Science topics: MathematicsAlgebra
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Algebra - Science topic

For discussion on linear algebra, vector spaces, groups, rings and other algebraic structures.
Questions related to Algebra
  • asked a question related to Algebra
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Here is a copo or a reticle upper right in álgebra familia
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I think is a nre discovering
  • asked a question related to Algebra
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Is it at all possible to study the class of generalized Kerr-Schild (GKS) spacetimes in dimensions n≥3 and analyze their geometric and algebraic properties in a completely theory-independent setting.??
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I address only the question "Can Space--times Exist in arbitrary Dimensions?" The short answer is yes, why not? The spacetime (which does not distinguish between time and space) underlying our world, characterised by time plus three-dimensional space, can be modeled with an algebra (spacetime algebra, STA) over a real 4D Minkowski vector space with signature (1,3). The even sub-algebra of this STA is associated with our world of a 3D space plus time. Time and space as we perceive them are obtained from the 4D algebra by means of a (purely algebraic) space-tme split. In a world of arbitrary spatial dimensions, n, the spacetime has signature (1,n) and (n+1) dimensions. For more detail, see the paper by David Hestenes: Spacetime Physics with Geometric Algebra, Am. J. Phys, 71 (6), June 2003.
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We assume that the overly complex Einstein tensor algebra of general relativity theory can be successfully replaced by the statistical chains of the transition matrix B.
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A. Einstein overcomplicated both the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity by assuming too many unnecessary assumptions [1,2].
The author proves Einstein's theory of special relativity without needing the constancy of the speed of light C or the x-t transformations of Lorentz [2].
Concerning Einstein's theory of general relativity formulated in 4x4x4 tensor notation as follows,
R μ𝜐 – ½ R g μ𝜐 + 𝚲 g μ𝜐 = 8 Pi G/c^4 . T μ𝜐 . . .(1)
In normal conventions.
We assume that it is possible to reformulate equation 1 in matrix form (statistical chains of matrix B or any other appropriate matrix formulation).
In other words, find the matrix equation equivalent to equation 1 without needing the curvature tensor R or the cosmological tensor 𝚲 [1].
This is the subject of the following response.
It is worth mentioning that the purpose of this question is not to neglect Einstein's great achievements in theoretical physics such as the photoelectric effect equation, the laser equation, etc. but only to discuss and explain the main aspects and defects of his theory of relativity, where applicable.
To be continued.
1- 101 authors against Einstein, ResearchGate, IJISRT journal, December 2024.
2-A rigorous reformulation of Einstein's derivation of the theory of special relativity, ResearchGate, IJISRT journal, February 2022.
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# 175
Dear He Huang, Shary Heuninckx, Cathy Macharis
I read your paper:
20 years review of the multi actor multi criteria analysis (MAMCA) framework: a proposition of a systematic guideline
My comments:
1- In the abstract you say “emergence of stakeholder-based multi-criteria group decision making (MCGDM) frameworks. However, traditional MCGDM frequently overlooks the interactions and trade-offs among different actors and criteria
I completely agree with this possibly most important feature in MCDM, as is interaction, that 99% of methods ignore. They prefer to work as if criteria were independent entities and then, adding up results. MCDM does not work with the concept that the result is A U B or sum, when it should be A ∩ B or intersection.
I have been claiming this for years in RG, and yours is the first paper I read that addresses it
Your paper also addresses the very important issue that the stakeholder who decide the alternatives, projects or options as well as the criteria they are subject to.
2- Page 2 “it is necessary to involve more than one decision maker (DM) to appraise the possible alternatives in the interest of, for example, diverse perspectives, increased acceptance of decision, and reduced bias
In my opinion, the DM, in the first stage of the process, is only an instrument that receives information and demands form the stakeholders, translates them to the decision matrix, and selects the MCDM method.
His most Important function is to analyze the result, make corrections as per his/her know-how and expertise., and recommend the solution to the stakeholders. They are the decision-makers.
3- Page 2 “. The stakeholders can be defined as individuals or interest groups that have vested interests in the outcome of a particular issue or the decision being considered (Freeman et al. 2010).”
Absolutely correct, because each one is responsible for an area of the project. This is the people that know what is needed or wished, and you also emphasise it.
4- Page 3 “The original objective of MAMCA is to help actors understand the preferences and priorities of all relevant stakeholders, and to identify and evaluate different alternative solutions for which a consensus can be reached (Macharis & Bernardini, 2015). It is a decision-support framework with ’stakeholder involvement’ as a keyword”.
5- In my opinion, the word ‘preferences’ should be banned in MCDM. Normally, a stakeholder does not have preferences. A production manager does not have preference to fabricate a product A or product B, or on the importance of each product; he follows instructions on a plan that has been decided at the highest levels. It is absurd to think for instance that rejects are 3 times more important than quality, when this comes from a person that possibly does not have the faintest idea on production. The stakeholder has a production plan and has to comply with it.
In my opinion, and after reading hundreds of papers I realized that many authors have only a theoretical vision of the problem and ignore the reality, and try to solve a problem that is only in papers.
Another for me inappropriate word is “consensus”. IN MCDM consensus is a weird word, because most of the time there is a fight among the different stakeholders and components, where some must give and others receive.
In 1974 Zeleny defined the MCDM problem as a ‘compromise’, a balance between all parts, and that is only possible using a MCDM method, that is, it is the method which for example, must decrease a production goal to satisfy another goal as is the financial objective of a return of say 6 %. It is impossible for a human being to consider all the hundreds of interactions necessary to reach a balanced solution.
The MCDM knows nothing about consensus, but knows how to find an equilibrium or balance for the whole system
6- Page 4 “The most relevant criteria are selected for every stakeholder and weights are elicited that reflect their importance”
I am afraid I don’t concur on weights. Weights are useful to quantify the relative importance of criteria, using either subjective or objective procedures.
In the first kind, they are useless in MCDM, while in the second kind they are very useful. In countless publications as in yours, it is said that there is fundamental in MCDM. This is an intuitive concept without any mathematical support.
I however agree that in general, in most projects, criteria have different importance, no doubt about it, and that the experience of the DM is valuable, and it must be incorporated in the MCDM process, but at the right time and in the proper mode.
Just think that criteria are linear equations and as that, subject to the laws of lineal algebra.
Linear equations can be graphically represented as straight lines in a x-y graphic, and have different slopes that depend on their two values.
When you apply a weight to a criterion it multiplies each value within it. This provokes that a criterion line displaces parallel to itself, but the distances between values are preserved. When this is done for other criteria, that are multiplied by different weight values, the respective lines displace parallel to themselves, because in each one the distance between values is the same.
What is not the same is the existing distance between two criteria, because they depend on the different weight values. As can be seen, there is nothing in these weights that are used to evaluate alternatives.
It is different with entropy, where each criterion obtains an entropic value that quantitatively informs the degree of dispersion between the values. It is precisely this property what makes them useful, because a criterion with high entropy denote a closeness of the criterion distances between values.
The complement to 1 indicates the amount of information each criterion has to evaluate alternatives, that is, the Shannon Theorem.
Therefore, weights only show the geometrical displacement of a whole criterion, while entropy shows the discrimination of values withing each criterion.
7- Page 4 “Different MCDM methods can be used, like for example analytic hierarchy process (AHP)”
You are contradicting yourself when at the beginning you talk about interaction and now, you mention using AHP where interaction is not allowed (Saaty dixit, not me)
8- “A primary difference lies in MAMCA’s high regard for stakeholder autonomy; stakeholders are empowered to introduce criteria that reflect their interests and to evaluate alternatives based on personal preferences”
9- I agree excerpt in the word ‘preferences’
I do not know you, but I have worked in project management and in several countries, in large hydro, mining, oil, paper, and metallurgical projects, assisting at many meetings and I do not remember that somebody was asking or expressing preferences.
We were the stakeholdersand as other fellows, I was just following the direction from the highest levels. Of course, they were open discussions and everybody was free to express his opinions. Nobody was saying that “my preferences are…..”
