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Accident Analysis - Science topic
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Questions related to Accident Analysis
Dear colleagues,
I am honoured to co-edit a new special issue on data driven approaches for safety in industrial sites.
More in detail, this Special Issue aims at collecting powerful evidence of new methods and datasets in the field of industrial safety and environmental risks related to industrial processes, specifically through data mining techniques and big data.
Check this link and let me know your interest!
I want to develop Full Bayes Model of Safety Performance Function that consider spatial correlation term and unobserved heterogeneity using WinBUGS software. I have the model but it have some errors. I can not resolve
I am looking for collaboration in writing a research paper; if anyone working in occupational safety, workplace accidents, Process safety, and nature of injuries & severity related areas please drop a message
Dear colleagues,
Does anyone know if there are any reference values (i.e., thresholds, service levels) for urban planning practices and analysis, considering the following indicators?
1) criminality/criminal occurrences (*)
2) accidents between vehicles and pedestrians
3) average volume of motorized traffic (in urban areas)
Are there international standards, for example, from ISO or another institution? I would appreciate it if anyone could point out a reference source (link to an article, report, or standard) to support the information.
Thank you for your attention.
(*) For crime, I found only the Homicide Rate as a reference indicator (but without thresholds). This indicator seems to me to be extremely limiting since it ignores other types of crimes that are more common and affect more people, such as robberies (with or without weapons) and theft, in addition to neglecting sexual crimes and assaults (also grave) and vandalism (lighter). It seems that focusing only on homicides is reductionist and omits other risks to the population.
In the event like the Fukushima accident, if the turbine-driven pump fails, one can use accumulators to inject the store inventory into the SG for additional coping time. Why don't we do that?
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to submit both original research and review articles to this Special Issue on "Accident Analysis and Prevention: Experimental & Numerical Approaches" organised by Applied Sciences (IF=1.689) ISSN 2076-3417 and Guest Edited by Prof. Ricardo J. Alves de Sousa and Dr. Mariusz Ptak.
In this Special Issue we expect to collect a set of contributions on topics that may include, but are not limited to the studies of human and environmental aspects prior to accidents; the type and severity of accidents; the design and implementation of passive and active protective devices; the biomechanics of impact and resulting injuries; and statistics and decision-making tools.
The submission deadline is 30 April 2019, yet the papers will be published immediately after acceptance.
Please find more information here:
- numerical simulation
- biomechanics
- composite materials
- protective devices
- road traffic accidents
- sports injuries
- crashworthiness
- accident analysis
- accident prevention
Prof. Ricardo Alves de Sousa
Dr. Mariusz Ptak
Guest Editors
Writing in the February 2019 edition of Accident Analysis & Prevention, researcher Laura S. Fruhen of the Future of Work Institute at Curtin University in Perth, Australia said: “Car drivers’ negative attitudes towards cyclists are linked with pro-automobility, but not environmental attitudes.”
An online survey of 308 motorists found antipathy towards cyclists whether or not they were wearing Spandex (Lycra) and riding in groups.
“A significant link between negative attitudes towards cyclists and aggressive behaviour addressed at cyclists was not moderated by the type of cyclist shown,”said Fruhen.
What is the cause of drivers aggression?
Machine learning; Real-time prediction; Accident analysis
For a new research project dealing with the safety of young cyclists, I am looking for publications or in-depth studies related to bicycle accidents of children aged between 8 and 14 years. Any hints to publications or other material would be appreciated.
In my activity within ABRAM (Autonomous BRAking for Motorcycles) project, I am trying to evaluate the potential benefits of an autonomous emergency braking system applied to motorcycles (also known as MAEB). Currently the potential benefits are expressed in terms of impact speed reduction.
Common sense suggests that a reduction in the impact speed may lead to a reduction in the severity of the crash outcomes. However, only a proof of a correlation between some crash parameters and injury outcomes would provide the fundamental support for assessing the potential benefits of MAEB.
To some extent, the injury severity of accident consequences depends on the impact speed and other characteristics of collisions. We can make use of the information related to injury to conduct accident reconstruction and vehicle speed analysis. When the traces on the road surface and braking measure of drivers are uncertain, the parameters associated with injury severity (e.g. MAIS/ISS, fracture or some special injury) can be helpful to estimate the impact speed of vehicle or reconstruct the occupant status when the crash was happening (e.g. to inspect an occupant was driver or passenger; a road user was riding a bike or not). You are very welcome to talk with me on the related topics. Many thanks in advance.
