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Algebraic Number Theory - Science topic

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Questions related to Algebraic Number Theory
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
2 answers
Desde 6*Primo(n) Hasta 6*primo(n+1).
Podemos encontrar unos números con la forma 6k ±1 consecutivos que son primos.
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falsa, al avanzar en 12! se incumple muy a menudo
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
12 answers
Zero stands for emptiness, for nothing, and yet it is considered to be one of the greatest achievements of humankind. It took a long stretch of human history for it to be recognized and appreciated [1][4]. In the history of mathematics considerable confusion exists as to the origin of zero. There can be no unique answer to the query, "Who first discovered the zero?", for this may refer to any one of several related but distinct historical issues† [2]. A very explicit use of the concept of zero was made by Aristotle, who, speaking of motion in a vacuum, said "there is no ratio in which the void is exceeded by body, as there is no ratio of zero to a number” [3][2]*. He apparently recognized “the Special Status of Zero among the Natural Numbers.”
If we believe that zero is explicitly expressed mathematically, whether in number theory, algebra, or set theory, is the meaning of zero also clear and unified in the different branches of physics? Or can it have multiple meanings? Such as:
1)Annihilation——When positive and negative particles meet [5][6], e+e-=γ+γ',the two charges disappear, the two masses disappear, and only the energy does not disappear or increase; the momentum of the two electrons, which was 0, now becomes the positive and negative momentum of the two photons. How many kinds of zeros exist here, and what does each mean?
2)Double-slit interference—— The interference pattern in Young's double slit experiment, what exactly is expressed at the dark fringe? And how should it actually be understood? For light waves, it can be understood as the field canceling due to destructive interference and presenting itself as zero. For single photons, single electrons [7], physics considers it to be a probabilistic statistical property [12]. This means that in practice, at the dark fringes of theoretical calculations, the field will also be likely not to be zero‡.
3)Destructive interference——In Mach–Zehnder interferometer [8],there's always been a question of where the energy in the destructive interference arm went [9]? There seems to be an energy cancellation occurring.
4)Anti-reflection coatings——By coating [10], the reflected waves are completely canceled out to achieve the purpose of increasing transmission.
5)Nodes of Standing Waves——In optical resonant cavity, Laser Resonator. " The resonator cavity's path length determines the longitudinal resonator modes, or electric field distributions which cause a standing wave in the cavity "[13]. The amplitude of the electromagnetic field at the node of the standing wave is zero, but we cannot say that the energy and momentum at this point are zero, which would violate the uncertainty principle.
6)Laser Beam Mode——The simplest type of laser resonator modes are Hermite-Gaussian modes, also known as transverse electromagnetic modes (TEMnm), in which the electric field profile can be approximated by the product of a Gaussian function with a Hermite polynomial. TEMnm,where n is the number of nodes in x direction, m is the number of nodes in y direction [14].
7)Nodes of the Wave Function——Nodes and ends of the Wave Function Ψ in a square potential well have zero probability in quantum mechanics‡ [11]。
8)Pauli exclusion principle—— Fermions are antisymmetric,Ψ(q1,q2)=-Ψ(q1,q2), so Ψ(q1,q2)=0;Here a wave function of zero means that "field" is not allowed to exist, or according to the Copenhagen interpretation, the wave function has zero probability of appearing here?
9)Photon——zero mass, zero charge.
10)Absolute vacuum——Can it be defined as zero energy space?
11)Absolute temperature 0K——Is the entire physical world defined as a zero energy state except for photons?
12)Perfect superconductor—— "The three 'big zeros' of superconductivity (zero resistance, zero induction and zero entropy) have equal weight and grow from a single root: quantization of the angular momentum of paired electrons" [15].
Doesn't it violate mathematical principles if we may interpret the meaning of zeros in physics according to our needs? If we regard all zeros as energy not existing, or not allowed to exist here, does it mean that energy must have the same expression? Otherwise, we cannot find a unified explanation.
* Ratio was a symmetrical expression particularly favored by the ancient Greeks.
† Symbols(0,...), words (zero, null, void, empty, none, ...), etc..
‡ Note in particular that probability itself is defined as a probability, not an exact value. For example, a probability of 0.5 can occur in physical reality as 0.49999999999, and it is almost never possible to have an accurate probability value such as 0.5. This means that there is no probability value that never occurs, even if the probability is theoretically 0. It is against the principle of probability to assume that a probability of zero means that it will never occur in reality.
[1] Nieder, A. (2016). "Representing something out of nothing: The dawning of zero." Trends in Cognitive Sciences 20(11): 830-842.
[2] Boyer, C. B. (1944). "Zero: The symbol, the concept, the number." National Mathematics Magazine 18(8): 323-330.
[3] the Physics of Aristotle;
[4] Boyer, C. B. (1944). "Zero: The symbol, the concept, the number." National Mathematics Magazine 18(8): 323-330.
[7] Davisson, C. and L. H. Germer (1927). "Diffraction of Electrons by a Crystal of Nickel." Physical Review 30(6): 705-740.
[8] Mach, L., L. Zehnder and C. Clark (2017). The Interferometers of Zehnder and Mach.
[9] Zetie, K., S. Adams and R. Tocknell (2000). "How does a Mach-Zehnder interferometer work?" Physics Education 35(1): 46.
[11] Chen, J. (2023). From Particle-in-a-Box Thought Experiment to a Complete Quantum Theory? -Version 22.
[12] Born, M. (1955). "Statistical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics." Science 122(3172): 675-679.
[15] Kozhevnikov, V. (2021). "Meissner Effect: History of Development and Novel Aspects." Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 34(8): 1979-2009.
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Let a bit continue.
So, in principle, really there can be some “absolute vacuum” – empty “Information” Set, however that is absolutely fundamentally impossible – information absolutely for sure cannot be non-existent, and so the Set exists being non-empty absolutely always – “in absolutely infinitely long time” having no Beginning and no End;
- and only concrete empty sets that relate to concrete informational patterns/ sets of the patterns can exist.
In this thread a concrete informational system/set of informational patterns/systems “material objects” “Matter” is considered, and in this case the general empty sets – or “vacuums” can exist as:
- “absolute vacuum, that was till the conserve can “There is no informational system “Matter” in the Set” was opened by some energy, let - 13.8 billions of years ago, when the first Matter’s FLE was really created, and
- “matter vacuum” when only the first version of the FLE-lattice was created and existed till at the inflation epoch, i.e. though the quite material objects “FLEs” existed, but “matter”, i.e. observed now a huge number of particles didn’t.
That’s all, after in the first FLE-lattice version corresponding a huge energy portion was pumped, and so the particles, which are some disturbances in the lattice, were created, no “vacuums” exist;
- including there are no such things as “vacuum where existed created/annihilated “virtual particles and fields”, in Matter only real particles, and real the Forces mediators/real fields, which constantly and always are created by their charges, exist.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
225 answers
Updated information of my thoughts and activities.
This is meant to be a one-way blog, albeit you can contribute with your recommendations and comments.
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Use (free PDF, also in print) the book QUICKEST CALCULUS with programmed instruction. Integral is immrdiate, just the inverse of differentiation plus a constant.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
13 answers
This question has been closed, reaching a YES conclusion and preventing being hijacked by 'wolves" in ResearchGate. It served the purpose of explanation to those interested, as an open group, from a core of 10 people who participate behind the scenes. Enjoy and pursue the new ideas with your contributions in your space. The question is now open again.
To be objective, K=26 661 462 837 357 923.
This large base 10 number is found to be the product of two prime numbers, K=p×q.This breaks the RSA cybersecurity method for K.
