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Ab Initio Calculations - Science topic

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Questions related to Ab Initio Calculations
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
1 answer
Dear computational chemists;
I need to plot the electron density difference between the ground state and excited state using gaussian or AIMALL. I have the optimized geometry for both states.
Thank you
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Dear Ms. Manal, you may use Multiwfn program:
If you decide to try on it, in the manual section 4.18 you'll find ground-to-excited state analysis.
Best, Pablo
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
3 answers
Insulators can be defined as those materials where thermal conduction drived by phonons is the main physical process, and any kind of electronic processes can be neglected.
Other researchers use a model elaborated using the framework of bands, which is a useful theoretical model, i.e., the existence of a gap between the conduction and valence bands with a width > 3.0 eV defines an insulator.
For students, insulators can be defined using the interactive PhET simulation "Conductivity" as plastics where an applied voltage or a light shined on them, does not move the electronic degrees of freedom.
More elaborated models where proposed in the 60s by Profs. Mott and Ziman among others.
I am wonder if any physicist that have worked using ab initio calculations can enlighten us about insulators?
Thanks to all readers and researchers willing to participate ad to follow this RG thread.
1. N. F. Mott, Electrons in disordered structures, Advances in Physics, Vol 16(41,49), 1967.
2. J. M. Ziman, Phil. Mag. Vol 6, 1961.
3. PhET Interactive Simulations, University of Colorado Boulder, licensed under CC-BY-4.0 (
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Dear Doctor
Go To
Electrical conduction mechanism in bulk ceramic insulators at high voltages until dielectric breakdown
  • April 2015
  • Journal of Applied Physics 117(15):154902
  • DOI:10.1063/1.4917208
  • Claudia Neusel, Hans Jelitto, Gerold A. Schneider
[In order to develop and verify a dielectric breakdown model for bulk insulators thicker than 100 μm, the knowledge of the dominating conduction mechanism at high electric fields, or respectively voltages, is necessary. The dielectric breakdown is the electrical failure of an insulator. In some existing breakdown models, ohmic conduction is assumed as dominating conduction mechanism. For verification, the dominating dc conduction mechanism of bulk insulators at room temperature was investigated by applying high voltages up to 70 kV to the insulator until dielectric breakdown occurs. Four conduction models, namely, ohmic, space charge limited, Schottky, and Poole-Frenkel conduction, were employed to identify the dominating conduction mechanism. Comparing the calculated permittivities from the Schottky and Poole-Frenkel coefficients with experimentally measured permittivity, Schottky and Poole-Frenkel conduction can be excluded as dominating conduction mechanism. Based on the current density voltage characteristics (J-V-curve) and the thickness-dependence of the current density, space charge limited conduction (SCLC) was identified to be the dominating conduction mechanism at high voltages leading to dielectric breakdown. As a consequence, breakdown models based on ohmic conduction are not appropriate to explain the breakdown of the investigated bulk insulators. Furthermore, the electrical failure of the examined bulk insulators can only be described correctly by a breakdown model which includes SCLC as conduction mechanism.]
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
3 answers
My question is why I am getting a charged cell at all even if the cif file is neutral. however, when I make input file using cif file of paracetamol (image and source file attached), it always gives me charged unit cell. I can optimize charged cell but my software ( refuse to calculate the IR and RAMAN spectra for charged system.
My question is why I am getting a charged cell at all even if the cif file is neutral.
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Hello Keshav Kumar Singh . I am facing the same error, is your problem solved. How did you identify the fragments?
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
1 answer
Call for Papers
Energy Engineering new special issue“Eco Smart Materials for the Future Energies-(ECOSMATTECH 2024)”is open for submission now.
Submission Deadline: 30 November 2024
This special issue is for the selected papers from International conference on Eco Smart Materials for the Future Technologies(ECOSMATTECH-2024), which will be held from May 22nd to 26th, 2024. The Venue is in the Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat – Morocco. For the latest updates and more details :
The thematic collection will focus on the latest research and development work ranging from fundamental mechanisms and technical methods used in materials science to advanced nanotechnological applications in the energy field. Due to the ongoing and rapid developments in the field of materials, the collection will provide an assessment of recent developments in theoretical and experimental studies of material properties ranging from the massive to the nano, including low-dimensional systems in which quantum confinement of electrons is very important, as well as two-dimensional and nanostructured systems. The collection will also present the latest technological advances involving materials, for energy applications. Theoretical approaches to understanding materials properties and predicting their behavior in complex or inaccessible environments will also be covered. The latest developments in the field of theoretical methods using advanced quantum mechanical methods for energy applications, such as ab initio calculations based on density functional theory, will be also present.
For submission guidelines and details, visit:
Nanomaterials, thin films, solar energy, batteries
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Colored cotton as a base for Biofunctional textile
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
I found that the structure for TiFeSi is given differently in ICSD and Pearson crystal database as follows:
The Wykoff positions are given in the Pearson database (data set no 1822291)
Ti1 Ti 4 b 0.25 0.2207 0.0206
Ti2 Ti 4 b 0.25 0.4979 0.1677
Ti3 Ti 4 b 0.25 0.7996 0.0463
Fe1 Fe 8 c 0.5295 0.1236 0.3699
Fe2 Fe 4 a 0 0 0.0
Si1 Si 8 c 0.506 0.3325 0.2452
Si2 Si 4 b 0.25 0.0253 0.2554
The Wykoff positions are given in the ICSD database (database code 41157)
Ti1 Ti0+ 4 b 0.25 0.2004(7) 0.2964(14)
Ti2 Ti0+ 4 b 0.25 0.7793(6) 0.2707(14)
Ti3 Ti0+ 4 b 0.25 0.9979(6) 0.9178(15)
Fe1 Fe0+ 8 c 0.0295(7) 0.3764(4) 0.12
Fe2 Fe0+ 4 a 0 0 0.2501(12)
Si1 Si0+ 8 c 0.0060(13) 0.1675(9) 0.9953(18)
Si2 Si0+ 4 b 0.25 0.9747(11) 0.5055(23)
Although the lattice parameter for both of the database is almost the same.
Which one should I take for ab initio calculations or XRD Rietveld refinement?
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Thanks Martin Breza
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
1 answer
I can not able to figure out which orbital(px,py,pz etc) corresponds to each column in VASP output file DOSCAR
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The labeling is s p_y p_z p_x d_{xy} d_{yz} d_{z2-r2} d_{xz} d_{x2-y2}, with eventually more columns if the spin and/or the spin-orbit effects are taken into account. These kind of questions can be easily answered by taking a look at the VASP wiki:
Note that the orbital populations are not rotational invariants, i.e., the population of a particular orbital will depend on the orientation of the system within the unit cell defined in the POSCAR, so be careful about the interpretation of these values.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
I am currently engaged in research involving novel heterostructures composed of various materials. In my investigation, I have observed that the Valence Band Maximum (VBM) and Conduction Band Minimum (CBM) of both parent materials are initially located at the K points. However, upon forming the heterostructures, there is a noticeable shift in the VBM and CBM to the G point. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could recommend relevant literature or share similar findings. Thank you.
