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Agricultural and Food Safety Economics - Science topic

This is a networking group on agricultural and food safety economics.
Questions related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
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Dear Valuable Scientists,
"Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 2nd International Symposium on Political Science and Public Administration" will be held in Tekirdağ on 28-29/November/2024, ONLINE. The theme of the symposium was determined as "Climate Change and Sustainable Future".
We are first of all expecting an Abstract with the format
Then o 10 minutes youtube video presentation
Then we will give you the participation certificate and book of abstracts
And also after the video presentation evaluation we will suggest to invite you to our Scentific Comitee member with the Certificate
The symposium aims to bring together scientists and researchers from different countries from Political Science and Public Administration discipline, to create a platform that will enable them to present their studies, and to share their knowledge and collaborate nationally and internationally. A detailed information about the program is announced on the official website:
About the Symposium
- Peer-reviewed
- Proceedings PDF with ISBN will be published
- Symposium will be held only ONLINE
- No submission fees required.
- Submit your abstracts or full text papers :
Theme of The Symposium
Climate Change and Sustainable Future
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: 1 October 2024
Symposium Date: 25 October 2024
General Topics (not limited to)
· Sustainability
· Climate Change
· Climate Change Politics
· Political Economy
· Circular Economy
· Food Policies
· Gender Studies
· Political Communication
· Urban/Local Politics
· Social Policy
· Urban Planning
· Local Governments
· Urbanization Policy
· Smart Cities
· Sustainable Development
· Political Ecology
· Environmental Management
· Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
· Urban Policy
· E-government
· Disaster Management
· Technology and Innovation Management
· Political philosophy
· History of Political Thought
· International Politics
· Political Sociology
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Revered Professor Dr.Seda H. Bostanci,
I have replied to the Symposium Email.
I am in need of your email ID and WhatsApp Cell phone number for future communications because the duration is very short.
I will facilitate all the Abstracts and Full papers as early as possible Professor.
I need your kind help and support.
Rest will be in your email.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
3 answers
Are you interested in post-harvest loss information?
The Post-Harvest Loss Information System (SIPPOC) database is updated! We have included new post-harvest loss information from different crops, countries, and supply chains.
We invite you to access the SIPPOC platform using the link: For more information about SIPPOC, watch the Consortium for Innovation in Post-Harvest Loss & Food Waste Reduction webinar and check the launch presentation out (
For any question or additional information needed let us know by contacting Fernando Vinícius da Rocha ( and Thiago Guilherme Péra (
We look forward to interacting with you through the SIPPOC platform.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. José Vicente Caixeta Filho, Fernando Vinícius da Rocha, and Thiago Guilherme Péra
Group of Research and Extention in Agroindustrial Logistics (ESALQ-LOG)
University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
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Good initiative.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
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Dear all
at the moment, I do research on improving bio certification process in the future, I would like to ask you filling the short form by the link below as your opinion is very valuable for the public.
Слава Украине! (#Ukrainian flag)
Best wishes,
Yevhen Kononets
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I have filled the form and please share with me the results.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
6 answers
I want to know role of agricultural exhibitions in agricultural development or in farmers empowerment.
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  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
6 answers
As the land availability for conventional farming is decreasing, what percentage of worldwide farming is being done through soilless route (including hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics)?
Any literature highlighting the same will be helpful please.
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Thank you for sharing this question
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
5 answers
Unfortunately, fresh fruits last few days/weeks before being spoiled in the refrigerator.
That spoilage is due to air-borne mold species such as Aspergillus, Cladosporium, botrytis and Penicillium.
How can we identify mold fungal species (apart from microscope) ??
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Best way to identify mold/fungi accurately is by DNA analysis which can be relatively easy to perform using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) techniques. The rRNA/rDNA sequences of fungal samples are commonly amplified using PCR and sent for DNA sequencing. I normally use universal primers such as the ITS1 and ITS4 for identification of fungal samples.
If you are not familiar with PCR techniques, the general guideline is:
1. Isolation of pure fungal sample on a suitable medium
2. Extraction of genomic DNA
3. Performing PCR amplification of sample using the chosen ITS primer
4. Sending PCR products for DNA sequencing
5. DNA sequence obtain can be analysed using online softwares such as BLAST by NCBI
You can refer to this publication for more info:
Hope this helps! All the best!