The much larger number H=74 481 443.869 551 262 986 707 503 438 165 513 011 429 940 762 703 277 812 267 530 769 921 052 121 342 275 484 565 273 568 067 051 66*10^991 with the missing integer values known, albeit not shown here, reveals quantum properties of numbers, that help break RSA structurally, making it impossible to protect.
That number is found quickly to be the product of two very large prime numbers, H=m×n, where m=2189435657951002049032270810436111915218750169457857275418378508356311569473822406785779581304570826199205758922472595366415651620520158737919845877408325291052446903888118841237643411919510455053466586162432719401971139098455367272785370993456298555867193697740700037004307837589974206767840169672078462806292290321071616698672605489884455142571939854994489395944960640451323621402659861930732493697704776060676806701764916694030348199618814556251955925669188308255149429475965372748456246288242345265977897377408964665539924359287862125159674832209760295056966999272846705637471375330192483135870761254126834158601294475660114554207495899525635430682886346310849656506827715529962567908452357025521 and n= 340185579782030309029142285845485748073406778702270938755484147318382420338087834406828955714187005654640257038495796545155402280055987076251704557994637589726712709889312042801858044039590155407650471667907995888292123909278046563998441725881316702608454953284969473141146885140822683049274853701491, breaking RSA with values naively considered large enough to be "safe".
We postulate without proof here, except numerical, that this exemplifies how RSA can be quickly broken, e.g., for a 2048 bit-length number. in 2048 bits one can store a number with 617 decimal digits; and we passed that in the last example. The larger the number of digits in each prime number, the easier it is to numerically calculate them.
RSA gets weaker with large prime numbers. This is a structural weakness, much more important for cybersecurity than numerically finding prime numbers.
This shows objectively the weakness of RSA. QM is our most successful model of nature. Classically, i.e., without QM, those results are not calculable and RSA looks stronger for large numbers.
RSA seems to be broken easily by quantum computing -- more so for very large numbers. It is a hopeless case using QM, and quantum computing.
This shows the importance of periodic structures in mathematics. And we can find them using QM, and quantum computing.
What is your opinion?
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As published in ResearchGate, here is the solution to break RSA-2048 and even higher, fast.
In the old method, in order to #factor one would need to inchworm, prime number by prime number, to reach 308 decimal-digits.
That would take some trillion years in computation. Impossible?
Now, QC reveals that prime numbers are #eigenvalues. Must obey the Schrödinger equation for bound-states. That is a diophantine equation -- solutions ARE only integers with arbitrary-length, as published in Phys. Rev. Lett. in 1982. That's valuable, including for structural dynamicists.
One can calculate any 308 decimal-digit prime number, as one already knows and does it, and then just add or subtract even numbers and test -- in a quick search one hits the jackpot!
We have found the only one prime number that factors RSA.
Done -- RSA-2048 has been broken, by the Prime Function Theorem (Gauss, +220 years ago -- see image -- from ). The world has to change.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
7 answers
From the earliest Pythagorean (~570BCE-~490BCE) view that "everything is number" [1], to the founder of modern physics, Galileo (1564-1642), who said "the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics" [2], to attempts by Hilbert (1862-1943) to mathematically "axiomatize" physics [3],and to the symmetry principle [9], which today is considered fundamental by physics, Physics has never been separated from mathematics, but there has never been a definite answer as to the relationship between them. Thus Wigner (1902-1995) exclaimed [4]: "The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve. gift which we neither understand nor deserve."
CN Yang, commenting on Einstein's "On the method of theoretical physics" [5], said, "Was Einstein saying that fundamental theoretical physics is a part of mathematics? Was he saying that fundamental theoretical physics should have the tradition and style of mathematics? The answers to these questions are no "[6]. So what is the real relationship between mathematics and physics? Is mathematics merely a tool that physics cannot do without? We can interpret mathematics as a description of physical behavior, or physics as operating according to mathematical principles, or they are completely equivalent, but one thing is unchangeable, all physics must ultimately be concretely embodied in its physical parameters, regardless of who dominates whom. We need to remember the essential question, "That is, we don't invent mathematical structures - we discover them, and invent only the notation for describing them"[7]. Mathematics is abstract existence, physics is reality. We cannot completely replace physical explanations with mathematical ones. For example, ask "How do light and particles know that they are choosing the shortest path [8]. The answer is that it is determined by the principle of least action. This is the correct mathematical answer, but not the final physical answer. The final physical answer should be, "Light and particles are not searching for shortest paths, they are creating and defining shortest paths". Why this can be so is because they are energy-momentum themselves. The ultimate explanation is just math*,if we can't boil it down to specific, well-defined, measurable physical parameters. Following Pythagoras' inspiring vision that the world can be built up from concepts, algorithms, and numbers [9]. When we discuss the relationship between math and physics, do we need first ask:
1) What are numbers? Shouldn't we first attribute numbers to "fundamental quantities" in mathematics and physics? Are scalars, vectors, and spinors complete expressions of such fundamental quantities? All other quantities are composites of these fundamental quantities, e.g., tensor.
2) Do mathematics and physics have to have these fundamental quantities in common before we can further discuss the consistency between their theorems? That is, the unification of mathematics and physics must begin with the unification of fundamental quantities.
3) Where do these fundamental quantities come from in physics? In what way are they represented?
* And then what do imaginary numbers in physics correspond to? [10][11]
[1] McDonnell, J. (2017). The Pythagorean World: Why Mathematics Is Unreasonably Effective In Physics Springer.
[2] Kosmann-Schwarzbach, Y. (2011). The Noether Theorems. The Noether Theorems: Invariance and Conservation Laws in the Twentieth Century. Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach and B. E. Schwarzbach. New York, NY, Springer New York: 55-64.
Einstein, A. (1934). "On the method of theoretical physics." Philosophy of science 1(2): 163-169.
[3] Corry, L. (2004). David Hilbert and the axiomatization of physics (1898-1918): From Grundlagen der Geometrie to Grundlagen der Physik, Springer.
[4] Wigner, E. P. (1990). The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences(1960). Mathematics and Science, World Scientific: 291-306. 【这个说法本身可能是存在问题的,不是数学在物理学中的有效性,而是不能够区分物理学准则和数学算法。】
[5] Einstein, A. (1934). "On the method of theoretical physics." Philosophy of science 1(2): 163-169.
[6] Yang, C. N. (1980). "Einstein's impact on theoretical physics." Physics Today 33(6): 42-49.
[7] Russell, B. (2010). Principles of mathematics (1903), Routledge.
[9] Wilczek, F. (2006). "The origin of mass." Modern Physics Letters A 21(9): 701-712.
[10] Chian Fan, e. a. (2023). "How to understand imaginary numbers (complex numbers) in physics." from
[11] Baylis, W. E., J. Huschilt and J. Wei (1992). "Why i?" American Journal of Physics 60(9): 788-797. 【复数、虚数、波函数】
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They're determined by the symmetries; and the symmetries are discovered by the hints provided by experiment, which are completed by mathematical analysis.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
34 answers
Our answer is NO. Think of it: Pythagorean Triples would NOT exist if numbers are arbitrary as values. Given a and b, c is fixed or it doesn't exist.
Given 2 and 3, what is c?
Prime numbers seem not arbitrary either. Some people consider prime numbers as just some feature of Z, which does not exist for composite numbers. And, they think, there are no primes or coprimes in Z_p, p-adic numbers, except for some numbers, which end by 0; there are no negative and positive numbers; there are not even or odd numbers (I e., they may point to the number 19 underscore 31, is it even or odd?).
Instead, let's be humble and observe nature. A prime number in any place of the universe must be a prime number. Here on Earth and in the star Betelgeuse. It is not a feature defined by a human.