Where the scholars in MCDM got that preference word? We expressed the needs in our own departments, and our opinions, discusssd with other colleagues, usually the financial guy, about what we need and explain why, and usually it was the project manager who closed the discussion trlough his own opinion
This is how the real world works, not with classroom examples. From there the DM must consider without discussion what each manager said, and put it in a matrix format. Normally the DM has no authority to decide if criterion environment is less or more important than criterion transportation. A DM is a specialist in decision making, involving, mathematics, knowledge, and experience on other projects, similar or not,something than in general is unknown to stakeholders. Thus, each one must operate in his own field: the stakeholders provide information and needs, and the DM process that, analyzes the result, modify it if necessary, and submit it to stakeholders.
Imagine that if in his/her presentation, the DM is interrupted by a stakeholder, asking for the origin of data in the matrix, and the DM responds that come from pair-wise comparison and thus, involving intuition. What do you think would be the reaction of the stakeholder other than incredulity on what he is hearing? I certainly know what would be mine
These are some of my comments. Hope they can be of service
Nolberto Munier
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Let's dive deeper into the **Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA)** framework, focusing on its systematic guideline and applications over the past 20 years.
### Systematic Guideline for MAMCA
1. **Stakeholder Identification**:
- **Purpose**: Identify all relevant stakeholders who have an interest or are affected by the decision.
- **Methods**: Use stakeholder analysis tools like stakeholder maps, influence-interest matrices, and interviews.
2. **Criteria Development**:
- **Purpose**: Define criteria that reflect stakeholders' values and objectives.
- **Methods**: Engage stakeholders through workshops, focus groups, and surveys to develop a comprehensive list of criteria.
3. **Criteria Weighting**:
- **Purpose**: Assign weights to the criteria based on their importance to different stakeholders.
- **Methods**: Use techniques like the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), pairwise comparison, and Delphi method to gather weightings.
4. **Alternative Generation**:
- **Purpose**: Develop a set of possible alternatives or options to be evaluated.
- **Methods**: Conduct brainstorming sessions, literature reviews, and expert consultations to generate viable alternatives.
5. **Impact Assessment**:
- **Purpose**: Evaluate the performance of each alternative against the criteria.
- **Methods**: Use multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques, such as cost-benefit analysis, life cycle assessment, and scenario analysis.
6. **Aggregation of Results**:
- **Purpose**: Combine the weighted criteria scores to derive an overall ranking of alternatives.
- **Methods**: Apply methods like weighted sum models, outranking techniques, and fuzzy logic.
7. **Results Communication**:
- **Purpose**: Present the findings to stakeholders in a clear and understandable manner.
- **Methods**: Use visual tools like charts, graphs, and decision matrices to communicate results effectively.
### Applications of MAMCA
MAMCA has been widely applied in various fields, including:
1. **Transport Planning**: Assessing and comparing transport policies and infrastructure projects by involving multiple stakeholders.
2. **Urban Development**: Evaluating urban regeneration projects, taking into account the preferences of local communities, businesses, and government bodies.
3. **Environmental Management**: Analyzing the impact of environmental policies and initiatives by considering ecological, social, and economic criteria.
4. **Energy Sector**: Comparing renewable energy projects, such as wind farms or solar plants, by involving stakeholders like local residents, investors, and environmental groups.
5. **Healthcare**: Assessing healthcare policies and technologies, considering the views of patients, healthcare providers, and policymakers.
### Future Research Directions
The review suggests potential areas for further development and research in the MAMCA framework:
- **Integration of New Methodologies**: Incorporating emerging decision-making and analysis techniques to enhance the robustness of MAMCA.
- **Stakeholder Engagement**: Developing better methods for stakeholder engagement and consensus building.
- **Tool Development**: Creating software tools to automate and facilitate the MAMCA process.
- **Case Studies**: Conducting more case studies in diverse fields to validate and refine the framework.
These systematic guidelines and applications highlight the versatility and effectiveness of the MAMCA framework in addressing complex multi-criteria decision-making problems involving multiple stakeholders.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
4 answers
Hello everyone, I am a grad student currently taking a course on research and evaluation in education. I would like to know your thoughts on research vs evaluation. Do you feel there is distinguishing characteristics between or do you feel the overlap? Is there one that your prefer? As a high school algebra teacher, I do believe evaluation has the biggest influence in education especially when I do formal and summative assessments with my students. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to answer my question and I look forward to hearing back from you.
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Dear Saily Valadez, you raise an important, but not entirely simple question.
The distinction between 'research' and 'evaluation' lies in their objectives, methods, and areas of application.
Research aims to generate new knowledge or expand existing knowledge. It is often theory-driven and exploratory, seeking to discover or understand fundamental principles. Research investigates open questions and tests hypotheses to systematically gain new insights. In contrast, evaluation focuses on assessing the value or effectiveness of an existing practice, program, or intervention. It seeks to evaluate outcomes, processes, or structures to determine whether specific goals have been met.
In terms of methods, research employs a wide variety of approaches, including qualitative, quantitative, experimental, and non-experimental methods, often aimed at developing new theories or models. It can be exploratory and is often foundational or applied in nature. Evaluation, on the other hand, tends to use more standardized or pragmatic methods (such as surveys, interviews, or data analysis) to answer specific questions about a project or program. Its goal is to provide measurable results based on concrete criteria or benchmarks.
Regarding areas of application, research is conducted in various fields, such as science, technology, social sciences, and medicine, and is typically long-term and broad in scope. Its primary goal is to contribute to general knowledge, without necessarily aiming for immediate practical application. Evaluation, however, is often carried out in practical fields like education, public administration, healthcare, development aid, or project management. It is more practice-oriented and seeks to provide actionable insights to improve programs or decision-making processes.
In summary, research seeks to uncover new knowledge and theoretical foundations, whereas evaluation assesses existing measures or processes to determine their effectiveness or efficiency.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
3 answers
A number of Python modules exisit for modelling the quantum outputs of quantum optical systems. With only one or two optical components and simple quantum states, system outputs can be calculated by hand. However, when the complexity increases, the benefits of having a Python module to check results or just save time is obvious. With quantum comms, computers and sensors being investigated seriously, the complexity is already high.
The availability of symbolic algebra programs in Python and Octave certainly are valuable for checking algebra, so you could start from scratch yourself to build somethings. However, in the case of quantum optics there are more rules for how things like creation operators and annihilation operators, hamiltonians etc act on states, so building from scratch is far from trivial.
Given a number of Python modules exist for performing this symbolic algebra, would there be any kind of consensus as to which one might be the best and most versatile to use, with the greatest number of users?
many thanks,
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many thanks for your help, i'll investigate both and see how i get on. Neil
  • asked a question related to Algebra
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Is there a supervisor or assistant with whom I can continue learning algebraic number theory from scratch? Is algebraic number theory related to other branches of mathematics?
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Shezali,visit my homepage and come back with questions.
You are welcome. Math is in war with the reform.
Best, Peter
  • asked a question related to Algebra
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As we know irrational numbers are of two type-Transcendental & Algebraic. Here we want to find transcendental numbers between any two algebraic numbers & vice versa?
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I dont think you distinguish those2 only
By looking at them .
Only from the eq they solve, so its
Very tricky to say.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
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A very interesting find related to my journey if He-4 over 10 years and still going on in a sense since 2017 off and on.
Think that so many constraints, 7 known and 3 more discovered, have series of magics going on.
When you project a higher dimension to lower dimension there is a loss of factor of 2.
Like Hemisphere becomes a circle and the area is 2 times circle’s area. For sphere there is a double cover projection. 2 Hemispheres become 1 circle.
When you project a cube it looks like Hexagon in 2D.
In over simplified view of SU(3) I took 3 sides of a corner of 3D cube cut at mid points.
You have in projection an Equilateral Triangle in 2D with 3 diagonals meeting at center.
And the  cube becomes Cuboctahedron and that projected has a bigger hexagon over laid with one small one in 2D. Total 12 points. The CCP packing with highest density covers that.
3D Cube 8 points become 6 points in Hexagon in 2D and 2 in center.
3D  Cuboctahedron has 12 points and they become 2 Hexagons with 2 points in center in 2D Projection. Small Hexagon is made of N pointing Equilateral T above big Hexagonal and S pointing E T.  This is CCP Packing of 12 plus 1 sphere.