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But why do you expect this to be wrong?
The heterostructure might have a different symmetry with respect to the parents.
Maybe if you look at the projection of the bands on the different atoms, you might discover how forming the heterostructure the atomic contribution changes and how the band moved to the Gamma point.
I hope this helps,
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
5 answers
hello, I'm new to VASP and I'm trying to do surface calculations but I can not extract bulk energy from my outputs. if anyone knows I'd much appreciate your help
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Hello, Kindly refer to the provided video for a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to do surface energy calculation:
Thank you
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
5 answers
My CONTCAR file in vasp is coming out to be 0kb, can someome please guide how what I am doing wrong??
my script
#PBS -N 0ps
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24
#PBS -l walltime=30000:00:00
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -S /bin/bash
### Set intel environment###
source /opt/intel/composer_xe_2015/bin/ intel64
source /opt/intel/mkl/bin/intel64/
source /opt/intel/impi/
NP=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l`
NN=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | sort | uniq | tee /tmp/nodes.$$ | wc -l`
cat $PBS_NODEFILE > /tmp/nodefile.$$
mpirun -genv I_MPI_DEVICE ssm -machinefile /tmp/nodefile.$$ -n $NP $EXEC -s -deffnm em -v
rm -rf /tmp/nodefile.$$
rm -rf /tmp/nodes.$$
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The program will write the data in CONTCAR file after each ionic step if SCF cycle is converged. Maybe you would check whether SCF procedure can converge during the first ionic step?
If it is ok, I would suggest to give some time for that the program can write all necessary files after calculation is done (maybe with the keyword "sleep" in your slurm script). Sometimes, my calculations is finished successfully, but I couldn't have WAVECAR file. But I have never happened it with CONTCAR file.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
Can someone provide or give me an example how the VASP WAVEDER file looks like?
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The VASP WAVEDER file is an output file generated by the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP), a computer program for simulating solid-state quantum mechanical properties. The WAVEDER file contains information about the electronic structure of a system being simulated, including the wave functions of the electrons in the system. This information can be used to calculate various properties of the system, such as its band structure and density of states.
The WAVEDER file is created during the calculation of electronic wave functions in VASP, and it contains a grid of points in space where the wave function is calculated. Each point on the grid corresponds to a specific atomic position in the crystal structure being simulated. The file also contains information about the energy levels of the electrons in the system, as well as their occupation numbers.
The WAVEDER file can be visualized using various software tools, such as VMD (Visual Molecular Dynamics) or XCrySDen, to explore the electronic structure of the simulated system. It is an important output file in electronic structure calculations and is often used in conjunction with other VASP output files to analyze the results of simulations.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
1 answer
Hello Superiors,
I need yours expertise and kind help on using kdotp-symmetry package (weblink is attached). I am trying to generate k.p Hamiltonian using kdotp-symmetry. But I am unable to do it using this package. I need some kind helps to use and run kdotp-symmetry.
I request your helps/suggestions on running kdotp-symmetry. Your any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thanks and Best Wishes Chanchal K Barman
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Hello Chanchal K Barman,
Can you use this code familiarly? Now, I meet same questions like you. Can you provide any helps? Thanks a lot !
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
7 answers
Hello colleagues! I found that my structure is not stable at the ground state, id. 0 Kelvin ( the crystal structure change before and after relaxation, but the energy is still negative) Thus I want to perform a relaxation at a different temperature. I have found some examples on the internet, but not a relaxation one.
This is my INCAR file, any orientation will be deeply appreciated.
NSW = 1000
ISIF = 2
TEBEG =1200
TEEND =1200
ISYM = 0
# precision parameters
PREC = Normal
EDIFF = 1E-6
# electronic relaxation
ENCUT = 300
# output options
LWAVE = .FALSE. # write or don't write WAVECAR
LCHARG = .FALSE. # write or don't write CHG and CHGCAR
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In my experience, don't trust anything before the 1980s when it comes to experimental phase diagrams; the error in their measurements was sufficiently large that a lot of things got mis-ascribed as cubic!
That said, if you are *certain* it is cubic, try ISIF = 7, which according to the vasp wiki allows the cell volume and ionic positions to relax, but not the shape of the cell.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
Hello dear colleagues!
I am interested to know how to put atoms at the interstitial position of the cubic bcc structure, Does anybody have or know a python or package or script which can generate all the possible configurations?
e.g. In bcc, tetrahedral sites are at (0.5 0.25 0), however, in bcc there are many tetrahedral sites. Thanks
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Julio Cesar Gonzalez To obtain all potential configurations for a crystal structure containing interstitial atoms, utilize Python's pymatgen package. Pymatgen is a Python materials analysis toolkit that includes tools for creating and editing crystal structures. Here's how pymatgen may be used to produce all potential tetrahedral interstitial sites in a bcc structure:
from pymatgen import Structure
from pymatgen.analysis.structure_analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer
from pymatgen.analysis.local_env import CrystalNN
bcc = Structure.from_spacegroup("Im-3m", Lattice.cubic(2.8), ["Fe"],
[[0, 0, 0]])
# Get the tetrahedral interstitial sites
nn = CrystalNN(inter_cutoff=2.0)
tetrahedral_sites = nn.get_nn_sites(bcc, target_site_type="Tetrahedral")
# Get all possible interstitial configurations
for site in tetrahedral_sites:
for i, frac_coords in enumerate(site.frac_coords):
bcc.append("Fe", frac_coords, coords_are_cartesian=False)
# Perform any other analysis on the new configuration
This programme creates the bcc structure, then discovers all of the tetrahedral interstitial sites and generates all conceivable configurations by adding an interstitial atom at each site. The generated structures can then be subjected to any further analysis or computation.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
10 answers
Hello dear researchers.
I would like to know how to determine the number of bands of a compound ????
Thanks in advance.
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Thank you sir Muhammad Wisal . I will read it.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
1 answer
For making computational chemistry calculation more faster I need a could computing platform so I created an account in AWS but I don't know how to run the guassian input file on AWS ... anyone can please kindly guide me.
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No idea
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
Hello dear researchers
I am a new user of Abinit softwarre and want to learn it. How can I learn it, are there any tutorials or documents I can use and read?
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Assuming you mean ABINIT specifically, I recommend the online tutorials here:
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
I am using orca for ab initio calculation. Now I want to do redundant coordinate scan for various coordinates like bonds, angles, dihedrals, improper, etc. Which tools are available for that purpose which has free source code? I know about gaussian view and webMo, but both are not free.
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You can do the scan using ORCA itself. If you are trying to create the input file, I would suggest using Gabedit.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
10 answers
I would like to investigate the electronic charge distribution of it, so interpreting more properties, what simulation techniques you suggest.