Dedekind (1888) was incorrect, and mathematical real-numbers an illusion, that cannot be calculated (Gisin, Gerck).
That is why a number is a semiotic quantity. Numbers can be thought of as a 1:1 mapping between a symbol and a value. Digits become a “name”, a reference, and it is clear that one can use different “names” for the same number as a value.
So, the number 1 can have a name as "1", "2/2", "3/3" and infinitely many more, but is always 1 in value.
Equality of rational numbers does not have to have the same name for each other, as "2/3=2/3".
They can also obey the rule that their cross product is equal in value, so that "2/3=4/6".
That way, equivalence extends equality in a consistent way, even though the numbers are neither equal nor divisible. This is possible because numbers are semiotic quantities, and is essential to understand quantum computing.
Numbers are not arbitrary as values, which can allow us to calculate prime numbers using periodicity.
What is your qualified opinion?
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DH: What is odd is human ego. The same posts on different topics, different threads, attract different readers.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
25 answers
It finally has occurred to me that there is a similarity between i = √-1 and √2. They are each linearized representations of essentially quadratic values. We use the former in complex numbers and include the latter in the real number system as an irrational number. Each has proved valuable and is part of accepted mathematics. However, an irrational number does not exist as a linear value because it is indeterminate – that is what non-ending, non-repeating decimal number means: it never can exist. Perhaps we need an irrational number system as well as a complex number system to be rigorous.
The sense of this observation is that some values are essentially quadratic. An example is the Schrödinger Equation which enables use of a linearized version of a particle wave function to calculate the probability of some future particle position, but only after multiplying the result by its complex conjugate to produce a real value. Complex number space is used to derive the result which must be made real to be real, i.e., a fundamentally quadratic value has been calculated using a linearized representation of it in complex number space.
Were we to consider √-1 and √2 as similarly non-rational we may find a companion space with √2 scaling to join the complex number space with √-1 scaling along a normal axis. For example, Development of the algebraic numbers a + b√2 could include coordinate points with a stretched normal axis (Harris Hancock, Foundations of the Theory of Algebraic Numbers).
A three-space with Rational – Irrational – Imaginary axes would clarify that linearization requires a closing operation to restore the result to the Rational number axis, where reality resides.
[Note: most people do not think like I do, and almost everyone is happy about that: please read openly, exploringly, as if there might be something here. (Yes, my request is based on experience!) Tens of thousands of pages in physics and mathematics literature from popular exposition to journal article lie behind this inquiry, should you wish to consider that.]
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Howdy Folks,
I am satisfied that mathematics and physics (science) have been well defined and described here. A couple movies are running in my mind's eye that I wish to pass along as afterwords - they are observations not insults.
In Ray Bradbury's work "Medicine for Melancholy" he includes a prose movie of Pablo Picasso sketching a mural in the moist sand of a long beach as the tide is coming in - just like the "then current" theories in science presented by academics as truth, the foaming edges of the waves wash the mural away - new paradigms replace old and the human creation of science is adjusted. It is not "nature" even now.
M. C. Escher's "Metamorphosis" is a great contribution to defined elements fitted together perfectly into a closed, consistent, unnatural whole. Rigorous, however independent of nature, EXCEPT FOR THE FACT that humans and their imagination are natural. I disagree with the separation of "artificial" from natural, except as a verbal convenience.
These are creations of human minds, not figments of human imagination. And I carefully avoided an observation that fresh ideas are not fertilizer and to bury them in a field will not benefit flowers there.
Great exchange, Thanks again, Happy Trails, Len
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
16 answers
The formula for sin(a)sin(b) is a very well know highschool formula. But is there a more general version for the product of m sine function?
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
15 answers
Why is a Proof to Fermat's Last Theorem so Important?
I have been observing an obsession in mathematicians. logicians and number theorists with providing a "Proof for Fermat's Last Theorem". Many intend to publish these papers in peer reviewed journal. Publishing your findings is good but the problem is that a lot of the papers aimed at providing a proof for Fermat's Last Theorem are erroneous and the authors don't seem to realize that.
Why is the Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem so much important that a huge chunk of mathematicians are obsessed with providing the proof and failing miserably?
What are the practical application's of this theorem?
Note: I am not against the theorem or the research that is going on the theorem but it seems to be an addiction. That is why I thought of asking this question.
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Stop Hallucination.
Stop the fake fan team.
Stop disturbing and spreading wrong math education.
Show your idea in your thread and stay there.
I have hundreds of students and university colleagues worldwide, and I feel shame asking them to grant a fake recommendation that votes for wrong, bad answers.
I dare any one of your team to join a serious debate in mathematics
about FLT and its consequences.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
36 answers
In general in mathematics we work with groups that includ numbers, generally we work with constants.
So for exempel: For any x from R we can choose any element from R we will find it a constant, the same thing for any complex number, for any z from C we will find it a constant.
My question say: Can we find a group or groups that includ variabels not constants for exemple, we named G a group for any x from G we will find an x' it's not a constant it's another variabel ?
and if it exisit can you give me exempels ?
Thank you !
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  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
49 answers
Many proposals for solving RH have been suggested, but has it been splved? What do you
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Your efforts are appreciated. No mathematician dares to claim that he proved the Reimann Hypothesis unless they successfully published the results in a reputable Journal. Hundreds of proofs are available online, but all are not trusted before appearing in the right place.
I wish you good luck.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
8 answers
What lessons and topics are prerequisites for algebraic number theory and analytic number theory?
Please tell me the exact topic of each lesson.
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It would help if you studied advanced abstract algebra, topology, mathematical analysis besides the introductory courses in general number theory.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
4 answers
In the 19 hundreds, many though that an explicit formula for the partition function was never going to be found. In 2011, finally, an explicit formula for the partition function was discovered.
For that reason, I am fascinated by how close do mathematicians think we are currently to discovering an explicit formula for prime numbers.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
4 answers
I was wondering is there any
  • model theory of number theory ,hence are there model theorists working in number theory
  • the development of arithmatic geometry ,does it have anything to do with questions in logic;and is there any group studying this interaction.
  • Anyone is welcome and up for collaboration
  • I am interested in finding interaction between algerraic and arithmatic number theory with logic,and to study it to answer logical questions about Arithmatic
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As far as I know, in the entire history of mankind, only two philosophers have seriously dealt with logic, this is Aristotle and Hegel. Of these, only Hegel did mathematics. Nobody else dealt with this problem.
Sincerely, Alexander
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
11 answers
Dear fellow researchers,
In your expert opinion, do you think the Riemann Hypothesis is true? The first billion zeros have been computed and they all verify this hypothesis. However, we have previously seen patterns hold until a very large number than break (There is a conjecture that holds for n<10^40). Do you think there is any reason to believe that it might be false?
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If anyone proposes a theory and no one can make it wrong, at least it is not wrong, but it remains a mystery, and that is why it is called a mystery .. This does not mean that the theory is wrong.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
15 answers
How many more years do you predict it will take before the Riemann Hypothesis is solved?
Do you think we are close or does it seem that we are still very far?
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I agree with you. Although year after year we are getting closer. A few year ago, it was proven that at least 40% of zeros have to be on the critical line. So a lot of progress has been done. Many conjecture have also been presented, which if proven, they would imply the Riemann Hypothesis. So have gotten some important result, however, we have not quite solved it yet.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
4 answers
Does Hilbert-Polya Conjecture Infer Riemann Hypothesis by the means of spectral theory? Can anyone describe the procedure
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Stam Nicolis , you said that
" However it's not necessary for the Hilbert-Polya conjecture to be true, in order for the Riemann Hypothesis to be true. "
Why is that?