Diving deep into Cartan Alegbra, after Lie Algebra, and Roots, in last 6 months, I found to my amazement that all that over simplified intuition was correct! The Cartan A is a semester course needing many revisions. This is more abstract than Tensor Calculus.
There are two kinds of learning - one is taught and another one is like what Rishis did and reflected in Einstein and Bruce Lee. Yes both were Yogis. I do both.
But now I find that the solution to (x^3-2) = 0. It has 3 roots which are part of SU(3) and Hexagon. The first 3 roots are (1,0), (1/2, “3^1/2”/ 2 and (1/2,  -“3^1/2”/ 2). Rest of 3 are with negative signs and reflections of 3 positive Root vectors.
The Cube of volume Size 2 becomes Hexagon with diagonal size of 1!
Galileo tried to unify the Group Theory of Symmetries, which whole Physics is about, with Polynomial Theory.
Think of Polynomial as products of a series of “vector operator minus eigen values” as part of diagonal matrices which form many kinds of algebra such as Lie snd Cartan A and Lie, Weyl, Coxeter, etc. group theory. Coxeter I communicated in 90s and known as the Last Geometrician and his one puzzle I could solve, mentioned in my blog, but forgot. Need to revisit. But I think it is connected here.  🙏
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What He4 ?
Protein or superfluid?
Why some conrete substance connected
To all fancy math.?
  • asked a question related to Algebra
2 answers
Dear Research Community
I would like to invite Elctrical Engineering specialists to solve problems related to Ternary Algebra or tripple sets
I have an algorithm that places in relation three component vector and decimal number (pls see the attachment) Can anyone connect that to the components of a sine such as amplitude period frequency etc.?
Pls see the two attached files that follow
Thank you
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In electrical engineering, the term "ternary" typically refers to systems or circuits that utilize three distinct states or levels instead of the more common binary systems, which use only two states (0 and 1). Ternary systems can be advantageous in certain applications due to their increased information density per signal and potential improvements in energy efficiency and processing speed. Below are some key aspects and applications of ternary systems in electrical engineering:
Ternary Logic Systems
Ternary Logic Gates: Just like binary logic gates, ternary logic gates perform logical operations but with three states (commonly 0, 1, and 2 or -1, 0, and 1). Examples of ternary gates include the ternary inverter, ternary AND, ternary OR, and ternary NOT gates.
Logic Levels: In ternary systems, the three logic levels can be represented by different voltage levels or current levels. For instance, a common representation is -1, 0, and +1, which can correspond to different voltage levels.
Advantages of Ternary Systems
Higher Information Density: Each ternary digit (trit) can represent more information than a binary digit (bit). Specifically, one trit is equivalent to approximately 1.58496 bits.
Potential for Reduced Circuit Complexity: In some cases, ternary logic circuits can be simpler and require fewer components than their binary counterparts.
Energy Efficiency: Ternary systems can potentially reduce power consumption by lowering the number of transitions needed to process the same amount of information.
Applications of Ternary Systems
Digital Signal Processing: Ternary logic can be used in digital signal processors (DSPs) to enhance performance and efficiency.
Memory and Storage Devices: Ternary-based memory systems can store more information in the same physical space compared to binary systems.
Communications: Ternary modulation schemes, such as pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM-3), are used in some communication systems to improve bandwidth efficiency.
Challenges and Considerations
Implementation Complexity: Designing and fabricating ternary circuits can be more complex than binary circuits due to the need for precise control of three distinct states.
Noise Margins: Ternary systems require careful management of noise margins to ensure reliable differentiation between the three logic levels.
Compatibility: Integrating ternary systems with existing binary infrastructure can pose compatibility challenges.
Example: Ternary Inverter
A simple example of a ternary logic circuit is the ternary inverter. In a binary system, an inverter flips the input (0 becomes 1, and 1 becomes 0). In a ternary system, the inverter must handle three states. One possible design could map the inputs and outputs as follows:
- Input 0 → Output 2
- Input 1 → Output 1
- Input 2 → Output 0
Ternary systems in electrical engineering represent a fascinating area of research and development, offering potential benefits in terms of information density, energy efficiency, and circuit complexity. However, practical implementation challenges must be addressed to fully realize the advantages of ternary logic in real-world applications. As technology advances, ternary systems may become more prevalent in various fields of electrical engineering, contributing to more efficient and powerful electronic devices.
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Updated information of my thoughts and activities.
This is meant to be a one-way blog, albeit you can contribute with your recommendations and comments.
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Use (free PDF, also in print) the book QUICKEST CALCULUS with programmed instruction. Integral is immrdiate, just the inverse of differentiation plus a constant.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
3 answers
How to solve an equation of algebraic form in MATLAB?
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Matlab has a very big library that can do that work. It is advised to search for this topic in the library.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
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There has been recent interest in expanding the introduction of data science ideas in K-12 education. How often are these ideas connected to the linear/matrix algebra foundations of the subject?
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Go for algebra 1 from Technion, one of the finest playlist for linear algebra and the prereqs are not so high
  • asked a question related to Algebra
13 answers
I am interested in joining algebra research group for collaboration. I bring a strong background in algebra and a passion for research.
Open to ongoing projects and eager to contribute, I'd appreciate the opportunity to connect and discuss potential collaborations.
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I appreciate your offer! While I am unable to actively contribute, I am really interested in learning more about the research group and the work you are doing in algebra. Feel free to contribute any facts or results that you find especially interesting!
  • asked a question related to Algebra
23 answers
I have a question about integer partitions. I am familiar with 2 algebraic notations (example: (5, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1) as (5^3, 4^1, 3^5, 1^4). I would like to know if there are other notations and if you have any good references to recommend on this topic?
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One can regard the Young diagram as a visual notation for the partition. 'Introduction to Combinatorics' by Slomson has a good elementary chapter on partititions.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
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Is there a connection between fixed point theory and algebric topology
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The Lefschetz (or Lefschetz-Hopf) Fixed-Point Theorem comes to mind.
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12 answers
The strings in matrix B predict this statement.
As a numerical example, the sum of the entire series 0.99 + 0.99^2 + 0.99^3 + . . . . +0.99^N increases to 190 as N goes to infinity.
Additionally, B-matrix chains provide rigorous physical proof.
The question arises whether a pure mathematical proof can also be found?
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Here is a brief response, first to thank our fellow Bulgarian author for his helpful and accurate response and second to shed more light on the question and his search for an answer.
We assume that all mathematicians and physicists know that mathematics is the language of physics, but not all mathematicians and physicists accept that modern physics (classical physics supplemented by the strings of the B matrix) can be the language of mathematics and replace it in some special cases, such as the case of this question.
We now have two similar answers for the same question:
i- The response of modern physics offered by B-matrix statistical physical chains,
the infinite integer series [(1+x)/2]^N is equal to (1+x)/(1-x), ∀x∈[0,1]
ii-The mathematical response of our fellow Bulgarian author which presents almost the same thing as physics.
The question is valid,
Is there a difference between the mathematical answer and the physical answer or are both equivalent?
  • asked a question related to Algebra
35 answers
Since the generally accepted theory of gravity is GRT, one could try to derive it from some algebraic theory. The basic thing in this theory should be the Dirac algebra, in which the Minkowski space is naturally embedded. Thus, we need to find some dynamical algebra that would be locally equivalent to the Dirac algebra. Where does such a Miracle live?
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About algebraic theory of gravity and "the Dirac algebra": the algebra of Dirac gamma matrices is matrix representation of the more general Clifford algebra - see very good review by Stefan Floerchinger "Real Clifford algebras and their spinors for relativistic fermions"
Moreover, statement "the generally accepted theory of gravity is GRT" is not true.
1. Einstein's theory of general relativity is just the simplest version of modern theories of gravity. It is based on the Riemann metric.
2. The next class of more complex theories is based on the Riemann-Cartan metric, in which torsion is present. Weyl was the first to consider such theories.
3. The most general class of theories of gravity is based on the presence of a metric with torsion and affine connection.
