, Siegfried Zielinski, René Stettler, Bill Seaman, Mario Feingold and the late Bryce DeWitt for historical information. Paper presented at the Hechingen Philosophical Colloquium (Friedrich Kümmel, Klaus Giel and Hans-Martin Schweizer, orgs.) on April 25, 2015. For J.O.R.
[1] J.S. Kirk and J.A. Raven, The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1957, p. 195.
[2] A. Sanayei and O.E. Rossler, Chaotic Harmony – A Dialog about Physics, Complexity and Life. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg 2014.
[3] O.E. Rossler, Bell’s symmetry. Symmetry: Culture and Science 3, 385–400 (1992), written in 1990 before John Bell passed away.
[4] A. Peres, What is a state vector? American Journal of Physics 52, 644–650 (1984).
[5] R. Penrose, The Emperor’s New Mind. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1989, p. 297.
[6] O.E. Rössler, Einstein completion of quantum mechanics made falsifiable. In: Entropy, Complexity and the Physics of Information (W.H. Zurek, ed.). Addison-Wesley, Redwoood City 1990, pp. 367–373. (Contains VX diagram.)
[7] J.S. Bell, On the Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky paradox. 1Physics 1, 195–200 (1964). Reprinted in Bell’s book: Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1987, pp. 14–21.
[8] A. Einstein, B. Podolsky and N. Rosen, Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete? Physical Review 47, 777–780 (1935).
[9] A. Aspect, J. Dalibard and G. Roger, Experimental test of Bell’s inequalities by time-varying analyzers. Physical Review Letters 49, 1804–1806 (1982).
[10] Psalm 139:5,“From behind and from the front You are squeezing me, placing on me Your fist” (Martin Buber’s translation from the Hebrew into German transposed to English).
[11] C.A. Kocher and E.D. Commins, Polarization correlation of photons emitted in an atomic cascade. Physical Review Letters 18, 575–577 (1967).
[12] Xi-Lin Wang et al., Quantum teleportation of multiple degrees of freedom of a single photon. Nature 518, 516–519 (2015).
[13] O.E. Rossler, A counterfactual telegraph (in German). In: Complexität, Zeit, Methode IV: 4th Interdisciplinary Colloquium “Complexcity, Time, Method,” Halle-Witteberg, December 20, 1988 (Uwe Niedersen, ed.). Halle, Martin-Luther-Universität Wissenschaftliche Beiträge 1990/20 (A 124), pp. 189–198.[Short summary: Like a halved one-thousand-dollar bill, using which nothing can be bought unless the other half is presented as well, “half-messages” can be sent in a Bell-type experiment at superluminal speed. But they cannot be verified as having arrived unless the other “half protocol” is sent over by subluminal mail.]
[14] L.M. Krauss, Beyond Star Trek: Physics from Alien Invasions to the End of Time. Basic Books, New York 1998, Chapter 15 “The last frontier.”
[15] There is a sweet little anecdote about the deep personal insecurity valid in between the two men that I learned from my friend John Wheeler in 1983 and recently re-encountered in too crude a form on the web,
[16] H. Everett III, “Relative State” formulation of quantum mechanics. Reviews of Modern Physics 29, 454–462 (1957), edited by Bryce DeWitt.
[17] Compare in this context Heraclitus’ other saying, “Everything is joysticked by the lightning [-thrower]” (Pánta de oiakízei keraunós) with Einstein’s saying, “Subtle is the Lord but malicious He is not” (Raffiniert ist der Herrgott aber bösartig ist er nicht), see [18].
[18] A. Pais, Subtle is the Lord – The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1982.
[19] Z. Merali, Data teleportation – the quantum space race: Fierce rivals have joined forces in the race to teleport information to and from space. Nature 492, 22–25 (2012).
[20] J.S. Bell, Quantum mechanics for cosmologists. In: Quantum Gravity 2 (C. Isham, R. Penrose and D. Sciama, eds.). Oxford University Press, Oxford 1981, pp. 611–637, reprinted in Bell 1987 [7], pp. 117–138. ——————-
Oct. 12, 2020
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  • asked a question related to Americanization
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what I need is to have access to codes determining limits for water absorpsion, water penetration according to american codes and also salt scaling according to canadian code.
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Thanks my friend but you just didn't pay enough attention to what I have asked!
Thanks anyway!
