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Publications related to America (10,000)
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The American people, through their democratic vote, have brought Trump back to the White House, hoping that this time he will fulfil his promise to "make America great again" by retreating from the globalization process. This process has continued to accelerate at a nonlinear pace since the end of the Second World War. During Trump's first term in...
Conference Paper
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a disruptive technology that is transforming many industries including the music industry. Recently, the concept of Industry 5.0. has been proposed emphasising principles of sustainability, resilience, and human-centricity to address current shortcomings in Industry 4.0. and its associated technologies, including AI....
Conference Paper
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I propose that prehistoric punctured Nassarius shells, found in coastal areas such as South Africa’s Blombos cave, functioned as shell net weights (Keegan, et al, 2024). My research question is thus, is a reinterpretation of the tool rather than ornamental use of Blombos or Skhul punctured shell beads possible? It’s proposed that these punctured Na...
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While economic competition and trade wars can create short-term disruptions, they can also lead to long-term benefits by encouraging diversification, regional cooperation, innovation, and diplomatic engagement. By exploring second-best options and fostering a more balanced global trade environment, countries can work towards sustainable peace and e...
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This review synthesizes previous literature with the aim of describing and analyzing the state-of-art for evaluating green innovation and green accounting, primarily focusing on financial performance. In addition, it aims to identify institutions and journals that lead publications, theories used, and countries that have researched the most on the...
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Incarceration is a function of civil order pertaining to those who are convicted of a crime as determined by a “justice” system. In the aftermath of incarceration is a stigma that operates much like India’s caste system. Thus, black men in America, like the “untouchable” Dalits of India, suffer long after serving their sentences. For black men in p...
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President Donald J. Trump has given the unelected Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, the keys to the U.S. Treasury and every other agency of the Federal Government of the United States of America. Without Congressional approval, Trump created the Department of Government Efficiency [DOGE] and appointed Musk the executive director with the mandate...
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La presente investigación pretende conocer los métodos para mitigar el miedo y la ansiedad hacia las matemáticas en el aula, y al mismo tiempo indagar en las estadísticas para América latina que muestran los resultados pedagógicos obtenidos y el nivel en el cual se encuentran los estudiantes. Es por esta razón que nace el ímpetu de conocer cuáles s...
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Purpose of review We examined the latest epidemiological research on age-related differences in cancer treatment and selected outcomes, among patients with cancer aged 60 and above in comparison to younger patients. Recent findings Colorectal, pancreatic and lung cancers were studied most often. Most studies were conducted in Europe or the United...
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Resumo: O texto objetiva apresentar aos leitores alguns aspectos sobre a proteção social e os direitos humanos da intelectual, pesquisadora e professora Dra. Maria Carmelita Yazbek, a partir de uma análise crítica dos fundamentos do Serviço Social e da política social. A entrevista destaca a interlocução de pesquisas sobre os fundamentos da profiss...
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Historic Boom Town (HBT) main streetscapes were once the centerpieces of everyday life in rural Western America. Today, these historic streetscapes are increasingly staged as consumption spaces that amplify nostalgia and convey notions of rugged, yesteryear wholesomeness. The current study qualitatively explores four HBT main streetscapes across th...
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Resumen Este artículo explora el panorama ideológico de los patrones de derechas en la opinión pública ecua-toriana, analizando los cambios antes y después de los gobiernos de Rafael Correa. Mediante un análisis descriptivo y de clústeres, y utilizando datos del Pro-yecto de Opinión Pública de América Latina (LAPOP) entre 2008 y 2023, se identifica...
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Racial divides in American attitudes toward trade are often explained by labor market discrimination and traits like nationalism. However, recent research shows that perceptions of fairness, particularly “asymmetric fairness” concerns about “falling behind” other countries, significantly shape these attitudes. We theorize that linking these perspec...
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El presente artículo analiza la evolución y las tendencias del currículo en la educación superior en América Latina durante el período 2018-2023, con un enfoque en Paraguay, Chile, Perú, Uruguay y México. El objetivo principal fue examinar cómo los sistemas educativos han integrado competencias técnicas y transversales, enfoques inclusivos y el uso...
