Science topic

Acculturation - Science topic

Process of cultural change in which one group or members of a group assimilate various cultural patterns from another.
Questions related to Acculturation
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
2 answers
Hello! I am currently completing my undergraduate thesis, which adapts the VIA. It uses a 9-point Likert scale, and I am trying to clarify the scale range and verbal interpretations associated with it. I know that the VIA assesses two dimensions, but I would appreciate it if anyone could provide more detailed information about the scale’s scoring system and its interpretation, or any relevant references to help with my analysis. In multiple sources, the only information given are similar to this:
I have e-mailed the author of the scale, but decided to inquire here for good measures. Thanks in advance!
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AI bot answers: The Vancouver Index of Acculturation (VIA) is a psychological tool designed to measure the level of acculturation among individuals, particularly in immigrant populations. It assesses how individuals navigate and balance their original cultural identity with the dominant culture they are experiencing.
Scale Range
The VIA typically consists of several items related to two main dimensions:
  1. Orientation towards one's heritage culture (Heritage Acculturation)
  2. Orientation towards the dominant culture (Dominant Acculturation)
Each dimension may include multiple items rated on a Likert scale, often from 1 to 5 or 1 to 7, with the following general format:
  • 1: Strongly Disagree
  • 2: Disagree
  • 3: Neutral
  • 4: Agree
  • 5: Strongly Agree
Verbal Interpretation
  • Low Scores (1-2): Indicate a low level of engagement or acceptance of that particular culture (either heritage or dominant).
  • Moderate Scores (3): Reflect a neutral or balanced orientation toward the culture, indicating ambivalence or mixed feelings.
  • High Scores (4-5): Suggest a strong identification with and acceptance of the respective culture (heritage or dominant).
Overall Interpretation
The scores from both dimensions can be analyzed together to provide insights into an individual’s acculturation strategy (e.g., assimilation, integration, separation, or marginalization) based on how balanced their orientation is towards both cultures.
This psychological measurement helps researchers, clinicians, and community organizations understand the cultural dynamics that affect individuals, allowing for more tailored support and interventions.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
1 answer
Hello dear readers,
I am doing my thesis about Acculturation strategies and the Well-being of immigrants. I was wondering if you tell me your idea about the most recent Acculturation strategies questionnaire.
I am already familiar with Berry's model. I want to make sure if there are any other new refines frequently used in studies.
Thank you so much
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Assessment of acculturation
  • January 2016
  • DOI:10.1017/CBO9781316219218.007
  • Fons Van de Vijve J.W. Berry O. Celenk
  • These researchers are here on RG. I suggest that you ask them.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
4 answers
International students' acculturative stress scale (ASSIS) consists of 36 items and 7 subclasses.
The focus of the research is to determine the prevalence among the sample population. The scoring of the scale ranges from 36 to 180 with a Likert scale of 1 to 5 for each question and it is observed that the higher the score higher is the stress and vice versa.
Since these questionnaires do not have a common breakpoint for low and high-stress levels, can we rank low, moderate, and high levels using an interquartile range (IQR)?
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Thank you for your kind suggestion.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
3 answers
I know there are lots of research out there talking about how more acculturated is related to lesser stress, but I wonder if there's any research out there find other way around?
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  • asked a question related to Acculturation
16 answers
I'm struggling to find literature that can answer this seemingly straightforward question.
It seems apparent that for someone trying to integrate themselves into a new culture/society, learning the language is necessary.
I'm wondering however if there have ever been studies that have measured the degree to which speaking and reading/writing are differentially correlated with the degree of cultural integration?
Suppose a new immigrant had limited time/resources, and could either spend their time trying to speak to as many people as possible, or read as many texts as possible. Which one should they prioritize?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
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As acculturation can be defined as the process of learning the norms, values and behaviours expected by the culture in which the individual immigrated, meaning, in this respect, what is socially expected from the immigrants who want to settle and stay in the host country, I would say that the spoken language is defintely the main tool to do and show all this, at least in the first phases of acculturation, that is, the stronger sociological predictor.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
10 answers
I'm looking for a questionnaire or survey the focuses on "reason for migration". I know there are questionnaires that include "reason for migration" items, but they tend to be focused on acculturation or some form of trauma.