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
12 answers
I have recently seen an amazing pomegranate. This pomegranate has a black peel.
Do you know black pomegranate? what is its scientific name?
And do you know what differences are there between this pomegranate and other kinds of pomegranate?
I attach a picture of it for your consideration and I hope you know it.
#pomegranate #botany #black_peel #phylogeny #Punica_granatum
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Yes I have in my garden too) !
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
4 answers
Hello Dear Researchers and Professors,
We want to make Khakhara having various fruit flavour. But now as we mix up the fruit powder with the flour it got burnt at the time of roasting and tastes very bad.
So solution is needed for this process, If any other technique or idea is there than please share.
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Thank You@ Marcus Ramdwar
Temperature goes up to 170 degree Celcius while roasting it.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
30 answers
Dear researchers,
What do you think about Roundup herbicide that caused cancer to a gardener who decided to take the chemical giant (Monsanto) to trial??
The jury agreed that Roundup contributed to the cancer and decided then to award 289 million $ to the gardener (2 days ago).
It should be noted that Roundup is used by farmers for over 40 years for more than 100 crops and accounts for 25% of the global herbicide market in 130 countries.
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Dear Dr. Ali Alhayany, Dr. R. K. Sarkar, I agree with your views. Like Dr Amrit Lal Singh noted based on his experience in using Roundup (glyphosate) since 37 years now, I think there is need for an independent studies free from political interference to ascertain the toxicity level of it. If it does causes or stimulate the cause of cancer, maybe the market can be regulated. A total ban may not be given but some form of regulation.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
5 answers
I want to conduct a small survey on the importance of homegarden on food security and improving health states in selected localities in eastern Hararghe Ethiopia.  Can you suggest some study designs for my study? 
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Dear Semu:
 For a first approach to your research interest I recommend you a small purposive sampling strategy and a qualitative research methodology. You must include: 1) an ethnobotanical survey to characterize the ecological context of food gardens (physical characteristics, inventories and maps), 2) in-depth interviews with the household’s primary gardener (preferably in the garden itself), and 3) participant observation during the growing season. Success in your project.
Carmen María Pérez
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
15 answers
Kindly respond to let me out of doubt.
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Dear Hamisu,
FAO defines food security as: "Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life." and you probably know this definition and it is not one indicator but rather a complex story. However the indicator that comes to my mind is the Global Hunger Index (GHI) developed by IFPRI and it combines undernourishment, child wasting, child stunting and child mortality. 
Kind Regards,
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
1 answer
how to discharge the superheated steam after utilization in electricity/power plant ?
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Superheated steam exiting the turbine can be used as process steam such as for superheated steam drying before condensing the steam, which may be a solution to prepare the steam for discharging. Please refer to our below paper if you are interested: Morey, R.V., H. Zheng, N. Kaliyan, and M.V. Pham. 2014. Modelling of superheated steam drying for combined heat and power at a corn ethanol plant using Aspen Plus software. Biosystems Engineering, 119: 80-88.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
11 answers
There is so much fear of food insecurity among developing countries in spite of the fact that most of them are engaged in agriculture.
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Food security (and therefore also food insecurity) itself is a multidimensional issue, which cannot be adequately recorded by a single indicator. Some indicators to measure food security at the national level are: % of rural population (access), consumer price index (access), import dependency ratio (stability), food supply or kcal/capita/day (availability), prevalence of undernourishment (utilization), and unemployment rate (access). But none of these indicators ensure that food reaches everyone; and less if there are no public policies that support the equitable distribution of resources, including food. At the community, household and individual levels (most relevant to public health approaches to food security) are important to consider indicators such as: food resources (type of food stores, food available, food prices, food production, etc.), socioeconomic/demographic characteristics (employment status, income, poverty status, household structure, etc.), coping actions to obtain food, and neighborhood characteristics, among others. All for the purpose of identifying the underlying causes that are critical to good policy developments.
