Science topic
Alopecia - Science topic
Absence of hair from areas where it is normally present.
Questions related to Alopecia
40-year-old female presents with an 8-year history of alopecia. No other symptoms, no regular medication. Clinical and dermoscopic features of alopecia areata (attached pictures). Reviewing her previous lab exams, I noticed persistent positive ANA (1/160) and high levels of anti-SSA/Ro (range: 69 to 108) since 2013. I failed to find any evidence associating AA with such serological markers.

I have been working with PRP solutions for over 3 years now.
At the moment I study the concentration of the PRP solutions made with two different commercial kits.
I wonder however which endpoint is the best to know which kit is the best. Is it concentration, total amount of PRP (in milliliter) or something else?
Is I am not a scientist I hope to find answers from collegues experienced in the mater of PRP or biostimulation.
Thank you very much
Barry Dekeyser, MD
What is outcome of Mesotherapy in combination with Minoxidil in Alopecia?
What is outcome of Platelet-rich plasma(PRP) in combination with Minoxidil in Alopecia?
What is outcome of Platelet-rich plasma(PRP) in combination with mesotherapy in Alopecia?
Dear Dr. Sulman Basit,
I hope this email finds you well.
I was just wondering if you could please send me a virtual genes panel for alopecias since your contribution to the field is enormous.
Your help would be very much appreciated.
Best regards,
Dr. Atta Ur Rehman
In a hypothetical experiment, do you think that having a patient soak their scalp in a solution suspected to have hair growth promoting effects would be more beneficial than simply applying the solution topically with a dropper or fingertips? Especially if the solution contained herbal or natural ingredients that would not cause harm if introduced into the bloodstream. Say for 10 minutes soaking time and submerging the head in a bowl shapped apparatus or container filled with the solution.
Please explain why or why not. Thank you.
I am using PRP for Hair loss/Hair regrowth treatment. Currently I am using BD Vacutainer ACD Solution A 8.5Ml tubes.
I will explain the process that I am following currently.
I draw blood in 4 Vacutainer ACD Solution A 8.5ML tubes and centrifuge @ 3000 RPM for 10 minutes in 1st spin. Then I will transfer only buffy coat from the middle and little above buffy coat into another empty 15ml centrifuge tube and in 2nd I Spin it again @ 3500RPM for 5 minutes. Now I discard 75% of the above portion and remaining 25% I use for injecting into the Scalp and after injecting, I use 1mm derma roller on the scalp and then I just spread the PRP on the scalp.
Please let me know if there a better way to get the maximum PRP for hair loss treatment or if there is any change in the centification process.
This is a research I want to start as soon as I get a better model.
How do men experience the psychological impact of alopecia in comparison to women?
If answer is YES, then what is the difference between Adverse effects and Side Effects. Usually we go for causality and severity assessment when we report unknown, uncommon or rare adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Majority of cancer patients those are on chemotherapy mostly experience very common side effects (ex. Nausea, vomiting, alopecia etc. ). For reporting these kind of common side effects also, do we required causality and severity assessment?
Please help. I am doing a systematic review of largely observational studies on the safety and effectiveness of treating autoimmune alopecia with Hydroxychloroquine in older adults. I was wondering if a subgroup analysis is feasible in a SR based largely on observational studies. Thank you.
Please help. Understanding immune privilege is largely viewed as integral to unlocking optimal treatment options for autoimmune sufferers. Yet there is a clear sexual dimorphism in autoimmune disease. Is there any correlation between immune privilege and gender?
I live in an industrial area, particularly manufacture of steel and cellulose, and I have been observing an increasing incidence of AA in patients with no other comorbidities or autoimmune diseases. Only on this Friday, I had 3 new cases (attached photos).

I have an Australian cattle dog with alopecia. Have somebody any experience with colour dilution alopecia to help me with this clinical case?
I found only Russian researches, but it is strange, because the medicine is from UK.
We need to look into common factors. Hormones are the likely link, and the only hormone source that makes sense as a stimulus at this point is the influence of the complex growth stimulating system known as milk (and all the products that are made with it). Could I ask you to consider the fact that the folliculosebaceous unit is actually the folliculopilosebaceous unit, composed of three distinctly different physiological units, all of which are impacted by the androgens and their fellow-travellers (and whey and casein-derived facilitators) present in dairy products. Melnik has written extensively on this (See PMID 23883112 and 22891897 Free PMC Articles) and we are finding it to be a very significant influence in acne vulgaris and acne inversa (hidradenitis suppurativa).
The 'system' facilitates anything that depends upon activation of the androgen receptors. Think acne, alopecia, weight gain, fat babies, etc etc etc.
Is there any particular condition in which it is more worth,
Are there any practical tips on it from people doing it often?
I´m starting a research about cicatricial alopecias and psychoemotional aspects related to the diagnosis of them.
The loss of hair in male balding is the result of a gradual reduction in the duration of anagen and a prolongation of the latent period of the hair cycle, and miniaturization of terminal hair follicles.
Tufted hair folliculitis is a rare, progressive pattern of scarring alopecia that affects the scalp. Its characteristic feature is the presence of groups of 10-15 hairs emerging from a single follicular opening. The cause of this disorder is unknown.
Some drugs are recommended for androgenic alopecia but these may carry certain risks. In certain parts of the world bizarre natural remedies are used like camel's urine! Are they a myth?
I am very willing to know the answers.
Thanks a lot for your kind comments and suggestions.
Explanation about multiple lines of treatment of alopecia areata.
I have noticed that, in some individuals, alopecia is associated with low HDL-cholesterol.