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Probably you can use Gaussian where many chemistry based reaction calculation are possible.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
1 answer
For the same structure, the absolute energy obtained by "qe" and "vasp" differs greatly, it seems that they have different definitions of energy, does anyone know the difference?
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Dear Dong,
Absolute energy per se has no physical meaning if not as a convergence test. Energy differences are however important. You should check if QE and VASP give you the same energy differences, for example as the gap between occupied and empty states.
On the other hand, absolute energies might depend upon many parameters, for example, the pseudo potentials.
I hope this helps,
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
13 answers
I have calculated dielectric function by the vasp by setting LOPTICS = .T. in INCAR file.I also have open the vasp.xml file, I got the following graph. But I can export the date by Graph. Anyone has any suggestion?
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I have done BSE calculation for Si , but can't extract vasprun.xml using p4vasp.
I tried several times, and each time shows.dat file show 0 data.
Can anyone please give me any suggestions?
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
3 answers
Dear experts,
How does one choose the bias factor in well-tempered metadynamics? From what i have read in literature, T+ΔT should be of the order of barrier height, but again how do we know the barrier before computing it? Does it mean u first perform a standard metadynamics to get an estimate of the barrier and then set up a well-tempered metadynamics? How does it even affect the FES? choosing high bias-factor vs low bias-factor? Will it change the barriers in FES? I look forward to some insights on this.
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Dear Jyri and Zhaoxi,
Thanks a lot for your responses. That was helpful.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
6 answers
I am trying to optimize a molecular crystal using CRYSTAL17 software. I am getting error that the basis set I am using is linearly dependent. How can I solve such issue.
I tried changing my basis set but get same error. I tried changing k points and DFT integration grid but get same error.
Please help me solve this issue or tell me what I should do to avoid this in future.
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thank you
Anwesh Pandey
. I will try that
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
1 answer
i want to calculate the phonon spectral  with Negative/Imaginary frequencies signifying instabilities
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From your &inputph file, the value for nq1, nq2 and nq3 are for cubic and not for orthorhombic structure.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
7 answers
Dear expert users of the SPRKKR package,
Can someone give me guidelines to resolve convergence issues in the SCF run? For pure compound, the SCF cycle gets converged quickly (within 50 electronic iterations), but with substitutional doping (~ 2%), all the maximum allowed iteration (300) gets exhausted, and the system doesn't converge. The details of the input file and error message are as follows:
ImE=0.0 Ry EMIN=-0.2 Ry
TOL=0.00001 MIXOP=0.20 ISTBRY=1
no problems with CPA-cycle !
300 ERR 0.113E+01 0.698E-01 EF 0.78274 -0.00105 D 83.132 M 3.0776 0.0000
ETOT -10814.43503634 SCF - cycle not converged - NSCFITER exhausted
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Thank you, Jaafar Jalilian , for your quick reply!
Yes, the parent compound was optimized using VASP, but not the doped structures. I am unsure whether any relaxation (ionic positions or volume) procedure is available in the SPRKKR package. Please let me know if it is available, and I am very new to the package.
The package uses CPA approximations for the doping calculations, so it doesn't provide any supercell that could be optimized using VASP. I am interested in calculating exchange interaction with the Lichtenstein approach using the SPRKKR package.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
I used CPMD (with PBC) to perform MD with constraints at different values of a reaction coordinate, and the resulting free-energy profile, obtained after thermodynamical integration, does not appear smooth. The barrier seems OK but the product region, at large values of the reaction coordinate, exhibits oscillations. What could cause such artifacts?
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Varying acidity of the system may also effect
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
6 answers
I am calculating the band structure of S doped Strontium Titanate using vasp. After relaxing the system (using ISIF=3), the structure gets heavily changed, and Klabels and Kpath become different from the cubic pure supercell. but I have noticed in some papers that they are showing the same Klabels in both doped and undoped structures. What could be the possible reasons for different Klabels in my case?
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Since you are relaxing the unit cell (ISIF=3), it changes and the related K-path also changes accordingly. Other papers might have not relaxed the unit cell. Doing only volume relaxation (ISIF=7) can also lead to the same K-path. However, maintaining the same K-path for doped samples may not necessarily be the best approach.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
Where the dim.exxxxx presented this as it content:
"cp: cannot stat 'DIMCAR' : No such file or directory - VASP"
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Thank you, Hadi Jabbar Alagealy I have already read through that resource but did not present a clear answer as to why the error message that I shared
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
Hello Everyone,
All of us who dealing with DFT also sometimes do the spin-orbit coupling calculations. Yeah if talking in terms of code than its easy to understand but what is going behind the codes to include SOC term which is relativistic in semi-classical Density functional theory.
What are the modification in the Hamiltonian part for this.
If someone has notes then please share.
Abhinav Nag
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The spin-orbit coupling terms in the Hamiltonian don't have anything to do with density functional theory as such; they're logically distinct issues.
How their presence is taken into account within density functional theory is the same as for any other term in the Hamiltonian.
For the technical details it suffices to use the keywords spin orbit coupling density functional theory in one's favorite search engine.
Of course there are many more.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
Hello Everyone,
As we know the Density functional theory deals at a 0 kelvin temperature and using the output of DFT scf calculations we can use the Boltztrap code to give us the thermoelectric properties at finite temperature.
So which factor is mainly responsible for that temperature part coming into play while calculating thermoelectric properties.
Is it only because of the temperature dependence of the Fermi distribution function in Boltzman equations?
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I think when calculating the transport properties, the band structure is assumed to be temperature-independent. This should be a good assumption in most cases. The temperature dependence of the transport properties is then from the Fermi-Dirac statistical distribution and the temperature dependence of the scattering rate (relaxation time).
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
5 answers
Hi all
I am currently working on ab-initio calculation for ceramic materials(AlN, Al2O3...) and I want to see some experimental result about band gap and fermi level pinning in order to verify my calculation data. I tried to use UPS analysis but it is hard to analyze wide band gap materials.
So is there any other recommended techniques for measuring fermi level pinning and band structure?
Relevant answer
XPS can also be used to measure the band gap of wide band gap materials, as demonstrated in our publication:
This method is also independent of charging.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
7 answers
I am trying to run a geometry optimisation and frequency calculation using Gaussian and I get the following error:
Problem with coordinate system.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /opt/gaussian03/g03/l103.exe at Wed Feb 5 16:49:25 2014.
Does anyone have an idea of what this means and how to solve it?
My input file can be found as an attachment.
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Nice to share the outstanding summary about "How to solve the error message in Gaussian" as follow:
Have a good day!!!
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
3 answers
Dear Researchers:
I have attempted (QST2) calculation several times. When I try to run the input file using the workstation; the job doesn't work. However, when I try to run the same input file on a laptop, it is done without error.
I believe this is a technical issue. What would bring about this issue and How could I solve it?
I appreciate your help.