Carmen María Pérez
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
10 answers
I am currently working on the impacts of flooding on food security in an agricultural community. I want to know the methods (if possible equations) that have been used to measure food insecurity as well as vulnerability in other agrarian communities at household level. Thank you.
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The availability and access to food to the family in terms of
a) quantity of food or adequacy
b) quality-nutritional aspect and
c) availability at different time periods
together determine the food security aspect. 
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
3 answers
Give suggestion
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Both of your answer are acceptable
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
17 answers
Hello colleagues
Are there any studies on what drives diet changes in the case of urbanization? Meat and wheat (bread) are up in Dakar and Dar Es Salaam compared with rural areas, but what is the driver? Higher average income? Is the fact that bread is just bought from a shop (most of the time) and does not require any preparation (such as cooking) a factor? What is the situation outside of Africa, e.g. Thailand, India? Is there any reason to suspect that increasing urbanization rates in China (65% projected for China) will be accompanied by an increase of bread consumption?
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  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
2 answers
aflatoxin contaminated food reported as canceriogenic products,andthis but altof constrain in importa and export of agricultural food products.sperggilus fung is the main producer of this toxic proteins, however spergilus density incresed in contaminated un healthy ecological there any relation beteween the density of this micro organisms?as an example in groundnuts farms , what is the role of rizobactor in minimizing or preventing aflatoxin in these ecological areas ?
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could you give more details on itis interaction?
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
1 answer
Comité Académico de Desarrollo Regional
De la Asociación de Universidades del Grupo Montevideo (AUGM).
Buenos Aires, 25 al 27 de agosto 2010
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas-UBA
Sr. Profesor /Investigador:
Por medio de la presente tenemos el agrado de dirigirnos a Ud. a
los efectos de anunciarle que ya se encuentra disponible la pagina web de la VIII Bienal
del Coloquio de Transformaciones Territoriales. A continuación se detalla el link para
poder ingresar a la misma: Desde la misma
puede accederse a toda la información correspondiente a las distintas mesas temáticas
que conforman el coloquio, fechas y plazos de presentación de trabajos, normas
generales y cuestiones referidas a las modos y costos de inscripción.
Mucho agradeceríamos la difusión de la misma en el seno de su
comunidad académica.
Sin otro particular, saludamos a Ud. con atenta consideración.
Lic. Hugo Arrillaga
Comité Académico Desarrollo Regional
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  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
12 answers
I am currently researching food security and agriculture production. I am trying to come up with a experimental research project that about food security and agricultural production, but I am having troubles finding examples that are not related to yield. I would love some suggestions as to how I can bridge the 2 together
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You might want to consider the resilience aspect as already pointed out. You will find a paper by Marina Temudo on the reseearchgate.
You might also want to consider post-harvest losses which are in many cases rather astounding (30-50% in some cases).. They are quite often more easily remedied with much less  cost and environmental impact than an increase in production.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
2 answers
For example, used labour as denominator when we would like to calculate the labour input should be used on the frontier.
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Thank you very much. Your answer is very helpful to make me understand more about TE.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
3 answers
I would like to estimate price transmission of world food prices on domestic food prices in Ghana.
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You may follow "law of one price" approach an measure degree of cointegration of domestic prices in Ghana against world prices.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
10 answers
I actually tried my best to get the standards of WHO and FAO for fish tissue and was unable to find it as I browsed WHO and FAO Websites. I will be very thankful if somebody can help me out.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
1 answer
It rises the question in Austria how such grassland  soil can be decontaminated and can be used again for fodder production, pastures or forage crops.
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I have no data on HCB in grass. In my studies with different poultry types kinetics of HCB were similar to those of DDT and Dieldrin (see attachment). So if there are data on those two, you might expect or hope for similar ones for HCB.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
4 answers
I plan to use formalin for fumigation, so I need to know whether it affects the finished goods and raw materials.
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Food processing machinery encompasses a diverse category of equipment needed to process vegetables, meat products, marine goods and other food items. Totally integrated automation covers entire goods handling chain from reception to dispatch and integrates interfaces. Ethylene oxide/carbon dioxide mixture, which has a wide use in the food industry for treating processed and unprocessed foods. With considerably increased dosages it is also used for sterilizing food. It can also be used for sterilizing other materials.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
2 answers
i m working about Nigella Sativa oil extraction and I want complete analysis with antioxidant ability of this oil.
