Science topic

Adoption - Science topic

Adoption is a voluntary acceptance of a child of other parents to be as one's own child, usually with legal confirmation.
Questions related to Adoption
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The aim of this study is to publish in a top-quality journal.
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I'm interested Sir.
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How can e-portfolios address practical challenges inportfolio adoption?
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What common misconceptions about studying mighthinder the adoption of these strategies?
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Artificial intelligence is reshaping business—though not at the blistering pace many assume. True, AI is now guiding decisions on everything from crop harvests to bank loans, and once pie-in-the-sky prospects such as totally automated customer service are on the horizon. The technologies that enable AI, like development platforms and vast processing power and data storage, are advancing rapidly and becoming increasingly affordable. The time seems ripe for companies to capitalize on AI. Indeed, we estimate that AI will add $13 trillion to the global economy over the next decade.
Yet, despite the promise of AI, many organizations’ efforts with it are falling short. We’ve surveyed thousands of executives about how their companies use and organize for AI and advanced analytics, and our data shows that only 8% of firms engage in core practices that support widespread adoption. Most firms have run only ad hoc pilots or are applying AI in just a single business process.
Why the slow prog­ress? At the highest level, it’s a reflection of a failure to rewire the organization. In our surveys and our work with hundreds of clients, we’ve seen that AI initiatives face formidable cultural and organizational barriers. But we’ve also seen that leaders who at the outset take steps to break down those barriers can effectively capture AI’s opportunities.
source: Building the AI-Powered Organization Technology isn’t the biggest challenge. Culture is. by Tim Fountaine, Brian McCarthy and Tamim SalehFrom the Magazine (July–August 2019)
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Building a Center of Excellence (CoE) for Research, Innovation & Development of Applied AI involves several strategic steps. Here's a comprehensive approach:
1. Define Vision and Goals
  • Align with Strategic Objectives: Ensure the CoE's vision aligns with the institution's broader strategic goals.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Establish specific, measurable objectives for research, innovation, and development.
2. Assemble a Diverse Team
  • Leadership: Appoint a director or leader to coordinate the CoE's activities.
  • Experts: Include AI experts, data scientists, engineers, and domain specialists.
  • Support Roles: Enlist support from IT, HR, legal, compliance, cybersecurity, and training teams.
3. Create a Charter
  • Purpose and Scope: Clearly define the purpose, scope, and goals of the CoE.
  • Governance: Establish governance structures and processes for decision-making and oversight.
4. Develop Infrastructure
  • Technology and Tools: Invest in state-of-the-art AI tools, platforms, and infrastructure.
  • Data Management: Create a robust data architecture to support AI initiatives.
5. Foster Collaboration
  • Internal Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between different departments and teams within the institution.
  • External Partnerships: Form partnerships with industry, academia, and other research institutions.
6. Implement Best Practices
  • Standardization: Develop and implement standardized processes and best practices for AI projects.
  • Ethics and Compliance: Ensure adherence to ethical standards and regulatory compliance.
7. Monitor and Evaluate
  • Metrics and KPIs: Establish metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor progress and success.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update strategies based on feedback and outcomes.
8. Knowledge Sharing
  • Workshops and Seminars: Organize workshops, seminars, and training sessions to share knowledge and best practices.
  • Publish Findings: Encourage the publication of research findings and success stories.
By following these steps, academic and business institutions can build a successful Center of Excellence for Research, Innovation & Development of Applied AI, fostering innovation and driving impactful AI initiatives.
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The increasing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in the Philippines presents both opportunities and challenges, particularly in rural areas where infrastructure may not be fully equipped to accommodate these changes.
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Impacts of Slow-Moving Electric Vehicles on Rural Traffic Flow
Slow-moving electric vehicles (SMEVs), such as electric scooters and low-speed electric cars, significantly impact rural traffic dynamics. Their integration into rural transportation systems presents both challenges and opportunities.
Traffic Flow and Road Capacity
  1. .Reduced Road Capacity: The presence of slow-moving vehicles can decrease the overall capacity of rural roads. Studies indicate that as the proportion of slow-moving vehicles increases, the capacity of two-lane roads decreases significantly. For instance, a slow-moving vehicle travelling at speeds of 10-12 km/h can disturb traffic flow, leading to reduced road capacity by as much as 20% when slow-moving vehicles make up 15% of the traffic stream.
  2. Increased Congestion: Slow-moving vehicles can cause congestion, particularly on roads not designed for mixed-speed traffic. This is especially pronounced in rural areas where road infrastructure may not accommodate high volumes of diverse vehicle speeds.
Safety Considerations
  1. .Accident Risk: The interaction between slow-moving electric vehicles and faster traffic can heighten accident risks. In environments where SMEVs operate alongside higher-speed vehicles, the potential for collisions increases, particularly if these vehicles enter lanes designated for faster traffic.
  2. .Vulnerable Road Users: SMEVs often include vulnerable populations who may lack adequate protection in the event of an accident. This necessitates careful consideration of road design and safety measures to protect all users.
Environmental Impact
  1. .Emissions Reduction: On a positive note, the adoption of SMEVs contributes to lower emissions compared to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. Research indicates that as the number of SMEVs increases, overall emissions tend to decrease, benefiting rural air quality.
  2. .Sustainability Goals: Integrating SMEVs into rural transport systems aligns with broader sustainability goals by promoting cleaner transportation options and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
Infrastructure Challenges
  1. .Charging Infrastructure: Rural areas often face challenges related to the availability of charging stations for electric vehicles, including SMEVs. The lack of adequate infrastructure can hinder their adoption and effective integration into the transportation system.
  2. .Road Design Adaptations: To accommodate SMEVs effectively, rural road designs may need modifications to ensure safe coexistence with faster-moving vehicles. This could include dedicated lanes or lower speed limits in areas with high SMEV usage.
The integration of slow-moving electric vehicles into rural traffic flow presents a complex array of impacts. While they offer environmental benefits and potential cost savings for users, they also pose challenges related to road capacity, safety, and infrastructure needs. Addressing these issues through thoughtful planning and investment in infrastructure will be crucial for maximizing the benefits of SMEVs in rural settings.
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NeuroBridge is a brain-computer interface designed to translate thoughts by sensing brain activity via a headset and converting it into text or speech displayed on a smartphone. It aims to help individuals with speech impairments communicate effectively.
For completion of the assignment, we would like experts to shed light on a few questions:
We would appreciate your insights on the following questions:
  1. What are the common causes of temporary or permanent speech impairments, and what challenges do these patients face in communicating their needs?
  2. How do patients respond to current assistive communication technologies, and what gaps could NeuroBridge address?
  3. What critical factors would make NeuroBridge clinically valuable, and what outcomes (e.g., speed, accuracy, ease of use) should we prioritize?
  4. What are the key challenges in translating brain signals into meaningful communication, and how feasible is patient adaptation to such a device?
  5. Could you discuss the risks or complications of implantable versus non-invasive BCIs and the training patients might need for effective use?
  6. How can NeuroBridge be incorporated into clinical workflows, and what features (e.g., multilingual support, customization) would enhance its adoption?
  7. What ethical considerations are critical for implementing NeuroBridge, particularly for vulnerable patients, and how should informed consent be approached?
  8. Can you share examples where a device like NeuroBridge could have significantly improved a patient's quality of life or care?
  9. What advice would you give to ensure NeuroBridge is clinically effective, user-friendly, and validated by the medical community?
Your expertise and guidance will be extremely valuable for us. Thank you.
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  1. Hay infinidad de causas, pero sugiero que dos grupos principales: una de origen: en la parte del propio cerebro dañada, donde posiblemente, se origine el pensamiento que se pretende comunicar o "extraer". Es lo que sucede en los Ictus. Mal pronóstico si hay que extraer un pensamiento en una zona tan deteriorada que no puede generarlo. El otro es de tipo " de flujo y/o ejecutivo": esto es, se produce el pensamiento, pero las vías habituales que lo conducen y lo materializan están dañados (ej, problemas en las vías nerviosas o los órganos fonadores y motores que los transforman en palabras.
  2. ¿Qué factores críticos harían que NeuroBridge fuera clínicamente valioso y qué resultados (por ejemplo, velocidad, precisión, facilidad de uso) deberíamos priorizar? En primer lugar, eficacia: asegurarse de que ese pensamiento en concreto se ha materializado correctamente; la correspondencia entre lo que se genera en la mente y lo que finalmente se logre comunicar. Esto es, que sea inequívoca. En segundo lugar, la eficiencia: conseguirlo de la manera más rápida, clara, fácil y con menos recursos (simplicar los interfaces).
  3. ¿Cuáles son los desafíos clave a la hora de traducir las señales cerebrales en una comunicación significativa y qué tan factible es la adaptación del paciente a un dispositivo de este tipo? Encontrar la validez y fiabilidad del grado de ajuste entre lo que se genera (pensamiento) y lo que finalmente se llega a comunicar.
  4. ¿Qué consideraciones éticas son fundamentales para la implementación de NeuroBridge , particularmente para pacientes vulnerables, y cómo se debe abordar el consentimiento informado? La más evidente es extraer información que el paciente no quiere ofrecer o no está en condiciones de poderlo decidir. Adentrarnos en la mente en contra de la voluntad del usuario es la última frontera a abatir de la libertad personal.
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8 answers
financial technology adoption intention...
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التمويل السلوكي وإدارة المخاطر المالية
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The influence of digitalization and technology adoption on procurement and supply chain management in Africa
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In Africa, digitalization is revolutionizing the way businesses operate, interact with stakeholders, and drive growth. By embracing digital technologies, procurement and supply chain management (SCM) are becoming more efficient, transparent, traceable, and resilient.