  • asked a question related to Americanization
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I immediately thought of movies like this:
Bugsy Malone (1976)
The Toy (1982)
Problem Child (1990)
Problem Child 2 (1991)
Hook (1991)
The Nutt House (1992) - it's not an american movie
I don't understand why throwing food at a friend is funny. And I would like to know the reason for evaluating food throwing as a humorous situation.
The sociological and psychological aspects of this phenomenon are interesting
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Thanks for the reply!
It never relaxed me when people threw food around. On the contrary, it created tension. I think there are three layers of cultural code that cause the rejection of food-throwing humor.
1 ) I grew up in 1990's Russia when the country went through hyperinflation twice in 7 years (1992 and 1998). And wastefulness with respect to food is distasteful.
2 ) Whenever I see food being thrown around in movies, I think of the Leningrad blockade in WWII, I think of starving Africa, poverty in Bangladesh, etc.
3) Whenever I see food being thrown around for fun, I think of it as disrespect for the effort and time involved in preparing the food, disrespect for the work of the cook. It seems to me that throwing food is a demonstration of superiority of the rich over the poor, the white-collar over the blue-collar.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
4 answers
In the MATLAB simulation model of any power system model taken from, the parameters of power system components like generator, transformer, transmission line, load etc are set according to 60 Hz american standard, how to convert parameters of all power system equipments from 60 Hz american standard to 50 Hz european standard. Is there any procedure or empirical formula for this ?
I just want the clue or idea. I am not asking for an exact answer ?
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All power system equipments working at designed constant flux density or could say constant V/f ratio. The iron loss of equipments consist of hysteresis and eddy current loss which depending on frequency or Wi=Wh+We=A(f)+B(f)(f), or though cooper loss could be same of equipments but the iron loss would increased with increased frequency. Method to find A and B constants of given transformer is explained in my answers….
  • asked a question related to Americanization
5 answers
The notion of buying and selling carbon credits wreaks of money laundering and political schemes to undermine the citizens.
Either reducing carbon emissions is critical or it is not. If it is, then it is equally critical in China as it is in Chicago. Having Chicago have standards that are more stringent that China wreaks of a corrupt system of abuse and money laundering - the environment is not Chinese or American or European, etc. and it is not controlled by humanity - it may have aspects that are better managed, but it is not controlled, and attempts to control mother nature typically end up like the nuclear bombs and destroy lives.
Is the act of selling carbon credits an acti of money laundering?
If a company sells carbon credits, does that mean it has developed a currency, just like crypto currency firms who are in the cross hairs of US Regulators seeking to control currency for the monopoly powers of central banks?
Who would buy carbon credits - someone who is emitting too much carbon, so they payoff, as in a bribe, by buying carbon credits, in order to continue to "destroy the environment"?
This entire notion of creating carbon credits and buying/selling carbon credits has nothing to do with the environment. It is a money laundering scheme of epic proportions to tax citizens and allow the oligarchs to continue with corruption of humanity on Earth.
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To me, I do not think it is money laundering since it helps to solve reduce a canker that is bedeviling the world.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
1 answer
Hello, I'm hoping that someone can provide me with an SnFe2O4 .CIF file as I can't seem to find in COD nor in the American Mineralogist database.
Much appreciated
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Dear Wafic Labban:
I couldn't find any CIF file for SnFe2O4 and it seems that there is not a JCPDS card available for it; I also found that most of the literature tends to use the JCPDS card of magnetite for indexing the Sn-ferrite.
