Science topic
Adobe Creative Suite - Science topic
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Questions related to Adobe Creative Suite
The questionnaire is much more important to do research for best findings and it is really essential. For my research of sustainable palm oil milling, I want to develop a good questionnaire to get accurate answer from the Miller's about the practices of sustainability. Please suggest me with some guidelines to develop the questionnaire on that.
Now I study in the last year in mechanical power engineering department , I discover this field in this year and i like it , I want to work in this field but i don't know what I can do to be professional in this field,
advice me
Is there are any current specifications or recommendations for attrition scrubber-flotation machines for silica sands processing
Can anyone help me on serial functionalization of biosensors for mass scale production?
Regarding to an electrochemical biosensor, how serial functionalization is conducted?
Is there any facility or equipment about that?
Is there any procedure and/or flowchart regarding this issue?
I know
But they are too much for a normal even medium level ranked researcher.
How do I get access to the data of values in Brazil through this program?
In one study I have a data set of 500 ads; in another I have 1000 ads in a different field.I want to be able to see what roles ask for for what technical knowledge/skills; what cluster of knowledge/skills are usually asked for; is there any connection between experience, educational qualification etc and requirements.
I am looking for something beyond descriptive stats. Can anyone please advise?
This micro pump is actually one of my project in my university. Need some opinion on it.
I would like to know comments and experience using national instruments DAQ vs United Electronics Industries DAQs (i.e. Power DNA, etc). What are the advantages of each one and most suitable applications or situations where one or the other is better. Please, if possible, make some emphasis on real-time applications.
Hi everyone,
I´m looking for an experimental task which can be altered for two conditions: High vs. low complexity/difficulty.
Paper-pencil as well as electronic is possible (ideally it is free of charge and easy to implement).
I´m looking forward to your suggestions and thank you all so much in advance!
What is the average access time and probability of access for popular contents on the current INTERNET architecture? it will be helpful if someone gives an answer with a reference of a Research paper.
I want to apply segmentation techniques in recognizing copepod species and test their accuracy and practicality upon its application in the identification process.
Is it a good Thesis Topic for a Computer Science Undergrad Student?
For example benchmarking of laboratory productivity
In particular, medical, surgical or ultrasonographic skills with the use of simulation metrics outputs. Example of a laparoscopic basic skills simulator with embedded metrics (SurgTrac) in this link.
Very nice project. Are you interested for cooperation.I can do portable Raman and XRF measurementsThere is an open announcement for cooperation between Ploand and Grece, so if ypou are interested we can submit a common proposal for funding in order to visit you
any other details would also be welcome
Suppose, someone wants to do hardware implementation of space vector based hysteresis current controller in two level VSI with IM load, what kind of instruments he should use or purchase? Can anyone give the list of equipments? It will be highly appreciated if anyone can give total budget to do hardware implementation. Thanks in advance!
In order to start a harmonization on the the reporting of LoQ in water analysis, I would be glad to know how this descriptor of method performance is established in your country, and if the protocol leads to LoD or to LoQ.
(I'm French, I'm seeking for non-french way od doing)
Your technical and educational evaluation (eg. for iPad, iPod or iPhone).