The Benefits of Digitalization
Digitalization is transforming African businesses in remarkable ways including:
  1. Increased Efficiency: Automation streamlines processes, freeing up time for strategic thinking and innovation.
  2. Improved Transparency: Real-time tracking and monitoring foster accountability and visibility.
  3. Collaboration without borders: Digital tools bridge gaps between stakeholders, nurturing stronger relationships.
  4. Reducing risks: Digitalization minimizes errors and fraud.
  5. Cost savings: Digital procurement optimizes contracts, supplier selection, and logistics.
  6. Access to global markets: Digital platforms open doors to new trade and partnership opportunities.
  7. Data-driven decisions: Insights inform strategic planning and procurement choices.
While digitalization holds immense promise for Africa, there are still challenges we need to overcome individually and collectively:
  1. Connecting the dots: Infrastructure constraints, such as poor internet penetration, etc hinder progress.
  2. Skills for the digital age: Procurement professionals need training on the use of digital tools effectively.
  3. Safeguarding against cyber threats: Robust security measures need to be put in place to protect against vulnerabilities.
  4. Embracing change: Cultural and organizational barriers require awareness and education.
  5. Finacial Contraints: I think we can all agree that these tools and technologies cost money.
In mitigating supply chain risks and improving resilience, digitalization helps mitigate supply chain risks and improve resilience in the following ways:
  1. Real-time response: Digital tools detect disruptions promptly.
  2. Predicting potential risks: Data analysis informs contingency planning.
  3. Diversifying suppliers: These platforms facilitate connections with alternative partners.
  4. Collaborative problem-solving: Joint risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
  5. Stay ahead of the curve: Swiftly adapt to changing market conditions
By understanding these benefits, challenges, and opportunities, African businesses can unlock the full potential of digitalization, driving growth, innovation, and prosperity.
Unlocking Future Insights in my thinking should include research focused on:
  1. In-depth case studies and surveys reveal digitalization's impact on African procurement and supply chain management.
  2. Assess African organizations' digital readiness and maturity.
  3. Investigate digitalization's effect on supply chain resilience.
  4. Evaluate digital procurement's security measures.
  5. Develop tailored regulations supporting digital procurement.
By exploring these research directions and methodologies, your study can provide valuable insights into the influence of digitalization on procurement and supply chain management in Africa, ultimately contributing to improved supply chain resilience and risk mitigation.
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By asking about challenges, this question delves into the practical difficulties faced during the adoption of digital automation. This can range from technical issues, such as integration with existing systems, to human factors, like resistance to change among employees. Understanding how these challenges were addressed provides insights into problem-solving skills and adaptability in real-world scenarios.
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Implementing digital automation tools in marketing campaigns can be transformative, but it comes with its own set of challenges which are:
1. Challenge ensuring high-quality data and integrating various data sources can be complex. However this can be overcome by implementing robust DM practices, including regular data cleaning, validation, connecting different data sources
2. Over-automating can lead to communication fatigue among audience, causing disengagement so ddevelopment of a well-structured communication plan that balances automated messages with personalized content is inevitable.
3. Technical aspects of setting up and managing automation tools can be daunting so invest in training for your team and consider hiring specialists if needed. Choose user friendly interface.
4. Maintaining Personalization by using data to offers dynamic content based on user behavior and preferences.
5. Measuring ROI can be difficult. But use of analytical tools to track performance and adjust strategies based on data-driven insights can help.
6. Ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR can be challenging & so staying updated and regularly audit is essential
7. Content Quality may be compromised due to automation so use automation for repetitive tasks only and allow creative human interventions to focus on high-quality content creation.
8. Getting your team to adopt effectively to use automation tools can be a hurdle. Highlight the benefits and successes of automation to build enthusiasm and buy-in.
By addressing these challenges with thoughtful strategies, you can leverage digital automation tools to enhance your marketing campaigns effectively. Have you encountered any specific challenges in your experience? How did you tackle them?
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Problem - There is no framework with the necessary factors to guide SMEs in the automotive manufacturing sector of South Africa to adopt 4IR technologies, hence few adoptions.
Purpose - This study will focus on developing an Industry 4.0 technology adoption framework that will guide SMEs in the automotive manufacturing sector of South Africa.
May you assist with feedback and possible research questions for my area of study.
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To develop a 4IR adoption framework for SMEs in South Africa's automotive manufacturing sector, key factors include:
  1. Technology Assessment: Evaluating existing technologies and identifying gaps in automation, AI, and IoT.
  2. Skill Development: Implementing training programs to upskill the workforce in relevant technologies.
  3. Infrastructure: Enhancing digital and physical infrastructure to support advanced manufacturing.
  4. Policy and Regulation: Establishing supportive government policies and incentives for innovation and investment.
  5. Collaboration: Fostering partnerships between SMEs, research institutions, and larger corporations for knowledge sharing.
  6. Financial Support: Providing access to funding and resources to facilitate technology adoption and innovation.
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What is difference between:
1. Drivers and Enablers of say sustainable supply chain (SSC)
2. Barriers and Challenges ?
3. Risk and Challenges ?
I am trying to study Industry 4.0 adoption risks and not able to get above research articles on the topic. I need guidance.
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1. Drivers vs. Enablers
  • Drivers:Definition: Factors or forces that push or motivate organizations to adopt sustainable practices or technologies. Examples: Regulatory requirements, market demand, competitive pressure, and corporate sustainability goals. Role: Drivers create a need or urgency for adopting certain practices or technologies. They often come from external sources or strategic goals.
  • Enablers:Definition: Mechanisms or resources that facilitate the implementation of practices or technologies. Examples: Advanced technologies, skilled workforce, financial resources, and organizational support. Role: Enablers provide the means or capabilities necessary to achieve the goals set by the drivers. They are critical for overcoming barriers to implementation.
2. Barriers vs. Challenges
  • Barriers:Definition: Obstacles or constraints that prevent or hinder the adoption of practices or technologies. Examples: High costs, lack of infrastructure, resistance to change, and limited knowledge. Role: Barriers must be addressed to initiate or continue progress. They can be systemic or situational.
  • Challenges:Definition: Difficulties or issues encountered during adoption or implementation. Examples: Integration issues, managing stakeholder expectations, and maintaining consistency. Role: Challenges are ongoing problems that arise and must be managed throughout the adoption process. They are often more about dealing with complexities rather than stopping progress.
3. Risk vs. Challenges
  • Risk:Definition: Potential threats or uncertainties that could negatively impact the outcome or process. Risks involve the possibility of adverse events occurring. Examples: Cybersecurity threats, financial loss, regulatory non-compliance, and technology failures. Role: Risks are about the likelihood and impact of adverse events. They require risk management strategies to mitigate potential adverse effects.
  • Challenges:Definition: Difficulties faced while trying to implement or achieve something. Challenges are issues that need to be addressed but are not necessarily tied to the probability of failure. Examples: Technical difficulties, project management issues, and resource constraints. Role: Challenges are problems that need solutions or adjustments during the process but are not always associated with the probability of adverse outcomes, such as risks.
In the Context of Industry 4.0 Adoption Risks
For studying Industry 4.0 adoption, consider the following:
  • Drivers and Enablers: What motivates organizations to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies (e.g., technological advancements, competitive pressures) and supports this adoption (e.g., availability of new technologies, skilled workforce).
  • Barriers and Challenges: Identify obstacles that hinder adoption (e.g., high costs, lack of expertise) and the difficulties faced during implementation (e.g., integration with existing systems, managing change).
  • Risk and Challenges: Assess potential risks associated with adoption (e.g., cybersecurity threats, technology failures) and challenges (e.g., overcoming resistance to change, ensuring effective implementation).
Research Guidance
  1. Literature Review: Look for articles or papers on each aspect separately. Use academic databases like Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, or ScienceDirect with keywords like "Industry 4.0 adoption drivers," "barriers to Industry 4.0," and "risks in Industry 4.0."
  2. Case Studies: Examine real-world case studies to understand how organizations address these factors in practice. Case studies can provide insights into how different aspects interact in actual scenarios.
  3. Expert Opinions: Seek opinions from experts in the field through interviews or industry reports to gain a deeper understanding of these concepts' practical implications.
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  • Identifying barriers to solar adoption in low-income areas and finding ways to address them.
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Solar energy can reach underserved communities through targeted subsidies, community solar programs, innovative financing models like pay-as-you-go, and off-grid systems. Strategic partnerships and scalable solutions reduce costs and expand access to clean, reliable energy.
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4 answers
Dear Researchers,
Can you explain AI adoption in ERP Software such as SAP, NetSuite, ERPNext with real world applications? Estimated Cost of AI adaption, ROI and Impact on employment opportunities etc.,
Thank you in advance!
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Saikat Barua Thank you for your answer.
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i have to study the awareness and adoption level of cloud computing in a district of India.
i also want to use association among demographic variables like gender, age, education, income etc and adoption level. for this which test should i use ( anova or chi square test)
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If you have one categorical Variable (Demographic profile) and One metric variable (considering Awareness level on Likert scale) then you should use ANOVA to check there association and you can convert Awareness levels into clusters and then do a Chi square test and correspondence analysis as well.
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Digital Banking adoption and usage in Ghana the way forward?
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hello, which management theories can be used to address antecedents of digital strategy adoption ?
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Félix Oscar Socorro Márquez thank so much, it helps a lot, i will take your recommendations into consideration.