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
10 answers
I find that multiple sums are a very interesting concept. However, an even more interesting concept for me is the sum of such sums (the sum of multiple sums). The sum of multiple sums can be turned into a simple product by the formula in the first attached image.
What mathematical applications could this formula have? Where could it be useful?
I have found 2 interesting applications:
1- sum of multiple zeta values (see image 2).
2- sum of multiple power sums (see image 3).
Could you suggest any applications for these 2 particular cases? Could you suggest additional particular cases that would be of interest to mathematicians or physicists?
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Why are you asking?
Please respond when you read this.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
6 answers
  • We know ,euclidean algorthm is feasible in the set of integers.
  • Taking motivation from this,we define an Euclidean Domain(E.D.) as follows:
R is an E.D. if it is a domain,andwe have a map d:R->non-zero integers,
such that, for given a,b(non-zero),
there exists q,r with
a=bq+r and d(q)<d(r).
  • Now,this d function ,for any abstract ED,is the counterpart of |.| function,in case of intgers,
we have ,a=bq+r with,0 \le r < |b|.
  • Now the question is:
[] It turns out (q,r) that exists for a given (a,b) in case of intgers ,is unique .
[A simple proof would be:if another (q',r') exists for same (a,b),
if q'=q,we have r'=r,and we are done.
and if,q' and q are distinct,bq+r=bq'+r' implies r' and r differ by multiplies of b,thus if 0 \le r < |b| holds,it is clear it won't hold for r',and thus we can never have (q',r') and (q,r) distinct,and we are done.]
[] But,one now would ask,is it true as well that for given (a,b) in any E.D. the existing (q,r) would be unique ? If yes,we need a proof,and clearly,the same proof does not work,as d(.) is much more generalized than |.| .Or,we need a counter eg!
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Let K={|z|<=1} be the closed unit circle (a connected compact) in C, R=O(K) be the ring of holomorphic functions f on K with d(f)=#{zeroes of f in K}, R is a ED.
Let a=a(z)=z^2+2z+1, b=b(z)=z (hence d(a)=2, d(b)=1). Let h=h(z)=sin(z)/z, h(0)=1.
1) z^2+2z+1=(z+2)z+1, q=z+2, r=1 (hence d(r)=0)
2) z^2+2z+1=(z+2+h)z+1-zh, q'=z+2+h, r'=1-zh=1-sin(z) (hence d(r')=0,
since sin(z)=1 iff z=\pi/2 +2\pi*k, k\in Z).
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
6 answers
Do you think the "New Whole Numbers Classification" exactly describes the organization of set N ?
Whole numbers are subdivided into these two categories:
- ultimates: an ultimate number not admits any non-trivial divisor (whole number) being less than it.
- non-ultimates: a non-ultimate number admits at least one non-trivial divisor (whole number) being less than it.
Non-ultimate numbers are subdivided into these two categories:
- raiseds: a raised number is a non-ultimate number, power of an ultimate number.
- composites: a composite number is a non-ultimate and not raised number admitting at least two different divisors.
Composite numbers are subdivided into these two categories:
- pure composites: a pure composite number is a non-ultimate and not raised number admitting no raised number as divisor.
- mixed composites: a mixed composite number is a non-ultimate and not raised number admitting at least a raised number as divisor.
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R.6, posted 2021/02/15
Dear Jean-Yves
You talk about `set´. The naturals (1, 2, 3, ... ) should be elements of that set.
Is that correct?
Before I will give a longer answer, I have this questions:
"What is your definition of a set?” [Maybe that of Cantor?]
"What is your set of?” [Maybe elements?]
"What is your definition of an element?” [Maybe such things which are equal among themselves?]
Please think at first about the difference between `set´ and `classification´.
Would the naturals get classified or defined by the expression `set´?
Are the naturals elements or subsets?
Regards, Peter
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
13 answers
Does anyone know of applications of multiple sums of a sequence?
I know of the Multiple Zeta values (which is a multiple sum of 1/N^s). This has multiple applications in quantum physics, QED, QCD, connection between knot theory and quantum physics, ...
Does anyone know of potential applications for this more general form which is a general multiple sums? I have written an article about it and about its applications including partition identities, polynomial identities. I wanted to know if anyone know of applications outside mathematics or additional applications in math.
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Thank you for your recommendations.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
12 answers
Dears, please help me.
Could you prove that for any big number N there exists a composite Fermat number F_k such
that F_k > N?
Relevant answer
Fermat numbers are odd numbers.
I think you are confused with Fibonacci numbers where F3n even numbers.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
14 answers
I am a bachelor's student in mathematics.
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Dear Amirali
You can try this also.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
12 answers
I have a fairly large matrix (250*250) in symbolic form in MATLAB. Matrix is square invertible with size multiple of 2. I have to calculate the first two elements of the first two rows of its inverse (i.e. first 2x2 block). Matrix is very large and in symbolic form ,so, Matlab is not able to calculate the whole inverse due to time limitations. I have tried guassian elimination, LU factorization, block wise inverse technique. I have also tried the simple method of cofactors and determinent. In all the cases the problem is the same: very long time in the range of hours. Can anyone suggest some technique?
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Hi, perhaps another solution is to solve two linear systems of the form A.x=b where b is set to (1,0,0...0) and (0,1,0,0....0) respectively, just to obtain the first two columns of the inverse of A.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
2 answers
We fix a number field K=Q(a) of degree 4 that is a CM-field. For an order O, if I(O) is the monoid of fractional ideals of O and P(O) is the subgroup of principal fractional ideals, we define the Ideal Class Monoid ICM(O) as the quotient I(O)/P(O).
Given two orders O\subset O', I define the ratio r(O,O')=#ICM(O')/#ICM(O).
Set R=Z[a,\bar{a}], where \bar{a} is the complex conjugate of a, and R'=R[S(a)/p], where S is a polynomia with integer coefficients and p a prime number.
I am interested about the value of r(R,R'), or if we have some inequality as for example r(R,R')=<1/p. Do you have some ideas?
Obs: there is a bijection between ICM(Z[a]) and the conjugacy classes of matrices M_4(Z) with characteristic polynomial the minimal polynomial of a, but I dont know how that can be useful.
Thanks in advance.
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There is a paper by Bushnell and Reiner on zeta functions of orders which you may find of interest.  You can find a free copy at:
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
3 answers
Is there an algorithm to find the Lengths of period of continued fraction sqrt((an)^2+4a)) whith a,n are odd integer.And can we find the continued fraction of the previous number.
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If a<0 then the period is apparently 12.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
5 answers
is ther any solution of the diophantine equation :
 x^2-((a*n)^2+4*a)*(y^2) =4*m,-4*m
more spesific : is it true that the equation have integer solution then m>a ?
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class number  " h" :is the order of Ideal class group.
Ideal class group :In Z[sqrt(n)] the fractional ideal F is a group ,and the principal ideal P is a subgroup in it so we can take the quotient F/P.
real quadratic field: an extension of the rationals Q by the root of an irreducible quadratic equation over the rationals Q(sqrt((an)2+4a)).
the equation is :   x2- ((an)2+4a)y2 = 4m [or -4m]  with  :  a: odd integer ,n : odd integer.
m: integer .
the relation of "class number" and "real quadratic field" with the integer problem eich i put in question is: " h=2" then the equation represent a norm of ideal so we have an integer solution . now if I know when the equation have an integer solution i can determine the real quadratic fields
the solution wich i need "or wich I need the condition for exist it or not exist "should be (x,y) with " y" don't equal zero.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
10 answers
I have solved many quadratic,cubic, biquadratic, quintic, sextic, heptic and mth degree diophantine equations. I wish to know about the applications  in real life as well as in other fields.