The input is:
#p opt= (calcfc, qst2) freq b3lyp/cc-pvdz
The error is:
Old curvilinear step not converged, using linear step:
SCX= 5.06D+01 DXMaxT= 2.00-315 SCLim= 1.00-315 Fact= 1.98-317
RedCar/ORedCr failed for GTrans.
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:\G09W\l101.exe at Tue Sep 07 07:59:04 2021
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Mohamed Khedawy Thank you for your comment, however, the order of the atoms is the same because the job is done smoothly when I used a different computer.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
6 answers
Hello Everyone,
Iam trying to do the spin polarisation calculation using quantum espresso.
I tested BCC - Fe and it works by adding
nspin=2, starting_magnetisation=0.5
But for the material under research which contains four atoms it giving the total_magnetization =0 in the output file .
I did the same calculation with ELK code and the final value there is about 3.5 Bohr magneton.
I tried to reproduce the same with espresso by giving a starting magnetisation to each atoms but still it doesn't work with Quantum espresso.
Any tips that what we should keep in mind while doing such calculations. Like choice of pseudopotential, recommended values of parameters.
Abhinav Nag
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Dear Dr. Abhinav Nag
In addition to the previous interesting answers, I guess that spin-polarized calculations are self-consistent and convergency depends strongly on initial values given as initial inputs to upgrade TM.
Please check:
Best Regards.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
26 answers
I have been calculating the band structure of GaAs by using VASP. I have tried to plot contribution of s, p and d orbitals into electronic band structure by using p4vasp, but I want to know how to extract the data corresponding to orbitals and plot using other plotting software like gnuplot, exmgrace or origin. If any one know  script file or other software which can be use then please suggest me.
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1. follow the procedure at
2. for p4vasp see the link below, Sajjad has given a file. use it. though its not correctly identifying file location for me. If it works for you let me also know.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
29 answers
I seem to be consistently producing link 9999 errors during a TS search of a structure I generated from a mod-redundant scan geometry. As an example, I scan geometry modifying the bond length (fundamentally the position of the hydrogen) of hydrogen coming off a protonated water molecule (first frame) and finally bonding to oxygen of a carbon based molecule (e.g. enolization of the carbonyl group in glucose). I take the scan geometry of where the hydrogen is halfway between both molecules, and there is a slight adjustment of the O=C double bond (as this will change to a single bond upon associating with hydr0gen HO-C). Note: During the scan geometry, there are no major changes to the over all structure e.g., big steric clashes causing a large dihedral rotation of part of the glucose.
I have then tried a couple of basis sets.
# opt=(calcfc,ts) wb97xd/3-21+g* scrf=(solvent=water)
# opt=(calcfc,ts) wb97xd/6-31+g(d,p) scrf=(solvent=water)
With the smaller basis set I was hoping to approximate a TS structure and use it as a starting structure for a larger basis set. But in either case I produce the error:
Error termination request processed by link 9999.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/g09/l9999.exe at Wed May 21 19:31:46 2014.
With the last optimisation step looking like this:
Item Value Threshold Converged?
Maximum Force 0.086348 0.000450 NO
RMS Force 0.014307 0.000300 NO
Maximum Displacement 0.874616 0.001800 NO
RMS Displacement 0.240702 0.001200 NO
Predicted change in Energy=-1.075204D-02
Optimization stopped.
-- Wrong number of Negative eigenvalues: Desired= 1 Actual= 4
-- Flag reset to prevent archiving.
Any ideas what I can do to rectify this problem. It is becoming a bit of a habit of Gaussian to kick out these errors every time I try a TS using a frame from mod red scan bond length.
I have now turned to QST3 using the first, last and intermediate scan step to determine my TS.
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Dear Dr. Anthony Nash,
As my best knowledge, it seems that you have been going the wrong way to look for a new reaction mechanism. Some TS structures, which you think and expect to see, often do not exist. To me, you should check again the possible reaction mechanisms, if everything is good; and then you guess and calculate the desired TS structures accordingly using Berny or QSTn algorithm. Finally, you check carefully the found TS structures using the IRC analysis and the negative frequency analysis.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
6 answers
I discover VASP and I try to obtain the band structure and the density of state of a Si crystal with VASP. The final result I get is the following figure. I don't understand why my band structure has this stepped aspect. How do you think it can be explained?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
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This is due thevery few discretization points you have chosen in the k-spce
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
I am trying to model off-stoichiometric intermetallics which are locally dis-ordered. How to create supercells for the same in order to understand their properties? It would require large supercells to mimic adequately the real material system and will be almost impossible to do an ab-initio calculation on it. SQS is a good option and many people are using it. But I don't have any clue how to use it? Can anybody help me out there?
Subha Sanket Panda
IIT Kanpur
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Thank you very much, Saurabh Singh. Your inputs are invaluable to me. I am trying to obtain elastic constants using DFT calculation. Yes, definitely ....I want to learn and implement those codes on my system. Can we calculate elastic constants of materials using those codes?
Subha Sanket Panda
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
4 answers
I am following tutorial of Multiwfn (Multiwfn ( In its tutorial () on page 516 there is a plot of DOS (image and corresponding discussion attached). In the plot green line shows OPDOS plot their is a peak corresponding to -0.8 a.u. The tutorial says that it corresponding to molecular orbit 14 (MO14). however it is not explain why this peak correspond to MO14. please let me know any explanation about it.
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thank to all of you for giving me the support.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
10 answers
My question is about the accuracy of DFT based methods in characterising hydrogen bonding. Whether accuracy increases as we go up the Jacob's ladder of DFT functionals?
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Zhaoxi Sun , I mostly agree with the hierarchy of methods you suggested. However, before going down from QZ to TZ level or even further, you should definitely consider using a DFT-based composite method. These are slightly cheaper than (m)GGA/TZ but more accurate and robust (see attached figure). The perhaps best one is r2SCAN-3c (which is better for non-covalent interactions better than most hybrid/QZ approaches but 1000 times faster) but not yet widely available. B97-3c is also very good in many situations.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
1 answer
Hello friends,
So, I have a photoeletron spectra from a sillicon carbide wafer, diving into the literature I noticed that the peaks are not very reliable it is possible to have from Si+ to Si4+ oxidation sates has four possible silicon carbide oxides ? I was searching for a way to simulate these phenomena without any experience in this kind of simulation, found that ab-initio calculations are the way, being the software Gaussian 9 the most used .So I would like to know if you could advise DFT resources to learn as free software to simulate core levels. How could I estimates the shifts beetween the oxycarbides and Si Oxides ?