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In addition to to my previous post:
Other financial incentives are cheap loans or reduced added value taxes, but these are in principle also investment subsidies.
Then you can put a surcharge on conventionally produced power to make the external costs, i.e. the cost of pollution to society, visible in the price.
And you can just straight out make the use of renewables compulsory. For example some German municipalities demand that new buildings include roof top PV, and in the EU there is a biofuel mandate that demands that a certain percentage of transport fuels consists of biofuel.
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We are looking for a highly qualified researcher with expertise in advanced statistical analysis to contribute to a scientific article to be submitted to a prestigious journal by the end of the year (2024). The article will focus on the adoption of digital innovations in agriculture.
Key responsibilities:
- Carry out in-depth statistical analysis using a provided database (the dataset is ready and available in SPSS format).
- Apply advanced statistical techniques, including structural equation modelling and/or random forest models.
- Work closely to interpret the results and contribute to the manuscript.
The aim is to fully analyse the data and prepare it for publication.
If you are passionate about agricultural innovation and have the necessary statistical expertise, we would like to hear from you.
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Carlos Parra-López this sounds interesting. I'm interested, but if you like, we can have a preliminary discussion earlier.
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What are the key factors influencing the adoption and implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in sustainable construction projects, and how do these factors impact project performance and outcomes? This question explores the intersection of BIM technology and sustainable construction practices, focusing on the challenges and benefits associated with their integration into the construction industry.
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The adoption and implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in sustainable construction projects are influenced by several key factors:
-Technological Readiness
- Knowledge and Skills
- Financial Considerations
- Regulatory and Policy Environment
- Market Demand and Client Requirements
- Collaboration and Communication
- Sustainability Goals
- Organizational Factors
- Project-Specific Factors
- Risk Management
Understanding and addressing these factors can facilitate the successful adoption and implementation of BIM in sustainable construction projects, leading to enhanced project outcomes and environmental benefits.
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I invite you to participate in a research study aimed at exploring the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on education, focusing specifically on its effects on staff roles, skill requirements, and time management. Your insights are crucial for understanding the broader implications of AI adoption in Education
Research Objective
The objective of this qualitative research is to explore the perceptions and experiences of educational staff regarding the adoption of AI in education. Specifically, it aims to understand how AI technologies influence staff roles, skills development, training needs, and time management, and how these changes affect the overall quality of education.
Privacy Statement
We are committed to protecting your privacy and confidentiality. All information shared during the interview will be anonymized, and any identifiable information will be kept strictly confidential. Participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time without consequence.
Please book your slot for an online meeting.
Best Regards,
Tarek ElMourad
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AI can tailor educational content to individual students' needs, pacing lessons based on their progress and understanding. This personalized approach can enhance learning outcomes and make education more accessible to diverse learners. AI can automate administrative tasks such as grading, scheduling, and resource management, freeing up educators to focus more on teaching and engaging with students. This can lead to a more efficient and effective educational system.
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policy economics
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There are already a great many such incentives, including government support for rooftop solar, electric cars, CO2 free energy production, tax o similar credits for wind and other renewables, government payments for renewable transportation fuels, 45Q tax credits, etc. You may be primarily asking what are the most effective economic incentives to provide. Here are a few thoughts, all of them probably controversial:
If you want to spread the societal cost across the most people, it probably makes more sense to establish a portfolio standard than a tax credit. Less than half of the US population pays any tax and many of those who do could not take advantage of most of the tax credits offered, so the population you are incentivizing is quite small. If you have a portfolio standard, the energy suppliers are obliged to meet the standard, which will generally increase their costs and all of our bills, but there are many more utility bill payers than there are taxpayers.
I have worked for over 40 years in the energy industry and would have to say that most incentives I have seen end up being hijacked by people who find ways to get the payment without accomplishing the goal of the incentive. Some of best outcomes have been the result of getting the broader marketplace engaged in meeting a non-corruptible goal. Examples of doing so were creating tradable pollution credits, where companies could either pay for the right to emit pollution (NOx for example) or could reduce their NOx emissions and sell a portion of that reduction to others. This was one of the most rapid and cost-effective pollution abatement programs we have ever had. It, like most things these days it seems, became politicized and has become victim of sloganeering by politicians, but it was and still is one of the most effective ways to address environmental issues. I believe the cost of NOx abatement decreased by about 90% when the problem shifted from compliance with prescribed technology to this market-driven approach.
One of the challenges with renewables is that the problem is so large and the effect of any one individual so small that most people become overwhelmed and think there is nothing they can do. If, instead of talking about the global problem, we focus on the portion of that problem attributable to an individual and what choices an individual can make people are more likely to change behavior . For example, most people who travel by air, especially intercontinentally, would be quite surprised to see how large air travel contributes to their personal CO2 emission. Similarly, in many cases energy conservation is both more cost effective and easier than other energy programs. For example, the incremental improvement in carpooling with just one other person is significantly larger than the improvement associated with expanding mass transit (though both are usually good moves). Finally, things like space heating/cooling and better local energy management make a large difference. There is no need to heat or cool areas when they are unoccupied for long time periods.
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Hello ResearchGate Community,
I am an accomplished Assistant Professor and Research Associate with a diverse background spanning over 13 years in both industry and academia. Currently completing my PhD in Mathematics, with an anticipated date of July 2024, I am eager to leverage my expertise in technology adoption, statistical and mathematical modeling, and structural equation modeling (SEM) to contribute to cutting-edge research initiatives.
Proficient in technology adoption strategies, statistical and mathematical modeling techniques, including Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) and Artificial Neural Networks(ANN). Extensive experience utilizing tools such as SPSS and AMOS to analyze data and derive meaningful insights.
Passionate about leveraging mathematics and statistics to drive technological advancement, particularly in the realms of e-learning and online education.
Interested in exploring the dynamics of technology adoption, usage, and acceptance within higher education institutions, with a focus on post-adoption behavior, continuous intention usage, and actual usage patterns.
I am seeking a postdoctoral opportunity where I can collaborate with like-minded researchers to address complex challenges at the intersection of mathematics, statistics, and technology adoption. My goal is to contribute to the development of innovative solutions that enhance the effectiveness of educational technologies and inform strategies for organizational change.
If you are aware of any leads/opportunities or research projects aligned with my expertise and interests, I would welcome the opportunity to connect and explore potential collaborations. Please feel free to reach out to me here on ResearchGate or via email at []
Thank you for your consideration.
Assistant Professor | Research Associate |
PhD Candidate in Mathematics
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16 answers
Quality Infrastructure ( QI ) has been established across the globe to create a mechanism for independent third party assessment of products, services and processes. It plays a pivotal role at the national level in propagating, adoption and adherence to quality standards in all important spheres of activities including education, healthcare, environment protection, governance, social sectors, infrastructure sector and such other areas of organized activities that have significant bearing in improving the quality of life and wellbeing of the mankind.
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Dear Dr Ulrich,
Behind my mind, some how I was sure that you will convey the appropriate information on this subject. Thanks for your quick response.
So here is a country- UK Government implemented having following standard:
Government Functional Standard
GovS 001: Government functions
Version: 2.0
Date issued: 15 June 2022
We look forward that other Nations do implement its own standard for improving the quality of life and wellbeing of the people.
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4 answers
What is scope of the implementing LIS classification and cataloguing in different field ?
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William Badke I fully support your suggestion, By virtue of profession I have gone through different condition (handling tools and spares) in maintaining different locomotive and other aviation subsidiaries. We need more intricate system to handle, which will be extracted for LIS principles.
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1 answer
International agreements and national initiatives, including the Paris Agreement, Kyoto Protocol, and measures like Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and the adoption of electric vehicles, have collectively fostered efforts to reduce emissions and encourage sustainable practices.Technological advancements, notably the adoption of electric vehicles, show promise in significantly decreasing emissions, with studies indicating a substantial 50-60% reduction compared to traditional gasoline cars.However, despite these advancements, the transition to cleaner practices encounters several challenges. Issues such as the cost of electric vehicles and battery materials, limited charging infrastructure, and continued dependence on fossil fuels in many regions pose significant hurdles.In terms of policy efforts, governments worldwide are taking measures to incentivize cleaner transportation through regulations, subsidies, and taxes. The automotive industry faces both opportunities and challenges, with a growing demand for eco-friendly cars necessitating adaptations in production while also managing associated costs.Global trends reveal mixed results. While there have been minor declines in energy consumption overall fossil fuel consumption is still on the rise, with limited success in expanding alternative energy sources. Air pollution trends also vary globally, with improvements in some regions like North America and Europe, but worsening air quality in others, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.Sales of electric vehicles are on the rise, indicating a positive shift, yet their impact on global oil demand is anticipated to be limited in the near future.
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While this would cause a major disruption if done abruptly, in reality, considerably, and more in the long run than in the short run. The carbon footprint of electric power generation is decreasing over the time and we have technologies for low-carbon electric power.
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2 answers
Analyzing the Role of AI Adoption in Healthcare and Its Implications for Patient Outcomes
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Dear Willy Lima ,
Based on our recent publication (the link is attached at the bottom), the burgeoning integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the realm of healthcare heralds a profound shift in how we perceive and approach patient care. With the advent of sophisticated machine learning algorithms, natural language processing capabilities, and predictive analytics, healthcare stakeholders are poised to redefine the landscape of clinical decision-making and treatment modalities. These advancements hold the promise of not just enhancing diagnostic accuracy but also revolutionizing treatment protocols by delivering personalized interventions tailored to each patient's unique profile.