Because tin ferrite is a mixed spinel you could try taking the CIF file of magnetite and modifying it with the data reported for Sn-ferrite, changing the elements occupying tetrahedral and octahedral sites. For example, H. El Moussaoui, et al. ( ) reported the following data for SnFe2O4:
Space Group: No. 227 "Fd-3m"
Z = 8
a0 = 8.453 A
Oxygen parameter
u = 0.381
A-site (8b) tetrahedral
elements Sn0.73 + Fe0.27
Occupancy 1
B-site (16c) octahedral
elements Sn0.27 + Fe1.73
Occupancy 1
The CIF data could be available in Springer Materials Database (SnFe2O4 (Fe2.5Sn0.5O4 rt) Crystal Structure, however, this resource is behind a paywall.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Americanization
4 answers
We are seeking to form the editorial board for a medical journal under development
Whoever has the desire to join the team can contact me, provided that he holds a doctorate degree in a medical field, preferably related to the brain and neurology
It is voluntary work, preferably belonging to European and American universities
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I am interested if it will help
  • asked a question related to Americanization
1 answer
The average American has always had a love-hate relationship with the IRS-with hate predominating. The so-called Exit tax kicks in the moment you think of expatriating from the U.S. The current maximum capital gains rate is 23.8%, which includes the 20% capital gains tax and the 3.8% net investment income tax. Why its unfair? Currently, federal income tax brackets range from 10% to 37%. Nearly half of the American population pays taxes and in fact, the top 50% account for nearly the entire federal income tax. So the question of levying an exit tax on Americans relinquishing their citizenship really means I am going to get what I can from you before you make a break for it. In other words, the IRS ensures that the relinquishing citizen would never feel grateful for giving and doing his bit for the great country. The current threshold is so less ($12,550 and $28,500.) that almost everyone who holds a reasonable job pays his federal taxes by filing an income tax return each year. Then consider that inflation in the millennium year was around 3.3% whereas today it's over 8%, so where has real income disappeared? Then when someone decides to head west (after paying all his legal dues of a lifetime), IRS slaps him or her with the Exit Tax. Hence the question.
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Not everyone who wants to leave the USA or gives up their citizenship is subject to the exit tax; there is a relatively high wealth allowance. Incidentally, this tax is well founded in terms of content and can therefore be understood as quite appropriate. See the following link for details:
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
American Journal of Educational Research, is good or not for Publishing peer reviewed journal and article? Is it a branch of Science and Education Publishing.
ISSN (Print): 2327-6126
ISSN (Online): 2327-6150
Editor-in-chief: Ratko Pavlović
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The journal “American Journal of Educational Research” is as you said published by Science and Education Publishing (SciEP) a publisher included in the Beall’s list of potentially predatory publishers ( ). This is a red flag but there are more:
-Indexing info mentions misleading metrics like DRJI ( ) these are often used by predatory journals/publishers
-Misleading contact address suggesting US origin while they are not
So, I would say avoid this one.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
25 answers
Is it unethical to ask someone to share their Phd or Master's proposal that they had created for their admission, after they already graduated?
If not, can someone share their proposal with me? My target is to see and gain some idea from the proposal that had been done on Business subject for any North American or Australian University.
Thank you.
Relevant answer
The research is based on previous studies and literature reviews. If you want to do a similar topic, it makes sense to learn from other research works. Paraphrasing and references are necessary, even for proposals or final projects.
All the best,
  • asked a question related to Americanization
3 answers
Can anyone help me with data on influenza vaccination rates among the elderly (age 65+) in Latin American and Carribean countries?
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Thanks Stephen, I think I have ferreted out what limited data is available. Rod
  • asked a question related to Americanization
13 answers
Hello everyone,
I am looking for links of datasets from Latin American countries that can be used in classification tasks in machine learning. Preferably the datasets have been exposed in scientific journals.
Thank you for your attention and valuable support.
Cecilia-Irene Loeza-Mejía
  • asked a question related to Americanization
4 answers
Dear colleagues,
I am conducting a study on American English, and I need volunteers (native speakers) to fill out a short survey. I will be so grateful for your help! Here is a link to the survey:
Thanks in advance!
Relevant answer
Thank you very much. I appreciate your feedback and help!
  • asked a question related to Americanization
5 answers
How do Western imperial powers compromise the notion of democracy and people's right in self-governance on the one hand, with political, cultural, and military expansionism on the other?
For example, how could America's long cherished institutions of democracy and liberty as acclaimed human rights hold integrity before the American public? Is it pragmatism on the part of the public, or being subjugated to the political authority, or ignorance about the current American international policy?
Relevant answer
Sadly, even countries that espouse universalistic values like human rights and democracy can apply those values selectively on a particularistic basis, that is to say "we" (defined by citizenship, race or what have you) deserve rights and freedom but "they" do not. This can happen not only if "they" are far away and out of sight, but also if "they" are close by. Think of the US constitution which said it was a self-evident truth that all men were created equal, while counting slaves as equivalent to three fifths of free people for representational purposes.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
Please help me identify the different SST regions effecting monsoon regions of South America and North America
Relevant answer
Hello Guillermo,
Thankyou so much for helping me out. It helped me a lot and i compiled the sst regions corresponding to south america monsoon.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
3 answers
how was the American corporate debt in 2009-2019? Why it was so high? What impact did it bring out? What did the government do to solve it? How did those approaches work? What can they do now?