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To extract you can try using pulse electric fields for pretreatment before extraction. For volatile oil extraction from seed or leaves and flower, this methods can increase the yield and bio-active compounds. Regards
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
7 answers
When we added to the culture medium in vitro large amounts of NaCl (over 4g / l), the vast majority perished, but there were one or two individuals that were tolerant to this concentration. In this case, is this an adaptation or genetic modification?
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I just would like to say that it is reported that some retroelements are activated by salt stress (and by environmental stress in general). Thus it is possible, at least in theory, that clonally micropropagated explants could acquire genetic differences in some cells (the explants would be genetically chimeras).
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
6 answers
Math is considered the mother of all sciences.
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It depends on the branch of psychology (some use more math than others) and the country where psychology is studied - traditions and capacity to offer such courses (as well as quality of teaching) are important factors. There is even an area called mathematical psychology (see Society for Mathematical Psychology Otherwise, math is widely used for quantitative research methods.
Here is a relevant article - "Mathematical Psychology: Prospects for the 21st Century"
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
4 answers
I'm looking for relevant papers (a review would be greatful) in regard to small farms participation to supply chains. I'm interested in structural problems, such as transaction costs and/or food safety and quality magement, and marketing opportunities, products' design and customer satisfaction.
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Dear Eugenio,
These three papers give a good summary, but 2 are focused on developing countries:
Labarthe, P., Laurent, C., 2013. Privatization of agricultural extension services in the EU: Towards a lack of adequate knowledge for small-scale farms? Food Policy 38, 240-252.
Poole, N.D., Chitundu, M., Msoni, R., 2013. Commercialisation: A meta-approach for agricultural development among smallholder farmers in Africa? Food Policy 41, 155-165.
Poulton, C., Dorward, A., Kydd, J., 2010. The Future of Small Farms: New Directions for Services, Institutions, and Intermediation. World Development 38, 1413-1428.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
1 answer
After having analyzed agricultural and food market, I begin to work on the more general topic of food security (in the frame of interdisciplinary projects). Would like to find references in economics.
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Be very careful with the topic: from the Ethiopian experience (one of the most famine-affected countries) I can tell this experience: 1) All cath.orthodox farmers (roughly 50% of population) are forced not to work on farmland for up to 170 days a year due to abundant special orthod.holidays. 2) 40% of the arable land is grown with Teff (Eragrostis tef), the lowest yielding food-crop of the world. THUS: famine in Ethiopia is mainly strictly a man-made issue, not a natural phenomenon. I felt mostly very lonely in my argumentation. Other food-insecure areas of the world have comparable or other man-made (not women-made !!) factors. In India --- with a high chronic malnutrition-issue --- the land-distribution issue is probably important, suppressing food-producers. Attractive and guaranteed food-prices for farmers are probably a most important tool to achieve food-security within short time.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
3 answers
In Rwanda some 6,000 ha are already successfully transformed. All over Africa some 2 Mio. ha swamps could be transformed without endangering the eco-systems. Solid research, monitoring-analysis and large-scale funding (1 ha ca. 2-4,000 $) would be required. Any supporters?
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The ecological concerns are valid and have to be taken into consideration, for any agric. investment globally. We have however to perceive the gigantic increase in world-population. When development-cooperation started some 50 years ago, we had some 3 billion, now we have 7 billion people, the majority of which is sufficiently fed by a steadily increasing food-production, esp. in the tropics. Irrigated rice in Asia (since at least 3,000 years) and elsewhere plays an important role in that. In Africa irrigation is at its start. Malaria and salinity are minor and managable side-problems. Eco-Tourism is on the increase globally and can still contribute substantially to productive rural communities. In a couple of years we have to feed 10 bio people. That is the major challenge, demanding for the utilization of the natural resources and potentials in all countries.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
3 answers
Such separation is needed for an international farm typology building.