Beyond the realm of diagnostics and treatment, AI stands as a beacon of hope in optimizing healthcare delivery systems and catalyzing patient engagement. Virtual health assistants, chatbots, and telemedicine platforms empowered by AI technologies are redefining the patient-provider relationship, offering seamless access to medical expertise and empowering patients to take charge of their health journeys. Also, AI-powered predictive modeling could change healthcare from a reactive to a proactive model by finding people who are likely to have bad health outcomes and taking action before they happen, thereby improving overall patient outcomes and quality of care.
However, amid the promise of AI-driven healthcare, a plethora of ethical and operational considerations loom large. From safeguarding patient privacy and ensuring data integrity to addressing concerns regarding algorithmic bias and transparency, the journey towards realizing the full potential of AI in healthcare is fraught with complexities. Navigating these challenges demands a concerted effort from all stakeholders, such as clinicians, researchers, policymakers, and technologists, to forge a path forward that not only harnesses the transformative power of AI but also upholds the values of equity, fairness, and patient-centered care. Only through collaborative endeavors can we unlock the true potential of AI to revolutionize healthcare and usher in an era of improved patient outcomes and well-being.
I hope this provides insight into responding to this question.
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6 answers
What model do you recommend for the Acceptance of Hospital Intelligence Management System (HIMS) Technology? (Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Extension of TAM (ETAM), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)) and etc?
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Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) can be used as I myself is planning to use in my new research.
  • asked a question related to Adoption
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give me conceptual literature, foreign studies, local studies, and theoretical framework about Adoption of Online Security Practices among Residents of Iloilo City?
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The adoption of online security practices among residents of Iloilo City, like in many other cities, is crucial to protect personal information, financial assets, and overall cybersecurity. Some common online security practices that residents of Iloilo City (and elsewhere) should consider adopting include:
  1. Using strong, unique passwords for online accounts and regularly changing them.
  2. Enabling two-factor authentication for an added layer of security.
  3. Keeping software, operating systems, and antivirus programs up to date to patch any security vulnerabilities.
  4. Avoiding clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.
  5. Being cautious about sharing personal information online, especially on social media platforms.
  6. Using secure Wi-Fi networks and avoiding public Wi-Fi for sensitive transactions.
  7. Regularly monitoring financial accounts for any unauthorized transactions.
  8. Backing up important data regularly to prevent data loss in case of a cyber attack.
  9. Educating oneself about common online scams and phishing tactics to avoid falling victim to them.
To promote the adoption of these online security practices among residents of Iloilo City, local government agencies, cybersecurity organizations, and community groups can conduct awareness campaigns, workshops, and training sessions. They can also provide resources and guidelines on how to stay safe online and offer support for individuals who may have been victims of cyber crimes. Additionally, collaboration with internet service providers and businesses to enhance cybersecurity measures can help create a safer online environment for residents of Iloilo City.
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20 answers
Key Factors that are internal to firm or external to firm 
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increase in income, market demand and change in technology.
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What challenges do you foresee in the widespread adoption of AI in remote sensing, and how can these challenges be addressed to ensure the technology's successful integration?
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I would pose a different question: does AI/ML have the ability to explain the basis on which it made a particular conclusion? This leads us to the next main question about reference data. More specifically, are specialists being widely trained to prepare reference data?
  • asked a question related to Adoption
1 answer
Illustrate the current scenario of Indian agriculture by providing statistical data on crop production, land utilization, and technological adoption, and visualize the regional disparities and challenges faced by farmers.
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Soil problems in India include12:
  • Deforestation, which leaves the soil devoid of binding material.
  • Overgrazing, which loosens the soil structure.
  • Faulty agricultural methods such as ploughing, lack of crop rotation, and practice of shifting cultivation.
  • Deficiency in fertility. Indian soils are generally deficient in nitrogen and phosphorous, while high in potassium.
  • Soil erosion and land degradation. In India, 53% of land is estimated to be affected by soil erosion and land degradation and 83% is affected by water and wind erosion. Unless there is something done to fix the environmental effects of current farming practices, it is estimated that within 20 years, one third of arable land will be lost2.
Learn more:
Problems of Soil - INSIGHTSIAS
Soil Degradation and Crippling Deb…
This information would suggest soil erosion causing degradation of the soil capacity is fundamental to agricultural productivity issues.
I believe from the Universal Soil Loss equaliton the loss of 2 to 3 tons of soil per ha would be sufficient to have sustainability in the soil quality and capacity. I believe in India the loss is 2 to 4 times that amount. The result is a a degenerated soil condition. In this erosion the fine clay and organic materials are lost primarily leaving coarse materials which are not as fertile.
About one third of Indian sources would have a tendency to be acid and the use ammoniated fertilizers would be particularly harmful for that condition
Indian soils are largely deficit in mcro nutrients Nitrogen and Phosphorus and the use of biological nitrification is a way of reducing many of the Nitrogen issues.
The baselining of soils for soil organic matter can be used to improve the water holding and aeration of soils the use of anti erosion soil conservation, diverse crop rotations return of organic materials to soil and use of plant animal rotations are critical for the ability to regenerative soil organic matter which has suffered 50 to 90% loss of the predominating agricultural management.
The Indian continent will need to baseline manage and monitor for soil and soil organic matter to reverse the prevalent soil degradation which is found in 83% of the soils surveyed.
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2 answers
Investigating the potential synergies between Agile methodologies and Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) to explore ways in which the iterative and collaborative nature of Agile can optimize the SAD process. Seeking insights on improved adaptability, communication, and overall project outcomes.
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> combination of iterative and incremental process models focusing on process adaptability and customer satisfaction by rapidly delivering working software products.
> Agile Methods break the product into small incremental builds. These builds are provided in iterations.
> Sharing responsibility here
> Ongoing collaboration here.
  • asked a question related to Adoption
2 answers
In the realm of machine learning, the availability of large and diverse datasets is often crucial for effective model training. However, in certain domains where data is limited or privacy concerns are paramount, exploring the use of synthetic datasets emerges as a compelling alternative.
Question: How can the adoption of synthetic datasets revolutionize machine learning applications in areas with data scarcity and stringent privacy considerations?
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Synthetic data is suitable for model validation and testing the performance and accuracy of the model, method or algorithms., however, the real data is extremely necessary for the actual performance of the method or algorithms.
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3 answers
Interview Questions:
Understanding Expertise:
"Could you please share your background and experience in the retail industry, particularly in relation to AI technologies? What makes you an expert in this field?"
Value Co-creation (Theory of Value Co-creation):
"How do you see AI technologies enabling value co-creation between retailers and customers in the European Union? Can you provide specific examples?"
"What role do customers play in value co-creation when AI is implemented in retail services?"
Resource-Based View:
"From a resource-based perspective, what are the key resources and capabilities that retailers need to effectively implement and leverage AI technologies?"
"How can retailers in the European Union build competitive advantage through AI-driven resources and capabilities?"
Diffusion of Innovations:
"How have you observed the diffusion of AI innovations within the retail sector in the European Union? What factors have contributed to the adoption or resistance of these technologies?"
"Can you share examples of how retailers have successfully adopted AI innovations to enhance their operations and customer experience?"
AI Concepts and Developments:
"Can you discuss the current developments in AI technology that are particularly relevant to the retail sector in the European Union?"
"How have these developments impacted the operational efficiency and customer personalization in retail?"
AI Applications in Retail:
"What are some innovative applications of AI in the retail sector, and how do they contribute to cost-effectiveness and value creation?"
"Can you provide examples of AI-driven services that have significantly improved customer engagement and loyalty in the European Union?"
Barriers and Enablers to AI Adoption:
"What are the main barriers to AI adoption in the retail industry in the European Union, and how can they be addressed?"
"Can you discuss any enablers that facilitate the successful implementation of AI in retail?"
Data Privacy and Ethics in AI:
"How do retailers address data privacy and ethical considerations when implementing AI technologies? Can you provide examples of best practices in this area within the European Union?"
Implications of AI in Retail:
"What are the implications of AI integration within retail management practices in the European Union? How does AI shape the future of retail business models?"
"What advice would you give to retailers looking to leverage AI for cost-effectiveness and value creation?"
Final Thoughts:
"Is there anything else you would like to share or think is important for my research on the impact of AI on cost-effectiveness and value creation in the European Union's retail industry?"
Relevant answer
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are rapidly transforming the retail industry across the European Union, bringing about significant advancements in both cost-effectiveness and value creation. By harnessing the power of AI, retailers are streamlining operations, enhancing customer experiences, and driving new revenue streams.
AI is revolutionizing the way retailers manage their operations, leading to substantial cost savings. AI-powered automation is taking over repetitive tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more strategic endeavors. For instance, AI algorithms can manage inventory levels, optimize pricing, and automate checkout processes, reducing manual labor and associated costs.
AI is also transforming supply chain management, enabling retailers to optimize logistics and reduce transportation costs. Predictive analytics powered by AI can forecast demand and optimize inventory allocation, minimizing stockouts and overstocking. This not only reduces costs but also improves customer satisfaction by ensuring products are available when and where they are needed.
Value Creation
AI is not only reducing costs but also creating significant value for retailers and customers alike. AI-powered personalization is at the forefront of this value creation, enabling retailers to tailor product recommendations, marketing campaigns, and customer interactions to individual preferences. This personalized approach enhances customer experiences, increases loyalty, and drives sales.
AI is also transforming product development and marketing, giving retailers deeper insights into customer needs and preferences. AI-driven data analysis can identify emerging trends, predict customer behavior, and inform product development strategies, leading to more targeted and successful product launches.