- see, for example, review of Mikhail Katanaev "Geometrical methods in mathematical physics " (text in Russian)
There you can also read the basics of differential geometry, the theory of Lie groups, as well as the basics of the theory of spinors - the theory of Clifford algebras. This is the minimum set of mathematics required to discuss modern theories of gravity.
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1 answer
Giuseppe Piano was the first to establish the axioms of vector space, where the group axioms were linked to the axioms proposed regarding the second law, “number multiplication,” with a basic concept of compatibility.
From your cognitive and scientific point of view, can you give an explanation of this compatibility , which is the secret of the composition of this structure ''vector space'', in a way different from the usual explanation ?
Thanks in advance.
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The notion "vector space" simply extends, from a geometrical point of view, the behaviour of vectors in the Euclidean plane. What can we do with vectors in the Euclidean plane? We can add two vectors, having all properties of this addition to can say that a structure of additive group can be identified.
We have also the scalar product of two vectors! But here we have a problem! The scalar product of two vectors in the plane is a real number, not a vector! So such operation is not useful, is not internal! Not compatibility with normal properties of operations on algebraic structures!
But we have also the product of an vector with a real number(called scalar) and this product is a vector too! Good job! Now we have compatibility!
Generalizing, we obtain this new structure, called vector space, which is useful both geometrically and algebraically! This is "the secret", nothing more!
On a set E (of vectors) we have addition and we have multiplication with scalars from fields R or C , obtaining a general structure (VECTOR SPACE) extremely appropriate both for linear algebra and for analysis and its branches (functional analysis, operator theory, ...)
  • asked a question related to Algebra
2 answers
Article Topic: Some Algebraic Inequalitties
I have been collecting some algebraic inequalities, soonly it has been completed and published on Romanian Mathematical Magazine.
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Certainly some exotic collection.
Often inequalities are better
Understood as comming from
Some identity, if you suppress
some always positive or negative
  • asked a question related to Algebra
1 answer
In the study of quantum deformations of Witt and Virasoro algebras, the notion of a Hom-Lie algebra first appeared, so is deformation theory insufficient to justify how algebraic structures such as Lie-algebras, ... are deformed, which requires the intervention of the concept of ''Hom'' to define the concepts that have recently appeared, such as Hom-groups...with reasoning ?
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Of course questions like this continue to be trendy in mathematical physics,
I dont see any central importance in algebra or physics yet. Lie algebra is central in the
non commutivity of operators in QM, and far reaching hard things like indefinitness.
Things like Virasoro algebra stand out as exotic
so far, irrelevant in normal QM.
The essential structure on noncommutivity, Lie algebra, stands on its own.
Its just a natural property, no exterior aide.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
3 answers
Following the findings in the field of deformable algebra, can deformation of an n-dimensional vector space contribute to changing its initial dimension?
How will this contribute to finding the appropriate deformations for infinite-dimensional algebra on the basis that algebra is a vector space with an additional structure, with the hope that this will lead to new physical systems with an infinite number of symmetries, and thus complementarity in the hope of enhancing one of what the theory of strings aspires to ?
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We can say, that the concept of deforming an n-dimensional vector space can indeed change its initial dimension, and this idea extends to exploring deformations in infinite-dimensional algebras, particularly in the context of theoretical physics. These deformations can impact symmetries in physical systems, offering alternative descriptions that may complement the insights from theories like string theory. Overall, studying deformed algebras is an ongoing area of research with the potential to uncover new mathematical structures and enhance our understanding of fundamental physics.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
1 answer
Unbelievable is make believable in the world we connected prime number in matrix algebra form and I change history of math Please see it
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Budee U Zaman , You must also be interested, and in parallel, in non-primes. As I do here with ultimates and non-ultimates.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
8 answers
The leibniz rule reads
D(xy)=xdy +dx y
But a subtraction of two slightly
Different rectangles gives an extra term dx dy.
People have ddbated ever since
Tje smallest positive number doed not exist.
We will fix this with an ideal in algebra
he, with e a nilpotent element ee=0?
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Im rather disturbed with the
Synthetical differential crowd
now that I read.
All their results could easily been drawn
from Lagrange and or Taylor.
This old wine from new bottles...
  • asked a question related to Algebra
1 answer
Methods: interviews w teachers, focus groups, observation) Leaning towards social constructivist, but was told I should probably broaden my search. Help!
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One theory that is often considered relevant for English Language Learners (ELLs) in an Algebra inclusion classroom is the Socio-Cultural Theory. This theory, developed by Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, emphasizes the role of social interaction and cultural context in cognitive development.
From the perspective of ELLs, the Socio-Cultural Theory suggests that positive impacts on their learning in the Algebra inclusion classroom can be achieved through:
1. Collaborative Learning: Encouraging opportunities for ELLs to work together with peers and engage in collaborative activities can promote language development, problem-solving skills, and understanding of mathematical concepts.
2. Scaffolding: Providing appropriate support and guidance to ELLs, such as visual aids, manipulatives, or simplified explanations, can help them grasp complex Algebraic concepts while simultaneously building their English language proficiency.
3. Cultural Relevance: Incorporating culturally relevant examples, contexts, and real-life applications within the Algebra curriculum can increase ELLs' engagement and motivation, as they can connect mathematical concepts to their own experiences and cultural backgrounds.
4. Language Support: Offering explicit language support strategies, such as vocabulary instruction, sentence frames, or explicit instruction in academic language, can help ELLs better comprehend and express mathematical ideas in English.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
10 answers
I am starting a new area of research that is Algebraic topology. Kindly suggest some latest problems and related publications
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  1. "Simplicial Complexes and Homology Spheres" by Jeff Cheeger and Michael Gromov (1985)This article explores the relationship between simplicial complexes and homology spheres, which are important objects in algebraic topology. It introduces key concepts and provides insights into the combinatorial and topological properties of simplicial complexes.
  2. "Cohomology of Groups" by Daniel Quillen (1968)Quillen's article focuses on group cohomology, which is a powerful tool in algebraic topology. It provides an accessible introduction to the subject, presenting the foundations and basic techniques of group cohomology.
  3. "Euler Characteristic of Discrete Groups and Finite Buildings" by Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace and Bruno Duchesne (2012)This article investigates the Euler characteristic of certain classes of discrete groups and finite buildings. It discusses the connection between algebraic topology and group theory, offering a deeper understanding of both fields.
  4. "Singularities of Smooth Maps and the Whitney Conditions" by Hassler Whitney (1936)Whitney's seminal article establishes foundational results in the theory of singularities of smooth maps. It introduces the concept of Whitney conditions and provides insights into the structure of singularities, making it a classic in algebraic topology.
  5. "Homotopy Groups of Spheres" by Michael Hopkins, Alexei A. Ananyevskiy, and Nitu Kitchloo (2021)This recent article examines the homotopy groups of spheres, a fundamental topic in algebraic topology. It presents a comprehensive survey of the state of knowledge about these groups, with a focus on recent developments and open questions.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
3 answers
Dear All,
I am a MSc in Theoretical Physics and I am finishing my master thesis on Algebraic geometry over Lie algebras in Tabriz University . I am searching a PhD position.
If anyone is interested in a PhD student, please feel free to contact me.
Thanks in advance,
Sona Samaei
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Sure dear professor
  • asked a question related to Algebra
2 answers
My name is Sona and I have received my master degree in Lie Algebra from Public University of Tabriz (PUT).
In my master thesis, we have studied the algebraic geometry over Lie algebras. Also, I have passed Advanced algebra , finite group, manifold geometry and Real analysis and received IELTS certificate.
If there is an open position and I will be ready for an in-person interview if it is needed.
Best Regards,
Sona Samaei
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can contact me @
  • asked a question related to Algebra
1 answer
Dear ResearchGate Community,
I am currently conducting research in the field of algebraic geometry, and I am in need of the Magma (computer algebra system) for my analysis. Unfortunately, my university does not have access to this software, and it seems unlikely that it will be made available in the near future.
I would be incredibly grateful if anyone could provide me with a student version of Magma, as it would be crucial for my research progress. If anyone has a copy, I would be very appreciative of your assistance.