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Depends on your view of subsistence, i.e. strictly speaking the proportion could be considered 0 if you view subsistence as supporting all nutritional requirements by home production. Using an extended definition, some output may be sold to cover extra basic household expenditures and hence that small percentage of farm output should be compared to basic consumption levels. Empirically, I would try to let the data speak for itself by visually inspecting the distribution or looking at the impact of the cut-off point chosen on your final results obtained.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
3 answers
Seed viability and longevity is compromised in the hot and humid tropics. can osmo and hydro-priming reverse seed deterioration?
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It is possible that soyabean seed germination/germinability may be enhanced by priming (osmo/hydro); but then you need to confirm this experimentally.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
6 answers
Working in semen station. Facing problem in the semen processing of some bulls. HF pure bred is not performing well after processing/freezing. Freezing protocol is same as for other bulls and as per recommendation of MSP. Some of bulls donating semen with more dead sperms. One bull semen is exhibiting much more number of mid piece deflection abnormality. Bulls are reared in hilly area where temperature is around 13-24 degree centigrade.
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Thanx Jiri
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
3 answers
As we all know, thrips damage crop parts such as the leaves, flowers and fruits of vegetables. However, their activities are very subtle, spray control is difficult to get a good control effect. Is there any other effective measure to control this kind of subtle pests in organic agriculture (chemical pesticides are forbidden)? Thanks for your help.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
1 answer
I am working on a report related to the use of agrometeorological products and
services for Policy Decision Makers by governmental and international organizations, NGOs (for example Red Cross, Care, World Vision). I need assistance to list the appropriate organizations and Agencies, to have links and examples of applications for policy, to document uses of products.
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United Nations Environment Programme
The Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - See more at:
Project for ecosistems services ProEcoServ
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
7 answers
Distribution of monsoon rains during last 10 years has been changed. In recent past, monsoon touches the main land 15 days to 1 month later. Then it takes another few weeks to get activated. This natural phenomena affecting the rain-fed agriculture in almost all the countries. Lets a start a discussion to point out the probable measures to combat this change without affecting the food security.
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Climate-Change in resp. to agriculture involves mostly delayed rain, intermittend rain-fall, reduced total quantities, higher rain-fall-intensities and increasing temperatures. All this can to some extend be buffered by more biological, organic agronomy, mixed cropping, mulching, more diversity in crop-choice, etc. Contour-oriented landscape-design and land-use planning ---- as done in Asia since 5,000 years by terracing ---- is another important coping mechanism, leading to a) more water-retention where climate-change reduces rain-fall and b) prevention of flash-floods and erosion, where high rain-fall intensities evolve. Rice-cropping in terraces or basins is adequate in wet agro-climates. In Africa breeding for short-duration varietes and for more drought-resistance has become very common and successful. Sorghum, one of the most drought-resistant plants, could be strategically promoted, esp. by breeding for more palatability. The approach of perma-culture ---- which follows the principle of the original "before humans" vegetation and land-cover ---- will probably develop dynamically wherever conventional agriculture and monocropping-economics reach their ecological deadlocks, also for rehabilitating manmade desertification. Transplanting rice can reduce the vegetation-period in the fields, where shorter monsoon affects cropping. In India ---- where ratoon-cropping of rice has already some relevance --- important intensified research "in the field" can probably help to have 2 crops of rice where mansoon rain fails or deteriorates. Using all available organic soil-additives (N-rich horn- or bone-meal, crop-processing residues, fire-ash, saw-dust, mulch, etc.) will also buffer negativ impacts of climate-change on monsoon and agro-climate in general.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
12 answers
Today when I was reading about nanoparticles/nanomaterials in food products I couldn’t find specific regulation addressing this issue. I’ve read sentences such as “studies investigating impacts of nanoparticles/nanomaterials in food on human health are scarce”. Shouldn’t we be focusing our studies on this?
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I know that many people are studying nanoparticles with different nutrients. I think this sentence might mean the scarce in vivo or clinical studies.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
86 answers
Organic farming fascinates the public opinion because it refuses the use of chemicals in food production and preservation. Nevertheless I did not see scientific data proving that the productivity with organic farming is similar to conventional agriculture managed with attention to the environment.
