Science topic
Adolescent Development - Science topic
Adolescent Development is the continuous sequential physiological and psychological changes during ADOLESCENCE, approximately between the age of 13 and 18.
Questions related to Adolescent Development
Half a century ago R.J.Havighurst published a book on developmental tasks. Are they still valid? What do we have to learn as humans during certain stages of development? Do the stages differ in lasting now? Which are shorter, which are longer? What we do not have to learn any more? Is there something new we should learn?
Our lab is conducting a research project about Asian-American families. We are investigating Asian-American families' well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically, their experience of racial discrimination, their parent-child relationships, and their children's development. So far we manage to contact churches, organizations, and school communities, but we still need more Philippine and Korean teenagers (12-18 years old) and parents to participate. Any suggestions to help us recruit? I appreciate your help.
Need to raise awareness about early puberty, which is a current problem among adolescent girls. It makes the parents to panic as they fear of about unwanted consequences.
I would like to understand the procedures and methodologies behind a Q-sort.
Edit: Thanks everyone for your contributions to the discussion. I think it's helped my clarify the focus of what I was asking better. Specifically, I am interested in how can we support youth wellbeing if their ability to interact with PEERS is constrained because of social distancing protocols. What are some protective factors or strategies that can make up for deficits in social interaction with peers at this time?
Original question:
There are a lot of articles in the news about the detrimental effect of the pandemic on children and youths' mental health - the main argument is always around the decrease in opportunities for social interaction with their peers. While I don't doubt that social interaction with peers is a developmental milestone for adolescents, I do wonder to what degree this emphasis on PEER interaction specifically is culturally bound?
In western cultures, kids generally go to school and are sorted by age and grade and therefore interact primarily with their peers. But in some cultures this type of sorting is not predominant. Also, what about children who are homeschooled? Who live in rural areas? Who are only-children? There are variety of scenarios where children don't have as much interaction with kids their age. What do you think, research community? Is PEER social interaction, the kind they would get at school, essential to child and adolescent development? Or is social interaction in general, regardless of age group, the essential part? Can you point me to any interesting reads in this area of study?
What are the cognitive, emotional, and social consequences of media use at all stages of childhood and adolescence development?
The global pandemic has hit hard on families from different angles. The economic, religious, political and other aspects of society have been shaken and disrupted. Technology has now an even more significant and central place in our lives.
Children have also been greatly affected by the various disruptions in social life, school schedules, etc.
How are we cushioning them against adverse effects of these disruptions on their mental wellbeing?
In the course of work-from home for more than a year, a work done completely at home needs institute affiliation or home's address ?
How this works for the early stage researcher's who are very mobile ?
Do you have any idea of how it may impact the following -
What are Health effects ?
How it effects sustainability ?
Is there any study on growth impacts ?
What about energy and environment ?
How it impacts the ecology and environment ?
How it impacts the local economy ?
Please -- I am seeking examples to illustrate the misunderstandings and related failings (simple and otherwise) that undermine projects and interventions on the topics of conservation, natural resources and development (with a focus on the tropics). The idea is to gather and explain examples to students. We often say that we learn from our mistakes ... but arguably we can all learn from each other people's mistakes too ... if we share them
Despite hearing many quirky stories it is hard to find examples in publications on conservation, natural resources, development etc. Surely there are plenty of examples in peoples experiences though!
There are important examples from wider topics in the wealthier world. For example, how paying blood donors as an incentive to increase donations, can decrease blood donations (as donors prefer to give), and how fining parents for collecting their children late from school has in some case actually increased the number of children collected late (as parents felt less guilty when they paid for it).
An example from my own work would be my earlier efforts to frame a project in Papua (Indonesian New Guinea) around the poorest people and then discovering that people in Papua find it offensive to be called "poor" (this concept cannot be used to motivate projects there).
Anything is potentially useful. I am especially keen to identify publications or cases that can be otherwise sourced and cited--though personal communications are welcome too. Anything fun, quirky or educational is especially desirable.
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a perspective measure that is appropriate for adolescents. I am familiar with measures such as The Silent Film task (for children) or the Strange Situations (for autistic population) or Faux pas test, but most typically developing adolescents/adults excel these tasks.