Thank you in advance for your help and support in advancing the field of algebraic geometry.
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You can use Magma online for free at:
Computations are limited to 120 seconds, but otherwise it's the full version.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
19 answers
It would be very interesting to obtain a database of responses on this question :
What are the links between Algebra & Number Theory and Physics ?
Therefore, I hope to get your answers and points of view. You can also share documents and titles related to the topic of this question.
I recently read a very interesting preprint by the mathematician and physician Matilde Marcolli : Number Theory in Physics. In this very interesting preprint, she gave several interesting relations between Number Theory and Theoretical physics. You can find this preprint on her profile.
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Hi Michel,
Good question!!!
What about this?
My best wishes....
  • asked a question related to Algebra
3 answers
We know that ideals of a lattice are dual of its filters. Moreover, Heyting Algebra is a special class of lattice. Can we define an ideal of a Heyting Algebra dually to its filter?
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In the context of Heyting algebras, an ideal is a subset of the algebra that is closed under taking lower bounds (infima) and is also closed under implication.
More formally, let H be a Heyting algebra. An ideal of H is a subset I ⊆ H that satisfies the following conditions:
1) For any a, b ∈ I, the infimum (greatest lower bound) a ∧ b is also in I.
2) For any a ∈ I and b ∈ H, if a → b ∈ I, then b ∈ I.
Intuitively, this means that an ideal is a subset of H that contains all the "smaller" elements (i.e., lower bounds) of any pair of elements in the ideal, and that is closed under implication, meaning that if a is "smaller" than b, and a belongs to the ideal, then b should also belong to the ideal.
Ideals are an important concept in Heyting algebras because they generalize the notion of a prime ideal in a Boolean algebra. In a Boolean algebra, a prime ideal is an ideal that is also closed under taking complements.
However, in a Heyting algebra, not all ideals are prime, and the concept of a prime ideal needs to be generalized to reflect the algebra's more general structure.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
43 answers
Some physicists say”everything is quantum”? Why would they say so? And what is the meaning of this sentence? No one doubts that quantum theory is successful. But from this statement it does not follow that everything is quantum! Therefore these physicists are making logically unjustified conclusions. Do they use quantum logic to ascertain conclusions that are only probable?
The essence of the quantum formalism is algebra. A generic algebra, for instance a von Neumann algebra, has a nontrivial center – consisting of those elements that commute with other elements. The elements of this center correspond to what we may call „classical observables”. Algebras with trivial center are special; they are called „factors”. Why should we assume that algebra is governing our world, if there is such has a nontrivial center? What is the basis of such a bold assumption?
It is true that every algebra can be decomposed into factors. It is true that every algebra can be factored by its center. But it is not true that such a quotient contains all the information contained in the original algebra. Some information is lost. Why should we lose information?
Or, in easier terms: wave functions in quantum theory depend on parameters: space, time, and other numbers. These parameters are classical, not quantum. Of course operators of multiplication by functions depending on these parameters belong to the quantum formalism, but not the parameters themselves. Can a theory be constructed that has no classical parameters at all? No space, no time, no structure, no „nothing?” In such a theory nothing would ever be deduced.
If so, why not accept that once the dream of „everything is quantum” is contradictory and self-destructive, why not to start with a more reasonable assumption that not everything is quantum and draw the consequences of such an assumption? If not everything is quantum, the what exactly is it that is not quantum? Space? Time? Group? Homogeneous space? Some geometry that organizes the algebra structure?
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The statement "everything is quantum" is often used as a shorthand to express the idea that quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory that underlies all physical phenomena, including classical mechanics. This idea is based on the observation that classical mechanics can be derived as a limiting case of quantum mechanics when certain conditions are met.
However, as you correctly point out, this statement is not logically justified and is more of a philosophical position than a scientific one. Physicists do not use quantum logic to draw conclusions that are only probable, but rather rely on the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics to make precise and testable predictions.
The assumption that algebra governs our world is based on the success of quantum mechanics in describing a wide range of phenomena, including atomic and subatomic physics, solid-state physics, and even cosmology. The idea that the world is described by algebra is not a new one, as it has been explored in the context of algebraic geometry and algebraic topology. The center of an algebra, which corresponds to classical observables, is a natural mathematical structure that arises in the context of quantum mechanics.
It is true that some information may be lost when an algebra is factored by its center, but this does not necessarily imply that the resulting theory is incomplete or inadequate. Rather, it suggests that the full richness of the algebraic structure may not be captured by the classical observables alone. In fact, the study of noncommutative geometry and operator algebras has shown that many interesting geometric and topological properties can be extracted from the algebraic structure of quantum mechanics.
In category theory, one can describe the relationship between the algebra of quantum mechanics and classical mechanics using the concept of a functor. A functor is a mapping between categories that preserves the structure and relationships between objects and morphisms.
One can define a functor from the category of classical mechanical systems to the category of quantum mechanical systems. This functor maps classical observables, which are represented by real-valued functions on the phase space of a classical system, to self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space, which represent quantum observables.
Furthermore, the functor maps classical phase space points to density matrices on the Hilbert space, which represent quantum states. The functor also preserves the Poisson bracket algebra of classical observables, which is mapped to the commutator algebra of quantum observables.
This functor can be seen as a way of quantizing classical mechanical systems, and it provides a bridge between classical and quantum mechanics. However, it is important to note that this functor is not surjective, meaning that not all quantum systems can be obtained from classical systems in this way.
In summary, category theory provides a framework for understanding the relationship between classical and quantum mechanics in terms of functors between categories.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
2 answers
I noticed that there is a structural similarity between the syntactic operations of Bealer's logic (see my paper "Bealer's Intensional Logic" that I uploaded to Researchgate for my interpretation of these operations) and the notion of non-symmetric operad. However for the correspondence to be complete I need a diagonalisation operation.
Consider an operad P with P(n) the set of functions from the cartesian product X^n to X.
Then I need operations Dij : P(n) -> P(n-1) which identify variables xi and xj.
Has this been considered in the literature ?
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The idea of diagonalization in operad theory has been studied in the literature, although it is typically formulated in terms of "partial compositions" rather than "variable identification" as in your proposed Dij operation.
One approach to diagonalization in operads is to define a "partial composition" operation that takes two elements of an operad P and produces a new element by composing them along a diagonal. More precisely, given elements f ∈ P(m) and g ∈ P(n), we define their diagonal composition f ∘g ∈ P(m+n-1) as follows:
(f ∘g)(x1,...,xm+n-1) = f(x1,...,xi,...,xm,g(i-m+1),...,g(n))
where i is the unique index such that i-m+1 ≤ j < i for all j ∈ {1,...,m+n-1}.
This partial composition operation satisfies some important algebraic properties and has been extensively studied in the context of operad theory. However, it may not be directly applicable to your specific problem of identifying variables in an operad.
Another approach to diagonalization in operad theory involves the use of "modular operads", which are operads that allow for the composition of operations in a non-symmetric fashion. Modular operads provide a powerful framework for studying algebraic structures that arise in geometry, topology, and mathematical physics, and they have been used to study a wide range of phenomena, including Feynman diagrams, string field theory, and knot invariants.
In summary, while the specific operation you propose (Dij : P(n) -> P(n-1)) may not have been studied in the literature, there are related concepts in operad theory that may be useful for your purposes, such as diagonal composition and modular operads. I would recommend exploring these ideas further to see if they can be adapted to your specific problem.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
4 answers
I see the study of Drapeau et al. (2016), The algebra of conditional sets and the concepts of conditional topology and compacness, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. They bring the new concept of 'conditional set' (Definition 2.1):
A conditional set X of a non-empty set X and a complete Boolean algebra A is a collection of objects x|a for x in X and a in A such that
- if x|a = y|b, then a = b;
- if x,y in X and a,b in A with a <= b, then x|b = y|b implies x|a = y|a;
- if (ai) in p(1) and (xi) is a family of elements in X, then there exists exactly one element x in X such that x|ai = xi|ai for all i.
In my naive reading, it seems that the traditional axioms of ZFC set theory fit just fine this definition, e.g. axiom schema of separation is defined on the common properties of set elements, for these 'properties' refer (to me) as the 'conditions' in the Drapeau et al. (2016) study.