Or if there were any suggested reading, you can simply posted it.
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  • asked a question related to Americanization
10 answers
I am interested in finding articles and books to cite for a book I am writing on medical intuition. I am interested in all Indigenous traditions: African, Native American, Asian, South American, Australian, etc.
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Dear Jennifer,
thank you very much for your interesting question! I haven't written any large-piece treatises on traditional healing myself, but have from time to time come into contact with the field in my own ethnographic research area, Polynesia. Traditonal healers and medicine played a key role in Polynesian societies and cultures before the arrival of Europeans. Depending on locality and context, "indigenous"/"autochthonous" medicine is still being practised in some Polynesian islands to a certain extent. It is interesting that you use the term "intuition", though. Personally, I'd probably be cautious in using it in the traditional contexts I am familiar with - simple because the traditional doctors follow their own diagnostic methods, classification of dieseaes etc. Hence - given this complexity and oftentimes advanced stage of traditional medicine - I would probably not lable their practises and methods as purely "intuitive". But perhaps I am simply misreading you here. What precisely is your book about? Would be very interesting to learn more about it :-)
Thanks & greetings from Europe,
  • asked a question related to Americanization
3 answers
I prefer the recording of one, or a few individuals, not a large chorus.
It is for use in a playback experiment.
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Hi Gabriel
For call recording data, I would recommend looking at a place like
or possibly better GBIF
Places like that will 1) give some info about the biogeographical origin of your call (potentially useful) and allow you to document the source with minimal effort.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
6 answers
I have encountered one American, one Croatian and a South African journal that is pushing this practice.
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This is not ethical, but it is a very common practice now a days! Even by many leading journals!!!!
  • asked a question related to Americanization
3 answers
I'm interested in learning about and possibly contributing to research on these topics. Are there research groups or researchers who do this? What search terms should I use? I've found a few papers so far, but would like to know more.
Relevant answer
The following paper may help you out in this regard:
Leaders, faculty, and administrative staff perceptions of the role of shared governance at public sector universities in the USA‏
SA Chaudhry - 2015‏ -‏
  • asked a question related to Americanization
3 answers
Hello everyone,
I am actively looking for a reviewer to submit my manuscript. American College of Gastroenterology requires one reviewer during submission.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
Surya Suresh
  • asked a question related to Americanization
255 answers
On the web I found that three scholars wrote (special issue of The American Statistician):
1. We conclude, based on our review of the articles in this special issue and the broader literature, that it is time to stop using the term “statistically significant” entirely.
2. Nor should variants such as “significantly different,” “p < 0.05,” and “nonsignificant” survive, whether expressed in words, by asterisks in a table, or in some other way.
3. Regardless of whether it was ever useful, a declaration of “statistical significance” has today become meaningless.
  • Do some Research Gate colleagues dare to make some comments?
Thank you
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I think that the difference is between those who calculate confidence intervals and those who have to use them in real life.
Those who calculate confidence intervals refuse to comment on the probability that an individual confidence interval contains the population value. They will repeat the bewildering mantra that 95% of confidence intervals are expected to contain the population value, but this particular confidence interval either does or does not contain it.
Fair enough, but they never have to answer a patient who asks what are the chances of a major complication. You know from the most recent meta-analysis that the confidence interval for major complications runs from, say, 2 in 10,000 to 10 in 10,000. What do you say? Will you say that based on current research the risk of complications is unlikely to be bitter than one in a thousand, or do you say "well, over a long run of patients we would expect blah blah, but in your particular case all I can say is that you will either get a major gastrointestinal bleed or you won't".
In real life we have to interpret confidence intervals in the context of a real world in which we cannot run the study a thousand times and calculate the resulting confidence intervals. We have to cook when what's in the larder.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
7 answers
Why do you think is the reason that the American government interference with the inhouse affairs of independent countries such as Ethiopia?
I see repeated interferences from the side of America with the different cases of independent countries such as Ethiopia. Is it really viable to do so? Is there a viable reason for Americans to do so? Is that not unethical to interfere with matters of independent nations?