Best Regards
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and figures
Chemical shifts observed in high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra are normally used to determine the chemical state of the elements of interest. Often, these shifts are small, or an element is present in several oxidation states in the same sample, so that interpretation of the spectra is difficult without good reference data on binding energies of the likely constituents. In many cases, reference spectra taken from pure reference samples of the chemical components can aid the peak fitting procedure. However, reference materials are not always available, so that it becomes necessary to estimate the binding energies of likely components through quantum chemical calculations. In principle, such calculations have become much easier than in the past, due to the availability of powerful personal computers and excellent software. In practice, though, care needs to be taken in the approximations, assumptions, and settings used in applying such software to calculate binding energies. In this work, we present a general summary of the methods for the calculation of the core electron binding energies and compare the use of 2 of these methods using the popular “GAUSSIAN” software package. Furthermore, a series of results for molecules, containing elements of the second and the third row of the periodic table, are presented and compared with experimental results, in order to establish the quality and fitness-for-purpose of the quantum chemical-based predictions.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
3 answers
I am a new user to crystal 17 ( I was trying to optimize a molecule using crystal17 but it is throwing following error:
which i think means I have not defined the k -mash via SHRINK keyword.
But in input I have given following keyword
8 16
What is the reason for this error and how to rectify it.
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Hello Keshav Kumar Singh You have not written the shrinking factor part correctely. That is why you have got an error in line number 357 of your output file like this ERROR **** INPUT3 **** n-D SYSTEM - SHRINKING NOT DEFINED. You have to write it something like this
0 16
8 8 8
or accordingly whatever you want for your system.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
9 answers
Hi everyone
I'm planning to do a potential energy surface scan over a specific bond for a doubly ionized Methyl Chloride (CH3Cl2+ over C-Cl bond) using Gaussian 16 (UNIX-based operating system), my question is, how to extract the energy at each point from the output file and how to specify the bond that we want to do the scan over, in the code,
the code I initially used is shown here: (I feel there should be a line specifying the CCl bond)
#scan td=(nstates=6) wb97xd/aug-cc-pvtz
CH3Cl neutral GS syn
2 1
H 1 B1
H 1 B2 2 A1
H 1 B3 3 A2 2 0.0
Cl 1 B4 4 A3 3 0.0
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Dear Tahereh,
With the scan keyword you will carry out what is called a rigid scan, this means that the program performs single-point calculations for different structures that vary ONLY the geometrical parameter you selected. This yields a very rough estimation of the potential energy surface, given that you are neglecting all possible relaxations that can take place upon modifying that coordinate. It is usually better (and, four your system, it is perfectly feasible) to perform a relaxed scan, in which the rest of the molecule is optimized at each step of the scan. This can be achieved with the opt=modredundant keyword.
To use this keyword, it is easier to work with Cartesian coordinates instead of z-matrix, just to simplify the input, which will look like this:
# opt=modredundant wb97xd/aug-cc-pVTZ
\blank line
\blank line
2 1
C coord_x coord_y coord_Z
H coord_x coord_y coord_Z
H coord_x coord_y coord_Z
H coord_x coord_y coord_Z
Cl coord_x coord_y coord_Z
\blank line
B 1 5 S 20 0.10
\blank line
If you take a look to the end of the input, the last written line says that for the bond (B) between atoms 1 and 5 (which correspond to C and Cl according to the Cartesian coordinates) you want to perform a scan (S) of 20 steps, with a step size of +0.10 angstrom (yes, you can do scans that reduce a distance/angle/dihedral just changing the sign of the last number).
Now, you can see that I have removed the td keyword. Given that TD-DFT excited states do not interact with the ground state (this is not CASSCF or any multireference method), the ground state PES will not be modified by them. And forcing the program to calculate the excited states at each step of the intermediate optimizations will increase the computational cost a lot. I think it is better to perform the scan just in the S0 PES, and once it is finished, carry out TD-DFT single-points at each point of the scan. While it involves submitting more calculations, the computational cost will be reduced.
You could have performed the relaxed scan optimizing the geometry not in the S0 surface, but on an excited state, of course. In that case, you need the td keyword, specifying the excited state you are interested. For instance, if you want to do the scan in the S1, the keyword should read td=(nstates=1,root=1). Again, you do not need the upper excited states, unless there are degeneracies.
Hope you find it helpful
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
I am new to the solid state ab-initio calculations. I need to optimize the unit cell of paracetamol. For this, I required Fractional coordinates for the system. When I extract fractional coordinates from cif (attached), my calculation program always told me that my unit cell is not neutral. However, paracetamol is a neutral system so its unit cell should not be charged.
My question is how to extract Fractional coordinates in such a way that I could get a neutral unit cell of paracetamol?
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Keshav Kumar Singh open the file in VESTA and export data in VASP format, it ask the option of coordinate system, select fractional coordinates.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
4 answers
Hi all,
Is there any software or webserver to read the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation trajectory which obtained from Ab initio MD simulation to calculate the atom-atom radial distribution function (RDF).
Thanks in advance.
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VMD is a freely available software to calculate RDF and many more properties.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
4 answers
I am doing calculation on a bulk periodic system using VASP, but do not know what is the reference of those absolute values for conduction band minimum and valence band maximum.
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In bulk system, VASP assigns an arbitrary zero energy reference level, so the absolute values of VBM and CBM do not carry any meaning. This means that for different systems, you cannot compare their VBM/CBM position directly. In case of curiosity, VASP set the zero energy reference level in a way that the average potential from all atoms in the unit cell is zero, i.e., the Fourier component for G=0 is zero. If you understand, then you may realize that different systems have different average potential so that different systems have different zero energy reference level, and that's the reason why I say "VASP assigns an arbitrary zero energy reference level".
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
3 answers
A cif file represents a unit cell with minimum energy. My question is, in the start of any ab initio calculation for unit cell generated from the cif file, why we are advised to optimize cell parameters and atomic coordinates both. Can't we just optimize atomic coordinates or perform single point calculation?
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Thank you A.O. Boev and Bojidarka Ivanova for the response. Your answers is very helpful.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
3 answers
For a little background, I'm interested in dabbling more into computational chemistry since I had it as a course last year for my MSc. We used Quantum Espresso back then and that's what I plan to use. My intention is just for some light DFT calculations in general for surface catalysis or with nanotubes, mostly periodic based. Planning to build a system and was wondering if the processor and RAM are enough for my purposes, which will be an 8 core Ryzen 7 3700X and 32GB, respectively. Are these enough for light to medium intensity calculations in terms of time taken for calculations to run?
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I agree with Diship Srivastava 8 core Ryzen 7 3700X and 32GB is too much for the ab-initio calculations. But it all depends upon that which code you are using and how many number of atoms you have taken for your study.
So i am suggesting you that use SIESTA code which is pseudopotential based and free and open source based code.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
I am using crystal 17 for my solid state ab initio calculations. For some reason the program is not able to produce the Raman spectra but have generated born charges.
Is there any way to produce Raman spectra from born charges? any suggestion will be very helpful.
Thank you
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Raman intensities depend on the derivative of the polarizability with respect to the normal modes. Apparently, Crystal17 can calculate polarizabilities. So, in principle you "just" would have to write a script that displaces your molecular geometry along all the normal coordinates, performs single point calculations of energy and polarizability for all these cases, calculates polarizability derivatives from that and squares the latter. Then you have the relative Raman intensities for all vibrations by "brute force" calculation.