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Yes Carlos, you're right. In fact, I wasn't thinking about tropical agriculture because I don't know anything about it. Since I'm french (France is 3rd to 5th biggest world producer), I was talking about European and also north-american agriculture. I'm convinced that reducing pesticides, synthetic N/P/K and also water drastically is feasible. Of course, this means more thinking and rigorous methodology for the farmer community than simply spreading kilotons of pesticides in one go. But the sell price can also be better.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
2 answers
What is the procedure for getting large quantities of probiotic bacteria (any species which have health benefits) for encapsulation.
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There are soy-based non-dairy yogurt products available like Silk Yogurt that contain probioltics. Probiotic bacteria can be transplanted to patients via a stool transplant from a family member, so you're basically sitting on a cheap source of probiotics. Just culture some stool. You'll get quick a mix of bacteria that way though, and not all of them will be "good" bacteria.
See this article for some other ideas of food sources:
A Healthful Dose of Bacteria — Yogurt Is the Best Probiotic Source, but Clients Do Have Other Options
By Lindsey Getz
Today’s Dietitian
Vol. 13 No. 10 P. 46
Culture technique for two probiotic bacteria strains from the article: "Live probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis bacteria inhibit the toxic effects induced by wheat gliadin in epithelial cell culture" by Lindfors et al. Clin Exp Immunol. 2008 June; 152(3): 552–558.
"Lactobacillus fermentum and Bifidobacterium lactis probiotic bacterial cell lines were cultured in de Man Rogosa Sharpe broth (LabM™; International Diagnostics Group plc, Bury, UK) at 37°C in anaerobic conditions [AnaeroGen™ 2·5 litre, AnaeroGen Anaerobic Indicator (reazurin); Oxoid Ltd, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK]. B. lactis broth was supplemented with 0·05% Cystein-HCl (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany). Bacterial cultures were subdivided after 20 h growth and stored in anaerobic conditions at 4°C between culturing. The bacteria were exposed to epithelial cells at passages 105, 106 and 107 colony forming units (cfu)/ml."
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
39 answers
1. Over supply in the agricultural market.
2. Effect from Free Trade Area (FTA)
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I think that the most important factors are: the supply and the demand, the weather conditions, the government interventionism, socio-economic aspects, quality of the products, food processing costs (including packaging), and satiation.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
7 answers
Above both terms are concerned with future trading.
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This answer largely repeats, but is more concise than, the previous answers: hedgers are trying to reduce risk. Speculators are trying to increase profit.
Hedgers reduce risk -- and also reduce their expected rate of return. Buying life insurance is an example. The buyer reduces risk -- but has to pay to do so. Speculators in pursuing profit will typically have to increase their risk.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
28 answers
What might the Indian Government and RBI should do to tame food inflation in India?
In spite of the efforts of Indian Government and RBI the food inflation is not coming under control in India. Can you suggest what new steps need to be taken and what old actions need to be altered/reverted for desirable results?
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Prices are a reflection of demand and supply. Keeping down prices is battling the sympton, not tackling the root cause. I agree with previous contributors that increased demand from wealthier consumers has added to the price pressure. Good news in fact, we should be happier with wealthier consumers in India!
India has imposed an export ban for rice and wheat, which was succesful in keeping out peaks in global prices, but cannot prevent prices from rising. India's minimum price support policy has led to huge stocks, that are now partly rotting away. India's has an active price and food policy, but this comes at very high costs.
My recommendation as an economist is to invest in agriculture, let markets work more freely, and support the poorest consumers.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
25 answers
We have seen in the news, a huge amount of grains have been stored in an open place.
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Hello everyone,
Grains like most food items survive best at specific bands of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, light intensity, partial pressure of atmospheric gases especially oxygen and carbon-dioxide and sterility of the environment. The government should first access storage data on the particular grains of interest and construct silos with controls for each of the relevant factors, thus creating the opportunity for short term redistribution/use or long term strategic grain reserve.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
6 answers
Areas and models
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Thanks Palmer, you bare correct work is on going
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
8 answers
I would like to know the price, supply and demand of walnuts in a country for the next 5 years. I know the number of trees, amount of supply, imports and exports and average consumption per person for the last ten years. How can I use these figures for the next 5 years forecast? Thank you.