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Revisão integrativa realizada em 2024 nas bases de periódicos CAPES e BIVIPSI com enfoque nos periódicos de Psicanálise no âmbito da América Latina. Das 35 revistas avaliadas, apenas duas não eram brasileiras. Observou-se a concentração da produção de conhecimento em psicanálise na área mãe da Psicologia, cujas vinculações têm baixa ligação a progr...
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Convocatoria para la elaboración de propuestas de capítulos para el libro "Barreras y retos para la Implementación de Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza en América Latina" FECHA LÍMITE PARA ENVÍO DE RESÚMENES: 14 DE FEBRERO 2025 Se invita a autores que estén inmersos en estas realidades con lo cual se pueda ofrecer un análisis profundo y realis...
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Antônio Teles da Silva (1590-1650) foi o primeiro governador-geral nomeado pela dinastia dos Bragança para assumir o governo do Estado do Brasil. A conjuntura de sua nomeação para o governo na América portuguesa era crítica, uma vez que Portugal travava uma guerra de fronteira contra a coroa espanhola. No Atlântico Sul, a situação não era muito dif...
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A manera de introducción Mediante este artículo, desarrollamos algunas ideas sobre la validez de la orden ejecutiva firmada por el presidente Donald Trump, el pasado 20 de enero de 2025 y sobre la interpretación que podría realizar la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos de América; mediante esta orden, se dispuso rechazar el otorgamiento de la naci...
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Los estudios europeos representan un campo de investigación y de interés académico contemporáneo, dinámico y multifacético. Debido al carácter reciente del proceso de integración europea, los estudios europeos constituyen un campo de investigación rico y novedoso. 1 Pero su característica principal es probablemente su enfoque en cuestiones contempo...
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Introduction The United States of America reignited their Cancer Moonshot Initiative in 2022 with an ambitious goal to reduce cancer mortality by 50% over the next 25 years. In this study, we estimated how and whether a similar cancer control initiative could be achieved in Canada. Methods We used the OncoSim microsimulation suite to address three...
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A influência clássica no Brasil sempre esteve presente. A conquista portuguesa, as diversas migrações, influenciaram diretamente na cultura brasileira. Nosso objetivo é identificar as representações monetárias, existentes nas cunhagens modernas, influenciadas pelo mundo romano. Para isso, analisaremos a coleção numismática do Museu Histórico Nacion...
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O presente trabalho trata das políticas públicas legislativas de combate ao feminicídio na América Latina, com destaque para o caso brasileiro, comparando-se a Lei n. 13.104/2015, que introduziu o feminicídio como qualificadora do homicídio, com a Lei n. 14.994/2024, que trouxe mudanças significativas ao tratá-lo como crime autônomo. Além disso, o...
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Trump 2.0 new regime reshaping destiny and also coming up with new challenges.
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O intuito deste texto é o de analisar a dimensão simbólica da presença do neoclássico em obras arquitetônicas do Rio de Janeiro/Brasil na composição da nova nação brasileira. Exemplo histórico único de cidade colonial a tornar-se capital de seu império, a atenção para o neoclássico inicia-se com a chegada da família real portuguesa ao seu domínio c...
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This study examines the presence and implications of the Relative Age Effect (RAE) in the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup, focusing on the distribution of players’ birth dates across continents and professional levels. Utilizing a sample of 735 players, a Poisson regression was conducted on the weekly birth frequency to determine the significance of th...
Conference Paper
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Resumo: No trabalho seguinte tentaremos investigar o papel dos governadores na América portuguesa (Brasil) na altura em que pertencia à Monarquia Hispânica (1580-1640). Será feita uma tentativa de analisar a importância destes governadores gerais de um ponto de vista pessoal, político e social. Por outro lado, estudaremos as repercussões que estes...
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Might is right. That sums up US President Donald J. Trump’s vision of a 21st-century world order. Barely a month in office, Mr. Trump has not wasted time creating building blocks for his worldview. Mr. Trump’s efforts to end fighting in Ukraine, coupled with his territorial ambitions in Gaza, Greenland, Panama, and Canada, have put the ‘might is r...