It's pretty obvious that this is a lot of work. There are packages like SNF ( that do that for you but I'm not aware of such a software for Crystal17.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
6 answers
I'm not working on biomolecules, I work on Organic, Organometallic, and sometimes inorganic structures.
Do you know a simple way to apply the right calculation method? Is there any article or book that has explained how to choose the right method and basis set based on the result we seek or simply based on the structure of the compound?
thank you...
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@ Hanieh Moradi I misread your post, but I am glad it helps :)
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
4 answers
Hello Everyone,
Using quantum Espresso I have successfully did the calculations for phonon Dispersion and Phonon density of states but to understand the contribution of the elements Need to study the Projected Phonon Density of state.
If someone know the technique then please explain.
Abhinav Nag
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You can calculate it by using Matdyn.x of the recent version of QE. Note it works well for cubic system but may be too complicated for others.
Best Regards,
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
I want to calculate terahertz spectra for my system but I am confuse about how to do it. The program I am using (crystal17) has two options, one is to perform frequency calculations at gamma point and calculate IR spectra which by default comes from 0 to 4000 cm-1 . Another option is to do phonon dispersion calculations ( which generate supercell and perform calculations on it. I am confused about if the treahartz spectra will be the regular IR spectra taken between 0 to 100 cm-1 or it should be calculated from the phonon dispersion calculations.
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Thank you Manoj Kumar Banjare sir for the publication. I am reading it now
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
3 answers
Hello Everyone,
Recently I am doing some Phonon branchesbased studies. For some materials the gap between the optical and acoustic branch is small, for some it's large and for some there is no gap.
So how this gap affects the material property or what is its physical significance?
Abhinav Nag
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In addition to the very interesting answers provided before, Prof. Abhinav Nag, I would like to point out that in the optical phonon brach occur an interesting macroscopic relationship for some insulators (ionic crystals), the Lyddane–Sachs–Teller relation (LST) which determines the ratio of the natural frequency of longitudinal optic lattice phonons of an ionic crystal to the natural frequency of the transverse optical lattice vibrations for long wavelengths (or zero) wavevectors.
The ratio is that of the static permittivity to the permittivity for frequencies in the visible range
Wikipedia commons source:
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
I am trying to use the FMO (Fragment Molecular Orbital) method which works to make large (thousands of atoms) molecules more palatable for ab initio computational quantum-chemical calculations on a PC. There's a really good GUI to help make the fragment input (for GAMESS in my case), called Facio (see link below to website). I have a Mac and have been trying to get Facio to work on it for a while. It was originally made for Windows but there is also a Mac version available to download on the website. The website seems to last have been updated for the OS Sierra but I have OS Catalina. Is there a way to make Facio (GUI for FMO) work on Mac OS Catalina? Thanks in advance for your help.
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Hi Nelson David Arias Olivares and thank you so much for your answer! The Facio website has a Wineskin but it only works up to macOS Sierra. I ended up downloading the Windows ISO and setting it up with Bootcamp. Facio finally worked on there!
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
Recently, it has been seen in many article, dealing with ab-initio calculation, that energy of formation for a compound AxBy is expressed as below -
DelE (in eV) = E(AxBy) - xE(A) - yE(B)
Where, E(AxBy) is the energy of formation of the compound and E(A) and E(B) is energy of A and B in their respective stable state. At the outset it looks perfect, but problem starts if someone use a supercell (SC) with AnxBny where n is the multiplicity of the unit cell in the SC. In such cases the energy calculated from the above equation will be multiplied by n!!
Since, the energy/mol must be a constant value for a given compound and to compare energy of formation among different compounds the above equation should be modified as -
DelE (per mol) = c/(nx+ny) [E(AnxBny) - nxE(A) -nyE(B)]
where, c is the conversion factor from eV/atom to kJ/mol
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Theoretically that is correct, however, we are interested in bulk material. For that one has to take periodic boundary condition in consideration. However, in that case the result should be independent of the SC size. But the question remains as to how the equation should be written. Alireza Asiaee
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
9 answers
I am new to material simulation and I am willing to learn the theoretical aspects like what is k point mesh, how to interpret band diagram, how born charge results in IR spectra etc. I have experience of using DFT using gaussian 16 (modeling of reaction machnism) but don't have any experience in material simulation.
Thank you in advance.
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  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
6 answers
Is there any way to find out parity from the band structure of First principle calculation ?
Any kind of help will be appreciate.
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Dear Chiranjit Mondal, in addition to the useful and interesting answers given previously, you might want to check the following external post:
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
6 answers
I know we can edit the layers (and make different cifs) and do the calculation for each layer separately to find their HOMO-LUMO. But I was wondering if there's a way to calculate HOMO-LUMO of each layer, while the layers are stacked in the heterostructure in a single cif. Thanks!
*I'm using Quantum Espresso. But I guess the problem is same the regardless of the code one is using.
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Atom projected (site projected) DOS calculations almost always produce output for sites indexed based on the order you defined your coordinates in the input file.
So, if you know which atom is which in your input, it should be no problem working out which ofns to sum.
If your heterostructure is large, it may be convenient to use the ASE interface for QE to work out which atom indexes belong to which layer.
I hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
3 answers
Popular and widely used hybrid functionals ( B3LYP, M062X, WB97XD, LC-WPBE) fail to accurately predict vertical absorption and emission (Absorption and Fluorescence) wavelengths. Recently proposed approach of tuning in range separated hybrid functionals (Long range corrected hybrid functionals) all though improves the accuracy it does not accurately predict vertical emissions (unlike vertical absorptions).
We propose a novel Excited state tuning approach in the framework of tuning range separated hybrid functionals in DFT to predict accurate vertical emissions in the article titled,
Accurate Prediction of Vertical Emission from Excited-State Tuning of Range-Separated Density Functional Theory
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Comparisons are made with the experimental results @ Mohanned Alanber . I request you to go through the full manuscript.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
1 answer
How can we predict accurate Fluorescence wavelengths employing DFT? Which is the most accurate DFT methodology currently available which can predict accurate Fluorescence wavelengths (Vertical emissions) ? What are the drawbacks of popular DFT Functionals like B3LYP, M062X, WB97XD, LC-WPBE etc in predicting accurate Fluorescence wavelengths (Vertical emissions) ?
Will Tuning Range separated hybrid functionals improve the accuracy ? How can we further improve the accuracy of tuning range separated hybrid functionals?
We propose a novel Excited-State Tuning approach in Range separated Hybrid functionals in DFT framework which predicts most accurate Fluorescence wavelengths (Vertical emissions).
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A novel Excited state tuning approach has been proposed by us which predicts accurate vertical emissions/Fluorescence wavelengths. The following article gives a detailed description of the method and discusses the accuracy and reliability of proposed methodology.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
5 answers
I'm working with a quaternary system, and when I try to do the variational cell relaxation (vc-relax) with nonzero starting_magnetization terms added in the input file, it looks like the total energy is oscillating between two minima after 23 hours (please see attached). But when I did the same vc-relax without any starting_magnetization terms, it converged just fine with a total final energy (minimum).