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As walnut demand has high price and income elasticities, you need to have these estimates through consumers' surveys. Since the demand is also influenced by the climatic conditions hence you need to account for the climatic variation and extent in your country, if any. You are likely to get population growth estimates from secondary sources. Export and imports will depend upon internationa conditions.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
4 answers
How do we relate energy with agricultural economics?
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You can try a cointergation analysis on energy and agricultural output on a specific enterprise or industry , etc , energy and Agricultural economics are so intertwined and can be modelled in so many ways depending on your objectives
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
4 answers
What methodology is best to analyze these trends?
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The best method would be to take the figures of every year and then work out the increase in each year and make a graphical representation
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
16 answers
With the adverse changes in the climatic conditions that have translated to high volatility in operating expenses at the farm level and the jittery currency market, are there models that can be used to examine and also forecast in the agricultural commodity market?
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Hi Martin - This is a question that I have been researching for the past ten years. I have been working to incorporate direct observations of growing conditions (derived from remote sensing measurements) for farmers into econometric models for predicting future variations of local food prices. There are several questions to consider, for example, which climate conditions are important for local food prices? The climate where the market is, or the climate where most of the food comes from, or the broader growing conditions in the major export markets for rice, wheat and corn the major cereals? Also, what about the growing links between food and fuel prices internationally? Another quesion is which commodity market are you interested in - the global market, a regional market, or small informal markets where the food insecure live?
My focus in this work in on small, informal markets and mostly untraded commodities that are most relevant to food security. Here are a few papers:
Brown, M.E., Pinzon, J.E., & Prince, S.D. (2006). The Sensitivity of Millet Prices to Vegetation Dynamics in the Informal Markets of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. Climatic change, 78, 181-202
Brown, M.E., Pinzon, J.E., & Prince, S.D. (2008). Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data in a Spatially Explicit Price Model. Land Economics, 84
Brown, M.E., Hintermann, B., & Higgins, N. (2009). A Model of West African Millet Prices in Rural Markets. Center for Energy Policy and Economics, Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology, CEPE Working Paper No. 69. November 2009.
Brown, M.E., Hintermann, B., & Higgins, N. (2009). Markets, Climate Change and Food Security in West Africa. Environmental Science and Technology, 43, 8016–8020
M.E. Brown, F. Tondel, T. Essam, J.A. Thorne, B.F. Mann, K. Leonard, B. Stabler, G. Eilerts (2012) Country and Regional Staple Food Price Indices for Improved Identification of Food Insecurity. Global Environmental Change - Policy Dimensions. in press.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
3 answers
As agriculture growing conditions become more unpredictable as the climate warms, developing methods that enable integration of environmental conditions into food price analysis will be important. What approaches are most promising? What new datasets will be needed to understand market dynamics for staple foods? What assumptions are made in these analyses, such as market functioning, the role of global commodity prices, growing conditions in major export markets, exchange rates?
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Dr. S.A. Adesoji
Environment should stand as a variable among the factors to determination of price for agricultral produce.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
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Chemicals are an integrated part of our life. Many products would not exist without these, and therefore they are a necessity. However, there are almost 100,000 types of chemicals that are indispensable, but are greatly affecting our environment.
An international effort is needed to reduce the risk these substances pose. With regard to aspects of the economy, the UN has to take steps towards alleviation. Scientific assessments and legal instruments are considered to be the proper tools of regulating dangerous substances. Thorough research is needed, and significant action is to be taken, if we are to protect our planet.
Questions remain, and a balance is to be found between interfering in economic interests, thus everyday life, and sustaining our environment for future generations.
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To reduce the risk of harmful substances and chemicals used in agricultural production on environment there is a need to design an integrated strategy by incorporating all the stakeholders of the agriculture. There is a significance need to educate all the stakeholders about the impact of these chemicals on agriculture. Further, This strategy may suggest crop rotation, crop holiday practices. I feel it is the high time to modify the seeds which are pest resistant and high yield varieties etc.
In majority of the developing countries in which Agriculture is the backbone, there is no good interaction between industry , research institutions and the community. This scenario must be changed and all stakeholders should work together to design the effective strategy to minimize the risk.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
6 answers
One example may be analytic hierarchy process
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Hello Seda we are all concern about the menace pose to humanity in general. But i think the way out should be holistic approach to solve the problem of Obesity. Medicine, agricultural and nutritional intervention will pave way to managing the Obesity problem.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
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Please send details about it.