Specific Applications of AI in Retail
AI is being applied in various ways across the retail sector, with notable examples including:
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants: Providing 24/7 customer support, answering FAQs, and handling simple transactions.
  • Recommendation engines: Suggesting personalized products based on purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographic data.
  • Image recognition: Identifying products from images, enabling visual search and product comparison.
  • Fraud detection: Identifying fraudulent transactions and preventing financial losses.
  • Pricing optimization: Adjusting prices dynamically based on demand, competitor pricing, and other factors.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite the transformative potential of AI, retailers face challenges in its implementation and adoption. Data quality, privacy concerns, and the need for skilled AI professionals are key considerations. Additionally, the cost of AI solutions can be a barrier for some retailers.
To effectively integrate AI into their operations, retailers should focus on:
  • Gathering and managing high-quality data: AI algorithms rely on accurate and comprehensive data to make informed decisions.
  • Establishing clear ethical guidelines: AI applications should be developed and deployed with respect for data privacy and user rights.
  • Investing in AI talent: Developing in-house AI expertise or partnering with AI specialists is crucial for successful implementation.
  • Adopting a phased approach: Starting with small-scale pilot projects to demonstrate value before scaling up AI adoption.
In conclusion, AI is revolutionizing the retail landscape in the European Union, bringing about significant advancements in both cost-effectiveness and value creation. Retailers that embrace AI and address the associated challenges will be well-positioned to thrive in the increasingly competitive and data-driven retail environment.
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4 answers
I am searching the integrated Industry 4.0 and Circular Supply Chain adoption Risk but unable to get articles in Scopus or Google scholar.
Articles are related to either barriers or challenges of the above.
OR purely risk of Circular Supply Chain adoption (without Industry 4.0)
Can any one suggest how to proceed.
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How to Proceed:
  1. Literature Review on Separate Topics: Since integrated articles are scarce, begin by reviewing articles on Industry 4.0 risks and CSC risks separately. This will give you a foundational understanding and allow you to hypothesize integrated risks.
  2. Case Studies: Look for businesses that are at the forefront of integrating Industry 4.0 and CSC. Their real-world experiences can be invaluable, even if not yet documented in academic literature.
  3. Primary Research: Given the gap in the literature, you have an opportunity to contribute original research. Consider surveys, interviews, or focus groups with industry professionals to gather insights on integrated risks.
  4. Collaborate: Given the interdisciplinary nature of the topic, consider collaborating with experts in Industry 4.0, supply chain management, and sustainability. Their combined expertise can be invaluable.
  5. Publish Preliminary Findings: As you gather insights, consider publishing your preliminary findings, even if they're exploratory. This can invite feedback and collaboration from the wider academic and industry community.
  6. Stay Updated: This is an evolving field. Regularly check academic databases, industry reports, and relevant conferences or webinars to stay updated on emerging research.
The intersection of Industry 4.0 and the Circular Supply Chain is rich with potential for academic inquiry. Your endeavor can make a valuable contribution to understanding the challenges and risks in this integrated domain.
  • asked a question related to Adoption
4 answers
I am exploring the risks of industry 4.0 technology adoption in supply chain.
Are challenges and risks different or same?
Can Barriers also be taken as risks ?
Looking for clarification to proceed in my above project.
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The exploration of risks associated with Industry 4.0 technology adoption in the supply chain is both timely and relevant. Let's address your questions one by one.
1. Are challenges and risks different or the same?
  • Challenges generally refer to difficulties or obstacles that need to be overcome to achieve a specific goal. In the context of Industry 4.0 technology adoption in the supply chain, challenges could include things like the high costs of implementing new technologies, lack of skilled labor, or resistance to change within an organization.
  • Risks, on the other hand, pertain to the potential negative outcomes or dangers that might arise from a particular action or decision. Risks could encompass data breaches due to cybersecurity vulnerabilities, technology malfunctions leading to operational disruptions, or ROI not being realized.
While challenges and risks can sometimes overlap or be closely related, they are conceptually distinct. A challenge is an obstacle to overcome, while a risk is a potential negative outcome.
2. Can Barriers also be taken as risks?
Barriers are factors that prevent or hinder progress or achievement. In many instances, barriers can be synonymous with challenges. When evaluating barriers in the context of Industry 4.0 technology adoption:
  • Direct Risks: Some barriers can translate directly into risks. For example, if a significant barrier is the lack of cybersecurity infrastructure, this poses a direct risk of potential cyber-attacks or data breaches.
  • Indirect Risks: Some barriers might lead to secondary or indirect risks. For instance, if a barrier is resistance to change within the workforce, this might indirectly lead to reduced productivity, lower morale, or increased turnover rates.
In essence, while not all barriers can be classified as risks, many barriers can give rise to risks, either directly or indirectly.
For your project on the risks of Industry 4.0 technology adoption in the supply chain:
  1. Start by identifying the specific challenges (or barriers) associated with the adoption.
  2. Analyze each challenge to determine the direct and indirect risks it might pose.
  3. Consider mitigation strategies for each identified risk.
Understanding the nuanced distinctions between challenges, risks, and barriers will provide clarity and depth to your project, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the complex landscape of Industry 4.0 technology adoption in the supply chain.
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2 answers
Doing research on Adoption of Employee-AI Collaboration for delivering Customized HRM Practices but not getting measurement scale for Adoption of Employee-AI Collaboration
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The field of Human Resource Management (HRM) has witnessed significant advancements with the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI has revolutionized various aspects of HRM, including recruitment, training, performance evaluation, and employee engagement. However, one crucial question remains: Is there a generalized measurement scale available to assess the adoption of HRM-AI collaboration in delivering customized HRM practices? This response argues that while there is no standardized measurement scale yet, researchers have made progress in developing frameworks to evaluate this collaboration.
To begin with, the integration of AI in HRM has led to the customization of practices based on individual employee needs and preferences. This customization can enhance employee satisfaction and productivity. However, measuring the effectiveness and success of such customized practices requires a standardized measurement scale. Currently, there is no universally accepted measurement scale due to the complexity and novelty of this collaboration.
Nevertheless, researchers have made significant strides in developing frameworks that can be used as a starting point for evaluating HRM-AI collaboration. For instance, studies by authors like Wang et al. (2020) propose frameworks that consider factors such as technology acceptance, perceived usefulness, ease of use, and user satisfaction when assessing AI-based HRM systems. These frameworks provide valuable insights into understanding employees' perceptions towards AI-enabled customized HR practices.
Moreover, some organizations have developed their own measurement scales tailored to their specific needs. While these scales may not be generalized across industries or organizations due to their context-specific nature, they serve as valuable examples for other organizations looking to measure the adoption and effectiveness of their own customized HR practices facilitated by AI.
It is important to note that developing a generalized measurement scale for adoption HRM-AI collaboration is challenging due to various reasons. Firstly, different organizations may have different levels of technological infrastructure or resources available for implementing AI-based HRM systems. Secondly, the nature of HR practices may vary across industries, making it difficult to create a one-size-fits-all measurement scale. Lastly, the rapid pace of technological advancements in AI requires continuous updates and modifications to any measurement scale developed.
In conclusion, while there is no standardized measurement scale available yet for assessing the adoption of HRM-AI collaboration in delivering customized HRM practices, researchers have made progress in developing frameworks that can serve as a starting point. These frameworks consider factors such as technology acceptance and user satisfaction. Additionally, some organizations have developed their own context-specific measurement scales. Moving forward, it is crucial for researchers and practitioners to collaborate further to develop a generalized measurement scale that can effectively evaluate the adoption of HRM-AI collaboration across different industries and organizations.
Wang, D., Liang, T.-P., & Turban, E. (2020). The impact of AI on future jobs and skills: A taxonomy of job AI readiness. Journal of Management Information Systems, 37(4), 1017-1049.
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1 answer
Considering to do research on the adoption of Employee-AI Collaboration in perspective to achieve personalized Human resource management services for attaining organizational sustainability. Kindly give me your expert opinion in this regard.
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Certainly, researchers can focus their research perspective on Industry 5.0 (sometimes referred to as Industry 5.0 or Industrial Revolution 5.0) and consider Pakistan for its adoption and implementation. Industry 5.0 is the next phase in the evolution of industries and manufacturing, building upon the foundations of Industry 4.0. It emphasizes human-robot collaboration and seeks to harmonize human skills with advanced automation and robotics.
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2 answers
Dear Colleagues,
Title of Research Project: Exploring Reflective Learning Strategies in Big Data Analytics Education and Practice: A Cross-sectional Study on Adoption, Effectiveness, and Influencing Factors
I will appreciate your participation in this research study, which has been reviewed and approved by The Salomons Ethics Panel, Salomons Centre for Applied Psychology, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK. This questionnaire will take about 10-12 minutes to complete.
Here is the link to the questionnaire including the informed consent and participant information sheet:
Thanks, Rossi A. Hassad, PhD, MPH, CStat, PStat
Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
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Dear Radhiya,
Thanks very much for this information.
Here is the link to the questionnaire including the informed consent and participant information sheet:
Rossi Hassad, PhD, MPH
  • asked a question related to Adoption
2 answers
Discuss its significance in mitigating climate change?
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Dear Dr.,
Integrating innovative technologies into agricultural extension services is crucial to reach and benefit remote farming communities in Bangladesh. Digital platforms and mobile applications can provide real-time access to weather forecasts, market prices, and best farming practices. Drones and satellite imaging can offer valuable insights into crop health and pest management. Moreover, online training sessions and webinars can empower farmers with knowledge and skills. This tech-driven approach ensures that even in remote areas, farmers can make informed decisions, improve productivity, and ultimately enhance their livelihoods.