Nowadays, big data comes into our work and life, especially in relation to road traffic. There are massive video monitoring source of road traffic in China, particularly including occurred various crashes, which can be extracted from the cameras in vehicles or on roads or other places. By means of the vivid video record, we can observe and analyze the accident process, and judge what happened, who impact who and who is in duty. Also, the vehicle speed can be easily estimated by a simple calculation method based on the video, and accordingly the whole crash could be reconstructed. However, except for these applications mentioned, what else can be carried out. It is of importance to consider how to fully use the video record source and to perform data mining to obtain more findings for promoting traffic safety and accident prevention. Have you made use of video source of crashes in your work? Any suggestion is welcome! Thanks in advance!
Rear-end crashes involving multi-vehicle in expressways may be more serious in future. Now we are studying this crash type. For example, several vehicles follow each other with high speed and suddenly one of them goes wrong and serious crashes will occur. The characteristics, crash propagation, injury severity and influence factors should be focused. And the research methods could be mechanical modeling, accident reconstruction and computer simulation. Could you please introduce some relevant literature regarding multi-vehicle rear-end crashes? Thank you in advance!
Could you share with me this documents to compare characteristics like classification (primary, secondary, etc.), road width, lane width, separators, sidewalks dimensions, etc, with the real conditions of the roads in my city?
Thanks for your help!
Do you remember the lovely hostesses and their beautiful tricycles in the opening ceremony of Rio 2016 Olympic Games? They are so cool! But do you know how many accidents related to tricycles? Now I'm studying the frequency, characteristics, severity and factor correlation of the accidents involving tricycles based on hundreds of crash cases. Here, the tricycles include man-power type and electric type. In China, these vehicles are very common and popular on roads. But now I hardly find any paper regarding this. Could you recommend some related papers for me? Thanks in advance.
Tire burst is one of the causation of serious traffic crashes, especially for the cars at high speed. However, it is difficult to simulate this common phenomenon. Now we will use mechanical modeling, automobile theory and crash reconstruction to investigate tire burst of cars and related crashes. But it’s hard to find some existing papers regarding this. Could you recommend some related papers or give some suggestions for me? Thanks in advance.
For long term trend of the number of crashes in a country, the weather conditions (long hard winter, warm spring and/or autumn) definitely are relevant.
Besides this, I have read about the relevance of the state of the economy as a further determinant of a rise or decrease of crashes several times. But the evidence always was from the US. I am curious if there is European evidence available, also.
I anybody aware of research from Europe, dealing with the influence of the weather and economic indicators on road crashes?
In my country road safety information campaigns have not been used as a tool to reduce road accidents. Therefore, I assume that such a measure will have a good effect. However, we have experience in the development of such information campaigns. Where can I read the literature on the development of information campaigns, about the content, effectiveness evaluation, etc.
Now I'm studying the characteristics and application of the envelop curve for the analysis on pedestrian-car accidents. But I can’t find any paper about this. Could you recommend some related papers for me? Thanks in advance.
Generally said, I plan to validate a specific indicator X (derived from driving behaviour) which should be linked to traffic safety (accidents) on level of road sections. Validation should statistically prove this relationship. I can think of various ways (i.e. possible study designs), but I would appreciate your opinions and advices.
Option 1 - I can define, based on theory or experience, two conditions when X is safe and when is unsafe. This can be compared to accidents / no accidents.
Option 2 - I can collect X on many sections and link it with accident history.
Option 3 - I can choose the critical sections (based on accidents) and collect X there - thus I should obtain "unsafe" values of X.
Option 4 - naturalistic driving study = studying the drivers behaviour visually. When they behave "unsafely", values of X will be "unsafe".
These are only my theories - please feel free to comment! I will welcome discussion, references, etc. Thank you.
I am doing a research on organizational factors related to the safety performance.I find that there are many studies focus on the unsafe acts of front-line operators,which also named human errors ,and have gained deep insight into their mechanism and characteristics from different perspectives.But I find few research papers have clear statements about the mechanism of organizational factors.Who should be responsible for organizational factors?Do some kind of human error lead to organizational factors?Whose human error,managers ,designers or someone else?
I look forward to your helps!I appreciate if you can give me some references on my questions!
Thank you
For vehicle to pedestrian crashes, statistics results show that females are at higher risk in crashes. Female pedestrians have more fatalities than males without regard to age, height, weight or other characteristics. Why female pedestrians or cyclists are generally vulnerable than males? Is it truly a gender difference? Is it because males are naturally stronger than females? But we have no further research work. Could you recommend me some related papers or existing research findings? Any suggestions are very welcome!
Perceived danger acts as a major barrier to the uptake of cycling as a sustainable mode of transport. Therefore, a greater understanding of how these perceptions arise and how they are overcome is necessary.
I am fitting a SPF with Negative Binomial and the ADT was significant and negative. The data corresponds to rural mountainous with low traffic volume. Do you have any possible explanation for this? perhaps a similar experience? suggested references?