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Dear Hermann Gruenwald, thank you for sharing your high level thoughts regarding my earlier concern.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
3 answers
By learning the slide presentation, we know that the document submission includes nine steps, which are: Determine the research topic、Consult second-hand resources to understand the situation、Develop search strategy、Start search、Get full text resources、Read and write bibliographic information and notes、Evaluation study report、Comprehensive research、Use literature review.
According to my research purpose, I preliminarily listed the following keywords:
American Music Education、Child brain development、Body movement、Rhythm training、
Early education
Through the study of APA writing format activities, I know that writing papers is a very rigorous and orderly work. I need to pay attention to and implement every requirement of writing format. For example, the format of the title page in writing should be divided into five levels, and each has corresponding format requirements. The summary should be on the second page and have a certain format. The list of citations and references in the text must match. The writing format quoted in the article and the format of reference list are particularly key, and the content of this part needs to be carefully checked. Add page number and paragraph number. References should start on another page. In addition, according to the requirements of the instructor of this course, you need to use the title in the header column of each page of the assignment.
Thank my university ASU for its help to students. Let me know that I can seek free online writing guidance by consulting the APA website or applying to ASU writing center
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Thank you for sharing your insights with us.
The literature review is an account of previous studies that have dealt with your variables in a way or another. However, a sound literature review is the critical one; i.e., only necessary information should be presented in an organized manner. I mean, I'm against displaying previous studies separately. A literature review should demonstrate your critical thinking and synthesis of the most important points tackled by different previous studies.
The literature review is one part of the manuscript.
As far as the APA is concerned, there is consensus on the main parts: *Introduction: problem, objectives, questions, hypotheses...
*Theoretical framework: critical literature review
*The study: methodology (Research methods, sample, data collection tools, data analysis procedures)
*Results and discussion
These elements are flexible depending on the manuscript.
By the end, the APA is not the Quran or the Bible. It's rather some guidelines that frame manuscripts within a certain format. Even the APA manual mentions that you may adjust the format according to the requirements of you department and your supervisor.
Thus, there is no right or wrong in APA.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
3 answers
I am a Nigerian, resident in AWKA, Anambra state at the moment
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  • asked a question related to Americanization
6 answers
We are Dutch BA students looking for participants for our Thesis survey on intercultural communication. If you are a US-American with work experience we would love for you to fill it out and spread the word!
Many Thanks!
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Myriam Bedoya
, this reminds me of a remark I made years ago in Costa Rica when I saw the name of a university called something like "Universidad Americana". I was surprised to have a US-owned institution in the town. My host quickly replied that we ARE americans! I felt stupid and try ever since not to mix up "America" with the United States of America!
  • asked a question related to Americanization
1 answer
Since its inception, the discourse of ethnic marketing has advanced the benefits to firms of segmenting markets and targeting ethnic minority groups in advancing business activity (Cui, 2001). Pires and
Stanton (2015) adapted the definition of marketing from the American
Marketing Association (2013) in defining ethnic marketing as “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for ethnic identified customers, clients, partners and communities, and for society at large”
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Manu Vasudevan Unni see if the attached article is of any use. I'm not sure if your stating a purpose or asking a question. Happy to discuss further. :)
  • asked a question related to Americanization
10 answers
This issue involves what court has jurisdiction to hear the case, which involves an English person and an America. The American has been served a claim notice while on a visit to England. The American however, wants to question the Jurisdiction of the high court in London and want to know what European rules apply on allocation of Jurisdiction and their relevance since she is an American.
If anyone is willing to assist, I can give the summary of the case details, so that it case be understandable from your perspective.
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Yes, send us the topics and we can advise you
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
American College of Physicians is a good call but i have some queries:
1. What are the benefits of becoming a FACP?
2. How long do i have to pay the yearly charge?
3. When can i apply for MACP?
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ACP aims to connect, support, and inspire internists worldwide by meeting their unique needs through educational engagements, and rich and mutually beneficial collaborations with other organizations across the globe on a variety of programs.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
6 answers
I've heard many different interpretations, that there will be no change, that there will be an increase, and there will be a decrease? Which is the most likely?
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Patrice Poyet Thank you so much for your exhaustive reply. my best regards. Franco
  • asked a question related to Americanization
2 answers
We need sincere input, dedicated research, and a genuine appreciation of our Exodus2045 Movement, which is underway for Melanated Christian Americans et al., to flee from the clutches of injustice brought on by systematic governmental oppression into a Newfoundland.