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5 answers
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Reviews have their own methodologies and other protocols to guide how they are undertaken. Scoping, integrative, meta-analysis, metaenography, and critical reviews have specific methodologies and analytical approaches. Read previous reviews for details.
  • asked a question related to Adoption
2 answers
I'm looking for qualitative research papers that have effectively applied the UTAUT framework in the context of technology adoption. While the UTAUT framework is frequently associated with quantitative studies, I'm specifically interested in papers that have integrated the UTAUT framework within qualitative methodologies, such as through the use of semi-structured interviews. If possible, it would be preferable for the recommended papers to include the interview guide or an excerpt from it. If you have any insights on the use of UTAUT in qualitative research, especially within interview contexts, I would greatly appreciate your input.
Your assistance in identifying such references is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
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Thank you for the article recommendations
  • asked a question related to Adoption
4 answers
What are the differentiating factors between PyTorch and TensorFlow, two major Python libraries for Machine Learning, in terms of flexibility, ease of use, and industry adoption?
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Through my research experience with machine learning and deep learning using Python.
TensorFlow is the best choice. It is a lightweight, simplified neural network architecture and is easy to handle.
  • asked a question related to Adoption
2 answers
How does the adoption of video-based distance learning along side multimedia tools such as TedTalk, Quiz platformss, Youtube (just to name a few) enhances learner-content interaction?
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strengthening critical thinking and meta-cognition skills
  • asked a question related to Adoption
1 answer
Investigating the barriers to the adoption of energy-efficient practices in small and medium-sized enterprises in the corporate sector and evaluating the impact of financial incentives and green financing on the adoption of energy-efficient practices in the corporate sector in the UK.
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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face several barriers that make it difficult for them to adopt energy efficiency measures. These barriers include the lack of time and resources to explore energy efficiency options, the lack of information about where and how energy is used in their companies, and the lack of internal capacity to develop and implement energy efficiency measures.
  • asked a question related to Adoption
2 answers
Dear All, I am trying to employ the CMP model to estimate recommended fertilizer dosage adoption's impact on ROI. The dataset contains seven years of balanced panel data. The endogenous variable is the Adoption decision (AdoptNot), and the instrumental variables for 'AdoptNot' are ‘FarmExp’ and ‘logOffFarmEarnTk.’ Following Dr. David Roodman's work, I have tried to construct the model as:    cmp (ROI = AdoptNot# IrriMachineOwn Seekinfofertilizer ACode EduC HHnumberCat HHLabor FarmExp LandSizeDec LandTypeC Landownership  SoilWaterRetain  CowdungAvailability  SoilFertility CreditAvail  BRRIKnowledge logOffFarmEarnTk year2015_d year2016_d year2017_d year2018_d year2019_d year2020_d year2021_d) ( AdoptNot =IrriMachineOwn Seekinfofertilizer ACode EduC HHnumberCat HHLabor FarmExp LandSizeDec LandTypeC Landownership  SoilWaterRetain  CowdungAvailability  SoilFertility EnviAwareness CreditAvail  BRRIKnowledge year2015_d year2016_d year2017_d year2018_d year2019_d year2020_d year2021_d logOffFarmEarnTk FarmExp), indicators ($cmp_cont $cmp_probit) But I am confused about the correct way of constructing this model. For instance, do I need to add the ROI variable in the second model too, and what is the correct order of placing instrumental variable/variables in the model?  Thank you very much in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards, Faruque
Relevant answer
(1) There is no need to add the ROI variable in the second model.
(2) You only need to include the IV in the second model as an additional regressor.
  • asked a question related to Adoption
5 answers
The first 5G radio networks are now live. This generation of telecommunication system aims to deliver
  • Enhanced mobile broadband,
  • Massive machine-type communications,
  • Ultra-reliable and low latency communications.
The purpose is to be faster, more reliable and manage the scale of devices predicted for the Mobile Internet of Things (MIoT). Enabling the digital transformation of our society, business processes and manufacturing. To enable this, 5G will deliver multi-network slicing, multi-level of services and multi-connectivity network capabilities. To allow the required flexibility, agility and economies of scale these technologies will be delivered via virtual and containerised environments. This is a revolutionary way of working for the industry. 5G has designed in security controls to address many of the threats faced in today’s 4G/3G/2G networks. These controls include new mutual authentication capabilities, enhanced subscriber identity protection, and additional security mechanisms. 5G offers the mobile industry an unprecedented opportunity to uplift network and service security levels. 5G provides preventative measures to limit the impact to known threats, but the adoption of new network technologies introduces potential new threats for the industry to manage.
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The security of data transmitted via the ubiquitous 5G communication network infrastructure is a paramount concern. While 5G offers incredible speed, low latency, and increased capacity, it also presents new security challenges. The sheer volume of data flowing through the network increases the attack surface and makes it more attractive to cybercriminals. However, efforts have been made to enhance security in 5G, including stronger encryption, improved authentication protocols, and network slicing to isolate different types of traffic. Additionally, advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning can be employed to detect and mitigate potential threats. Nonetheless, as with any communication network, achieving absolute security is a complex task that requires ongoing collaboration between industry, government, and cybersecurity experts to ensure the protection of user and cloud data in the era of ubiquitous 5G.
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6 answers
Pros of Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria in Bangladesh:
Increased Phosphorus Availability: Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria have the ability to convert insoluble phosphorus compounds in the soil into soluble forms that can be readily absorbed by plants. This increases the availability of phosphorus, an essential nutrient for plant growth, leading to improved crop productivity.
Reduced Reliance on Chemical Fertilizers: By harnessing the potential of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, farmers in Bangladesh can reduce their dependence on chemical fertilizers, which can be costly and have negative environmental impacts. This approach offers a more sustainable and eco-friendlier alternative for nutrient management.
Enhanced Soil Health: Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria contribute to the improvement of soil health by releasing organic acids and enzymes that break down complex phosphorus compounds. This process not only promotes nutrient availability but also enhances soil structure, nutrient retention, and overall soil fertility.
Adaptability to Local Conditions: Bangladesh has diverse soil types and agro-climatic conditions. The use of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria can be tailored to specific regions, allowing for customization based on soil characteristics and crop requirements. This adaptability makes it a suitable solution for a wide range of farming systems in the country.
Cons of Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria in Bangladesh:
Limited Strain Selection: The effectiveness of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria is dependent on the selection of appropriate strains that are well-suited to local soil conditions. Identifying and isolating efficient strains may require significant research and testing, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
Compatibility with Other Inputs: The integration of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria with other agricultural inputs, such as chemical fertilizers or pesticides, needs careful consideration. Some chemical treatments may adversely affect the survival or activity of the bacteria, requiring farmers to adapt their farming practices accordingly.
Variable Performance: The efficacy of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria can vary depending on environmental factors, such as soil pH, temperature, and moisture levels. Additionally, the impact on crop productivity may differ across different crop types and farming systems. Farmers need to carefully monitor and evaluate the performance of these bacteria in their specific contexts.
Adoption Challenges: Introducing new agricultural practices and technologies often faces challenges related to farmer awareness, acceptance, and adoption. Educating farmers about the benefits and proper application of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria may require targeted extension services, training programs, and awareness campaigns to ensure widespread adoption and maximize the potential impact.
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The research was conducted in Karnataka state of India. The availabulity of P is low to medium and it is fixed form in black soils not containing more of organic matter or humus.Hence the PSB is using to mobilise the fixed P available to crop
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4 answers
Block chain
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The advent of blockchain technology's widespread assimilation into various spheres engenders a host of legal and regulatory predicaments necessitating redress. Herein lie a panoply of potential challenges alongside their corresponding solutions:
1. Ambiguity befalls jurisdiction: Given the decentralized framework upon which blockchain operates, ascertaining the appropriate jurisdiction for legal disputes becomes a formidable task. Moreover, the regulatory landscape governing blockchain and cryptocurrencies manifests discordant tenets across divergent nations. Consequently, fostering international cooperation and embracing standardization endeavors becomes imperative in order to promulgate unambiguous jurisdictional guidelines encompassing blockchain-related affairs.
2. Preserving data privacy and protection: Blockchain's core tenets—transparency and immutability—often clash with extant data protection regulations, exemplified by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To align with data protection laws while concurrently harnessing blockchain's merits, privacy-centric methodologies such as zero-knowledge proofs or off-chain storage may be invoked.
3. Ensuring regulatory compliance: Blockchain-based systems, inherently entailing digital asset transfers or token creation, frequently implicate extant financial regulations like securities laws and anti-money laundering (AML) provisions. Crafting bespoke regulations tailored to blockchain or effecting adaptations to accommodate this technology fosters regulatory clarity and affords enhanced compliance facilitation for businesses and individuals venturing within the blockchain domain.
4. Smart contract enforceability: Albeit smart contracts subsist as self-executing agreements enshrined upon the blockchain, their effective enforcement within conventional legal systems encounters manifold challenges. Counteractively, promulgating legal frameworks that recognize and enforce smart contracts stands as a judicious remedy, thus bridging the lacuna betwixt code-based agreements and traditional legal architectures.
5. Verification of identities: Blockchain's facilitation of pseudonymous or anonymous transactions elicits concerns pertaining to identity verification and the concomitant potential for illicit activities. Remedial measures encompass the implementation of know-your-customer (KYC) protocols and anti-money laundering (AML) procedures directly embedded within blockchain platforms, thus alleviating apprehensions while ensuring compliance with identity verification regulations.
