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Adult ADHD - Science topic
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Questions related to Adult ADHD
I would like to study if there a link between childhood trauma and adult ADHD.
I'm interested in analytical protocols for measuring exposure to methylphenidate in mice, especially HPLC-based methods. What are the possibilities regarding detectors and sample preparation procedures? Also, considering limited volume of blood can be obtained from mice (and sampling in more time-points probably affects the obtained results) - what would be the best option in the context of the minimal volume of sample needed for the analysis? What about enantiomers (e.g. 10.1002/bmc.3312). I'd like to find/establish a protocol for clinically relevant chronic oral dosing of methylphenidate in mice that reflects what we see in humans (
Any info is greatly appreciated.
I am currently working on a project (Correlation Between the Time of ADHD Diagnosis and Performance) for my principles of research course and I am having trouble locating/ accessing a document that mentions or lists the questions/criteria used to assess their patients.
In my research, I would be using a modified version, as I only need this scale to give an empirical definition to the word performance.
The origin of the PSP comes from Morosini et al. Development, reliability and acceptability of a new version of the DSM‐IV Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) to assess routine social funtioning.
I am unsure if they include the observation criteria within their research, as the journal is hidden behind a paywall.
I have a survey already created: though, it will not be completed until I am able to add in the criteria for assessing the participants performance levels.
I would appreciate any feedback on my survey, tips on how to effectively collect this data and proceed with this research, and of course any links to the original testing criteria. If none are available, I would also appreciate anyone who would be able to help me come up with efficient questions that would assess a persons performance.
Thank you!
Edit: I have found the questions that I need and have completed the survey. Thank you all for your help and feedback.
Preference would be scales that are either available with little or no cost to clinicians or the BAARS-V rating scales which I am already using. I have not yet found literature to support use of the ASRS or ASRS v1.1.
Anna Ek and Gunilla Isaksson from the Luleå University of Technology wrote and article several years ago regarding how adults diagnosed with ADHD perform everyday activities. Their findings showed that engaging activities was one of the major factors in performing those activities and a major factor in completing them as well.
My question is what engages adults with ADHD to start and complete activities? In other words, how do you make cleaning the house engaging?
I using Fuermaier et al. (2012) instrument on measurement of stigma towards adults with ADHD as a dependent variable. Data is ordinally measured, with a Likert type survey. I have 3 independent variables measured categorically each having two levels. Fuermaier et al. (2012) utilized a MANOVA, however my research study does not fit the assumptions as the dependent variable is ordinal. I am setting the study up as they did; comparing groups with a control group of similar participants to my sample population. wouid Mann-Whitney be appropriate as a nonparametric test?
I am looking for any recent research within the last 5 years that examines professor point of view of efficacy/stigma towards adults with ADHD and/or disability awareness and / or mental illness and/or invisible disabilities.
Thank you!
Due to the lack of studies about medical cannabis and ADHD I'm drafting a study with patients in Germany. This first step is planed as a self-reported treatment (= usage of cannabis) monitoring trial.
Can adult ADHD self-reports substitute clinician ratings?
Which rating scales should be used for self-reported aduld ADHD treatment monitoring? Are there studies about reliability, sensitivity and validity?
This is a scale devleoped by Dr Susan Young to measure the following in adult ADHD and it would be really helpful for the development of current courses my service is offering to adults with ADHD.
ADHD symptom scale
Emotional problem scale
Antisocial behaviour scale
Social functioning scale
Many thanks in advance
I'm particularly interested in novel, original questions that open up new research angles, but also more obvious questions that are clearly under-researched. The goal is to set up a little project for a student with about 2 years time on his hands.
Can anyone direct me to a good adult ADHD self report measure which is also non-proprietary(free)? I’ve found ASRS, but I’d like to see if I can find some other options. Dimensional measures for hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention would also be helpful. I have access to the Barritt Impulsivneeds scale and the Derryberry Attentional Control Scale, but I’m not sure about those. Any suggestion is appreciated!
I am looking for literature evaluating the current status of adult ADHD assessment in primary care.
Do you know a recent review of ADHD medications that covers both stimulants and non-stimulants?
I’m looking for a recent review of ADHD medications, that covers both the common stimulant and the common non-stimulant medications. Or one review that covers stimulants and another review that covers non-stimulants.
All I’ve found so far is reviews that cover one or two drugs and not the others.
Thank you
Adult ADHD patients need more attention form clinicians . I think I need to add experience on how to detect and treat adult ADHD especially among addicts
In other words, it has been stated, adults who suffer from ADHD symptoms are often coexist with other mental and emotional disorders, such as depression or anxiety, and can significantly impair a person's ability to function productively (Kessler RC, & Adler, 2006). In that case, what about women who are going through menopause? Does menopause increase ADHD symptoms and if so how and what ways?
Kessler RC, & Adler et al., (2006).The Prevalence and Correlates of Adult ADHD in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2006. 163: 724-732.