The thing is that I could combine a set of 'properties/conditions' and the basic set operations (union, inclusion,...), so to create an algebra of conditions satisfying the usual properties.
Is there something I do not see in the Drapeau et al. (2016) study?
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The concept of a conditional set introduced by Drapeau et al. (2016) is based on the notion of a dependent type in type theory. It is a generalization of the traditional notion of a set in set theory, and it allows for the definition of sets in a more flexible and expressive way.
In traditional set theory, a set is defined as a collection of distinct objects, and it is often denoted using set-builder notation. For example, the set of all even natural numbers can be defined as {n | n is a natural number and n is even}.
In the conditional set theory introduced by Drapeau et al. (2016), a set is defined as a type, and it is often denoted using dependent type notation. The dependent type notation allows for the definition of a set in terms of a condition that the elements of the set must satisfy. For example, the set of all even natural numbers can be defined using dependent type notation as {n : N | n mod 2 = 0}, where N is the type of natural numbers and n mod 2 = 0 is the condition that the elements of the set must satisfy.
Therefore, the definition of a conditional set cannot be reduced to the traditional definition of a set in set theory. However, the two concepts are related, and the traditional notion of a set can be seen as a special case of the more general notion of a dependent type in conditional set theory.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
4 answers
Why do algebraic multiplicity of eigenvalues of skew-symmetric matrix pencils are even?
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See Linear Algebra & its Applications(LAA) vol.438 (2013) p.4625-4653 for the answer. An even stronger result is proved there; not just eigenvalues, but all elementary divisors have even multiplicity, and this is true for skew-symmetric matrix polynomials of any degree, not just pencils. See LAA vol.147 (1991) p.323-371 for an earlier canonical form result for just the pencil case.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
77 answers
That an n degree polynomial CAN always be factored up into n factors containing Complex roots has been shown true, but there are things not explained in the phrase.
Teachers will not usualy explain alternatives.
Say (Z-x)(Z-x) =0 CAN have the solution Z=x, but can also have Z=x+ey where ee=0 is an
nilpotent element.
Just as i can be made real in 2 by 2 matrices, so can e. Just as we use i or -i dupliciously,
without knowing which, we can use e or e(T) , the transpose of e. One can define i=e-e(T)
using ee=0 , e(T) e(T) =0 and e e(T)+e(T)e =I to show ii=-1. Now substitute this everywhere you see i, and the factorization carries out the same.
Defining ww=1, one can also claim w=e +e(T).
Reading attentively the fundamental theorem of algebra, we find the funny phrase that it is not derivable from algebra...well no wonder.
Dont really have a good name for these elements, i plus whatever else there is. The supra real? Hyper real is already occupied by non standard elements. Neither have they seemingly been well studied well beyond quadratic, though they do exist...
This means a gap in knowledge? Or stuborn historical usage?
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Juan, re: TT = T. Yes, my ep operator, ep(x, y) = (y, x) was idempotent under composition: ep o ep = ep. But when treated as a number, ep x ep = 1, as in the split-complexes. My point was Not about ep, but about the resulting system when you added Z to C, where ZxZ= 0. New algebraic ystem < C u {Z} > is no longer a field, and we don't have an alternative Fundamental Theorem in C, but a new theorem in the New system. That's all I am trying to say.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
3 answers
I did not understand from the author how he arrived at these specific equations ?
what is phi^1 ,phi^2 ,...
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Indeed, a step would be missing (at least).
  • asked a question related to Algebra
2 answers
‎Let $A=(a_{ij})\in M_{m \times n}(\mathbb{R_{+}})$ and $B=(b_{ij}) \in M_{n \times l}(\mathbb{R}_{+}).$ The product of $A$ and $B$ in max algebra is denoted by $A\otimes B,$ where $(A\otimes B)_{ij}=\displaystyle\max_{k=1,\ldots,n} a_{ik}b_{kj}.$
A set $\mathcal{X}_{n \times k} \subset ‎M_{n \times k}(\mathbb{R}_{+})$ is defined by‎
‎$$\mathcal{X}_{n \times k}= \{X \in M_{n \times k}(\mathbb{R}_{+})‎: ‎X^{t}\otimes X = I_{k}\}.$$‎
‎It is known that ‎for the case $k = n,$ $\mathcal{X}_{n \times n}$ is ‎equal to $\mathcal{U}_{n},$‎ where $\mathcal{U}_{n}$ is a unitary matrix in max algebra.
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I have the same idea
  • asked a question related to Algebra
8 answers
Irrational numbers are uncomputable with probability one. In that sense, numerical, they do not belong to nature. Animals cannot calculate it, nor humans, nor machines.
But algebra can deal with irrational numbers. Algebra deals with unknowns and indeterminates, exactly.
This would mean that a simple bee or fish can do algebra? No, this means, given the simple expression of their brains, that a higher entity is able to command them to do algebra. The same for humans and machines. We must be able also to do quantum computing, and beyond, also that way.
Thus, no one (animals, humans, extraterrestrials in the NASA search, and machines) is limited by their expressions, and all obey a higher entity, commanding through a network from the top down -- which entity we call God, and Jesus called Father.
This means that God holds all the dice. That also means that we can learn by mimicking nature. Even a wasp can teach us the medicinal properties of a passion fruit flower to lower aggression. Animals, no surprise, can self-medicate, knowing no biology or chemistry.
There is, then, no “personal” sense of algebra. It just is a combination of arithmetic operations.There is no “algebra in my sense” -- there is only one sense, the one mathematical sense that has made sense physically, for ages. I do not feel free to change it, and did not.
But we can reveal new facets of it. In that, we have already revealed several exact algebraic expressions for irrational numbers. Of course, the task is not even enumerable, but it is worth compiling, for the weary traveler. Any suggestions are welcome.
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We need to be optimistic, because that is the lesson from nature. An animal can self-medicate, obeying natural laws in chemistry that are unknown to animals. A tree grows when pruned, so we can see this pandemic as an opportunity. Let's grow, nature is not a zero-sum game!
Irrational numbers and mathematical real-numbers are uncomputable, with probability 1.
But irrational numbers can be calculated exactly in algebra a and that is how animals are able to calculate-- in a network of thoughts.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
58 answers
Our answer is YES. Irrationals, since the ancient Greeks, have had a "murky" reputation. We cannot measure physically any irrational, as one would require infinite precision, and time. One would soon exhaust all the atoms in the universe, and still not be able to count one irrational.
The set of all irrationals does not even have a name, because there seems to be no test that could indicate if a member belongs to the set or not. All we seem to know is it is not a rational number -- but what is it?
The situation is clarified in our book Quickest Calculus, available at lowest price in paper, for class use. See
There, Instead of going into complicated values of elliptic curves, and infinite irrationals, algebra allows us to talk about "x".
No approximating rational numbers need to be used, nor Hurwitz Theorem.
Thus, one can "tame" irrationals by algebra, with 0 (zero) error. For example, we know the value of pi. It is 2×arcsin(1) exactly, and we can calculate it using Hurwitz Theorem, approximately.
GENERALIZATION: Any irrational number is some function f(x), where x belongs to the sets Z, or Q -- well-defined, isolated, and surrounded by a region of "nothingness". The set of all such numbers we call "E", for Exact. It is an infinite set.
What is your qualified opinion?
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Irrational numbers are uncomputable with probability one. In that sense, numerical, they do not belong to nature.
But algebra (this question) can deal with irrational numbers.
Algebra deals with unknowns and indeterminates, exactly.
There is no “personal” sense of algebra. It just is a combination of arithmetic operations.There is no “algebra in my sense” -- there is only one sense, the one mathematical sense that has made sense physically, for ages. I do not feel free to change it, and did not.
But we can reveal new facets of it. In that, we have already revealed several exact algebraic expressions for irrational numbers. Of course, the task is not even enumerable, but it is worth compiling, for the wary traveler. Any suggestions are welcome.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
4 answers
I define the omega-th Cayley-Dickson Algebra as the union of all the finite-dimensional Cayley-Dickson algebras (over the reals).