Any recommendations will be appreciated.
I am analyzing a dataset. There I have a group of participants whose age range is 10-17 years. I have their gender, date of birth, height and weight. I want to measure their BMI for age, z-score and percentile using WHO guidelines. WHO provides "Anthro Survey Analyser" to calculate these but in the default format, it can calculate the BMI for the age of under 5 years children (0-60 months) only (both in online anthro tool and offline anthro software).
So, how can I calculate the BMI for age, z score, and percentile of 10-17 years age group children using WHO Anthro Software or Online Survey Analyzer?
Can anyone please guide me about how to interpret the subscale scores for the Parenting Stress Index (Esp the parental Dysfunctional subscale). Any guidance will be much appreciated!!!
Hello all!
I am in need of some expertise on adolescents developing brain, the role of substance use and co-occurring disorders. I would appreciate some literature or general expertise from those who research in this area!
Thank you in advance. :-)
I am making an assignment for introductory, 101-level Child and Adolescent Development class. Assignment requires reading a literature review on a topic related to child and adolescent development - really any general concept (range can be from effects of breastfeeding to early literacy interventions to effects of corporal punishment), has to be very recent and easy-read (not complex metaanalysis that might be too confusing for freshman level). Did any of you recently read (or wrote and had published) one?
I'm a first year graduate student and am interested in observing environment gene changes in the xenograft mouse model for prostate cancer during mouse development.
Is it at all possible to inject a mouse pup (1-2 or 2-4 weeks old) with LNCaP cells to see how the developmental changes may contribute to tumor growth?
Does anyone know of research into using education (trade training or higher education) as a means to develop self-esteem, positive identity in individuals with PTSD?
Qualitative research methods in developmental psychology
We are awarded a research Grant and planning to adopt DAST 20 for screening the psychoactive substance abuse among school level adolescents in Rupandehi district of Nepal.
I have been exploring Perry’s epistemological stages of development into adulthood. The Learning Context Questionnaire (LCQ) by Griffith and Chapman (1982) seems to be the most common quantitative measure. Unfortunately I have not been able to locate a copy. Do you have a copy you could share? Are there other existing measures of Perry stages or other measures of how individuals understand truth/knowledge? Thank you for your help. ~ Katie
Hello, Colleagues,
I am having some success in mapping a pop cultural fiction phenomenon from small beginnings, to a circle of cognscenti, to a wild upswing in popularity.
There is a dark side to the fiction phenomenon in terms of dealing with human differences. So how can theory help in studying what appeals to the informal reader in this writing and what demographic segment makes use of this writing?
I have posted elsewhere about my case-in-point but now I am just wondering about the mechanics of the transmission and adoption of attitudes. Would cultural studies have theories, anthropology, sociology?
Dear Researchers,
I took Art Eductaion class years ago and the professor cited studies in childhood development that found that children's art participation dramatically lessens after puberty.
Can you point me to the studies?
Some teething babies tend to start sucking their thumbs from infancy to toddler's age. If parents didn't care for the proper hygiene of the babies, sucking thumbs can predispose a baby to various diseases ranging from bacterial gastroenteritis, parasitic and worm infestations. How can parents control the problems of thumb sucking in their babies/children?
There are people who would like to see the kind of high school-to- industry and business integration of apprenticeship programs.
Are any of our RG community working to bring apprenticeships to the US that are as coordinated with industry and business as those are in Germany?
How can this be achieved in the US?
What obstacles are there to creating such apprenticeships?
Do you have research in this area to share?
i need to data set of user profile in social network for my project at amir kabir univercity.
whit this attribute: Gender Age City University Major High school Hobby group
like that file i upload
These two theories appear to cover much the same ground but emerge from different corners of social science. Social Psychology largely owns social identity theory and has a strong following among European scholars. In the US scholars of color writing on almost identical topics appear to focus nearly exclusively on theories that are specifically centered in racial or ethnic identity. Social identity is referred to but not centrally. How do we bring these two literatures together and can we explain why they have developed in parallel not integrated ways.