6. Intellectual property rights: The conspicuous transparency inherent to blockchain poses substantive conundrums vis-à-vis safeguarding intellectual property rights. By way of resolution, pioneering solutions such as cryptographic techniques or decentralized patent registries merit exploration, serving to safeguard and enforce intellectual property rights within blockchain ecosystems.
7. Safeguarding consumer interests: The evolutionary trajectory of blockchain technology necessitates vigilance against fraudulent activities, scams, and dissemination of misleading information, thereby safeguarding consumers. Measures predicated upon implementing consumer protection regulations and cultivating self-regulatory bodies within the blockchain industry instill trust and furnish enhanced user protection.
8. Energy consumption and environmental impact: The computational demands attendant upon blockchain networks, particularly those embracing proof-of-work consensus algorithms, bear witness to prodigious energy consumption. In response, stakeholders spanning governments and industrial entities are encouraged to champion energy-efficient consensus algorithms, advocate for renewable energy sources in mining operations, or explore alternative consensus mechanisms evincing reduced energy intensity.
Resolving the aforementioned legal and regulatory quandaries rests upon the foundation of collaborative efforts forged among governments, industry participants, legal experts, and technologists. Striking an equilibrium between stimulating innovation and preserving the interests of individuals, businesses, and society at large assumes paramount importance. As blockchain matures, regulators shall persist in adapting and formulating frameworks that foster the responsible adoption of this transformative technology.
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3 answers
Discuss the economic and environmental implications of utilizing sewage water in agriculture, including the potential benefits and costs associated with its use, as well as the social and cultural factors that may influence its acceptance and adoption.
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The idea to use sewage water in agriculture not just sounds interesting but is also backed by scientific findings showing the high content of some of the nutrients in sewage water. The problem lies in two major aspects. the first is sewage water also contains a lot of dissolved inorganic particles as well as toxins. This could have a detrimental effect on crop growth. Also, as mentioned by one of the experts the dissolved oxygen in untreated sewage water is less than the requirement. That being said, the use of sewage water after primary treatment and microbial inoculation (for decomposing of certain wastes) can definitely be considered.
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2 answers
Additionally, how can we ensure that students and teachers are comfortable with and accepting of artificial intelligence in the classroom?
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The biggest challenge I can think of at the moment is that people use AI to write papers for them and as a result, they gain unfair advantage over others in their class or community for this reason.
  • asked a question related to Adoption
1 answer
some papers always start with" there is a range of evidence illustrating that the adoption remains limited.....", but never show data on this statement.
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That would not be accurate to claim that agricultural technologies are rarely adopted by farmers. In fact, the adoption of new agricultural technologies varies greatly depending on the specific technology, the location, and the socioeconomic conditions of the farmers.
I would recommend asking this question:
Why do some farmers adopt agricultural technologies before others do?
  • asked a question related to Adoption
1 answer
Something related to customer adoption
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here are some potential research topics on green banking in India for your PhD thesis:
1.The role of green banking in promoting sustainable development in India.
2.Analyzing the impact of green banking on environmental conservation in India.
3.The effectiveness of green banking policies and regulations in India in promoting sustainable finance.
4.Investigating the challenges and opportunities for green banking in India.
5.Exploring the linkages between green banking and corporate social responsibility in India.
6.Evaluating the financial performance of green banks in India.
7.Analyzing the impact of green banking on the Indian economy and financial sector.
8.Developing a framework for measuring the sustainability performance of green banks in India.
9.Investigating the adoption of green banking practices by Indian banks.
10.Identifying the factors influencing customer behavior towards green banking in India.
These are just a few ideas to get you started. You can further refine and develop any of these topics based on your interests and research goals. Good luck with your thesis!
  • asked a question related to Adoption
7 answers
In KPMG’s newly released metaverse investor perspectives survey, over 90% of investors surveyed indicated the metaverse will be the next phase of the internet, with 75% of those surveyed also revealing plans to maintain or increase their long-term metaverse investments.
While one may view the metaverse as it exists today through the lens of a teenager playing video games, the metaverse that investors have their long-term sights set on will go well beyond gaming, with use cases and applications that will span across various demographics. To make that vision a reality, investors are focused on several factors.
Workplace adoption
The workplace prior to the COVID-19 pandemic versus now has already changed drastically. With remote and hybrid work now commonplace, employers have shifted their attention toward reducing isolation and creating connection among their employees. Investors see an opportunity for metaverse platforms to provide real solutions to this, with nearly half (47%) citing its potential to enhance the way employees interact as its biggest business opportunity. Broad workplace adoption hinges on the same factors the metaverse becoming the next phase of the internet hinges on – two of them being interoperability and DEI.
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Dear Dr Szekely.
Thank you very much for your contributions to the line of discussion, they are very prominent.
Yours sincerely, Juan Luis.
  • asked a question related to Adoption
1 answer
I am working on the TOE model to measure the effect of 9 independent variables with a direct effect on Big Data adoption, then to measure the impact of Big Data adoption on firm performance. To clarify, there is no direct relationship between the 9 independent and firm performance dependent variable.
Is Big Data adoption playing a mediation role in this case?
If it mediates between the 9 independent variables and the dependent variable, firm performance, how can I measure and report it?
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To report indirect effect mediation in SmartPLS, you can follow these steps:
  1. Run your SmartPLS model and obtain the path coefficients and bootstrapped confidence intervals.
  2. Calculate the indirect effect by multiplying the path coefficients between the independent variable (IV) and the mediator variable (MV), and between the mediator variable and the dependent variable (DV).
  3. Calculate the bootstrap confidence interval for the indirect effect by using the percentile method or the bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) method.
  4. If the bootstrap confidence interval for the indirect effect does not contain zero, then you can conclude that there is a significant indirect effect.
  5. Report the indirect effect and its bootstrap confidence interval, along with the path coefficients for the direct effects and their bootstrap confidence intervals.
  6. You may also want to report the total effect, which is the sum of the direct and indirect effects.
Here's an example of how you might report indirect effect mediation:
"The results of the SmartPLS analysis indicated that there was a significant indirect effect of the independent variable (IV) on the dependent variable (DV) through the mediator variable (MV) (indirect effect = 0.20, bootstrap confidence interval [0.10, 0.35]). The direct effect of IV on DV was also significant (direct effect = 0.30, bootstrap confidence interval [0.20, 0.40]). The total effect of IV on DV was 0.50 (bootstrap confidence interval [0.40, 0.60]). These findings suggest that the relationship between IV and DV is partially mediated by MV."
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I am exploring alternatives for supporting the HACCP adoption, with Business Process Management Sistems (BPMS), in order to provide an alternative tool respect ERP, or specific purpose software
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Dear Jose,
Business Process Management Systems (BPMS) can support the adoption of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) by automating and streamlining many of the essential tasks involved in HACCP implementation and management.
One example of a BPMS tool that can be used for HACCP is Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite. This tool can automate many vital processes involved in HACCP implementation, such as hazard analysis, critical control point identification, monitoring and verification, and corrective action.
Another example is Pega BPM which helps organizations automate and optimize the HACCP process by providing a centralized platform for managing and tracking HACCP-related tasks and activities, such as hazard analysis, critical control point identification, monitoring and verification, and corrective action.
It is important to note that while BPMS can be a valuable tool for supporting HACCP adoption, ensuring that the system is configured and used in compliance with all relevant regulations and standards is still important. Additionally, it is essential to thoroughly understand HACCP's requirements and best practices and how to implement them in the specific industry.
It might be helpful to consult with HACCP experts and a software vendor with HACCP implementation experience to ensure the BPMS tool is configured and used correctly.
I hope I was able to answer your question.
Yours sincerely,
Edgar M Cambaza
  • asked a question related to Adoption
1 answer
What are the key contributions, meteorology used, limitations, gaps which the article attempted to close and how the current study can be improved?
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Key Contributions:
The article presents an innovative methodology for accurately measuring wind speed using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This method takes advantage of the UAV's ability to fly over large areas and measure wind speed at different heights.
Meteorology Used:
The article utilizes meteorological principles such as boundary layer theory, turbulence and boundary layer depth, as well as a mathematical model to calculate wind speed from UAV measurements.
The article has some limitations due to the limited number of UAVs that can be deployed. Also, the accuracy of the model depends on the accuracy of the UAV's measurements, which can be affected by atmospheric conditions.
Gaps Closed:
The article closes the gap of how to accurately measure wind speed from a UAV, which has been a challenging task due to the difficulty of taking measurements from a moving platform.
The current study can be improved by increasing the number of UAVs that can be deployed and by improving the accuracy of the UAV's measurements, which can be done by calibrating the UAVs more accurately or by using more advanced sensors. Additionally, the accuracy of the model could be improved by incorporating more meteorological principles, such as atmospheric pressure, into the model.
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3 answers
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are increasingly being applied to medical imaging, with the goal of improving diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. However, the adoption and use of these tools in practice can be influenced by clinicians' perceptions and attitudes toward them.
Therefore, we have three questions to cover these concerns:
1. Do you have any experience with artificial intelligence and machine learning in medical imaging?
2. How have your perceptions and attitudes towards these technologies affected your adoption and use of them in practice?
3. What factors do you think contribute to positive or negative perceptions and attitudes toward these technologies?
We invite researchers and practitioners with experience in this area to share their insights and experiences and to discuss the ways in which clinicians' perceptions and attitudes towards artificial intelligence and machine learning in medical imaging may influence their adoption and use of these tools.