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Dear Patrick, how will you handle the problem of honesty? - Some refugees do not tell the truth about their motives to migrate. Sometimes they even hide their nationality and pretend a certain kind of persecution.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
4 answers
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It is a bit difficult to answer you question with any precision without more desing information. However, broadyl, I think a multiple regression could ansswer your question quite easily. You would simple include age and acculturation level as IVs and attitudes toward domestic violence as DV. Just a note, I would be a bit more precise with laguage surrounding acculturation level. What do you mean by level? Do you mean assimilated, separated, intergrated, or marginalized (following Berry's 1997 model). Or are you using a more simple bidimensional model such as hertiage cultue retention and host culture acquistion. Also, think about how you wish to measure acculturation as it is also multidimensional. I could go on, but just wanted to save you some trouble on the back end.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
4 answers
for a study in Switzerland we are looking for translations of the VIA to various languages.
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and I can prepare the Persian one if it helps and needed
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
3 answers
In some countries around the world, we have observed that people living in difficult regions have managed to gain the upper hand over other people blessed by nature.
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Agreeing with Benedikt M. Orlowski , the errors associated with environmental determinism must be carefully avoided; however, humanity would be remised to not include the negative impacts climate change scaling up through Maslow's Hierarchy (especially learning). Now, if we could control for all the complexity of Earth processes we would find that socioeconomic well-being is certainly impacted by climate, latitudinal gradients, land cover, and of course natural resources.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
6 answers
As I am interested in any (social scientist's) research on missionaries I would like to gain insights in a "rhetorical analysis" about acculturation of missionaries. Thanks.
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Manuel López-Muñoz
makes an important point. You need to background the work by understanding the training that priests received in rhetoric and, indeed, to compare missionary texts directed at other cultures with the rhetoric of sermons directed at Europeans. This is not my area, but in musicology it's important to understand what the performer or composer would have been trained to do and been expected to do by the audience to understand the significance of what they actually did.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
3 answers
My current research aims to identify the mental health and wellbeing needs of Indian International Students in American Institutes of Higher Learning. The research will result in creating prototypes of a culturally relevant support system for the said demography. I have been looking for qualitative research to understand the needs of Indian International Students, however, there have been quantitative studies, and very limited qualitative studies that do not generalise all students as international students. It would be helpful to learn about other resources, which highlight the situation and exclusively talk about the challenges of Indian International students.
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Possibly this article might be helpful:
Constantine, M. G., Kindaichi, M., Okazaki, S., Gainor, K. A., & Baden, A. L. (2005). A qualitative investigation of the cultural adjustment experiences of Asian international college women. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 11(2), 162–175.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
5 answers
I am a second year master student and I am preparing the proposal for my upcoming master thesis in the spring semester. My topic is the perception of immigrant about the integration process and challenges they face in their path to integration in Sweden. I planning to conduct a qualitative research design, particularly I want to undertake a case study. I know the fact that, in qualitative research, including theoretical background in your proposal is very challenging before you collect your data. However I am instructed to do so. So please can any one help me to find out theories related to integration of immigrant to mainstream society. I was thinking that I can use assimilation and multiculturalism as my theories but I am not sure whether they are concepts or theories. I am also thinking if I can use Acculturation model as theoretical background. Please let me hear form your side. thanks
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Many thanks for your answers and advices. I will consider your prospectives and really appreciated. Thanks
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
4 answers
How does acculturation happen in children?
what are the differences of acculturation between adults and children?
How does acculturation of children work in learning a foreign language?
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This is a complex, multi-faceted question. However to give a brief answer, acculturation between youth and their parents tend to occur differently. For example, children tend to assimilate much more easily and quickly to the destination culture whereas parents tend to strive to adhere to their heritage culture. Accordingly, children often are more likely to adopt the values of the mainstream society while parents adhere more strongly to the values and cultural practices of their heritage culture. Thus, children are more likely to be bicultural and obtain great intercultural competence. Differences in values and culture that stem from parent-child descrepanices are often the source of family conflict.
Regarding your question about language acquisition, children tend to adopt and adhere more strongly to the language of the destination culture relative to their parents. According to a linguist I spoke to recently, this is because children generally spend more time having to use the new language due to school, television, music, and peers from the new country of settlement. Below is a link to classical articles that address these questinos more in depth.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
4 answers
Hi there,
I am trying to find some literature on the relation between consumption, identity and migration in order to improve a research proposal. So, I would like to ask, does anyone have any suggestions regarding the effects of migration on identity through consumption? Is there any suggestion or any research on that issue?