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Are they not equal?
  • asked a question related to Algebra
15 answers
Let k be a field of characteristic zero and let E=E(x,y) be an element of k[x,y].
Define t_x(E) to be the maximum among 0 and the x-degree of E(x,0).
Similarly, define t_y(E) to be the maximum among 0 and the y-degree of E(0,y).
The following nice result appears in several places:
Let A,B be two elements of k[x,y] having an invertible Jacobian (= their Jacobian is a non-zero scalar); such A,B is called a Jacobian pair.
Assume that the (1,1)-degree of A is >1 and the (1,1)-degree of B is >1.
Then the numbers t_x(A),t_y(A),t_x(B),t_y(B) are all positive.
Question: Is the same result holds in the first Weyl algebra over k, A_1(k)? where instead of the Jacobian we take the commutator.
Of course, we must first define t_x(A),t_y(A),t_x(B),t_y(B) in A_1(k); it seems to me that the same definition holds for A_1(k), or am I missing something? Perhaps it is not possible to consider E(x,0), where E is an element of A_1(k)?
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Thank you Fawaz Raad Jarullah for all the references!
  • asked a question related to Algebra
14 answers
As is well known, camera calibration in photogrammetry and with the use of Bundle Adjustment with self-calibration, the coordinates of the principal points cannot be recovered from parallel images. This situation calls for convergent images to recover the coordinates of the principal point. A common explanation is attributed to the algebraic correlation between the exterior orientation parameters and the calibration parameters. Now the question in other words, Is there is any deep explanation about the nature or the type of this algebraic correlation? Is there is any analytical proof for this correlation? or we have to accept this empirical finding (we need convergent images for camera calibration)
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  • asked a question related to Algebra
17 answers
I am primarily interested in 2-player combinatorial games with perfect information. Useful wiki links are below.
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  • asked a question related to Algebra
5 answers
algebraic geometry
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The projective plane satisfies the following axioms:
A. Any two distinct points are contained in a unique line.
B. Any two distinct lines are intersected in a unique point.
C. There exists four distinct points no three of them are collinear.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
6 answers
How to linearize any of these surface functions (separately) near the origin?
I have attached the statement of the question, both as a screenshot, and as well as a PDF, for your perusal. Thank you.
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It seems the linearization is accomplished by replacing x1, for x1^2. And separately by replacing x2, for x2^2 & x2^4.
In this way, the surface function is linearized about the origin (0,0), it means we can find f1(x1,x2)=a*x1+b*x2, whilst a and b are calculable in terms of the algebraic parameters, k and c.
But my question transforms to another level. How, we can find a compact algebraic expression for f1(x1,x2), and f2(x1,x2), close enough to the origin. This algebraic expression, need NOT be necessarily linear (it could be a nonlinear function).
Question synopsis:
1--How to find another compact analytical expression equivalent to f1(x1,x2), f2(x1,x2)? (with fair accuracy)
2-- Is it possible to find an approximation near the origin (0,0), for f1(x1,x2), f2(x1,x2), as a function of only one of the two variables (either x1, or x2)?
Regarding the second synopsis, I am to cite another ResearchGate question linked below:
However, the gist of the idea in this link is not clear to me.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
16 answers
This paper is a project to build a new function. I will propose a form of this function and I let people help me to develop the idea of this project, and in the same time we will try to applied this function in other sciences as quantum mechanics, probability, electronics …
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Please allow me to follow this question.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
25 answers
I don't need this anymore
Here the text:
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I do not know, but this is different from one place to another!
  • asked a question related to Algebra
3 answers
Do these two algebraic modeling languages for optimization totally similar? Or they have some differences? Any comparison of similarities and differences would be highly appreciated.
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I think totally these two languages are similar In terms of modeling algebraic.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
19 answers
If I wanted to link algebra and topology in order to specialize in algebraic topology (mathematics), what researches would you recommend me to start reading with?
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Thank you so much. Christian Neurohr
  • asked a question related to Algebra
9 answers
Here we discuss about one of the famous unsolved problems in mathematics, the Riemann hypothesis. We construct a vision from a student about this hypothesis, we ask a questions maybe it will give a help for researchers and scientist.
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I put together a solution of the RH myself. While it can't be considered a complete proof while not vetted by experts, it presents various strong arguments and a real breakthrough, which is the inversion formula for Dirichlet series. Given any Dirichlet F(s), you know a(n) from F(s). Unfortunately, it's impossible to have an integral representation for a(n) usually, it's a Taylor power series. Please head to my page for the paper.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
5 answers
Most current methods of NP vs P solution are solved by reduction of one problem to another problem. Is it possible to proof NP vs P using only algebra transformation, e.g. in how we solve quadratic equation using completing the square and prove of Trigonometric Identities?
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That's a very hard problem. Questions of the type you asked are somewhat hopeless.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
4 answers
  • One may define the scalar product in a vector space in terms of vectors. Alternatively, one may first define the space of co-vectors and then define the scalar product in terms of vectors and co-vectors. The first mentioned way is simpler. Then for what reasons do some prominent authors, e.g., Van der Waerden in his "Algebra", choose the second mentioned way?
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Such things are done in order to show advanced readers new connections of concepts and, consequently, branches of mathematics.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
4 answers
In fact I want to express expm(D * M) as a product exponential matrix.
Thanks for your tips
  • asked a question related to Algebra
11 answers
I need some suggestions what are the growing topics in algebraic combinatorics and graph theory for research? Thank you in advance to everyone who will answer.
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(enhanced) power graphs of groups
  • asked a question related to Algebra
4 answers
Hello all researcher,
i have an idea to learn about fuzzy and algebra, how can we deal with algebras in any fuzzy theorem?
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  • asked a question related to Algebra
36 answers
In general in mathematics we work with groups that includ numbers, generally we work with constants.
So for exempel: For any x from R we can choose any element from R we will find it a constant, the same thing for any complex number, for any z from C we will find it a constant.
My question say: Can we find a group or groups that includ variabels not constants for exemple, we named G a group for any x from G we will find an x' it's not a constant it's another variabel ?
and if it exisit can you give me exempels ?
Thank you !
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  • asked a question related to Algebra
21 answers
In 2010, Dr. Khmelnik has found the suitable method of resolving of the Navier-Stokes equations and published his results in a book. In 2021, already the sixth edition of his book was released that is attached to this question for downloading. Here it is worce to mention that the Clay Mathematics Institute has included this problem of resolving of the Navier-Stokes equations in the list of seven important millennium problems. Why the Navier-Stokes equations are very important?
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I finally could check the PDF, Prof. Aleksey Anatolievich Zakharenko
Dr. Khmelnik uses a variational principle to solve the NS equation, which is very powerful indeed.
He also discusses and gives examples & a reason for turbulence.
I know that the solution of NS is a non-linear problem that involves several modes and that it depends on the source.
However, my knowledge of the foundations of NS is very limited to a few linear/non-linear problems on non-equilibrium gas dynamics& MHD solved by the method, Prof. Miguel Hernando Ibanez had.
Thank you for sharing the link. I recovered my account.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
5 answers
I have confirmed that the Hessenberg determinant whose elements are the Bernoulli numbers $B_{2r}$ is negative. See the picture uploaded here. My question is: What is the accurate value of the Hessenberg determinant in the equation (10) in the picture? Can one find a simple formula for the Hessenberg determinant in the equation (10) in the picture? Perhaps it is easy for you, but right now it is difficult for me.
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  • asked a question related to Algebra
19 answers
I have drived a formula of computing a special Hessenberg determinant. See the picture uploaded here. My question is: Can this formula be simplified more concisely, more meaningfully, and more significantly?
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Till now, I do not get the book
J. M. Hoene-Wro\'nski, \emph{Introduction \`a la Philosophie des Math\'ematiques: Et Technie de l'Algorithmie}, Paris, 1811.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
8 answers
What lessons and topics are prerequisites for algebraic number theory and analytic number theory?
Please tell me the exact topic of each lesson.