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If you look for "applications in real life" of diophantine equations, the first striking example coming to mind is indeed cryptography with « public key » using elliptic curves, as pointed out by Rogier Brussee. An elliptic curve is a plane irreducible projective cubic. It is miraculously endowed with a natural abelian group structure : given 2 points P,Q on the curve, a simple geometric construction allows to associate to them a 3rd point, denoted  S = P + Q. Given a point P, the sum of d copies of P is written dP. The so called « discrete log » problem on an elliptic curve consists in finding d when knowing P and dP (see any textbook on the subject). It can be quite difficult depending on the choice of the elliptic curve. The front cover of any recent « biometrical » passport in Europe and in the USA is equipped with a chip which contains detailed information on the owner, encrypted via an elliptic curve. If this is not « real life »…
If you accept to include in « real life » the real world of physics, then there is another striking –  perhaps less well known - application based on diophantine approximation. Instead of defining this subject in a general way, let us consider a few particular cases.Typically, diophantine results come in the form of certain finiteness statements, e.g. that certain equations have only a finite number of rational or integral solutions. Consider for example the diophantine equation x^3 – 2y^3 = n (a given integer). By factorizing the LHS inside the decomposition field of the polynomial X^3 – 2,  one can easily show that any possible solution (x, y) must satisfy C /⎹ y^3 ⎹ >=⎹  (x/y – cubic root 2)⎹  , where C is a constant independent of x and y. The problem is thus reduced to approximating irrational numbers by rationals in a certain way. The celebrated theorem of Thue-Siegel-Roth asserts that for any  algebraic number a of degree >= 2, for any e > 0 , the inequality ⎹  p/q - a⎹  >= 1/ q^{2+e}  must hold, with the exception of finitely many rationals p/q where p, q are integers and q > 0.
This shows readily that our diophantine example above admits only a finite number of solutions. Actually, using diophantine approximation (before Roth’s result), Siegel had shown that any affine curve of positive genus defined over a number field contains only a finite number of integral points. In fact, most of the important known results in diophantine equations are consequences of the TSR theorem (including Faltings’ second proof of the Mordell conjecture). Now, where does the physical world come in ? An unexpected close relationship between diophantine approximation and dynamic systems has been revealed by Siegel (1942). When studying the stability of the solar system, one comes across a problem of « small divisors (denominators) » associated with the near resonance of planetary frequencies, which could result in the divergence of the solution expressed as a series. A little bit more mathematically, the dynamical properties of a rotation of angle alpha on a circle of length L are radically different according as the parameter alpha / L is rational or not : in the first case the orbits are all periodic, in the second, they are all dense. Siegel’s idea was to impose a suitable diophantine inequality on the frequencies to ensure that they are not too close to resonance. For more mathematical details, see e.g. Rodrigo A. Pérez, « A brief but historic article of Siegel », Notices of AMS, 58 (4), 2011, 558-567.  
 Applications to other math. domains have been evoked by Rogier Brussee, especially the « Langlands program », which aims to build bridges between 3 islands : 1) Arithmetic varieties (i.e. diophantine equations) and their L-functions   2) Representations of the absolute  Galois group of Q and their L-functions  3) Representations associated to automorphic forms and their L-functions. Will these fundamental (as opposed to applied) developments one day find their way into the real world ? Without discussing the distinction which you seem to make between the real world and the world of ideas (this would bring us back at least to Plato !), a reasonable attitude could be : fundamental science, especially in math., is primarily concerned with knowledge ; the applicable part of it is small, but  this part plays a prominent role in our control of the physical world ; no searcher or scholar can predict what fundamental discovery could be applied one day, and for what purpose. In these times when money tends to go only to applications, what do you think of this fable : it was in the 19-th century ; « deciders» in various governments had decided to pump money and positions into a big plan of research : how to improve lighting by improving the candle ; then a neglected somebody invented the electric bulb.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
2 answers
A subexponential algorithm for elliptic curves over F2n ?
The main question is whether or not the strategies described in the elliptic curve discrete logarithm can lead to a general subexponential discrete logarithm algorithm for elliptic curves in characteristic 2.
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For small characteristics field like F2^n there are better algorithms quasi-polynomial and so on, much better than the otherwise sub exponential ones (and they do not translate to the general case). A good survey on the state of the art, see:
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
10 answers
If we are in unison inre to the aforementioned ,then the cosmic speed is one-third the speed of light for particles of masses greater than 1kg. Please verify my publications in regard to the same.
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"For the question assumes the consensualist ought to generally agree with the questioner."
Can we be clear: you are not actually asking a question, you are asking for people to agree with you. This is antithetical to the scientific method where models are rigorously tested both by argument and by experiment. If your theory has merit it ought to stand up to a few basic questions. If it can't, it can't ever be anything more than an opinion. If you don't want people to debate your theory with you, you are on the wrong site. Just to be clear.
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6 answers
Please can someone give me a reference on the distribution of Pisot numbers on the real line.
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Communication protocol  with  high  level Scurry  type   supported   distribution  
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
1 answer
In imaginary quadratic fields we have:
* ELL(O_K) : = {elliptic curves E/C with End(E) ∼= O_K}/{isomorphism over C}
∼= {lattices L with End(L) ∼= OK}/{homothety}∼=ideal class group CL(K)
* #CL(K)=#ELL(O_K)
this notation at the papper :A SUMMARY OF THE CM THEORY OF ELLIPTIC CURVES
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As you say, the theory of "complex multiplication" (looking at modular invariants of elliptic curves with CM) solves the problem of determining the maximal abelian extension of an imaginary quadratic field. But as yet no analogous theory is known for real quadratic fields, although class field theory affords  a complete theoretical (but not explicit) description of the abelian extensions of a given number field. You can  take the measure of our ignorance by  listening to the short negative answer given by Serre at the end of his talk on abelian Galois theory at the occasion of Galois' bicentenary (the talk can be found on You Tube, I think).
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8 answers
Since it is difficult to write mathematical formulae please consider the attached file.
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${F_{{5^k}n}}(q) \equiv 0\bmod {[{5^k}]_q}$ is equivalent with ${F_{{5^k}}}(q) \equiv 0\bmod {[{5^k}]_q}$ 
because ${q^{{5^k} + n}} \equiv {q^{{5^k}}}\bmod {[{5^k}]_q}$ and therefore  ${F_{{5^k}(n + 1)}}(q) \equiv {F_{{5^k}n}}(q){F_{{5^k}n + 1}}(q) \equiv 0\bmod {[{5^k}]_q}.$
Therefore it suffices to show that
${F_{{5^k}}}(q) \equiv 0\bmod {[{5^k}]_q}.$
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
3 answers
Factoriangular numbers (denoted by Ftn) are formed by adding corresponding factorials and triangular numbers, that is Ftn = n! + Tn, where Tn is the nth triangular number. The closed form of the exponential generating function of the sequence of factoriangular numbers can be easily derived from the exponential generating functions of n! and of Tn (see the link below). How about the closed form of the ordinary generating function of such sequence?
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Use the Laplace transform
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
1 answer
We define factoriangular numbers as sum of corresponding factorials and triangular numbers, that is, n! + n(n+1)/2, n is a natural number. We listed the first few factoriangular numbers: 2, 5, 12, 34, 135, 741, 5068, 40356, 362925, 3628855, 39916866, 479001678, 6227020891, 87178291305, 1307674368120 and notice that each is either a deficient or an abundant number. Is there any such number that is a perfect number? Or, how can we prove that no factoriangular number is a perfect number?