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I think the question is too broad and so it needs to be narrowed down or reworded! Both migration and consumption are big concepts and identity of an individual or a group of people can be changed and/or reconstructed when people migrate to another country! Dietary practice is just one aspect of identity, which can immensely be influenced by the movement of people from one place to another. Think about the diverse identities of diasporas in transnational world!
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
7 answers
Migration, Acculturation and Consumer Behaviour
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I’m starting a research on the forms of resilience and reaction to Western culture and specifically the role of religious schemes in identity process of African migrants. The results will be ready in late summer.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
2 answers
I need to find a way to assess tools, practices, phenomenons that contribute to integration processes, assessed by the French nationals in Colombia. Since theory regarding this subject is very broad, I do not know where to start and my resources to search are very limited. Does anyone has recommendations or ideas?
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Thank you! There are several useful aspects mentioned in the paper that I could integrate, connect and apply to my own research.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
5 answers
OAM has been proposed by Bourhis and Barrette (2003).
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
2 answers
I would like to manipulate identity in a n experiment and assess outcomes of acculturation and well-being. If anyone has any manipulations for identity, I would appreciate it if you would share these with me.
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My papers of Symbiotic approaches to Socio-cultural change may help a little. I have two of them.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
24 answers
I am interested in a measure for globalization-based acculturation that can be used among an indigenous population. Have there been any attempts to develop such a scale measuring acculturation strategies?
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I would like to add the conclusion I have reached through my project. A generic scale measuring responses to globalization-based acculturation has been developed by Sylvia Chen and collegues (DOI:10.1037/a0039647). This scale looks very promising and I have employed it in some of my new research. However, I chose a more culture specific approach in my Ladakh project which can be found here:
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
3 answers
I am doing research on the topic regarding the acculturative stress level of adjustment and coping strategies of International students in Pakistani universities. Any kind of help regarding the scales or questionnaires will be appreciated.
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Dear Nayab Noor,
I suggest you to please read the work of Zane Nolan and Mak Winnie (2003). Let me also suggest you to study the thesis of a master student, which i hope will help you clear about formulating or adopting standardized questionnaire. Thirdly, I will suggest you to read carefully the scale (questionnaire) developed by Daya S. Sandhu (1994), which you may adopt.
I hope these material help you!
Best, Sanaullah
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
2 answers
The EAAM is a 29-item self-report inventory,
which measures four dimensions of acculturation outlined
by Berry (13): assimilation (8 items), separation(7 items), integration (5 items), and marginalization
(9 items) (see Table I). Attitudinal and behavioral
facets of social interaction and communication styles
(both competency and ease/comfort in communicating)
in various settings were assessed (1). Items are
scored using a 7-point Likert-type scale (strongly disagree,
disagree, disagree somewhat, neutral, agree
somewhat, agree, agree strongly). The total score
is derived by summing reverse- and positive-scored
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Hi Isidro,
Thank you very much, to your answer,
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
7 answers
I have concluded my research but cannot delete this question.
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Thank you Drs.Addo, Scott, Hebert, and Park! I have finished my studies but will research your suggestions to improve my study for publication.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
3 answers
Religious coping and adaptation (mental heath including) in the acculturation process ? Thanks
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Dear Celine,
Thanks for your interesting and important question. I appreciated the excellent input from Beatrice and Harshvardhan.
Here are additional resources for you to consider:
  • Religious Coping and Social Support as Mediators and/or Moderators and Acculturative Stress in a Latino Community Sample by Priscilla Vasquez
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
3 answers
Models/articles about the mediator role of acculturative stress on the relationship between perceived discrimination and psychological distress ?
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Dear Celine,
The following resources may interest you:
Discrimination, Acculturation, Acculturative Stress, and Latino Psychological Distress: A Moderated Mediational Model by Lucas Torres, Mark W. Driscoll, and Maria Voell.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
3 answers
Mycolleague and I are trying to study acculturation by Indian consumers to a global consumer culture. The scale is already identified. Our question is how and whether it is possible to cross validate the scale and its applicability in an indian consumer context? The scale is already validated in 08 countries. 