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It would help if you studied advanced abstract algebra, topology, mathematical analysis besides the introductory courses in general number theory.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
3 answers
More precisely, if the Orlik-Solomon algebras A(A_1) and A(A_2) are isomorphic in such a way that the standard generators in degree 1, associated to the hyperplanes, correspond to each other, does this imply that the corresponding Milnor fibers $F(A_1)$ and $F(A_2)$ have the same Betti numbers ?
When A_1 and A_2 are in C^3 and the corresponding line arrangements in P^2 have only double and triple points, the answer seems to be positive by the results of Papadima and Suciu.
See also Example 6.3 in A. Suciu's survey in Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 62 (2017), 191-215.
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Your question is very interesting,
Regards and the best wishes,
  • asked a question related to Algebra
3 answers
I got to know about Mliclos schweitzer Competition(named after the brilliant Hungarian mind who unfortunately left us in World War-II) .These problems are so lively and motivating,and AOPS contains problems upto its 2020 edition,which means it is still going on.
I wanted to know any website for Mliclos schweitzer competition,2021 or its past editions;and how to enroll to sit for this,And who all are eligible. Kindly respond if you have any information.
Thanks in advance!
P.S. Feel free to have discussion over the commen section regarding this,but I hereby declare this to be closed(notifications) as of now.The suggested book in the comment section is really interesting,and highly reccomended.
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Interesting topic.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
8 answers
The aim of this Conference was more far-reaching than the presentation of the latest scientific results. It consisted of finding connections between this fundamental theoretical branch of mathematics and other fields of mathematics, applied mathematics, and science in general, as well as the introduction of top scientists with paragraded structures, which would lead to the connection and cooperation of scientists working in various fields of abstract algebra and algebraic theory of numbers, ultrametric and p-adic analysis, as well as in graph theory and mathematical logic.
This issue is dedicated to the memory of Professor Marc Krasner, Officier des Palmes de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his death.
All manuscripts of this issue were presented at International Scientific Conference "Graded Structures in Algebra and their Applications" held in Inter University Center, Dubrovnik Croatia, September 22-24, 2016
Contents of Vol. 12, No. 2-Suppl.                                                   DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.2.00
Professor Marc Krasner - photos                                                                                                   DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.01                                                                          
Mirjana Vuković, Remembering Professor Marc Krasner                                                               DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.02
Alain Escassut, Works involving Marc Karsner and French mathematicians                                 DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.03
Emil Ilić-Georgijević, Mirjana Vuković, A note on radicals of paragraded rings                           DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.04                                                                                                                 Emil Ilić-Georgijević, Mirjana Vuković, A note on general radicals of paragraded rings
DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.05
Mirna Džamonja, Paragraded structures inspired by mathematical logic                                       DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.06
Vlastimil Dlab, Towers of semisimple algebras, their graphs and Jones index                               DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.07
Elena Igorevna Bunina, Aleksander Vasilevich Mikhalev, Elementary equivalence of linear groups over graded rings with finite number of central idempotents                                                 DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.08
Nadiya Gubareni, Tensor algebras of bimodules and their representations                                    DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.09                                                                                                               Dušan Pagon, On codimension growth of graded PI-algebras                                                       DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.10
Smiljana Jakšić, Stevan Pilipović, Bojan Prangoski, Spaces of ultradistributions of Beurling type over ℝd+ through Laguerre expansions                                                              DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.11                                                       
Alexei Panchishkin, Graded structures and differential operators on nearly holomorphic and quasimodular forms on classical groups                                                                                           DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.12
Siegfried Böcherer, Quasimodular Siegel modular forms as p-adic modular forms                       DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.13
Alain Escassut, Kamal Boussaf, Abdelbaki Boutabaa, Order, type and cotype of growth for p-adic entire functions                                                                                                                         DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.3.14
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Dear Sajda,
A good conference ... please offer other conferences.
I 'll invite you to the next conference if you can fit in.
All the best for you,
Sincerely Mirjana
  • asked a question related to Algebra
3 answers
1. Functions
2. Matrix algebra & eigenvectors
3. Vector algebra
4. Complex numbers
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Dear Prof. Halim,
It is difficult to categorize papers, but in general you can go for papers dealing with:
Fuzzy sets ( Equivalent to defining membership functions)
Can i put sets (defined through characteristic functions)
In fact, if you go by the latest definition of Mathematics (It is the study of sets, functions and their properties) there are substantial portion of Mathematics dealing with functions only.
Rough sets (Rough membership functions)
Soft sets and its variants (through characteristic function approach and membership function approach)
Matrices are also functions (In fact transformations)
Keeping my above observations in view, can you please be more specific!!
  • asked a question related to Algebra
4 answers
I was wondering is there any
  • model theory of number theory ,hence are there model theorists working in number theory
  • the development of arithmatic geometry ,does it have anything to do with questions in logic;and is there any group studying this interaction.
  • Anyone is welcome and up for collaboration
  • I am interested in finding interaction between algerraic and arithmatic number theory with logic,and to study it to answer logical questions about Arithmatic
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As far as I know, in the entire history of mankind, only two philosophers have seriously dealt with logic, this is Aristotle and Hegel. Of these, only Hegel did mathematics. Nobody else dealt with this problem.
Sincerely, Alexander
  • asked a question related to Algebra
5 answers
Last year (August 2020) I uploaded the algebraic approach to the construction of a regular nonagon DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.26286.95044/1 which in fact was the trisection of an angle of 60 degrees and so the tangent of the angle of 20 degrees was found to be 0.36387622008. Some years ago (2014) I published with IOSR Journal of Mathematics a paper for the trisection of every angle equal or less than 180 degrees the "Angle Trisection by Straighedge and Compass Only". A trisection, done by the intersection of two circumferences. Now, taking for trisection an angle of 60 degrees, for the intersection of the two circumferences we get the system of equations:
x^2 + (y + sqrt27)^2 = 36
(8 - x)^2 + y^2 =49
and the tangent of the angle of 20 degrees to be: y/(3-x) = 0.36345134567644, differing from the one calculated last year with the algebraic approach to the construction of the regular nonagon.
Where do you think that the difference of the two calculations of the same tangent is due?
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Angle trisection is the division of an arbitrary angle into three equal angles. It was one of the three geometric problems of antiquity for which solutions using only compass and straightedge were sought. The problem was algebraically proved impossible by Wantzel (1836).
Weisstein, Eric W. "Angle Trisection." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
  • asked a question related to Algebra
6 answers
We have seen a stability in the supply chains of goods, food in particular, during the current pandemic of Covid19 continue, mostly undisturbed.
It is very reassuring at a time of uncertainty and macro-risks falling onto societies.
How much do we owe to the optimised management and supervision of Container transport, and multimodal support to it with deep sea vessels, harbour feeder vessels, trains and trucks/lorries?
What is the granularity involved? Hub to hub, regional distribution, local delivery?
Do we think that the connectivity models with matrices, modelling the transport connections, the flows per category (passengers, freight, within freight: categories of goods), could benefit from a synthetic model agreggation of a single matrix of set federating what has been so far spread over several separate matrices of numbers?
What do you think?
Below references on container transport, and on matrices of sets
A) Matrices of set
[i] a simple rationale
[ii] use for containers
[iii] tutorial
B) Containers
[1] Generating scenarios for simulation and optimization of container terminal logistics by Sönke Hartmann, 2002
[2] Optimising Container Placement in a Sea Harbour, PhD thesis by by Yachba Khedidja
[3] Impact of integrating the intelligent product concept into the container supply chain platform, PhD thesis by Mohamed Yassine Samiri
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11 answers
  • The Chu-Construction allows to obtain a *-autonomous category from the data of a closed symmetric monoidal category and a dualizing element.
  • The Cayley-Dickson-construction builds an algebra B = A + A with involution from the data of an algebra A with involution *. Applied to the field of real numbers it gives successively the field of complex numbers, then the skew-field of quaternions, then the non-associative algebra of octonions, etc.
Due to closeness of the expressions of multiplication m: B \otimes B -> B for the multiplicative unit B we believe that there is an intimate link between both notions.
Has such a link been described in a reference text ?
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Due to the close Connection between the Chu constuction and the Caley-Dickinson construction, as I found in the question that the two notions are
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