I am currently looking at how servicescapes enhance or restrict binationals' development of intercultural competence in multicultural marketplaces and was wondering if anyone could aid with articles/ideas regarding this? So far, I have primarily been looking at the physical (Bitner) and social (Tombs & McColl-Kennedy) dimensions in relation to fostering an approach/avoidance behaviour.
I'm looking for a screening test to assess the development of school age children. So far I have found scales that include emotional and social dimensions, however I need a more complete scale, but also brief, which also includes cognitive and behavioural dimensions.
All advice are welcome.
published articles that address the subject of impact of development of education on the host community. more specifically how the eating habit of the host community has change due to their interactions with the foreign students.
i am writing a essay .i have to write a critical analysis comparing two prominent artists from two different periods.i have chosen michael jackson and picasso using the freudian model which looks at childhood influences, family, moral behaviour, sexual behaviour, neuroses.if anyone could recommend some website that could help me i would appreciate it
I am currently finishing my PhD dissertation regarding adaptative strategies of teenagers with HFASD in mainstream high schools, in France au Quebec (age 12 to 16). I’d like to find more studies exploring self-perception in high functioning autistic teenagers, mainly regarding academic, social and friendship dimensions. I’d like to discuss my results with the current literature. Thank you very much for your help and suggestions!
Thanks to everyone for sharing with me scientific links related to my topic.
I don't grasp the concept. For example, if I have a sample n=1000 (that is stratified and clustered) and made three groups of that sample to compare means, is using a regression model enough?
IV is categorical and DV is continuous variable
Does it affect how I choose the groups?Logistic regression is better? If I have two dependent variables, do I use a multiple regression model ?
I am working with a complex survey (secondary analysis) in mental health and I want to know if having a history of ADHD symptoms (IV) can affect QoL (DV) in adults so I have three groups
1. adults without history of ADHD nor current symptoms---> QoL x
2. adults with history of adhd w/o current symptoms-----> QoL y
3. adults with history of adhd and current symptoms------> QoL z
and want to prove if there is an statistical difference between x, y z
We are validating a questionnaire that we developed, Connectedness to Nature in Early childhood. We tried the PedQL but it did not work: although we believe there should be correlation between CN and PedQL, but may be through health or development first of all. We are therefore looking into using another questionnaire for early development. Thanks for your help!
Hi, im currently looking for Interaction Rating Scale Advanced,Parent-child Relationship Scale (child self-report),Parenting style and dimension questionnaire,Biographical Inventory of Creative Behaviors,Callous-unemotional scale and scoring (youth self-report) and the scale that about sensitivity to deception.Have any suggestion feel free to advice me. Thank you.
I am researching the cognitive complexity of PhD students at each year of the process, and am favouring a specific profile tool, but for robustness, it would be useful to run the students through a second test such as an SJT to determine how they think about themselves in a more traditional psychological test.
I will be including elements of SJT's in my research, so if I can have students go through them from the start, it adds at least two chapters to my thesis!
Many thanks.
I have gotten a couple tips from a friend who is a counselor who works with children and adolescents in the foster care system. Looking for any more information that will help me create a valid set of questions for minority adolescent urban teens.
To target cognitive domain she suggested a couple possible ways to frame interview questions:
"If there were a speech bubble over your head while you were writing this, what would it say?"
"What are you telling yourself when we do the reflections?"
"What do you tell yourself when you are told you need to monitor another student during the class period to give feedback at the end?"
To target the emotional domain she suggested that many students will still use cognitive language. She suggested the use of feelings wheels of various complexity. She also stated that many students I work with may be more likely to use the word "mad" or "angry" instead of "sad" because one has a connotation of power and one of weakness.
She also suggested alternating cognitive versus affective questioning sections when I switch participants. I have four areas of inquiry: student thoughts, feelings, actions and attention/engagement.
Can anyone provide interviewing techniques for targeting these varied domains?
I am looking for relevant research papers.
I have recently got the 20 item Likert's-scale of the PACS (Olson) to measure communication between a parent and adolescent. I tried looking for ways to analyse the data but failed. Is there a scoring system to come to a conclusion if the communication is good or not? Currently it just says the higher the scores the better without cut-off points.