Also, as you can see in output file that the total magnetization here is zero, which shouldn't be the case since the experimental result for this cif shows otherwise with a relatively high magnetization. So any help on this would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Note: I applied noncolin = .true. without any angle terms. Previously, I also tried with nspin = 2 (for default z-axis mag), and got the same zero magnetic moment for this material.
Following are the measure I've already taken in an effort to troubleshoot the situation without any success: I decreased the the mixing_beta to 0.1d0, increased electron_maxstep to 1000 (since it stops after 100 iterations by default if the solution doesn't converge). And I only added nonzero starting_magnetization for para and ferro magnetic elements (and excluded dia/non magnetic atoms). I double checked the trivial stuff as well, like the convergence testing for k mesh, ecutwfc, ecutrho against hydrostatic pressure (tstress=.true.), with degauss = 0005d0, occupations='smearing', and smearing='mv'. I used ibrav = 0, since I added the cell parameters "manually".
Thanks again!
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QE has a utility program, ld1.x, that allows you to generate PPs. A full description of input parameters used to run this program can be found here:
Also, you can find some example input files for both relativistic and non-relativistic PPs in directory (/atomic/pseudo_library/PBE/). With some changes, you can generalize them so that they can be for the other elements not included there
Finally, you could also try the norm conserving Vanderbilt PPs, optimized for QE :
Hope this information helps and good luck!
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
6 answers
I want to perform adsorption using DFT code but I can only create nanosheet like structure - supercells from primitive and use them to check their adsorbing selectivity towards certain gas.
I want to know if suppose a material, for example, Cr2O3 is selective towards a gas when I test it using DFT code (3x3x1 supercell of Cr2O3) and if I create nanoparticles or nanotube out of it, how will it affect its selectivity. I am aware nanoparticles will show more sensitivity which will be advantageous for me but I don't have any idea how to create one in my DFT software (I am using Quantum ESPRESSO).
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@yuvam bhateja, Sir, the effect of shape of the nano materials on sensitivity can be understood in terms of conduction path confinement, surface effect, etc. But there is no trivial answer for the effect of shapes on selectivity. Influence of crystal symmetry may have influence on selectivity( 10.3389/fchem.2019.00839). Selectivity towards a particular target gas increases if the specific adsorption towards that species is high. The indirect answer lies in understanding whether just by manipulating the shapes, can we change these specific adsorption towards a particular species. Shall keep you updated if I get an answer for you're question.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
4 answers
First of all, I want to mention that I am undergraduate student and I am starting out in Vasp. I want to study the adsorption of arsenic in a primitive magnetite cell.
I have simulated magnetite and an arsenic atom several times and have had no problem converging the system.
When I tried to increase the amount of arsenic atoms in my system I get an error: "mpirun noticed that process rank 51 with PID 74058 on node compute136 exited on signal 6 (aborted)"
I asked a friend and he said it is possibly a communication problem in Vasp, so I increased the amount of NBANDS and with it NPAR and Core but the error continues. The problem is when I increase to 2, 4, and 5 atoms of arsenic. With 1 and 3 atoms of arsenic don't have problem.
Here I leave my Incar files, Kpoint.
I appreciate all the help you give me.
PREC = Accurate
ENCUT = 520
ISIF = 2
NSW = 5
EDIFF = 1.0E-05
EDIFFG = -1.0E-04
SIGMA = 0.01
LREAL = False
LWAVE = True ; LCHARG = True ; LVTOT = False
NPAR = 16
1 1 1
0 0 0
#SBATCH -J Nan_As2
#SBATCH -p knlcompute,Standard
## number of cores
#SBATCH -n 224
module load VASP/5.4.4
mpirun vasp
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I think it may be the problem with the VASP compilation or your memory allocation for that particular job. Try to decrease the number of cores and increase the memory per CPU in your script.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
5 answers
I understand I first need a properly converged system - check. Now, I need to calculate a self-consistent charge density (CHGCAR). Later I have to do a calculation with IBRION = -1, NSW =0, need to increase k points, read previous CHGCAR (ICHARG = 11), and turn symmetry off (ISYM = 0). The DOSCAR file from this 2nd calculation will have the required DoS data.
  1. Should I not calculate CHGCAR for the increased number of k points beforehand (in the 1st step). Why increase k points later?
  2. I don't understand the exact role of turning symmetry off.
  3. So which should it be (and why?):
  • Step 1 - less k points, symmetry ON. Step 2 - more k points, symmetry OFF, IBRION = -1, NSW = 0, ICHARG = 11
  • Step 1 - less k points, symmetry OFF. Step 2 - more k points, symmetry OFF, IBRION = -1, NSW = 0, ICHARG = 11
  • Step 1 - less k points, symmetry OFF. Step 2 - more k points, symmetry ON, IBRION = -1, NSW = 0, ICHARG = 11
  • Step 1 - more k points, symmetry ON. Step 2 - same number of k points, symmetry OFF, IBRION = -1, NSW = 0, ICHARG = 11
  • Step 1 - more k points, symmetry OFF. Step 2 - same number of k points, symmetry OFF, IBRION = -1, NSW = 0, ICHARG = 11
  • Step 1 - more k points, symmetry OFF. Step 2 - same number of k points, symmetry ON, IBRION = -1, NSW = 0, ICHARG = 11
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Step by step process of accurate (both total and projected) DOS and band structure calculations using VASP and some ways of plotting the band structure and DOS of our system is explained in a Youtube video.
The link is:
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
3 answers
If we want to uniaxially strain a structure incrementally, and calculate the corresponding uniaxial stress at every strain point, how should we use the VASP output files for this purpose? I have some confusion regarding this, can someone who has done this extend some help regarding the procedure?
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I'm not a VASP user, I develop a different plane-wave DFT program (CASTEP; but in general there are two ways you can achieve this:
a) A constrained variable-cell geometry optimisation
Here you would follow the method you set out in the original question and strain your system along one axis, e.g. the c-axis, then perform a variable-cell geometry optimisation but fix the axis you strained. You'll need to be careful to ensure your calculated stress is corrected for the finite basis set (i.e. that you've removed the Pulay Stress terms), for example using the method of Francis & Payne[1]. If you don't do that you'll have to make the cut-off energy extremely high to get reasonable results.