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It is easy to show that n!+n(n+1)/2 is never an even perfect number. It is known that every even perfect number has form 2p-1(2p-1), where p and 2p-1 are primes. If n!+n(n+1)/2=2p-1(2p-1), then n(n+1)<2p(2p-1), and so n<2p-1. If n is odd then n|(n!+n(n+1)/2), hence n|(2p-1). Since
2p-1 is a prime, we have n=1, but in this case n!+n(n+1)/2 is not a perfect number. If n is even and 2ǁ n, then 2k-1 ǁ (n!+n(n+1)/2), hence
k-1=p-1 and k=p. But 2k≤n<2p, contradiction.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
3 answers
I have been using DLS to characterize my Pt nanoparticles as well as AFM and TEM, my AFM and TEM results match up but the intensity distribution doesn't that's why I'm using the number distribution but I would like to know how does the software do the conversion.
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Thank you for your responses.
Yes I know that DLS will give me a hydrodynamic diameter, however I watch a webinar of the same company (Malvern) explaining how to understand the different distributions (Volume, Number and intensity).
Unfortunately, they explain and they don't go through the calculations on how they do that, the software itself has an algorithm that does the conversion automatically. That's what I want to know, what is the fundamental of the conversion.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
5 answers
Digital root as successive sum of the digit of a positive integer. 
Where does the digital root came from?
Is there bibliography about this history of mathematics?
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Thanks Danny
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
10 answers
Dear searchers,
The set of all algebraic numbers is countable. I wish if someone can help by giving the smallest gap between algebraic numbers in general, or between the conjugates in particular, or if that gap depends on the degree or the wight or the height of the minimal polynomial of them. 
Recall that the conjugates are the roots (zeros) of a minimal polynomial
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According to what is expressed in the previous answers, I think that the smallest gap does not exist because the gap tends to zero when n tends to infinity. 
There is something more interesting and is related with the primes:  which is the lower boundary of P (k + 1) - P (k) being both primes when k tends to infinity?
This is my answer:
Dirichlet, demonstrated that:
For any two positive coprime integers a  and b  , there are infinite primes of the form  a+bm, where  n is a non-negative integer (n=1,2,... ). In other words, there are infinite primes which are congruent to a mod b . The numbers of the form  a+bn is an arithmetic progression.
Actually, Dirichlet checks a result somewhat more interesting than the previous claim, since he demonstrated that:
∑_(p=a mod b) [lnp/p]→∞
Which implies that there are infinite primes p≡a mod b.
H_1:=〖lim⁡inf〗┬(k→∞)⁡(p_(k+1)-p_k )=2
Becasue according with Dirichlet's theorem:
p_(k+1) when k→∞)=[(a+bn when n→∞)] and
p_(k) when k→∞)=[(b+bn when n→∞)]
Then the smallest gap will be a-b=2, since primes.2 are odd.
This solved the conjecture of twin primes. Zhang came to 246 in  2014 by other form.
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12 answers
Is a bracket-preserving map between Lie algebras necessarily Linear? Usually, it is assumed to be linear in advance and the second condition of bracket-preservation males it a Lie homomorphism, by definition.
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The answer is NO. Take the a trivial Lie algebra L, that is just a vector space L (over an arbitrary field) with the product [x,y]=0 for all x,y in L. Let a  f:L-->L a non-linear mapping satisfying f(0)=0.
Then [f(x),f(y)]=0=f(0)=f([x,y]) for all x,y in L. No "aritmetic" helps there.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
2 answers
For the degree 2 or three with the third conjugate positive it is easy.
key words: Pisot number, strong Pisot number, minimal polynomial.
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a strong PV number is a PV number such that the second conjugate µ (for example) is positive < 1 and the remaining conjugates are of the absolute value <µ
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
3 answers
Let a and b be two reals such that -b<a<0<b<1, does a+b+ab always positive?
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Dear Hanifa,
The first answer is NO. Take e.g  a = b = 1/2.
The second is NO, e.g. b = 0.9 , a = - 0.8
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
6 answers
How to find the total number of normal subgroups for symmetric group Sand An and is there any relation between the normal subgroups of two?
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Dear Rafiq, 
As it said by Wiwat and Peter, for n=3 or n ≥5, the alternating group A_n is simple ( there are no normal subgroups) . For n≥5, A_n the only normal subgroup of S_n. You can see the link of wiwat or see the book: Introduction à l'algèbre (K. Kostrikin), you will find all details. For n<5, just use Sylow theorems and with information of S_n and A_n, it is so easy to find them, for example for S_4, you have A_4 and if there is an other normal subgroup, then it will be of order 2 or 4 or 8, because by Sylow theorems, there are 4 subgroups of order 3, in fact you can find them: <(123)>, <(124)>, <(134)>, <(234)>. So  there is no normal subgroup of order 3 in S_4. Now, you have to compute for 2, 4 or 8. Bon courage.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
4 answers
how can i prove the following statement? In other words, how can i prove existence of the following norm?
Let K be any totally disconnected local field. Then there is an integer q=pr, where p is a fixed prime element of K and r is a positive integer, and a norm ∣⋅∣ on K such that for all x∈K we have ∣x∣≥0 and for each x∈K other than 0, we get ∣x∣=qk for some integer k.
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I would like to also recommend chapter 2 ("Global Fields") of the classical book 3Algebraic Number Theory", Cassels & Fhröhlich ed., Acad. Press 1969, which gives a compact and complete account of the subject. Concerning your specific question, see especially §7, p.50
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
5 answers
An infinite-countable set of infinite-tuples of 0 and 1 is countable or uncountable?
The number of 1 is finite for each tuple.
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Let us write the X-tuples as 01000..., 0110100... (those from your Examples) etc. Consider the real numbers w from the interval [0,1] written in the form w= 0.[X-tuple].
Since the number of 1 in an X-tuple is finite, the X-tuple can be considered as a diadic form of a rational number. Therefore, each number w obtained in the described manner is rational.
Conclusion: The considered set of X-tuples is countable.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
2 answers
Since every reduced binary quadratic form with discriminant d corresponds to one class of ideals in the quadratic fields Q(d^(1/2))with d>0 , Is there an effective way to determine all reduced binary quadratic form with discriminant d or at least can we determine the number of reduced binary quadratic form with discriminant d ?
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Look at
1]:Stark,H.M. A complete determination of the complex quadratic ...elds of
class number one.M ich:M ath:J:14(1967); 1 27:
[2]:Birch,J.B.Weber’s Class Invariants.M athematika 16(1969); 283 294:
[3]:Schertz,R."Complex Multiplication",2010.
also, Pilar Bayer work is very interesting
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
1 answer
How can I calculate the radius of convergence of Pulita pi-exponential?
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Dear Mokhfi,
In the following paper, the authors give an explicit algorithm to calculate what you desire. I have only found references, such as the following article, in french. I hope you find it helpful.
Ana Paula 
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
13 answers
I am looking for the properties of Jacobson Radical of modules over noncommutative rings. 
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Thanks a lot.
With best regards
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
2 answers
I want to determine the number of points on E in terms of æ and ß. For example:
For Koblitz curves one can compute this cardinality using a Lucas sequence but I am working in Elliptic curves over F_{2n} (not necessary Koblitz curves) given by the equation Y2 + XY = X3 + æX2 + ß where æ and ß are elements in F_{2n} and Tr(æ) = 1.
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Yes, there is a relation between the order of the group of points, the size of the base field (check Hasse's condition) and the curve coefficients. You can use a point counting algorithm like Schoof-Elkies-Atkin (SEA) to determine the order. This algorithm is usually already implemented in software like Sage or MAGMA.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
17 answers
Does Gaussian include group theory? Are there any limitations?