Appreciate the input.
Thank you
From DSM-III onwards, 'irritability' has been considered one of the child/adolescent specific symptoms for a diagnosis of depression. I'm interested to know how the term is defined, the historical and empirical background for this change, and whether research has been done on irritability as a feature of adolescent depression. Can anyone help?
Does anyone know age-group specified in G.H.Mead's 3 stages of Self development in symbolic interaction perspective?
I am focussing on support system,academic performance , behaviour ,stigma ,social skills , economic difficulty ,childhood anxiety and depression ,self-esteem ,peer group rejection ,teachers perception ,current issues ,future risks ,protective factores . ,
I'm Suraj. Currently, I'm a public health student of Institute of Medicine. As part of the curriculum, I need to do research. I'm going to do my research on factors affecting adolescent sexual behavior. So, please help me and give a suggestion.
Thank you
Using qualitative methods in psychology to analyze interview data
I would like to use this measure in my research but, although I have the original research I can't decifer how the scoring process works. Any help would be useful and much appreciated.
I am particularly interested in making visible the coexistence of diverse transition patterns.
I'm looking for any literature that may explain lack of engagement with feedback as being partly explain by the teenage rebellion
How Creativity tasks be given in oder to reduce anxiety, test anxiety, enhance study habits and motivation of adolescents?
I am investigating after-school informal learning opportunities in both face-to-face situations and through mobile learning offerings. The context relates to communities living in poverty where 'cash transfers' are used to affect positive behavior change. I know there is not much evidence from Southern Africa, but wondering what there may be that is not yet published. The interest is not strictly limited to cash (in-kind incentives such as airtime vouchers, or shopping vouchers would be included).
I'm hoping someone can help me. In my study I am looking to investigate three dimensions of parenting: warmth, behavioural control and psychological control. I am currently considering the PARQ/control to measure warmth and behavioural control; however, I need a measure of psychological control or an alternative measure that includes all three dimensions.
I am doing an intergenerational study, measuring (i) adults' perceptions of the parenting they received during childhood and (ii) their perceptions of their current parenting practices with their own children. Can anyone recommend a questionnaire(s) that can be used for both?
Many thanks,
How does empty nest affect single mothers? Is there any difference in reaction/emotions than for married mothers?
This refers to The Adolescent Depression knowledge Questionnaire with authors Hart, S.R,
How may I receive permission to use the scale?
SDQ = Strenghts and Difficulties Questionnaire Is anyone aware of any studies (even unpublished) checking on hyperactivity-inattention with the SDQ quest on Anorexia Nervosa children/adolescents?
I am conducting an analysis of records of intervention with juvenile fire setters, searching for correlates between the identified risk factors (social, environmental, behavioural, psychological) in the young person, and the methodologies used to set fires - the versatility of the fire setting.
I have not found much research that has been conducted to date that links these artefacts explicitly.
Are you aware of research that explores the interconnection between risk factors and methodologies?
I am researching this topic and I'm having a difficult time finding current empirical articles.
I'm currently setting up a study evaluating a clinical intervention for looked after children. I'm aware that there are quite complex issues around gaining consent with this population (incl. consent from local authorities, foster-carers, birth families as well as the young people themselves), and considerable challenges in doing this in a timely way, if the study is a clinical one and we don't want to delay access to services. Is there anyone out there who has experience in this area who'd be willing to share their experiences? Our study is in the UK, but would be interesting to hear about situation in other countries too.
I want to see the locus control of adolescent in coping with negative events in their life where the end result would be happiness.
Greetings of the day respected researchers.
Does anyone have information about moral judgement tools for females?
• Do changes in parent-child weight-related communication impact on children’s wellbeing and self-perceptions?
• Do changes in parent-child weight-related communication impact on children’s eating or exercise behaviours and practices?
• Are the effects of parent-child weight-related communication moderated by; child’s weight, age, gender, stimulus for weight talk, parenting style*
• What are the specific strategies and techniques within interventions to improve adult-child weight-related communication associated with positive health or wellbeing outcomes?