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Big box stores have become one of the most popular places for shopping in the United States, particularly in the last several decades. The editors of this volume Big Box USA: The Environmental Impact of America’s Biggest Retail Stores provide several essays to examine how these very large retail stores have impacted the environmental landscape phys...
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FOREIGN TRADE ACTIVITY OF UKRAINE AND EGYPTThe article examines the state and trends of Ukraine's foreign trade activity. The authors analyzed the volumes of Ukraine's exports and imports, the balance of Ukraine's foreign trade balance. The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine led to a significant decrease in Ukraine's foreign...
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Los análisis del Barroco Hispanoamericano suelen inadvertir que los principales representantes de este movimiento fueron educados a la luz de la Contrarreforma y la Compañía de Jesús. Cabe indagar si la espiritualidad jesuita solo reacciona «contra» la Reforma y la Modernidad, o si introduce inflexiones que permitan comprenderla como un proyecto co...
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La compleja situación mundial que acontece actualmente repercute en el desarrollo económico de América Latina y el Caribe debido a sucesos como la pandemia por la COVID-19 y la guerra en Ucrania, que han afectado considerablemente a la región a través del alza de precios de los productos básicos y el debilitamiento del crecimiento mundial. El efect...
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This edited book is divided into four parts. In the first part, the author’s arguments are centered around the issue of the invisibility of native voices in philanthropy practices, as well as in US society in general. The second and third parts of the book analysed the nexus between environmental issues, native people, and dominant structure. Notab...
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Resumo: O artigo reflete sobre a Educação Física na Educação Infantil, analisando possibilidades e limitações do componente curricular no contexto latino-americano, com foco em Brasil, Chile e Argentina. Baseado nas experiências do curso de extensão "Educação Física em Contextos Pedagógicos Latino-Americanos", realizado por universidades e docentes...
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This study examines the wellness experiences of Arab women international graduate students in the U.S., emphasizing social, mental, physical, and financial dimensions. Based on interviews with seven participants at a Midwestern institution, the research highlights challenges such as mental health, financial stress, social stress, and difficulties m...
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El artículo aborda la problemática de la corrupción y su impacto en América Latina y Europa, destacando su influencia negativa en la democracia y el desarrollo socioeconómico. Se discute el papel de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la lucha contra la corrupción, enfatizando cómo puede mejorar la transparencia y la eficiencia en la administración...
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El virus de la leucemia bovina (VLB), pertenece a la familia Retroviridae y es el agente causal de la leucosis enzoótica bovina (LEB). Esta enfermedad produce grandes pérdidas económicas en los rebaños tanto de manera directa como indirecta. Su transmisión puede ser horizontal, mediante el contacto con fluidos infectados como sangre, o vertical por...
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A common cancer treatment, radiotherapy, has deleterious effects on reproductive health, especially by decreasing the capacity for conception. The objective of this study was to analyze the research trend associated with radiotherapy and female infertility until June 2023. SCOPUS database was utilized to obtain pertinent scientometric information (...
Conference Paper
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Indígenas, corsários e piratas criaram e mantiveram vínculos que ameaçaram a soberania portuguesa nas capitanias do Norte, sobretudo no período posterior à capitulação neerlandesa. Piratas e corsários negociaram com os indígenas produtos como pau-brasil, provisões e outras mercadorias, além de obter informações acerca do trânsito naval e das fragil...
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El estudio titulado "El impacto de las metodologías STEAM en el desarrollo de competencias digita-les y creativas en estudiantes de secundaria" explora la manera en que las metodologías STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Arte y Matemáticas) aportan de manera significativa al desarrollo de habilidades digitales y destrezas creativas en estudian...
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Los procesos de despojo que han enfrentado los pueblos de América Latina y el Caribe a lo largo de más de cinco siglos y que le dieron contenido al capitalismo dependiente latinoamericano se agudizaron de forma particular desde que se instauró la perspectiva neoliberal en la conducción del capitalismo. La consigna por la defensa del libre mercado s...