Relevant answer
Yes. Group theory is very useful in understanding vibrational spectra, as follows:
- Group theory can also help analyze and predict vibrational spectra, both IR and Raman.
Group theory can predict which vibration is IR or Raman active and which is not.
Group theory can predict maximum numbers of active vibrations
Group theory can predict if IR and Raman vibrations will coincide
Group theory can help assign the the measured vibrational spectra, and explain all shoulders and double bands existing in gaseous sample spectra.
Unlike Quantum Theory, Group Theory can not predict positions of the bands. You need to make spectral measurements and then assign them with group theory.  This is a limitation indeed.
Best wishes
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9 answers
In 1850 P.L. Chebyshev and in 1932  P. Erdos proved that [n,2n] interval contains a prime. Bachraoui proved the case k = 2 in 2006. k=3 case proved by Andy Loo in 2011.
From the other hand Legendre’s Conjecture states that for any n, there is a prime in [n2, (n+1)2]. For instance between 132 (=169) and 142 (=196) there are five primes (173, 179, 181, 191, and 193).
This interests me and I formulated two different questions. I hope that  the problems are interesting for someone else
  1. whether there are k and n such that [kn,(k+1)n] contains odd number of primes, while [(k+1)n,(k+2)n] contains even number of primes with interval [(k+2)n,(k+3)n] having odd number of primes?
  2. whether there are A, B and n such that [An,Bn] contains odd number of primes, while [An+1,Bn+1] contains even number of primes and at the same time intervals [(A+1)n, (B+1)n] and [(A+1)n+1, (B+1)n+1] have even and odd number of primes, respectively?
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Recently  Kevin Ford, Ben Green, Sergei Konyagin, James Maynard, and Terence Tao have produced a paper that proves a lower bound for the maximal gap
G(X) := \sup_{p_n, p_{n+1} \leq X} p_{n+1}-p_n
between primes bounded by X of the form
G(X) \geq c \log X \frac{\log \log X \log\log\log\log X}{\log\log\log X}
for some small constant c.
see: and the as always excellent blog post by Terrence Tao
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
12 answers
I have a set of data from my experiment (120 instances with 1458 attributes), but these data is in complex numbers.
How can I represent a complex number into another real number? I found that complex number can be represented by using polar coordinates (r and theta), however what I need is a single number, so that I can further process the data using Weka.
Alternatively, is there any equation that can take 2 numbers and produce a single unique number?
Thank you very much in advance.
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Dear Fajri Pratama
You look before the world mathematical community as the module on the complex plane with impotentny argument (forgive me for sad humour). Dear Fajri Pratama find to yourself the mistress or present to your girl or to the wife a box of chocolate truffles. Only then before you the world of natural and imaginary numbers, the main thing, in this question strong argument will open in all beauty.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
4 answers
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1.As for the post of colleague R.C.Mittal, I guess that the topic starter needs not the basic facts about $p$-adic numbers the colleague addresses him to. I even guess that the topic starter is aware of advanced monographs on $p$-adic analysis like the classical Mahler's monograph "$p$-adic numbers and their functions" ore more recent books by Schikhof "Ultrametric calculus",
by Gouvea "Arithmetic of $p$-adic modular forms", by Gouvea "$p$-adic numbers", by Vladimirov et. al. "$p$-adic mathematical physics", several books of Khrennikov on applications of the $p$-adic theory to various disciplines, etc., etc. There are numerous books and numerous papers on the subject, but I guess that the topic starter needs something more definite. My two cents follows.
2. The most known continuous mapping of $p$-adic numbers into reals is the Monna map which is defined as follows: Represent a $p$-adic number $z$ in a canonical form (this representation is unique) $z=\sum_{i=-k}^\infty\alpha_ip^i$ where $k$ is a non-negative (real) integer, $\alpha_i\in\{0,1,\ldots,p-1\}$. The Monna map puts into the correspondence to $z$ the real number $mon(z)=\sum_{i=-k}^\infty\alpha_ip^{-i-1}$. It is clear that the most interesting part is the action of the Monna map on the $p$-adic integers which are represented as $\sum_{i=0}^\infty\alpha_ip^i$: Contrasting to real numbers, the "fractional part" of a $p$-adic number always has a finite canonical representation while the "integral part" not. So further i will speak only of mappings of the space of $p$-adic integers $\mathbb Z_p$ into reals. The space $\mathbb Z_p$ is a unit ball w.r.t. $p$-adic metric and is a sort of analog of a real unit interval. The Monna mapping $mon$ is a continuos mapping of $\mathbb Z_p$ into $[0,1]$ w.r.t the $p$-adic metric on $\mathbb Z_p$ and standard real metric on $[0,1]$. Moreover, $mon$ is a measure-preserving mapping w.r.t the probability Haar measure on $\mathbb Z_p$ and Lebesgue measure on $[0,1]$.
3. The  idea of the construction the Monna map is based on can be extended as follows: Take a real number $\beta>1$ such that the integral part of $\beta$ is $p-1$ and to every $p$-adic integer $z=\sum_{i=0}^\infty\alpha_ip^i$ put into the correspondence the real number $\sum_{i=0}^\infty\alpha_i\alpha_i\beta^{-i-1}$. In this case we deal with the so-called $\beta$-representations which were introduced by Parry and Renyi and now are rather popular research area, see. e.g. numerous papers of Frougny, Sakarovitch, Nikita Sidorov, and many others (too long to list all of them, sorry).
4. There are numerous generalizations for the case when $\beta$ is negative or even a complex number, and they are also related to real (or complex) representations of infinite words that correspond to $p$-adic numbers and have tight relations to automata theory, cf. e.g. the monograph by Lothaire "Algebraic combinatorics on words". The basic idea is that to a $p$-adic integer $z=\sum_{i=0}^\infty\alpha_ip^i$ there corresponds a (left-) infinite word $\ldots\alpha_2\alpha_1\alpha_0$ over a $p$-symbol alphabet; the word may be treated as a representation of a real number in some radix system (e.g., as a $\beta$-representation) and then one can study what reals (or sets of reals) obtained this way can be recognized by finite automata, or transformed by automata, etc, c.f., e.g., the monograph by Allouche and Shallitt "Automatic sequences". From this point of view, real representations of $p$-adic numbers give some information of behavior of automata and of the corresponding discrete dynamical system.
5. As automata map infinite words to infinite words, the automata mappings can be considered as mappings of $p$-adic integers to $p$-adic integers: Actually every automaton mapping is a continuous (w.r.t. the $p$-adic metric) function defined on the space of $p$-adic integers $\mathbb Z_p$ and valuated in $\mathbb Z_p$. Moreover, this mapping is 1-Lipschitz (=satisfies the Lipschtz condition with a constant 1) w.r.t. the $p$-adic metric and vice versa, every 1-Lipschitz mapping $\mathbb Z_p\to\mathbb Z_p$ can be performed by an automaton. From this view, real representations of $p$-adic numbers can visualize the automaton mapping (or the evolution of a discrete dynamical system). But being used for such a visualization, both the Monna map and $\beta$-representations can only give an information about short-time behavior of a system since they put the earliest inputted/outputted symbols to most significant positions in real representations. To study long-term behavior we need maps that act somehow in inverse direction. These "maps" are not maps in a strict sense of the word since put into the correspondence to a single $p$-adic integer some set (maybe, even infinite) of real numbers rather than a single number but these "mappings" can also be judged as 'continuous representations' in some meaning.