You'll have to look up how to do the constraints in VASP, but in CASTEP you'd do this with a standard variable-cell geometry optimisation but add:
%block cell_constraints
1 2 0 ! constraints on cell lengths a, b and c
3 4 5 ! constraints on cell angles alpha, beta and gamma
%endblock cell_constraints
to the CELL input file. The values are: "0" meaning fix, positive integer meaning "vary" and if any integers are the same it means "vary, but keep the ration of these constant". So for example you could fix the b/a ratio as well as fixing c by using
%block cell_constraints
1 1 0
3 4 5
%endblock cell_constraints
b) An applied uniaxial stress
The other way to investigate what you're interested in is to apply a stress, and see what the resultant strain is. In some ways this is easier, since you don't have to worry about constraints. Simply apply the external stress tensor you want, and do a standard variable-cell geometry optimisation. Again, I'm afraid you'll have to look up how you specify the stress in VASP, but for reference in CASTEP you'd add:
%block external_pressure
GPa ! Set the unit for the pressure
0.0 0.0 0.0 ! no stress in the a-direction
0.0 0.0 ! no stress in the b-direction
4.0 ! 4 GPa stress in the c-direction
%endblock external_pressure
to the CELL file to apply a 4 GPa uniaxial stress along the c-axis. You only supply the upper triangle of the 3x3 stress tensor -- since the tensor must be symmetric, CASTEP fills in the lower half for you. Then you just run a normal variable-cell geometry optimisation, and read off the final lattice constant to find the corresponding strain.
Hope that helps,
Phil Hasnip
(CASTEP Developer)
(the typo in the title is from Research Gate, sorry about that!)
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
3 answers
I am designing a gas molecule-limonene using Quantum ESPRESSO. In the input file for Quantum ESPRESSO, I have to define the choice of bravais lattice and cell dimension and cell parameters. But since it is a gas molecule, it doesn't make sense. I have the exact coordinates of atoms in the molecule and hence self-consistency calculation can be run but the choice of cell parameters is causing different results. I have no idea about it and neither did I find any literature regarding the DFT calculation of my gas molecule i.e. limonene.
I had an idea of considering gas as a bunch of small simple cubic lattices with each molecule residing inside the single cell with the dimension of ~655.7 A (at ~20 C), calculated using the density and molar mass. But calculation can't be run over this big dimension.
I am attaching my input and output file. Can anyone help me out?
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I'm not a QE user, but I develop a similar program (CASTEP) and I don't think there should be any significant differences in how you approach this situation.
When simulating a molecule in the gas-phase, you need to ensure your lattice unit cell is large enough that the molecules do not interact strongly with each other. (You would usually only put a single molecule in the unit cell, but it will still interact with its periodic images in neighbouring cells.)
In general, you need to try a range of different unit cell sizes to investigate the effects of the spurious inter-molecular interaction. It is difficult to know beforehand exactly how large your unit cell should be, since it depends on the molecule, but as long as it doesn't have a large (macroscopic) dipole moment then I would expect somewhere between 10 and 16 A to be enough separation -- so your unit cell would be the width of the molecule plus 10 to 16 A. I usually start investigating at 8 A to get a baseline, and converge from there -- look at energies and forces, and any properties of especial interest (e.g. DOS features).
When you do your geometry optimisation, make sure that you do *not* optimise the lattice vectors, just optimise the atomic positions. This will probably be faster too, since it won't need to compute the stress on the cell (and that's quite computationally demanding).
As a side-note, if you sample the Brillouin zone at the gamma-point you will need a larger separation compared to sampling at the (1/4,1/4,1/4) point, though the gamma-point calculation may be faster. This is because (a) the gamma-point maximises the constructive interference between the wavefunctions of neighbouring cells (they are all in phase), and you want to minimise the interference, but (b) at the gamma-point the wavefunctions are real (not complex) in real-space, so there is less work to do.
By the way, a simple cubic cell is the simplest to set up, but you may find something more isotropic (e.g. a hexagonal phase) is actually more computationally efficient.
Note that none of these considerations are specific to your molecule, so you can quickly see what kind of behaviour you get with something small and simple. I would suggest you try something like methane, and then again with methanol (to see the effect of electrostatics). These will be really quick, so you can do a very good job very quickly and get all your mistakes out of the way!
Hope that helps,
Phil Hasnip
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
3 answers
Hi dear all,
I just carrying out a computational run of a single point energy at MP2/6-31g++(2p,2d)//B3LYP/6-31g++(d,p), but when I tried to do the refinement at MP2/6-31g++(2p,2d) the next error appear in my log file:
Is it a problem with the integration of method or memory of my CPU? Thanks a lot. Julián.
"Disk-based method using OVN memory for 31 occupieds at a time.
Estimated scratch disk usage= 2478105962 words.
Actual scratch disk usage= 2477844842 words.
JobTyp=2 Pass 1: I= 1 to 31 NPSUse= 5 ParTrn=T ParDer=T DoDerP=F.
Erroneous write. Write -1 instead of 1470464.
fd = 4
orig len = 1875968 left = 1470464
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Hey Julian! I was solving a similar problem by adding more memory in my com-file, i.e. %mem=50GB and so on (depending on how much you need). Then it is good to empty the space where you store those files produced by Gaussian, or if you run on a super-computer to use the memory on the node itself rather than in your submission directory. Finally, one more solution is to use less processors but reserve the whole node. If you node has 20 cores you shall use, let's say 4 out of them. It worked for me as well.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
To calculate Band Gap Edges we need either workfunction, Band gap centre or absolute electronegativity and they have a same formula structure, what is relation between these three and why am I getting different values of band gap edges with these parameters(I should get same values). Also, if Band Gap Centre is calculated by Ev and Ec why would I again calculate Ev and Ec because I am getting same result, so is there any other method to calculate Band Gap Centre.
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My question is what is Band Gap Centre Approximation and since it says " the band gap center (i.e., Fermi level) " how will one tell they both are same when fermi level is either in conduction band minima or valence band maxima ? Is the value of fermi given in scf.out/.dos file not correct ?
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
2 answers
I am trying to explore Phonopy to create grenusian parameters using Quantum Espresso. I tried to create geneusian parameters and finally thermal conductivity but there is some mismatch with experimental results.
I have one major query :
  • Which Pseudopotential must be used to proceed ?
If anyone using Phonopy with Quantum Espresso kindly let me know.
Abhinav Nag
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Dear Abhinav
As far as I know, you can not calculate the thermal conductivity using Phonopy. You need to use another package (Phono3py) for this purpose. However, the projector augmented wave (PAW) Pseudopotentials are the best for performing the self-consistent field (SCF) calculation with Quantum Espresso. This approach is more close to the experimental results while it's computationally rather expensive.
If you have another question, just let me know.
  • asked a question related to Ab Initio Calculations
1 answer
My system has inversion symmetry. Therefore, I'm calculating the optical transition for a material which is allowed when parities of conduction band (CB) and valence band (VB) are different (there is some finite probability for it), otherwise it is zero. I have obtained the WAVEDERF file that contains some band number (occupied and unoccupied) with specific energy, and real and imaginary part of dipole transition matrix elements. I want to plot (K-path/K-points vs. optical transition probability), but do not know how to obtain this from WAVEDERF file.
Any help would be appreciated.
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- First, let's review some basic equation:
+ From VASP source code:
CDER(k, m, n, j) = <u_m|- i d/dk_j | u_n> = - <u_m| r_j |u_n> (j = x, y, z)