Technical Report
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Resumen: El presente informe técnico se centra en el análisis de un caso de estudio de una organización del sector de energías renovables en Chile. Esta empresa cuenta con 5 plantas de energía renovable, cuatros plantas fotovoltaicas y una planta eólica en la segunda región del país. El informe se focaliza específicamente en la Planta Fotovoltaica...
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This paper deals with the issue of Affirmative Action policies, specifically their applicability, through the system of racial quotas used by higher education institutions in Brazil and the United States of America to guarantee rights denied to vulnerable groups accumulated throughout history. It emphasizes the appreciation of the principle of equa...
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Hablar sobre gobernanza implica reconocer los cambios económicos, políticos y sociales que han acaecido en el mundo durante los últimos 40 años. De esta forma, los objetivos de este escrito radican en dos sentidos: 1) ubicar los conceptos de gobernanza y gobierno digital en el marco de la teoría política y administrativa. y 2) mostrar el desarrollo...
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En primer lugar, quiero agradecer la invitación para dirigirme al congreso hoy. Representa un gran honor para mí. Además, es una enorme alegría constatar que lo que se inició hace 17 años, con el primer congreso aquí en Montevideo, ya tiene un largo recorrido circulando por varios países de la región. Seguramente este proceso seguirá y se profundiz...
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Introduction: Performance invalidity is under-studied in countries outside of the United States of America (US), with non-English examinees and with those who have low levels or poor quality of education. Method: This cross-cultural neuropsychological study explored performance invalidity in South African adult traumatic brain injury (TBI) litigan...
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A doença de Chagas é causada pelo protozoário parasita Trypanosoma cruzi e é predominantemente rural, mas urbanizou-se devido à migração. A prevalência da doença de Chagas é particularmente alta na América Latina, afetando milhões de pessoas, incluindo um número significativo no Brasil. As doenças parasitárias podem se comportar como doenças oportu...
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El VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Historia Económica (CLADHE VIII ) tuvo lugar en Montevideo del 3 al 5 de diciembre de 2024, organizado por la Asociación Uruguaya de Historia Económica (AUDHE) y por las Asociaciones Latinoamericanas. El evento contó con la participación de 350 investigadores e investigadoras de América Latina y de otras regiones...
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Apresentação do Dossiê: (Re)invenções narrativas e (auto)biográficas em pesquisa e formação de professores(as) na América Latina, sob coordenação de Joelson Morais (UFMA), Inês Bragança (UNICAMP) e Gabriel Jaime Murillo-Arango (Universidad de Antioquia/Colômbia).
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Background Conducting clinical drug trials (CTs) with children presents several challenges. A major challenge is the need to enroll participants at multiple sites across different jurisdictions. Recruiting the required number of children within a reasonable timeframe requires the study to be reviewed by Research Ethics Boards (REB) or Institutional...
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Immediately after Trump took over the charge of America, he imposed high tariffs on his major trade partners. This paper looks at the effect that the tariff war can have on China, the second largest economy in the world. The paper finds that China digested the first wave of tariff imposed by Trump in 2018 well and its exports to the USA increased t...
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Nos últimos anos, as relações entre tributação e mercado de trabalho em países emergentes têm despertado crescente interesse no campo das ciências jurídico-sociais. Este estudo explora a estrutura fiscal brasileira, como política pública, com foco nos tributos que compõem a estimativa de receita da Lei Orçamentária Anual (LOA). Utilizando uma abord...
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The Great Antshrike Taraba major is a forest bird widespread in seasonally dry environments throughout tropical America. In the state of São Paulo, southeast Brazil, the species has historically been restricted to western regions. Still, the number of detections in the eastern region has been increasing in recent decades. We compiled and evaluated...
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A história política e eleitoral do Brasil, e de outros tantos países da América Latina, é marcada pela criação de obstáculos ao exercício dos direitos de participação política para diferentes grupos socais, de modo que permaneçam afastados das esferas de decisão e construção de políticas de Estado. Essa tática foi e segue sendo utilizada em diverso...