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Man is a being that has to live with his fellows due to his nature. As a human and social being, there must be rules that determine their rights, responsibilities and duties in social life. Because a life without rules means turmoil and conflict. Keeping away from turmoil and conflict is determined by the values ​​of the society. These values ​​and rules are based on religion, laws, customs and traditions. The rules that have the widest scope of social values ​​are the rules of ethics. Because all the rules that express value in short, the universal values, the orders and prohibitions of religion, the boundaries determined by the laws are absolutely connected with morality in one aspect. This is the point that draws our attention in its definition as a word. Morality is the whole of the value judgments that show how the qualities that are about to be natural and how they should behave or not behave in relations with the being and with people, including the human being. In another aspect, Morality can also be defined as the formal or informal rules that are expected to be followed by individuals in a society and the rightful performance of the duties and duties that individuals are responsible for. If morality is lived in accordance with the rules, it is called good morality, if it is violating the rules and acting against the rules, it is called bad morality. Morality includes teachable behavior. While people who are educated in line with the factors that constitute the values ​​of the society have good morals, people who are educated on the contrary to these values ​​have bad morals. Good morality enhances both the inner world and the outer world of a person. Self-control is very important in moral education. The values ​​that people believe in maintaining this self-control have an important place. The belief system to which a person is bound and the environment he lives in are the determining factors in shaping his moral behavior. The values ​​of the society in which a person lives are shaped by beliefs, cultures, customs, traditions and customs and laws imposed by the state. In this report, we are thinking about the shaping of moral rules, religion in general, and the sense of ihsan and murâkaba from Sufi concepts in particular. It is possible for a person to have a solid character, to acquire a personality, to be equipped with good morals, to be in harmony with his inner world and to have the consciousness of being under surveillance by a superior being (Allah). This idea is called "the feeling of bestowal" in the religious literature and "murâkabe education" in the Sufi literature. A person who acts with the consciousness that he is under the supervision of Allah at every stage of life and that his every behavior is seen and recorded by Allah will naturally have superior morality. The feeling of goodwill is that people pay attention to their behavior as if they see God. While worshiping as if we see God in our prayers in particular, having this consciousness in our social relations, education understanding, business life, in short, in every moment, gives us good morals, while having the consciousness that God keeps us under surveillance in our inner world will contribute to the consistency of our inside and outside
  • asked a question related to Americanization
1 answer
I am looking for a Canadian distributor of Fluoro-Jade C (cell death stain), as it seems that Fisher and Sigma have both discontinued carrying it. Does anyone know of an alternate distributor in Canada, or an American distributor that would ship to Canada? Many carriers seem to have discontinued it and I am not sure why.
  • asked a question related to Americanization
5 answers
So I have done a research on the difference in the perception of basic emotions between American and Japanese culture. I had 14 pictures of random people portraying a certain basic emotion. Each of this picture has a correct answer (the actual emotion being portrayed). The second group of questions were always related to the picture and it was about intensity of the emotion portrayed. So if the participants said that the person on the picture is portraying for example Happiness, the following question would be to determine the intensity of emotion being portrayed from 1 (Very little) to 5 (Very). So the first dependent variable is whether the person was able to determine the correct emotion, and if not if it had any similarities with others of the same nationality, and the second dependent variable is to determine whether there is any difference in perceiving the intensity of those same emotions between Americans and Japanese. And of course, the independent variable is nationality (American & Japanese).
What would be the process in SPSS? Can anyone help?
Also, If anyone can answer if there is any difference in doing the process in SPSS if my sample size is not balanced (31 American participants & 23 Japanese participants) - I know the sample size is not enough, however, since the coronavirus situation and me being forced to collect all my data through online means, it was very difficult to gather participants so I was excused.
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MANOVA requires continuous (i.e. interval or ratio) dependent variables. You will need to conduct two separate tests: one for accuracy and one for continuous DVs. As shown here, there are several statistical tests one can use with a categorical dependent variable:
  • asked a question related to Americanization
11 answers
I can't seem to find "the American Journal of Internal Medicine"'s impact factor. Does anyone know their IF and if its pubmed indexed.
In general, what are good medical research indexing for journals to have ?
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You are right this journal ( is not indexed in the SCIE of Clarivate so it has no impact factor (use this link to check ) and is not indexed in Scopus (