Hi there, I'm doing crash count modelling based on road segment. There are two exposure variables in my data, 1. length of the road segment and 2. AADT. How can I include these two f variables in my modelling? Based on Stata, I can declare these variables as a exposure variable, with coefficient constrained to 1 or include these variables in modelling. What is the best way in dealing with these two variables?
An ontology can help to organise occupational safety and health (OSH) knowledge and allow machines to interrogate OSH knowledge base to answer questions more intelligently. There are numerous accident and ill health classification taxonomies around, but are there comprehensive OSH ontology around?
i wanna do research about mesoscopic traffic flow parameters which affect crash severity in urban highway. i know that mesoscopic parameters are combination of macroscopic & microscopic parameters. but what kinds of variable should i consider for making a crash severity models
thanks for your time and consideration
Crashes involving commercial vehicles (e g. Heavy-duty truck) are very serious. So it is crucial for these vehicles to be equipped with some practical active safety systems and driver assistant systems to avoid related accidents. Drivers are always in risky status, such as fatigue, sleepy, distraction, speeding, especially in adverse conditions of night, bad weather and visibility. Types of crashes usually include rear-end, frontal, side impact between vehicles and single-vehicle collision, which mainly have the characteristics of lane departure, speeding and with blind zone for large trucks. Due to so many casualties caused by these accidents in China, researchers should investigate some proper systems for trucks based on the contributing factors of crashes.
Driving simulator is used to simulate the driving behavior like normal traveling on roads. It will stop the vehicle when crash happens. At that time, I always wonder why it couldn’t be designed as working continuously even a short period of time, and then we could know the behavior of drivers during collision. Due to the zero risk of this type of test, if necessary, maybe some accidents could be reconstructed through human involvement simulation in place of computer simulation.
Is adding Passive system with diversity high reliability in the safety systems the answer to sustained core decay heat removal for avoiding sever accident?
Is taxing the NPP operators with inaccurate severe accident analysis based SAMG justified?
What about the human reliability factor for SAMG implementation and success in preventing and mitigating sever accidents in new and existing NPPs?
Data on Road Accidents in India is alarming. It is in the order of several years. You check on the data of Lose Prevention Association, Sion, India. When I refer to International data, it is equally bad in many countries. What are the suggestions to the public to reduce the accidents on roads?
What are the best method to compare frequency of two crash locations?
For national (or regional) road safety evaluations and comparison we have been using two safety performance indicators (SPIs):
- direct (crashes, fatalities, injuries...)
- indirect (speed, speeding, seat belt use, daytime running lights use, cell phone use...)
Now I am trying to find some correlations between them. And I ask, for example: Should percent of speeding correlate with crash counts? or with fatalities? or injuries?
All is done on the level of country (or regions) - so direct SPIs are from national/regional statistics. Indirect SPIs are from surveys, typically 7 locations per region, once per year.
And lots of other questions, for example: when surveys are done in weekdays, spring/autumn, dry weather, should crashes to correlation also come only from the same conditions? (or possibly even only in the days/hours of survey?)
I will welcome any ideas on how to do these analyses, references, etc. Thank you in advance.
Most data regarding sports accidents emanate from hospitals and rescuers. In France, it is somewhat difficult to get precise information as to these accidents. I would be interested in international data in order to compare the situation in France and in other countries...
I applied a negative binomial model to evaluate whether toll highways PPP are safer than conventionally procured roads. To this end I have calibrated a negative binomial regression model covering years 2007-2009.
I sent the paper to a journal and the reviewer told me "The NB model employed is only suitable for a cross-sectional data. A more suitable model would be: random-effects or fixed-effects NB model”.
So, I was reading about the topic and would like to do a random effect NB model in SPSS. SPSS is more familiar to me, that is why I would like to do the model in that software.
thanks a lot!
I am aware that a large sample will be needed, but I am not aware of a formula to compute the sample size.
What are plausible explanations for these results which seem to contradict most other traffic safety studies (that have consistently found higher risks for men and for older cyclists).
Please tell me where I can read the publication about criteria (measures), which allow to evaluate the quality of the road traffic management (such as delays cars, the number of traffic accidents, and other possible integral criteria).
I am look for literature on spray explosion
The correlation between vulnerable users ,especially those over 65, and proneness to red light running regarding drivers at road intersections.
I am interested in the programs themselves, as well as scientific methods of their development. Also of interest is the assessment of their effectiveness (how much money is spent/what is the effect obtained). I am also interested in the programs of public transport development.
We can prevent over 90% of road accidents with few techniques and safe driving procedures.
I have used stopped motion of a vehicle to detect accidents. As after the accident the vehicle's motion will be stopped, its position won't change and neither does the bounding box around it.
Instead of other statistical or conventional approaches, what are the main reasons that are inductive for modelling?
The objetive is to analyse the injury severity of the crah victims using the MAIS scale.
Study design is descriptive cross sectional