In two studies with social phobia patients, the comorbidity rate of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was found to be high. In the first study, in 108 patients who were primarily diagnosed with social phobia, frequency of adult ADHD comorbidity was 60.5%; while in the second study, in 130 social phobia patients, frequency of childhood ADHD comorbidity was found to be 72.3% (1,2). Predominantly inattentive type ADHD is overlooked in social phobia patients. Inattentive type ADHD and social phobia seems to be closely related. Additionally, inattentive type ADHD might be contributing to the development of social phobia.
Therefore, social phobia patients are divided into two groups by Dr.Ahmet Koyuncu Akademi Social Phobia Center as follows (3, 4):
1) Social Phobia without ADHD comorbidity
2) Social Phobia with ADHD comorbidity
In accordance with this classification, the following treatment approach is applied for social phobia patients (3, 4)
Social Phobia without ADHD comorbidity = Normal Social Phobia Algorithm (5)
Social Phobia + ADHD comorbidity =Simultaneous Social Phobia Treatment + ADHD treatment
In social phobia patients with ADHD comorbidity, abovementioned approach with simultaneous social phobia + ADHD treatment (i.e. simultaneous antidepressant + Concerta or Atomoxetine treatment) establishes Dr.Ahmet Koyuncu’s “dual approach model” in social phobia treatment. I apply this approach model in my own clinic successfully and obtain significant results. Currently, about 200 patients are regularly treated by Antidepressant + Concerta.
When I prescribe Concerta in addition to antidepressant medication in social phobia patients, response to treatment is more rapid and more consistent. Concerta potentializes social phobia response of antidepressants in social phobics with ADHD comorbidity. Moreover, in our studies (1 ), we found that antidepressant induced hypomania is related with ADHD and it occurs only in social phobics with ADHD comorbidity. We also found that when antidepressant is taken together with Concerta, hypomania induced by antidepressant does not occur. Concerta prevents development of switch in social phobics with ADHD as well as regulating mood instability in these patients.
CONCERTA is a very valuable social phobia drug in ADHD/ SAD comorbidity patients. Psychiatrist knows more emphasis on hyperactive or combined type ADHD. Hyperactive/impulsive structure already improves during adolescence. However, you overlook inattentive type of ADHD that remits very rarely and requires Concerta almost up to 50 years of age (with cardiologic examination). In our clinic, the eldest patient under antidepressant + Concerta treatment with diagnoses of social phobia + ADHD inattentive type is 47 years old.
In the literature, there is one study supporting my observation. Adler et al. (2009) (6) compared Atomoxetine and placebo on 442 patients diagnosed with social phobia and adult ADHD and it was reported that both ADHD and social phobia symptoms recover with Atomoxetine treatment. İn additon, another study, the improvement in ADHD symptoms because of MPH treatment correlates with a parallel improvement in SP. MPH treatment appears to be safe and effective in ADHD/SP children. (Golubchik et al., 2014 ) (7).
Morever ın our current report, we presented two cases with SAD and ADHD comorbidity who responded well to extended-release methylphenidate monotherapy. In both cases, symptoms of SAD and ADHD improved simultaneously by extended-release methylphenidate treatment without using any approved medication for the treatment of SAD ( in publication acsess)
I ask your support for development of my dual approach model in treatment of social phobia and for proving its efficiency in double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.
Respectfully submitted,
Best Regards
Dr. Ahmet Koyuncu
1) Koyuncu A, Tutkunkardaş D, Binbay Z, Özyıldırım I, Ertekin E, Tükel R. P-119-The prevalence and clinical features of adult attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder in social anxiety disorder patients. European Psychiatry 27, 1.
2)Koyuncu, A., Ertekin, E., Yüksel, C., Ertekin, B., Çelebi, F., Tükel, R., 2014b. İnattention predominant type ADHD is associated with social anxiety disorder. J. Attention Disorder. Published online before print May 9, doi: 10.1177/1087054714533193 Journal of Attention Disorders May 9, 2014 1087054714533193
3) Koyuncu, A. Shyness, Timidity and Social Phobia” ( ISBN: 6056285516 ). Liman yayınları. (2. baskı ) 2012.
4) Koyuncu, A. Attention Problems and Hyperactivity in Social Phobics( ISBN: 6056285509 ) Liman yayınları.2012.
5 ) Anksiyete Bozuklukları Tedavi Klavuzu, Editör: Prof. Dr. Raşit Tükel ( Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği Yayınları)
6) Adler, L.A., Liebowitz, M., Kronenberger, W., Qiao, M., Rubin, R., Hollandbeck, M., Deldar, A., Schuh, K., Durell, T., 2009. Atomoxetıne Treatment In Adults Wıth Attentıon-Defıcıt/Hyperactıvıty Dısorder And Comorbıd Socıal Anxıety Dısorder. Depressıon And Anxıety. 26, 212–221.
7) Golubchik P, Sever J, Weizman A. Methylphenidate treatment in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and comorbid social phobia. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2014 Jan 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Neuropsychological testing in ADHD adults becomes more relevant for adults with ADHD. As some research indicates its corroborating role for the diagnostic process, its role for treatment planning and therapy is not often addressed.
Any specific literature recommendations or experiences made in clinical practice?