6. Namely, given a $p$-adic integer $z=\sum_{i=0}^\infty\alpha_ip^i$ we put into the correspondence to $z$ the set of all accumulation points of the sequence $p^{-k}\sum_{i=0}^{k-1}\alpha_ip^i$, $i=0,1,ldots$. From this view, the dynamics of an automaton map (or of a discrete system) can be represented as a real dynamics on the unit real square or, which is more natural, on the 2-dimensional torus. The representations of this can discover import ant peculiarities in discrete dynamics and are now under research, see e.g.
the monograph by Anashin (me) and Khrennikov "Applied algebraic dynamics" (deGryuter, 2009) and my papers on the theme, e.g. "The non-Archimedean theory of discrete systems" Math. Comp. Sci. 2012 (the paper can be found here on ReserchGate or in
I am not sure that all these things are really that ones the topic starter is interested in but at least they are related to the question under the discussion. Sorry for the lengthy text, but I tried to be as concrete as possible.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
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Is there any closed form expression for the infinite sum $\sum_{n \geq 0}q^{n(n+1)/2}(1+q)(1+q^2)\cdots(1+q^n)u^n$ where both $q$ and $n$ are variables and $n \in N \cup {0}$?
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I am not sure whether a closed-form expression for your sum can be found, as this sum appears to be a special case of q-hypergeometric function, see e.g. the link below.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
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I am looking for a reference giving the decomposition of a prime p in the maximal real subfield of a cyclotomic number field Q(zeta_m). Something along these lines: If p is a prime not dividing m, then let f be the smallest positive integer such that p to the f is congruent to 1 or -1 modulo m. Write f.g=phi(m)/2. Then (p) splits into g different prime ideals of norm f (plus what happens if p divides m).
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Dear Pieter,
I think you can find your answer in the book of Daniel A. Marcus, "Number Fields", Springer Universitex, 19977, chapter 4, exercise 12, p.118 (see also ex. 14)
Best, T. NQD
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I´m currently working on my master's degree thesis and I would like to know some interesting topics on this subject.
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Here is an old paper of mine that studies Gauss sums over finite rings rather than fields
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
2 answers
Is this true or false?
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Thanks Jeremy
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
39 answers
What is the method to decide if a given number (integer) is going to have an integer square-root or not (without actually computing the square-root)?
For example, assume I have a method M that does this. Then it should behave like below:
M(16) should return true (since sq-root(16)==4 which is integer)
M(17) should return false (since sq-root(17) is not an integer)
and M should not actually compute the square-root to decide this.
Any literature or info of this?
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There are 3 main solutions to this problem.
1. Simple to implement is binary search (as already mentioned). Given a pair of values (L,U) such that L^2 < n < U^2 (where n is the number to be tested), we compute ((L+U)/2)^2 and deduce that the solution is contained in an interval of half size. This is polynomial-time (unlike some of the other solutions already stated).
2. Optimal complexity is to use Newton interation. See Chapter 9 of the book by von zur Gathen and Gerhard. In particular, Section 9.5 talks of a 3-adic Newton iteration to compute integer square roots. This leads to a running time of O( M(n)) = O( \log(n) \log\log(n) \log\log\log(n)) the same as integer multiplication. But this is harder to implement.
3. A Monte-Carlo method is to reduce n modulo small primes p and compute the Legendre symbol (n/p) (which will always be 0 or 1 if n is an integer square). One would expect to test around log(n) primes to have good confidence that n is a square. I do not know a reference for a theoretical analysis of this algorithm.
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I am looking for a complete reference on introduction and basic definitions on Selmer group and Shafarevich-Tate group. Any suggestions would be welcomed.
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Thank you Andrej.
I have seen all these books, but they focused on the elliptic curves. I am looking for a reference which deals with Abelian varieties in general. It doesn't seem as there is any book on that.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
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P ≡ 1 (mod 48),
2^(p-1)/4 ≡ −1 (mod p), and
6^(p-1)/4 ≡ 1 (mod p).
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Humm the best person to answer this question is Pieter Moree : he is on this site.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
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I need to know if there is such that relation in the case of real quadratic fields.
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There is a notion of (divisor) class group 'Cl(X) ' associated to algebraic varieties X--affine and projective. (I will define this notion below for elliptic curves which are projective.). Now, if A is a Dedekind domain, (e.g. the ring of integers in a number field F (where F could be a quadratic field you are interested in) Cl(Spec(A)) coincides with the ideal class group of A as defined in Algebraic Number Theory. So, this gives you the connection between affine varieties and ideal class group. (Spec A is affine.)
I will now define Cl(X) for an elliptic curve X. . A divisor D of X is a linear combination of points x_i with coefficients k_i in Z(the integers).. The degree of D (deg D) is the sum of the k_i's. The divisors of X form a group Div(X)--the free Abelian group (Z-module) generated by the x_i's . A principal divisor is a divisor D such that the degree of D = 0.The principal divisors (P(X)) form a subgroup of Div (X) and the quotient group Div(X)/P(X) is denoted by Cl(X). Now, there is homomorphism deg: Cl(X) --> Z whose kernel is denoted by Cl^o(X). Cl^o(X) has the following interesting property:
There is a one-one correspondence between the points of x and the elements of the group Cl^o(X). Moreover by using this one-one correspondence, one can transfer the group law from Cl^o(X) to X itself.
Elliptic curves is a very active area of research probably because the curves have various deep ramifications. For example, an elliptic curve is an Abelian variety of dimension 1 i.e an irreducible projective algebraic group; it is also a curve of genus 1. etc.
for further information you may look at the following books:
1) Basic Algebraic Geometry--Varieties in Projective spaces by I. R. Shavarevich.
2) Algebraic Geometry-- R. Hartshorne. Springer-Verlag.
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
5 answers
I had began by examining multiplication modulo n with n being a primorial. The idea was to find a tool to study the differences between prime numbers. To my surprise I found I could prove the twin prime conjecture and even see how to generalize it further. This is because I could show there exists a linerar algebra of Euler products that can count gap patterns in each set. I found why the Hardy Littlewood constant needs to be multiplied by 2 and I found better, more natural formulas for gap pairs. In fact I can now describe all gap behaviors from 2-28 exactly.
The next step, the subtle step, was I needed to extend the PNT. I have to assume a single concept, the PNT operates everywhere with the log at P being the mean of a set and for each P there is a new set of possibilities and a new mean. But it must be random everywhere with a local mean.
From there RH just "fell out", and the result is more surprising than expected. In fact it took me a few months to reconcile Von Koch's famous "if RH than proof" because the answer was somewhat tighter than he found. I show by construction the worst possible error between the log integral and the prime counting function at any x is strictly less than the log integral at root x. That is, the actual worst error is (ln(P))^-3/2 smaller than Von Koch's ln(P) root (P).
It's 30 pages of what I hope is some of the most interesting math you'll read this week.
I'm confident it's correct because the paper is not a proof per se but a framework that proves many conjectures, not just RH. Also, over the last 2 years I have about 30 different programs I wrote amounting to about 100k lines of code that all support this work. I hope every idea has been tested at least a few different ways.
So I ask the local community here to please look at my paper or watch the presentation and if possible find the mistakes or validate the ideas.
This is also actually a test of crowd sourcing as I submitted the paper for peer review 24h ago. How fast can this crowd settle the validity of the paper against 3 editors. The editors promise an answer in 12 weeks, can RG crowd sourcing improve on this?
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Yup Patrick Sole......absolutely....I just shared this paper as it seems to be interesting....
  • asked a question related to Algebraic Number Theory
4 answers
My question is: Is this paper published in a journal?
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If it is correct, Inventiones or Annals would have been better choices...