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Na primeira metade do século XX se verifica a ampliação do intercâmbio de ideias entre arquitetos e urbanistas através de encontros profissionais e circulação de publicações, onde a questão da habitação ocupa lugar de destaque. Em diversos países da América Latina no mesmo período é possível reconhecer semelhanças no enfrentamento da questão da hab...
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We investigated the fusion of the Intelligent Internet of Medical Things (IIoMT) with depression management, aiming to autonomously identify, monitor, and offer accurate advice without direct professional intervention. Addressing pivotal questions regarding IIoMT’s role in depression identification, its correlation with stress and anxiety, the impa...
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Aumento de aranceles, suspensión de "ayudas” e imposición de sanciones, como medidas de emergencia aplicadas por la fuerza a sus vecinos y no por la razón, parecieran ser parte de un plan para recuperar la economía de Estados Unidos que no está en quiebra, y que a largo plazo terminaría yendo en contra de toda Norteamérica.
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Al ser una Ciencia Social, el Derecho aparece para regular un hecho nuevo después de que este ocurre, como sucedió con la Energía Nuclear. Cuando se supo de la existencia de esta energía y se formaron los primeros grupos de estudio, la regulación jurídica dijo presente y comenzó a ordenar los hechos. Es importante relatar las condiciones en que se...
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Trends in urban O3 and NO2 across Europe and the United States of America were explored between 2000–2021. Using surface monitoring site data from the TOAR-II and European Environment Agency databases, piecewise quantile regression (PQR) analysis was performed on 228 O3 time series (144 European, 84 USA) and 322 NO2 times series (245 European, 77 U...
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This analysis of the impact of geomagnetic storms on the Thermosphere-Ionosphere system provides critical insights into the complex interplay between geomagnetic activity and the upper atmosphere dynamics. On February 3, 2022, SpaceX launched 49 Starlink satellites into orbits at altitudes ranging between 210 and 320 km. Unfortunately, 38 of these...
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Ruiz Trascastro, Rosa Raquel (2023). La soledad en las personas mayores: Estrategias de mediación para el éxito de las intervenciones sociales. Madrid: Dykinson. 229 pp. ISBN: 978-84-1170-789-3 (impreso). DOI: 10.14679/2641 El envejecimiento poblacional es un fenómeno que afecta cada vez más a las sociedades modernas, parti-cularmente en Europa y...
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En México se ha consolidado un sistema de acceso a la vivienda social en propiedad, básicamente mediante el otorgamiento de créditos hipotecarios por parte de los fondos públicos de vivienda. A partir de un análisis teórico se pretende discutir propuestas alternativas, recuperando las principales características que posee la producción social del h...
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El 5 de febrero de 2025 el Departamento de Alimentos y Agricultura de California (CDFA, por sus siglas en inglés), confirmó un nuevo caso de gripe aviar H5N1-D1.1 en un rebaño lechero de California. Los Laboratorios Nacionales de Servicios Veterinarios (NVSL) del Departamento de Agricultura (USDA, por sus siglas en inglés) han confirmado la presen...
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The objective of this paper is to examine the influence of the US trade war and protectionism on the global economy and on the Chinese economy and to put forward recommendations for addressing these issues. The rationale for selecting this topic is that shifts in the global trade landscape have posed significant challenges for the Chinese economy,...
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This study investigates the factors contributing to the growth of an organisation's ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) business scale using the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The research analyses Bank of America's ESG strategies and it has been found that the ESG benchmarks held by the bank have strengthened in recent times. The fi...
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RESUMEN El artículo analiza la forma en la cual el populismo libertariano, alianza estratégica entre el libertarianismo y la extrema derecha, se organiza actualmente en América Latina. Se plantea que es posible encontrar en la región un intento por impulsar una política de masas en plataformas regionales de derecha y libertarianas, asociadas con el...
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Este libro aborda la violencia contra las mujeres en diversas formas, desde la violencia política y vicaria hasta el femicidio y la violencia obstétrica. Se exploran casos concretos, como el de Martha Evelyn Batres, quien enfrentó violencia política en El Salvador, y el de Paola Guzmán Albarracín en Ecuador, víctima de abuso sexual que culminó en s...