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Conozco un programa o sotfware que se puede aplicar a las unidades primarias de producción (granjas) y que ayuda a registrar toda la información técnica, productiva y financiera. El programa está desarrollado en Chile para la fruticultura, pero se puede adaptar para cualquier cultivo.
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32 answers
want a reply as I did my master thesis on 'The potential for and acceptibility of artificial meat'.
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Do not worry, Amelia. It won't be necessary nor viable. Neither artificial meat nor rat meat will become a "solution" to the non-existent problem of the "insufficiency" of ordinary meat production due to the "burgeoning" human population. As explained above in my comments, there is no such prospect in sight. The population is not "burgeoning", and is expected to stabilize and then gently decline later this century. Agricultural production is growing faster than population, and is expected to continue doing so during the 21st century (even without further technological progress, just the diffusion of existing techniques) .
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
4 answers
what are the main effects of organic farming?
how to reduce cost in organic farming?
how to attract youngsters in the field of agriculture?
how to solve our food safety in India
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Ok brother
my email id is
keep in touch
thank you
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
15 answers
rat is the cheap source of protein. usually musahar community of bihar eat rat meat. musahars are known as dalit among dalit and untouchable among untouchable. in Indian society basically in Hindu religion, rat meat is not acceptable. but scientifically it has been proved that rat meat has good source of protein. in the PDS people are not getting any kind of protein related thing such as pulses. so hardly poor can access to protein in their meal. if rat farming is promoted, it gives cheap source of protein and employment source for the musahar community...but is it possible? can people accept this food habit?
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In my opinion also rat farming is potentially useful.It is not only cheap source of protein but various minerals (Fe,k,Zn,Mg,P) are also available in high amount but Ca is in low amount. Musahar community people belongs to low socio economic group, they can not afford animal protein diet like chicken& mutton.But rat white meat will be solution for them and it will be a step towards nutritional security.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
11 answers
Dear researchers kindly inform me about antioxidant activity of foods and spices.
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Free radical initiate the cell degradation , to prevent its formation could solve this problem.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
9 answers
Is there any conference on Food Security theme? I have a paper for this.
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dear Mr. Al-Zaidawi Jawad,
sorry for didn't reply soon. i am not too update here. But unfortunately we didn't accept any emai from you too.
there are two types for delivering a paper
1. by poster
2. by presentation
the participants will be classified to each forum according to their field
such as: food processing engineering, safety, functional, and marketing
kind regards,
Novita Tommy
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
4 answers
I´ve been working in more than 7.000 has of plantains for exportation from Colombia to the USA and EU markets. Developing social programs, fithing against pooverty and trying to find how to improve our work day by day with small farmers. Anything you thing I can do to hlep ypu don´t hesitate.
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Sammuel, first sorry for my delay. Second we have indicators related with productivity in their farms and unmeet basic needs in their families. To increase their farm´s productivity is our major goal due to the close relationship between exportation and income, as much plantains they produce to export, as much money they will recibe and their economies will be under a normal trend. To improve their unmeet basic needs we focuse in living projects, education for the farmers and their wives and childs. Last year we have been trying to introduce another agricultural bussines in their economy (Chili, Cocoa, Ginger, etc..) in order to generate aditional incoms.
  • asked a question related to Agricultural and Food Safety Economics
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is it possible to isolate fungi producing mycotoxins on fresh green mealies?
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Yes, perhaps with what I posted in the other messsage, stem cells used/engineered to create an immune system or even nanotech could do this. shows that nanotech and A.I. are growing rapidly. Also, perhaps adding an organic and non-toxic binder/additive that is activated with either cold or heat, light or even radio waves, or sound (think of those "radios" under pillows that make ocean sounds etc). Perhaps something akin to an anti-petri dish solution where it won't grown, smothering the fungi and sapping nutrients or preventing the root or absorbtion of them or even containing an organic "pesticide" that plants have inside them, (they have immune systems) or a combination of the above for different types of fungi/foods.