
ResearchGate is the professional network for scientists and researchers. Over 25 million members from all over the world use it to share, discover, and discuss research. We're guided by our mission to connect the world of science and make research open to all.
ResearchGate is built for open scientific exchange, but some things still need to stay private. That’s why we’ve put multiple measures in place to ensure our services are secure at every step, from sign-up to the private storage of your research.
Verified accounts
Scientists sign up to ResearchGate with their real name and institutional email address or go through an individual sign up process to prove their identity and research activity. This reduces the risk of imposter accounts and increases the level of trust.
Protecting your data
ResearchGate is headquartered in Germany and follows German data protection law, which is among the strictest in the world. Our servers are in Canada, which is also recognized as a world leader in privacy legislation. Read our full privacy policy here.
Reliability of service
We employ state of the art engineering and infrastructure standards to keep our service running and reliable. This includes independent audits and a four-eye principle to keep our code clean, as well as monitoring traffic sources to shield the network against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.
Secure payments
We don’t store credit card information ourselves. For our payment processing, we rely on professional partners that adhere to the most stringent level of certification available under Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.
Got a question about our security?
Our support team is waiting to answer all of your questions.
Want to report a security vulnerability?
If you think we've missed something or if you've found a vulnerability, please get in touch with us.