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You could start by looking at the original development of the scale and the evidence that those authors gave for the validity of the scale, and then replicate that. Since the scale has already be used in other countries, you could also look at the processes that those additional authors used for cross-validation.
In other words, if others have already sent a standard, you won't need to reinvent it.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
4 answers
It would be interesting to be able to compare the colonial applied processes of education and acculturation in Africa for European countries: England, France, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Spain.
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Good afternoon:
No, it's in the field od History and History of Education
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
15 answers
Can anybody please suggest me any study examining the relations between ethnic identity components (i. e., commmitment, exploration) and acculturative stress? I prefer studies focusing on early, middle and late adolescents but also suggestions regarding emerging adults or adults are welcome.
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Sometimes, a general lit review  can (or must be done) to get at the specific, more focused issues, such as what you are looking for, especially since one study or one researcher may do more than that; case in point, I recognize the names of the first 4 authors.and did make use of their work and findings. Also, some of the  measures available do address those specifics.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
5 answers
I would like to use it to assess the participant´s acculturative attitudes in my study. But I am having problems finding it.
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Dear Srividya, can you provide me the Ward and Kennedy scale
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
3 answers
Preferably the continuous measures would relate to mental health, physical health, substance use, acculturation, etc. but other measures used in migration research are welcome. 
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Yes, all my studies with immigrants of different generations  and sojourners in the U.S.A
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
9 answers
In Puerto Rico IPV has seemed to increase.  I would like to know if there is a connection between acculturation and the influence of the political relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States is a factor.
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Hi Jim:
Thank you.  I will look into this and see what turns up.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
7 answers
My interest is in Spanish speaking families from Central America, South America and the Caribbean. 
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Perhaps the variable of age plays a big part in this  argue, that as elderlis step in new  cultur, regardless of surroundings, find their own familure groups to live, because of loosing flexsibility to change in older ages. youngest generation, learns, listons, and take part in their parents' culture sometime, but just a guest or moral respect for their family. The hardest hit is on the generation in between, that they past their important psychological periods of childhood in other culture, but now, it is supposed to be in constant change , adjustment and learning, because he or she is in the flexiable active ages. But in fact they never going to find their lost childhood values in anywhere anymore, because even at former culture, everything changed now, like a sleeping, and waking up a dacade later.
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
8 answers
I am looking for an instrument to measure acculturative stress among Iranian immigrant couples who at least one of the couples is post-graduate student in Malaysia. It should be included all aspects of this risk factor, such as the death or illness of family members in absence of them in Iran, financial problems, academic problems, religious freedom problems, health problems, weather problem (such as the danger of Dangi), job problem, and problems with training the children in a strange environment/culture. Although I already found some, they don't sound to be suitable for my research. Would you please give me some help? Anyone knows any acculturative stress scale?
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A number of years ago, I had published,   Acculturative Stress Scale for International Students which was published in the Psychological Reports. This scale was used by several authors to conduct research studies on immigrants, theses, and dissertations.  I am attaching an original copy of this scale for your review and use. I hope you would find it useful.  Here is a reference to the original article,
Sandhu, D.S., & Asrabadi, B.R. (1994). Development of an acculturative stress scale for        international students: Preliminary findings. Psychological Reports, 75, 435-448.
Interestingly, my co-author, Dr. Badiollah R. Asrabadi was from Iran who became Dean of the College of Education.
Best of luck!  Daya Singh Sandhu
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
2 answers
I have found the Suinn-Lew Asian Self-Identity Acculturation Scale, but I am not sure if it is the best one.
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Many thanks Kubra! Really a useful one!
  • asked a question related to Acculturation
1 answer
Background to this question is this: In the last years I did a qualitative study about intercultural experiences of German Protestant missionaries. In analyzing the narratives of the missionaries I came to the conclusion that not formal, but informal learning has a huge impact on the effectiveness of missionaries inculturation. As a trained social scientist with little theological education I am open to any comment and from any disciplinary background. So far, my focus was on the cultural psychological issues regarding missionary assignements and feel that it is time to think outside the box. Many thanks in advance
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I just started to do research about developing English language learners' intercultural skills and competence. The point is to enable international students to build a good relationship with native speakers of English and also with other people in multicultural societies. However, as I am at the very beginning stage of the research, may be I am not really clear about the possibility of teaching intercultural skills and the methods. I would be happy if you share any experience or knowledge in this domain :)