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Francisco Maria Calisto Clinicians' perspectives and attitudes regarding artificial intelligence (AI) in medical imaging can influence their acceptance and usage of these tools significantly. Clinicians who are suspicious about the accuracy or use of AI in medical imaging may be less inclined to employ these technologies in their practice. Clinicians, on the other hand, maybe more willing to accept and apply AI in medical imaging if they are confident in its dependability and understand the potential benefits of adopting it.
Several factors, including clinicians' past experiences with these tools, their degree of knowledge with AI technology, and the quality of assistance and training they receive in utilizing these tools, might impact clinicians' views and attitudes regarding AI in medical imaging. It is also critical for AI in medical imaging developers and providers to properly convey the capabilities and limits of these technologies to doctors in order to guarantee that they are utilized appropriately and successfully.
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22 answers
Two academic session i.e 2019-20 and 2020-21 were the worst years for students as social setting for learning and physical interactions with peers was missing. Though most of the academic institutions were quick to adopt online learning model but the learner was isolated from his peers. Some platforms were developed which provided online interaction but the impact of these were limited as isolation kept learners in subdued form.
However, after Covid many institutions are finding Hybrid model of teaching learning more effective as this provides ample opportunity for adoption of various modes assessments and testing as well as students can interact with instructor individually as sometimes learner is hesitant in normal setting.
How my colleagues in academic institutions are thinking about this hybrid model evolution?
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If a particular country has overcome the pandemic situation, yes, probably hybrid education will be used properly taking advantage of the best of both methods.
But if the country still has the pandemic, eLearning has to be implemented and used properly until the situation improves.
Kind Regards.
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3 answers
Recently the concept of opposed piston engines has made the news, claiming an efficiency increse from 25% (conventional) to 45%. Production costs for opposed piston engines are rumored to be the same as conventional models, in contrast to the subsidies electric vehicles receive. Although the new design still has emissions, the levels will be much less and fuel efficiency increased - for the same production cost.
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Interesting to revisit old questions. Some age like fine wine. Others evaporate like laboratory grade acetone.
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3 answers
Education, trialability, and observability are three factors that are supposed to have a positive relationship with the adoption of climate-smart technologies. Farmers with a higher level of education, as well as the option to trial the technology and observe the results, are likely to be more inspired to adopt and practice the technique. Is there any evidence that it can be negative?
Thank you so much in advance.
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Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an integrated approach to managing landscapes—cropland, livestock, forests, and fisheries--that address the interlinked challenges of food security and climate change.
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6 answers
Hey, i often get this question- what is the difference between adoption and scaling? And isn't scaling just large adoption?
What would be your response?
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Dear All, great contributions- both terms "adoption" and "scaling" are confusing but the following resonates a lot with me: adoption is an individual decision by the end-user whereas scaling requires an entire value chain of individuals to "adopt" and create a reinforcing loop for more people to adopt. In the context of agricultural adoption/scaling
  • Adoption of innovation: refers to the individual decision of Jorge/Miriam/ Ali to “adopt” the innovation and is hence determined by 1) the attributes of the innovation as described by Rogers (better than alternatives, observable, etc) and 2) the personal conditions of Miriam (willingness/ability to pay accessible, capacity to operate, etc) . This process plays at the FARM level, at individual decision making level.
• Scaling of innovations: the adoptability of the innovation is important, maybe even a starting point, but when talking about scaling we look beyond the farm – are there intermediaries able to create awareness, do intermediaries have a business interest, and distribution channels, is there finance for the manufacturing, distribution, etc of the innovation; service providers that can provide training, is there evidence that show the innovation may be interstig for Fatima, Issa, etc , etc. (at CIMMYT we use the 10 scaling ingredients to “model” what is required to go to scale Here the focus on the intermediaries or service providers that adopt supporting innovations or new ways of working to get the innovation to people LIKE Miriam in a sustainable way, beyond the project.
I appreciate also the point on in/out of project adoption, that some call artificial adoption as it is made possible through an artificial system of projects that pay for adoption...
Thanks COmmunity, lets keep the discussion going
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5 answers
If to study the adoption factors of agricultural technology, do you need to use, say, a Logit model to analyze it, and then compare the economic benefits of adopting the technology? Is there a better way to do this?
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@Jionglin Li
For discrete dependent variables, the endogenous switching regression model works better compared to classical experimental approaches like the PSM and others. The ESRM addreses the endogeneity problem in agricultural technology adoption and its welfare effects. Please follow the links below for further readings. Regards.
  • asked a question related to Adoption
4 answers
''Managing the benefits and barriers to the adoption of offsite construction in the UK construction industry''.
I have selected the above topic for my Master's dissertation but my supervisor told me that ''a lot of research has been done on the benefits and barriers. Your research need to bring something new to this field of knowledge and it need to be far more focused''.
Can anyone please recommend me dissertation title and aim of research please
Kind Regards
Irshad Ali
MSc Construction Project Management (University of South Wales).
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you can do this MSc title research
'' Risk management of UK construction Projects during crises''
  • asked a question related to Adoption
1 answer
Could both "adaptation" and "adoption" considered as research contributions? Or only "adaptation" is regarded as a contribution? Example if I lift an algorithm from area A that is solving a problem to area B to tackle same problem, would that be regarded as a contribution to knowledge? May be no any touching is required to the algorithm, therefore I am not "adapting" it to fit in Area B. I am using it as a whole without any change made to it.
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Both can be use for the purpose on knowledge advancement. But dont be too sure that adaption that work in A might not give same result in B.
  • asked a question related to Adoption
4 answers
  • What are the indicators of sustainable green procurement in public procurement.
o What is the existing status of adoption of national procurement guidelines in public health sector.
o What are the institutional and general factors that affect in adoption of sustainable green procurement for public health sector.
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  • asked a question related to Adoption
3 answers
Hi all,
My study aims to use a logit (logistic) model to identify the relationship/ impact of trust & perceived risk on the adoption of a new technology of users.
I would like to seek for advices for the following questions:
- The questions should come in the form of Yes/ No question?
- If then, how should I measure the variables indirectly?
Thank your all for your help :)
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Why would you want to start with the method of analysis before you frame the problem? Looks like you are working backwards from the analysis back to the research questions.
I would advice you start from the research questions first before you figure out what method of data analysis is suitable.
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3 answers
Research instrument on adoption of online platforms for teaching and learning in the higher institutions.
Thank for anticipated response.
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I answered the whole questionnaire, ok.
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5 answers
"Empirical Analysis of the impact of New Technology adoption on the productivity of Cassava Flake in Nigeria: Case study, Cross River State Agricultural Zones"
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Dear @Ernest Samuel Impact factor (Clarivate analytics) is the widely accepted indicator to assess the importance of journals. You can choose journals based on the quality and quantity of data generated across years and locations, suitability of your article to specific journals, publication options ( open access/subscription based), and the like.
  • asked a question related to Adoption
4 answers
I'm doing research on the factors that affect future AI (Artificial Intelligence) adoption at the organizational level. We're studying the factors that might encourage or discourage AI adoption in organizations in the future since the technology has still not been adopted in the studied context. However, while TAM and TOE models seemed promising for the study, hesitation still prevails when it comes to integrating DOI theory (Diffusion of Innovation).
I came across a statement that DOI is mainly used in the attempt to understand the diffusion and the institutionalization of the innovation, rather than in the attempt to understand its potential adoption. Therefore, it is more suitable in a context where the innovation has already been adopted. But aren't innovators and early adopters part of DOI? Confusion prevails. If you could share with me your thoughts on this, I would be grateful. Thank you!
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Muhammad Ali I will. Thank you
  • asked a question related to Adoption
5 answers
There is already IAM(Information adoption model), but it is not suitable enough in the context of dialogue. So, I wonder if there is a theory or model to describe information adoption in a dialogue.
Thank you!
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Peter Checkland (Checkland, P. (1984/1993). Systems thinking, systems practice. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.) writes about how to analyse a human activity system, identify expressed problems, compare possible solutions with a model, improve the situation based on feasible and desirable changes. For that a rational approach can deal for instance with the information (system). But also he points at a cultural stream that does focus on adaptation of the understanding of the system, its problem, its improvements and whether it is desirable. If does not answer your detailed question, but does give a good context for it, in particular since the dialogue about desirability has to be done with each stakeholder.
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2 answers
I am trying to associate offshoring drivers including access to low cost, access to market, and access to knowledge and scarce resources with sustainability implementation in the offshore iniatives. There is dearth of literature which talks in terms of priority for the above offshoring drivers and their influence on the adoption/implementation of sustainability practices in the offshoring initatives. Would you please mind suggeting me some literature or clue how to build argument which could explain the above relationships. Thanks
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Dear Dr. Fazli Haleem ,
Indeed, in order to link the drivers of offshoring with the implementation of sustainability, consult these scientific links. if you are so kind I wish you good luck!
[Environmental sustainability practices and offshoring activities of multinational corporations across emerging and developed markets.
Theophilus A.Lartey, Joseph Amankwah-Amoah, Albert Danso, Samuel Adomako, Zaheer Khan, Shlomo Y.Tarba]
  • asked a question related to Adoption
71 answers
Due to the pandemic, many educational institutions shifted from face-to-face teaching and learning to completely online. So, a quick adaptation or adoption of online teaching and learning leads us to several questions "How much is online learning effective vis-a-vis face-to-face learning?" and "What are the major barriers/limitations of online learning?
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