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El estudio examina cómo los territorios latinoamericanos utilizan el metaverso, especialmente Roblox, para incrementar su visibilidad y atraer a la Generación Alfa. Analiza las estrategias de marketing virtual empleadas, diferenciando entre experiencias metaversales inmersivas y semiinmersivas, y entre entornos virtuales centralizados y descentrali...
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Aim To identify and critically appraise instruments that have been used to measure nurse resilience. Design A scoping review. Data Sources Comprehensive literature searches were conducted using four electronic databases CINAHL Ultimate, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Emcare from the year 2012 to December 2024. Methods The titles, then abstracts, of retri...
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"Bioeconomía en Latinoamérica: desafíos para la sostenibilidad y el desarrollo. Volumen 1. La aproximación a la bioeconomía" es el primer tomo de una obra editorial que busca profundizar en el concepto y la aplicación de la bioeconomía en la región. Este volumen está diseñado como una base de conocimiento dirigida a un público amplio, que incluye:...
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Politics increasingly shapes Americans’ social orientations, including their religious affiliations and levels of religiosity. Less is known about whether politics affects secularism—an affirmative embrace of secular worldviews and identities. Drawing on an original panel survey from 2017 to 2021 plus two survey experiments, this paper investigates...
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La presente investigación historiográfica intenta identificar logros alcanzados por la República de Panamá en materia de elecciones democráticas, bajo las administraciones del liberalismo de Belisario Porras, visibilizando las complejidades del contexto histórico de una nación emergente cuya tradición de caciquismo político proveniente de Colombia...
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El volumen 4: Desafíos y Perspectivas se expone y reflexiona sobre los retos, oportunidades y perspectivas que enfrenta la bioeconomía en Latinoamérica, una región rica en biodiversidad, en recursos naturales y con una amplia y rica diversidad cultural. Este documento ofrece un análisis profundo de las dinámicas sociales, económicas y políticas que...
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The science fiction superheroes Ironman, Hulk and Captain America are today's reality. With the accelerating advances in living sciences, humanity is poised to change themselves in ways far beyond Darwin's imagination. The scope and scale of human enhancements enabled by emergent scientific discovery and human created technology generates risk and...
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Esta investigación identifica los aspectos diferenciadores en la construcción de denominaciones y enfoques curriculares de los programas de contabilidad en América Latina, basándose en 345 programas de 325 universidades de países como Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia y Venezuela. La metodología mixta empleada combina análisis cualitativo y cuant...
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Health equity—defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as " the state in which everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their highest level of health—” represents one of the most critical issues facing modern societies. While seemingly an increasing focus of policymakers in recent years, this concept is hardly a novel one...
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El Volumen 2: Sector primario de la colección Bioeconomía en Latinoamérica: desafíos para la sostenibilidad y el desarrollo continúa el recorrido iniciado en el primer volumen, profundizando en los pilares de la bioeconomía dentro de los sectores fundamentales de la producción primaria en América Latina. Este volumen aborda, en particular, los sect...
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Es conocido que las actuales poblaciones peruanas son el resultado de la contribución de los bagajes genéticos, fundamentalmente de América, Eurasia y África. Asimismo, que el mestizaje inicialmente se dio generalmente entre el varón europeo y la mujer autóctona peruana. Sin embargo, hay pocos estudios relacionados al estudio genético de los haplog...
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Globally, the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in 2019 was 35.6%. The prevalence of anemia in developing countries is relatively high, such as Southeast Asia at 47.8%, compared to developed countries such as America at 18.9%. Efforts that can be made to prevent anemia include education, giving pregnant women biscuits and giving Fe tablets. Th...
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Purpose This paper sheds light on how appointing a lead independent director (LIDIR) affects a firm’s commitment to climate change and to what extent environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance is affected by a firm’s commitment to climate change in the presence of a LIDIR. Design/methodology/approach The authors utilise ordinary least...
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Background: Psychodermatology is an interdisciplinary field that bridges psychiatry and dermatology, addressing the psychosocial and psychiatric aspects of skin diseases. Managing such cases presents a challenge for both dermatologists and psychiatrists as patients often resist psychiatric consultations, complicating diagnosis and treatment. Aim:...