How parents can help their children to draw a positive image about their academic life, or study? DO you think there are specific variables of parenting we can examine in relation to self-concept?
This summer I will travel to Uganda and work on a participatory action research project with Gulu University and a group of formerly abducted young women. Although the impact of war on children is almost always severe there is research that indicates that positive adaptation can follow exposure to armed conflict. Often this growth is indicated as a result of a lack of PTSD symptoms. I am looking for a validated instrument to measure posttraumatic resilience.
Spirituality is an integrating construct that works with our cognitive, emotional and social sides (integrating heart, mind and soul) to provide meaning and purpose to our life. I want to study if there is any correlation between spirituality and social skills. your insight will be very valuable.
Public schools' curricula are based in large part on developmental needs of children and adolescents. For example, much of early childhood lessons take into consideration the social component of learning, i.e, cooperation, getting along with others, etc. As children's social development matures and they progress through school, so too does the need for teaching or lessons to change or to remain developmentally appropriate. By the time students reach adolescence, teachers' lessons might call for students to develop group projects as part of a course requirement. There are many other childhood and adolescent developmental needs that become embedded into their K-12 (and beyond) education. One developmental aspect that I don't see reflected in school curricula is racial identity development. Racial identity development theorists (Cross, Helms, etc.) have posited for decades the importance of one's racial identity development. In detailing her racial identity models, Helms (2003) talks about how racial identity development is a natural part of children and adolescents' development that's constantly being expressed in the classroom environment. Such moments are great opportunities for teachers to help children of color to feel connected to all others in the school/classroom and positive about themselves and others of their racial group. However, teachers without appropriate knowledge and skills are not able to respond effectively to students' racial identity related behaviors.
Is there any research out there that looks into attending to student racial identity needs within the school context?
I am currently researching on adolescents with eating disorders (early adolescence 11-13). Using an assessment questionnaire on traumatic experiences my data show that parents of these adolescents have frequently experienced traumatic events (phisical, sexual, etc.).
Is anyone familiar with literature addressing this phenomenon? I know papers dealing with mothers' traumatic experiences and eating disorders in children and toddlers but not in adolescents.
In particular I cannot find references on fathers' traumatic experiences and eating disorders in early adolescents.
Thank you
I currently work with a two year old who is living with both, hearing and visual impairment. Is somebody experienced in this field and can help with ideas for effective interventions?
The child has no cognitive impairment and is spatially very well oriented. Focus of the therapy is currently to help her get in contact with other children.
I am using Tinita body composition analyzer for my study. The devices can't be used for the children under 15 years of age. I don't want to go for a manual method.
Does anyone have access to the complete version of the Weinberger Parenting Inventory -Child Version (WPI-C)? If not, do you know where it can be found? I am only finding the adult version
What do know about the psychological characteristics or well-being of children of lesbian and gay parents? What do we know about same-sex parent headed families and the further psychosexual development (gender typed behavior) of boys and girls?
In a classroom, a child annoying others. If this is the way he is how can we influence tolerance and change in the peers? What does this look like and how can this be achieved?
I would be grateful for any information.
Re authoring the self narrative would require greater self awareness. I am looking for any experience/suggestions people may have
I've seen some qualitative work on this, and I'm in the process of tracking down quantitative work as well. I've seen reasons cited like privacy (i.e., "I don't want him talking to strangers"), age and appropriateness of topics (i.e,. "I don't want her talking to a stranger about personal topics"). From the focus groups I've observed, I have a feeling that dad's of daughters are the group most likely to refuse participation. Is there any research to support that?
Any key papers on surveying teens and minors that I should be looking at? Any surveys using particularly innovative methods for increasing parent consent? I know the general survey methods literature well, but I'm wondering if there are good papers that might be hiding out there in other fields (or that passed under my radar). The context is phone, mail, and face-to-face surveys specifically, not school-based or doctor-based studies, or surveys where kids can opt themselves in without parent consent.
Thanks in advance for anything you have to share.
And what could explain the non-significant differences between males and females in employing both types of strategies?