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A partir de los relatos de viaje como testimonios literarios y fundamentalmente históricos, el presente artículo reúne la construcción histórica de los primeros traslados emprendidos por misioneros de la Compañía de Jesús a América, con todas las dificultades que atravesaron previamente y dentro de un marco que exponemos en la introducción. Centram...
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Resumo Este estudo investiga, sob ângulo jurídico, a criação de um órgão regulador voltado especificamente para a proteção financeira do consumidor, o Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), nos Estados Unidos da América (EUA). Para tanto, revisa a literatura acadêmica sobre o tema e a partir dela apresenta a anterior proteção do consumidor de...
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American “classics,” and “classic” definitions of America and its people, are often tied to an apparently inescapable, ineffable sense of greatness. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN has resurfaced as the mantra of 2025, with the newly elected President’s promise to restore a broken nation, elevating it above time, and in defiance of his own criminal record...
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Introduction Methotrexate (MTX) is the first line therapy for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and despite its widespread use, there is very little information about MTX intolerance in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of MTX intolerance and other reasons for stopping MTX in RA in South Africa. Methods A retrospectiv...
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This article examines the rise of “classical education” (CE) as an educational model in the context of contemporary educational culture wars in the United States. A traditionalist educational model especially favored by Christian schools and universities, CE builds upon the prestige of learning in the texts of the ancient Mediterranean. It is incre...
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Accurate prediction of energy consumption patterns is vital for attaining sustainability and efficient economic planning. In the USA energy consumption trends have evolved substantially because of factors such as population growth, technological advancements, and shifts in consumption behaviors. The prime objective of this research project was to d...
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Fuirena (ca. 55 especies) es un género tropical a templado cálido, con centros de diversidad en África y América. En Argentina está representado por tres especies y una forma. En este trabajo se realiza el tratamiento del género Fuirena para Argentina. Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie históricamente confundida con F. incompleta Nees, Fuirena...
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Gender scholars have debated whether the recent movement toward a more equal division of domestic labor is stalling. Using a differential convergence perspective, the authors argue that examining which domestic tasks undergo gender convergence, whose changes narrow the gap, and why changes happen is critical for understanding gender inequalities in...
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The Willie Lynch Letter And the Making of A Slave By Willie Lynch. "The Willie Lynch Letter" written by Willie Lynch is widely considered to be one of the top 100 most controversial books of all time. For many, "The Willie Lynch Letter" is required reading for various courses and curriculums. And for others "The Willie Lynch Letter" is simply a hig...
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Este artigo pretende contribuir para a implementação do programa Cidades Amigas da OMS na América Latina. Faz uma análise crítica do Protocolo de Vancouver, descreve os processos indispensáveis para a formulação do Plano de Ação, um aspeto pouco abordado até agora, e reconhece a contribuição das universidades para o cumprimento deste objetivo.
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A América Latina está presa em um estado de 'crise permanente', seja ela social, política ou econômica. A sua propensão para crises representa um obstáculo sério ao crescimento econômico e à qualidade de vida de centenas de milhões de pessoas. Utilizando o arcabouço conceitual de Complexidade e de 'Human Systems Dynamics'-e o Brasil como estudo de...
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La enfermedad de Chagas, la cual es causada por el protozoo Trypanosoma cruzi, es considerada como una patología de origen endémico en América Latina que ha afectado la salud de millones de personas. Este artículo tuvo como principal objetivo desarrollar un algoritmo preventivo para el diagnóstico temprano en adultos con dicha enfermedad en zonas e...
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Well, I just hope that Donald Trump would have also used his usual kindness when he talked about Philistine. Maybe he would do that as I do accept it is only United States of America that can influence Israel to negotiate one of the most effective peace deals with the Philistinians. Therefore let me have a hope that is tiniest of the fraction of ho...
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The renewable energy market in the United States of America (USA) has experienced several crests and troughs owing to the changes in the climate policies. These changes in the climate policies have impacted the climate risk management scenario in the USA. This impact has changed the behavioral pattern of the renewable energy drivers, and a supply‐s...